Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 20 Jul 1819, p. 4

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à* theos os tfihtyeïr Of tuIra pera- F mPasy tel thlemsseves boum! t their ek!owejemetspd FALýY I<*4A tsneo"etal4hment ha& ex- froui eit di* st pouatiooas, viz;..'0 from un enIIg*tenedpublic. And tromum na 11fr ki.sr',whe I r-, . EsOdited railla derýmefl . Bhe ie .time a . u c4Plàolatethédr fol- ffil i la of afth ivrta le' ab i**rmsd1 prlecanal du, .b on thse colplete atti d, ivr smeatolienisd of the et IL comQU61 iru ice by A1w.irrectus, fo; t off o s!Iateutar* teirme ia1mua Othe dur the *1ore toOneotservie foinfis upeI-- ~ de leur Deiieé-pafede manière ue les Jmu than cis .Unr yrués; and at tisis is. Wilson% ,(no calod) which n rof affidavits des 01§4 rasqui réudn aa *Ion amiyisacs rrs 9«-apsto na sdusnelaey * a Canada, pour-ront arniverg >Qebeca railat « Upd.r e ,third thse rates of prep,i- ts ai;am wnatue a1Moinof atceux>i < et 1" _ -twsivementhe ago! 71=at th ie hor4e-soe, (so namncit>perjaps s a dams la lVaut province- Avant e ..duj es ~nit l is QnbcFre, Offi ce b t'm n te psto.mois suivant, auxquels périoda les retours ~êt&ti.iii Miaiie-t afpO~ Oine View frawniffie Table Rock, which s erei. em lo dnep m.d hie beton trongly i - te or ton often eytulL ts < einsqilne faut. pour transmettre leg rep.mtsd, tbat to supportthis compai tn ivsaVyfi n the gîves perfect qui umout dyour power, by giving thens a pie-, view of tise entire siscets of water of thse coinsmnctos~Qee.dspse feec fall insurances intended to bcefelec- Brtss n ierican Falls, tiltt ny pPlus élop*s, les alidavit des Officiers ted againat ire, is the only eff'ectuîal meian.s stion possesses. Tiais aiso s-mbracea u 'rrvn a t euspuraeicr of e»ablinçgtisent to'continue tîseir'exertions, .establishmnent of %Ir. Street, Clarke. &c ors. an ces retours, resteront jusqu'au aMd coniqlu y of peenigmonool, One other vie w, front opposite dise Ainsr etd upéeets1a and a recurrence to tise former extravagaut iran latder, wilîi prsnt a just i e <i Bureau du Commissaire-General, rtso rlmthe Anîcrican and British fals, jîtroduces Qyebec. le. Mars, 1819. St For th. p mp and honorable settlemeist the estallsîîn fM.~re' ik oocq. nHi-Pyi aaa of ail losses, tise Qîîebec Fire Offlice otIt rs M.Cak'.&.gvig t iesne tise, ic tise mos esetbl fYour 1 iwctzes~prpctive, thre Amerwmp Channel, the 1T is desireti that Officers receiving haîf. fe exc1usieeof a large sum of money in the pos settietuent of Judge Porter;-n tise Ameri- pay. or miiitary pensions, through êe *i sessi of thse directors for siîddenesi.ergen. can. ide, the intersp«rsed,' slands and a>Commiussariat. in Canada, wilI tranqMit teo cies. No delay or indulgence ivill he requi- distinct view of 'PorWs a lidoe to Goat tir 8vi m Agents, atQuebec, tiseir affi- wh red, noer any unworthy evasions made use Of or the Great-Island, whmch iseparastes the ldivits n tiplicat.te iminme.îaci after thse ,*the ftmillnt of diir engagement tise mo- two great sheets of water. twenty..othutieprt wetei yent tioft a lois is ascertained. mett,*t Inàacotine. nure pro- On view frotishe American Ladbecoines due; sothat thée affida- pery i al prtsbfthec povnce: o te wicl fom tqsituation presents a more ivit of o0 cs- residing i Lower C;tnasta mat modeftte terms. jîîst idea of tise lieight of tihe waterfali sba1 arriveat Qucbecc before the iotho end And the dirotrs have the utmogt coîsfi- (wliiul it intrioduces fe view thse two sheet;Msé of officm e4rciug in tise Upper -slednve tlat-a discernhsg plic itwill unversat- of waIter) than any stier position, perlia-pe-, jioia-itte fs wnîeh te (o. ]yadfariycrn owrl nsporifasae.lý Iy nd eaitil coteforardin upprtof n imwhich they can be tl.IowmO