Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 11 May 1841, p. 4

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TUE KINGSTON HERÂLD-TUESiJAY, MAY 11, 1841. I)LPOHYS SICK READACRE REMEDY. FLO R tisepermcanent cemnelctbt his irsiag Wcompiat, ce»srnfais. Wbee persevereil ln1 it efectuaity irenovitecytemb sud don &*&yey Uc nes ot <h. Sic udtNetnus Rend- toise. Tbefuads have tried il, aid louai prcise- Lt lbeiefhiei Uitciarie prooices te bestow. Ccrllee cf tc theM ut kid, ccd m tise MMrespecable persons, are inUic pie«of 1'pie ieter, met cf ubcbave beau pnkiished jin~mg te tic retenmnent cue, ancithaelelà$b tumme"dig el!given by tuis enedy. l uforda tellef Ile caced in 15cor 20 minutes ire.t Uic lut du& if taken whes tbesymptoms ofat- a taek fi lt e, t prevent te l frther pses ci ýtb. emplait, a u ptoduce no danger at' ay tisue by an excessive doe ; as in sncb a case il veildialy irow oci the contente of the ste-1 mach, klmgin it sycet aed beaithy witi an ex-c cubient ippetite. AUt affilcted vith beadacis should ot fai teoprocure tihearticle, and relanve ticuselves froni sedistresing a coiaint. 9 Physiciens in mary intances tooont knowledge,1 with gput aticfaction bave fouci it a certain cure. Sich sud Nervous Heidache is a compait vilis uhi physiciens do net wieh te bave ay- <binstedo, merally prescribe c1l1 for len- puyrelief: cocequetdItrDr. Spohn's Sicis MILeedaaRamcdy escpetLeopposition vbicb u»e tber propretry articles nicet freu intat source. Try il suce sud you neyer yull regret it. It in cepod entirely cf vexetables, Rue contains Do peiseccesde f a>hmy i, and dons net require m ',Bcb «! i=or exercise. hi essi* sud retail by Contock & Co Who[esale Do& *2 s2 Fletcber-street, N. Y., ccii b ý7evcr?8be_- r he icprovinces, and and G. BAIKER, SEfugms.' A4LIXQUZR-ASK 2718E WBO ENO IF. cay ho huow by tril or lmmediate T w"»tvaonily cmfor my deaof the ecte, et the perfect relie, cf 1h. aImat cbrnlikc ures cliected in casesof lhe Files, Rhiettma9s cl Swcllilng, sudmiau xtermal npains, atter hu serere, hy tic use of Baye' Unment. Find onec ho bau nid it tbat will netlaud it aoeal thing evrenod, sud you wl l ind-wiat caceot be liuad. For th. relief cf see(cicg humau heie vie ean" e ifictedil1 Iel; son te nb-as hn %014 licu-saisthe ie n.Afredl Cocklin, U. . 3usdfetlat distrirt, residiag tien Auburni; ssk Mittbcv &JMyNi,,Esq. Anas, N. Y.; ash Get. ult Giea, lite ef Washington city: oaci et theon gentlemen 1mev et cases uccocquereble by ail otir remedies or physiciens. <ougi tried for mmc>' yens, bat have héec cured by ticeuse of tse getin B>'WLinment. Tiousacus ototier per.os oo W dinlerares. We appeal to their eunue f juale-tIseir buian feelngs. It le but a dut>' yen ove te yocresuffering feUaow heinge te let <is greet reniaI> bu heove.. Spek of it then te al you trienils. This wilIl ave mmclipan vhce thi e epapars ire ot read, «i wbere readecasarcicredulous, becausc se meny wortiies sfelles naidrericci for lic saniepu- pos. Te baye amsy, if ail uba bave nsei it do »t suy it is hcyond al praisme en do not tahe it.Tse propriter vii l Dm u this irtcle te be pald for »Issu it cures, whtn ail the directionis mre fusl>' iowe. Wilb iii>'e u cerie- refuse »wvte try it? Tf ho duos, hought tebe pitied mors for hMe obstinacy thonaiessuilbricg. Mr. gaye uoubd nover consent te cicer <hie ar- tic, veru lio ot eempelleil by bis son.. of moral -o=eliUgionduty-ta do il lacbils pever for th. victime of diteeciand misry. For <bis putrge ho w vo ouerdevote e fortune <ai se-cue a éln for an y vorthless artil. LOOUT.