L SII. » CiEa w Urm mmg C6%ai a7 « 1 hua. ns Ioa20 mgub. 'a110 go saCarl as h.. "-n~ and ?Z tac, lar omise aiqusiithelNewtIT«k r ouI fe*¶co early inthe epdl a moulin vill b. cent wllhciî.m. avwilI oc*. lue free or psctgp "s fl <tIc humry ntm., Zà. à lte lt Deenber, anet u o uI. i , &ilbonu o &.8 m 1S. th ire~j a yeylebie, "0~ aies - aains lan1 i 15, jîct.piebd e et1,n droi W.sis FERE'.r,& Ps P 101 Cls7it&,.4 .L tmg HYBOn, Gnnpowier, lte~ 0 Plug Tobsecon, 1%f, es Cavendîdli, do 18.@ey uao Ter54g~ Tisi, ls. dol bo Horbydeo ' Io lEglisit Candles, m e trOit, LIIaIi White Wlns vinegar, . a Wisky. J<eb tar limerringe, Ne. 1 t" ýTab Caillai, a RnM~ Bntte, 1 F .tw andi Oupernla Flour, cim bih ici I b. dispoaci ot lo es r DUGH CALDItP l'm. CLARK WRIGHT, ErLJWG TON STREET, besotueun Of rA TS anti CAPS. pFUR BONNETS, mansfaies <rm e ha but materisis, andi of ti ýcep, hopt ceantly on baW, tIÀ va 7 kW Mri cash. ce, 1844. oWu. oUIN' &c, u e. qn. cmîk#and cases of b dom wnS. SIMPSON. Ireet Kingtn ber 14, Mn,4 aud SewIp ft, Sale. .'Y (i bil ka« reii) tai' Land l8e 1 A. &NHAe4 Alnr"41 C'RID .0,01U Ourrpcel, 0O alleil oeeof hW Yr.0lus., and tala i hm taIunleau te, lreY auJitebtarnedai y te Frenh, La ~ aataJoadei ivaîlu dcomtustible- I.oarePl.e 1 tiattep srouli defeni temn. 01 lothe Uliii ue tlomt oit taocbat. ada a, raid a pion. of mounoain artlb. t'br,1oe tlîefanons naveru abicla ov. 4 'n'a0teite pruviens day. After bav. "athoeea-cns .tbesli te oenînga cm are4ibit si, thte troupae oiaeocecd ag 100Jon stsrso to 1gitia srei'. aheb vo and tahugtasompailte Arabe wJ..I..nytier maie cf attack sonhi Wmiesnouinary, or even inmpuibtie. le - tO.cy ite mrmitg ovu eg u te KIM ls1butte ire ii nolbcd tont hW agi t"I noin D.ing te evening thtu tirai]. lp.*a! tsiter andauJ tocked up te on. te ta4 taven.Nevertieus, one of nb toci utdin esraiing front h Et 'Ileei,îu othe,gainci te btaks of ll rmw ichteygel amcuppIy of os- the are. Abouat Oe a ubogauagaim te f.glitOtt efOe te Eassterno pnig, oicit 'l"ycauaght tire, ami ttcfainesad d-lle, bylie 01mai penetrateditetothe ttn d te sliera thn. thIe lit1 a Oe lutita . tuI e Toie îî.t icl Passible 10 dà«. eno f te fie-lte fain".rosetu t<i i-trand miitiick volumes eto &LE "li tecavern. Tte fies ou j,,ý dt te iIthOle nigitt anutil iay. b.'Deta1 noelo us beani uitin. ~ ii,à ~ s"~ 'clýck 1 sent 10 te mon, Il o fe 1ai)err, an affier oft c. "Oimena t t rie 5010o60 mon. ' l'ic- uid ocreraI an leta deai, sStIt ilfderoinpasition.We ,< ~ ti"f ithie navernoaven a lyr Ptepuansoipenetrated aboult lrntr.Noting rau ir.an 'I setacbale uthit Ithem pr. li te badile, 'enac.ui m'aa b aiid cra leta itymlot bave Py~~~ '., avn nunîn0j, ami lb. C. 'i i t em moutitebucu. h.Cugbgun. Butth 0011 i dad fronthte al trt ttes p~~.aienot amoco lXe onis othe Offirer.,te a reportaisetltr ~S Or~0 it0VOi of 60000teaw aenilibdiof btiteir t . elencolvas e n th e l e i ; ADO5X ZO T TM LADIS. et gil.ardI i tleuyonthe oaY teet Mar. lis yem. be sure, air," mettile u DIn - ,i .hiOu pniy ohere in the o oonderor ay dea, soeithet' samienr rblàme Ue.i&L tnigitt YOt, l lite igiot elur se. (. e 1.il) te luvt man! ". hec' l r'i, -et.aestiijnrs «islis i ut,%re gel Marnie as Dcoc u o cmau 't atWll Itell YOiDte vosy te allure bide.? Mn grie CD soe te obntsittle fancries ani eur liaitl hoiok& itcare, if yen holle te se. d apreai Dot lau fred, yonr oilesaitdypari prur lips likea Io peu nemts are tragrat wit Lisse, olaps cao for tulfles tee fcsqsetly pont. or eyes, ike î'o diamnda, apanilu oîtht ,se eyea (and you heow il> ram train b- yond desit.t boge' prely longues! t lat cala tait co h , t;and rai tiog, lton.oeeer îhey mie beg YOD te keep mer and Iben ent cf tuepire op a lile tit penchant lo ta e.! ,, ature9! eincuber, te keep hlen in bat adulres YOD muet u oi ndten tIlog1t tar tbeauty and charmeae a tihrs,a tctnsuid prie te armect itcarts cool.t lr ou o may ay, 1fr. Censor, pray tel ut. I il puT 5 00,us lu ruasen tle do ' itg i ell ye,asdi h o mlt tOcjealouo. ie Lak, la met easy, e, easy ton Yen, a mir and gontinatîluretevir about yc, 1 i ehti oaîD ften by atery carriei 1 lt@, anda prenud man, nefite ca'I lîve olit.