moe hi thst t5 jue ,%m laC hig, 08ali> te rcai o4 'aC ili. so i as naî mapis le ut "-y Y o i âch i aoi ippodn theuert 04 et«P Ma'he eettajs ZQ iysse ptiiduln la«ur t D"utuent siuot du b ral î0 uiiy lie Ycflleg. an t malte te tîh, rdsi prsaont of Mie. lie trofesto Yf lnI thhclle 1!1 erop el y e enl toiîenh aui n ainenoalr hieCor D'elf peiiotaime plate it ve Pese tb.lh wbc Ial inei 1 1 til ti'" umstance intac I n st~ n. n T Ot the Pipalo bur Ma Ius l e i n c on v rostio amn anie nti Iba lit l> dd e, d dt itat us do al.nOî ma> bpnitd lu lqnete" e partculî mdvi lat i net tiserntdouen tncb -l maean d 't n jut 4eteilii th autinîe f k~ la and l t relue r-al nid cd ill itlc o a. d t e mn 'or au 'a i aîe,, antiy ", ot cî .mIl %ffott iîue u i renl n inaY c re aerînocd ut. ne or ieu adî ctho arudnînlae, a p i0 s Pa ofa boa.ri ani luie t ne luI Exibiton, or Wh"Gnin theoi stea.l id' smeti - nacnîn o spukretîe a e luloi, sinîaî the une t. f hen nt veon of tue at 1 cîmee inn us 1o%'ir rulor >'v the sîttien n utian tis nWiea an ,0 imlaolnaur ce 1 vter>'ar coîl'nsrn' d r ,thîttà nle daue 10 ni, tr e p avro tel anibc h publict fe tine nnpi 1C le sec 11 af oexnan N sr,' en etol t i l ave t nnb ea' 1, uti as pen l'e lstnefu Fx ifljsry have'n'caie lemI tionth anlneiytri njjm riru î9lcanes a fhue n lbotii pantion (pkrm the psnny ma lontpin.n-wy 1 soorit tins t ei n son ofh a lair %w% ennIIIn toe Ibo grasan Tnrlîv auneutc taining Mn education -l ,tat le andtet ho ouic vI lecu 'gcetsan exptimeutn ofrtetg1 ýnand to hvealot osibe ais puli lit "pel" aturt, ho il emnuis ne pihnipe one oncetoti aortu reet lre caate rl wiil, tàn 1 lI>' pii.e rf cta sel une dinîU ptu tie pocit t moieont 1 1we 1*d> a regret trir au onpo'b y aseume ier lace ufjnsi cd îhîîîe, noîrbery repait pidu tut caor o ictrie lunue«at trm 'e ca, ir, an nivueain Idt iai tent liet Iboriien b bivi oegî n . an cilernt selybntiens re r1îý apI gt @-n nnetuop eabiy Pte part o luogram'itîtireaoptionofobeci sal Jaine once 1S45.ean oc eur paler uta clet b ino il, in te lins i iu ts luse us f'enti1aitt uedaneasregarer! ths unexoînh limassure atheee plaen uieln CD appinie esta. ie Chae theu mre cti es aioti ia-f:! cmd this sb.rewMsach nti'Nç.4D t-nMeen atliy eepahiiiin Yuub, wie eectti. urial ille 1, 184-a3. id beeting wa. cBvied ien Cotimilleues fil teppmtd reief Of . let ome5hoslc tIhcnuIIL [lieforue uest Queber wbn wa alldt tihepChaic , and F.M 'pnrGiIdS«etary.i~' The C thenSc o h Seig,.fe ring b>' C tons puer eris Wp L. the s, Re.Kg ,tb b. Zri. lerhPl-- . le c> haiIrls d.un sufrte s eer etb.e Chegwo'n.-loo mer f it fite Cidt. i DO 00 16 Io Zest II*L U iernéa w 00,0 t v*i« ome le - bat i*diessee e i ts, etd*0 &wu- au" 0U,,or'Wo0o, 2d Zea,19& Oel dtiiti.aessei e. je O55 u r toma who ows t saoft eâflit Q e 0 . O' re eM B goed tu »N VUg Te toB@1i, 1the. inhaîkae o tnitu te <.b îe y Ibo~ slhis ididtioe" fo Lrait n - Il ma u r or'wthe tiedfu te tisi tfor soirelit Btw 1e as jhe îllhbiant of otber Towns? No! hoto e have expocieti Umem tu gave, oeoUiiBept oft povided the>' ordur is ilid * î.lid, qui a a differeul affair: lihe wt S Iebr ghrott beir cuif ma u, bavecalied riu tu 0support heu ilIltr si ed Who weui D ot ielp unier s.und Du .8tbat bua Le>' i of . cau reuge to ,t*poid tute lb. iii, mwu goil ..lnier If atoihiieiitoumethtw wt reppooded teut soir jam, dear sir. Yeutroefl Pblisb in ancther celumu a commuliia. ai ppeared in the CIroiic of Wedne- ie1wolbe.The question it ProIPoes sdvred, ett et on one branch of the aub. the exraiets on the lus ot lîbel wbucb blithbe i nuOur ladit. It gras theUee ahow ,fair as Joit anti even severe critifiStil e s', or tînoîr publicationsi s concernil. I iet fulailneuse. as miuc, vie tbiik s,û'.rY. But euh thobre i a winle range inlailded inu îlot matter of author- t le discusiotn of wh;cb the presseije rnured to take a prouinent part, icth irA censures, when 1h.