-Semc suindlen bave ceacter- titcil <is artlle,ind put il op vitIt vaions de- ties.. Nlonmt ha iupoind pon. One <ing onil nuil logt ye-itlt hoenaie cf Conistock& C.; thstin w. ol e aiwaye on the wrapper, Or yen arech.tcd. Do co fcgc t 1. Takc Ibis' direton wtb Yt endi test hy tbst, or-neyer boy; M Il in ImpccablfWrny otbir te tatret urne. SOLO MON RAYS. Mdbihy nearbY onet>'Sbop Keper ln tic Pror. faces ccd uholésable and retail hy C. HEATH, q. IPALM*R, mud G. BAKER, Kingctoe. CAUTION. WHEREAS my wife, Isabelle,iba le(t my Wbcd and bond vithont scy ceuse or provo- catiti, herhi (n ailiperaons bcrbering or brnbugberoitfifaccnet, as I lpuy mnc debbt et ortcocrctin aterthis date. Towblpf Kngson, JACOB BOYD. April 17, 1841. 1 A. iTHNDO3DO, Whelesale and Relail Grocer, BEAD OP STOUx STREET, N4EW FORWARDING LUNE. r iasuRiver a. Lawreno. MONTREAL, BROCI VILLE, KINGSTON ,à» ftt ruzNDIÂTE #LAC". ILOSs, MATJBIE & Co. et MoSurel, K.ASTO, 1me>s aC6. ai Rrocki ie 4 i gclc w ITII 1<* cd imcfroreii argewilbe pe. pirc ai ti. oponiaig et <L e Navigation, te give Pmsig e oEiigrmia,,mcd te transport Prop. effy oh. l dascrlptionswitb iecreaacd sfetyaid dispatcb. Prqias qcrlsclared -or &y EICHIT Il ci 1ulerducebolonee Toruff Frac. s ezacted for ymrs put. Thé Saueibers, front mo facirties ,mich uiicy Posand citheir determination 10 de tic busines intruted tate c aisatitaily, trust that <ey viii commaan Wmeit s sba:-e of Publie aupport. (Signid, MATTHIE, EASTON, & C. JAMES ROSS, HENRY KASTON. $4icapmr> 1, 1841. 381 P. FOSGATL'S 4ODYNE CORDIqI. A fie ver ivew for an>'diseuases of tbe béasl aidIli nent mlof the bovci affections incident te our country. Tic anmmsr a utan- rai Dimihm ea(ommociy hnowu hy thcetarin dy senteries) <bt ycaly mekie sncb dreaitullimrvcc amoug cildreuepingi toummds tte iugraves ln spite ef al the reniciies amaly prescribeil bave neveye tbes hnevtosti temue fficacey. WVleu dmimuteri int <bt mail distressicg diiesseUne (laiera i5orbu, it neyer fais te peouce lise mut hap fiis, if lb. dose iecasci in quietit>' an feie c ardiag te lie violence cf the sympltins, v ici ongit cnd cma lurys lha doue va<b pofhct itct -,anic im nbian burm nabe- Cci il minibuevmwng te&i ensima egig"ec.. 1< pedi' reieves vomiinggripiuîgs, atulent ccd spsm ic chelic. ils midyne preies e te it pecoliarlyapplicable in cramp, his iSrat- lecUcd veariaof liub&iho.1is P"clam usew Wfoiemiliren vicu tecsthIS& meit allas e itasio% n mc moertopetspiration, unilecu en ideep. I> ~ ~~~l P IIIOOE' INK EXPEC- TOUT YVP.-Th caseset con- smuteu mese mucein mail moter. ititus, iyeerfuniyeueialyon bute dminier e.~~~~4 tieLdmmrcasdirsid asc. This rvue bo ave aesupios vie ilma ae se -e~ticstug&m'an-"of neuis md pia <'es.cdlea" smccY lumccs < asenaii bb~ai iv«caUP <beumncn acrche. =a= »dml b>' Comdtac &liCc, WimbO Ikerggime.2 Hetcher 'tmeat,lN. y, s1 t b" seul>cavz>Bugspla"uerin tUn Pre- iuase.eibeesmce4~ >'C.. HEATH., NL PàIaMSR, MWiG. lBAKER, lpt If lEGs WRITELZAD fo m* b>' mlispS. Aril 30, MP NE W IAIRDWAIESTZE WBOLESALE AND RgTAI, cxx? bozo mraa l.i'5mccix, & namacn cru mer raLauRVMBoum,1 STORE STREBT. i .LYK cmplelci limai Stock of ]lartiware, Ironmongery. &e. Importei direct firomeEnfadpersSiipo C er de LÀen" I "ory uir' eI . ,"64PrcmpP' mind " ]?iQuacc"-amocçat vbich viliibu found ai,= tio etbosecmentiocaci belev, aimait EVERY ARTICLE lx TiE ANOVE LXIN Tic viole bas buen seleced viti the greateet cane trou lihe seral ninufactomies je Engini, muid vill bu foumdil lworthy Uic attention of country onre-heeperscerpente, .nechmics, fam- en, and otber,. Hswing parchaiseid UcirGCd"on tha msct favorable tenu, the>' are enablei te cou- pe vi ian>' leuse lai Uic traie, mnd are doter- minci tu endeuori b>' strict attention te ail orner,, tenla sba of publie patronage. 