- out l'e! i riripris,ite oay tla gct mairitd.c N N FT - T 0 TI11E FA LL S. b lo'\' NEAR TI£ RENlnrNCE 0F à POET. il Trr. !(,ri, Terri, Naîîî il' Arpir.., rbitas 'er ter rushling osIers flung, )d cî: urlàai icejieon Ihir stars bung, n r,;tair~erî, îyîis.Andi 1ave boco m:d t14t' pal fTiv.li-amonge ai. :m eeiek wilh îvy green, c Cre;'a e M='sra, lacci, and lHorace aung.1 i :,ae,e,, sudwie tiat aDl Ibuse molle- P thsa N r'tuîîderblaînc liîî my cite $1ural rIaic ih aie crti covuisingiebccka tt to I ,nbled il ilg Wertit sud meci,0 UP1 aragt aJvelv day Iset oeek, t bott I bdittri te Fait! if Stocks. N. Y. Eveuimg Post. lttr fronte a Sp.,In,h officen lu Alginia, ea o'e, ýthe Ileraldlofet ltadi, gives aA la "vOuaI i te destruction outhtie Arabe l e. It says-~ KINGBToNq, CANADA, TUESDAY, AIJGUST 10-, 1845. r Thte Prinme, Metturmîjit, Miniater cf Austrta, IHe sbook bor cff intendin,;ttetkeslier np bas adirue" s despalci ttte Anatnian Ambu.ag tabutter itou-but lbu ao ber mc more cai0t, speakmDg in tere cf iigit graîleation 0of * aagene foemer. Thte unîir et ber flte lb. conduel sd the part, ltatI upported lthe Jean. os. adOld 10ta ose eoflthe allier let cie,sud its Iunlte lati stnuggle. vitit ti.. raon frein the soin et bumniaexisI Thte canton fremin bi Dr. Stiegor Maie bis em&o lte otier cantonc refnte. Beverail tintons Lliseke sncbas baunî lthe part in lite'. bave cumferc.d upon blut tbeinrcredoud mititir.e oie< Ip80119lime ; tthouits cf lb.triumpit ià a talt of relling up a suliscription in bis W. of lb. spîrit riser Puf'eiring, hors cf lb. contera. baîf. lIa s Dn. lîkely lthat Stieger w0111 rsain iu platiomsof t1..%roen bave nobly lived. enduring titis covntry,hut lthe retreal i e oiselect lie mol s4n fi" ogrenat enic, or anieing otin ltr ktioo m otlikelv il t i!lib. lb. Unitedit Batu, eul1 aWta he b. ts'gglc of lite ; visions of ginmr. RUSSIA AND CIRCASSI. ' talit, olaci basea&tMidlthe darnmess cf lthe se- Lettcrs froin Constasntinople, publiaitei in lte ul<bral'iaik, furanI'i for tite sculpta" lthe fitting Dinonpsliers $tatalbat. in àreee:t battl:. the lIeues fei bis srt b, obacin iras mclamiu- Circ«Wi *ockfro theRamans afer ardblestexcce ligfitting sud -1c- bloiaitui. thecresstte cf Sol- - t. erpi<csci citaon lb.coas; tAbascia. Sbeilk Stamil bait Ail tbot ideal besuly evor bL-esd- arrived t a lt e ai tflthe river Kouban, olith Tihemimd olîhis iltaImestnmearîthly mcci, il0,000 mcn. Many Poles in tbe Russiau army Whou .acb eonccptiou os a iteaveuly guest, lied ceertci and joinei Shantit. Thte Ruai A ray cf immonlalit. Generai efferei large botîntîns for reinfoncementà Titis idesin illustrateil by Greenougb's gronp olîbout succels. -lHee e-I seceraI Musulm&i cf lthe asccmdbog citild conducîci b, lb. sogel tle dectors of Iso frot ite Crimes, ula bl, tu ty glory. How beautiful lbe ide&! D-ow oortby toi ugte for terme cf pesce. Sitamul bel cf lthe art !-W.teu tit group wua exibitutu ne tret I'them put te deatit. Thte Rusajan aruy Bostonsone yearc &go, a fos tanzs, illuutra. fias sutrerei ireadfull, freina secancity of provýi. ttre cf the. grnnp, appoarsi in lthe Tranocript, tht s iene. Tii. cr-Ps ini Cîrcassia are ssii ta »n produci ion cf some person uîîkuoos tre , olîlci abondant. are so bosutitul, aoi avaken elattons en ubit SYRIA. lime, tai lit. are saorlthy et beitîg publisheti MouNTLsnimo-;.-..Letters tcle i jddle oflane anei. llurely ne thernrurning f)r bermuild frOin SYria. alinounice île ireaking ontutfa ftuh ait r aid Ibe iotiotl crener ftandsoijny item inurrecion in the; 1.eliaon. Aie engagettent ef serroo. Titiy are lunbte om cfa dialogue betweun the Mirnitesil lthe lruses bai liten b.tween ltee hlamidlthe angel. itiscesî Buccat, ini te pliait betoacue the 105 CAQL ,Wbîiter 000 wilitthou proeeetij Lsblîaoos, obet itai l eruùoated wîtau a lu« os Angel. Coee p utter. 1 I ie s'owthec. ech aide et troao e uinirei te c0. b<seisd" Folîow me olit jeyful speed, amdift Sfinsu. The rosis bat ,I H Mia I . Leavo t estive esoh tbeo t Le. soi Jecusalent are mc longra » mccaraval Chiu .Stop ! n.icscmoit centain Cao travel by titat roeI *h fslmng escor. Sc a = « dos lc'Iclgi Thbe A raits are froot 40,00 0(000 trneg, sd AugeL. Conte up hâtiber. 