nt t twhich period tise returus vin institution whses future exertions can atone One other view f"~n the top cf thse A- Wii ~ matie up. 1 As more tha" suficientth in, aintain and render permanent the Mrat a( 1- iaBak which ti s e truc lin.se i gven (mie communications te reach aP productive of ts tise country at large. adfr tiode merican Faitnkhé tgivea J ape vanage tiai t ias n s shrt peiodbeei ad frmaionof iseAmeica Fe toffiers afivtro s whict dtnpos ts Quebcc Ffre Office, May 24, s8l9. division between that and the Brntishi and tfie te affidantce ics o ot>a"M u If. B. Applications for insurance to bc a distinct view of the latter front the omlaiin t h i rpoiited'in these returns, ublb iste subscriber, agent ini Moîtreal. Also, one other view & -m'n Goat-Island t ~remain over tltihe enauing perioti id ADAM L. MACNIDIR. tiis, from its situation, can oniy introduce 'f Payment. thse British, or great (ail of water; it how- ommisaary Generàlxi Office, .N 0TlCEB ever, represents thse acnery and greatfadl queber, ufafth i. i819, m 1Shereby given, tisai ail persans indobted with fine efecet. En t the snbiscriber. are requestied to settle Devo i 'soune tise in Octouber, N M O SALE. * tiseir notes and accounts by tCie first <ay of vensber al DecemWeat.I in perfecting E OR thse unexpireti terisi of tise Lesse, tobafer nta a'iliîsos rmniaguet- tb edlinetioEnd true perspective0fF w Iicis isseven yearg front the first of tld itr ha dte wllinisriinsey c~these views, r enWÀrth wa i attered i sd, iepr'îes -ut preaent occis- pu otis sqd fa atreyfrc. c 7the remarké of tise Hoe.Ti 8a pied by the subscriber, facing the market And ail those havlng anY demnisýagaiits Uarke, resident nea tise Falls, 5d by aurbigsiuti nLtNu.4,m hlm, are requested to'present themn for ad- mauty other -gentlemen la is at vicinity, « esclSiiis4 Butterwortis, on -* Jutsen. THOMAS PARKER. dethat oftise mmuy vews tley bâti seeuiLec s reet lcading frouti Mr. Robert tValk- Beilvile, 9t Juine 1819.is atepet,.tises were tise most perfect," eeà hiotel tsitise river.' The buldinso kho receiveti irons the hon.Thomas Clarke, tise preiiises conoist of a large Fminse VNOTICE Mr- Street, Ma, 1Leonarul, (near thse faits) é hum1e, twO &tories higi,weil fini-lied, sta- TSherchv given, that ail persons indebtbd iluosas Ilixon, and J. Kerbv, Esquirt 9, blc for ten barses, and aise a bake house At o tise late firmn of Taylor andi Parker, tise Mr. Ifamiltons. Second, Biggar, and Witls a gond Oven in coîsplete order -the- <cther by book accouust or note) are request- sundrygentiemen of Queenston, lise Hon. yard weil sectired. J cd te couse forward and settie tresanme with isn . [Iiq, .Smnn, j.q atisa- lIse place is well worti tise attention ofju tise subscriber immefta.-Iy-.-a after the first ny gentien-sen of Niagara, tiseïr certifieti amy baker, or a perso-s desirous ofkepn 4AY of October next, tise whole reniaining un, - settled -Witt indigeriminately bc Put into tse 'Opinion of thc correct representation a Public bouse. For further particularsný bande otan attorney for collecton., which these vicws affod, anti recominend- lapply bto-ste subbeniber, on thse preini. T And a» tiose isaving any demanda againat ing thein te thise unacquainted witis tise g&Clin tàWw4sd firm. arè aise goquested te present scenery. D.. MACDONALD. en tf tisesane. duly astlenticaaed forad-wjustmeîît. Tise gentlemen above enunserateti, te. 111wt>'q, .prit 7, 1819. 7tf moti THOMAS PARKER, etiier with many otisers, ha e conflrned f Su ýrviving partner. thein opinion of tise oerrectnesq of diseueF R A BelvIl~ ItisJue, 819 ltn6 delineations, by becoi suhacrubers for TWO Shàissnitise STEAM-BOAT Fron.P-e Noncre 1. one or more copies eacb: and te rentier it tenac.