l'Ul"'v"S'\ "|"~ 1" `k niow llopartm Cuotlut. henurg In L In: And In furl nanrlv av OFFICE HOURS9 to 6; Sunday. In to 1. I \ fhere is no chance of being disappointed when th: word MONSOON 1 This is your safeguard. Take no other. 25, 39, go, 50 Your Bicycle Heavy? It is Cheaper than Lemons. PRICES FROM $40.00 UP. LIME INDO-CEYLON TEA My little book. ITHREE CLASSES OF MEN," sent free, sealed upon request. It tells of my thirty years experience and success in treating results of youthful errors or later excesses by Nature's gift to man, Electricity. It tells of my famous 1899 model DR. SANDEN'S ELIECTRIC BELT, with attachment E-I-0-I-0-I-O-I-C`!<`h`l-0-! `'!'0+\ *5 for men. CO., Toronto Junction, Ont. VVrite for Catalogue. FOR FRUIT JUICE BICYCLES ,uf cqvnl strength, this high state of perfection in the shape of specially constructed sprockets, 140 Yongo Street. Toroqto. , I82 St. James Stroot, lomroal. Sole H prcsentaliv 79 Princess smut. E +% No Indy`: hair laoh well groomed unless she not Valantimfs Hair Tonic, IWWLING ALLEY, I Blryclo wurk nnpeclnly. A nnnrnl mark or Bicycle Euppllm kept on hand. VVIl`<`h4lu run! by the dny, week or month. E. L. mum &T. 55nd:-'c~1.auog"---u-.uy.......} -K. ...-..-.-.~..:.r...'..~"-~'- '-- l\.IILun Onnun av-an |1'A.J..rlu..A..rA.. EifLldWAT?m8 and Only Ocuhc IAII. dwuyu nlaua. unborn -A Dr (`tlou-'-rt In ' ab Du Dow-vlln l -. I -um II-uni vllh N-u rlhb-n. Tg. Ion kg%uJcug-u--n-no-nun. Anbrunmvuovulnl BUMB of 826 sud upward: received and invented. GIVING 30 DAYS NOTICE. 206 WELLINGTON STREET. Not less than three per cent. GENDRON BICYCLES. Thin Company offer: the most com- ploto guarantee for both principal and prot, and any inventor cnn witbdrnw funds and profits to date upon By their system of imutment they mu guunntee to investors 3 monthly prot ou funds plsoed with them of The Investors Guarantee Com- Dally. BANKERS AND BROKERS Doom I4 SIoc|t Exchange Bulldlng II M. HAFICAIIIT 81., IONTRICAL. ll TIUIU CUUIIITL We but as fat! really good Iccond band |'nh|nn_ hnhh Rininrd And Pnnl. Putin pounced of fund: from which ` they wnh to secure 3 hbenl return ip into:-ant, would invest with F. A. PARENT. HOTEL NORMANDIE, Dnugd-1-Au n`. `Elk HI `Tan: \'n-h ' K t lmnlnc. adder .1 E_|nI and It an icon tverythlng )ou K and: union-dcnnhy octrk-uv. _. P Olnualn mlnuta o(ynur Han and A thalrlcnl dlllct. K. F. lR(II.lBA|l1'. Prnp Alsoofolel Westminster. Alexandria Bay F.Y.; Columblnn loIel, Thou:-annd man.` Purl. `S.Y.; Stwr Io Inn. Unwexntchie. Adlnmdnckt. NJ . V and 3 an for dainty Eloctncnv. 3 own man o(ynur we Ilolmv you many Ilectrk-3| dcvleoo that rm Iurrllu yon. H. 'BnEcK.;E BILLIARDS, PO0L, _._._ -.-_`.v-----:- Bmodwny nnd 38th BL, New York. To Invastors Tmuzn, Mey lti -Mre. Nonnen Lloyd and Mrs. M. A. Jacknon are on A visit to hbeir {ether :0 Enterprise. --Thomna Enab- erbrook. -r , who has been Ailing for some hime. had A third nbtack of apoplexy on lean Friday evening. He rommne un- common: and is not expected to recover V The llauhbnn company me e gang 0! men xottirzg boom number. etc , m reedmeee. an nhe drum 0! low is expected here next creel - -Rzcherd Hilbert: hen opened up hm grocery in the Mclbounu block --The A 0.U.W. hold an nmpnrtaub meeting of their ueociebion on Thureday evening. oumudo oiciele bomg prenoou.