10tees Be.iSBak'as t uni Sveies lim, assortd, 5 lmcsBlister, Suedieli and Cnt Steel, 15 "Sheal Zinc, 5 sbmiet and bar Leeds 2M0 boxes1 X, I C, D C Ti, 400 Il Canada Plaies, 800 Door Lochs, asortd,sine ver>' ihgly lin- lisbi, supetior toa>' bere broegil to <is market, 10 tocs Bolavw Ware, 10doia. table Culiez>, of varices pttamts A su n'orassortmant of Laces l cases, Pcu- M'ies, Desk Inives,, lic, P.tenl Veruroîrers or Leasticg JuC4e Sbeet Cepper unid rass, A ver>' linge and ciaice selection of PLA TEL> GOODS, 1 legant Eporgne, ilîver mountcd viii six branches, icidut glu.e centre for fiowen Plitab eidiestiche, viti or witabranche%, Bronu dori:on lcd v do Inhelucaisaid Cbimncy Ormmmientt, Pltai and lier moel Cake Baskets, Te Pote, 1;9 Standb, Wemlez, Coasters, chan - ber Cucilestiche, Scu anad Tuia do do Cruel mcd LaiqcrStuil, cet gisieBol- B lin, (ver>' upanrse, . BransFoies for wicdov cartainesver>' ici, Ver>' =nd amclacqueri Canilitsa3 r'chs Geriantblhall, sbclp uni irachet Lampe, Bloch tnand maiieia isiciCovers, Bilueeiiametah Te and Coffce Fats, Table mcd Tee Spoces, lic. Scile Beaim, Ceacter Machines, Steelyaris aidpatent do., PovlingPiece% t Ivieds ,doubicutd i sigle bris. do iti revolimg cimrges, do le vaiking stickse, Pistola, l&c. Patent Gua Wnddilig, Fieiug Rois and Tachle, Bru.m ndvire Feaders.,steel and brase Pire Irvas and Deg Irons, copper Tes Kettles and ComI Scumtllc, Bru.s Ketties, Tes Urus iding and divia; Whips, large ceicee aj cern MdU, Pryîeg Pans, Gidiroes and Sancepmcnsmpoviler n emmistars on heps and blnsting povier, A large assrtmemt et Carpeuttra & Shoenîakera Toola Englisb and Ammmicam Augen, Bu-. ois anddmies, n0 o. pds aid Sboeci Biacksmithe' Ancylis Vies ancd Bebiove, A superior assortsmentqfLechs, Bote, rougN aM u 5 Ions Scotch T and bock and eyc ing.., msoted, 3 il, Sad irons do 200 cocu Tir» miotiriLox1 -o Ùlcîr, Fachini, Omisum, More Brooms, Trace, dou c vell Chains, Biacs el, Shoe Tireai, Gm net and $bop Tvumey patent eump, uiduGlu. aid PatI>', ptent ilancd TubsjipunnedlCciiBoxes and e valiet>' cf Japaineil Ware, 200 Cochiig, Parler and Laumdr>' Dnmh Stores, Steve Pipes, mcd tc usai sot mient of TIN WARE. Tn toxia of Pdait,, assrtei, White Leads (a auperier article,) brcsec Yllov, Venetiai Besnglisb Umie, yelcvlw 0"98pun. Brown PFmi. Blues Bruns.Grem, Vccdyhe Bown, Ven. Lîes «Vermiimos inierel Green, Emerch Greens lic. lic. OiisTag, Retin,Tnrpentina,Ptcb, GhuePatty, Curici Haiti maii a vret>'ofethler articles. Tie wbole formesontcfrUh argest ani hast assilmienta eren broughl te <is market. MORLEY & JENKINS. Kingston, Sept. 28, 1840. FUTH ENLAI1GmEII MONTR BA T'PRANB CRIP T N OT-ICEis berehy given tibàttbis&F&Pettlwbic bas nov ctabliieeila circulation yaquirieg an idditiocul pres, Wall, on <bhel1t May, b. ce- largni tate lise of tic Montrent HaredM ad Ceurier. The priccsviil ot be advanced. The Proprictar bas long rngrettcd ic heisposi- iity of givicg bis reeders ail tho Informnation end iterir>' matter <bt be deoird,anilbail gsnerliy prepired for <beni more han bis present bIcL weulil bold. It l by licur geeros support <bat bu la et once" compalleil and empovered teais." lie iterationa eov contmplced,md te sppby <bu tituber of copie requireil. Ir 00K OUT 11-"' Caution s the Parent of &J Wiety." An attack: cf the Piles may h. pccsitiveiy pretemited l'Muing (vhee thc premon- itory symptomnsaiae ît the ceicirateilRAYS' LINIMENT. Thete are more dian one buedreil peope ie ftis city, and in the United States an immense number, vho bave suinnrei beyond eh- durance b:', bisdreaiful c"nplaint, wulie kep temelvas ubolly free firsniattackss hy applying <is Lisnmt vbec<bey fecl ny symptome of lis approacli: of Ibs ere isteicaoprt pref 1> nocem e w ithceettk Oc f C stock & Co. vntte on Uicheppa 80LMO WYS. Sold hy nearly e'rery Shep Kaspar 1W tàI Pu ead hélasawe and Btail hILC"--HEATS, BIEW UAIMLE ANS HAKNSM wAni;flVBc OOpesite1r.H"% DrqggÉt84p, Soft SDree. JON ARUrespcetfuRywuu dutsa ho b jes @Pmd ti. »W ingdutly eppesiteMr. Beumon'.Tairslo, bp, eusmiey o- puits N. ]ne&*,§s DruwgistShe., wboeulih. w V mevaeivang, sa yul kcep coestactly cet hWn a gameeciunimu@enttfSADDLERY, fo. e& sistiag rlpart of Db ulaecd sngle EHaras.,plted, bus. ad blackh mountei. A clicice asortment cf LadiWa'sud Geatlemen'e Riding Whips, Carnage mand Teamnuce Whipe, Curry Ceunis, Brusli, Spurs, &e. 'raks, Valiassccd Porttsanteaus. He wiii manufacture teo revery description of wvork ie bis lice witb thc utnot dempcadce cdo verJ reascable ternes. b-The attention of Lambher MercisnesFeai- ens aidTeamnteme iffpartie Iarly iavited ta eur sets cf very upeior h.avy Do"bleHamme.vilch h. hbu now ce hand. Kingston, 17th Nov. 180. Ak VElY extensive s.crtment of Piano MU- .M SC, aSgstwblie mai bu fouad, Glaces, Duets, Sacred &ong% Marches, Waltzes, mcd a great variety cf Quadrilles. TMm&boy@ as ait new, and busbee selected wyuL cars.. ALSO, Piano Preceptors, by Francois Huetoc mmic Pipr;Almacics, Temperane ccd a1'Ta CUI Pc rayer Bocks, kte. Juil recciveil, ant for Sale gt T. & J. RIGNEY'S Comb d dFouy'gMWu. Klegton,2sd Nov., 1840.- N. S. A few relis cf prped PARCHUENI or Decils, I&. juil rcceived sied teeor REMO VAL. T BE Subscrnheue bave removcd hou the Store Acf Mr. Jacheen, te thc promises a liy ccci- pied hy Mum., W. & J. Wilson, iirot Street. R. * & T. RAB. Kingaton, l4th Oct., 1840. FRESU GARDEN SEED& A CEN ERAL usortmnt rectiveiland for sale woeod ndreluits by L. W. BREUT, ilN ftr .TUST RECÉJYRED, A SPLENDID isomtunt of Oig, iidagmand DiigWHIPB; Whip -Lub« in gueat varity ; Rav Hides, & Tàamters de; ESOOOL BOOKS, Foolscap and Letter PAPEL -AL5#- Cotton Batung,(very fines) Cotton Ya, Tbread, "ic lc. A fcw Bochettes MAPS ai Upper ail Lover Cnadaniay aise be bane t T. & J. RJGNEYPs Coul 4 Fcy toe Kiegston. ist Sept., 1lm. fPaySoe NOTICE. CASH"laR ulmS ML. GREENE, vil pay Uic bigiest z YRA»MOm"BaxL Pazega forMatn Otter, Mank, Racoon Bear, Ficher, Muebrat, L1-lso, Le, Biach, C., cd Slvrarox, sOs tthe Brick Store, QuirrStreetà goep ton, Upper Canada. N.B& Skins sibuld mer ,be aposute je S$a or Pire " * l ~. B rConcd Ofer1Mus à" âordd = l'e ,*u; d Kingston 4)omb & Fancyl Store. colua aor uCNYREAL AND aTOiE5ftZE?. Nec,' Mr. Helik's Dnuggist Stor. Tp HE Suhacribers eg te intimaI. <bat tbey Lharc cosemenced bauaess thie above a"cd in Uic COMB and FANCY 40095 lie- whers <ey are Dow rmciv*ag mn cateuive sa- sotaient of articles in ticir liec, amantg wiec nia> bo found. Ladies' toilet aid week Boxes, dressing Casese *ibogauy and rose wood writlng Deùsk andi heid Beticules and Paues, "ahi ry madme- rocco cari Cases,9 Cigr do., pocket Books, pot- folios, elastie and smit Braces &id EStrI s, e> Fripes, twig and drivieg Wh*bip -bii, eih, tootb, cans, acil cher BRUHErS;WiiovWsggos, crailles, aed travelling Baskets; fricton Matches, Accondians; piano MUSIC, sed Muie Boxes- Chas. Men, back gnmmon Boards., BaiagWax and Waters; Inh sud Im poviler; Pins, Ne4la, Doue; Germen surer, plateil, aedn ad IV restai Wire icene d commofl. BiuwlzalT AMOUTLXRT, PKIE EY ;Psp Bai g amiandBorder; par- cuision CapeéacdPoder,¶»OKING GLASBES, Ribhons, "lic. 80.