--enquire ai thi4 Office cy ALL persans are cantioned against pur:. more in his powcr te do justice taetise lib, Jjj~2 jle chasing a noteofisand, tise p,,nporty ofZoua- erai patronage ie has alreatiy receiveit,* FZwu ,5,>.mu , 18i9 tsais Allen, given hy Ailier 'Clnrn to said Mr. Ventworth purpffses before lie cm- VNH nroifr rl'rtolaets * Alleu, some trne tise last of May 1815, whicli pletes tise paintings subscribcd for, to de- Efr e rlrt e% h was launMY possssionut...ie face of wisicît was vote two înntiss'ln tise city of New-York, irivilege of taking are on tise Crow twa 35 dollars, anîd giren at Sacket's Harbor-as for improvememît inii tfat srt of the Éun Of davein ortede aod t imntsfontChARLs we 1.said note is lost. *pointiu:ginirhiclsle is dî'Jcieiisand-t. dat ord r te at otiierste aRLkenhi . G.BERTI-IRONG. ter, Iiiseif titat tise teliqr omuaioned TfRG1LL, Eq-. nd...eç..te a- Sh Kingston, usly 3, 1819. ~tlsereby, siii be amply made up te bis pat. 9 Cific proposai., wbicb are expectesi, - s NEW 0GOOl. nons, en the excelleccyof the pai:tin tr. t ec-jure s vnte. a o ok o LAMB & M'DONELL, anieis efat iîih is h ,i sssea evnu. ub li -ffoit teMakeKig tee, àlswilproduce.B_.B order of bis Exceliency thse Lieut:T ",W epetul.inforn tiseir frienda i vetise informatigo tu tisuie Coflcrned, ilojMAin Cu e rk E..Cuc t.heari II Adthsepublic, tlsat tbey have just re- ana at tise sanie timne te solicit a subscrmp. JON-AL, '-Tx Cuci.rer ceived and aiefor sale as weli chosen ast n (rom otisers, whose names leebhs not 4Si1EILLF'S' SALE. mçA Prospec-us i.niet witlstseEi<so so~susstut je ben onnedWih. fiuaid B Y virtue ofta wit of Ex- flJ~~Y- G(>9L)S, this paper- Thie 1prices vary,,ïÉtordiogt lsMiCu K tise ' are sfi cut o i s B f cViian AI r amSsg whîch ane tise fd&wing articlps, i,: te mde~e o îoeprcsb ~1liedites , aitoer suiAm of Willam Wn West of Englaad Clotlis ansd Casameres, flot consder i.Tef boum! a iee l i5* llIendersi. on ber~.int Atise landa e etair carpeting, Kidderminster do, Jeans,nt osdrhmefbu teaeefr FsstasBmbazettes, Ba nijazeenit, drab, any subciption aiter thee1 st of JuIy, as ments of John lituart, Ksqu in evt- blue, 'ad elo aibincIrss i-is w uder tise imprpsion diitttise iSmpeIra «m uteuLa-, s eonn b en. ïmfod ndM odlluinsshirtingi iment lie wiii make, ajýletiby' hi.ep'eat de- MsalitJonx.altip s elonun r taesh teans bWit lsiings, r.laimpoi.es, long lsire t lice, to the subject, willin. toeel.and fBa«e, Mancse j,. ~ vnelupie s atise township cf Afseliasbrg, in tise Cottons, Turkey:sru-ipçoichecks An &iommenication te Mn. ceunty of Priace Ed*ard,;inid Distdt , imm r Thmsn,:belot"Né 995,97,98,103.104, imsDimitY, Cislntz andi Calito <nom pesions lit a distance, Vall .a- a mei deh CaInibics, Cmslcos, Lenos' and u-to; but oubsrptos i mtbeoli u tidacthe Cccis niafAsrtI- L j*0dptigand Wsnnet Silks,jslsheprcfki.Wn »M ré tt m o mherit1j ~sBtuseikVelsSisa~lsSça fsass ïane pafrt of .Weîotutoand. baing Lot» .~l2,2 ntts efskrciefi, Canton crape, Canion Crapc u oefu th Ie ssibscrmp ea flo o2T-.lW isI25e16anthetii ..~~~, ý-ps-ilapaid in adyamc& P a WIr bof .lI a Pu lAutof atich. ALis Mclén,(te sdm Cout ebe un atise leve ut io tâ IRose, n. ,kid i boaie' Cilones. Tlread, refereusce fol opsaun n ourt [l'sd)h. in a m the ,. te»< f hait son Tapes and thrue jifthse V-'"mqisili nd&it weive .'elock l in e tronn. À,l par. ,,aobe 9.uscisr ur Jls." sot olding uutg" sor ciaims on~w ~ 4b» s, rryIVÈ birelandor my #art m. ar 1.5,< u'r. 011 painting, on Canvasa.. it rruI»tsliake Ib-um un nwn aIcit M , nie A i et.sar.