Ab p - logT ài. lj. jrg StW4lPdausuisie u ft igttew4 w .'vu1-b.ut ht - sulo ad esrou.es le de«salma.Wch. £ad anti. the- Md o rt i fiaW taIMsIi h bunger, ZarcI'd gihthint, JMlhW* .teepreai the dse Aalthi ltues,.md tus. over ch. pis a sMm SON, Po, -e gsersar kippqy, Audmil lokif amop.. An 9h@ mminadrippi.,g Mdriting uith brelan glass, yeundn Som. cakes aanopaebotules, thiecited t=rtt id l'h. bscuit ueare ripeil acd driei& WbeequÇW14 g oices uttet,, «Loo Lok! a toad bas gotmaride Our ouly pet of butter t" loisseulsl quids tae, Y.., eselag liquida husteal, And awucy pamimei joy by fate Meut cruelly ilfateil. AMavlmhosurvintgmaeare sour'aL. 1%q emirk, tbs cunm n lnera ! flaelsq, bataeatlaey cama, devotaged Mut usmhctabl. dinuers. 5111 t e ususu., in vr sp Cp, ~ A~ttmsmdgloomygLads, Vihile lespou @milIe, but storan itliu, A uIcu itent coeszfate,, Abd de» u des in deafeuing dia A delâge etihsater. 'TI. mm qui >acu*:-the fruit d~ser tu fritl«ely dessrtedr And hansard ueu y ourIl auver, Dm11, desolate, and dirtiel, Esel gruffly grumblung,-aho e yra Buns and atoiles hrothsr "If aies. aam Pie-nieplemtras., P«es". me fro.musntbsr t" CULTURE 0F WHEAT. WIata la the Most important of ail the. grains and its varieties are cornerons. Ama.ng thugs no nC ohiatioulhbe followicg May ho anmer. atedl:-The bearded, ch. Dungann, the golden var, aihe peinet cir; the cgg-àahell, the fbdge. uhea4t h. Basex duc, the Kentieh yellow, the wbtt. and ra Esser, te Maagweill'athe Burueil red, the HFluatera, owul ttc Georgimu. A generaldivision ofet eaa mde utn white and re&, cii erai ibid.. between, snd sommer amd uliter. Win"er cetiMsy ho biuugbt into lie Ratura ofetamer, by atering th. is et seuqu. IU cinter choit h o accutaithe perid for putting surmer , whitttohe gteandinuthe c0o. ttwo semis ib te uictt wl hoemme et a sinlar habita»teenta.mer, sud the- mm. praceas ciii bring a sqamer whistt W b. ctri- _na~raît the lewhieaheaîi au prefevred t Io uomm i~but the latter le Mot pse.bl fo wh aIester osiand unfavomm. $hl* clianlis, cia aceounl ' us tbbariet..and ipeangiu e.v A rad utteat, oest ruedue. tiues, lam been recenty nrodoce iotina Scot. TheoverW.Y c is eamst profitable ta ho prcdmesi mnst depouil spen the nature oftah. sil, as 1&Mai chh bas poduced an induffaent trop otoe, amjy yeTian abundant crop etanother inI, andl land la frequecctly fosanilta yieldbeter crope il tW s deeim e a si rsMchangod. IL bpa os »aînd;-tuittmmitue f pinpr- due.. the leautoe«"c.p, man& bat . zd ou avait.sche besa basai. T'he icier description cf clips mand siron1 les.. are th beet dapted for the. ouactiost of chiaI, buti f propsrly cultivateal sudi veli tie- uei, »yp aei.y etfabee e o ss iilprtailue caïelleut esopie t iis raiez Good whist lId ?SlfflaP to vaoa le aqusnay oetClay .1 unt, d san ý..ra " i ght"sea y ha mtade ta lue oIcrols, et ah.a"enClay ciet seppotto th roef pissèa su mmut, uciô adst .,Malt o tSig g0i.& Thoraie kg. MW- mvrmd f, dempew -91unieco orfu=&=dic-la VIletl tW#,whi" prodncueS siwbeat ThissIeli ajud n lthsehe mSU bod 51EMis. hsegkbami êa illairm ad ths whist fn tiff in fqqo«t =.sertotan,;&thae Edimbue se j;hpWm «dUm e sü. laboeras, iom le Càtur, of Jersy, bu asmd. ah. eUbtder ahuat vpblàetls.