'fou sha gen., are piuuiiering rigit sud left. An atleMîpt bas As ilou risest. stronge- sigmt iteen maie ont the bileoethlie Frencht Consul aI Daniascus, and lthe ohole counIry 015 iin fact Chid. Loat iu onnier oiteout end, in5 alale of comple. isrganizatieo. Joyful. fuart.ul, longiisg, subrinking, NEW ZEALAND. leasime. Oht, tison bevofieni, News bi. reacitetEnglani froinAukîsudin u Keep s îrcmtlîng etili fri tlim. New Zealani, le Marcit 27, briogîug thte ueo. Oht! 1 canntl boi tits glory I wbicb bas resctei titis contry by oay et Nan. Angel-broter boo cassa itou ? tucket, of tite captureofthei.Bay of Islands by dage!. 1 oiltel] lts. a&Il ay story. lte talivc, anîdlthe abanionsuenof ethe place by Iwuzs Omo as hoeartoie. the colonia. Titi partieulans of titose trans- acticoa are given, bu moro delail, but wc bcd Cild. Wben soute surroo i befall me, receve i allthe iaterial tac*s. Or1 fttof~.me. . .ne lu troyel f«er vsr ia lb.cuutry. Titis feelin wu very ulnog. Thte Turku bail nover ia.mu Ieaukthec, a84 titans idess ore justifieit b, religions fanaticiesm sud by old preptecies, obiel sautithlb.eseoras as itapreguale.-. The cul, prisoncnu a tn itave beeaulte wife mmd c o fa Kalifat stadàfou, oter Arabe, woho %rere, botriver, vry ucin. njured. On iii aaemgof lte 23di we advanced our camp about haIt a leaguit farîber on, en OC ocre driven th1f e .$pot b, lte in fections ateunit, sui ab hn e l.place te tliteravuns soi vullurs, obicb ba beao fu.rauce time boverbng round, sud olsicit t as, .me.a.ven trou eue camp, e«Mying avay large pieces of bumin ilaest- We *ali returu te Orleânenulle about lb.e6tth, anit rescit Algiers on lte Mit or 12îth. Upen Ibis atrecious massacre lb. Conrier Praimenciibas the.folloneing spprcpriate remartu. W.0 trust 0e May comaider thmrasa mavking lb. ePIinof lte Freucht proe upon an encriiy ohicit ioid tave disgnaced even lte mavagea Wocwre the victime ofet iis fienoisci crueity : SSoe obat bas mal isspppned in AlgnniftCol. Pélissier, eomunatudium aexpuditionan, colorat an lb. Dabamacoiporsning tthe tribu cf lb. Ouledt Riait eunoci notitur means of reiucing lte. stl tae um or stalle (500 Anal., mem, îc. mouan mmidenn, wo hlai taten refuge un a caver». Titis atroc'ily, comîuiîîud in colal blond and ouitont nore.siry, otili cause eveny nman ta titnill olit indignatio;-sud fer tithe n o o France, it i. our muai iruîlierative dol7 lii brani il oit repnîabaîJi, inî the vc'oe et tlîe snmy, bu lte naine oflthe nation, cii: L.,naineout lie (Gu- verumont itselt obucitcanoot Oibiauulsiîameap. provo cf an seit pni.;edi n onu cf M.treîl lBu. geandi, jeuroals I-su sel torctity etflthe Syait aiacmnmuera of lthe lOtit rettury ronquurnu bte NorWerld; oorthy oflthe bumcaîaers ofthe opst description ; but unoonltylthe noble and boy France ofthe I9rh century, wocombats beroicallo on lthe bleid otbatile, but dincat massacetr ar c îlîred cuemies ; wlin waiet trait oiit te swur nd nemt Iwîhb faggols; otia, in fiou, isa soidier cinul su î ncenîdia,;! France, tic answer for il, wailiStigmnatise wîith unanuimousi reprobation a mnous caat lîke îles : surît as ans uts, rosi et inthe aunaafs avage lthbs, soi et 'Mattirio's bandei; art, lthati n reaiing the mcorti nulunithibulletin ofthie srmy, ohicu pruparec anier lthe national coloe, te carry civil. imaion jno Africe, oue remain mounufuily allen. isitei and asblicted, soi are obligei lea sli teth. er France civilises or barbanisasin Aigenia ? And us il mel enougli 1,fer public opinionu le separale encrgeticallv lte ou" ryeronu allioini responsi. bilil, inthis atemiiîslia art ot a Frencht coiaîel. Tite goverennu tîa pruacunice. aler an iîi r, un the mocaliîy of titis miiitary sel, or eise iba protestations ut love o etpare oîll appean an lthe oye. ot Europe not ing but the jugglery efthlie coward, wot us up for a puace'-ebeerver %a ith lte powenful and su uxtunminsbuîr uwi it tee. ble Lot il ont tie said of France lthatsite bas me-estahIisitei lte pnisitmes t bte stake ag-alnal Museolunan Araie defeniing teir fiit aud thei uniependencu olith aronaintheir banda ; bel il net bue ssii tha the vcuelile. ot tte boly office ha"e re-appeancdiiitlber igerwrcusa cmii and titat, lere iareiluce tanabics, site kecepsexui- culiotien.. Wu bave raid tiat tlia trociitos cooimiîted in celai blonansd wiîiîeut îcereaity. Y*@, in colt blrued, tfcrlthe masbîoig. wlîviî ic lthe proper naine for llîs test et arme, tasîvi Ireo i te morning of lune 1lito loicîk tel tic igt of the. 19th, and lte rnpî.:iou %vas prfraieJ1 lois- uruîy, outhintuermiliens alrulaîed fla saIt lit effec c epuiîiabnauuî on lthe victimue.