-The doom 0! Frank Campbell. one of our leading bueinou men, who succumbed to an eh` back of eppondicuie on Mondey, in bub enoober Imbenco to remind us, with stem roehhy, Nut. "la the mud-In 0! life we are in death." His bereaved wife and hmily .|nun vnnnh nnnunnhhv HAl{RU\\~\llTI(. MA) I6 -Commuuion aorviccn were hold in the rroabyterinn chnrch.-The willing Workers held in ms at the Motbodian pnraunule this nltornoon. --Tnotenchero And pupil! of Katie public ocbool expect: to have u plea-nub time on empire dny, and invite tibe parents and friends of the pupils. also any than ITO in (erected in ochool work to i-pond 3 low hours with them on Tuouday Alba-noon. Mn] 23rd -- J. 8. (hllupbora not building is progressing npidIy.-- J. W. Bertrirn intend; to put I moual roof on his shop roeontly dammed by 6ro.~ Anon Spike. for many years I re-vdonh ol chic township but 00' cl Micbigm, win in the village yantcrduy. 3]. buy bu rnovod intro 3 hours owned by Mr. Don- mlly`-Sovor-slol our young Indian lino purcbuod now whoel-.-.-J. S. Gallagher clnppod mother lot of hugs to Onuun no- dsy.-Onr butchers, Misc Robeson sud H. W. sprolo. ntbendod tho catchers conven- tion on Fridny sad Saturday. GI.I:\`nr'n\u:, May 2.`I.-Williun Spoon- or, jr , suck for over two monoho. is a limo hotter. und is expected to be soon on! o! duuaur. The neighbor: with their teams. twenty-seven in number, turned on a few dnyo :50 And pun all his crop in for him. --'l'homu Kc-nun, r . in vnry III -Nail- Ion Onig ooh on Fndnylor Wnocboocor Spring-. to casino in a chess hctory.-- Crnla Harlow dnlivnr I hum load of GENDRON BICYCLES, REPAIR SHOP. `I UOCLU. Ill! I-'Ul'UH' have much uympnby. 5W|l`g". I0 IICIII In IC UIl!Rll'y.'- Craig Hnwhy dolivond lugs fail ban in this section Iuo week.- Gorgo Hall. who loll Iron: the mo! 0! I shod ho was pointing sod Ina nvonly injured. is able to work nnin.-R. J. Vail is hnving hlo chute hchwy repaired nodunovnoolpnnupulinon account of rq.-citing 3 Inga: qusnity ol milk.- J. I. fonychoand Wimnu Cnimwhovoro out to Lwnchboto Inc In! wont tnvling hr III-on. brought Loco olovoo ol the tannins and can vary largo puts. Than in plouly ol labia Louglluro lake lulhon who know how to much Ibon.-'l'hero Ina boon hon Ior nova-1| nlghvauly pontoo- -an nnnnhl _.Iln' and lfnill &n in BYDINIIAH, May 17 --'l`be annlvornary of the Epworbh league 0! this place was lield ln Weeley hall last. niahb. Although the evening was very unfavorable many train the village acoooded. The pro- gramme was a mono intereebing and prot able one. Short and Iuibable addroaeoe were given by eoveral oi the members. The singing use exoeptionallv good. espe- cially the solo given by Mi-n Babel Moore. and ulie duou, by Muuiee I". Lake and l`. 8ille,and Mi:-eee M. Cornell and F. Lale.-- 0.: Sunday laah Rev. Mr. Hughes. Perth lhad, cznducled service in the Metlmdinn church -'l`he many lrienda ol Lila Buck will be glad to learn bhah ehe in again able to rename her eoudien no the high school -- Tno Hob behtalion band is giving a i-orloe nl open air concerns which are much enjoy- ed. The band I! certainly a crodib to our village. in "WI Iw wvwu uguvuu-uy postnat- van caught --Ihy Ind gnin bun bun vary backward in the ruin it doing great good --The Sunday school oponod with n good sttcndanco. Ono Em-rms. lay I7. --The tumors an nculy uhxuugh with pionghing and nod- iug ---`lio lnil hut no bountiful with hhmutiuhto knit. an that uni-ullmuznuly I7 Iilit-On WI.