.,~ ~ 04, tile ID)f e , as 8Cel a. vs l~ Wc"ineiî. Md Polt, Md deNaPIo ad emy BomifSuk, res. rea B, ý )w. i& ce. Wouldeie latiots to iheir inautik > Mapie Gooj8, Losu Shiatga L1.,~ ir, Cantocu,Ted .,eat. -.A 7. 3 Mn anti Paris Hat, op Med Beaver. ,011d», made Ladies' pn, n Papers, ccntaing. UP. piecçs Of tise neeit pu-. k CO-, taik. iruet pirailire t @tome"u tuet tiiey live ne, Met and ment ccriulee skwk bave e'ar imprirteil, andi am~ g tie MMn fastidi,a, M16 and Qwmiity »f 0",d. Ca berseives. e9, 1845. larme.s amifacunm lusint thse Gentrv, audtt of Kingston anmd"itsici4 comment.ed bjutjines, oor ta Mr. A nglen's, B aut tbnt b>, keeping groi icea, andt a strict tt nht mers, lue will bie tatu ablic patronage. eu., &C. cf tue best manu d or madle te ortier ui r lsewhere. vil ber iruspectiou t tirem iuema vill be estecmc a J. REEVES. t. 3, 1844. the DWFILLING cicr i Slaop-lacge antd colini est aà Offceri' Quart§ e gave. in a tes d'y . WILLIAM SIMPSON. iuly, IS84& G Statistinlsdger ii iected vitiia'ce rt'lhrU Lice Tables ; List uf PrOic ie andi Steaulicat farci; &ti Cc. dcc.-wih Co thu leatiing féaturtu Of Zarde Soit, climate, pradacti ath a nana@ cf uther anefal front the bout authortmu,r abservation andi ecqiriest c' living Visiai eed bsn,1 etieubeet for tha e-Proel glîtb a csperief MAI', ineh a veru village tase e a volume. bouei Plic" laI snriburn l10. ,t deliveiy injaIoaUry, IN ase, fren whîci Dr- Smith é lufmnfmiiati, vil! h. nîtitad -rfen emuier amd sattiiiL. LAR ' WR 10 T, & camp xhufathU JNG TON aTJtEET touet ni HATS d A9 AtR BONNET& saunail sisbeet uais,4 &Md a kept »eesttY 00 hand, bel~ V for euh. Ji BcwI f«w gale. if hietletpout pa) tul â01 Lma ind Qeos14 st NAHAsm, iewogti BY THEaVSC' Sil PATENsT SIAWd CHAU W. Es -î- FR S ALEl 'd LECD Sv alt TU8S ..m UfMJ3ETS w * a .' a, %îqztou <r CANADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICAL, AGRICLJLTTJRAL &, COMMERCIAL; KINSTON, CANADA, TUESOAT. NOVEUM 11- 18"-ia VOL. XXVI. ,CESSIONS 0à AQUACU. wu Id vasei ut b amuedeve»eod-. as xrslei. tii asIstuciver slaes lr iy n esm8rue ltef(e au d ofdcthe Criit ( hur Who ar. 0 ili udt.r viîe.] sal sprt.eofor mun em e. sbueti ,u ekig ou, yPuatices vbicià .o erin fraudiigh oru forvaiti i heâ Carit er vitb a cfesion ef t arlîkuly te hliesieid t"ha busre. &. isueah od f, bis fotmer Couree of Nse L fur a cueuî.lrahlepried, bave W hely flottezg q breat, but aise btter. rîcil . y mucital qack.r>'; asud 1 am re. il ahaiditeifortune vh bIllstire- als Bat for MYparte- faif-oci-teel îrItt ilsu O ePeîtance Mo. acceent of ,a alon, d.isre oehern a, vid oMy .1 iybrffirs pochaI, dhat1IghrY le -151 cf lutck. 1Irwîishasolboelli uidi i ,th utci artiexaltation Il..r. slI &lial an&iithe PepiiLtcry ofthtii. Quak, uak, uac !Y.. ; 1I Quci athauügb lretîreti one. 1Iaovesitl,1 ut Il so m ti I a1ok back on ail the ay u altepersotuto, tlat I have w be&,[nm fle iera4 acoutfortable fellow Sa, 1 al,.dlghied, ipeIut a. nie rttrtitpect that tiatreby, , !,I id at t asinidured tu pilai ilb tIse. aarr, wiaII uiaitagbut auniiugnuosà a mYîia a u a veaffaire ioaes1 *Caa.a"la ou diviî, however,1 jcttdb aaher aotitve, îaouiy a i ln iit -yaîphy ; a Jesire terentier lati.a rul iaO.lerd ai may ti. Thiis amiahlei ic ,cte cwh ne Quarit. iu the buay Il la tract ly Callej, of ouar livef, are tu ireti. WVtCait uriuiuoi, even îr,. catriîend, vaîhout putiiig ourselvesi à~ .,!Iera pu-er. Our secrets, in i tai doli eai e atîtit ail eventa they old 1 laneal c;&0 ail is wua d ut de vouali outa BuLta l..y tueIe dîysare miver. Ily joli aà 1a . ain iîdepeedtîii, able te w. a" ca tellcl at Iniiume avîtlaut ca .iby i. And letune imention i jt4i, a., icLu.ia diton, 1 aiu otil>'a mil. M 1riiicctu titscircuiaatae gi (uacliieaeely, esale,wvien i- th a. crage, 1 lacluld oeeof ai retbreîi, fitw i-il La> îcaaîîa-gv et ad tgray a t taîred àicabClprcctice, hulbbig la itcaer re~tr'trg bith anal par. p ita. lec r- !:le.tuaiaaiiaet whicl a tof.l ie ertctad ic r Oy reiiiiî. 1Itvas laî, L t ,ay hait educated ilie muât et,âý* coeila.may aithe inedîcâi profession,, mlii nl nl commterciaîlacadein>. 'Ihenea -'-r --2a lz, id uly aILIefl.ggeti; uer ..auuae the ilicticu malle a ouarccîaa Ill, ail, I1beiere. etc sci" Ig it scaci, gw.cJ My cfeece Wi à to i, caca. MY cxccutîoner, wîîh !*tfi baJLelcle rt agiîîd iicv 1 bld1 11I! ttc iuurc. 1 rcelîrcIedîUlis ativice in lI ) aarn aieli cacces, and ativan. Ilaaag rt aciwo!, aaId beeg requiredtu t uiva, a malle ca hoice ut physî, indu. Iteie. chiaîry ly tht love ut the un>'. te maceaicas; atînîbute euth mtil i.a.i n attedth lat science. A mtelprctacal Pharieacy, lovtever, je ci.