%ic Of ikir a maucfiaclure, a l a urtrnent or SEELIL, iVOlays ARNHORS COKES, Ail of wiîcb tbcy ocicr, ,dolmuleacd retailet Pice. as low as Uic ycati be purclasedl et in Mon- t, cl or tUied Stes. I:.. Couetry Marchantsan aieprticelarly icvited te caiL Tomsa Lamui- T. à J. RIGNEY. King"u oli>'6, 1lm. JUST RECEIVEJI AND FOR SALE, 3MOOLBS. FmMb Claver Seci, FresIGardenSeeds, ubiclescle mandeMails M00Plugincirpla M doe. poablalCntsteel Ho., 100 D ure Fonhe, 400 k h'Wte Green, BIué& Red Paints, 50 9 lttice 00ulsPoishail Trace CciS. r, IRIGGS & LABRE&E ste srret' liustou, CLOVER SEED. LBS. ice framh Seei, for sale hy 2WO J. W. MRENT, BLANKS. FOR BALE. lgEDS mad MEMOIALSLaw,tbutote 1f lequeianil olliciBIL A N K %- ltgreit et vrnch for"cI the HivétoidOffice. N. FALMEFR, cci G. BAR, Kiagel. ' Te Grat Western (offlag LOGEA T TIS-coVrEkrË#AL fLiÀvE. S t oVe, À CR f«Cocsmilpam mi aul discases et A. CROATES' PAIEt, A Us.lugs sud Îhreat sd hb en oued viti NEW asu parier article for m&H cinary decid ed vntse lu iys ï suaisiinle &=,rpoes, sud veiliadapteilote bose of cases cf debiit>' et my kcr Thoic prpiebor, Ibo@s&S.For Sile b>' la. Powell, Store =arlm g vi<ccsac <lic meut henlcial andiones a-Strict. < eusLs fectafrom tlhe ss of Iis medicncam iitoui, 1»<1April, 1841. theUilteil Stite, basnov ntrodecei st #» u -g DtWING PAPRDsuvlegPecils Brio- uéa heva lq bala *UnDtngwgnt, . D.Weia, Pàolah ace>' Noe K ; r4i'tnuibW t ePvince, ccud eee mav h ayIo penierqnclif« o"saetu sein. sud aeompsmylmg eaccllotle, à large emn- T. & 3. RIGNEY'5 êmrat cerililcêes fhoui physicians ccd e'chie per- if E" s men, of <he mon t eioiblec ciaracter, eseu. KiunJauan>4 , 1841. teaed.a ubnfor>'areune%= utete IOdCli AND BIJD BUG BA& [bsa lelie s eirhst sudmcibein made cccx 1vo vo PU avMa a»amoc loba. You bearau a *01h.trial tOe ¶IXMEdocri bu lbasefrsme jeans het iaInis Bad !b>' Un Preprieor'e Agat, N. PALl£IERceri sami meXa nUdy facr<hase ueniouu Chem"etsad DroutMuehet Square, Ki«ag mtc uais,, ii bas eeemtod, et tise alsais@"eta- vic Ses jul rcceved fi>'the ahlp Jondimssc tiesnd n f eiends, te bdag it et l in spabil Lls mlmd ev epeWuoling la adition I.ehie Nmi- mm ine MR.iW bas tUn pwsliw damlsuof a calDemtil a geacral ccd coies u.ortment grant -mer ec flitie (smeaet u oarcse oflm peag COMMON STAIONERT.- mutnm ii' uy dd oiiobsb ildles l inehsmut Amet " n wercesea Mi Nb5 .es aot àmkb ut ii8i5le naul , a oi mc 8" &bu*teva ic - m Crayons 1 Galel nertu<beae eecuetesm arelutise sudmi er arar, (oli Bordriag, Golil BellemiImsudi.h0la U5e u' m veiug eaa ame"vrmet>'o! (JolI cemmeate ire S&mous,.conrance Thmlu@t<aegsumcs.Iis Cari RWal, Walsk P«oi, Embomni Note Fa- in bett: &mli the Peguaofé,tlioumi unic pa., Emisomednisudhepi ristDol Bnlm secinolehV" he Courni sualPluenWrliag Paper i lu i s yaawBie.»v bu, efp.inb MWeft " tact, sud et is eté% waposi:sudPricting Paper, Plisg ratune aImabookscor du»t aiesi &MSa i edSUo cMretiAI, haCounaucisàC, SciciBehsa hote elelcucf Ia5I~1J s. 2 FlctLr sbmetN N. Palmrmail MiaebmmoesBels m ue qlceia eitin !1b>' eari>ever>' 34, Levr mun tis orviwces <haComunFryaiDcl, mmi ci arg Bblsuici holenale l retail b>' . HETH, N. PAL- mcd Tetuu , MERm, uni G. BAKERrp<n. Pm~ PuBLI5UiiàO A