>' are Ir; '.n Theo pressile, lxppctedte, 0main- ,e Iperiinoli over erer>' thnng con. 04 nPubilie vwelfaire, andi especially to :",d tiîenflistivdue, renniko andi denounce ont nIC a; , metn Who eier are me 'puiii, servants, or who tirive niens' n hv r jn~tfrnmthe publie j1 thre b, amy remrisaiie on thene în,.nnsare Iliaa once tu denounce ,câfo t i nidcperrd2ncn', for tru:kling de o poneieng iribet, and aillthe carte. I îmnmm ntî p-i CO l.iiits against nnfaitbfuul yi t i lmIcr',if an>' inu'e r nel. niot cnr of Inel be broughl, e n n'll butn cane of theo ery peron. rvho fine IînnnMied [lie prest, balJ it bren i. 1in 1.inerlict of dannan'eâagainet it ijout Thon, on the one. hanti, the i r' n ne i La censure publie wrone duera t' e !hor hiiiin, sonne ut the Vor>' porions ,re ira renureluen. andi Who, perhope, Oin3i lcir complante if i be n. Id lennn tu piniînh lthepress for roi. "e n'î.Tinni, the press ie grounti il'1.1 'nnrLI ninncopinion, if it do 'n pabie rpu),inc and ntereatis ; andi the Ii iiY an 'n'sa nrtly front thewant of bt. s r ) he Pubflic mid, and pariy front ,!i n fn'e' e love of libel, eepenialy nirheh nnumSil malice. Tht lau. 'ngp o; are lwnya ver>' careful tu innI lire Jurnnrnti tre pointo, tha inu cases i ier" snnes malice: ou whicb vie iUr gret uniinjorty of itnstantces, at nu'v Prehinuns a lie. unie eau thore en as nitmen anainsI a tuitnwhom, niot 1:.f' neer sony, amd or h. knuowi, lenv,!nwn'excepî publili' Malice arsea *n!:epernnnîalI vrooz irinlictot, anti eau ipsei'C, und i poinnt of fncfsolliai, if n3- 'ie,ibr te riant ofeardes vwe are Dois, z.-aines spoipublineMen. Tht 1mw Lm:encait alOai inireppect tlutell auch lin mnzany vetu tlhe presumptiou of I, nlî'ngle tallet discussion on the ,nn.verY nni ii h nu aîy wuy vhat lin pa -t P lYr itiiorests, or ils r.. '5 'In theinpublic purge. unIn 'sofetcase, in which r rqiro, lit epublic t. - nnn.'l'le lI ielr it uflen au nn eý' nn nli tin P!iblie rbaîarter of the ,Ih3natls ni Csoy Intu iuenangle 1:,, oc rrlat theo jinelchar. id 0n tl'Iemil n mortant conuit. n b nlicIut ctilcme di o 10 ieces. scoatur lînoîr public cîaracter. If ila '"du nnuii sne b.habused, anti kv ,,,I,reasndrtevrt ' god.We """ 'e a uffirent rlation for placing et. ci ; vante Icîaracter of public imen on .'rî rin aiiac.son rivatperaonn, "Iesmmlimnwor limita mueut n ne hin nnlîeethe comon. " 1%, 1Ve rnvoi fo, boweer, go .s n' ne 1liai atme is;ni Priceecharager roi n 1 ir rhited, une. penalty rînenIb 1 . e,.nirincannally esnob 11- .,li e eured Ilot bey iuit liy '"-è É 1 îaioy a drtefeuice muet les sIsatiOcave. Alilthat vs i c u! erty of il cusanu. .ver>' thing Il thVe publinc raiain>drey eauui nia1 .arî ntappeara lobe censurait. "lC iahat libellera verte Jeue Christ i a Vsnndereanding the tigron a e nnee Oe1, degererate das. How ndPublic Mon atnd public inuuntittione., n iolaînt! How tho>' de. 7 Cnat "' proaion, hypocrie>', n isr'o' rîata, senalors, go. g ithoeP"'e9t a tIat our laie of libel 60le i long ilboîuthorougb reu.,i ofntîtn any sort. THE L.tW 0F LiBE. >4a *I pi a séeet imeisi. iepng get < arimuslte the >'t. Uuim>te lime lii. Ceuitte bI.BuM- ~~UtIê~ ~ Ici*un lb Upt Ji' s=S t ptelseliua ereeie a Entreonseflie be MApriL . % use%, ina pMWl~ le sis 20 ommm Id "MTMet, u , mm Reenie t mmet vlicis l sar Charle Naper qegait " lbPeudîeetetb" d NI uhuulue!