- b'ry acai ditaipateti ail tIse ru- atiIliad tmaiatd reelpectieg ji ,but lt ratai ie taae filli irteurexpeltà air- lid liecid laitthieti tliat feel - uir, cad iia l; tbter correspound- e.arreiiqaciy eurieru. I va.t, mrPraeil a listing tiiat by far the. p.r Luaay eepluyiueit ctiisited jea c.Plan!I, or 'pittiug ap. sas it vs fil.cc: Rab:'.IcI.ti: Nig :' x'Mi :1 larec ,rcta idfuedcine, 1 thought te go1 eti g deeaseb, aujdhotire t oreciat out Plcer gencraîlacnu, the eeubrytc ne.1 dai tiIercal pl. accld orcaaioimaly occura hteint f ny tpprentêcediiip expired à i"'t a mtter ut course, tai Luedon, Wl Oc, f ccaapletiaig iey studies. To ",- i a a pily muecif vaîh oties di. chý *ý e e tai terrm, tlat I wuî,- cil Il ta In e tieeding lectures 1ctaî, cain oau uy mid sîti i atl cctcay, anti eheinistry, anti bo. 'id un-er sienali, vaicha, iii theaflert ai~~~~ ~~~ 1 r'~~ ply~,c for-mot ""ealter tu amiiation tianu1 i lnt cu 'hemIn ta hifure t, ant i vbîcin I nI t aie a aI Aed thein, wunid have 'ft ttute. c large lier centage of 18 tu ho caret i wtb a biebill irneaisia cr it'matwhIch are incurable are t'autae s ch ater atipacehe-pilue. oftieia h atry, or ali>' tue5 tcact iîît'or% ut sud. reanediei ttc I 'r alcta ieI rat Irutial contain. c,'t viliiebu uppos.1 ai lee~a~,atit tuacqu ire sm leiea uIli - 1rtecteti, te '0 fiiai Iýtc a l i tu whc ia.lactaîi, ihL r'se; for betore I1iau. "'lPaat ecic1Ithoaglit, and car- il i.'t ut athasof reasont, tînt the RctalIl roportionate ta .La ad Uaat la lie bottercon i tul u.liet mre lie woulti gaie henile auLîfuli>' sas 1de * ran h. 1 utitiily endeoceiveti. rian Peelt td!nthsdehusion, a ie e~ at vitsientillc ver. a lu - t e haillantiCotlle, but iTt; cd ha -i5ipatice auntiho.. tleaine tlatcîty cf puhil Pa- 1 itris1 -Ie r lpublic chaity.- Ilician te the institution, I rf can td iaitetiitenaI their u finala, aqitrie a keovietige uf dia trieutat et it itwLa pat tibet.sie. Hence 1i rni i@in therapen. am ci' tit i itithat tiette vwu t~br of dtaeachse cr.r0l utn t .ku awllgap îd u s na lderuetn ti 1 ggay.s * tel. If' t Ithbngit M.1 r, fu t .t soeeat ef a in eicls 1mane tert uui limbe, b, -a rienadfoI i e lite tIse pue. lt 8 P3 ci andi boyt Inech kt "'lt a im~it of utamputntieg loulou& Pasifthsr a ievrt sé 10 Prýact e wvauotea ilî ; aiul bia l'plc appwuont a lnt en 1 nPublicinnil. bntaentbaea asiprbap bave bu olh e'ion., 5ît uva ott, boais feu- .g u1 leei. fmmens or on Iv apiti seieuseanti »vendl od ladies cf mi: ad est jmiisn Isucaq, ae.- Intel> fore aer, et grettnde fron public boit dise i bVh ave us epuentie, Md Utiute teecars of hiemmeolyeAntithon 1 sali li 1 raaissse. »M foettospuneut sad praeeort4aI 1 uivra i e n sut lte uediciiae; an" I sMna g coÇUo f tliMit I agit eUh! bue mWonkueg Ilion serermi drauçuste te tael e;r, tii, and 1 04%, viai, pestaietant a udiug npentales, andi pillaeo- postiers. ngi anormin.for a voil;c uni>' or moermeaneo ofapopepriqte fotuds. so thet 1 vu hter tuas My veri. Coequet. But Vl Wniw 1 saI maisne anspeetofcftteint griait 1 Dm i eto d a "mce, but g algt thse char. tli5. jeaLO"isund an adv"atgem»ousPeng acer f a kinti nensidienie mIssus ad u creea for a goun" lpracttioner ecrnng in country' tare; wuherea.1I ut former!,hebeaunalie.!aa ev. tlets hblhii1repaî,tri,-ertia aboeintvOine.tbo.a-p anîabrte & Ioni e ian hiim s ad i ben MR te me hy mal 1 sodonalsec. mv tat Mi, o!tii.&bhsse cn mate»] ieedfWr.cf Patiente vho are ricil, pacicoinnly if tIse>' bu. maitervi1VrnaI îitsoie&c n quitte a legtte tire foi-e.,Fmotu -y theometter îex.do tigsut i.5 tg rou e mtroauent cf grateioluu apply te a inediemil man moeIy for relief.. ptients. VI m ite ssbouiei ehd I.number They regard bienais a mt et sociai luxera cf Ocoi0OH04demuroace. anti Pains, antiothat, thîngte reat upom-a combien. a mfa,-ory'b>' l trivialaamies Mrfan viich my attentiance vas viictbu solaW, sei, nacoouein( ., à muh 1e itt. Odi8ulurd csat vu neeasa',or anwiraming.pan. Tii.>' requinsebhen taemai" fur titles, nsurangte appîmcaU ha ttiebotà" andi candidle ci tholos andti pItisu. lie>' mn i4te kt s; mat -onrusv es. msDo mad. vaut ins*acse tgratit>'their nyk,, vetiier cime vu tvaned, meaussiilt tho.nta go huee, ,direct dattet,, or b>' ohvioualy and tiolosi kamp quietsantipaut tiei. font in vr.mter go. eaeehîîng thoir vubimeand caprices. Tie, a angtbei. tilam et enue fur a grateitaus toctor. lHemue Needue .i., s1pitotbtu-as Ih.boubeir pair! "oolasai, tthtIe, n, effio, tise liste e thell aiece e of ,c caestit-WiLliîful luxur>'il et touing lbue. ilN e @0,4itre ceaime. elni. 1 atteclinte t I n1eyer hear it deat, Mek Mavcoros, tidtirlant tu like ta bu r nauci ithoult liinkmut et the excessive greise. deepiiet!Ir 11ev iuscally chieothe tIs eva »«s vitLh vhiai, as ith a ouradies 1 vag insoeai- cf mny bhamity! .1 ath liperlotiajut refereafta, Imaginar>'anti TIshou lgitened, 1 percoivoti the folpurt -,M tIli gcomplainte are thse taphe ot