Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 24 Jun 1845, p. 2

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s. *miwlâ,bmm i. v Wui ipAsipifrwemiasw sEiffm BoieM»8 Tik orp k ig W. 0 ima et mei <.& . s.aqmd du4WlhLANDS. te Wbfl » "W " tA:Jae mudrt èwe *#&leu w divisinotusmuimauve YaAYaemUm e 9c"MNisi Nais Wb" Tué,or PkmSsg, IogIhice,, etýmfrsve and &-oit Eprmm'ntu CLEEÂ3YRELAIEDUS. EG sam ngRpatk ii .sculia »hi»oloîte WzTa. va«rs, lime yi. Mpaa teb.CdRaiocsll May etbcssai.. bu àtai la bI a th le prlimtiaw ad wé01Ae 1 ia oni on.<ISCNtheI..mma allieafoc er ma d céa ofpero moni] l icg mtokm flom ELthVe TO CLe GYe 71. me ehe la wofh e ireieRaccrob. v ai lim R temua.. aymOutb. 8 vid 4 tbBold l uloime o o epreee a;int a ua bPgi au aoimeed mteioa.'a. &M ic biacmlisfseualme caequ. te.s baitaeiim et tNsProvince has mo jet reco atibingqitheo weml. ispoitiol e disposae.i in quCigy Raere Moi etton a" utboeulimemperil tatbyCu cd go ie. eh. 7&Tont ndruc, andfotrs a. a ts leeid aij e th Cib otuEnldi p arse ofgmla ta e lime tl stheenroortioen of te mimda aioim eb ..theed Abtlbur h sluppor oua poliiabae be enresstelebr Cimurci Sa- @cen s St Tcarant. mdQuthe., mmdatrilirsin a TMai *vi ntte Crc f Englan sofat mm sspopertibyof. the ad, olb. spa it aiface hcurc t b Cuc o et eit ua emrly - n am ferona, insl lis prn- jili,. tv.tbecuref ndsaned la ofyaur Coc.le mmdmb. lacgrai SWreaan of 8tht if Ibis chtmima..hebaud b.adaoplvd i nthe tvl mp Ierlas pde j gae icusiooutifle b TWmte agamertailb.sCharbvioc ngs. da ipraotion cf liemae lana, inolvi siaonalin aiert Saurl.onvae t arb.dCiviia a«. 1ma c li aat.mia; ddoubîer l..lie a r é1e i cice mbd lcatvi biona sspicon- W (e& l r lite ot raisod n)nagbc ct aiof fa s. rta1 o oarsoeprtions.rcs.Acod intete r centulaw the uiM ainelb. andjec Puerf C»ldsarwile ae orn i.tof ancisonr nt"M" ored fimievesudaubiful, lb. th iilatagrre cneerian acdtoveions. v a imSoute IaIpo., t iib.distiutifonta.. ilme e a mpproieae t frirdith, mn no. Ofsas expente andI biped n n mlusasin alCr ,d p =aeliblmdevsimmnotier.ad vih m uv die %ba c oit*ud ocnatne, supiion Mt te the trcesa).craedgf"ao uIbunovuOd f sim.prmuaIi.Caccd. a gt h. prast of ie magunen mland is. p"fosa 1e nm oie otii.buds mm a Gapein. #et speb fo ime smu amuer cdor i bcimn a" Linelaie ca xsf ftr ie nativauev sion. s ald lxpb. pr apitlbutioutthe place, lime7lwoof uàiacd myied tb. cgaracl is Thline t c vcaldolu*"àcclaessslicalCar 0peeteecrporats et assront, mmd vbicei ofspsem e optmmirprince. dtmuagmnib.= me scissueta in. ge.mec geai %»b opgmisai "imvmemt i ands V" lavarlylee a , b e @"temiuindmd b lb. eu f $Maîq ncltmic ialdiMngbdyluofi t, lu ai, erotai.i ars natta, th peit. ailent heim ai m ft e c.a4i vle mA & he uat romexpeadilur.u cpitlou ralb. laImh mmd simili i Ib of elaraing agtcueu m Mys hm tnv sc a mcaluarg e uandl ahem "mil eerpem motds indrions Mpa te, limes a duir puseand prIe.., ofmi vmici l wnembuasui a m l. etber l, or can-i ieeb itis i e,. nesap e.bss Ibissebsu beU ua. e oa pcpleubtie.su iua b. jedur inna1 gt lrjfe n udpre»n"decubo~ i tta ppssiemais er commudtes tba etit C»ssIFResesmumvIsIoN bthe cobef ai eleeNsuifr ~i e rogmassd lrusrbicliait tccnpmebc OUM kW ferin t marpoIm pus1.mleur ey i.lie e artooion d ime ani frocms e a rembulea i oni ci prerly.th vete onl met mn amy absiyiage t a m- sol ire Tbaaotuuelexeîveadsbma fift. *1mai.e te belu pi&as ats. Is jeMOIb oil aitegeet Mou s ab i ei44 teb m cdo e Prvne ioreer nagE rscnum.sud limailb. luesst n ml usslios er ocupiegtbsdth ioaeludb. fpro. OUM .l drami puvmdei le u aie*e tueaastn.l mmdis Wimi. jorCoicuijte tarte opninmt saje leas il ein ms lieu regre .iau lime irwmLne eritd"havtehtba ofduelb. miliemuuaeeu s zI& vljmiel"i s I ________________ -~ 1 Etuv ry r Ts passe b. Feiai tonsg la -"tLs p"64 ti hrb ibolea ofs0< y u eruiw itgsmme doim. toënand qm"g ofthe 1mw et«id Adr Y let lmph e osu« et ob"ésiy ta- - îleo4-d ma emly, itusuld be mf bd ofi Justic.loraris lime pris", bj smmblum lit in fiatagsieur a Midle coetebaront W b m eL Cbryitd.,and lIse availime seh"i g"àWh*nda a vWb"m l se uiequred cafrme st MOUet ncesarily bleexpee lit la mmaietiy lIsporusmn i.j tyai public >swnall6ta taecaetribule o rards ths imprimas. OMM a(nthe motural mad uaeIecim condition af soc.ty. it la uic leimpartof eer gaoccli. Uý tà advocalelime libery ci