*veidhe parties- I 1W iuiy kv erai pear, as< Nbu arrived a mtheleuëiag cenuclusion b u y m &tui udaatl agpnimt,. .ay.. ta mnurcf aa pinl -11a,. ar. huaamd seil i t iI. les ommpe.cdIb.4 ese of etwhist dbqse...lharcat oftan lulariorot, trected r* @%âne Bomesprdedsé.sIy 1lb. 10 eusses.This proues. lImaitlaieofpsruoutIm.. pectamS lesels«e amitpadattivesand "ai. ese mots éesd -i b.ing sielesus, lim a àem.. whie muId bave iotr a.ig hoie trop wli tW blat wei.p, would bve poably bau -4 ters. h auper alrety W"ul ba# oep il be ai. a ictvI pe t, in P *,%cwt eli5 tuai«Wthe «M set MMnsof i psp* smeb suerior nLaià*sessallr if tbos.gmecig aneuna.0Osucadea sdeai, ffeuIr ertie h ase sitbùmudpb! ieWllgV" *uamm g a efctien oethaes. e mnih âémmka% am&i fi c èe aemmit sdb. n hiorSheo. Up1seuhnie..., ahi Harhdimaisli boip.whist, Iimira -l h a, ba"e Ob tlàeounsm, selong à- th.e ucie. opt pure. Md attention boisg sid 'i * ieset *mmm u m italble @i ie hlà eýmiobai pWoW talou This mmet orsitaieing i lie Mocltion of«@%ce s e ftmnslyaiesuasi h Cehleel le Caseter,,bu la. hmo lié bu hl &Wsc hauèrsa agema 1dm pscspulig aum de-is umer cWb" dm ndtj,.mi bulb. !Èh y sla.ioihiaeampwla, Iabe apes %iIgmaI; baisthob hV«7siSy ieoechio ;e l" d k tra «4«Wutoou pmi fbm-i m bo t b ' M, ~ . iot .sa aie uns muaye-lebqWbsaeh e, W le luiae .,ouisbaii Imaliaioahite .véulatias, uWb"lam se mieemfon jy t ne y siChet, on ai ail u eaasia, mil in th" t m 006d *tmtl ywaes ier sProduce tisa inu lom. ' Fls huevr, ce meu t ariuitei Sir ai'se wiltal amoiset hang, mer. 1h5 li lturia. if optuie, >dabeflp nwM igw le lurod m p sond a ased ina geod climt.. ad o em musol mauorsi aljoudjaiciossl louel, ta *m mrqunt ietitiona cf whi a Teseil o er@aWeuheat Me Omeeaily reglètd y te Mteof heland,se Weil se ot &W «Beau, oeu hiel accout ili acso siaryo an the fa.'msu euer teachhrme the moment b. l ay liyeh sown fou the sMd iWAugurt to the *Wdle et Noranli..'On cea clapa, iîla sproper teo»w se arlp s. possible, as sud aeilsu, ubeu 'ieoua=lydréeiel it imeaur in sucemo, S.M. ina proper statu for hsrriowieg tilt cI ecelnapag lu the opinions of aanp esperiesceil eJmnimm 14lbout aem.eu for mmvtu Wiesi, hethocmonfllaw, rag-falou, or pmougbuimaer elbbie, in frntth beni alItelier tate i Ub ofOctober, but chia uu:ep» pon the state o e raisluamd ceath. or. là Mmu Lothian. on dry gravelly Jouasi, in geol cMbtien aftr a elover trop, and wcli puurel, chiwbat buas snu nowu ta maccueil tiena clan eunin eNotember. After drillel hemn,, uhinv e h son ciii admit of plougling and bwmuwisggchiat Mayplb. soca fromu the .1111. or end et September ta cihc middle of Novmobr; fer ahi ea.on, the aosing of whist esuht ni lob. lie rded llciith. mPriug quasi. itenru. Aller teruipae hea the crop is consumc.l or Sd BCaid the greea alie b.properl> jlough.ed, wuel malylLe cocu su> ime betwaxt ahe. lt et TebruM alltse midadle cf.NMarcit, andl itls eus- t tar epoghanmd soc te ]andinicsuccessive "anlo sfat as the turcipe are coceumed. Il le oeil on turoip oeil cfha gond qasality,vesrgîcg tocarde Oam, sud in bigb erndition, titat cinter chem, soco in spring, eau hoe castivatel cith sature..Whesc rrcuiatacere fvouarbie, however, U illiigenerali> lappecu cit ascb lands, ch hoi t la nocttne citen vepeated, cili nusly panduco s tueurhuahalaetfcheat as of barfap. The uhesi crop, tiienone, on an atmr. g of eta@an, ili excel the vmlue of ah. hal.y ecp considerably; beeuits culture la au oljct uhlcb oughc ontctehale glected"f Wheist, as cilii atercarilslha more particuler. ly msulaoued, ja hiable tac ertin dineaae, as, fer samaple, sant, milIeu or rvaut, &c. With. vieof preaarving the grain frou tene mostini- Jurimns iardere, hin hcnutomcrY ta prePare the @eed bpateepung or picklicg it in as ual ef amine abiue,-or illilteil urine. 