- Yd'es olitout n"eesity, tfîr if Colonel llelissiur itail ositei 24 honc niouger. lthose untîtrlnnaîes oiîhîîuîtefnd atîd miitenut womler, %oulil bave sur- renieeed aI diccrelies ; btlire aeeîoed moe expedilicus. Uuless lte investiation obacit oe icîmani itriW ugstelîpht eenîuetug rinco...stau. ces, Ibis &et beoru divin. and hiumainiais, eau euly bie esiguaîed by one nmne, tisai cf crime. A cnime.-nd oe know lb. terrible oeîgit cfa tat word-il isicI ta tilunipialsncb ltai lthe reniettbrance cf Itue exploit ufthlie cavera of lthe Ouled Riabu wiii bu engraveul but on te piliory of bisior>'." Tii Courier lIoco goeon ami courasl Ibis lion- rible affaur oi it te leoigiage olMaraliai Bugeaudl, in bis st proclamation lu lthe Arabe, otue ee promises mtmaspalernal protecionî, urges tem ae place confidence lunlthe Frenrch athem tnienda, amd recommandeste Iietin lthe praclîres soi usages of civiîized aociebv. It oexl lises %upin blaniîiiaî Bugeaud bimsetlfite reeponsubtliîy oflthe piro. iesdiugs cf Colenel Polissier, by staîing lhit, tas boom spolient savith eulogins bylthe France Aigenwmu, a papor pîiblicei t aI Ailra un. Ien lthe censorsbap tithe Govertsîr.GemeraL." In lte-Observateur Fcsraci,"ou met wih tb. follooing horruble narrative :- We bae recoive thlie mesi dîstrccaing intel- igecec respecting the fte of our fellow.coun- e .yrnan. Mens. 7I ieirry. Il appears lthaIt e %vast tain ou.1estabitiotan lodupendenl liiogicot lut N(ew Zealand, coi buiîug iisappointe iniiithe( concurrenccetlthe European powerc ite dépend- i id tipon lthe support o nene ative tritus. Iu unierît n ite ttc Zealander trli bis fortunes, t iThierry bsd nrom ,soi theni <ceaittinge. Theseet gond peoplu foir esme lime belierci bis promises ;i but eI lenglth, cearlicI t s eeitg theinreal.g ind, the natives ieciieion getling cid eft tieir j, nIler. Tbst set woa ccmpiabed olîlu terri. ble solosititil. Ttc greal aud sutordimalu citiefs assmbleil in cooncil ; a spleoili teast was piru.a pareit, aI obicit obuitaIl ore cealet lthe su.e lir», Iberu oas serveit up au s diait et itn. i or, lte body oft'Thierry. ecked amnd ucasonei '1 wilh sH lb. cendinenîs binu nir smong.tbePeef f thoéi ebes. Titis deplorable lnsgeinlt confirai! m luttert; amd by lb. verba rlationof= ileet raeullena wo bave ladi te evimî firouttémotul.avcuen o s e c< ba ussi ateith is canuibal spectacle. DRA,.tner.SitipoaxcK or À DuTcn a Ina. i tAa.-A ebiporecitvuos on 'Thursa, ymaide knnat Lloyi's bl the a"ritai o et l. ip bhase, ,"rom yiey, itaing e onburia cvà o ofhcrosswof à DuteulaldiaumM3,usued loa P leuuliM, IL W. E'Jkelctcliryi msotr, oba vus tell ut ,0gchiir vilatotien tr v e. n e racla orsg t& psels atM on7 15 mi~ia of b. iOtI ayvul. ieeiag P se a voysg. frais mtMsuas10Batai'via, OnbeMettsS the éaded<3se4 th.enros o the Glae e lsauxuiuiste aertai. oboller I st scclise are laid leVi tbeeotî afinira-' ""Wls, Md IBieàWMWest, au ewly 10le g me%, as"deubte. péasil an te Ibme es.t OU& M <,am lel ey Imowwd lte, Md4 e*0 boevelllcesgiaglsea outeh J aq"e'.mlteInisai Haore- b ÎWOte p0eo l te Unir emoistasme a u*1.1l, -tus.abobsl. sIcie. fomeId Sgem in noatwm jss b*t t exltemutoitansel gtmuy a '~lM 6tst su' " tt. thoesa al -a brese s ad sprnng vs, s.tlUg in atroumicus sooli toa te Westorul The pinuae &aithtii 1009-b-1a(w<bicit bail tm e oomsent) kopt beat. in£ about fur full irev.hbmtet.regailit; snd il aPPearimg ievitient tbat if tboy kept out mucii la. eter tbey tou Id b. swept away by t ti toag ti. lt., returnod btste ip. baving boou unable te r ender