t. pi-va.sa longur - U inmwberme, md ieomsse llas li- flfant ofa asacred trusat, thepeea munt olle deleirei eiîlmer blthe impiaue iaillety of tb. scafer ulime oea baud, or by liai mnrbid sellai- tivor. <a r n n tiat. ageain.)a tle Oiher, biaving lu tb. persan of il& Pu&- sesr .d elIf amenabla ta fair eiiSU, vauld canat.. n" cruicissa loto lici.usa iéeZ. If ihe prose. (wiiclbas judijvbeau slied lie tracledmilim1 e amrri-TGvliimita rî">icimie sis ceptible aturas vamili assige ta i, ifItietre.s corenaIai public opinion la la bu arreessi by in. purent ibrea, time «vox et peter«a niil," of tiluls. Whodemsiilutisbai, then imiessa i v iiiIbs powerful angine b. friiîered damn te a nir mc iiy, thon viliiils ars h. pafyss, ni ccii destrayed, its energies prostid witl lb. cxpreomoa oi publie opinion b. stiilld, lii. e simis icit religion. mad scisnce, and lite. rature are making for tlb. mamelorallonOaithlb u. aman faenil viii b. îeudere.d unavmitmbie, for liey ai vanism, hlue Thme vili folly remain unreproved. immorlilY etalk abroad mbclm.cimd sud lb. futle attenapis aif igorrandmlpresamupion laimpose pcn lie mauktu il iicease.tlabc tati up to Publiecou-c teompt and ridicule. Feuth ie Pics.faroO1,hI as8 as nîlgimisce chaia down lb. acean, or lâte Ca. oute, bidlb.he aves httay îbir course; as vaîl mit v.euisingmish lthe Crater ai Veauviua, Or amtheielava wbic bebole frein Ibm burning bW sous of Et% uasdirect aut effarts teasu uudeî- takiag sa preposîceraus. Thme reapona nfia literary and acieWVw 1emac's warfare, siouid b. lima.. vhich alrictly sud le- gitlacali;belong ltelime depart.menîta ic ibe lna cuùiota abine. Wimmlsiouid va amy a persan wrimamving pravcbed thb. muack of mn d- vensat by bradiaimig a reid belote bis face- sfruulalorard sel.,r hiumlf bottin!mu.c.. part swardsmmn inr efr lie pnrpose, mid ainsi widi arapiat I Sîotuld mecol avertliaIb. va leusîg jusifiable mias un defieding bis cause!1 Wia bcOe ada limai ii. rttions to ivel lb.h ?pring.lsde aifiscovîcige bave braugiml dom-a oa .l Zevte limd te veli marilci ccnsure aiflime pbiprsinvlcad Of iavOkicg legal veagance,1 te pumisht the delisiquent vim bas darèd la wieid lime -iran lmace of celiticlani" over Isis vritinge, ha oughl iter ta bear bis buteniints vitim a patient îhi-ug." resume is pen miui sheia i 5ucb imk as iho cluosesun bis oma defeace,airimhaI imn b.aoryaiinstances vouli lie tlb.tuentpra. deatcouse -my otbing mare aimout it. Timat " hure u . friemdihup in rade"l'ia pro- Position, la wichslésr jolgament cannt Doesur- vedi, arseal; neibr du s@IbinkliaIlthe dicimies ai iriccisimip should placo a stuaîblinig. biok in lie va'of fairad open cricim-es. peciali;, uhen lia criticisa ioi. ffered ina aspirit free front asprit or viadielivemîess. A persan mamy b. a sincer. fimiln, a gond neigibour, a dutiiol sou, an affecionate iusad, an indulgent parent, b. mMy naite in bis pria. over relative and social incste. for tisse le viii desorve tie esteemu sud admiration ai *Il goami .sen; b. oay evun lave acqui-ed celibrihy un bis prafession, and for tti. b. ylb. iscarisi viW" siiens ain hi. piacice, but vb.n b. satm e b lrste as a publie riter, and ilanse ioing tran- gresses lb. tales of litermry decoruus; Wb.& Or. ttoç,uPhyb>v ietrie and Logic et" lbons au, lis uriîiming under the.rouis b. bas ln ictd,;vWhou science lifte tut aeiled beamisud prcstives liai mie boas hein injurd inuthboiue ai b.r volauins, lime individuel tien beeoatss a- minable te pobie crilcis ; mand commaa jus- tice, and lime internatsaifscience eman, liat aum ne nsaiuld *tep foivard la vindicaliOn af ler rigt. Lot DooaanviWhoasPire@tla itonairy disline.. lion, euler an lb.e jmrny patm of pariadical its-e raure, ttulesm.s iamd viitapemlgliai wiii ofrclnmlly prenve hbu rau ltme lbbisnsud briau. uici moat assai hi. in bis course ; lot hlimmmbert liaI lb. lii. ai a wviilei. ni, ya «saefffl upati gart?411 ad if itela unhious la suatain lime i Iarcirr, bving pravcked ltrrry bortilil; spinal bin, Ib.eagit (&ourier reluct- mtiy,) boidy aud masfnlly la pfOceed. As long as mnkiu4 cuja; lb. fuli sud vnfet- leredDusetofthie pieu. for lb. Propagation af ibeir sentimuents, thore viii b. no necesil, for resait- ila las. eemeans ai raplîcation mid retalialian vLImic ae ml m-.ogcidb, camamoa usage;- illathlbobston Irc lien befoieneo, vo doural ta Ilu in it