'The vaine cf ibiff Prn. cse May le Teanneel tram ch. foIociugcpn mante ai a atel nvariona reporta etrus Mr. failey et Cholicgham tried expaimecci on Boed in chicit cire a leu bali ofsami.t One. thiril otche &Wolas tespel in urine, and liicad; ou#-tird teep lainurine, died mnd col limeil; an h ler chinai aeca cithoat tsiepging or liming. The venait cas, abat the serai hicit bail beau pickloil mnd limel, ail thal whicia cas picileld aunet le, cas mimost free of sami; chile that weiitas acîva cithout u idergoing, tii proten@ caz mnach Jisarrd. Thie foiltwiig axpaienet were mado at Lord Chesterfield'% fatanofutBradly-liallin raDerb3yslýire :--Tliat rtra oa tapeck aot very femuity witet. anc- haîf cf w chi caacwn inne niais il war tauglt, sud ciae other waiteilin tlree waters, steepeai 'tee beur. la brin. ntronugecaugb tael"t an agg, and then limaI. The restilri cas, abat twa-thirla of lb. cheat <roui roua tà@ anwasbed assa was smuitty, ubîlb cdmtprodaeel b ah. srteepeil am i" 11usd dbail net a single emi ofsami. Tb@ seoud sapeiment cas mad upoa uemO vp Su. cheat, perfacîl> freo fria s5aitA quart ofthiis cas cuasd iu tires cmtere. ta mie it Pc<fectle cloua,, ILaW».eus Pa1a amifr tue daye ima a bug tn chicitwunsnsblack dort of amntty grain, sandttit reaitcas chat a lange ipartio of cheat abus oue cmi umuaty, chile out of metp acres uowc euh cite samne grain, not iacculatel, cet osea uaty sar %cms founil tatr. Tyor, junior, of Ditchiuilbam, cear Bun- gary rubheil a cumber Of sar@ of uheatcis b e poudor of amui, hving mnitsaed theci ta make me pociler adiere, oae.altof tiese cor, cash sI, ceitel cits chamber lye, and limeil. A simi. iar quamimp of dry à-boi alwuthon procunsil. ah. choie h.ing aibbod, each parcal b ta.I!. fTle prodace of the. infecteil cheai cras ibree.foutrhs sait ;ah.sanie icfected cwheat, steepedan md ,litseil, cm, perrearily aoucd. Tine valuatale ne. nui. riicg tram steeping wbeat seed oued coi lai firthvI.o lUratud, anal ce shah nov procceil te demenabe che proce.. eteeptaag or picilicg ia performeil, as aiready meuiionad, aller ibm eeBdbusbea aslnel, by alociug ilt t e for a tine amoug s *abin ie, diluteild wi vaistor malt brins, of suftiienea gtrench ta oot an BUg. Thissel linput into she . oeetaiuing ssunch iqui~id as cii caver ihe grain amtecinch@a, suddmlloc itatlieceil etinreil, se oa ta brin allthie ligbigraiesac, ah. surface, citicit are shimumeil off su long s. ibey continua terite..Anothar uap lataputtibmsed imin bakets., chicheit n muserse inl ine caier, arm easily talLouteanmd cao b.econvneintly ceoean empi tubte-drain. Tin eaLla e. or to our hours in th. citaaiber lys, or full six heur. in te pichié, aller chich theo iqu wla I C Zanal ibm choit apread ttial .n lqthe ar of ctae ganary, cisere it ia celi -,priail ver citb quick.Iimie, siaciel in the tkia .About hat a peckt ot limet la aufficent lor, alminai ofwhgst. audit éau leel . cU sin. ,ed, se ibat eveny grain uay cet a poson. If ibm soi in late hirilleil, it ahenllie b.pasaI tbrusigh a coroi ai ter beint limel, ebich cull facilitate t. pregfresa alangh ch.emHo.. The grain ciii tchuslb.quicklp Irleil; ad il liqi- et ome"leami hers in the heap, thoenlb. sproalostansd nud ibe faloiug up. Sos caution shonli lb ise eluinhavie1 the lim. pruperly lackeil, for if thia isnot doube, ono gmsahmbea mpbu raWaedcicb cill destru> th. vegetacie principle. Doubla bave bsou et- piesedof ah ellica> et liame, mcd sahition of itoppiuiB in mail on the Continent naea. lY udadre lilme wcoulilcerainlp bais noneic bt chbas ueclp siciel ila le ry efficaciene, osha u @ai prevsd trone eimen t. k sa fsai abat a ateepa of lieuVersB laeus.ii chiawi c s merseil fior four -sutatlnp -fri provd a pecerfut pnv.aive 0( diuease. cule tie Sel efecta of mauielbrima cesa Yvqpin- .FOR SALE DY THE SUBCRIBER, p ALMIER'S patent spinug CaMle.sbada (a variety of patterais.