medicaI lia foner intiepeetience. anlthte causes of i@ m. tic., berios. disesses are tano fev a umi jroscsaquucelde Invtrsei lire"t anti chsnte. Tht there shiutil ever have mait, teanti, us>, looketi, sole!, at the. dictation0 bieau a thaïe mien I vas ignorant cf tle t buig! et1soiel,. I aonraticted noboti>, anti yet aireet Froni uaosth te contilitrin eveke o eel, I1miiLà verybotiy Iseemedti tai u ain iofe waited fur important cases. Seldte i>'ramoe; un>'eosei. Oumora, politicil and metajiytical and -for teMe lat I 1met we liA acti nonailpy subjeie 1neyer breathei a syllable, lent I1sehtil andt aser tilantrs. My practuce, itngether, ie. effeitti@tome ee. Anti lat me bore la>' tosu eemoiterusing, denreaset ; andt be nonli. thisaaPhoim, that ne medicil man, wviio elt pains ani ache. ietu,,k tlemdeîven tas a rirai, proser in lho nalliog, ahondati ever deliver se, sic, 1 alterwarti foulat, amaie îmuch cf tlem, opinion but a professieaialone. 1 Mnatm!,d tous anti pearti the ubjects uf them taItir>' Ibhat lie liai!botter aworti even tht ambiguoual'. l were aeiseriviul, ill. Another importantsI1 n'ailant say tremen. My>'pracr'ce, tiresgroming Il emalb, de. doue, vnril>' viich iaiet awuasthe properH frees," illaibeceame, b>' tIse oenil ut the. tut yeîr mode, ie a pecuuiary sene, cf reiting unions et roiniie commencement, seo- beautifeli>' lese" disemses; ose vitl, dfférent frein th"int ha u tbue it %las duieng the firat, thatt to Ps my ceuttlis rigt abeactedhy. Tii. latter main!>' con- g anti taues., anti tischarge îîy Chismuas iabilities, »sBl in the carefuil rectification ot dicrdred ai 1 lvas o'bligeai toeiMallea large tate in my napit- foanctiota nd thetmprescription of a suitale duet a. Tiiere le,. ornsvu, a publication callei tbe andi tegiIne% ili occasional recours., in certaie IVdical Geuete, in viicli the naa ast mnny cases cf neceseity,,te moie actiyenas, inch au çi p.actiticaiers appear in comnectien wvitii tleir blecdinganid cmact irritation. For diseas publshet caes; but I beganetu loir tisat mine, riuhtfroue transgressions cf the atulral lavs, if I titi net tlate care, sciaIt ver>' acon ippear in snd iacomfrmmit>' vith thon selvs tiy abouti agazel*e ofaîîoIher sort, conuectei viti mnu case aiseolbe curet. Nows.carcehv an>' patientsi are rl e &lever, except a cas.etfbankruptrInletIse ecare cf thiaL Tii.> imagine tint diss..s are to baeckgrud ut Mn>'prwpecta, te spait figurative- curet tirecty, b, certain truge;wiiereh, je.-ci y, ant ie , eauet fir n the distanices I ver>' deeti mare smnpiomeare otteai relieve; andtie distimcly baia the doge. lit vaâ theretore ne- the>' are aale ta distinguiei uh reief tram cesso>'. inl a viesl tu renuiai thiscocauiription a roai cure. Tie>' moreoyaer dijtille restriction e. cf the purs. that Isibouaiti remolie yn iiole in dalisantid t aP. bieit tk xui e taiei medîcul ai aveuiai indivitual, intoya coinsuant ley object te the. rigli toliof ettreatitenttr nittee ut mays antiMoues. bocause it te long anti tireeomne. TIse>' do moct 1 sili [but exaust My renter. ptience vith know or cenidier tint b, i; alune eaui their dis- irecoardofut detei ts oa ici lues entereti eacSe hoeradiate. Whut they vant is te ho c mith rsal but %vi merai>' Menticn tise rosait. madie moîl ai one. Hence thie quack, t e C otice je whili ltterminnted, ehici vieethese: monilt>'iust treat amcre symptons, irrepecuîve. gr Final>'. 'liai iiexpectieg te praicetd in nMI' y eut oni, of thir eeoentiaa cause, rrot ais.ocffo prafeii bl liil!, knowheigeanti attention, 1 tiec miachief lai lie Iouaà uedo on thsemilonae.t' Llaralditde a gTet niîtakle. For insanece 1 have often belln apphied te b, l Seruutil'bTat b> etiîteavorng te recciimenti ptientenis a delerminatinancf tatoai ta tht biare. myself Iha>'iairm>'aîd slraightfonnivarinao, 1 I magbt lisve given tholosappropriate Medicine, te liat. en the tlostrar>', incorret distialor. tiecîred ism te live abeitemanual anti penbale d Tririly. Tuat, iirabaving flluwet imy ose in. te appi>' a nustard poultice, nov anti thoraslu w c Iflatiouie inatiens chenein 1 uhouici have beau the cap.eofthtei.neci. Il, tiieeeme nulaeyB.> geitietib te fantie, of etiera, Iliati beon guit- meulai have crtainhy become aveulanti remaîleh t, utsa grave eutempt of the majeet>' ut pre. etau. Did 1 du Imis 1 Ne. I bled tileuls tea hod dce ; ta vhieb, in ail particulara, I1ouaitetusure, uthici relieveti them letai ; ann tten - bave been an abject slaye. 1 aliove l lem ta go anti live as the>' liiLet. Ine9i Fourmh'ly.That, lbrou th tii aluove mentianeti a levr monthe tbey veto inI again. Agan e( bled errons, 1 mil irnotrievau> lest ni>'pactice ; anti, tien; anti su on ns often asIllbe came te me.