miiavoid lioe inuceaileae iiin- eqaiie. vici by.pmth*sprenant-. a 1ouldynofai our aumeroas resiruts uppiso liaI ti riaOran y p Oit ie aeonu te-' mark@ applies prtlalr ta bis Dore cas, let bimb o.r lumiami.i a i el1th i ri atoe, and i ie Atm o cArrisalitic r «olu.taef bis Ouma poesur bamsei tmal «"i du Whousimi Em ba oum. siA"dmarer tre. item&" Uto !mint al le accSlalloas ofiIl .ejmious ueinkioe, ert," e., viliout condeending te ahor the mciii vberinheyconais; letiminaeconiouftd îwa vindiclivse spirit" vitlm tie ieuire prenant ta lime alimd aievary eniigbteued ausisenusibleMnim ai rescung scincefmoi. b.iug piotilulsi la in- telleelsalvla",t bi lin aIM "k Ioeb ia- vtulcimnature inteni dfor is, lemtgetlgw youi bis deptilhonmmy b. feresi iclucIsael ta cry aig immeour"! Liagicu lma 1JUN[US LED! VIVUS. Làses Drcivoa.-W. lave l..ut in de1 1; expecialmon for severalwveis Put ai seeing @Onge maice ln lb. adinistration papera. cihier b.r. or la Tarmratcflm wpeaSlom rNLSas. val pele raivigstle Superieadeul of Jadis. Affita, lioli appas, laever, %kat ont Ca- temaesmiieame dppoe.edta bosim lie malle, np> li bbe anuIak m ev. limaisotusel WPg UsverY sureai. Jrvis' accaunats; uns Uv. prio. malle inItimais iildurits& Ibo lu.t sesion tl obial sué a e " a vndpalu-ie peýIuin Tb. .seas se e ha mios.edd t eS I 1 .. ssu 05'pluca iinte case oaILE su eapbmmal WU ovill oi, Ontle mia Ijas., lai. le hi.im ewliusofipret.r Mr. sue man ia.ie ë PsEfeIn egisi*tete y ou aein, ieut sa a clitale lie 0ssamci u time Woflad CamaL il. e i esers, vM à,f l ,la e.lIse gelieome. louai Durerait- seai aganai haP Ita bha e-- t et k m ay admtng iv . Hys le auperlu. ignii lb. oan anta l. mibe auemow = lieba @V« gcà article or lel-enlar. taIe vl goSa Mr se vaga& rdu . Nusan, voit g *» MM lim c"atial h ook Prepared dariTeO-iWirnQme f<msth,& Cstbeiom 1w ts uve1it pelut. imesgmaminveueOfIboi OOOWM » Isua etlem Mc Motm»eas las Mr.si thun e ie -uustaaervoulutaken Io Uam m = c~'a e ment <m n pee.proment raui. FSorbui srvi M.l"i. ccasia une mbe.11Thesutu«tton o dser« ifintepraise. lhe Giazette smili, «"copiei pelj videly aveu We camnna'diamnse Ibis subject >iliout a fer inoa papism hci m io, and perbsps fusel. a varda la comu-ni of i te usai m4dacliviti friesdiqaitiso te lima govu enut" Wim;, Of îe polace foi-ce, 0» and aIl. Na., viio as. lias, idlhe Gaette preserve silaos see1g1- isieiaitlb. Irie bave received suIs, a public or Suzeiy bis "iudisputalbi.mtbort " u'bt baeprivai. ackuouledgeiaeul ai leuir timmel, and beau kipper abtaineL EBst ont ien- ' eu. rmiabsservices, butt Mr. Rmeil sud tb. Po- lenpomaiy ininules pfeuy boity itlMt. lice wrimaovetoatr. Iragioni lb. viola of BaNSÉOn an" tre banspulls smprssiai lime te- the aveutfùi daj on vîlihit occred-to riose mark@o ian lepoas. Lot us give isslml.msnt per.evevnce ma&W clVity ae*ose, Ieceliciof n ini justceta ailiparties& goois just mnctoued inatmtlribu tim e i eu-arcb Mmr. Eouton. ce timin, mut wmh a smilai iaviug exli.dei evec ta Cb.rlesbaurg. Anciennue f.aliag. bave perusei lb. lamntuiations of tb. Lorevie, MmiSt. Aagusie).,.ave0 mol amdoe Upper Canada papers ever the brisiipe cf bis il Ibis snttmimiad bal Iteir labour.simave la Iretimeut lanlime appoinaient ni Major Richard. aeca beeu noilen. Whoeu hiti renembri son. le viii leara. vith sirprise, tbat b. bas îhot thel orartjroutine ai duiy vas mot la. bea Irealsi rita grass«inuie; limailte, u ertuplaib; thmsenxtraexiStios, e trust îbmt iadumricas and iaiiifutsevait,bas bia nsuper- saunaexpressionuof tiani. s ab.iegiventem seded in faautraofn.* vba i nsaMs.coin. as a milmalus la renouai zeai. paed la hie, and ha beau abirmiily exiied ira. The vluainlb.thepropery colilee y lethr m posntvluicb b.eoccupied wrîtI liility aud bonor, aainnus ta £700; about £2W Wrth b 1.ibeeim ta une of " lema ;espectabi lily mai net moretlimam pr.vioasly deliveria, maiing tb. total value ai one-immif the emnlumeet." The icipolic docte. articles »Wve £96.-[Quebcc Nsrcury Jun 14 caine upon bisa liii a tuderi iii, mud r ieb bai!1 -Laiton a bous. lu Alianimrgi sud remotvai The City Couaili metlelnt nigiml, aud alter ta- lis ismil,," sud lid sai la bis sani "ltaie Ibine king imta conaide.-mions time reaoîliona ai lb. es' bis csp of hope la dasie ta lime grani, Canerai Commitîce mjournai, titI te-mai-iav and b. ins ud , ldegiaded ta the poitloai-"lack. eveanu. tender mmnd depuîj-roaei o rotadCrasi." The distribution ai effort@ sti» caultinuni.