~. ~ -- 4'-~-.~ -"i F teIboub 'r ded br ig Te.-Ihunls jJ~tI.umfvek; - tà ui igiand1k p aer aptha ioe are W1~mdM d l.avan- feaphiacod- cd thoi l <bat OMM l Vs~4 45 4. -1 E SI gl '-t b, 4 4~ ~W5ar lafoeit I~ftM*a5I eaue jiMi 'gCt e aelt tetFait *waollea s*outs, t'O ese.mb<eodia rfa Ti.. ie.. 1hP.DI r, sudi oli t6 Mn r. . W#Mu Va ae intiwmd <bt abore 900 pairs bave bern mae i an@seson fros hoenu We greatl>' regret te fini that te Selier la imoistinuud. 'Thts paper iii almoot eor- an' anmnhrihsplayed th. superior- ubility ,ofa miuer mimd, apid'lta coustitutloual caus. itithe Lover Province viii mina tb. intellectuel vigour, humour, end origijiai thought thai disiinguishéd 1the Saifia ;-but ft ppeurs tbataneng ilssusrier- the lov, of money is far stronger than the dve of pai"Ple. ______ vet vetet, ir i w.4WCosl The an ofuetEngiani-Code oltlati"to for Lakdie-Tii. Bourding ROUmO&-TbOi Mourner-To the iterm>'Petsroi-MAiner- ai>gyReeding-ab@ar Sc Cptal-The Rting, s tale of tho fiediof the .clotIt of goli .Superiorit>'ofethte right band ever thie i.ft-The Paet' d>iug Anthe o h bd #M*- ker, origna-To a bereavei maer-The Toiet-Life-The eaichauted GrOtte-Ca- thariua I., vif. of Peler the. Grua-The Moon-Lifs'e day-Wanted, a Partaer- The Troubadouûrs, orginal-The* Cooack aui lb. pgntiier-Musm-Frauk Lyga- Pen&aneof >-loue, Shors--The Gatiiee: Embielhiuiied vith a beautiful .ugràviPg Cf Pi4phia imabs'rahons, aud a plat@ et Eni* nte Excelleme>' tii Lieutenant Goveru- 'ot liagappointod Tliurida>' the Sth Of Oc- _ooe a ey o f Public Tlaaukogivitlg Io G<*l fôho r . maiaic or hechoiera. TIte naotaervsteiof the.day recomane MIcf te ever>' man- one Parliameut of tiie Lover Province anel! d, su sew Onf summeneai tE Wnblte *on lte Md ofetNoveanber. ,'ut t fNtvmbt lu appoitei for a daij 1 BUti tiogiving in Lover Canada. y ev'eug Wlet t&bout aiou or ..trssoissme r- dutj n pob le tovere bave pt?.4he,4eamd. tu ont f s 1'Seodwouid elvci is atIN0-a w t ý I L , C . IL i u ge pa . e f sueov ë r Or cmendias-O uaofl Jatbeu sb1et Our -ecaiflTorn t n.«h aoftîbeperm- lu te etp Our Lrifon@ W. uv. cuih and fGret Seal fourm ianl eS Ift. learo u ereutoafixd.Wtes rtu r~mw*. s- i '-e.' ME ~*bIIhb -e- PUBLIC 10,% Tuaders vil . W ge sittm fng cfj flupe td -1 sveepin%, claltttou (gtsveflwt Ch«Igi'e. N. nm 'ilaat t.>'vit, 54 ot1*Pti ~ beIlatoreeuz ut «berha 'a ov* '-tIste Pro5lliWb but as B~.d~tii-b ta tie as 1 esg *» te w w egeli oo.wm4su -pdrtaui h a E*tf8s , ha ýlo tas vhegw fi F Imw oiS -Ce- et ea ~ et 4U. " wae, 1o r. î Î 2t. tpartir b<F r4&I.Sq1319a b bv Tlew a meLts S,,-O *g we-s it.0 DseUot. De a.b.esj ~iTlPE leu beem -Igi-veli. bat Smeid IV Tobeqrs il ha e icIyu4 t thi. Of- Ïftvi omday <b. t* day .1Nofen- beu iest et N14a,.freoseh persocs vie Ris ge q« ty.