-R liftily, iat 1Ihall botter ty Ir> mfortune sons.e. At laut tic>' gencil dieais tiobtite>' vomit!i cher, tabls reiiastdelliacg Mni>' uioe course ef bava ivedt untier a more rationa traituient; bat 0 actien, tsud Iurnaug laver te entirel, nel leaf. vint outtt1 1 get sen poids.anti repetet a B lu a %vord, I tairl>' made up M ni>' mue otur claivertsn>, a botit prnctitîonr, i bot.T quack ; lanti furlu>' aphone cf action in tht ci. A grand popular falhacy, whici 1 sucefol>' yth pacit>', tuichoe, tue metropoluiiît. I 1mhd lit. tratiot or., vas tse popular taîth le apecilln.-fil Un Le luns go mitre 1 megt ; M u>'ecceis in For 01er>' o-plaint 1 invariabi>' gave soeotlieg ta an>' part of the countr>' moult atient ho lituitecl, ttlie. Itamu»gCorail>',ilerefore, hehievdm.a but itreosas a pcasilslit>' tiat it Miait bieun- Ibat I kosv 66htvnt vs vat;I but vint I boudent in Liantuî.1 thecefore, wiuhout lunesut reali, d knev vus, that there are but se spe-.0c tianes transaiedm>'elf I, towe, bldî took a ciice min tha vbole Matenin Motii-euîpbur 0 boue. in a gmiol meigiaorbeut, put 0MI botinein anti quinine. Dissous, directi>' or lodiretly,,h w>' anmateuranti bras plate on my dorandasa re the resuait of noine sort cf injury. Tii. o2ul> tiruseeti mysef id thelietion of a tiuseîtiug specîinsc are tio.e tiet leither eeutrîlixe th..ije- amnistier. 1 aise, ilougli my siglu at vu a keen Jurious agent, or expel it fren the î>'eteme. 1Ith au a bamlaiputill pair ot spctacleson loy noe, munt aploginefor ahi this phailceophy ; but railu for the ve>' reanoneLtitat 1dkilowattthii.done h, it jenoce"es oknas somstbing cf mii iiy pneateîdes wiliam 1I ont te dospise. Tbns acides in order te pervert it te quanker'. t eqmtpmehani stauibe I aI a ifacaureti 1 hall formyoui'oten lest credit for a ci uel ton a licihat, anti 1 «remet up un, energiere for ielii, eut fliving, eath tie aelsefoficient>'-Ie uneluiatal oMiiym>'piey-tLi.e tpi. lie ignoanmt, ied the importance of the case. I took ver>'1 tiie vain, the creduauas., the.tuminieeing-tii. gmo care.,nos, te aveiti thie mistakte. 1 have creatures whau mloueut. lot me get an hoeet e mnotnînrbsen summaneetfroquerait e t1ie bed.ede f.a m aiinti> l tse a 0inn yî no chil, aiecieti periape mti scarlainie, r mea- t My tretstepsan te rin myslf n ace. een.. 1hanve @een lhe mathen, ber lips_ whte . Fur tbie purpo... 1 avait" myoît of malerykîdd i aoy, tremblin;as elie ihameaeuifor mal>' ut introtuction thiet I couitprocure, anti1 l l oiio.A nd1bs rat<Oei, .« J a i D er ut potessionai caris pristid, wieh1 y opinion.ant id 1 haved kti solwonani shahs. dii làect scruple te sentite ailîunnuer of portini.g lhs daact br o P b m .O sioier 1 limaitIosou net. I lhise, "e-vrrthlai iet. 1I wssrather norr, te b.c blignd tea dan Idtalins roe eletton, te the nevepaper., Ill i brIad viu ufoc t ol eometmes aaertni tiat 1bad scovered-tete. n le a e.i ; utIv fociad cassiiicb lappenti ta caine blore tepii - A questioenis pIl ,b>'thie lime have l As u thle truth,. spenulative or prioticl fa " ' e>. occ mit ierdr st hsms ep tiiteg tint 1asertel. I paît no regardtetitvial-l. e the conrs. of MI practice, 1 calcallte tint 1 i ever my oie bjec wa noutety 1 bibl kavelanit. 1caunce saaexacti>.'.BI blond-iE pen-?.eteterpotiagyocidea teilfor lie relief of>'eplcîe. i tem»-neva %ivhih 1 as stnaimd, n tie paal ;and Z 0motionala eti, I av radcdn-s haireti personaetturing antikuk e t m>' tuof anti eral cases of diamanti hert, wviicl ermainatei a cavec eccaionalitu caui meu t o1 chuc-fatlly. 1 have aise 1 thiel siortened msoJe vbees b> tu by, t>' unnlan urcou ies iv.b, tireuse of meuor, for a imila perpase.V autxep yIa ba Ilyllein anor ceiWasent -Likevis 1 susipecîtnt. e',itb themineilUin a vont.i lardveu msi to pi', t ma sue vicina 1bave trentei divers casesoe! indigest- ie te recollec et Ia au ri>' heurat. i nt a Pro- iti alccbohic stirnints, wirb> vu uccaialie. teedioanal engagement ; but Iselthlini f, conleadiisorumntati.n fthle laver, ultiMatel>' pr vitba living lngrtit.ti ournlf viaii somi oLItdumatgdeaàsb, ydrape>'.i lity or genteanu iffliteti vtlindigestion0,or 11>' maioroà prenlions beuti cte sprisclipalesP goal. dnsoe indiàgeahotI ue, ver, sposidily, n Pros. A stesti poersisera« n I. tis ed anismillaiPordusn g4età&se4 tifmaly ventai.ete dam liatt ariice masoui neDolong lime revardiistl appi alo.At îesgh1Ikit apaisans>'grind dia- 6 sonu. secinsuoi -I masl bou resoftitigo bla cuver>', slici bu rjaie teta fl ue"a'ie larnier of patienta msucienl>' leta eel= e aclee afatenent In1 aimandpoe. Thorn me lu carry aeit o, MeW prinacitalesetpof has wu a eelai.plus eaxei ord t vie ag And I lad comev 4 buugit u iilluflamfme ieatsa. ilài,» Iaesmsotheb.Pua tfer no,1 of msituaI &%çà trauis in rofereecetuae u, msnoct ai libety lu mOimu 1 fbi requs e- e voieem c oliel# iilepcldtéasme, as if b'la 