- , ~ --. - - s ,i *,1~ IN TmI'l tuef *o~ oqtffbI t. ~~1h. et rrabsu Troua fer i4 ~W bbnde.d &ud îwlyp OmUD& anti Copaet,.1the -------------------ho t dien i elt W _ oahllli X ansd lso, ouaine t u . IU.ys idismd Ditriec oortat tb. suit t"tleDni of Upper Canmada for thirz-sVen p84ni, 1 bave selzmd %Il the estate, as mell réel saspemnanl, of Lhe sai Joseph Neîlaon, ala i llbooes-L-ccoont, voucheru, andi pa- pus raIatiiiL thereto, and snless Lb. nid i Jesep Neilion return witbiu- tMe jetisdic- 4Lou-f basid Court sund put lhi bailte tbé mai& actions, or cause theo id claisus <o b. disbarged within .thîce caiendar .ac.ths aftsfiObis date,. aitLb. ostlale,sas Weil rosi as prso alail ob oacut,vnch-, esudpap re ii VI ïris élul Tid 1 ab le, or o xueucb ereof asu y b. noces - Ury («thesatisaction of tbesid d)aims. sat fr ii. JOHN McLEAN, 8boliff M.D Kington, 29th September. 1lm. IN THE DISTRICT'COURT. MitilantiDistrict, 7 OTICE la horeby -Ts Wii. S.L .iven, that by vii- tu oi.thre Warrantae fAticbaut àsed e«4 *(His Majty's Midiauti District Court andtet me dircted, agoinst the esaie, as Waelil aias peronal of Joqp elo, a mWsonding or concoelil iet o ne at the' suiiit ar cheries Heaih for thuty-Bv pountis tan sillings aud fiva penc, nther ai ihe suit of Georga W. Yarker for Lb. sun of îhlty pounda one shilling aud thre. pence, and tha othéa et the.suit ut John -Moirat fat the sum of ton poundî sen shillinguuudt sixpeme, 1 bave seized- mIl tha saisie se meil -rÎÏI "m personsl of Lb. naid Josephi Neilson, sud ail books of account, vouch. ors sastpapors rulatlng there, sud unleas the -salai Ioeph Neilson return withiu the jarlaiction of the naii Coutsud put ln bail te theasnid actions, or cause Lb. naid dlaims te b. duabargoti olîbis thes esloIndar moihea atlas this date a&ULb. nid Estate ami weil rmal as persocal, anti il Books of se- cnoti, touchers aud papeta r.Iating thore- te, will be. hlihable, or s. much thora of as maf lm uec.smry ferthb. satisfaction or Mid claime. JORN McLUEAN. Sbouiff M. D. Klngiton 2th Sptember, 1884. WVANTS A SITUATION, AS 1«CIBRE, &o. À& ?4DDL9 AGED PERSON, t .%amas (rom Zniland, tlauanaous for a. =lqtOifIne r Out-of-dorClork.et, For- t.i a r ewery, Dimillery or M4er-e oWs tablishmeut as CWili r'Baï-beep- de'te lu a tmn Boalt ut 'ravera ; or, ho w.%Id b. usaul ini the uapley ofan Aoc. 4wprbvigrulete al IMMR, BRAN ANI) SHORTS, 711i~sâari.u~,et their Yard, lu é«Point, Kinguto, alefefr sle a igcusrl suorîment et asoctiLUMBER, wbahsale end rotait, consisting et BaKS, ad gree *NTLWG,)of $Il thicli nonse. WU*c tb.y mlimIl low for cash, or lu ascare ermet baudsotcooaitrt produce. liMtni*Laînhar for -amy queuityI of the *Me aengtbe eut te eider at shot notice ns aphleti.ut. r. Joh* McECoan lu C. &J. eDGNLD,& Co. Gauseia. 9thJue, 1834. 8M00 tibm EtataeofthLb.lut@ Mi- phac Moandeoti, '.r*oercttoll7 Te- leffs boa*U Peranbavlngc iàs aginst l Lic Datte WinPesent the aone to ber, du- am b.htmtifor adjugmst, ndth&d Lb "bte e4.<d i.elt wiK nme gymnnt without dlay. SUANNAS MORAN. Admnistratrix. eLCUansi poession iten on tbe *« of fim, SttheRoua, liFront = w eoftu#WI by H. Dopoy, Lq.