> Palaer'a patent Metaillie andles fer do. CHlARLES W. IENKINS. Kangoton, Fb, 1845. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT TaIt OOpose the LRUm boaHouse-IhNm âtrSe«i. TE SUB8CRIBER takes tlii opçommt.ny T t tinfornu his triendeanmd thi Publie, that- la. has made a great reduction iu the price.of every description of Hardware sol Fancy Goode, anil cht he la determinedin tafutur. to Del VERY LOW <Whole.aI. or ibail> fer Cash, or approved credit. The Stoc*, wbiclÈ !à véry extSumigcompris. M.:- 9 li là. Damia' reduned, Cron = .esBarliron, Rail lion. hall round and Hoop ran, Cait, Crawley, Dhîstr, Sleigh SUnes, and Spring Steel, - Tin Plates t ax, De. and Canai lt. Sheet lron and Boi:er Plates, Sheet Copper. andl Bras., Sheet Lead andl Zinc, Trou and Bras. Wire, tlollow Ware of everp descripton, Sheffieldl Table and other Culery, andl Silver Plateil are, Tvory and silver plateilbacdile Rives &cd Forks, Silver plated Tes Services, Britaccia Moela, Copper andl àpanced Vire, Table Lampa, hmcgicg and othetiLaspg, Candalabra amcdChandeliers, ?arming Implements acd Utensý1 Patt nt Straw Cuttersanmd IlU aiive., Joiners'., Carpecter'e, mnd Shipeuldera' Toole, Locke, Boita, Butté, Secwg, &. Hair Seating and Carleil Haîr,j Sadlery, Colléee, Malt, mcd Cornc Mile,j Blachaiithn' Anvils, Vice@, Edos, l&r, Paint.sud Ouas, Window Glaissand Patty, Cordage, Glue, Tuba,,T'ils, Chrma, l&c. CIIARLEZ5 WINKIN8. AGMe NCrY, AN p uEâ Sbenller nrteapeet ho ban receuve. silice he cou noua ie Kingston, ancf Legs tcees abat hean nou paepares te riae ol.] stacnd an tIheCommercial Princes. Street, aihen ve made ce give uatialcitovm favor him cultlaer patroug Front bisaextense qu Trade geuenally, hoei. confa disose cf preperty with an an. ta as g<cea ilanlageu sarne lune cf business. teders hiu àdand chie Isupport ced huai- uini tient ewith te di.paiei, or la te ,mUGHa DER. Commercial Whar-f, Kingston, 2ndA prit 1844. HARDW E. A MES POWELL un g tlanks cebi oeonn=an cryes client md the publie gaen tlie lias recexaly nemored imme hifr Stone r fluniairug 0.jcisig ioUle inPrie- csa Street, cher. lie bas ont uaino open fur examiaica, man extems Iment 0W HEAIT D«AIR SRELF AND FANC'Y Ds, ra" MdaIfflu PLAIN, JAPANSED l& BLOCK WARE, Anal STOVESof dl etaipnice. heretofone uuapaoedenteao d skt. A U L 9OZE0. Thirty heurs and sight d@ys, r eliha lar"ge assrtei of P L 8 send PLOUH OITS of pufena.. Tlaehiglest c a.,e exclbam1. or cash, f mei aes, Copper sur, ad UJ. P. slcistI ptrnagem. truatngt&Watbiees cilla3 ii m or 1h1thau n au1IeCMm onunput. F ale O M SALE or, HALM ash la p*lmi *0 âu. bve. , i- ma 51m fe blgnoé4 1 mam*« m»Mkft Wa e ofo.ail. r maailsgmkm mim »u elie e, by1ho d ier.i là* ef@ . vu &- e ta en mid ti, -" à upuif a lod comesin, re Y«4p ot object otas«W blac rwig sme. tMug Stter."-" Why, pou .àmdbt accus. &W. fr sali aie alsman MI am bars,Wb& ifc ai éAmy, could mm éni fer mort.» _J ay"4c, Ir lbsaid the fellow;- "«W* umny oet=bie mttenmua"d ÔNQ osd. r hyget on ai ail!t" Fror saIG by mhe Sulasriber, A E Wmsutsof hilver plaaed, snd %eta"ul Britaucia Blowetal atclr VenisaS diahie and plate.. CHARLES W. JENKINS. Kingston. Fe, 1845. FOR SALE Dy WM. SIMPSON. 