the eligbtcet assistance te Ibm..uabap. py fellOos left On tb. dasolate apot. It being Probable lt lb.thegal. migit t o.meieaumr abat., b. kept beattmg about for lte isiand, as il ras lOepousabi o scb. illtite.b.img tno sonne- mnga, for tes entire deys; itaving meeaneuobieg Of the. POorcre4turos. obe by tttisnIhueas have perisbei frot lthe intense boat snd lbe osont of water and fand. bo saileit for Englami, bis cO', provisios bY that lime beccsniug aso Very obort. Uean qetioUa intoe. oeshobbasaveitlbe i l&rnd tat beYbelengeai te diamn in question ; itat on lte morning ofthlie 29îb of lity tbe was runoing unier s Pros.ecf salWou, at tte, o: dock, tite watcb un dock deacrjbei te rocks situai, se close as10tns.ako it impas- sible ta cicar tem. Thteitel ows inatanitly put devb P but aimat t tit. camei instant the sbip struck andlte sUccepeding osve piîlee ber ber on ber bea.' ends. Every endeavor was in. etantly maie ta gel ter oait.ailiber rigging ani masts ore v-ut aw-ay ini order to ligiten ber. but ta no avail, as lte sea kept dasbing ber agiie it e rocks wiith teroie force, ber timobers graiually parting. Tite loe ofuthlie ciip being ten inevilable te captain sncce.ied in reacit. ing the rocks@olith a line, aoi uccured it round one of the loftieeacliffa, in effecting wicit h s nu lus titan seven limes siwepî doon 1 ie rock. frightfull, laceraîing bis body. The line being alun made tast t' lthe wreck, tn greal. et part ofthe crew conirired ta haul iliemeelves upontei e lani by il. Four brave fellows at. templed Io land in s boat wilt lte sitip's papers and corne provisions, but on ncscîng lthe break. ers a tremendous sea capcizei lte boaandsilthey ail perisec. On assemnbliig on lite frigittul spot on which îlîey bail been casî, and ehicit presenîni mot ltse teintest chtance of uscape, certain elarvation stared ttien it inthe face. Of ocaring apparel lthey bail envei noue, sare lthe fow irencitei tait- lerei rage Ibat covereitemu; ani, of fooi, ail ltey could rescue from lthe wreck was a cacit of it'er, s cask ufjlour, a sinal biscuit and a enil Le;, of gin. Liîilediatety union lte Lice, x. posci te a burîîîng tropical @un, and nul baving a particle of water 10 quencit thiCir titirat, ltheir acute sufferinge urîdee suc, dircuinsianzescdati bue weil] cnceived. Tth laI Ivas scorclîing. andi ltecouli col, allay il by oading mb lthe ses UP ta lthe citin, and thug remaiuîog thte obole day. At nigit lthe spiritwuos îtributif among theiji, the cingle biscuit was broken up sod di- videi eqînally, siatnd liethe7commeoced scout. ing lte rocks, in te hope of finig fartiier fioi. Titey succededin it aning a few oi fool and eggfs, wit hie latter of obici t iey managei ta appeause ir bunger, but for wanî cf osIer tey were almnoi driven leaotadmees. On tbe Ilîli day, ta ti touret je3r, a vesoel bearing Amenican celors bove in aigh tt inte ufiî.Tity boisîlte h' 1of distrcstc lthe sPar, andinmoorier 1t a ealoubly cure,.lthe mate, seveo seamen ani a passengor put off in lthe only test ttc, bail been ensbidta gave, wîîth a isunat piece cf Wood te paidle alon:, lthe cars being lest, tu tite approacbing stîp. Per. tapa, io'Reven, il couli bie scarcely eredilci tthat, althouih ltheArrcan olust bave seen them, sie Pas-d quite unbeeiing titeir aoful condit- ion, andun coi seen siteroari. Tihe ponr cMatures 1 ite boatthem streve lisuir muioat to regain lte islani ; lthe cnrrentl oston stmong for titetand oitii., eres peeiily out cf siglit. Titat lthe ybave perlsited long et itlier. ca b i nodocitt. Th".,bail Pol lb. sliglîlesl provision oliththem, mcnomopad oi ears ;J lthe mearesl place b.ing Cape Moue-more titan1 6100 miles distant. rThe sufferingsof ltes. lef t t en tb. rock. ou perceivimg lte fat, cf tito. je te boat, were lentuli,asdoinc ltse fourhtdayi bhey gave lteuiselves uop ta deatit. Ttcy ocre rapîd, sioking from lt.e oiecte cf ltshebu.