*4InI ,uU7 ia ."ie bMart di brwBOÇU~ l. seau i. m T"tr lwis I* w Khtubaid lbfi~l.~utetiv stielt'..Ail liiss, aM u i n .dIge e a -ies*rél. eu.0( ihihe ais»li eiea pOlue cedet Agon"ral eoev. d =. < les es ime "Mep<C& lin pu*ub i. atiim s maruid ota .tiudêiSqiaiel iay0( au n v'me0m5m~e "snemo'bji a peesOil mi al ieliegpils ~nmas, t Wse bm ie t vs v *ât tlb Plant Caent t a i e~e aiatconsigne Mh@M W p ythe ià ve1sSsr ie euis. mamIdouaiers Ite Suai&mu"a in' i. lie G e tar" eis.Tbt ihgber bd l - "IM.901; t"dictssnti Partageasouvernier n' 0lieus. er cuir dme Colo p vinasvit ietemês>3, er. lidlie" tunnt el.emuig10uir lvIuqm trome t.foeltht e lew h un hoiiifrel,RI rteteeiu-I-l-ea.9116ead-ea(th<lb Th aii eb iturf -in m inkesa je anti lu ta=ahin. res zil buh.rvwie,'te dive pM.5n* ùiEimiBeuii sUh, mmd 9"if MWmi has feItrposeu.. eutlthe ptive.. falluljrtemilasy .eres als itw tiuc -____d_ tu.>' ~ kVýù ..i .l ahEfvirimiP"ost. ee Ofi. M,.u-a. OIlipegeam ori, et To CcampoNEuNTeS.-ý-.. Gipiit." aoi'l cc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s j =imsenop ulaynohottsecoe ci balll> . ve peiidabe potage ut bis loete, arnohvet "«ML s4Uher MC&Munuu<acesk t siermelmiaie fthe lbuilding&. lut fstue> Otxt sfri orcin <ttCaodW vim Borvhllt b m u.ftoeu<teclatau hW-.. l«es re Wltuitfe.i oretos fteCàoi totmlgtmi aiirolsj U nl ieroi». cf w - There is a 1- eer vloua." beweeq nomuee iad _____________ bel estillioeidlbà@ met 0tWi@a glaad-. her mevoir>'. tth Ematrer OCMon,»ts Tht. a:ILI liai .if apIa P>' masor terihierrepafnda te 1treal>'. *arôbtions imà jw bI1S. .~ieu 5uW'toe pres>'i Tien Om t pai pu'.a wm, peripaee i e a et -a@ ru' » renldees. iti. lee'shs, b> Madu a nte-pOtIN peeIt hatie Iuagtlked-0jeaetiOU the Ret. latent l eGg. lis iln.. J,..Su"b. At. am idepae. lia tm rrer ias*"*etea, t llen AtelaidW taill e Oseme, . n-V O6-M.]lc.m"rbant Md M. P. P. <fet* lieme &W dmaligeet Mdmit ivimdiitive dam- «crai ont etilhli eziiassofTebomt*ep.,Z.-Cmezm- <>' . iis UngOI l s a v sardi e re e anhoumlbutau. tm A gentionmain îata:prenant jaLoodon.i, ra-_____________ suecsetl f@ars toimei'leaumie. ai viti tdme cesarp porete b>' the Meskca « For wvueMWanti iter Wealdit ie b.taepetheIbm eruaent.laD domsvidai t.e Assch asee. and te restit 1the Tas NEsW SL.AVEvr C sgmcs-it ie rabeg- OO SIsiy, muber atinra w *W a acemiElilm vwhich iwslguibuhrin. id titi France sitîlkeep on the vweernccusCsbi-etitu, 1t-sdamitéteretsiLt Coi .uR idhaudi )em invective. orUith" me a" mdtinereet et Africa a &-eet ccneïsting hal( of teauee.samci o'>'ma' 'isé censure or ridiue i hproujucispublie morale, hW ait iting hshe uhtmbmli. iuting 1te_ _-Witte (rose vcuen ai lcentuocie dtfaucatscn.If tlimeD« n tha. 25; and elaîlestinaval force ea. DOM MERCIAL MART. Frier 'atesaine»M talionbeuteaoall a tili athm Iotapiu7ieby Engla will ieof sensaneu.chargter, the. dicntuua: m cuoreor id'e.liuig calibre andti 1 ,, terciticg imiataueousl>' A CC I O N BAIL EIlS vritieg chai lib.ue i lcosad thtrefSie due vigiltace on the. dat i tliritrespectivemai- JUIZ Up32 bâa&a, V lib.el . l ascansu e eculeti, because îti&..U noit sueai db>' a noeud publie opinion. Theli enjeCour-Tii.efforts of Dr. Eartlett, of Kif au" of 0<Libel viii moem di re h ine eumh-tht New York Albion. ta inducestii. British Go. fN Frita>', 27tb louneat cne O'clock. vil - sel b>' ge em, fcurm" vaswudn;= an mud vertement tu jufrotuce denii coin esteu.