1000 aides Sole Leathar 100 bbli. Oamal, Ontario Street, Nov. 14,18U4 AMERICAN NEWS LETTER Ibihed fer transmissio yerySmn sîa CIg auqn for America, sud t .infeatu4 into gave, eî a gience, an me- cod ut tveryimportant evcct chat ha@ eccur- adinet, Britain, Europe or Anis,,ln ahe ini. terrai beccian thesalui1 et ofeacb Steata SLIp, chether in politica or commerce-a correct sud couapmeieciv. Sbippicg Liat, iu chich wdli ho tauni s faitintul record of the arrivai]a deI atr. etAmerican veis.ls 51 acd ftrnmail the Ert. ahb, Eureptean, mnd Aiatie porte, cit notices ot Ruth casusîties or limie as ciay (romi aime te tigue occur-m acomple.Pricîs Current, lu chiala the grestest cave la taken te give the jale« ter. ports of the martes fer ch. varions description cfAmenican Produce, fretns btmotnqaaestioo. aable seurcea-thus combining, inaseeshoot, aj Newspeper, a Siiippicg Lia, mnd a Priea Ccir- reu e1Annual Saubacnîption, payable in asivacce, 12a. A6ld. sterling AH. ordera mont lie accempaniel citit a remit.I lance or refereuce in Englaad for payaient AIl communications mnatLI post laid, aýe dreased T I CsAILES WIMLNEI, TRANSATLANTIc NE TVSPÂPER Orrice' 5, SOUT OHvN TEEI.T, LIVERPOOL Orthey cilI ccl reach CHARLES WM.X.t'S Off. NO eonaexion with Mesura. WLVt. & Sain. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COI!- PANY 0F TuIE MIDLAND DISTRICT. OFFICE IN THE COURT HO USE. DAVID JOHN SMITH, Emo., Paidewi. DSBEacTous, Jcsunx BRUCE, EnwAmc NOBLE, JOHNs S. CÀaTlwmztiT, NoBLa PàLIuaEm, Joi MOVAI, J. W...UolAB<qr T5EASVaIa, Da via jeb s 5ttis. EsqIde. M~IS Companyr continues ta meure Tproperty againsIlos or daemage by fireWILLIAM I i1LLANfl, Kingmtn, 24th Auguft, 1843. Sceay STOVES T ESuinucriher hem juat neceiveal, direct Tfl-cm tht. Fuadries, made te speial Onde r, s very lesrg. assortnient of Stoves, cooisting la partof . cOIKIVG# PANELOUIW, cf the laient ucpa-ave.] patten«n, 'uricla sre olI'rei excecdiug les' for Casha. Befot-. bon ag ebsewhene, Le pbeased te caîl ai te old eaiabliahed Steve Stand, anal examne the. assortuent an.] prace. JAMES POWIELL. Prines., late Score St-eet, KuegatQa, Nov. 14, 1844. NE KENETE EAVK]E1iqzzz CLARENCE STREET, A few Isersa cor DAr.xY'S HOTEL, et ic0Of. £ca 1stil cccriAd by Messrs. Bus miomrt. Fula ad Wfrter 'Dry Gwsda WHOLESALE ANýD . RETAIL, AT TRI MA!NCRYMTM ~WAREHouIJBE, LAMETON BUILDINGS, Priau blut, L a .HUTTON l& Ce,-, gteitmag jeu te tlsin uerous Toc. ad Coautry Cue-. comiu,tia chit iaporaaionstis ba ebsIea euecel, large, ai thep hi.vecWos has" ais haut asurtaet f mple Md Faty DlaIr a*aaODIa bepbhave ee o&vttepNb.- lac; cith, eJari te q"kailan sd prie*, ther ve= te rraths thy vllm e osurpeu my amp -oueil the Irai. Titey hag te lrmv thasmuts Of tvcm e t tir malenas a" OfsutC"q Caaa fnueplaie saddIe Od u, Priase, Pall.eC=ccuThhls vea &ýS, .,ml ange arleet o icil. MWv Stylaeu edMuail , aie Sthe B-ou Clotha, Filoe, lesmure, DouosuCs- ramrue, Fawry TcemdVu g; Sea and Mklilmea Trunainqga,, Bush Wais., Hedmy. Hslaesuad suau moens.Stock orl" n. eddaimiOnsVité, Linos, lacr'EgMiea"m PtwmnimhmTdillei and Kgatta lulea Alun a ituaned Lums.', aetu@pre esslsasdimlauprueme; JoI..' Pmsulla Boase, CltI maeiKIdl.,. iimmt*- ce'011F19Miisd àSa Ic J. la . cr--m& aC.. lac., lis' the p sou Mmivelea e mluilniote ial 'Warslm, tef«ls prpueof deieg s 11111 Umr axuesuwe tade Zwj aie ing th.lr