PEU, ?o iBE RnTfE, ,THE CANADIÂN FARMER. M UCH te egataem d tor. cf" Iesi. frcu countuieshave boauc 1me te fleersi, duini a log tisse, n la w" lise aigri- ceitea.i icerests lbste beeti cegWlold. Il .iy ha tuac, %bat the commercial intereets of smre ma- tiens masegrat, me for a time te ovrimade the intarcstsof egriculture, yt, as ai occupatio for meni la general, il eaun eirocoampanmson viUi agricultue. ladeed, ammog mlUicheoccupations cf ita, bovever polite or necteuiry, tinp cc sIa in cempetic itb ik agriculture. And, it in rigbt tbat it touid bcso; for, it is the fornevbo p- bede the bende cf commuait, and etroauee <ha piflers of<the sdate ; uotvithatandingthie<' lite prfesions,» and silcllicate eclneyrnents,p in wbich mec arcemgged. Wlmere agriccituru âmorisbes, ihe country grovs rici ; but %obsreil ws neglecteil, thu comstryst proeperity incites. Agriculture bba u viewni,bitherte, inan s- farourable Ilgil, and thonght, hy mac>', te ha re- <leraseon rate empioymeti ; but, it le mcv bc- ,Ieregasded as one or the fRet, sud mnet honour- aib cf cuploymants. Thaslbt view ofet , je acticccd b>' tic vealti>' cf Uic land, vie are contrihuüotinhein influence te facilitais, ils pro- grass. Pafamnmlanmd Legisiative Acta haebats, andl are being pagseil, ie aid cf it ;-Cium, Geologiets, Niturmiits, ccd Botaniste, are additig machi tu the cientific dcpartmente cf agriculture. Famiing, lui theer>, is mot te bu recomcmecded, slaise 1<la coccectail withi expeicnce. Te hW comesauccesstul, thorefore, in <l* usis it aas.- 4a, it is requisito <bat sience and practice thoad co-cgermte witUi t, and &id each chier. Thore arc huedrealeof practical lancers in thu Province, vie bave se linoretie knewleig.e ftii binaess. inre ire mmcy vie are scentc fat. mnr, but vie hire no proaeeraesmc e. benoeft mUü, requires, tiet lir. bu soeins a»- dium Il Urongbwhich tbc ririons hcovledge posenuni ly nacl ccd ail, nia>' bucomniccted te tic famer. la <is viy, Rm outhe Ucexperi- men a st arc novgoing on, but Uthe experience and kccvledgc of ai time put, eft limag apper.. taiing te the culture oethélesuand Utefcnmcr'o igterese ,Vniaebupoaceil b>' bu gea tillcg el- pense. Sncb a mediu isnov proposai ete cCanai public, viz-tue CâNADU1, FaMIsn; Wh"ci, sboul i il civeptrcg te warrant tuesier- tiking, ie u lisimni on Uic iraI of Jane cext, et Kigton. ,1t wil bu deroted cctirebI te Uice tcnes interesi ;-t sciezti* al and practical ag- riculture ;-t tUih erente f f ubcmiry It yull centain itc n otclua nd u culture cf fruit troes% b ythc beel anthora in Eu. Sope. On tbe best mode of maaaging ici mprov- in dock, vax : cattle, bois, eiacp and aine,- tic virions diseases ta vicitic>' arc ible, and tic hast mode cf tretmet-hy the niait experi- encecigrovers. Essyao liente varions aoittand their adfaptation teothe digèrent Modlse o grain, grass or eedu. On tueenmuet ippreri ec thods cf1 manmgimg dainies; as prnctiscd in Eeglmcd ani the Unitedl States. On tic ph c f layiumg ont gerdena ami tarsnes. On the risiag et bees, mcdthc ma- agement ohf pouitry. lit vi contain accounts cf ail the Cuttle Shows and Faire ie the Province, lie UntedSa States and Englanil. Tic Market prices viiibu correcteil montil>'; aid particuler puisviilbu lahen te g ire lie eauiest accoquti fUi mprovemnets of thei stplemeeta et Agri- culture, domeohloccd foreign. CONDITONS. ie Cujwu, PFAuMza ili bu puhiiisei on the laief emonticUi-in Double Quarto ton ; on0g00d pseersand W"i(air type, at the loy pie. cf le abitlii pr Yen. Payable in ait cames on the rcceipt0eftu