- " Sucti in lie taie ariginmiing in an Opposition About 4M0 persans, a lts evecnmg, bave paper, tbn St. Calteriaca Journal, sud cjmed hbei* furuisbed itb themo mat necessrj articles prelI; midcijr, even lalo paper. wticb ,Ira Cas, of cloltg.. b.edding, &e. aud, pariape, féee, a iriemdty diapositian la lime The atock onca4 aud l li large, and mihlltiota:i Gaveramemit. If Ibis more ru Mr. Bontan aricles comininl, ai volt nu gi-eut umbers of voul, indesi, b.ea ill-osei ment, foi re balleve sufeérers appiyiug forÉkaîL thorais n question liaI bis effiieucy lu bis Thme gret ant lrladgimgs, viere famailiea posl ent:iiod hitu tahie muet favonrabîn con- viii ie able la live separste mcd un longer bad. sideration of bis superiora. ThmmI avourabie con. dieul up togoîbar.ltote Il a..ail camfaît cd sideratuon hi, casa reeuvemi. He aras rrnmotrd tb. danger of beallb. aiis oim- request. lie applied fora afien les Vasonp, Bricla;irs, Ibus. Crpantera. Juin. lucrative, but wcich hoe considcîcd marc pana. ers, and Labourers are mach riaici, and, fer a ment, or vbicm fur sane climat reasca beal kaavn lime, yl no dolit, get igh rages. Camiammu ta himmeii, lie preferiel, aid bis application m-a Labourera, at prosmpt, bave a Dollar a da; mnd attecici ta. Sa ffm he limon«imgany .ien. soute moe.-[Quebec Gazelle. lion cf mjurcg hum berws. appauuted ta b ofce c'hich hoe coveted, and selecîni la prafetence la Rereu of Lte Munreal Markets for ithe Weîk snreral aIerrcandidates, nea ra rdn for thie ednJ 9 srvice reaierci b; lii. as Superiitendeat of ml Jn 9 Police ! FLoua, for lime past veau, bas been much leu Tis ilatement vo are ensiildla mamia on onquirsi for, titan fci a similtitime provieuî, and indispalable autimril;. Our readera may rcly an second rate limpidselime trice bms gîrcna smav upon lime fct."' a lilîle, ou îag la titere bicng a cumbeî cf sucl Nov Il sOaiappeas taIAMr. Beamýon je-ci sIteferced on the ciarkel by lime acacia front C mues ggievd i ui uueammeîtli s ecan aWest, wrima igmitnereat byand Ime Iran. Monimai ut1maihaae,~~ani a mj camgebt anaction ln baud ta susîmini lie price, profer aelling aMinal" m oudt radslie gmBdi-nminbuo an- eI front la. talaI. (Id. put barrai belor thime rgulîr amiabali oru oferod b;tlimagzee, v oeaa amarket prices, rtier titan tla aire timir fleur and plantia wuoffredby he azetewe avea lave il a ha acîmi ereafier, anu oýco îan;mc right ta piesame, becamise n tismfactaruj one an î oudîal b ril ;îm rnia could lie o eredofWbal nceminethearticle beihe principa iîed c ontcieligbs encr eniera bere vimo reholainîg lime beal ibrande mido n the secret reccases ai JJutç'a closel muli aasiigi as lie; have reacima at an; peruio vs tîcor mol, butit rauil appear fromaitb. Ga- Ibis esson. zle's articlethtat lMr. Senion Phmaen puacitd GEità;- Onrqtaiio for WVieat in morl; lias bisgalary bea auteesita limeexpaase ofai -.tercipefo aad etbv time hupîc ; or boy ini h li e cameidora dis- ee lirme cly lia.Peaad a tVs ae conenai ciremmioitoe qul bppy Pw .good demaci aI fuli; oct qîclation. bapa lime Gazette may lb. ableata Litreurtmer Pitovî,îoti.-We are mol arare ofa mi, Ias- ligtue a thslie subjeet.-Lib. actions in eilier Park ai Dcci beaai a muri îe- bIELÂNIIOLY SCîCIDE.-Majot Beal(., cf Wood-tail buainese. stock. llrock District, commiîîed auicide aetîthe AenE-We expiesseil aur fai.e mt lite dm Britiah coffe. lHause, la Ibis Cil;, oa Tiursi. lie Imperial Parliâment reduceml lie minI; oa lait. I per htb a entkn rs iatcîràasie», m-len importedintb Great Britain, i a ppe odcarellmandb. ia is b... taitau. liaI lie Britishm markts roaldlieb. cir alicîci suc dimedcinîl; ma 11 saposd îclcsu itb limît arti-le, lma a im wuduiuimalit; b.e extra porion wbicm camsiiis deati. On a aligeul la abandon 1ibeit production ini liis coun- Ponl uoteinexaminalica ai thme body;, hree try; mnd aubeequent aveats, vo ara sur IDtia;, large laupauny mails wrt.fuai intime sloîuacb ory tn aîtegbntn pno.1 l. A coone's urybel aninqust p Iri4y adluralion lu thme iuîy on Glass, b, imcreasing lie Salruaria mter m protrmcted investiation, nupin ai Pearl Aube@, taiseil limevalse ai deeue immiesdniecaetasde: TaithelimaI description ; sud Pots paitook iligiti; la drmltorng mai vler Bdose ,&, a hedroczse cIM hlie afoi- lb. monseul, but tb. latent sivicen vbici b. ina d ue i f l babil i iciu ,:(rom Englaci raproient theute bave graduali; SwiýWy, bin e tattim i ao- i e.:: ettisd dora ince,ad liemre lt in repreat- icinll;) bîngallaI imean stte ralr. d asu icg extrema.ij i, nil h avj stocck rallimn ai mini, niicb prevected bi# n inîg la bad; and benc. timh rmr e letre tian rimaite vas doing.'"