îveiy "0a'iesuidtIhe onuai assortment of TEAS. ble uste JaiU mmrecompleteip ijus» tlhaais&0ofImtoEnrland, andt o ecour"getheconsomtion SUG ARi, LIQUOIIS. FRUITS, anti User 0 litiiesem idcorres ruse os au gitor.. of i b>' lie %aisepeople, m aretit gsons. at- GROCCE. ,b>' the Package. lta andi oppee.eeau--Tb@ Judguga0of ujCom telnim ouithusBie f"th cue. Collettmiy WILLIAM WARE. nd i ba b hruiumafauif the>'lie am sataia. >51? aga, vil> endaevcred ta tirawiattention Kie!gnto, Mot Jue, 1845. 'ad b>' the siaidi judgusiat of Society, MW antiit10u icellent article of fond. have 0oPuiser tuoarre"thlb.evil of emisiei. Fîms.n.nt.LDis B-ÂZÂÂ-Th fris ranit buster<WD E Whater nm ie bdtmcomrseeflise juticiar>', at Covent-ga'uienscloua ion Tuenda>' the Z7îh _B L1STNF FFFFFFat the lu..em viii go on ho Perforai its h'gb anti ius. is. The ame n vi a ad'ti .itf- nusorlNG, PvtrFoF salFFyFFe ud prative datios, amtainidb>' tie Frit People, a-crcenfor a do>' or btw mcoseqaienoftelie ber'. chose liberji n iuitsaii, tuurgand de. pres ur e i.crovd, w m ubseqasntlili eue.-ALSW.JNIS fonds. To ftler it vili lhe Star Chamber R@. id ta a shllingLlEShi. OguuKit reainet script» of Lih.emib.hanueffort au vain au vouldthe lb iaee.noe ft ih e sý talle na a te o Kingston, June 17, 1845. hbroul lie an attetupt tu graduait, and tiatelb>'tne mn- silver hn.briBvr > r eiilu antdTandUT etu ciont~~~ ~~~ laiu h iiv> h o fc tht s silver stock buckie wyen b>' General ;V'aehiug. E npper part of tihe B elifaset The nemel>'discoveratiand alil revoîutinnizing Magnet. ton; lb.>' helongedta theb.taie T war se otiguevo ic Ttlegripb." ~~~mont marchtent of Liverpuol. ltouieg rwn om n 'nr n i-nm On the Lied. 5h11 ves tccautograplettesInge lmixn annd ln ed pRooman (il lu l We puiliah iu Ibis inumier a ltter tram Mr. of General n Wahington. ingr o manl. ThRots,(.linlt P i.f-1 Johnsun- thteYounag mant la honairefèenc. Th@ Big Gan for the Princeton bus heen thor n- ) he cas mate in thetamie communications on Victoria ougil>' trieti. Th inorming comniencing ai aleyon 1 -1La .- to hiu Colege. Feeling imetîf aggrieveti, w hat anti euntnuing uîuîil three, when tbree tous of Kitellen Cellaz', and Cllar. Inquire of tedi loch lhe exhibit ion, il ie riglt mnd proper chat vere dischargcti, sach abat weighing 200 )E. i(INGSTON BOYD. timo liaI h. aboutit b. "Il Owedite- iv-iversion of M igmotlueith14 it the transaction. Violoa.Coulage jable 1- NAxtE scOW ESC or Txui sa ClWET.LnG. unaonhon th1Mc bs Atitutionbhut-. qui!supportaeto10a gsauletint TOt-TheIIvotran bernu." chueilsskisag in H GNbA NNJL~ l b>' Publie mono>, andt herefure is management l'r ie a tuko h hute > Ar.1. MEETING of thse tembere of lte The ns ai al tiaien a propor aulviect of reusark, anti tht driver ut chici was heeeins ii guititsg bis lymFis tatAO Cia' ftu trent censure, if requiroti, b>'tho publie press. on vehicle. Tine papers ay 'titIifheb. b otuMuTa isati tr. e fi oin;g.liCIofle i tbis grounal mc nuaierounanti hsavy have boom nkceketi dowie . ouiti have talion in such id itit h oloiggite ns the censure@ ievellil e t tht Biehop mot Toronto Position limaItva ocartn e oiti bave passaet uts.tremec"'etmctors for the .nmuîug yum.r:u n fur is miamanîagement of thletaffaire of King's bu. le cummoue thle driver anmfuthi hm fOn. DÂVrO Jouite sana, ESQ, uf Ceilge. More especialî>' vien i complinut je ad £4 for riskiuig tb. lire»eeof ber Majesîy'soi-b. om ILR F6absyrua. -thai mmade ia vrong bîving beau ticnp, a grievaimetete anti counisellors. jJosaîa'u Dsucr, uuTh suffereti. O uciaan occaiojn. publîic imterents, Sa Ltte .[jL1I SAECTIC EXPEITO5.