init Ne. AiFaist Maters are requestd te &et as taets fOr the CauseImonFrmner. An>' poison ebhccig tam Subscrlbers aud senilieg=pi>'fr theiinl adran-e aecof postge, blbuentitied te ro. W.e ilcci wrCanadianFumiers, in paiicu- lot, tc favour as vith communications on an>'eor cIl, cf tic subjecte meticaci abore ; ail gta us Uie recuits cf L<br experience. Ais, e expect, <bat Uic, Fermer vili mu bis emicarouro te aid tlie PrOgres cf a pa pers publisied in bis ove lacds ami dereteil, pcrlicuiarly te bis ovn intereat. Wc tuieh ve shah aot lbu disappinted. N. B. Ail ,ubscriber's naaa« 5nelUr as possi- blae oustcd te he sent te Uice"Editor et the Cudmtaier,"l Kin1eten, hetore tic 12<b day cf Ma>' next-that thc necesar arrangemeigta for puhiiehing, mny ho mod; hUi e uMay hnov tic cumer reqairnd. Eiters t ofpers via vil gire this Prospectus an insertion, s"a be entitici te a volume cf the Cda" Furmer. Fout Masters, if tic>' viab te aid os, wii fnnk Umtir Comemunications. Namesetfot Offices aid UicCoua>', abould bu giton, in ail ciscs, to prercnat staises. Kingston, April 5,1841. NEW G0008. T B ssc rrepcfui'informa bisa Moiuds T mc.d Ucpulc ngen e lahoe mlliicou- tinues-<o traect business il bis odl stand, directi>' opposite the Harvare Store cf Meudrs. J. WAT- KINS, &Co.,nd tthiontoeebelcw Msr. Baim fora's <termeri>' Mr. Mayo's) Botel, vitre vil al al times ha toued, A GENEIIAL ASSORTMIENT 0F &y Gwi, Grocries, ad COckery, AU of vbicli basbeen laid in uncesoni> lyw ccd vilha seld C3AP for CASH, ritier viole- sale or retail. WILLIAM TRIRKELL. Kingstone, Nov. 23di, 180. .33<f 8PRIG GOODS, FiOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRJBERS. A LARGE qoantit>' cf bleacbci Canots, 1 ta 7 L1 aLfew cases of Ciristys hast Beaver ccii- omumer Hats, ofthbe neve tuebions; ah.o, Clo<b Cape ail a large escortaient cf Strau Beucets ah., -Moleshies, eanes and Drilla of vmrdoc- 1 bve g"als avimg beau porchasedilutli u9graeliMarlets ut a tme vben <lie>' ura btc ilepresami, consequently lie>' ver. beuglt rcry lev, vhicb cable<hem ltacor[<tase gpois le theu clstociereavI rry lev prices Kio m.Feb 3 181. W. WILSON. --no.- , J u ,&M.- 1- - ' » - F INEsud ommSPrincipe Cigare, Superior Forte lice Smoking Tehcce, in quar- terIL.papitîsi tioadon mode Bair amd Cilhi BRUSHES, in great tsrletyb hes Sale et T. & J. MIFIX" 0" l'and hPau l r, Xear Bir. Beath'eDrMimt Irogato, 23d Ncv., 1M4. A vciry splendid pair cf (Joli EPAULETTES, miode b>' John Poser, clsiricg Crou, lot Sal eut T. à J. Rs. A TUEI VAEITY STORE . No 4 GarrdU'sBurldùWg. T BE Submesber bas juat mereicianti mevof- tes.for @Ble, lidisaleotretalm,ceofthUn Metsocks of Clti Cqa e mec aidMWboyse e a- la it1sLeu"c patent glai I hats &Thusiere, ladiesPrnmilabislauad sos. Cbildram's crco Plain sMd igurei Silhe & TabinelI, Lace and gmuze Veils, Pam Li taie>' Stocks, sud aimost ever>' article oed in à a eil esailsmetit. A ; laremortmnemt of reail>' ede Clotbimge hept ooanti baud, ai vhich viii bu sod ch.p Kingston, April 13, 1841. 5. W. BRADY. BELLEVILLE FLOtIIUNG MLL NEw N HE bot W il b LAS lerOmor CA11INET pUî1 TIballiret heAcuail ent ef £101 WC> a s th, CU- ncpayable b>' Queaen>enst4Laeta.- Caa Tic MIII undavuent a gond repirat dFait, and as MESb« gare gememi satisteu. II IEScriher hi1, les, Aaso,-Té LEASE forons or moreTens, thea lc gIetrey, tiiîb, k4&~ TRIP H AMblER WORKS, fer mccniactnag 1 uSure waaeRooni t<t' t Axes, &ic., ut U th eiLentsiet£6S--togetber setdi OtI t sb' vati thc upper et heh.Building, contaimg ,cofrnrof Store Stre'I t r i Lathes mcd cther =mbinery, suitabi fer e Cuit-eGrener> tre.