-[Examicer. îbayera et omt quotaton r ulpýi.1r» Tie Queboc Gazetta ai Venday oys :-« li- N. sesm-iloop Vueuvios, Commander O'Cmi. SANTA ANNA LIBERATED. imgbmmi, baviag on hoard Hieii Lrdahip Lieutenant. Geral tia Eau aif Cticart, K. CB., Cone. The following inuellilgenco mppeare la tb. mader ai tie Forces ln Canaae, rt lis fmmiiy ciarlston Courmet ai lulFrilay. The ieeti. and suite, arrivad isbe.yeueria; about :man. ing oallie Ire ex-Prooientu vasuaomat ta- At Ira o'eiock, Hia Lotdsiip laitila on lie marlable concidence. Qumea'e Wharf mnier a sainte ira. thé CItadel, I..miarEMexico vrA DavÂA-We are and ras recoîvai b; Major.Gemeral Hope mmd iniebîci ta Capt. Pmtzeaomof lime Mezicsu staff and a Uumi-d oai iouimuofithié 43d il.imani. steamer Nepluno arrived st Ibis port ,esteriy,, ie Lardsluîp, famaily, manie, poeedfio, foi-lime ialoing iaformatiou : Moutl ti s afîstacon at ose a'cloci, lunlthe The Br. mcmi steerMoiray atriasi aI fia- &Itmer Cama.i" (Lod Catlcamaid suite sr. va" 7th mat. friaVers Crue, nhib mplace îb. r ivedl in Montreul yesteidmy amipul Ivo-oclack, eft lut luit. kving ai On uaspassegets. Gai. baving iauied Lad; Catimart *Saral.) Santa An, lady and Who w ma aeebanisimed ito. Marieo, ou timir vay la Vecezula GOarE DImavîcT Aaszms-A Sdueip- ,. g Thea British mmiilesmner De. aise sri-i et a ed-Ac limporant casaevas tieuluuriag lime past Ilmvmoa 7ti ual, ilh Gensici Bastutacte on veul-Cmetgeld v&s.Cameron, fat seduction, ioard, on hue aya; l exica- AU indiaions ai whum bas iesuiei in a verdict for iilaialiff£20 mai betxi aco aid tb.United lSttutbai damnages; periaps a mort aggravslung cmseoa codai dora. this ini lias acter beeu bromigimlbefure s civil Iliii recordadinl coeaiflime ilama paliers Ibal tribunal in Ibis Province. Tis vicliai aitie se- lIh*Frenchm sectetar; ai lelicO baea nult. ducer m-u oui; 15 yjams of amge bdangilna itbter ofeimn saldirs. Thme aacrtary bigil; respectable parents, moidlima case bas been md reu irai aofithe govranent oMleziea praompt agnaaînd b; tb. infaumant demice eselnip b;r reia, or b. vauli dame"i bis p @asis the atai nif tiis voua ofai ml crimea; au athtapt Tii Charleson Courie dii 1fuuhimucg ta praveimto vltiic a wreek oni vrtue, &a béeWe lava me positive patlculars aIc îe cours. parnt-ber arn mote-ib. amigatar a( ber pursasi i, lie Mexicmn gaviemmeil, lin aam.b- iauçble'a runs The verdict is ne aisquaing smala Aim, bel Capt. Pimn informe as punîsimenltforsud an offeuce.Ifan crime on tha; b.ânaderutaoodlimai tie decrua proscribai mu tb. Statuts Bank la desctviet cf capital p ls a bssen e llonear-litbs ailvale pael meut. it s&Ibis. A lfeima la a peuitaistlary vas respecta-libai ho ba i vîliim a aare cauli matraiair lie deep injr iimiced ou ita amourunlof moesumd wasin gond persoult eslîib individuel and ounsocial; h; ucb a villain..... idii p"i. yoïnog iudeed in ,aam-a. but apparestly boer7 luIt is eatlii I al aUanticipations of vm be- guilt. This crime bas hean mamie a paen lacy treen tb. United States andi Mexico baiinimaimi offsmce iu tame o<411 e igharing ButS,= a d-n-ami a îslrong cal eivdinacliasnrcb re are aasredaitwi vuli b.mchlms.cans-.ras tie casesla le c ibal lb. beNeptuna, lime mm iu lb. Province, wve.tlis ssicer ta be property o aien». bad bie ariemd ta refît, lass i&isthie ele of lar, aMd puml@ebeias b. whieh t rofa course net lave beau danes if te shi o i t cntimnoumesfêlin. Havoflenis it 0ov110111rere Oapiremonsie ai sué mu avenit. lb. Case. b.reve-, liaiu nier aur prenanttleur, the lapins simd retcbed femaie, rita. an b, o..fa îep, serai lb. ver" u icme, _________________ vithers mci dise <iOIOaad iu obcuét, S iee sviftl, dcrawtagomi-trivatis.mbu miil b. aie 51%masbu ..a.is meucmer vrals abi<ad,,.and lascaieely frevmei Vit.REr-c,-!porenlet, irn enusaor e upu b; vba i. callei "aiaecisy." Ourslat nuamere mof jour palier. liai ys. huneîadmit. taa av» verydefictive vith mnpect ta "tIi eu. ed fhaelails oolummisan emocaet mi sesreemi en are graatiy datât vIellrtiers in vmatnSadusiencuescooneclei mitI Vhie" Collage, ellougI in Ourt prenent Pariaimeut ta enucta lar amid asliasaffaire Tela"ePdtcpaiu uts yef aieqm e leils rmal. 1l-Mr- Eomlloe, Of Co- I almeliierI, toanse i v u theils b bo-& w-rien i. Pamusam"uy eaus agV% la- idiovtng cimamuiuenaIIhw iius Ireida m miea et cie e. cusater, but usu.iv. se lb.