- 4em luin tinswlli.g part are lsitiont sud aegantly Oaisted. X is ertie,, sasti oiladsptod and aoeemeb"sMes. Apply &iftb e tb*d iatidg* bas, ,lection of Remis-"asiI4Leb . busofmohiiw~1. Celts *i eta of U.i.0mceort L.ga"a.~b N. B. ýG.nîl.un muni, fbr tiseir awn e» shw det thnam ri rypayeuut - pectédetit.b.adi»noed. xi4g*R, 8d uiv, lu&4 flMonLEOSI Gazette, bieuotretlt r nid, sud Quebec 1isrcury ali pleam v th. above tur» ,inseionud charge ~b Cr.nil. Osfie. A1.ik ES H BSuePPL Y 0. Publie in general for th. support be là r.. coived sameho commenceti b1iiein Kingston ; avs. te inform thon bbéus arriv.d troin Montrea]. with 4'lauge tud choicu asseitmeut of and Cognac Brmsd~ lU Gif% pepper"g Shrb worth the notice of Tavera Keepers. Aiso, Groceles, Kartiionware, amsug.whieh are a quautity of Fgured Flower Potsi Glss, andi a lare ustity et Wss-lsi Rr. the ïqmlî-4 Alargqasrâmnnt -mat water Fa aleSi, Chaos., Botter, Osînieal, <orumsal, floney, Fleur, Peui Oas, Solo andi Upper Leathor, cotty for sale. I 1 -W. P. COOK., filer.esreet. Kingston, July 10,1leu.. T HE Proprietor of the MONTREALI A IERALD andtiX1>611K çQUxMR-ý CIAL GAZ ETT IerWa h eta, dl his Subscrib.ra ut Kingston sud its vlciky.1 tbal b.obas appointait Mr. J. H. Grai 5ne bi Agent, at ohose Dry Gootis Store ai Lb. cerner of Store anti King 5treels.. sh Subacribers as ns7 net hava boxasat tbe Post Off ice oui nd their pakpera. Mr. Greer yuillafroard te Montréal the nues of sucb as my be dlsposmd te sub- scribe, and the untuosi pouctuallty in deliv- ery may be depeudeti upon. l Xgitou, 2d July, 1884 Terme e L. MCe -"--Hnad dDuilg Co u.rCWalGoz.lt1,92 Terme of Ibo esandlyp oblisl 5 on Mondays sud Tharedalu, , 1 Â1 A J. YZRlgllq B EGS leste to luférin bisCastemen thai ha bas reciteti by lhe lotes aritais, bis Sumum s uppiy of Lýadie.,-Mhsee Mu# Chu. den' fnasoanble BOOTS sud Setc overy description, sad i ol hadapoas t. st nocomnouly love primas. - Kmugoton, huae le,8lut ALL PUSÔNS ai. haséy **MIp aE chsngaNote et bond -givea b, -<b. Subscrihmrt Aguatu Sort, for about Ib su ot Twenty-two.pombdb. dated lu lamu ai, 1928-mas it osagivea for Lamb obidi bave subsequentiy hacu m»Id fi tula<stb"i due, andi conaequently no value beu s e- oeived. Aise, s Noie given te Richard V. Lawrence, dateti about àtb April 1801, fer ten pouad-the urne baviug been paltib, bis order.' G. H. DTLR Napanee, Uth Hay, 1834, LAWUD à6elw 07. LàhRSOC5S Bat IsbT AR *nu coca? mousz,>« ru<sitos U. C. T 0 EMIGRANTS proccoins te Upper Canae, nd illhng te profi, by the expei.nce ef <hoir prideemers. bav Ue at considerable expense, modle th. Tonu of the Upper Province, anid .murely temuider- ing the adiantages and'dissdvantsges ofthe varloissaaeilousi berief, have returnei te this nelghbbouwhooti. purcbàaed Fawmm,.qd are rady to attmt afler two or tbr~yu s trialMi bo ntire 's.tsction ait tha oo tbey bave mad;,sud are now respiug idm fewsrd ot their iiidutry. lapsaovla» Fàaxmx lu go9d situations, rn description of Produce, ."y be prwbasat on very resouable teisa by . EU.sniea the aboveo oEce.Town LiOTS ltetbrivlng vilagesud mCily thouand aet. n- "d Lnds feoimie. hferm.iaises pntr tly! THIOMASAKW SECOND AMDLAST - 1hME 0F ASKING 11 JOHN BUurrmetbot"g deturumi te requssw Liai &Ule ub@Mea b. . - bted *91a eut liai@WWàulf A64 &arriveet .gg4is KIgm fur Toente _hdiW II.ru2 10 .t Torqist, - ;stiqtE.ibaS lseMeatm' al à Il 55fL'4à95IM)6 Mosdy aTbwsnuiy -arasm. 