1~. 80r. b Il*Mb i n Mec Du latea concision tCb, 35ibr av~humi~hftvi e ~ the. ticfi« *eWýa theb * Ie~ 4 ré a&weeaul.,la.b-, n-terfa.. oc ut the mmne ureurenhl sin. ê. %hm of Matou X4bmwdIDisrict, &" ankato tho.who baehoaoredhîm lÏ gai hyS *9 wiiil e uos outhe nit Iberal uer»U4 -.th , ha li l upaoew po ~u fvi ad fiaers hinéself Pu 0ter ite~toenquufzre t h..ehà ht fen"t that wv ie auti F.q,~q aonucâ 'or the smîlucrber lin , .Buieoe iLumvh niieatit i mto h yeoahal4bw 'otf Kintgfton, May le. 1819. the p<i.1VyiThe mae,. xMrY, hvnClmWm1tO Prosent tOî-m hiw eWP- uy "0,819-.5 poTAYLeOfo AL perl h r.Uiht athetetà- with bis cadmtti, hibd#&frSt quai. Adm' t^4e fthe a. un. Ibua dCBS17of Villi hlI iii -à*Ittb ne'ofi'r a¶CE is hereby given% tat WilhinBll e4, efiie by ood~ai. r ~ 012-ISd1S~iB5thato1%7&W,. h5.ioe, a a mvaniladmmaistrahw renroqurea le make imIdixteSI B acu. mâ haOmlatTaI~ uh méa ~~M%1 maut-And thon ta Viothetà"nid çitTtylor.h-atthat tai i btd, iprmmEstthtfrmccmnts duly u- lm-gamt umdlaturjITaU a tt . emicted for aautt, i bm ciIy . hblnetoIyT.lr ALA LE&N, abmisrh. .dabIe gsng lune 4. if . dddbw«iVo. matakcOÀ Forwaùug ' EYomwaiis Buaor h ren&om h hperte b. (a W' rly mmosy t. rmetiinie f te jf~ 1Ware roquei, e hnatlftaé oil T err eUdibuLthe-..- rtaylorad Parker, or il u arkerar have forued wae1&iexmaD bunss, ho-<t~9 ~IiSIIf reqmo»id e'O e mzo iguaoe p.et tetth RMM.'ýý L h the ~ ~~~abov trues;. ho am f£1417 athOi" t t.nstote o C be hSt. Lawrene, and Mofcbfandia_____________0.________ iU (rom M s eal1t. aiiyry and Surpeong us'îmunsirar of th.1 o. Prer. *. h.alt oum frmer y ocrîpled >y Dr. I1~Knscu i " 896tf -~~ xi ~doom to br. Doaua i scoroet DON bitunacte W.Hb- lving uervcd arpa prehj] Iaio ',b'a atOhmuttirgll y. H uImdon. Vithan eet ecac, amd hAr-ba - lt r W* ~ ut ~iet<itt VOketd in ttUf*uatOsiD evt1 erin aor TopIu. dlaait proerydesâied tY he ubt tit h varim -j j~iidpurhas1Çor s ersu*" i4 nt u> f(rouiPreacott, hy the iaiiBout . ~7 'n,~a ie a weà sain- fo*;# DUO .~ haroit wbh faves this twSinlaevery CII7ga hgtvubp uIb* S4 atnAu*23t( 1 - bit efs o re màgaged in wrcK *eIy pe VIo, ha.»0b. £oudt<ýEàs&q Wuu5-uT5 IVS i2exr =WLPtUa l@Uto po t-o(he doe metaioed lots, ~j _ henaulO n Lmiof Richard Rob 8 mmnr laeîrmi 1 lilIthe gat à n Mr.vsurs cord, are recqueated to mushol al*lzthecs, mliafl hoprioïe s Ibo W. IL. WHITING. fiet ta, thtesrvmigmmwet pimre ot, 28(h MaY 1819. - f And th-"to *h"oM'a mlii Cpw_ AItftld9& Goo _______________are_ nquemtei*. CVr x. epMA ilT tWCKLES. < 44~ JTULT9t% ccngti. fur Jadjne.6mN B Tht shelul l b ort on rde T g4iiion imblun. 189.onable termsnd an indlpu"k bltîte peteuch conoimiscseUe1 -- STOUsituat enthie rater .