=il r 0< b. Luamsu, s< sans 5d, re tliiui, e tie lie, verhut »upot bjee t usdit ta ee bhssh pps itemslie HOus., W.e esîly lapeàliai a bth.Er.aaue, iderJ"lIa" yue aeesle- maîmim et l iving ti. absct *nuie foAre vina lm Ibave laidtle "mm» t seisîn mai ipauLismei,-i Il matse_ o -Tei.I--- lv a aaiaeopsuI eiu icim1 ccut permui ta pasrelitautapublic no- lake part intme e-ec~ tire. And a-hilereierig t,îil, i ebalil denvor, lie;mcivisssîî bc îîOh iaa mL witi yount uni parutnsiicr, Mr. Sui-, ta totale, adcsd lime t 1,:a'C ae iat t li in as eleatas manier as possible, certin mifactuo Ofupieakîs, ras avii lt oi c wchbmas; mffo-d lime public anupportamity tt miii;speakers apcla:e juige correctiy asite lb. causeofIl aalganii'm"n y a eirqee, i dLÀ unmiappl;eaisiing b.îet neiml.acting Principial in bis ability .t heî *suneu oaa hi.ialndeus. jsigned bby ittiei i h ' " l ausmomlltng reposPrnfmoar Hointliui let-ii ssb. îl;ouedI ~ l t r. i trust 1 ammi b. guidai b; lb. aphri of a 1 (TrIol Iixlua.-î.-d fiee mnd diapauiautiaiquitr;minitete Cartd-I*-i- nea aith lietratements lconthamue, vitbmetl] ri- ~ iuipngcung tie motivesi, or o-iarglug bu. ritm "Victoîria Cu1le.e , .Li, - kuocing i ntsating or aiitimug au; csseiil i 1cannaIt bsîp.,*, cire-ucînance in bis accolnt aoftci laaii.1 i lerupon tlima rd,I i sincerai; thamilJoilm for lb.eiigimi; favorable ai- ohll; fl'ei4 hnu,~ msions lieobasamamie la mysetf ied amafuli; sat- gemilem'ofean -lie t ceai.: i, isfied that lue tas mamiemiaoiiltectmOuat mistepre- rase. The Principaîl , l seulalimîn. i alsc appreiateis bjeuct un atulf1. îfrontlient every uay et tort, iuig tu -"rinadiellie' trainimatlibeconceives' ta e ho -euhahe abouti uno c iarge llciea, lcaac adtransactions, or exçoeed th, 'pIl ceaduet bavae beau exposo e lo niavarable Il sus. red mtleb; soure partiesu el'fo*t picimns." Buni m-ile 1 makis Ieeeadmnissins, i sta .lnding' as a sliid Un Ii ler u arn axiousa liai lime me/ole îruth b. briogmt le the Badis, lchai thuent - c,îý ligiml. lmieatr i e -îrî i cu'yod ta iI l appeaus ta methat . Hurlîmt bnqaile part; iii the a ,a."a'dJd 1 l, mitakea li a rmge traagimî gaiart Mr.ilt.oc- diea ad'îqese il o Nab, cf b.iug 44infimiecred by polîtiral umoies" ltiiibeheued tlobe, la Il, nie lu bis canine-i in Ibis affait. Ifi1 igimly untier- bauneislbe traîî a.1 ied ,r stand 3our edutatiialim te 28t ut, lime claamre mi iiOOScuail tIlle o is lia Mt. bMacNmim mut bave been dislmmlitied tele' in llt vit, ltae supposci allusion le Mt. Ityeroïoniîn arace hiefl i uatiri 'rinp4 m; oraîion, vua-ring i sa- otatbemmin p1oeutr irie luievrI a lime fancmns partioandaihlIm îneriLenaia-," rr iiipoin l.il' n*tiiia-- &c. If tii viem-lbe correct. your infencae, Sirn, son) fee, hains.-h agigr Cao , miricrs cilli lie opinion ai mhonse nim believe li njr1îiaionî i limaI the groad faii ntagomntva totn mg ilicsîuin l ioproabahle lie bIlfhole - tb. aboîrmt-a objection wm-hbnuigimt baiereîiairk drîîp»eehb; nlit o'e beeauImi-algimlagiiml a siajrty oaihelim ller4 days sîgO-tbai I ijai b' speaker.srmim au pmicb pnaprnetua gaiîist miii laid daisan iienîiî.î1 self.-utimcmerel; ro fai-aslime ieecri&lion 111 dwe mi dwould not h-eai- - = ienovrams auppeaed la relate ta Dr-. ;ellomî. ltice . oryiiii, if bUv ued eb 1n Isubitul t0 pour aunerons sud iliteligeil itaie oprtiu." m 'ieli'elus - reaiets, isiare Ur aon bave kiadly, litoigi tien. Tili5s ltie da uh entirel; viieut mn; sulicilalian, laid Uie FI).i -rance, and1mimiIIiikcraiîae,, presseul ration, rtielet, il time aane s ii.i impresion. T ial lie I'rauJý., lion i e carec., AMt. MarNoiab, bas not tefl-cîid cting tunjîotImtlac c -.