%U iwimt, fat lhw; id. f ÏÏie oy u rou. t"lolt eI1~ar ~ - îtfot gué - tthaTreepo, purrl:.": Zte et Et laÎMsand ili depo»den ie-Wl8.. P r« 1rahBd t paib. coriïncy. soft Urgeai ut .' d n Rttuns of ]Moroge ai pae ccration The ration cf forage le euslstof 9 hé. OfOAts 1( tbe but quhlititoe 16"Ilof Ha>' dellvetsd fremiC entrac- 19 ce of Siraw tort, Storms Fer Chai calti t petflashaiCortefcy. TW Beerto b. cf the.but quality of O8 or I#ifet, properi>' slbtere dod fequmiý prootions of 1beid ia f1., quartera, sud ne other, to h. delWered te tiie troopil et their respectilM quartera, the 800t not to b. withdrawn. TitefBread te b. manmfetured fron the betqusluty .1 Fine Flour, and go ho war- rantadlet $p weet for îw.nty-foiahreu uOWr dei ete oo fp. Henry snd Poinit]Frederlck, wil bo permit- ted te crous sud re-crees tic Bridge ce toli The Bef snd Brcad are et al tignes te b. subject tn the. inspection and approvaleof * Commuissriat OUW., wbo shallhob.est- powered to ee qg;sucb as in bis judgmeflt is flot ofthe quai erib.d, and cause glther the Bread or C f te b.ih a dls>'r plaked, or laÀfaq@lt the[Oof, sball pqrchus4 & proper quielit> et the ont of the. Contrac- ter. r Tti. Contracter for ru eef '**Ilho b reqiaireai ta malle bis turneste the. Staff end %Deraritnetsitiier fremi thePublic Mark.l . oum., or (rom nof"e assosi cenennla Pay M . ai thet a* t eBef, Bread, For. ago avid Charceal. wilU heo ude moiabh by a check en theBMuentfUpper Canadi ai Kingston. - Tiie nams of two rurvab1e perlons tt b. hInserted li the T. mss» muetiez foi the performance cf tbe contîact. Au>' futiier lniàriatlîm miya>'b.obtainet on application etthie commissarat Ofice à B ar ck truri, K in geon GQVMMEMNT CONTRACT. " ~LEI) TNDE1IS Ul borecelve, 1 et mccli, fer sapplylis the Oarduance Bi 0 tach1)ufartii'i i wlthe ii.nderibgntlone - ortie e. nd fer p.rformhiiîgIofllosin . getvlu ; se. Tables, . e, No. 8 * Cool Boxes, thidea, 4 '21 sontrt doee. " 7 a- Tho Tender .eprs >~rdi nt lenit mg.,, tv 10,g £9 >.pet Calle*.e iqter s lInge p.s l Quu ar ls seao, ft rPan., Ir rti ifflb>lb. 1ga lsex-pont Tb* fer Toition are payable for ir'gt"ýh% outentQater iu vblcb a ase thfel.COLUonU Daaiba Xuien d Tieoiti, Ivide his cwn Bedding, Toeesendil, * re r t. e Ln r a e a0 limOt'l emilfy- ti he pete.Riertai 4tule beg ik 1wu yilagb that saidiil W li troti i r a~ at, ier 4a !j dtge lu uercote lt lk ie .la et aiseesd il n 1 pm- froin Çuni êbricia vilWcalrwere barO re lielb %otut,, spa 0ITre. Otft pu lke ,n s.lrs lreaare ion, e.1 Promises, isud te undoer ioge Regulations. The donsestic aranoammts are conuaucted b>' a Motron, and the Mater cf Ibo Prepg- rater>' Ochool regldei ltu tb. houa.,, for the purpoo s uperiniendig he co&dut of tbe Bozrdes' ont ef College hourm PRJMýcIPAL. Terento, 3ept. 0, 1834. - UlaorscfPapOr Who bave .bmcaaosu e m doii At t M the Oig= e, a qus.- te e ieth boetrm weekly i ue»oa. Ae- SACRES f LAND ini the Townsl.ip i f Camidèninl the Coennue. of Len- or- and Addingeu, beng the South East quaterof Lot No. 28 in ibe S-ondi Con- Iesouver>' ntr te Napeno. Milse, vitla- Ili igu eof theNapatacRivor and a Saw, IMUII Z rithi ab. nd Coutity et Prince.Edvard, 0411 o t No. 48 and west bull of Lot nom- ber 42 in titie Furet oncemmiun, Batysde. Ont' 28 mes font Kington, rUhilv&td and thicbl>' settleai ornaail sii: AppI>' at the Herald Office. Kingston. Sth Oct., 1834 NOTICE. ALL PERSONS andehted te thi.e Aitt e1 f ibm laie Roumazir Ilotab Esq. off Kingsou Dock Yard, art requesied te' mite imungdttepaymetto Mr. William Wilson, Merchant; and ail persous, havng an>' damnsiaginst the uid Emato, are requst- sale prouent Ibr accounteto Willam W,! 1100, dul uuuenticiei .r paynent. 0 ~JLAM WILSON$ xcaca 'a B.MARKS.