-6 (cet in lengtlit-V*rsiahed c i ofINNE84 C j fi ip e e. p v m t t4gt S, iiy, 8 9 0~4~ - - - 7~ S eePS- - . t Jute.2 a Mui, îaINst 1iýJMmà, df1ut. - - -4 9 23 10 1 Ma',eslml penEAN.4 tJ«. "'k, lins.. ad 't to Lot. L eeput Brick Stem wlth *0 SIo"s mxl couwaiu$D*llhi a twoatury tore 30bý.t40Oenthe prolmia- 1 e. APPIY te Johnr W. Fe«guONh wis uldly aeuthd t.esettie 1hi auimof tâe Ite firm,»whdhis this day dismoived by mu ua$osent. J. .BALlrOUR J- W. F GS0f Kingston, April 20, là819. TO LET. TIIAT etwiant-ahdomeiodiaus twe ste-. ry H)clp ous z, togher with out-hou-s m, consîsting oif Stables Stili-house &c.; in stuïtrtvîlle, formerly occupied by Mr. Trhos. Daton-there is on thse prenses a \,sprîng 'fexcèllent water,.and,,a arden with agood ence, which makes h¶ a desirable residence tiser fôr a private "rily or for a person lsirous of-keeping a Public bouse.t For paticulars apply to thse subscrlbers by1 vhotu immediate'ffssession will be given.. EVA9 AtMNON, Kingtoe, April 2.1819. YorlcAh*qt»c t[. ÇOTICE is hereby ivesi, tisat thse E-xe- rice, will ass.emnble in thé following days in ie ensuing year. 50 take into consideration t pplicationson land matters, Où Wedn.sday thre 13th & tyth January, 1Oth & 2-Uh February, 1Oth & 21th Marche 7th & Zt st April, .5th & i9th May, 2nd 1 6th & 3Oth lune, 14th & 28th July, 11 th & 25th Auguot,01 fil 8th & 22nd Septeinher, Sc 6tb & 2Oth October, 3d & 17th Noveniber, Ist, I.th & 29th December, lg Ortler or 87s EoeceILeucy, ý The Leujena'st <Goreror- JOHN SMALL. 8st R-eiL,;d .ndFor8ale, at hi$. *Oice-Pl*iço (sand 8d. RHE, Sermon preotched by the'late -Rev. Dr. SPA RK. in the Scotch l <,1&--..eu , .en u tu ay of M& S eatLli tise tert, Gen. xiv. 2a4. -Sce that jon faou toqt by the*4y.-y; Togeties, th t4_e * Ftrneral - Servon, - eacisetiouitise following»Sunday, by th. m Mr. Wilkie. -7th' Yie ICIVGSTO.Il'LIBR/RYt IILL be open at the-Coui-t-House Vevery Monday and Thursday,from 0 until four o'cluck in tise aternoi, ire subscriptions for reading wili be ta- nat Thirty Shiliiugs pen y ar, or Ten ifingspn quarter, payable in aivance. Severai ha nlutisesaiti Libry are sale, at 'Five Guineas, and tise usuai meription..> luhe annual susbscription to be paiti on fins.t Monday in Oetobçr neit; tise ar- rages te be pusid at the sanse time. rie present proprietdis are reuireti to tiseir arrearages, te malte up fve guin- (MMn tse begin ning; in defauît afpay- lt tisein sar- abecoine forfited. ilI monies ta be paid to the Treasurer, n. Mitchell, Esq. aema,-Pgm.1819. " Re, Mr Stuart Alian MilLeaw. sq~ Lawrence Hercsuser, rrasurer, 3s, 1 mq &cret4iy, John IC@snEq Iudrcultivation.wU barn upon il. Fort T 'b'. - *, "N NGar&Den Isa, am lAKý4y- Tb* ownea~cu 1si5w bis prprty sslpayiag bo ply at tisaofce.à-eg . ~ Ki gton, May 29,, 1». NEW Dragit~Paint anzd 8 RET SRNte-nethanks tîseir commencement in bunes * furtiser Coitinuanceof publiepa vusg recetly receisved a htiNes elm-hGenuine Droge& at tie sign of1tie «OU) tpposite tise Market; Wislc tIr former stock, renders A -more comPlet..tian anylin Tisey féel confident that ers andi Clothirrs Winl to caîl on tisem, as tisey keeping a sulpply of tise a >ytteCII, Vîz: .DIIUGS Ç Patent Mmdici CoùenratdSuiphu anfld Muriatic </j Water and OÙ oor4 of amS ery kiricl, dry,>grosd in ftte for tise brusi. ALso,-..5COMsp sortment of P Paint Biudéea and Camel' .Lingeedw Cl q es' 1 DYE-WOODS 4'DY-STi1 BOOKS and STATION.,4 CJotton. Yarn, WindowG A completc Assortmnent of freali )t up by thse Shaker$ . also,'a ia ffethersfield ONO e ÉD S u l p h t r i d R o Br i s s o SpansSgars, Papeirts uet 1V liq, ~5wèeususd~st ailvek plin ii.ukr e7h*~ao, atesg -4. -t 5? Mesos Simons 14. Rut .G. B SE. V N. He W..Hi Win' John V MPF i P Six Ila ami 7d- U0ln loi Adve bdy to be n Adre Ion on Publica iv igous és *yu which in ailce et ~ay fècialiy and pre Ses: ALI proveti n Thse fol and a loi N 8,4 Kmbsgat as' i ~r4 --I bYK

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