--i mlcorse everel; toan bis patron, tDr. IR. ii ëo iOread rlaird t;isud thait h c re 1 basail; ascriiting te bim lthe description va t'sirmaiofmijuice, I dinn il due lI ya ciararler, limma ie bas dune wmima ite-hielju- *iimmne, thaI lie, Mr. IL, fI ii, Irailure 1îiarrogaiv aeerirî I,î Wiîiîh lm 'heOBrab'ýo feelings" Air. Mac Niperluaps 1I îîay bc lrrrlulutîilu in said -cever le bave 1mîi led"issae ni, Ile lPcincîipal iaile uetti ing t ct Mypurpese is la shownilaitstfatain-h bave lthe iuiiier diîiîîo1 r bave Ieen ovinced inlime pieseal case. Anit î- rgard tithie partacî!air a1 iividuata"motives" rata oni; be ascetiaied apa mlii viO RiLe-ilthe mci franco tb. ciarater aidevident leîîdeîrv loi loias 1aibn, î.tlirt X - mces. i bave ui cocmpiaint ta male agalintIii. eregariiel as rvrt h~e amoi 7" Pa", cadut, uni yhiebu.recent comib t woîîhl stitiilîi,n,' rvas nîîîîî eidi jicie binlunlime preemut instance. Tactheestlair- ieeta donc i lait i mil i I îsi ' mentltlimaI1"ba manifesled un esnnest de-e. lai,, itign!rc i L.as uvarc,!uv lime tory lait bout, la haie the yiitig gerilirrrial, beein r;iimed i igîîîvIe 2,!i lake part in lime oxercies ai that day, (chiSte.) 1t0 re-ril uaif1ad uilîvii proviiemi lie difficallies m-iich liien exisîtdciol l aan w:asmci fout lia iiureni e. * b.n go adjusled as tojastify i," i b.g Iloue, iiiîhi[0 do Ai t file.- tý A raet "I'i sil respectlt le melearcemi geritlenail b; C lriOlirlaîîaeriiis a i h,;,a imaleta taire exception. E.-.uîe cva Ilîr'hin. Ar c'aît 'iil' conîrar; ai Ible exislte ton ierng,uin myuOpinioiin, tage at iie ust LE., te warrant an; ettict fotZ'llstiûn- I Jh % ee luit aIttelaîî . se, m-b; did MAr. bMaeNllh iamie t le ctih alrde.-S air adcored il.i eti ing offer rchargent]tapon lbillla; an ariiyiitt-,U'are IlliecirccIa-' II ceriter inlime Ki ngston lierla neiipp-iîr-iliil rlion oai apiiiIia iite.. "i w ould resiga, lbe mouid l salle upuon Iliaielie il -cmeniiireîh, m l"(a i \l stage, sud aflerrards in lime pIpera, liai1hailliioriiy ipîinhtiri i lai, lua,!, lý1- dosaovoluntail;, eramscutlie tonelaieofspei*- rchiose e-\du-ed, ioii-rVilaitr' ers appainleulraa logreatl? Vliy diiiibmemalle lmiicaplsîversin aithe alo rii repeaudci ffées udalicilations lu nyeif pet- Ilial lie ut s OcelIrrulr l '1e v - soumly,, auvaîloas Occasions, duriiig liri t -c-hi ahove iiicniune I ia. î'an til r-o- jetat pieir la tha Exhibition, te indure me la er..coolin proeuîîarg my 'iIii sign? Dii b.cal stale, sortie tunie befoîre lie EiI- bu juive very j ust l; isrreiv"- bibition, ta oue or lue (pcuimîps rorr) ol theexplanalion is duaillerii-,luo speakerse, limatIl lie baoi ne ntonuu(uopr eciai-Initiutioun, ata tha lii hCaorhI1ea tienta 1aI abouhmi appeau u;tpOî*liae rige' h ! îi demîlem ctulrse parmiard iitl, -te' he net promise seaucofthie propuisemi uprRhke, nucli reice tl e uc acpa-o.r juml b.rfoic limacluse cf lime Exaiiinaýiti, itIl i' ifaccuy bunulam fli îiciai n'ide I voulit not reaoigmu, b. unistrilue ni; nalire off lime coîîîpiaîîîî bru - iiiut. 1, fa' tilier iI"tNa;, dii lieot aerrelly, inicîi saic-tune ocîrce i'foio li ltiie ' tien club one ortinvofnitlie mre'-, larîjo lt u-*an; arraîrigeritlbeie te re'oi rie rl denîr, douce la an uuderolan.ling abolit flme eeamv-1 quarter leithfwefii flv i' la! fn po a palion, ta lie signeul b; ailileiily ore-m 1 Up laOilehreuvili rerI' speakes ceci, cocdietprelcuice or addîîg luithie ceivemimi un lniîinfron the pe inteursl of lte Exbibition, b; ditiniiiîg thea1 rbinm oîn i plain. 1 regret t;.usIAte esaliber appointed tlaipeai un limaocasioni, i clucollision witli a !liilri orier ta rtivone-a certain tAee riamthue lierI! but 1Isontnultlime sggrcnuor. l'h: ,iîa AndI aftai the Facul; bai derided dntelma tvn mouli niaîtnie a'une,hbu tire îiai. ilneto o al , as not lime second proper gît boreater nesoit le Vielrîi!:;,"'a . up furrlthe express purp ofa prcuurimgig as; te- pose vi mlbainin)gmn education- ILinii mnval ? If )lescisaillaitan " adjustmnent oultime diiliwrieilmer tlimle lnIliceîiînDa i,iiir culios," rim; did lie refuse lu sate la me lthe enîtemtaining certain Felîlîmeais reireerri grund ilobjecaion sgainsl mcei porsomial; inecirbharaclers er sbjme-iueoflieddir, 1 Or i-aimer, mb; did ime sa;. no .mlifaot; teisunlime hlimahellaieci of[jealeîay vu trý.il lad iera, aid b. betieved nmoae could bte alcogsol or Iwo f tris"lpet" nu.iicinniu, ho i i1 agaius: ni; speaking 1iVhy dimiie uni.ad privaI. lion îa'l.edisrarei ai ticeptaiaoi et«q inlerviera mwiti altiet aludeuil and it tt ryèneli, lies. lias pulutiple once concied. iiau aid delinaaola-itimilanuingamy eaornes alini- cf tli lutieplrabme carartir rll Ka talion, ta bring me anmd Ihose tobjectiig lu une Tièe aritirrary pallier exeuci-ed in 0ou hala lis puoianceanmid lb.nprevence cf lihe Famol. mna; be repamîciunotiatmsue eovam-8 t;, aud endeavair tiuuta pricran a muait. Wbat ;rsîerda; rau rarisda's, c muent" 1 And wvb; iiilie refus. ta do meu -ten to-a n ny assume îhe phare v'ea ru; Pc-ofesr luîrlbucr hietseyfumadtis e soier piwp- a sîale ofu limugoo, n&er i ripot di It ioni Did haie tt esâae tle ier lime iaitîrluacieCr, Donet[e ar reiltr cd î lue College Biati, anà resait. ta sele iî Ilion- shîn itïcîf, eanl oiiîîd flie irinocrat 'r" sslfi i ltetancer it wu finl; dispauci of, Lav.