-î; 5 to 0.eu U. C. 901 Sept., 1834. 1 - NO0TI1C E. HCASSADAT, Esq., Store istreet le > e autharied to eeive uni cknwl- edge iii.payaient cf accoubts du. ta the qaidregi, vii bave, ut promsent discon- tinusi business at Kiugston. r . E. LESSLIE & SOINS. »Kngton, <Oct.ber lut, 1834. STATIONERY- JAMES MACFARLANE, a Co. et -~theirBock aud Staulonor>' tore, sacar 1<he Maorbet S"sire, have reeolved hy laie tarrivait fron <Great Brhslin, a veiliseircted 1 asuotnent et S TA TIONE R , ofthe bout qualiiest, which thry>' ffet cbe&p (ar cash, *or short approvei crodit. Aise. on bandi, t ubir nusuafoIrtge imppi>'of ScAaaS and Mis- ti oeuea Boche. Kinigiton, 27th Au. 1884. 0 ONE OR TWO SINGLE LADiES can mnt vsb comfortable Board andl Lodiin lai a mil resoectable faîa'ly, i done off t1iebât sud meut eigréoehly îit.atod- Op Houses luTouai. ApplicationL te' bernai. at tlie office efthiis paper. *Kingston, Sept.,. 3rd, 184. I NFORMS tiie public generani> that be À Lbs opened a Shop on, the corner f t.Store uni Qusrry Street%. for the menuIse- -_ lune cf BOOTS und SHOES of 'whtch ho d, wïuiil alsys eep an.Eu, 'e awSto f tbîe g btiet qsiality an band. Bse aisc dm11>' es- ertla a Vy stock et LEATHEII cof ail kmds,vwich VUS ihi d au ctaup as an>' tisai can' ha purebaeedinlu te province. Kigso, Liu . offii. 1834?la à% ollege cf Surgeon's ist Londou. and Lticem#Iti .Of ts Apotîecares 11411. h rieu tramidlhgbt »M u-Bommne, aboie Mr. ren- 10 11 a'aS;'p'il Qusey Sw iesd vill fuew 99 8 b.pBin .u4tendlng te bspoesjta g NOTICE. PfTýHh11 UNvEI)G,.ZD havleg tabou 0- -m" îè Iut m Cahay, Bseum ah (t Titis pbppert>' <amcl iurabtr mtafi eiatl, for sthse e.terprmîing àLgriî<tto' a peiwim who nMay wieh, te emuiek ta or Couantry business. Tite mbove preimises being <offpaf or@ tentleimabSout leoving tish. h0~ wiii ho puaitivelysli.. Terme, wile beenny. wiiiltedkigof ie kn«tida>id Saie. Fùr an> irie limelapsy to Thomas Kirlcatck or te JoieSaBrsaig*. Esqt*es, Kings r. atuteJ. me- el"o Ea'q. Napaue.. Septespiier 26, 1M34. ['BE SUBSCRIBERS havlng in , p..inied Etecub in end Execoto.rn-yth hm W-di *" dTeta»mt of "tlat<best >LWemmond, teupctfaally reqtàaomt <bt- ili uesâmna viuAg daimes spinalil FalBote vili preaeîs 4 10 te Jotepli Bnmo,d*1 Zsitbenticated, for adJusimou4t, su i**Wéolm q t h4e tndeMktedte, it willukpye Io biai with.'ut dla>'. Sigaici> MARGARET DRUP&!MONlD Ea.utuuL JOSEPH 'BRUICE, Enoutr- ltingaton, Iith sept., l8U4. AM blgit the premises of the ie sd.. 5/ber, on or about the lOti or Auiuet, last, a lirown 00W, with ortoortep thon lh. otîser, and lier left er ontt ndsv. Wibever ovnesamid cov eu bave hWcb priruig prlperty, paying1 charged, as aies, tit adirertiement. £TIENNE BOISCLUR?. King*lan lOtI.$t ptmbor, 18". N. su-ieïàwbnubr lives on Mr. Me- Grogirs'. Farm. NOTICE. HESBSÉIIRbaving teOn A« MeDonald, dintaip, repe' iqt" i hose having ciat[ againai uidZotes, aet eiher of thon, te preent the sail* oi. r>' Casiai>, Eq.e Who ta àuthorised ta&i j1s aim endim aut fuvour of oraiSgSSIt mek Lite, t o the extent ot uvullMa wot DANIEL P. MODONAL». Kinga.ton, 249b Sept., 183. FOR YOUNG LADIES.. ~TH E Miles Hssx rsasfnz&uft' Athé nliabitante of LngaAmd ilaivicia. ity, tbat tha>' w Ilho iispy tae ,l ted nember of 9Ppils iba r ethibe cortier cf Rgar and Clarence Sivets, ta e- doyi 4pteilie là,t. whom- <ha>'OO@ giv%; nstuctonin Lb. varseus braam- of g gentel uni oudul Uealin. N. 