uetlmersà wP ew et sud"q hp eues te taem lau W" m k sa tla sudhra. miv ~ ~ à MdsbI la. mi la té liedhum ot ml tee a a ce, -wiqll a "- ntMMY, ka UBrï wêu û lu" %Wamaia lA Gn, uLM Wtso essumm le sdinsnsd lu full t. abs 112ANSATLANI le. IJVEEPOOL. *£WB! NEWS! N'EWS!!! TRANBATLANTIC »~WiSPAPZR orne, LIVERPOOL. exalmuWLUMII lwn~w pvFoewuii à IGum CIO NTINUES le auppy teorIer, cith greM. X e r pronpitide sud relarlUr thma ay uI-. ln ous. accd an tise momrsuahible tene, (a Lob" IlPapNrfor £60.. msterhlz e s~N2WPM5ERS, PRItiES CD!r. F 12578G ST, MAG;AZINES, 150011 Mcd STATIONARY, TYPE, PRI- TERIP sud BlNDEIM' NATERIALS, snd Mdachandis et scry desriptim olPor mta et the UNITEI> SA ECANADA, NOVA SCOTIA,- NEW BRUNSWICK, snd NEW- TOUXILAD, ilah iL Tmmu ai. ing ou ahi 41ba19 Oetsh monti trnLiv- Mr"anersd te »Il ah. WEST INDIAN ISL- MIDk ,MCO, sud TEXAS, by the Rovsx NM Brrxux=n, emiliug svcry Fuztmlght trou suthanme. TO TUE PRlWrV.RS AND Palrros newarAPMIN lECANADA , NOVA BOeTtA%, i T HE unalerigneal hvimag purchase] c aboie Emtmbiiabimitu, Legs ta, seicit continuance of tie iatrocage witich lias hnt se llLealtyésitoweri upon flintats Agent the Foucry. ftavicg reiasa anal grseîly adaled tW tl material, le as c onaslently recoienda il Type Dccv nianiufacured by 1dm maseqaal sny mamafactured ont tiicancanant. The servicoa nrtexperieaccal pracc man, frotta New Yirk, llave been enguge] thc meclarnaîcal Jepaarimet, and the Pritite ia aLla clitvaie coidtaealy ftppealed ta as theo beauty snd udaitofl aIaeType cent ai ah Fnundry. A specimen will Le sbortîy iasued, wliî thse Proprietar cviii do lileif ah. pleasua of weiting upon tIhe Trade; enttseaneantiar lac c-tIl] e laappy mc set or heur frora mlii inclirted te give him their support. 01.] Type taken ia cxchange mt 6d]. pi poun.. Pnieru' l!erals, andalmy a-icle n. mnactcured in Monres], Lrougha irn frai *New «York ai 20 per ceci ad vance. CIIAS. T. PALSGRAVE. Jane IL ***NAaccîpppers a iertbntheilsabea ocef. aix moelle, onc ie emartk, zai e Zle afldro te paid ian TyMa on ta/ring four fintas the acoiot q eadrertiâtag. P RINTERS' àrND IINDERS' WVAxacoom Nos. 29 andl 31, Gobai Street, Nec Yorn Thse Dloe Prnimg Press, and Machine Masuc fsctory, heing undon the management anal durs, tien et Rîcuran Ml. Hot sed Roaxumr Hou eontiene 10 macafacture ai greatly redue pnîccu. Printing Prrsaes, fdrau] c Presses au Standing Preseua, elf.lainkmgMachia.., Came sud eteny article pcesparnp complets a -Priai intt:e, a osnpip et cickinieiuling Typo Ici&athe kep onsimtyun bond. loe& ae.Patent Sina. Cylioder Pris bai been recembp improveil in rnany esactia pas-ticulstcith a vie tu adspt it si final rat hock printing. as ccii as excellent »espape eori. A cons idenable umber or machinsarn napria,. raa-innU letis City ailW.elaecere- doez aie cor ry rp apilily, am i na a porie manner. Tlit improvsmcncs in clacir Cyliaider Pros. not ocby gneaîlip ncreessae it. speel, but renie ths prens mors durableaidlmsas able te get au of eider. It la the oalp ahne eadapte titin mat rpil nouspaper priulaug. Th àcremia>the amanufacturera.sitahe Pu, tossa.i ashngteu sud Smlith Presses, cee M axts.siveîp uldb y Priient a irosugiotou UnmitaI Stats geilCanéadm. TIsey cail lb.nmet teution et Prilrsin leïar NewMachine su Cmrd re. kperdira a éay eau prnt fifiesa bus «;Z aratpn e ur anin iithe beat style This Macine la lery fcimpl, and net lhable tl gel eutaf ondin. lis laking apparatai is nlf.act. ýlit CL Compuany alécanufacture s Cy. hler