-- huAs WILLIANSON, pnui andth îerigimls Of ±u veiter, in,'ird Party', re- T 1 Er'cbue anti Terror uiiscover>' ihipivith tlîe CJLAaLEs IJUATË, 'indur quire an trueSure of viatever appeaue 10lie transport in taueoftheintRatler sleaim.sleop. anti TmotMAs DEyita%' sntf ven.-in tbe governiment. ot such an Institution. 'h, Munks> tg. veigbeti anche. on Saluttia>, NOBLE PALMIER, "Ti Theas mnt other previous quarnele bave ail 21-. at 5 p. un, in AIuboughB ay, anti praceeti.Afterwhliclu an unanmuius uvote e~ut tla dt ypa nPruug (roibe sladseilplmnt b>' Mr..Ryersona o th Ie orkneY Islandis on their va>' le the vas girontuaDavid Johana :aatl, Esq., fur Ese chen li eft bis praper vocation, and em eh Archic Circle. Tait iiredt ou! aud arch gtahor of a pofitcîmelt>' Tht Londton Morning Poil in g- autisorozedtu i hsactrcs as Pretidetut. h intappositionu b bis previomal>'Op,.,.ed&l'Prt s ail tiatîtho Queen anti Prince Albert yl leave The diretoire thon proceeded toitmeec- ifor ih sul itaI lb. Colloge i. neari, reiet, Euglanti tarI>'inu August. anti pi>' mvigil cf ans tion o' i President, for îhe eneuing yea.-,- Dy,, th. choie Connexion in greatl>' agitalt. mandidy@ to tht irrelatives t Go, Iha, stanomor of visen avid John Smith, Eaq.9 WUs re-elect- otan Ibere in a tecreas. of above 800 member. in the squat duantat their relatives aI Ctahurg. Tht cd uninmouîiy. CAI patya.vuit la Parias cUl uit ake place Ibis Sommruer. 'W. IRELAND, isatt >'eir. Don Carlos of Spain. ha. Ocal>' abticated in «et. DRATH 0F GENIERAL Jscxasotq-TtUnle avur ut his SongthetPrince of Autoris. Md if SorrJuritr1845 4- eUntdLouis Pbiliippe wviiialluwenblte 1cumrry bis ______________________1845.____ States paperi bring accounts of lhe teati ot go.em*ouin, thte>Young Queen of Spain, the quetion T EDR u .rcie l1.Ofe s verai Jackson. chici loch pIdem oni itheniog cl ais cl b.eamucabi>' seUtlotanti thore wiiI mk PEIRnwieteiirv.uni 12eo'the Ofiemos ut Suda>', lune 8, etthaie of M7. H a on osilri inin e.,ht , -IL o Sttia>' Ihen2t i>' reant, 2frloeti cipe. been graduaI)>' ajnkung fer name time, and lher5.-enomoe intrdsELAMnD. ainsa.etb. icounthry.m tort husetioath vas nut unexpelted.Theis LN. en"iaaai narlreepetung vnutu 8s00 p. tille Denmourai clcossau iccount et bis doeth lie T onee iget aar unog« ome-matie Fiannel, sain ha- yconsiderabie pueparations bat beenMlle, tar 375 4 " Cloth, dye]iBron T nigtI-sonsisiteprevicue. souk place an Th rstia>r, tb.285 -*.. IlYeiIuw, bholik A short time befire flis death h.e touk an ef- 22d uit. M. OCunneli, Mr. John m'connuei1, Samples of lb. qualitieof the abeve, au veil asetr fetionaîs ici,. utfluie frientiend amamssies, tet-Mr. Ra>', anti otiera, board nana ah Tara ailhaitll- of osci1.Cateii uIh tn m taiin 10th laI issontemui ileiee u- past 12 o'cloek, tb. Rev. Mr..M'Evoy, pariai tijot, te>' ien ou applicationeahthie peui. VERI lcutiet. H.eeprtd viîhbe.ulrmelculmnese, priest of Kali@, officialeti. The. Freeman ssii- teniar>. or app expreaing th. igbesl confidence in a happy im- mites thuse vho board masail 50.000 andthelb Tht above articles vili b.e requirdt ie .fur. The mortaity>' Irougu a Reticemer.' noier of thue, vinetook Part litht eaicte111stri- nishot on or befoe .thteilOtidi>yof Septemb.n e.:- He vas in several respect& a remarkabio min, tion ai 200,00m.xneuail!itwIo Sureties wiliieb requiret for thue çIl anti cu@ aimosî ccrsbippedthe b.American de- mr.eCe eh iefrvr oimdtalt ufmntc ahContract tlia tbch.enlereal n mocracy'. aist,and vas recoivtd viii tondi eheers. intu, intie vana atOne Huadred Pounie. ot i He_______ifs eone oft tre. effectuve muid poco- H. SMibTil, Cuit 1 lanratdtremmes on tb. subject of Irish wrcngs vithiWarleus. Stee Arrivai eof the Steamer (taledoafia. wbicb Our renaisr have boon long fimilar. Proviunial Penilontiam3,! 