- 0" te moroing cf the Oit day lthe itane iove i n sighî, soi, as befure etatei. savei seven. Thte ,ll.fatedI loi atan belomgei te Rolîerami soi t s'as of 800 tns burien. Sbe oas quite a ueo îitip, sni bail ouI, been built about to mentit.q Previois tli er lues,-[Liverpool Mail. July 19. CAPE 0F GOO HOPE. t Mccl dictreveimg aseene ha baveo necoivedt fon, titis colon, iisring lthe peut 'sek. The, aboie cf tite ncrtbetot.rn province beoem Colos.i terg is in arms. Tb@ ntiscionavy etation of Pi- ippolis bas been abaniouei. Frein the Ot tea bue itl of Apniblbere ars contlinunt sfigttingJ btlweun lthe (riquas,, bastari natives, soi tbe a immigrant bers. f -No quarter was irovn on oiither side; prison- e taken ocre insta-illy kaockei ce the bondi; noo0pe moi mrtilleny ocre burrying front aml quar. unrs tealthe uortb-alern tnontiers, ami frein Cape Toon Sir Peegrine Msitlaoi oas basten. ing ta tiq a sful seene. On lte obole, lthe Gri. use appoin t t bave mai otaimed t teir grotini, but b.e Boers aid lespat.eedmescengors te Natal for reinfocements. obici t ler. os 11111. ouabt wculi b. reaiily furnisbed ttein. mscacolli- sion betouen ber Majc.ly's force& snd her Ma.a st'.s wbjeute vose, at lb. Istest dm1.., lb. met prebable 0f impenig mgoiigemciee. Tit eveuts bai, toc. unseîtl.d " oCafte, ni front lte frostier post ou Cafrnani, Posl V ictori ia.te millary aulberitloieroaui.ie desatcbes; la GrabamaTonforasctn. The butni bave sîleuipted ta carry Phi îltiet, fol tleul with %raison and citUdren, by corw; ami bhougit repulseit. tii.,careeitoff 800 limai tet. tlc, andinutIheir revtreal eliberly eh" to aushat e iildruoit.hoWre ibordâtg asMal EWsaenbundred .1.00< au»d w.l nuu m bers have cut cffmial tee oamunicai iniments..theb. Cituao. et Pblhppoli, aud tit obbrbgil ri=, m reaevrùq eg .plua es tro.g & frc. beterisa iuippmlbsand liber maietmmI part of lthe coloay, obkin in t.Lb.pwoo ofa and oter EBriihdomwuo., IL Wbslbcr lb.he sI rgbt et. uout theilb 7ti Dragon.., oll«S tril nomete soia.Puill polis. romainta lbu snia. - Tbu. .et . rvrs i.7 teGiale'.Town JuoesfI bo . .. .. f i einmvse lb.0fa uilet- ho 117vill 5.11ev bmscim" over. Uns.me 'cal 11.7cl tIc eam river; asel l eleI am un at eb bait UObos ns a4 yte eo 01fr." Wî bimoadri mo. uses Zee he Iltiilof M II miba boom Isbte udémeit b. I.IIÀUom < 'molim m*c W*,ewy pl Iabli * I & s 'b aimarn i.vi'du UV h 7it mcm vli"ng. CANADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICAL,- AGRICLJLTIJRAL &. COMMERCIAIL. p A ,ec t e n m ne o ns lo v e .to ke u a o bie la alis a b a v e p ro s e n l c i te tl iè r oiit re a c s, i & il i g o s lb t e ri here à a co spir uos par; M o n as m * il u e y t hlan the giimia ilta - ci l the In. prssion of a uti4e m . a fa t ay," a s i sDe se. cîiselyexpresles mefrrse. Fë. sm l ve4iokez4 tite ginimal oas 44 %% aevetedint. aring of alie.Jrlli lrrpuiitg bis f nger titrougi one ut Uit. Icps. astd1.himietres@ bers@lthrougb lthe eher, Oere t b ~ t . y i b c l c a l Y yu k e lti te g î e r , a y u e e d ,be l m ailler cousis bu saidi riolly 1teossr, eam lat( -belngshlitei 1teuoe, and att eqnll portion lu lite, cber, Anuithelb.usof lb. gimal ay )ç> ana typbfleil s coeumiiti of imîrtes, Mstaf forieamate,soind Ierlicipe m an titrt. In New Eng1ýst loring inarqgr.lo se a ta lio n f aff etin , b t a n t g en orail,' a t ai î ntarrisge cefmou¶. Mrrsanm wp.bbg rquent boer. as sel bu be lut m au r miv . lave neyer kuowsa oba inlete b.ta in smoseie oft s wreiiine rng".-s synbol olsicIlb.he . mon cf muo ter coutriet regard wlith a sert f upertîtirus revereuc , a precieuutre asa e , and preerve wt reoth car." The falloing: singulir imeisent cosmoeîî oith lb.esibjcnlof thiu *ediig ring, ceurroit sente years ino in Engîsoi. A oo t eing as Cok te a lady uI Nortbsîerlo. n ctCÎliegaý lu n ip b on i in th e stea t o t I a m g l l r n g,* sa ioeuediaiuîy made lier t tus a ' dith thte exraodnt' îcnmstnCu."h. telay seu for lt adîe' wite, d aket ber obether the hâidst te a upcnliem finger wu ii samu lthai sle tat en utarrici oitt. Tie.voe. man replued i Kt <t vrai met, as kih2ta aiuntertu. malel lnet iter îeing rng about a ydsr urt ton site, item marniagre, [romo ff ber hloger obile. ueedimg int lit garden. Blie oas titon asked if $lie ssuul ko lthe ring agaîn ifat l $osahieow»t tu lier. l'O tthiscIta replie lthaIt thering c*ho bi litaibail m parlicular msrk on il, obicit sht descruei. The ringg fendn tiehr oftbd turnip oas thon proincei ,ami Oas funni tncs lb. markltub.olb.eidenlocal ring lm at ta.: Wnod, lte gandener's *i(oianstiiediately re. sterci ne ber, mter il hid teen lt inte 8groi Or loalve yeams.