1i7 t eau wd foeei"trsà miitît. te iou Wi soit im dlu idigutm f b. eaub Casai beéts. Pasnaterm leivlmg 1<imgarmor Teorn»to Lb. OL -George, g pdyuTus da*, willarrivaet 30iiwmeaedusl l 1.- rroafluiW.* >ftmsrc U, sle of *1 .leamty Uwai- le s bibtu a;mw Ui as beàed asti pai hi. .Ami m naaonSpimbsr 4.10Mc ilb lm-s ~ am monr. setl OW v m BAY LND RIVEI. E1 LL lhve tbelbead of Lb. Bey of uleitie,, for Kho'toa sud Prescott, soeck; ani to.cbing eutheb lutéirnetilte Ports, wis ariv a Kiuon t 4 .%hJcb rive et UwU in tstiremet ter. eh*a vrai leava Pesoott or Tasa sud Frid , afimnnM»ediatey=alrti srrivai ct lbç 1Memal Isags; "I b ave KingstoetiaSOeçlfek every W.dfiay sud gatudey moral"g, ant i ou arrive at lic carrylng Plt tetmeet Ibo York Stage. Phàs.Mn1.rngthé lleat of Lb. Bay ou Mo y lsu turay mernlig. oui arrive MMe 1 en osTueaday sud Friday Packges md daggg.et tha risaftheLb ovue, unon boket sudpald toi. WrEAI~h~BOAT ~1@DD OtNB, anuE, m TTmlh , Lame -aqs.olh- oesa Es âï v leMI 0119 r PLamtev 1t8z- >99er.as w d e des~u~rWy tnc ~~5 g~ S e Sbat b hdmpastiTien 4w0he4 astiaseia aiKlu.ow*~etbvg set in~~~1. ~t e Qs j4i.!;, .~ r aree Mt"4 uvaa~at .ma.t .atb. readmur».segdodw I'lu powlbie t. le.t prIu~~1 OfUlzLgT .11miles <tom 1Jtinga tee ealMnp à sc-mi..100 o e ar0qe ei gtîo*qa IPriiÎoBeou, anti Bara, anti about 4M bovin! jruit Tr", s. Lt4,19.-ISd Cbla.,N'O«tb crobyjVip trict of JobfNçt.wn, contalnhig. 0 <es LÂt No. 28-4ýd-Con. %*-V, sia', 114 District, oiallng 1 1 rc. ... *North à ofLo . 9-1hCnTly gom.e District, cosýa!ùiui 100 adrs. T'he above proéper i 1oub. soiti éOpp for Cash, andtinldisptable tatles *fil be givea ou.,a0plicatlou te W. J. MoKzA!. Bath, 1Oth August, JSfl AN D R SALE.-Lota Nu, &-md Edwardsburg. 'Nos. 15 anti 18 li ibm lot, 15 and 1 ln th* 2d Cou. %hkaày. l". 18,sin th Cou.am. mn. Aise, West part ýLet A., lOth Cou. Las- coaeur, Esateru District. 0. C. STRACHAN. Kingston, July lYtb, 1888. IkANDe lu th. Townabips of Pittebuartb Ni mmd Portland Lo,ýbé oitiot'exièha#gud fo« Lands lunbthe etern psits ofithé,Prov- ince. Il1th con.i .Lot 17 lnuth* luth cou. - '180 " Lots 9 & 7, sud west part of 6 10, l2tb con.11 Lots 7 & 12, andi West part of Il. 14h cou. Lot 1 , lthcou. - - 0 Lot 5, i8th COU. 2 00 VALUÂBLE LAND F93 SAI. SN d.utb Crouby, Countat ofLaptsYDiq- trWotf lolimooo:-ciug Z lot l Conl "drauei e %t 2 <(coq.L1 iselea heats atMdatasm r ss~ si stU. M ie J t wal Pouh nail~e.,o1bséd ia 1 . I. * Wde. Bd VALU4I LE 7RFJ#L _ktpla4the Te"- mid à BCu..ov, A c' té as.;w Ow eiitci*h! t-tp Mes, qr-q eusin »y »m rsscI a iu i i- aýoftai= 4ImUa.uth I. .c-b.utic, --" uam. Wo -g 'o" b --4 i 1, J-si: w- - a -w. rf rTim ;4 Il .es ý-e, . .