Job Pre.of a large Fooiecap sim, ciic requarea two boys te a tend it, ciio 81the mare Lime drive the Machine cith ltaeit lent It sili pnint trou IWfO ta 200 impremsieus par Louanu o.ud oz'Cernpanayasure tiseir friads sud prnIent genermîll> hat ne painàsWai b. sparil te malacalu ltse affiatisu orftieir ealablish. nantp ad abat tcl eiders sutrusce te thon, Ull I-eceive prompt ald caseful afteam Educues snd patWrieci ml l e suppîlli it estlcuatea ie detail Wfor ninuOtirs, or Binil. riem, or ift(Ormav ofnucIthe mtyle and qnantit of corr bicb tbe, deire te M Beea &Ce.,lmisnunfacture Ciat stael, ail% Pia, CramentCirculer,. -&-bar .Sous, saee raI soppipe l O "e hy l e i;ra tly ea.=ul lobmning ami l Mà"le ilute]a. N. B.-Pubflsis ofetNewapsprm in the Uni. ted Stacca or Camails, cho mmy hapent "ls d,. jsarnsialbeltre the lot o e<numbuici seuloi -py ef thoir papir te us-eoutaintatg 11, dîT h.o entitlsd tu ch. pamuunt of IleWriilli e npunI.. n leur tmuethe amoat tiera. IlOyT rcIr'. RAI êresigned the Creen Laide Aeyfur ahm adaiDliihi aticipatien cf uy dccii.. for Kage~ 1l et inrees Mepfricuadt. andal lah.I "dllrnilbu th Utea eprisal Igeut aintil sîl iMy arau.actaocs chathi Cuewn LanimlDeu-tmnare .-M.y elaaled, md*t repcèa le Ir my servur aws htis apalîy, nsegthiase ch, auj etupley me = i .7.n Il e tedisi.sil.ed a 4y ý dtMidexràme iluM'y ege.As Ivn.imAent hem. fer meV"a-al o , 1: st suaurealedmoraghknevlelge flsu ir; sI cesod cliitute Woua r.. qeoble Agen t ai RsaiQuartera, for rbite ccesit 1lis t aprestent sa large #sua >rud eript fornSase. My Or". cil ha lafil te <allure etuMIna- loe., cili il af s iof Kinston. Lugumon. 3OaIt Septaumber, 1844. NOTICE. *~a~t5515d n mail ami pe tUeir sessuote AsieS -ouste - upatel as. - WULU.~ llIMPSGN. ~ S,*.MIuq..s..md l:a~i~;:t des il sua seatisi dilua Mimai w'11. pot~lwSuu~ Zieutes, 1511 Js~ 1S~ FO1~~~.ain% t i Pmta d, Psay emi ,,enApply I1. me CHTAS. W .I to FOR SALE. In 75 packages of Teno. ot-a ê, in oulng Ilynon, Gaîpude-, In Ws Souchong. lis bu eCavendaah deI1, lSa 10 bt. boxe, Lad e8, P aI'q ta 4a du Hoîcy-dew - en 10 do EnisahCiat. te 10 do S(aach, na 2 casks Rape ()aI, ne 4 qr. emeka 'Whlite %inaeVur -9l0 bisis. Canada Whataiky. r 25 do North shoere lierrar.,n 530 qintaba Table CedaiLla, 1t 00 kega pacind Bitte, >~20bi. Fire and Superfi.,î,,: ra Brando. Z Al tf whicb ciii Le diepiacaloftIo or approved Credat. 11lC CLIEI be Commaerciai liart, Of Kingston, 21aî baîîary, 1845. ;ýUX CLARK~WRIGNT, lit. Ht & CapNu 3.WELLING TON STREET LA large ,s ntifîetl TS iandt-I/S t D IE' PUR BONNE T, ai bY iticloobf tracttihe besti ntenna,a é " at.st ashione, bep c nceaaa ly onrai bC t- b. sRolilverv bac tain ca. * Novîcair, 1844. S Port Wlncq JUST neceiveal, aaa pl of ii ,. krowm, Winof IUNT Cà. *le t, in hhda. (Ir. cus aid caseisof14 t ~Vari. SIXPl Ontario Street Kingstoin, Novemben 14, 1844. I Land Scalp for Salt. (ifby leîtrm uda n No. 33, Little Sa. Jaimes Street, Mwt, tie X MANATIAN, Liand Almî, -FOR SALE BY TH1E SIBSCRI ]E'NG LT1SI lATENÇT STM> .UiTERS. CIIARLES W. JENIII - Kingston, Feb., 1845s. iJIJST RECEIVED, tq CASES Haralcae mcd D'f Swelb suited for a oîr y cadi wili he sobd bow by thie pac a. Ontarjo Street, Kingston, November, 14, 1844. F Sh18: iro, that tbe Copartrtctla A an on sme cme part sctiis pue ý im Moi%* mnd CeAau W. Jmma ah. fira ofMorley & enkien, %volth" 41 actuel b> muinsi cousent- Mn..Peskin. ia ompoceedal n da seule ali debraidue to maI byithtmW mutp cncets.SAMUEL IMOItIE CHARLES W- ILE Klmgstoe, 2Yab Nov, 1944. IEIEE, JA»TON IIi% a of s> fi"q amb <IiuI DLANKS FOR SALg- D EEDS mandMMORFALS M"v riaitfa« mâleeaItîshe rdi Ojki' P U IL IlE D ]zv lt RyTv Mr »m EwAVNo, At àà see, lunam8ritj! the Nu" lwEu.m otel.3 id muchitu .1 0,1.5Wil.Lm Y toi pmrdhpald te. la me5m5amilrea Au Illt.ellsete7, te tie Bilt. Puiesor A M5i. "sPm.'l.iau. Tesm sc m bi.Ortit mwol aipau am I lmpu.. ,osqu L= #PmIil Aahsmstsr McsAd tiiem rS i ., = ««.m « t'a ~., -. t e- a IE STEAMER Cmit. PrEEtOx, .