-[BemJournual. a- M M xtaR nucaxeINo WcoM-Ai s-Voent1 uý t nf fthe Institutsof ritish Arcte«@a Machine pslimteil bylMr. 8. Prmtt. jn.'""Z machsine, inventai y ityn. Irvimg fkt tIc NO ralion ut utalerlai urus bolylug, ac lieu en cdl for Carvin« by Mn. Prm.l?.I a plielb ià m compemiof th. latte. lits. diailsaié Poulagraph. Thomisterilo holl. r~t in te b. caracal is Uieo n a table tue"62u centre; lb. ol ieg40,ithe maumr .41i bit,* se itaii.dte an aramise oonllug se a si'., Ire, andi l md e terevelve olit gros:.v0ili, byimsesfautrsp. Goidedbyapllrmo'ef be, tbe l, b tlb.doe i nrgiam ara, astidlthetabLe, au b. me" thlsmât Iut amy eouahinallem of ourses, irhling oct îe terll- il psac over il. The lIns feb, 1 Coty are detirmiauld b. heincpter% wimi the deptb and ferai of i. m Mt DY be $bug. sadOit 0 Otfsn th e fl igt aliIf i double Miý W4s ls..oquiredtoe pattira. ami wtaiteI. a doub erau.otiou are ttereaap; ol . I Mt.' te-a <CaMsalo imlolcf a liii. a et oiS 0 matai i . sud lhe value cu t lid mum m i s l > taILfo v pence, the adii i j e set; ofvunety leý deu4. i»any @otuleh sareeily perept. Tée 1te1 and is position et lb. eM (te l un". adma t b.'.i.0<lt eldna ri b . p r o lse o it, lh e u . t je p u me ly m mrns i ie l ' oelmsm guidasthole *Îh ou la& àI* hal. <bI tise ctbes, sud the. isnswy moî g l«t' vii a ralodtty oaitesy iàie .dmho om-u hs snated, that the.1.1 " b .t= = 'leh 's ev*lua nus a mite ,s., lliaIl sbWélli tceth or oigs smabseo wenl7.iau' tiewsu lu ofI psi <lime, th. vOsllJ6a' tiý e011,eO 0the oni duasexeeado.mp ae c n . 4 co u r t i t c f Ib a t Oe t hl . se l b s g * m b, issui.. toomms.vos'l4td é . tys. vioni, &a the 6~qw hIm m p equall, offiteimm.n ôesln eid p on ialc FRzameu laax-wiTg .zaS auwacasgs,, Ad fbkstna.(Loti*s)-itAt scete .' Cnt!. of i i, Ioes 4z ée dm ocet ge"Bu le iniat i MUbcil Gmd t llai, LII NY TE SURS(1 1SUl P'ATET STia t4 4E 1~ W.b JE 1, Fo.. iw UZZ &LusE5155 ~é ~1I. T' ~ gsWA rtmti< amas O NO. 18. DISTRESSING OCCURRENCE. r-2 th- D. Ii tliasu.) Auleosit, f Jsty 17. The ha11 f briaifeauitio es cenerrd itooan ouse îff'a-ug !--The bridc the sole,tr s is. lert, anoai nalk friea.d, et!initeb.habiluaous of bridal feetirilies, huairicdino thie crns of deh !! *O ol. ie, e a o s ret fa.î Lsd woStS' ,$ t idwet-fiita.heek w pals' Thltnsdysytuiy Ilthi, a...5ilîiutsbled lby a calamit,, lunttis cony, obici, ini ail ils cîr. tuaîilsces, la unparallcludinb feantul borror br tny acideot sitin our recollectiou. Tisi day, al 7 dCleck A. M. m's a ppoinci tonrte mar- riage d Citarles iI ettler, Ecq., cf Prairie du Long, donro. connty, tu Mise Rosalie Huclborg, of DuîchIb 1h1, iu Ibis ceuoîy, about tet mil.. distant on lte east eue oethlie Kackaskia rive&. Inteuvining about hait way is lte river, ohicit Lion ows veny itigit, sud bai ovrspreaditis ba.nkc. Tiie oeiding arty oas assemt.lei andt osl- îng i M. Keîîler'c. The bonse u sdicoratei mosét r:îily ton the joyfol occasion. "-Music aîcats oiit ls voluptuonss ccli,' sud fnc et louse-4tii fug.statf osa reaneit, doon ohicit te fiâg tnsg Motionleca. " Yonr fiag droope," mays ouf, 1'il isàs ugnocf death." The. bout Pasd viîbout lte bride. The.son crouedthlb merix1mand tnc ueo. trou ber or n, of ber peuple. Evening osa fast oaning, oben a mes- iengecr rived iththle iteaifui tidings, that al, xcept tic fater soitson, osre ironei on liscir 5'57 10 îeuieiding. liv. omuen--tbo motter,- the brudiït 100 clters, sni a yonngfecsle fricni in thibomn sapsur,,brui moi hbeir desîhi!Inb lte s'slerue dthlbeKkaskia ail ocre cagulpbui, sien lifete Ibm osa full of promise ami icyful auicipatoeu. The. aridegreoutbastenei lu lb. rver, and on ils boni met lte dilînacti i fater, 'iel .1 uto bhis arme . a Tisey are sl iii diowaed t"sait be. The c"«pees0r. betore ltet,irecsi luhlb bsbilimest. o f festivity, dnlppiug viti tetr. Joatit e se iiirou s»al upon