-vrmmma, May 17 -N. J. Leonud. Enberpnao, vlaibod lneudo in this vlcinioy on ThurIdAy.-l oroy Marshall will leave on June lah lor New York, where he lun- Iocnrod I poalbion In cnhiar in I lnrge dry goods hou3e.-FumerI any than the hay crop will not: be up no the average this year on occnunh ol heavy froet.-'l`he roads are in excellent: shape and wheelmen are taking Advantage of bbom -- Frankie Mot ber, ulnar Iploudinq the winter withlms gnndlnther. M. Bhoohnn, hue returned 00 his home no Maryovnlle -Mr. K):-ovmn And lamlly. Bullovnlla. have taken up their rooidence in tho ouso lately nested by Mrs. B|rr.-H. nook I! cl-o n welcorno addition to tabs village John Morley, jr , bill returned home trom Poorla ill -Mr. m d Mn Wouh, lhchosoer. N Y , were the guests ol Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith. Bu.:w:u'.~4 Mu.1.1 May I7 --Seeding ie Ilmun nished And planning in now In pro- greu.~A'l`he rain on Tuesday evening lm proved (the meadow: and pasture! very much bbeo Lake cheese Inctory ehippod uweuby ve chemo luo week and received a good price -Rev. Fahher Cuey has re turned homo, much to the delight: of bus priahianoze. after A three weeks` absence. --Our teacher. Mine Pochefm, amended the machete convenhion, held on the l`..h and I30!) inIb.-M. Smith hn purchased e nu bicyn!e and in In expert n'der.--Mira Jen- nie Roach reburned home Alter epeudung a low monbha with her oiebcr, Mrs. J Fnhey. Maryaville --A little girl has come to brighten bho home 0! M. Farieaoer. WILKINSON. Iny I6 - Archbiaho Uauhblot. Kingneon, vuibod our chute and ndmlniuoorod conrmation Do the chil- dren ---l . Furlonz. Ounnnnvlllo, bu rout- od J l'mu | [Arm And is working It -Tbo budge erected huh hll bu been demohah. ad boonulo of the lmpoap mlity of genuine Rnhbuni drive of logs nudar in -J Dullon bu lolb for Cslnbogie, when he bu boon Imployod |oggiug.-LibL|e bonrdora hue come no bbe homes of T Lunch Ind J. Moam. They are girla.-V:a|bor~: Mr. And Mn. T. Bonnlin. Moscow, to J. Car- roI|'a; Min E K-mny, Eaborprias, uh I . Donoghueh. Wllmm, May 16 -Abouh 26,000 anode ol milk were baton no on Me.:.lur`n octory Monday mornin ~-Mn. Bnmmerby md Orr children. gudbnry, are viewing her lnuhet, Jomee I'orIyth.--Mre. Wnlllun Booth and eon George [are on taho nick lino, Dr. Ihbee. Odeou, ll sounding hhem - It. and Mn. E W. Thoma. Hurley Lspnm and mother. Nnponee. Apenb Sun- day with lnondl -Hervey Joneo end Mun Mnbel Luldlev, Oieeu, opens Sunday :1 Junee Lewis` -_-H. Mulls bu purchased A E Gnllngher properly md will hate pon- Ieuioo nub Monday. HA1 oun mounrmouq ours ' or oonnzaponosun wmu. Hun onrytbinn necessary to the ex nip meal ol tn up Iodnb Billiud nod ool Bulonn at Bowling Alley. The ma nodcrn high clan accessories at most: modern prion. Our Pnlnmlnn Rlnatrin nnnhinna Ann A1. ' Ila Ivll of IBO XI ($00!! the I Iodunnu or an nuugu uuu|u-' Imus Iunpoo lotion. And Inch Lots. 1 III: Oon Ilnd So-auxin` of lnunu. i11TsI0i bifk1cI norm; CAl.\'l"ii\\'_\', May 16 -The recent: rain has greatly improved the pnturee.