'ln p] At mIhe banquet in the svsuiiag. fer vhieh M 20 1h Joue, 18« Shet FIrTEl DAYS LATtE r.oreEUOPE. tickets vert issaodMn. O'Conneij made motier èe 'aV rreeei rrnn ..H.Mmtacsyestr. speech. H. niowed tuat Sir Robt. Pe. muanni-i.roi saz5 abou day aternco a ewovYork piper eovaîainmmag the Potent in the Hot ot ofComrnais on eve7 cb. T BAT VALUABLE PARMI tioseut Tron a nova lu> the Caietonia, anti b>'faut nigbts mail jet, vit amosî barmieu au regarded Iretadi. half of Lot Na. 17, Iakre aide, Mur Hs- SlI weve har Cnles Wiisar's mn 4u es RiPtPZA sctATIOnE-The vt.kly metig onaian Lutter of lthe doh insmandthe CAmerial NAdson Monde>' lb. 2th vas tes>'a iy nt iea burglt Prince Etivard District, otin obh celiegrcf Fridi>'laI, wiîthtene. There s eone a rupture in lb.hepearlisk. 'Zr. O'a 100 arres of excellent land, about 10 mniles pla fflling of importance. Tie corn manket rose a e nli, îfer giving an acecont0 hisou Ilsaictstra. fromi Picton1, là suii fram the Sleamu it ivoaq litt on necomutof d tr>' veathen, but reine coin. lion" triomphe in Ithe conut' ty fMeatIipromoded Land'tg. and I mile from un Euigligh Ckurcbi, Silter ng on, primesvethdevra minate he iir frmer ln animativert in strong termse ou vii b.e calleti 70 aes cleareti, wiuhi a gooti Log Hontse and i Et stîce. Tuoe er. no m tatezialchange ini otier the Illnecity'" of lhe gorrtmeni tisaid"- Bain, turogondi irons cf viteand a yoag Table makets. seheanin; lb. tylet il 14 a delusioni, i mecier>.orclmed. The Fara buts on the Bay of Cammi Tealdna etLotariatandi a snare." f etealetoujnaboup. t ,clon.d t Bouton Whou Mn. O'Comunetl bauddoue, tIi. socitoum Quise, admuid atbetatfil pn'opct o se PFri] cees rt>'onongaboutiverpool ack.Our utvi. wuades mt.ab>' Mr.M. J. Barrymaiserant i n e0nt ntiof Laie Ontario, ia petei ceDui ndan e.tihiepola e le4ti, iy ?Ar. Davies, er the Dublin Nation, lebel as the vih ti ieda:t ttei nec Dublin d. Pari 1501.represenlatîves of Il Yotug letiatet," espnemsetlent isierJe thrugbomst thoe>'Omr. Ls Trie bdCals off 1.kdfosmore tpqua , m l.aevain favar of mixati eucataas. Tbii' For futher particnalaza tnqnire of the Hak M priesutCîiouof l.tifo amiequlities. dret i . thm the ire o(Mn. O'Coell. Who Editor oftbe Kinigtonn Heralti, or ofîll. Prc- am The Moue>'Market je in a healh i>'ae. and ipoke bitlerly oet hieimportance vhich " Yomung Finit .ts peie. fb uttrPorCs gOCtI paper isn eadil>' diamanaet 21 ta 1 per Ireland hal no unwarranlabiy Auaisteet- ? n tePomssBilalutr loT Cot cent. Mon.>' hu been in greater roquent on HocsgîiUath ir'ldiletmel tlue Sicc uhnettninltDson i-declareti italf, *aid tht tht>' coul »auer- ROBERT CARSON. Paints ket.stdli nmutrnsvciats. t i Marysburgh, June 4 145 The grain cropi in Englant yl nose:tour eanuin ter uTtent foh tc iaast eeud 14, 184& at ana&g.A bat harvee or even lie po.. s.otet a cel £800. KIhtolstweh- aua Pon of it s mot iabetftebinq.oae oabu M o FM od* The Sultan of Torarinledyung. FoaaaI ERMANY. YI>îos lE 4 TheChuer jemgng n adi. Foi ai Prt$ofGermain>'Use letters ve te. 13Sutuop gle R aifs, Thtoearia lfte Il îugibeIndt' ut i sttecived are oceupidsoumat escluelp vilh dis- 0 hioue a e>' cv Tobac, Theirswit ave0< tht iaboernit peut roto. camions on lthe division no raeiot instheCatho. 50 do Superier Tvtuakip. 