~" (F.o piaint ~ Wh>OCCt oear;fomerlyme-)FINS bail goa heoogig teItÀW ËTI Plaindo- uy ig aames RhDodoaaed. _ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ _ by R'm ec KnstnLiny m t2 EWBronzp e de 1 do lm1& 1819. 15the tovuMlntnm wUof oai z>*Branac Pa d ilaC&.mlq »possible SON.iuncàpPla *0 . TesTray., NKS.2,ri1819. -STOR E. r. mÎl Mi Ù4 D Olie, EIaik Detieml a& tu1. &MJLd~1 forUse i.Distict Ciiovi; Dit- ith tio ih.a ttl- éfevmrydacipulan tIttiZ. SA"r,Ja 'Itto04oau-~ ~IIq l pl)U ift *.~bMd dmaatch. mives respmaaMbe jot ydeWobasc ue am 4ýw trated or myputs#.vinsg èiy receivpê a f oruiudq 44oedo; K31soo Oc.* II a pi Cocha m±mt Ltay.r an* THE subebuer bas lest receieed an as- .lc Wcbs soeat ottiitt of Paient Eobbin Lage, Black BANK CÂLL. A the WaigofMtht GOLDEN CAR, -A gü"psotetai~n7Gid~e aidWhia LceShawis, Scarfa mud veils- THE Soçk"rt the tlBANK O? Womtetht Market *.whiclî, tgthtwith ry, gaver dcaiduikrt4ife; an hi e ce lfr ae, cheap for cash. PER CANADA am e reby requiedt *ir uner tock,- renders ie u~mITheu abtve goodsapre 1%1l af tut newrest Saab- Rhc eOBfERT rsa.ICHARDRON mýintotht Banik.hIdSpuelo or Biis ftt0-mon cqnpl4te thssa any in the PrornuitP en, amd arnov offred frs"le bu my rue-. ýéà 8 .thg O BERl T Rgt,1819. 24f treal Bank,-bl nW si ix mipercent or TWht. fééi fconfident ihat Physacains. Painit'. uiablete iras. .N iIUmxdollars on each ahare,. on or bfwth an d Clohiers viii fil&d iLt otheir interesi Eiugston. Aîg. 27.1819, fin da e De. axtto qui on theun, as they design conmt*tly B. fini y 1S. BARTY.ET. kqhga'upply of the ariklca niaile use 4rcti. l At1 -' LLpra<a Webted ta Mess". RRYCahhier. , vis:.. j'r , WurrAÂn & Co late ofQi Km?¶tOn.are 1, 81.3 -r, RICNES ICE is i. e e~nthat tWtE thoi rspect vte (Id ti.-0,1 U68 4ME cuStive Cd micii Sm ffara of~hspo the lamerwo l is WI~Ii.patmnt Medicinem, I ince, vill amemubitin the follovin st > HC. THOMSON. BOOKS o O USRTON forth.the e.naing Xeor. tg tg plisto ce onoeautat., Suphurie, N1fr1ci applications os laid ýnatrà, NewBWK. 1ad Muriatko ACID& (89 SCOL ]OOKS aacpAtth.I)lrecior's Romtklho Watew and 011 COIOUft i ~4&' SCROO on " 4t. À.A ----- daGr*uua igeo, -t*/<,1819. f Mphom vewy kind, dry, ground ini ail and fOhS*~c,~ _______ ______ ______ _ itad for tlb uah. ALso,- cotuPletas 7th1 à tt %il - RUEdWA m-on -aof-- E C~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~E in tore tet ihiFJCL, lh&8IJIY -- 19' it .Wý 11" u- ivý drc~u lar# 1wvebu t bfl i UBU5S »Off Ymrn $,&TIwo«W Y .1 jo* «OKOiV" firmes A complote asmruet oaif *ali swbèA~ia~~ I GILDPJ8 E-e D uptz *e Bm Shkmaers aJ 1u ~ __tE~~nuuPieui mmd .ah