'B. A Caïd of Tenusiupe applicatien. August 97tba I18,k AUCTION O07N»AL UWAUU B>Y ORtD£R-Ol'THE U'Im'cuTfl 13of the laie Archubald MeDonle lNa < Townsl'ip of Msrysburgh, andin ropi- suce witlî the. dlrectiits centain" la bis yuthe underumantionied la&"I-WUb thore sud devines, vis: LotiNu.- 2 lot Cou.Bey sigle ePart ef Lot No SI14 ai Parttculars as tlfitle., om 1knowp on application le riciz- -ýà 200 ACRtES, leng <ha boives if Lot No. 1i h in Ibo, Towuuhbip,.cf 4 hîcoo. Upseauiepo - sale Io tube -plate dof thmé Osibmu0be j ezt, w1t,'éef, - 1114.' Ph Vent vit" cen. îYV tve pyt ea .4. f. -q,-~. 4 ~. - 1;m l il p s t! t' c sy cammerai .of Hum E:celhency 9S&LEOF CROWN LANDS.- li uas LeaxomDitraloct. P UppiJCUCTON, bt ha Cauri Hoas, irn the Town of Landano atO clockA.M., upan condition ef actuel muleneni,1 a portion cf tbm Mastc.. Itidisnu iu the Tovnahtp of Carre<do ecnti>Y Serroyed b>' Bh.cîo le, D. 8. thepetprico of lis. 6.1. Currcncy pen cr 0 a a n e equarter 4own, snd t b. e- suluder 'lu tiree yoar' b>' uanuel lmtai- ments of one quarter, viii interesi on oeb ialiment aslt hocomes due. "MA plan of th. Survey mal 'be sien b, ppiiugte ohnB. Askin. J!iq., London, "PrlîbeurveyarGeneral, Toronîto. or he rvonrPETER ROBINSON. Co.misuieaar of Cromn Lands Offim, l' Toronîto, lot October, 1884. *Editrs of papers in tihe Uppei pro- vince will pieus inst thibm boveunt54jhO 1u'u tutuw. - CLERGY RESERES, ANadjurmei Sale cf Clergy Remettes, .iintiNiagara sud Londoni Districts, vii h.he beb t iBgmspr@,s lm, lu the. Tev of Simeco, on Tuesais>, the 4Tn VAT Or NOVSEMU Eh NtIT, ei 10 oclocb, A&. à. upou condition of acta- ai setiteent ; one-tonih of the purchoe mon.>' te b. paid davu, anal ths remuinior iu nine equail natalanéntm, vith InternAt a,- on cdinistilnt as it hecosases due. A lisi cf the Lots that viii b. oiffred fur, sale mu>' be accu b>' applyin tte i.CoM- mimioet (or Crown Lande, Torontoe; John B. Askin, Esquire, London; and te Mr. Je* cob. Lange, Sîmcâè. PETER ROBINSON. céssles<ousof &CrAms - Lands QIcaS Toronto, lot October, 1834. Or.Editors of papei in the Upper Pré- viacs, utfl picole insert the. sbore until the idey ofSale. A CARD. IR. HOLMES hsving.rhiiiqithed bis DJ.ppoinmsiît nasurgeona te the St. George, viii b. aPPY tetercimt ii.dall' Of bis profemelet, lib is tours and Itsenvi- rune. Hsvilg beeneciasealci slarge pub- 11, Infimrmauni alie .cived the. sivan- taxes cf the isiereut Medicàl Scboole ohiioth LÎzo ciand Dublin, dirisig a-prod ofutrei ?s't, efe (s àhitaselffoli>'cem etite< arctceii >branch ef 'ihlpi eaîsl. Hisrosdeuo, orthe prevsut Je et Mis DAYàiSoNe Boa jing Hause. Rnston, Otober S, 1884. joifflOLIPJIAftT. lIN returnîmgbis aimeor* hbsbe te il JI hbitants cf lgiuoaeud hisemaoxo erg lat genetabi fer tievery liheiisa apper, bustues, baga lekie te.iufortstm tht h ý iowcivtg bis l'ALLSUPPLIU w" fabif .11b. fonouth i.e - Wow of0f Engit, Blact ud Dîb,-amiuvlb Grpesndac n iiisigetd Ble1 Can0e Veuio, tiohi mie blo 18 al il dopb.a e..* and mtroeL Cael O p 4 r- s. '4 4-U&M m n«I «--- 1 00(.l»k ne- nec là