~rL l r= day. durig tbase naseas. ebat. gtu, . s Li jan, Iouctim sGarden s!sas Jolova: LàaBT. Kinga&to.. leave Wolis Island. lst trip. 6A..&atri.7 A. M. 2ad do. 11 A. M. 2u.dds12 1-2 P. M~ &ldo. 4 P. ]IL rd do. ô 1.2 P. id on Suislsyg. leaveKir on- Lesves Wofts. Iland. latrp 6 A. lot trnp. 7 A. M. » de.A. M. 2m d. 12 M4. 3vd dl-% 2 P. M. Sid do. 3 1.2 P. hl. feldoM 4 112.P. V.- 4th de. 5 1-2 P. M. ]Fam-Fer Pask.itc e a n& Iami rtWolfe fslmrd, with privilete of returnifig saine day.' Te. 3d, Double Wagnn, and Span of liame.58., single IlIras Wagon, .q" f11r..ei «Chilen.31i., O*ad sdCous, 1.., Clves 3d, Hqs, 3dUi Slaep. 2d. Hierm as.anCarrnages wili be in readineta to coeawa' Pssengera across.the. laad,--or for Kingston, May 17, 184!i Ail penons are hereby forbid Ferrying scions between Wolfe Isamd and Kingston, con pain of Promoction. J& G. 1'?ES lUn' jjseaM lws 7i.w 8;b- lacv Saddle aliH les i s, B EI arlante ty, chat ne Lausai Kit té'~ thne hlop nexi COrtImeî, Sîreet, and lie tnia, st l rAr' ticleba scheapre, * please lbis Cspre, aha ai witlaa lareofpui)!eî hea :i Saddien, Har0 slaorae ture kepi en c nd or ai t - as ua. be found crGt * As li$ po. , iilarsnezr, CmiI ta examine theil, waij'ný ýI Kingston, sept. 3, 1844. bt-ST REçEîv-Fa ix OST IIE MANCIIESTER 1M A LARGE and pila Fl PUNELLAittours Iîtin, Seal andlPaorMc. nLi &~ oudinar> lot praces,. May l'a. 1845. & TO BE ET. ai p!eseot occupiiad bl I,. «2alr ý, session gavn 11thea It SIJita Ar.So.-Seveal ue rte Marinte Railcr. A G1R oIJIOTTI VkAl TW i, am n«of ai M tll iNSiPetlio OMt aiu miase td -~ ~ ~ j mtsm uuca"#.h b alb le , osW a lle. MalpiNerili se la uiekl uI Miso4t nl b. la swesmml aI Me iMepc luer ema vu alp .nt la ainiSit ilieOna *a Thie is paftleubiàtpthe ga New Yonrk and Ohio. Parti igant ce ore t 104v~ci [iiCC cilliasté le s'o@ p r by so intslso ocua and here V I s fitia t. Like i bd"haVj corn crop laMWuce nlpaaàg e gene.iiSrucit l ancrage éeroi. snpiLa dora mite dmoagbthss.u&Wi« la sckneladdchat tIse tily ânue. oee ara Of tzcelle484uU4 anal ther tioa ar y spbe a Esd or usai budatmeof ans pit rillesuicievegotalutoer C ma. Thc rot bau geltta lai bu*tii le D5 ot.gsncrsa .arep ceniJitle ecomplat merds abaut ah i<niai or,, C 4 ice, tabac,. antidsua. eorgia thueintense Irnaught bha bai ibis defara.ncy e-lu hoem,, >y Missinppi *adl Mtanuaa. tube- cco nlau ligIe ea anal Senth Cis LÏMolinabt le aid %Ia;-ur4 anid e &"U ilc a full 5veriO P.ebachis ~ amtly raisel i Il ua.jf"lrop, y ,15N pera of tat state, ahi& aog ,e t@ le are prabsblj a i e ngdo bt ai ute een po ILaIly la in Lonlaumnala exiejwiqg kasl.li.e no» un ang caootasi tia uges %ite i. The laua taaCo X) (t Po ids, by fan tu ans ai tscouninp. T14409eton. UOpound&. le je yet a as, ana.cepaelu ae ue. ouetTeaapWj.alch mieu ida lerionte ahndanc lace or toitlel A et minci mut rItaiql. anmU rrui "..4Î1ci le an rAhîtw t l ie ma1 til 11p Sfrut ib ti boînitmW ffi ' auai bolmt J~ ib a Cuhsi »Il nii acl luileessueaa he Crilàet -a Il 1