'icos. orlsui ee> edasi e dlis ro. élampltiu~. lfue Usali guet ac" thnt 1eeoadtisait, primnc ipl e= 9e.atn adciim g mai, Who a"tiwiialmee d u l t pi al 1 p foussil wmie n ae eo» eie. ntleaf%;y tiente 1 à"egua tieb er ni eal. ct atft>'LcseKtaIloguy 1 bond coisietavu le tiS mmit ni h m& u.. dsi empWddlg cai arm-M" *1 bea.tbietos te enlu,1,Il teus a lse oppesat u ,is s i. jeboyoei>atliii tInt il veu i ue llc ill it toalvnupro- mrefaebleoa osids, pompe a eextroae.»se- ducslaapprsmnt Mreliluthi se iu t df tit>' sitiiveaes,,mai ilete bhui t ise paeie, sudi peu cet, tektq d"&saset Moudem. tigiteiet te dei e theiiamok"es Ymptem ai Tis et e«es îeh.es tell uthlie Huma&mm- r«mnhistoiaotL tees U.. sia Mib b.iaduee t ttase un, ciil intige o esI Imm gibuar mthan tiejdae tiem n nmiébpe t- U = -« I ton Umem ttboy I» oui U4ilS inseWese h tet mu lais etteea" i e, ni te li nlteeOte enm s lieS te lis .stmnr>.-égaient àâslaùiSi. Nu idéii e mni4 Tu.>' min dWbieik»ev te vel.te thoi' Ph- cpat. Io&oa petiot a mUde etues ptqidaeis -new, 1ten m"b~LUfait te>'a ooee sai, efennmui. Iiesslesik l aboule beleeo a fleseeite s e abamtege..&o ppt m mg mio *ou c *iàedR Accdit&%l,5 wbseell tbiti elle e oi" dma ta tieqsa; i. usai"e ai te P.ge i.II5à.moule& td ading. te is e i Imu«etolu e - tlel.1miW tei bmiaiIte>' r s * be fo --mu. veI ia fW s,etdàmsaluse iu vu al éa . u..in *teeaa- Wuesi ta iuea n aa nie suiilia vblb t- a rele,~~~~~~ cju p m te*m. ~ ham si sonsiv4*sAi , eia lr dm4 liette i u lanedgre1 11. ~ ilI sfaIW L ai 1~0. .11. i. K. A 1, 9. Erery ldsat all, every boariling, tvac placard. ed with puls f mcfuy iufailible pali. la thle»sepir. itd roeeedings 1 spent a little fortune,; but the brmlwhich 1 hid ts cnet on the. waters r. taurned toeuei, aller lot mnny days, bundredfold. Thankatat the gloriote credulity, thanka te the. stepenidous ignorance of my fellow-creaturee, vath respect te the. lait@ of ealth andtises»! And noir. perbaps, ih twilibue aed by thau ee i baie peuse theti.allure Confessions. vhat ame say refletice vien 1 iay my heed upen my pil- lots. Wby, 1 reflect vbat a nleyer beau kin uet bu. that hall made ita owner à Creants. Au te conscience, 1 drown t ije cPaetolus cf my Tbree.Per-Ceots. 1 have nov caedidly describei rny course thrcugli lits, and 1 advise every me. lical maen teimitat. it White commun senme roe auncalinmon, am itilt thoedsfth.c re ma- q are enlîgbtened « thi e abJikt eofsedicine, bure iti always lbu a Uebld for quekery. Suc. oeat) il '-i drink the toaut ie Chiampa¶ eAndi lie it, 1 would whisper, reinembereti,t ie a prolctitioner vue voeld lbe honeat la drive. by nattent diecouragenîent andi conveutioeai preju. lice tu become a quack, society. fer ail the.luie- liief h.onay inflict upun it, bau only tu tbank ils note wrong. Coooita. TRIENNIAL CONNMEMORATION 0F KING'S COLLEGE. Tas Convocàion.-On Tburaday mornieg, 'ant an open convocation of the Uniîversity of King's College vai aeld ian the Examinatiun Hlu, te whîcb the public ver. adnhtted by tick- es. It vas attendat by a crowded assemblage, enxioue te vitues ethe coiiferriîo f tiie iret de. grecs in Arts upen thèse.%villebat reoiveti their éducation iu the University. The arrangements tiers, as usuai, excellent The tollowing geiîlemen tuerie admitteti ad çuldm; Lucius Prien, iM. Dl aet' !heUniver- sity of Edinburgh, Professer of Medîcal Jurie- r.udence, anil Scaftid Lightburoe, B. A. 'if the. fovrîyu Dubli. andi Muter of the Gram- an Sciio ni at K ng to . Te latter gentleman. ogetiier with Wlliam Ramaay, Esq., cf tluîs :ity, andi Mr. Prinfipal Barron, ut U. C. College, receivetheii degree of M. A., having previously rformol] the reqaleite exorcisee belore the. pro. oer offcers. Altor ibis followei the conferring lie dogmue of Mluter ie Surgery [C. Ml.] on Eut. tard M. kiotder, Boit, a Menîber of the. Royal College of Surgens.of Englanut. But the motnt intereating fieature in thae pro. coedinge of the à, ay se i.conterriug ithede. gree of B. A. upen silteen young gentlemen :1 turteau cf thie atudent. cf King'& College, the. vwo laut alumni ci Univeraities je the. S'atie$'but natives sudi inhalitants cf Canada. Thnt the. felings cf the asdience were mu0et deeply la- teresteti in tuis part uftlie proceediega vas etu. dent froma the iierty plaudite vah viicii cr waa velcomei. Viiey ver. addreesed hy thé Biîhop <as preeident of King's Collage) iu a abort andi pity steecil, retuieding t".autofthse lutie. the! v ed,--d vuld threogb if. ove, -te the. 'Intituion, inoathse iody utfvIson gradalutee tli.y ,ere nov admitteti. Aller tuis foLowedth Ie incorporation cf the Rev. F. J. Luedy, etudent cf Civil Lnw cf Uni. versity Cliegr, Oxford. tnd late Vice Principal if 1Gl CoiIge at Montreal, and that of J. Mierritt, Eeq.. ofOi t JuinnCollege. Camubridge.