- Slight iron-ta have visited this locality liitely but no damage has been done About 700 l0(.t of new pump log: are being placed bo non- my the Weber to hho choose hctory. - Mine Maude Connolly, attending Athena high rcliool, spout Sunday at homo -0ur Vllv lageia being tilled with new bicvcloe this canon -Mr. and Mrs. ll. J. Tbomps-on and Mrs. A. Thompson, lnuglu, Mll)lILO- bn, Are visiuing liiende and relntionn here. Mr. Thompson wui formerly n resident: ol this place. gaming his early education In the old frame ocbool houae, which lies since been replaced by a new brick one. Exrlyinlrle he leerned tole- guphing and soon irccured a position an agent: on thou. T. linn, where he [0 in iiued for some years. ll iliculniea arising with the: cnmpiny. he aecurod I position on the O.I'.R lino.nnd by diligence and cloeo ucnontion to duty he has risen in favor, And now O(_`C0p|8l 3 high position in then company. 0.) account. 0! hll long nbeence lrom the plaice of hui birth uid the changes which time him made, Mr. Thom- eon ecnroely recognizes hie old lrienda nnd in-rociuoo. He loevoa shortly for his dnbiee ngnin in the hr west M. J. Connolly Inc one of the many who took udnntage ol the special rues on oc~ cuion ol the now libero!` unndideto. Mr. `mmuzock, of Brochville. licking his seat: in the home. no viaio 0acun.-Mra.. I . end muter Alennder Mcilwen, Muvllle. upon I week vioitiog their sister. Mrs. W. J. Bnell. uh tibia place. She Iolli lor homo _vecterdny.-A. Edgley will leave shortly ` for n visit to febbwood, Algoine, whore bointands taking up land if he i-i uiiml wibb cbe plece.-W. J. Buell leln here yes- terday for Crow Luke. where Mr` Bnell iii ongsged ui cbeoeoinnkar. Hrs. Buell has msny friend: here who rearoctzod no see her so uny.-- Mr. And Mrs. B. Townes. cf Tomperence leke. apoou Sunday with her potent: here. The Whig ls nqneeted to publish the following: All men who ere nervous and dobilitnted or who are anoriog from my 01 the nrione hronblee resulting from over-work. exceee or youthful errore. no unto the: moat medicnl tirnae advertising no cure the-eoonditione cannot be relied upon. Mr. Gnlmn. e Peeidenh of London, Ont. living nl 437} Rachmond SI. use for 3 long time n enfforet [mm above trouble: nod Alter trying in vnin many advertised remedies. eleeric bolus. cu.-.. became nlnoeo entirely dinconregedeud bopeleee. Finally he canded men old ciergyun who directed him to an emi- nena nod reliable phyeicien. through whore chilled treatment 3 speedy and perfect curewuobhined. Knowing to hit on sorrow that no may poot sum:-en u-ebeing Imposed upon by not-crnpuloee qmckn, Hr. (Bnhem consider: il hie duty to give hie Iellovmen the benehof bin experimce end neeian then to cure by inlorming anyone who will wrlee Io him in ltnch condence when Iohecnred. No attention can be giveneothene Irritingonl of more car!- ouiuy beunyone whereellyneedn a cue I-ulwh-d Inuldnn Ir. Gnhnnnn lrllary TUKIIUVCII CK IIOUUTUIILU IIFU WUUI ,~-Vmtor!: Mien Peach McCauulierny,Bntl.; Mr. William-n, Kingvou, M. Mr. (Inca-n`e; Min McC.arroll. Stirling, so Mr. Emery r; Mrs. Uibaon. Kingarnn. an Mrs l'.smor~ nou s.--l)r. Howard, V H . bu been hop . quite busy lat,oly.--A little nun weighing Lnroo pounds Arrived I low dnys mm in T l-`.mcry'a -~-.\lr. llike-`, our lmvmil tnzul cnrrior. ill lot the luv bhroo weeks, in im- provlng. Ho conorucuod n cold while amusing the bay in un ico buah.-The ald- ono sou olJ. Clements. (`angel-oualy ill iur mum aims. in also Rotting boob:-r-~Mmn Hill, is also much bef.tor.