1J . emsto the leu. a m*myc, tuaht Potato. 6.0< * .1,, Ih Myn and -i It a s ld, forin-arn d a n atu oeili th sp mIg,~aQi- nanJ Ia ,injthe NMideersràua.ë long Id"wç*iidiea, ad efthe c of 4rtc*, -te,*"*àGrat bntiiai d ~- he « em o goy:rag.. w*neyf in. pareen theh slUga 4w2 It d teb in my ttinof her',reld kmerican provuwce JL -,ü ia oddl»uiof #EThis p1c, vlrmIy forred, indicates y spart; as !»y 0ae n*.a eneai. m,1Uýt BS- a 'Mil P eCwýthat yaue. If te Io,mm i. ~ *êrctisntde ~ iti~~a~ag 4gbiotl f*âkft. ehFm Ju >m.ron hbasb n, v£e t Paoàmu4-bè. tmtd te ocIuk f yorl&. GEX. JACICSON, havààg un the. gauntiet «~ bigpis and ri thpathe tJnited &ese Rppeare by tge ae "froni Eglànd. te b. wndemangti.mrn peal here, wfth~I uihE ng" avl i ho, .o4lpoe as, ba sis oum te.s, slow hit cond9ct tlwhCh Uduzaling medi ciadmh~aI6" for bla rnu ay cieve- pu . fand M_ té&W héirse sed tii. m- idténn of 00e béing three ycars The VPUbliàb-P t nt 'et f Oare di. PtO4so uý e; and the fé.raÎ. bolsalaance betwecn the.. W*eson se dha l e on the;ui tw mode Mnay aatmh aim epects ta tubs coumtry, yet thce are mia- »Yue hinta wphih an hope the practiral &sume WM tprapi 6v, Our coreaodent justly obemm»uuaaos ataste e =tmaisliquar isnffl b Sap ipht imugprevalen ce," and if 4tiLt.n i s »M lathe gr6wth of Barley, we bave no 4oUf* m26wholesome a blvcrmge 'wilI 900n sUpeIhede the use of spirtom l- quoft thtoug1ciqt the Province, a âraorgn. sutUmnte Much lo bedeimared. pin havIng cedded' Florida tet1". s PI. *1 b *1 I. fi i. t, i p ~--ut lMddr ifch that t ma{,~c )U7h' ue lt n eb Ta uenthe z ee difficimit to h aânuiast.h. adde., "*0m osr eHe Requlleey At Fredriehtwam *0UN MALI. N. B. C. & CI bat UNh% mmd towa qaigo eV u Bta*us"" of Uoe.OBMd& ne .mut ardet " asmdactiVit . ,g lau l. UemooL hie boity'* merio, have auankd Ii eâ g u~ yong oaier crerthîIf.ba i WÇ Dâqg<y s petiutrLn Cnd, fi . (PuedIYU No.LjC.. wu a Iti, mea WWBR&.A&n Act p as sthe 5 mph . 4%h.7GIgar Umy6-"uihy, VVv1u , lMaugy du M eoim imi& fr 6.-. "'«V &A Mt ta, ImmL fa cdmel. u eua. idum oq d vf 4 S k W ~ U U L W h a u a m bJ b ibs m lu 1VdIe~ -' ReSais ulua~~ ~ CoI., sUtt loin la WWhIWfr~ Sf41. t~u.r~; iWlanenmt IM8Iaa~,d~bl