~ The business uf Oie Convocation terîninatetilviti the Matriculatidn of sixteen nev stutients, te 611 up the place ofti tse overe retirîng, and ta entier ou a caater le vhich vte trust tiiey %,ii] tare andi ebtain eouai, if oct superior distinction. After tiie Convication foilove tiie recitatioe if prise compo.ities anti the.distr.ibution of bon. ire, lu the. former the Latin Pueme vou by Meugrs. Stenett andI Weld. the Eoglish Pue. by Mr. Ilelliwel, tiie Bogliei Eisy by Mr. Stennett, Erigiineration by Mir. McMiciiael, andi lue translations luto Gréait Tragic lamblins and Greek Prose by Mr. Weddl. The lait menti:ned of those gentlemen seen te succed iboat vien a délicabe and accurat. aeste is requisîte. Mr. Steenett'. c .noetio. lvince very grogea ieautry le tbu colt0onu reateriale andi rolcarktabio judgent in thseon. matie et tbce. Dr.Hellivells poemw eaenter. stand, vsu a firet attenapt, anud (oatia a very ,uccesfol one. Ur. MNichnel'a cration ahowet lIsat h. fuIt tbat te. varieos petes taeviiom h. adrerteti, as bun&tctursut liUeiversity. frime Sir Perigrine bitand te Mr. Vice Chancelior jameoi, nectorigettileuonWho bave vorie on eounvearieo in the midiieti dcamnerand opstien.-Wv.r sel beilnciturs te hioself. The omptito. ae ereeeived vitb the applise, wbuch tIse, se vil doge&e At tIheaxetie ibt ef honore vu lMr. Bel. livel. anidSMr. McDonoli occuiedtii.second place ; whiset thé,emedal of Chaie vu carriei orf by Mr. H.. endti tho f Metaphysies and EtllS snd tbnt ef Evideeces a&Wi Iiblai Lite. rature lvns awaaibd taetMr. Stennéttp* vha libre. gis obtaineti the geld modlaluf Hituey anti Composition ,founet by Vice Chaeljtw Jateeo. Hie p.pmerave proeoumid by têhe Vice Présideet, D.M MCaul t ie t1he verhut vhieh hbid ever rend. tMr. Rouetinead lta. reuning mealtofNaturai netil xperueel Pbuloaophy. Tii. studemes vio receive pimut eead. *reseied ienepoplmteand félicitu o tues by the. Presoideur, VicsPie = udniPreor. We weue suchs gratlhfid b, 1thélaueet made b,1 the Vice Preulot;tà" Dr.amve% ,fet thir etreaiseus. eslura d au eea.iaio a . ender "2"«" e intetheéGUiverit, ecSeMote nseos in heui depériss bul ubosevWho laierai fo thesmu ie m tllms tthsUmmWho vrero the "Millspovtm seule .n"elied i censà« vbu bsattendaitti ieur edeettilome; andi baseWh ebt vobaue vitesew n "bis ceau. se bellitale Mt Io expi..amsto"euie. ami KieàCollea' Totioui etci, smam M l"diatisgihieegtii detea ishal. m oftèls Con&elaetbut miii mpii- ty siliKetopa oleètty ma& iascrite nma etimrmqe.-oeonte VeýLu. Mbu zPiOdcwnzmeu-The ble~ ub"iniv sone "l dbessevez ma , -elees eeusln. bi la mm lim " . o <Met made aedu* attend uegiaU" tissu *eeta oei .1 bet t"e wu ei.lembreforti i e ou a laIM ai li 8%ieeree shet bNiet e ainietim Mv an.p Iete* .iC e -eb*e »l i leid eaPI gw. If -.àham elhbieokit bua oue i.s i m e * lm e t e p a ie i q 9 e « " i e e p a i n h mi PMMU$ M» m oneukiu b"le ismudali porg4ft msucf peints dm SWiu Ueo, vi aecinuth*e Unitet States b>' one Party'dia- usint gî a f fice boimers protezseil> viii a C mvtiew oPutholà plntues on auies ti ùetaos, The. motive sas écitkais gein, an thencourse perauti migbt ha". beeu justifier!illi giet plvibilit>. Tie rexul, never,wvuaditiitb »EI tirestIi.ejupmition Party gut mn, tiratilse- rentenisedact on diseasl uttheir oppostents ; antielb u!.tien ddba oince boen ceneit- ereti anuettabliehe ue. rhe reàuit bore miii inevitnbl>'ie thel eau in the.United State. If the preeent min tr>'dîmmini..Reformera ce se- ceont of their epielte theo Heforun Part>' en- eVer il mec"eei~l moisit an ius leadiera dipini,- $in# office hildref ail kiwi!., vinîber their sih- itations hoa efibonoar>'o c a b ins subtilment.. msc s naoi ai!.. 1the. ladeet in tausiog it. amtid yet il sppears tâtât Mn. Drapern isag olinuprecice. W. det, Our Oppariense naine an instanice li hich rie fat@ ait> emenenethe renactal ut a maitrlO ffio«ed aekiet,'on icculit et ii. oitc l omni .or et hige ndect aisee. tion&. We heu diat tieres are différences ut opno itg tés exact point aberse line. ahulib. trir,.. For onurave part me esiret to ntb.re an clasel> ne poaaiiîe tu Briish plan-. lie, iltbouffgil ita probable that ït souidot - 1c lion aI grenlmn ainourttoe interference on the part1 ot the Ee:utive titan %ne moult approve et. -W iii nsgn-teu agiatrauen andi peraces hoîti- r u mrg loer'offices o ef kindýt, Lercon br c r damit chleratuaito Englieli practace, whic inig t0 leare thme t fuI! lmberty ta act ira pulîtice au 1 the>' titmk fit, pruvidedt de>' kiep chear ot chat me 11hra1. Anctber clai s ofofice liolticra, va., tbcc. te the departments outhle.Custome, Excise, Pont Office, &cc., are prohubitel aliogellier freint votirjî';ým.Jine ba", respect se hbave fuilaset i Britisltpractice in ourtIntiependence