the filatures, Md oi Dcore sitouli love sud je, ligitIUp ltes. ye.. Or manîll tas. wh11iteels«k, ---" ie.but lu heur q Eacit crpée oas talon up and placci Cgee sa hWe, amidthe nai procession, b, 7 ocelock binlte veiug. bai rescbcd lb. bou&@ ot fessing-tbes Budiulc iauged tea bouse cfmoierniny. The eeling oethIis oediing prty-o thli.eW fater -Whos. py haire are geint mou im crrole te grve, fer a family ltus aouibîlmted, ofthlb bober. woomouron for his mol ber sud ail bis isters, thiu truck down logeter la hie pue. gee., ot s lever oui.. beach lN rivon obit a hnmierboli. Tii.feelings ammi oations or basalea an esitberb. luagineit uer dsscribod. On lbe nmcxl day one grave a osg fe fifvo e'seue-ani aide by ioero tbeylsbid-..Us nther oitb bei titre.ieugbtees. W t beir yeeng riend andi compauice, >lieDrossai. .Tbffsl 0s0.utbland tSeIdii, Timéeshama s usai% 1-sa.s Ut.b"dMh.X. Kw* b a stksaP ihies Ous, rhah M4as"S ii4" 5t.eià" Th@lis enai oswu tadoit b,.a itasa. laceocf the. acigbitociag ene.lyRamdlb <q' s V».ouprembed bthé 1v A.Dnoy. la. hemu preacitev Of8.ilvillc. Woelai Steseds0 osvery duflereut ames. eas-t.mo l8 itw un t délivery. sai the ai 0, ai ne L 1 ,b, hla-lbM1c Mv. l1wsboqh lthe<ie, W i" iýsye.1 he da buseuedolW»rhie "dmby so £«ib me ladhefy soibe hboSa5 sud e lb sp es. t. rIv4ues tan brrrvWUva atall t eos, civt e «isg tlb lestth îe n.I veovsese. tbà pasemo dc ainuiviTdm vuts*P M -601 ns te asa ' 0ofboom. Ose mgt--Ib. fe udue nu" e *siola rL., i 1elb4 moa dlOl lêos.i ez ~Pllqiolb.uumie r m u tm Tisonmy molters voie ooll ime Now wbat bide ut, b.art ricil Auge!. VYe.o Il le tIc. froin cm igit, Conte tb Gud'ia mnatbol, moutan- Thiou itast irunk tliteneof ilte. I 1 llbrnmg lte. 10 tb.foutain. 155135E NATIIsÂL Blt.lltV£.-!n a«Vr onth lb.niit ank etfte Colorado, &mot esvon1 oild bies, oic i bon0e cflte lnlerosting combce.t ilaes bintat secîîon. Theo entranc ocf tbis eav.1 Oro h saitualcdinluasleige cf 1 i mestone, foreinega0 bigb elE oiticit ris«. sîmeml perpeitiicularly1 from lb. river bank 10 lhe beigitl cf about mei buuitred andmif fty teut frontte outer'a eige-.. Titis ueli front. partI, en a mîail ulmeamn mut.e Bill eek. Tb*.meti cf lte cavera ie about tteOtframthie tepet lb.cliff. la san day a duel streum offlhoue say bu ccnsaamly seint oiniingoultfrout lb. coaeltfIbls along disel orestfitof stoke. ThesitresoflcuMo ppears ust or twe fait bu diau'eter ar lte cliiffami gnmi.e uaîly spreadseout like a fan, growinmghiinnir andi thiinnor at a distance front tbm cavoun-, nmil il f iustpas.ra, Tb. nuber e os b titi. eru mtout blie caela.nlubgrt-pnobaitly grae±il tis b. the nbor lu1000or 10,000ordinalry ivs.l Tb. odest setiaru sai lb th ire wus lb.. vba t teY fret arrived inuienbt cntn,; ami lit in qufte probable ltaI il existedithétIcamemaau mim, esrs Previens tle bnucllement r et e country. Thte bee@, il h ssii, bavi eyevgr sorc sit, andit inc molimprobable liaI tbë ie. ba. esisalunieitfon moreonau pcm;gy te incisa,i liear afler y tr h e .reaetiotaI ter mourais uncrenns. Tbe campeazu10oueteni bol j». a, rodsi l b. ed3 , mmipnobabl1 laëd amy latem . , e s.depliti... ceupy me., of ltunelabenusl ctamber.,anditkjeanotluI. Probable ltaI nov avario as umlly jhi m»W ebualhmboate 01l e AIS um I alb, me peeaeil troua geintgoff tc auitsance il a svlblashie. Sou te B oit beg m slers lave cpatd ly , b , b l ig ta , rock s, epà n .i a p saa g I t om 0( thllee mbetiý, ui proeured by Ible minenultujbandipocais of lienq. But tite main 1116tepeiae mIuMd tuc dmp in tlet tsie lb. eaced eioltbest ruaIdisaibnl,, A asl 1» aoYeaam ineloi l. m Peee 'ox. pl (enerta .emo a a è& beecybut titu. e menMa lia 0< Of a l 1h imutswlbiveaéni, ifîtet eMb, « traetai! »@&' ytbeyvoliw stlm sbb.dforfa mnm vasl=. tian lte contents Of 9aS7W ar clver ainel ie n #mtuh asebomemoe -T« Maàsuez âl. be.-T. iag. f ivlI baon, la of <vernIsisIlquilMdit lbas ligeu adhls a m asmntil l in toet o»oM ur, Sdbyb mioaieyuni... TI'e Ifstitm ar ouIû tl vi e, v.- lmoe., mt aagel the Greols g1l&W Wilde tus naden ool abarth b.nuptial oàod*e ueo, vqenas nel teraissie, W»yti. g k« Of.t a thegiaofi ~~ ~~l. %rlag ibn là ia