--Mr. Honrlara0n_ very ill All winter. Ins able to go to Kings. connlew days ago. bub ho is nob vary n-bmng yeb. -A number of hogs wen: ship. pad from here to Napnnoo Inn Monday. Euux, May l7.--Why la bho publm: phreeu l0W6d (or a football ground.- Mluot S Topping, F. Mustard. E. Alford nnd Lee Ripley no ndlng new wheels - Mina Nalluo Pannock hu became I student. : of Muse Hucocln music cl:-la. She lutamla making the diaoouoo on hot wheel --l ro purltlon has been undo for we dinlrlcb mooning Do be bold in the Motlmdiou church Tucson)` and Wednesday nl nbia week A Mr. Mulls, Abhom, was the guest: of lnonda Sunday. --Mr. And Mrs. W. Newao'no_ Phnlllnnvilln wnrn thn annual nf Mr Sri-:i.i.A, Mny l6.~~Sowing is niahod and c-iunidarnbla pluibing. The gnu ii- iii oxcellenh condition Ind prospects are good fir fruiii. Many trons are white winh blonwmn now -The choices lwoorIo- are ihily nnkii-g a limo number 0! choere.- - Mr. Mc(}rnblon'a new wow wualaunched ii few day ago. She wilI gi to Kingston no ba rmed our: -1` Smith is carrying the mail on present: -The Duchess And Numd were pun in the water I low days Ago by Uhowu it Miller -0ur bra :9 band It! muk ing rnpid programs under tho training of Pro! Eaton and bund inn-tor W. Cuchrnne I: is oxpuctod than hhey will go to Kings '~-in on the `_ 4'.h -A dnnco took place in Viaborin hall Iruh evening --Mre Mnbao ii- viaibing her daughter, Mrs Emery -- M rin Field. Toe-waber. is here on in vlllb In her mother, Mrs. Pulley. -- Mrs. Monti- gnmory removed 00 Du-oronto luu wook ,,..Vinirnv-n- Minn pant-In Mf`(`.1lIIll'|&FI'7 RAVI.- IJDH II IIVULI Ill IIUU IIVIIIIU UI VV . IUpylIIl" ll . A number of our rouidenta. who enjoyed Lho pleasure of catching the uny Lnbo during close season. have had their peace of mind dlaturbo-1 by being called upon no nobcle hr the sums. I'I'|IlDUI.y. lILL|UlIH_ IWIJU aununy IU UUIHU --l)uring Dho aojdurn of the mznlstera cf tbodiobruch hero obey will be Lonpmably aubertmnod uh oh! homes of X Hnlladny, lbr. U. S. Mcublo. Mrs. M. Mcuhio, H Ponnock, Dr. I). A Coon, H. Hnlladny, B. Halladay. H R Ihvinon, J K. lnrqnml, Rev. L Conley, 8.899115. (3. Brown. W. Uhuuoy. A. Movgnn and R U Murphy. Ah hho quarterly board. Lhu puwr. Rev. L Conley. wu invlbod co rennin the lourth year Mr: 8. Stevens is bnvmg new clap bonds and ahingloa on bar iitchuu --Tu. rso specml choose train called an hlgun wabion on Fridny.--A bouncing bnby gul hu Arrived no the home of W. Toppings-, jr. A nnmhnr nf nnr rn-(than!-\ u-Inn nninuml nunuuy. lIII". lull lfl. VV. AVUWBUDD. Phnlllpavillo, wore the guest! of Mr and Mn: F. Ehlladuy. Sund.\y.-(). and E. Hmllndny, Athena, upon! Sunday no home -~l)urinu hhn nninnrn n! the mznlstona (f II "I539 IIIXCTW prut. Our Columbus Electric Cuhiona no ox- coodlngly quick and accur|Io-c mono do- Iinhlo cuohion. III` L__- - l-- _..I'I_ _...I _-..-_.l L-...I ` ICUCXU PICHIC [40 9 DUI UH ll"! UJJ IIIIHII. " Dr. Kulborn in ngnin nblo ho ho around with bho uoiatuu-o 01 I cans. altar being laid uido from woth wlth eovore ll jury at the knee -V.uiton x W Hnmbly an S (I Burk-; -: Mr. Illd Mn-. W. Bishop at Dr Knlbom o.-Johuuon Cbnmbora is auxin able to walk alter being laid up mm A bud cub un the knee --Dr. Cannon. Blur bone Luke, took the harness In the Metho- dist church in the Absence of the Rev. E. Grammy. ' NIX VICKI ! ll 0 $0 lulu. III] I] I W. Bishop, tho but had union 5 Ioogchy u upenonoo In the cost. 0 no [Ind to ban Hr. nod Minn Bishop living in our mldlo -Cunrmnllou Wu hold in Cbmu church on Thurodny Int. when twenty. one nerdreeoived inbo tho church sud NIH rm-)d by the bishop of Oshawa -Ir.. .1 l ntnnou u runnim were iuberrod In tho , Bnhhurut cemetery on Sunday Luz. I [la dacd from the 65.30114 of In upu pleouo nu'ko.