etflParfis- q ment Act. There je, huwver, le Englant. a dise OIsubonteuofficera wme nsvotes are ex- pectei :y govemieni, anti wbo are, me dîneely contestidelectione, reqiairetu t give tirent. This v. thiol mrong. A man sioelti ont lie requirati ta vte igainstthi@ conscience. W. tbiek etberi tint il persans le gonrernunent emplo>'ment1 aboulti bu put on the amefooting as Officers lau , the Cusinais, or tint tiese, abatb.loft porfée.i ]y' free te vote as tuh> pleaue. We bulier, titl i the taregoing vies. anc ie iccordance witlitose 1 entertaittet b>' lie Literai psrty generallyad' sucs ai tieir epponients vilI scarce> ' disent tram. living eht"iltie'n, sue allitne longer1 dotaleOr restisrs frou the lutter of a " Middle.1 ilx Aivocate,'a wieci trente in a ver>'aahi.maai- 1 uer et the questioe cf part>' pruscriptlou.a TII NE.W COMMISSION. Ma. EzsIima-Availiog niynlfeutle apporte- nit>' once rmuree ffeuteluthe Refcrmera oet tus count>', te hks oa em ter's tiiougbta, througi rte metimet a public Journal in tireir interest. 1 have bhatil, tiruvu togetier àa tev tiscughts on thte suhject ut ire New Cotmmion efthtIe peste. esuet hon thijcennty, ebicli, houlti you thinit Iheul worthy %Ira pInce in tire Wesfer, Glob, aire nit>'oun sertices. Ila i hly esicabliern the public s"Id ie umade avare Iller every ma- gisatnte in tul, couet,, Whba il ani unet te oppose tie diaguacful proceeduege et the Tu. ries at the. lt eô ion, bhu been dismet, anti bnras of anotier Ibaibhetppoinla tIheir plaire. Varicesconjectureisaraaba4,aile Iowe vas the. Goveraor-GemrMal' prompter un Ibis motter. Som imagine liai it es as ive becu tirs lai aI>- ieg kick outhtimt l#rengode wmiom te Eec. tous cf thisceont>' ceiiiered for bis tuesanler, shihe eib.rs thich il ma>' u le oe 'bie tir, Drape.ai a eheatiesuent 0o) tiiî cueut'ty or ias determinei oppoaiticon tutise abammetel praceeti. leg et @ bise&uietdaathe laim c .Tii. es Commniion me, hav. eiaitmanit punier the nuspies cf Eiatiangar or Laevrasun.-at ce tIing la certain, ibat theserikmng of ftront lb. liet of eVer, un, iamctet agnnt lie Ad- minletrataon, vmllieh.Ue meut peniiciaus neaunt tu vhich lie Toricehave yet betahen tiemeeves. It vili haussaea procédtieltur iolier Adiniseîn. lions, est abon the Pressait ephemeral cabinet @all b.. sucoed tib, auitso f different, pol- tics (anti thsais a"i faltirdqiint) vhe cao tell but the ie> 11liev uwp tie exemuple anom ebovar ttera, andpfaced. u iapmber lune, tadiamine ever>' Magistralesvie tiareti te act henetl>' &gains& tiroir mnleresheit Prose theo oest obuhiioune te eMagistracy liet, tue ceaI. m iii socra extendI.te tei"- enleof thse viole Beaeh.et evr>' cbnge of Ad.- ouinisttston-nu, ant il sue>,4viisu n mas te iicl U ige, Tesarote Reistrsrs, Pose. mastters, andothlez office.tualr6endler Gavsera- ouet-csti! l atm aange la Governaisut mill bie edtut-Mst eset pulaticmi .uovcmenî almctiag duépublieusaortet oftehe ountry, but as a signal fur Uliroîg lisademie ut persoci. ont ot employaient. and eosrilg wlaI.Ist poite et thiriejecli eas mn>' npieciplet place.isiiz, tors =erdce lb. pricioplea"n sere viii b.t 1osît sabii>' utourinsetitutions 1IlHo. noridto.ts', and ilahe te bube athtoi eu u-ant- nov, niai wo.iivy et tie digitl' eofthe Magie. Ira, vionit secepi oLue. la ciatever Irituva elele"li lenevaion, it is oqnnljn iseihuble tatee u oont, ani ruler0i.It maes @6d b, aun isnt utere sieut ose country', tiat - ur Sosereigu Sisperser le ail thers opus eprtit, as bauimg ff kaig of (me.- mee.- boureas eliirers e "IF melie marcha et clavip." H1evdios the dotat inosquestion de. tractfa lis e l. Miéle ePithetî bille 5C1 nd. au eflilI e 0 tleatice, duoil.hprise ei ivoir eStles le eileros;j or aubm.nvaeay t -Panl tpue caimeees1" A tusis sn"dea nidintellIg n uitra. Or, m ie use, idesu-bleuid saI>' f x e q try ' m m annsian &lir4ealcaect>, ulni lia.. the facie, a ieond * i lis »@stitel -14ject, a*"i teesiadid àgqq W jsu aseeg as tis cueute,, c-d give puue.se i9 me geai. tqae ;bu a mitie-4 ma51s os n fss ils» . bi,4 msle'St bandaautte Mr kfeu anu e t boa Umm in esp is fom prie sm s s Wa.bist. In tleeh« aeprers, V-4» t isi unst vbkalu timg*Ws vau -a vn a u . Web"> nia t 11 s 0( s1 an- i lP o" i* i fe neeêeeda eitte "0i i le sil eso v te mmdi 44?e e b ils sMd ia iceui detimiier do 1 eiw-9 l> eeq W*àaueslalmi te i. &W le& be sim bsCS I~eILest. - hi O_«--eapmi'> 17 onseufnt>' ?» It grillBt ot tie-linlm e, eqeiva ntfr the imiur> sustainsti. TIi.deel Om.J U pmicslcuhlae, andentaile dioceeat &Wi aoe*$!on the canîî1ine iteutt h ire. 4 vtan ioppot ilunemIau core'vtioau.,s oh ii, the camol> ettueuglthlesmerimest, in enaugli bufurse"scia tribunal te leuuM tisaîrectine, Dmn 4"' 0"edoui t lii?1lotMm trnalieft eft dilaogegilaïnI*aU fascetiosC .Manio. neepe% , cesar