14 th v lti veupr.t Aildsnelu ipt ar. eChureit. Thi. nov religieus secS uingamng 100 ie Yung ijaso tige~~a to0 balletiorovsi Ameica.Ailnppo, bensions ef a hostile collision mhisig ouI of lie every demsimhes of aiserseu, ati ae.u nueg ra Jt 07 1 usinbvedspern.lover Oarien of thte lengy Jeuvii ih ieurit>. WILLIAM WARE. hottrde ingofteapBooth t i InAustrka »parus am rtif1tepevent ie igamTidum. ~ 5k Rom ioCoicuon athe.nubt of the 101h Of rk, l ol epe nCt ea lMay, enpidt.eeie.ive attention of tiet h. b... eaBitaniait le perneuti; butina Susota,W ti>' otil sestoa>,tb lb ut.Tht aupporters Prenis. am thetcoltes, State., k le *kW voea. of tb. saseuasisterai 31%9,he . puitamts tRitai et o petlelncouragent b>'the-<loesr.- losit 18S-umajority 1M. mente. Thée King of Hanoer bu dtclairedLe, The Dmuit (WOIb.pu le Pm lbhem nuisenltI it. bet it le believei liiet ventmall>'ho noot Budueb tâé lon« lm W" y vinti alrmti e t en encourage it. bmut. "laueg a Ecs. < cmi~ Tht dotrine, of Iis novformidabl, ertam$de Te Engli s.titlid Clurel .eimadon«. fo ilbMnt pantisue. of the cotisnsl obl; Tb. »i.I. t-ýhAs._ WtWt>'r!ieel eeu sn, by "p-se sl. gea - esi d NIEW SUMIIWBR GOODR'. [OLLE É& RETAIL 0 ENER AL W ARE HOU WEbME-N, aeeally anSunce the arrivai la Kimpto of<the fiuat éir Summr àt'oè'k i i MPRISING à large sad varied M orsla0 thetriesent andmim filoilmilhle Gosis fier tht prna ndutaf omiug esoui, vus -A V ex tteuivn d Uni Iee itttol t m4~tsieIsfer Blshea arege, Lamna. Crape. and Cashmere VCthoe, MutIn D'LA'iuissSwioesteseti une, andi Cobouarg Clotho, S il A WL S, (French and Briishà, in g5Tt raTtUl>.) lucstable, Rice, Rutlami, Brilliant, Cerdonette sa Lace, Men andi Boy@' Duostable Hase, kw Trimminge. and Plait. FRENCH FLOWERS AND RIBBONS, th a omneral Stu of ut hie>', Glovep, and ilahetiaer'.Carpeîa. Od Clohlas M est ras, Druggeta. &z. d&c. &cc. AL=O 1000 D'roaned FPa" SiàParasols and Sun Sheea ao4 ilh oter Goods deUg earricing. ». Wholesale Boy ers aupplied on tile most liberat terme. INGBTON. MAY 20, ilS4 >ne Million and a Hlls Acres of ]Lamd TO OLD SETTLEI1S, EMIGRANTS AND OTHERS.' if E CANADA COMPANY offer about tins above eaiant* oantl>'or land i i, tij PriotedListeoaithi. date. it conajios eot Loir otf ros 0 l 00Ars ,heate ngbfout tht country--of Blocks containing (rom r.ooto ro.oo Açrea in tihe Wstern District, ut a ver>' important tOrmîor>' of 700.000 in th1 luron Tract-90 miles South Of (),Malt nd. 'em Lands are officred on thent lativantageous anid l'tneicial terme to suit the umai or va ot Sellier, of every descriptnon.-they may ho had (or Cash do'n--ons.flfth Cash. ad the: ioder of tht PurruaeNlontey'mn die AnnuellIntalmuoewiiîh luttrest-or b>' vay of LEA$SE' TEN YZARS-110 ]KONIEV DEN6 R UiID D>WV. The Renie payable' Cebaar aneac yer-bîn eral 0 aoutah.mutrot apanlb.precutvaie the Ln. peuaiait a te oman".Lee. t, uI ntertîen tntCopanys elie aes»curet ai~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~i ti uieenftuhiimrvmnàaninraet au îtitantaehl guarn. tht ughtaI prebse u thtLandat Oue pi re namoi intinoLest, Mayhih eli nia syB îe m rYL ES'SAVNOSD N , b's wh icb iitheomnpany aiuv heir Le» InT.' nettl 6 par cent per annuel en Mouies depmitet.-tht imount heing awB>'5 et their disposl bout notice, with dail>' internet sccrued,-*'ii enahie the pruvident andi intaueîriou. Bottier le' umoisie sufficisuit iii. sto porehisethlie Land ho Itases, if bu chou.. no 10 du.1 ty tb. IEXI[GEANIMO DEVOIIIT DANli,the Coimpany' iai* !rx Ê LN t tâ te r-eutp.erause, lapon mniteldtpensited b>' Eîigrants, for an>' period cet leant. mfdae homoule>' eiog alie'eilM que daposi 01cthLb.Enun t Wvhount e. %e Compan wllR ME »au ofm ri er fortETTI.EU t10 leir frisande et HOME, a> ug the r.uanu uuei n..