j ~- ~a te so~ne vo that 0II~ The~ coqsrt :~'*l'ii havi w. iLavent b r SlkUâ and itue eoainoured bMiegroos una ble te distingui*l their'respective O fflyners.The ceremony liowevér, proceed- ~ ~ The cergytnan was about to ,neke short FIV - thesewomen to beth iwOdded,*tolae iroud- but the goveornor, Sir R.Wodhrde, c<*pel- ina raft led ptu marry etch couple 9eýeitely- athasThb*emeoie lastcd about four hourm du- ~btnp fle a<mio f the Bridegroonis re- ta- Wis-*bobe cf tWirove' and dis- he la enabled tÎ tell theai*awry lOW "ice- for Cash. N.B.2a1e and all other k»ids of coul-, try produce purchased. ... kiagsD Be. 14, 1819, I4tf LLO TICEy£ . m n o ,per , ar .l Ce the iiame.as 1Ipuwçhru id,MW -the ~era monAis rd,' al aparet'y heire-at-lawt- and have abtatiedanuusu Po E _erl a il t *xrs,'i aparenly.taM6, titijori-ýbe_ samev. id I1g*ve notic fia -(ter.H try happy, and ceted ýwith t ir lot, and tlîat., cb ad çulrm7poreon whesa ce-4at, ha~ote hnor o f the ladies lnbkil," as ladies wish te ew*t ie laughed ah hits look who love their lords. -London Cou*r.: u- sa='o, ha4 wu t lct edoed e X ucE iicelirct. apd ho t- a asrdnod tO F the &lem Reg lier. »i Ne4. l W1.R t >. s a1ornhivofhing.g 1m-cAarftY.-ý1en tbcusand crides exist ; ____________ lau gi, or n othèr w0111111, cf but the beétis that- which cousi,,ts in a sober 7ýsexey Dollars Rewp'rd,.-0 o m! By a wonderfËuI care for the virtu e as well-i, fuor the waants ~IL .<i b .ahlu t' te etie asonms. idusry. hatsuplie a woleAil. hybe- an Ot-ia w ,"bala~e~x e Slit and went off of men. l'hat gives just enbugh t t encourage V- iaàpcttiu.Severai vo. ing readyin the hour tifed ; and that on- uterign a-u~uatcfte red-êatuatd-th corgs rsets economy, when Iie Schonner ayAn v~~saida eÏflh.scoitBl p happinescf I& requiros I t 'îi c Mit vydur e' aec tWti blows no truinpet, rings ne bells, and forms theCSth uit ~t t ulckIiGis buttfrisisnoc5o T~unboudof lie flo%#s. AUi isè to.teîr Kz.op çee ti U .,ç~.aw~r. à&cawi . 8.fultv, and tie poostare caught belore they , o of Im Bmemf fai!. God bleustimch charity. LL= -l~ '~~g*r ' ~ PUl! ~v 11. Bdiqi-nte, Cen Ire Co. Pa .Xor. 6Ë A newin .v lf h d- f tiiS i¶ngt4ar-.A -gentleman -n -tii.-neighber- sulng-Yea-*thfiwr ilW l a0 1111 ae hon rabbn gt nh.hood ftIsfIêwn, l*aviniç thrcee nitkes viz. a requosted lii *ttnd aMthSlf >ra'te r ~eaco a rattle.mnake, a black vîper, andi a spotted Town off «ingutoà, on iudyth 7A.c Englas b f1îWýM iffeW m- r.- confined in a cagewlth tlhe intent te Dece*iber Tht. rmdd erusnce f110 OSa- tho*w!th him toe f oreign shore, caught Zingtcrn. LecembrlwTi. le sfJ~eerve the snaksfo fOd creent1zing int<,o j5ri âu t andther êoe tom.offea Wcfir pt n Yo ~t jue citiWie Il Unie OrapT th6i un- m .WW4wt îeàýmto lr rbig teakwiP.r1oy, Debr" r*,IhY 'W befÇaptaiu*"dom te&, aboute " mm l.t h o p ùa ~ a A 1 eut tpandher p k.. Mie3 .-w.aoateIs~I~l a d ~ 'the- hym YÜAa$v1o F, bR ' - Welw-l À *.vl e anu ~d Litseed 011; Magnpd CaË~ Boxés anC ruas Cabinet FurilteA .u qiteqsivo asortinent of ghJff%; veto li too. mrerons tQ, mention.. .N SFloni, formai., ~WTI irgaton,JPbv. 1Or-I849. ' .13ifc Biecvtora to thé. lut Teatament of the late -Lawrance aie nerehard,,roquestail = inMdbt i 'ind tooaVIn dmanda mehu t. briog iem Jorwùd'withoufür ,5~ 18 ê ~ 3Stf PM Mrua. guwTrn'th, i h i rAie ~ r bethitr"Ilc e I~açt ethe j>ubln àt i adiîatas, te ci lt ito éU 0 e meaùt design. It is prpsd that the Evan~ aMd ohaUbtpi4nta e .im w conaiamot Ifssthan 32 '#gesl,i ili acfle le, pt- ~5eoviE clth nc lm imtbewi â 9 ulis s