-Mm R Bsiloy Abhondod one oocnuy school can vouuon hold In Krug- Ihon on the 12:11 And llhb ol tzhinmonbh -- Wo nntlcipato I aood time at our Snbbuh Icbool picmc to be hold on ohe 0.11 Juno. I Mr Kulhmn In nnnin nbla m bu ground 'ohu-olnotorylo opcnodnodbdagnnby : W, Ilinhnn -ha ha; had nniln A Ilnhhi was mum` wme, fnnnanat. mm` 15, use. Ill: 00 He. per lo ; muuiuu, ic. vu nu: per In ; drcn-ed hogs, heavy ho. $5 I5 to $3 `.30: 'lrenpd hogr, light $5 40 to 6" M()XTl:|2\l., May I6 -Theno were about 1134) hood of bucchora cattle. 250 calvop, Inn cheap Ind lambs and 40 store hops offered for solo at the Euro End abattoir There was a good attendance of butchers and an active demand lot the beau cattle. hut prefty good Animals were more numgr. one than usual and brought slightly lower `prices, while ohe common stock. Including a few milh-non`! strippers. being rnthor scarce, brought bother rates. Prime beovoe sold at from H.-. to 5}: porlb: pretty good animals sold at from 3? -.. ho 5v:.- and the common -Mck M: from '_ ?:. bo 33:. per Ib: G Martel bought a number of prime neon ab from 5: to 5}c. per lb. Goorgo Nxcholson bouzhf 2!) good cnhfla ab 5:: per lb. Calvoa told at from S2 to 37 act), bun many of the bean calves and lambs were bought up before rearhlnu the marine Shipgora pxid 4: PH lb lor good largo sheep: the other sheep ml! at from 353` to 45. per lb All Ila sheep worn -horn. Spring lambs sold an from 5; SH (.035 each. nry law bringing over $.`l`.. 3 Fur. hogs cold an from 6:. per lb. for boavv porkon up-Io 1; 2. per lb. for I-olocu. Show hog: sold an lrom $5 to 3` each. C ) (VIC. PET DUSUIYI VYIUUIHU. U08 C0 1': per in. :' nppfan. $2 54! to $2! 50 per bbl : tImnf`vv hay. SH to $13 per ton; mixed my, 37 50 to $9 per hon; straw, $6 to $7 per ton; beef, binhluarferl. 97 to 89; hoof. lormunrters, 35 no 80; beef, carcass, (is to He. per lb.; veal, Tc. to (I; per lb.` ppring hmbs, 81. to \`c per lb ; last. year lamb, I0: on He. per lb ; mutcon, 7c. to Xe per In; I5 ,,__J L___ I__L. A: nn A- at 12.. BOIIIIIIIDIOV carnal Dr Hull`: Rheumatic Cure in pedanti- inn wonders. Report: are coming in from nll pun rocudinn inc etcucy in all cases :1 rbnnnbiem. In is taken inhomdly. William Gillespie. light boon koopor, Wolfo I-loud. Ina slrctod with muscular rbenmuiom for two wants. Two dotel ol Dr. BAll'o Rbenmntic Can and him. Fifty coon A boctll. |I|Iinln[ loll days treatment. For sale no Wodo | and all droggiou. An Inc from all crude and irritating matter. Concenrntod undioino only, Outta : Litulo but Pillo. Very mull; y easy in take; no pain; no gfiping; no purging. Try them. Pi-any cool wubbu . bub good rubber TnlLu\`T\I, Mnv l6.-4\Vhoab. whibe. Tlc M ','l ,2 per bushel; wheat, rad, 71. per bush- o'; whom, goose, 65c_ per bushel; whoat, ppring, 5750 Do (We. per bushel: barley, 4.'a{,c per bunhel; oats 37:. lo 38c. per bushel; rm, (We. to 65:: per bushel; pomI_ 63:. per bu-hel; Dean. blue, 43:. per bath at; bnckwhoah, 555. per bnabol; turkeys, 1`_ c. por lb; chrckona. 