inuit buopnt te eai 'saelna0 a frieuiL A guenmlju*thoniui d ii eeani quali. "itia~d W" 0 ia t tdigv ai. he hie.i ertaiet& êscasâtry.Wlin aer. for aex srcre mmiveti coh1 pzpec t ldjustice fron. tle petty Jury? UUder tescirc ances. eIdutwme e friand et oueess»au1 tiand ti netidovu le the styset seaetaiitvise.ie hlmtisIaltiseglt oppod asiîl ide"ea~urte, oft Ilslle ho thuje ethe hastt," te e < humeb, rallier thaw'eel m'.z et a sci a Iri$oe. Whaî vrill he the emmqsene 1 Ilin pimins tiaj,--tie privilegost, leur peu> villuis. embeldn. md b>' imaipeit>' vil! go ou frot teIp te .tep, frm* affront tu lesali; n la tmiaciutratnge whil; lie ieýjure porsans hnevisgtrmu the CA-luof the Grand Jury. tint te souk retire»ea lui tîu liepe, cil! dae*kt# o(Wauri., or pes.the ipetý Wbat tien je in the chis et eveate 1 Wl,>'dt cor>' persae sho in tie movingef cuml t h is, viii coule feuvard ine uulitatiois poimp iâoaceueç Iressei le a .11k gose, andidtns»ethe deat in sulemrn declamatio, anti unIe a pour tspad, paciepetiy Ju-y buliey. ttiaî dtenser», vars, imiterth iflueuence cf the Devil I W. nait that, - tuie de" canfuent eail oaicu. lttion, "-Wbtt ea;I me undersanti eben omxt lie Guveroor.0enerils procamatitsn camea pI, rintmantiog tIbo country people thone hié Repreacetativie' Wh>' te bu coniateet mîth lItl it ou lg abu e . nopamiet i eti s buael flg ; on viici sisaulti bue souiance.timtfare fS officia! -Secam mh-s i. ter ynsn douta as freun tbé extreme. t!1evy çap vse ureeueile the laie disungisud atithe novsipaptot withe liemîlen repeatei avuvals cf the lenneial Goverimeot, tut --itwvis floth@b. ish of thiat Goyernment ihat tie aoffice of Magistrae e hould lie caclusivel>' conferret on persous et ose clesai of polins!" Aller dUe in ht confidence cau bu pinceti in lie eincerit>' et Imeperial declaratiene or the pro. fessions of momuontar>' Goveteers 1 Tialt th Goversor-Geaeroi lad a canetitutioetal rigut iii dirphace every Reformer ie net desisti; but sae. ly this power mas otxceoferrei te reteb Bavereige or ber agent totie position of& viChe%ý piililicah partidan, Imoumi lao ollsm a.vùitictive uninister b.>'onti te batuiie ts oencyi1 Lai e usr he econclusicon oftie vioesat. ter. If this tirentiful pover le thes sauleul>' t b. uset, tivers snnu security luthe ceosetr>'fore eitber person or pruperty-it iS lb. ment tiesil> etait that wmu errgivsn te, the liberties ofIis Ceuntrv. Mir. Editor.I s"ail refrain il presit lher sap> ing nethile aectisg diii qualilcelioset standing cf tii. newly.s.elati worsllps, gave tint gonsome jestances it ina niielutaly se cu- temptuble, tt heirrnopr.uesilti euz"forbeaç deplcaeeg the ent sitation of hie ExeoIloey moi- der aScIi cenancihhors. At th.esaM tise"Il voniti advins our fnienis mbg> hlte sbeeýompue setis t lta g«nee over it, se Isa"yare tSntlha. sened th Isealinatioe cf tliu triedn., u of Ib.moues sensible part cf the Tories, vii me qeite netîlut t it #hallnUbu nid litait caus etantin leoud.lof seci despicabie expedmeut. te sesau, il. Yoers lui>', MtIiDLEexAiiVOCATe n2 th i. asmlsand DistritCccndtlcrt îtro&gà- Givrrzuss,-Tle Niagara District Ceuteil iaving selieltet leu ta unite utitu tonsinluPehi, tioning the Pýrovincial agielatuleta sppreprit the Revenue deriyed tee, th@ Publie Diauei, Wo the perpetofutc"WU la aeci" eanti poupe. tuai Fael ur teisupport of Coummo encbeeht a"nthe Ie«mtatlises t«» fTewsep Lubrise1 thrao he e ivn»s; want nCeamsee. u siatiag et Maser. Tbaupscn, Dielss. Epiii, Lateriarnt, Gcwae, DeelepTace, Caïebon, I..elie, hlofibtt sud Mernitt, baving beue &P- poieted,tiersag the "last see o f a~lnuim ta iaquine te l l.pneeent astisaioetdiopnieg cf tbu Publie LazAde-li Usese nusafolue. mil antipaiti lutheupeubieo Reépueor auj .11. ou Fond. suiduhe ues . the mdieg uua, vitu powert te"eport ee »Mo >chabeiodofso. proprialing the pra.ieis in fit"-Il eg li..q (es ao>' a huietioppe.uunîtybus bote amred furth duPublic te leeri the pesit ut tisai investi. Pri ai.the a'n he 'i qpes.t i Puo iem e u & w » Vt, et Ai ei t d P e t ananns mof puanti. uiveil trouthe ÇVM pa aw ti uli si v*nefur th e lse asti iubur, ocita nling sas pve bal.lu* the Provincial Rvne or a atm ipptew Pd"atW eu tmina acapitaltueey tmlieu et thee4spiw 6 aid u& ietl erSe oltvhm ir mtinedoft he ie ng g5spnlie..e4ep unes 51'aud Guamnar dpe!.> ti r Ia lun WuL. Thbe 4eoeegieel, doriq"dutPeniqi1. struiaie' I ast ifmnmeffs, of acres utci pite Laids ovas. risu4frei4 du itit eu 0( ielicit &boa , 00 ueh, q lnis tiof &" O gllhr l~si p t casero. A" . 1=A Mme leu lie spi l tujof __ aSP4 uvt te QUI.urca il ' M exee ié. m fée, ~o epMi.. treute asue tée, e ett pnc~u pteo4)m DOWg S tue ps* Wmmk iade 4PSz anlijaeli ~ elnt ist aE go. Piweqwal 1là, 1, mretioCOs L dite i&~ nondd tinae- dseu o s s ~ 2 p'* ê