é lattis oft lipartie ert (orvacile>' ire destinni freeof aIl cot.espime risiateompanied by'ever>' hiud cf lieful inforsallo np ou Canead.LiLst year tilsCompe.ny h omne in tuis monuter, £4,141 12. 7d. tram 6M5 Settiers. eC 7 aî aili REMIT any'nom of mone>' tramEUROPE te CANADA b>' Letteas 0<Ctee po her(ommiseiorerslin the Provinc. sE> kinti of information uponnCanidi, andDirections liat coite .unellulte intwtnâa ba ns,- cega b. obtainsti free cf expei et thelb.Company'@ Office. Si. Helee's POuceLoidan %e uiew Printeti Liste (tu hb. m e t ever>' Poat Office muid Store lin Uppêr Caimada.) su se> mati.. cao b.e btaioed,frr cf charges upon application (if b>' isîter, pomelpaiti) 'Ut thi Cemapa. Office, Goderich, an regarde the. Horon Lande-at Fredrick MSreet, Toreoe,'ir tupihalI %r ande-Remittincea andi Depuite of Mons>, &c. cAmA 1,àCOPur',s Orruca, ky,<drit Streri Toronto, 1$1 Juegh V845. GREA&T Îit)UCION IN PRICES m utoire TOLUT. A>' 'T ~~ LET, and pufettien gnvem imsistl AIT e th bop forner>' cespiei b>'Il. Gruze. ~UNl~RZ~ ~ Za~lL ris Cà . or f Leen eBuidLu.qsPrie. Wb$ e Ic Snbcin Ilous-Prnct m&reo1. Apji u'te R ~ d m IE SUESCRIBER takes tlus opusortunt*îy i JI il& IL a, Apuilai 6*.' tu inter. bis friende andthelb.Public, liat pi X 81, s moaogmtrtucttion iteprice of GREATER B'ÀILGAJNWe r description of IHardware anti Fan.>' Gouds, X U S ltt be le itermined laefture ta sl7 LJ* RY 1.0W (Wholeale or Roeti]) for Cssh , ppriicradil. 19 meo Stoek, viiichinisver>'etensive, compisa.AT iI risI. Étenk' rofnd, Cown, Lowmooand IELFAST WA E O E, Wie. Bar Iran, FR sTUZ rOLLOê OVuROvaMe: [ roc, haIt roundi anti Hoop on, <inst Drmeus. Boeter Jhaegi, Rer, <7mot, tCrawley'.blister, Sleigh Ssot, mand SprimgSouOra u deur, a, Juedg .usedPrimsse Ve ual, #oria, and dtise oette cf Duri. aec Plitan . l x, ne, and Ca"mdtPlates, ta"i ma "W au* etok c et Irmas at t les.Itr SAPLE ANU Wa"C TES tior an ti Br se, CONSMISTNG in part fe eu. et Leat anti Zin, "mont faahsunablt sstyles of Pmumiues, lot Wam of e.>'decription- alzri«. or atio ad oh km, Nails, &c. 1cM Table ami otite. Ce";iruni ai' llvov B*Mhe list ge, Iirml andi San Sivie ated Wart, ao. ruocla tMdiBriielaMaau.faot;lIeo. y aid vilver plated bondteKnites aid ua, le, tDuetible, lice, Str.vRics Dvne and' er pi"tedTes Services, iiainMni nutais Mta, Copper ani Japasmed Ware, into ail dakm. n Ci3n.otheLaue.BONNETS. uig implomeots and Uîeue, Aie,& a. Is Sock 6< JMum us ndGeuel a traw Cmuers and Ha>' KMnItdej d n'<tet Freee N»'@. Car=ete 's, and Sb~idr~Toe psioe > ieSbcimrmNu e, inDla et ee, utemviuma geneval fa*tsf fteWr4u4b Sectiug mand Vrlei Hair, 4flsierY, ed Lace, dm duiOWr a diey,-M re sait. MW Cer nl, danil amnving, ail of liieI 1«1 W d e chsailiu' Amavile. Vice., Eellovs, k.. îtu dsced priced. lr ian IIIIua4. .e We Mid Cil., mbeuacot. iov Gla. midpourt, , WI' 3612: dor, Glase, Tabe, Pails, Churu., &t. 'sN. 1.-As ii the ulle W ame.' CRARLAS W. JENKINE. Idid te givtnuOremlitvhâtem , btme ~~ 1t~ offihloe sei!hesatocki ai 10 iem bw TIM S .&M ligai Osi. h lagi > 7toioA. de.4 P. M. ri do. à514P. M. on &miip., et Khngeta. Imm uW" obe&Iiai îspr ~ l P-1M.2* i7AM. 4& 3 PL.MAL Srid& à1-2P.M " .41.P.NIL &à do. à12 P. ami-le .!asem le ta @ m V. af Due" Wqp.sudami *cse.i 3, gi ae Sesp ms e.,14 -à-leu s"y Pague mu rbl JdV-m bn ise IOU SALE, lIn essa4 Noohs<a Oaa. thy hute bT": for'N~e irogie creFat areobliel CuM 1me pefifoutage ta o er ietréu W5 iL- ptas. 4Juw i. d& 6 * ----aur-M -