V-Â anc hur dfr thes*.i .PxUtJWMrls Accounta froniBermuda i c-.riprtiocfAeiC m i4rat ic profductiScf thelm thd he gIï. Fionis qothe ltfi jbdhgoFlaui&u 0;cé"e t * sogar 12. A ctrcaustance hàs rcmntly lmk at FatIumi. the captal okd4 I, %dvLn, *whch mgtIueô v novl. Bv rr ghtU~u 'the boy o~~ theic jdividu»id 9, It accident by wb.ah b,4 MmA inhceanlh.hi "k i' pIlc Ali inqolre kas to the naiMbeof had already ce , -l, when a 4 Iwomau I lailng on. crutche,ipV towards the ciIýàée tnd kewi- a voung min, to wh&m ahe la ,el ùijuarriae, huIf a etw -tirewbetimif the'by bc1 pearante o! a Ènsate-a~ Itears, and, f9ned.wtj<aI ,more-beheld the a'bJect ih.4 this sie ofthe grave,.kI. .alr8 than to trace the sioplar ati 't hie couple, the one b ur e~ t till insWCtiiig7lil t- IeapÇW Èrat while théher-$etheddGown blr ced ail the fcrvenof yotfu1I-km An Enflshikl ship about Perq Pawntedb1ac wth onieii timýber ladeo mizen mait, ila mw4 yards aIL 'gean~sd alàiW4i crew, wm a ppoenithé ;dl Ji long. 2O.by. Rbrt Fuite« ved at Lv6oo frt'Charest4* TheClr#tc 'aIfae .yro1 a I 3tu cf 0664 i lrpassey, 1NefiAd e ~~ i cargo saved. PROVINCIAL ePlAMI I Cam e- -h' 1 roda Ffl tire comiWthisst1iwey ba pI t facilitatethe reco'!ery-o< MAU E4utl, Lagorce-s bridge b« ,whiOut M~Y mente A messag bie hW gràujçe 0 chief rèluigto theaië. embdidmii~Whomê'i I i war-was deivere4.te * A bUwas itfflacel * PortOff nlitIp iee r ading ordored fo Mon4y Rcaolved,, at tIhrw4m cômplait set fostit bll Mw icf trc.ÜNA-M saoli~ t nettiOf h -z. * t, m