75. In Roe. per pair; butter, in II) rolls, H2 ; oszga. cbrce bmilmg. llc. to l`3c. per dcz; potatoes, Inc. to 7.". per bag: carrot.-.. mg. to sm- per bag; turnipa, 2.3-. to 40:. per bag; onion:-_ '.'5c. to $1 per `Mabel; par-snipe, we tn me. par busbo`: nabbuze. me to inc v.ar4lr1 -' nnnlan. S2 to 33 50 her bbl - clover. l pol one-nel Flour and load -FMn|ly mr, $4 L 84 54) per bbl ; Hungarian pnbenb. 54 II) no 9| 60 per bhl ; baton wrong. 34 to S3 `IS; oatmeal nnd rolled nuts, $3! 91' to SI per bbI.; cornmeal. SLIU be 8120 per own ; n-horns, SIS to $20 3 Mn; chops, `.32 be $2! a ton; bran. $16 to 81%,: Don. purgu)`. If)` mam. Putty cool Innhc. good fa lum food. Bun you add yunr lurn yq31('noo.kyoIrPu'IoIngnn and. Ch n ntnnd K (1 VVC IIIVU I IIW fill If N Tabla. both Billiu-d and Pool. Prices Inn 825 to 8150. huu, MIC. 00 500.; no. '2. nnru. IUC. uu um. 'Sooda-~Timmhy. Ql SI`! no 8'. per bu-hol: Alallxe t-lnvot. $4 50 to $5 per bushel: red clover. 3` 5701 bT"'h9' l<`lmu- and land _FAm|lv H mr_ $4 L 1 lb ; Dee! mmzuea. '.;u(`.. Lu rm ancn. Hulan-~.\1uskrnta. Tc. to 150. oncb; lax -kins, 503. no 8125 each; mccoon skins. M: 00 -We each; mink skins. `.250. to $1.25 each; sheen pelbe. 50 to Rlbc. o-ch; dating, 35:. to 45. etch; veal skins, 65: Lo 30. each; boo! hidna. 5c. lo 7c. per lb ; horse hidnn. SI to $175 each; rendered onllow. 3.53 porlb H'\in rBnr|oy, 450. 00 50s.; rye, 53. 00 .'~I.~.., buckwhenh. Hz. to 50 ; mt.-_-. 30C. to 3.3:: ; beam, 3l.`..`. ) A bushel; Can-sditn wring whenu, 65. to T3: ; northern. No, I. 77,- - whihn unnr.ar_ "inc. : Mnnimlu. N111. -wring wueau, (me. to ur: ; nuruuuru. nu. I. 77 ; whine wnnter, 7Hc : Mnnimlu, No` I. hud, THC. D0 800.; No. `l. hard. 700. be 75c. -u..-.a- 'r;......|... II (M M (J nnr buubml. o,c , ac. I uuncu. lluoter and eggs-E.ma no shown in large quanubies an from I00. 00120 n d( '1.- en. Froah dnny bubtor In pound priula -ulla I'rlful1| llc. to l.*<<'., and In rolls an from l3: to He apouml Dairy rcbool on-nmory is qunbod an `. Ilc. I pnun. Fueh Speckled cruun, 30:: per lb ; sal mon troun, Ma. per lb ; Sontlla I-nlmon_ 1'32. par lb ; whitealx. lll-:. per lb ; blue sh, l`_ }c. por lb; hnlibut, 150. per lh; azurgoun, lllc. par lb ; nmm lllddltl, llk` per lb ; shad. l'.3c. per 1b.; cod Intl had dark, He. por |b.; porch. I53. 00 `IN: A. loam; blasters we to 350. an dnzon; acal lop-_ `.3. >c pot lb; prawn, 50: 1 quart; lob-tern, 200 per lb.: oylstorl, 300 . 40c. and 50a. A quart; lruga' logo. 30 per lb. Mnnt.;Rn:inu lnmh. `I `_L") to 3| 50 A and UUG. quart; [rugs lfgll, .)IIc par Iu. Meat.-Sp.-ing lamb. 8125 to SI 50 qunrber; lnmb, Ioruymrwern, 10c. per lb ; mudquartere, l`. .c. per lb.; mutton. 6:. no 7:3. per lb ; van] -Sc. I0 Tu. per lb.; pork mm:-tnr-.1): Ln To her lb: cutn. 7c. to (|'Hll'lOl'!, U.` LU IL` PUT IUZ l:u.l!, lU- J 113. per lb ; hogs. 5}: 00 6:). per lb: how. we weights, Sic, to 4:2. per lb ; beef. (ore quarter, 42 to 6c per lb : bmdqmsrterr-. 6:. B09: per lb: cub:-,5c. no l.5c per lb beef tnmzuea. `Inc. to Ho each. H..ln-,_\1u-lzrntn '.'.~ In I50 nu~h- 5.1 I [J0 Lulunnucr-, guy. you nu ` 0- lory. 5:. head; asparagus l rsdiahoa, . .cuoe, parsley, 5c. bunch. I' from a 23` Wmh Hunt-hlnd r.r(.uh RU!` I-vjruwoernoe, IUC Lu 14-): u quun; Ippu:-, 51)`. to (EU). 3 pack; plnonpplee. l5c. to 30c. ouch; grnpe fruit. 10.: each; lemons, Me. i "0 20. a dozen: cranberries. 10. 