- Bloc. ing piemgai iminsoif ta liaI allen. maidaflerwirin, In just ici, Sir le nayac:r an] ti«c1 ;ieii 1telime suiggestion ai Mr. Il. in admpîung ilie 1 hase ieenmiei tht siîeai aa measure rhiri b. diii, lue-kil; billiig upun tuase-caioîa-occnrd, vd-y by nysrlf.ua plan ici'l tentatve ait parmanat respvneiiliiil;train sipgrýstiiin-iiipnat,!y iece,,'at! biirooett" ? Amdi i i net a melI-kilow tf ac, Iubat, J'vurs, tt-îtli cepera, alhoagh heha baicocîcnuemi rraur'ly witb sainie J 11.Joli e, or Ivo memb.nî mof lie Beard iOrloibis euh- L'Origuial, Junt 21, hi-I). jedl.- à&' cier laid lthe ffir bei-ire limaIbodumn- tl le; m-ten.amabot ireakitg uppmot a a itiilag, la attend lime Exhiitioin, and tmad ti-r haale in KINGSTON ilERALI &-rW imaummiafor tAt u rosue ?I1siate adviv-eiy-, limaIAn di mvi oree ltte MitàLL the Jadis of KiSOTIimA' Jt 11 Me mne, buti>remmIedthe-firasi docuseai, uch 1mi ________ ha iutoemcwùmi appri milig tment ij Lme pxiai- mmo ohrdocumncts sagurd bp aU (khIe ps ed A rublie Meeting mas rulld ill.fi speuiers excrpi mpseif, and (f'the erùlrntfue-iious. mimd ieli in the Court lli,uaîlenI meu if tAossudums, me-/mo, lue /muv (deelned, crier le taie aaîmres ir tse relieforis aiumellaaiei eirce horuol lthe authoriiiem s o f era ;lmi i iQrmc iî o Ilhni on. Healmtsa mittei ta mention ~tie,iEsq., ras eallai ta time Cheir, &Bd f grouds cf disagreemeal belveen bluelf moi Esq,rwu appointeit Sermelary. Thie lb. Proessera. lktappeer* lamae, aier ail, nel expîsced thuboabject oaIlhie meaein,ibt ve; apiuintary lu tlobnd oaicaer of a Puc- b, h'fullniig reololulious mie8Po liàc aittiloefeu a procinsaet reomber et ils Fa_- mous 1; cuil; ltamay, limai "teo(the Principal) mnullstei 1. Moved irlb.lier. Mr.*iîda, «a irirm ieire'tc accoeaplisim cai Iraor tare. b; the R". lir. BoteIhl ofhi W utei prevented us infi- ouiding î1 Timal ibia Meeting ilcepl; 0 ins Wiet lb. abuve fonts*aeut cm, a, ir.1tilait uffecrera b; the -:onts sud8l tllseigxu Doapaûsluiasecuiii;for s zpai.- l'ire et Qmembec, viiebrcoin li ot 1 haglthe am of Cltelo&td' inm ie affiir ; foir ig auemmOflimacharitaleansd bmmgage mautes but littia tier '« -ag puisamil repa..Canada. .ibiiy b. teeausi fron,, jusMac Naw, the .pull. _%. K M dhlo X.B.[lîacir, 5* Nie vii isenia leaosulhp "'reapeesîbis." Mr. Glamz- Tie folk7wisg ole, Ulici1-retre,ti hu e l. Tbaî a Ciamittilie pPoiDW4 nes Pf saI ma iout m oubome Exhibition, ta aiu te gésirnBombr, le uolieit onQuo Wn bscr dlit ai ras acim cicau aiei froia is bsas ii of the unfortunie sitifeteetîQ hot of speakers riblant lie asWmet af any limai b. foiloicfig g ealo do celle Pesion obatoie, smai lb.t rAil î won-rasrill Cesmie ams on kiso ie uemlsibtup" M.«, "Vicura COLME. Commas, 'moa sK W aliin.a- ab MNay, 104& 1 4lum H lenr; Gil eln,Cbii e1 Des amUe-L'dWs alb hesa iaimm of0<jamaisW. Uet le ousi eW i ta e umui duy le in6mY«us & N 1aib olis miner Es. .8é eue bd gr" jsUalUP ivessu lmun mot welbed tig d5i0eonIo sbe d lu tei a or itr l laitedlaI 1a ouperviMM tbhie publiC lm whenîOalydo t t of pubIte IM isuant.art Me ori rani aofiudt i pher. b;eRej iremtypai cenpo Ye la undang t gta, aud an ,Cti - ns but Borne loin in 3 verdiei ing ont! Timne iqired te cnm a emer band, o Ibis requutemm lamfrnus ln Ibi i, will uësule le oir iemis. Ti m'a Mil.setonm- ig publie rliIh do umaicain th% "all! arisespeu ugo uno the puai Ms jadeiauarm ýpn lie Jure g l lmu presm in b. grout mi lav pnemm i in a mter agi le parroma i place, m in el0 cenoures upen1 SAltersi, ai loge Iig! avmy vi id aitb ereya hOmmes s te uf 1 piiale pr ue paront -i up vit, %W mou8, limit i eà inlmbsîs w h pisalse suc nase 0s, 0 va cible unlakv~ rauo d p

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