00 xzgc. ` A IIVIBIC. Vagoublee - Cucumbers, 6c. to 150. each; prnamee. N50. to 81 I buy; sweet po uboea. 250 to -Wu. I pack; crunhowera. lie. 00 l`4c.eacb; new cabbAgo,l0c. no 25`. ouch; wax beans, 15:. M] an ;groen pone, 5c. -- quartz; Ontario onions, 8] Lo 81.50 I bag; "-T,;5'p'im union-, 50. pnr lb ; groan nninnn. I}: a bunch; carroba, 3213.1. .2. 1..., I.....`,.;, .'5c. A hug; pueuipc, 750. n buabei; -pInncb.7c. A bunch; rbubaxb, 5:. I bunch; I pa tomaL0e!, 20. per lb ; hob house asparagus. 5a. m bunch; _,I_._ _.... -..._- nun UUC. llufl; [HIKE Irg. JUL: pal Iu. qnmrtor!,0: L0 '76 var lb; cutn. 7c. .......o.-.. .11! tn Rn nnr Ih - hmdumu-rnrn Warehouse and Office. 885%. Deals Street Montreal. lrom Hm. no :' awn. FruIo-Bs auaa.l.'>c to 3.'$c.Ldor.en;Cnli. hrnu nmng `Z50 52:. -Mo. and 50:: I dozan; Vnlencu orange:-.200 to 30 Adam; nnruwberrnee, 15c 10175: a quart; apple:-, Kn. DA l'.I|~ .. not-In nlnnnnnlnn I50 In flr`. urmor tilclu mum cumu uuwu nu Luu sun at the chapel menu. In will be two or three weeks II loul. before thin poorer bozo! Inll nppoar. Only A for apple: Ippoar for solo. end no quoted on we no 003 I pech. The mp orior qunhcy of lemon: have advanced ombb oonbo ou the duzeu this week. being now quoted at. '. Uc. per dt 1. :11 lot tho boon. Uroogoo have also gone up in who. Sprung vogoubloo, each on green pen, wu boauu, now cebbsgo. radiance. boots. etc . no ranking their appurunco in huge qum mace. Saturday in abc-1: the only dey pn which tho public market bu I re preeeuhativo attend moo 0! either rollon or buyers. The wookhs quobaniom follow : Puul'ry~S;Ioa are small an those pricoo: Ghickona. we to 75c. I pair; low), 75:. to 51: pair; turkeys. 10. 00 125:. I lb. or lrom 76;. no 2 each. |r...... fl. anal IN tn `(Sn Adnznn-"Ali. Kim-:1-.m, May 16 -Locnl markets are quiou, and prices roinuin Ah 3 stand mu. the fruit. eupply 50! continue: unple - enough 00 meet all clm nqunremonb! of hue trade. The sale of beef is dropping of! Aomawbsb, though uhoze II no perceptible decline in prices. This will not occur un- ml the (nu: led nmmnln no pun upon Ibo marten. on which occasion the price of bho rmer uhicla mum come down no tho cost ..a .5- ......... .....o. In -ill :i`ODUCI AND PRICE . DUE, .2110. you In I innrh Drop in at my dlce to-day, if possible, for free consultation, when I shall be pleased to show you how the DR SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT operates, or write for above book. I If so, it is caused by the use for economical r:as)ns,of heavy coarse parts in every part of it; construction which d0:s `n )t adi to the efciency and requiring extra strength topropel. weigh 25 per cent. less than any other bicycle nude, of strength has only been arrived at by an enormous extra cost hubs, h 1n.llcbars, chain, cranks, fork crown, spokes, saddles, etc . Ltc. }DR. D. SANDEN, Tn! lam AIlS|nl.U'l`ll.Y Yllll PROOF "mil. in the N137. Bump:-an Plan. U-and locnunn for bu-Inou Ilnfllrnn-n.lnd In the union (1! the Three Classes of Men Free Consultation at Office. Montserrat |Uniform and Reliable. There is being when Is on the pack- H. SUTHERLAND. Knngston, ls Ig a delightful drink when used with Claret, .F.rated Waters or even with plain water sweetened to the taste. Agents everywhere, CLEVELAND H. A. LOZIER & C( In the European Plan. U-and locnunn pnrpnnu-,nnd mama: dlnlrlct. II. lnmxnnnr. Prnn