- -h ri ujil net MuSer, Cooper or Turnier, vi<b convecieuco nera urtmrànt of E.DY" for a Famil>', et the Ammal Lent ci £30, amdi m- TUBEof ltehei8t qaîuai a..d moedistose ua grn i n umrpces te Sauit istenalî îrd <~ Wcrhs cm UicFimt dy c un<mx. ei iprI.Amg rrr s'ic Tile nv SAW MILL en thc West aide of Ucthe i.Asth Siîe River viii bu I.EASED for One or more Years, ut tuin for sale and <Oordentr~ lbe AcmulLenit cf £50e te wviecbaire expectai ilpplied viti mc>' articie th$ 1a~ tu e adcli verni-nov coatricteil for-uIpuadse KngofJî.i. T. Tvo ilienad Luoigao,,a. 81 For futer paubr colnequine cf the Suhar WITEA anibr s ber-f b' ,P nâTB. F. COLEMAN. Bîllaville, Fcbr. 18, 18IL P. G. FITC, N. B. Tmo gond SAwvamm of tcady habita, Meberof tha Royit C4oflg viantei fuom tUneI day cf Apriltnxt--ce bue acussoi witb a convenient Dveiing House O LIST Aim tl if reuire. "0 r"A.Y' Ne Y. m CIRCULAR. T HE Sahacriier hb ae tra rture te kW on-. matou castomen thaocghout the Province, tic.. achnowledgments wbicb their laberal sup. port deing tbé lutteason se justly cills for, and in domcg sa ho viiiiuseli cf tie oj>porunty te litt "ba ho.insDoc mrpletins hi, eengemiets te continue bit PERIODICÂL SALES le Kingeton, Toroutmm a" iltos, on a stili more extended mcale, in criier toemsure ta bs pie- sent cetomersanmd te the Trede at large, inrtnaed facilities nid a certain markent for the sep 1y f every conimodity neder the denummeatîo ciTais, Sagars, Winees, quoruni Grocenies. And lhepbaa bave te enure <ntha t bey ma) cnmldestly reiy opcn thefe Salcs for thear pueraI supplies et the iowemit market rate* andconUiceniait favorable termes. Tire Subcriber hep aIet th saine taine te intra- ducec te bis cuten Mr. I. A. Goodenoegb, te wvi o buia entrustcd the gencral management cf bis Sales as Agenit aid coofidenial Assistent. .'AMES BROWN, Jumroa. K4"gto, 161h Fehruary, 1841. FOR SALE. B hedcr ars t their stores sn Front. 60 hegs PIug Tobaccor, 189ssals. quelity, 50 kegs do de 161s;, do 10 boxes Cavendish do. 10jars Mcabo8>ESf 10MPicp i tallia Cagars. HUGH FRASER & Co. Kingston, 7tb April, 1841. FOR SALE. B thUi subseriiers, at <beir itoems in Front- Bstreet: 20 hidi. brighl Muccovado bugar, 30 bus. id! do do 40 baga . 1. crystalized do 5 bils. rciied Lent do 40 hait chusta Youeg Hyioe l'es, 10 do Twerh&y and Hyson. HUGH FRASER & Co. Kingston, Apnil 7tb, 1841. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS lbPuncheons .Iînaica Spirits, 10 ~40 quarter casha do 28 do Cognac Brandy, 5 bhàd. Bordeaux do 7 do Ilolands Gin, 20 cases Schiecdam do. 1 doz. eci, 30 cubes Bordeaux Vinegar. HUGH FRASER & Co. King"to, April, 1lu1. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSORIBERS bld.(ag)Table Codfijb, 10 20kegsLochfile Herringq, 10 hli. No. 1 North Shore do 40 toxes Digby do. HUG1f FRASER & Co. Kinguton, April, 1841. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIi3EI ~)lBage Jaya Ceffea, 25 bhis. Rcasled do 30 boxes Ureuni do 10 bags Blacis Pepper, 28 boxes Groand do 0 umtte Camsis, 1 cash Nustmegs, 80 jr Muatard (Ireai), plagoSun Raisins, 2 heps Zante Canaînts, 2 bales Clores. HIUGH FRASER & Co. Kingpton, April, 1841. s 2OO SOAP. Boxes 15teel'e best Liverpool Soap, for sci$ae b>' H1JGH- FRASER & Co. E]epotec, April, 1841. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERÜS, U1 0 b . ie 10 bbIms. Barbe>', 100 reams Wrapping Paper, 5 bales Coi,, 30 boxes tipped and fuceilPipes, 20. ibis. Blacing, usortedà 5 do Wcleuts fregi>, 3 do hsnd.sh.ll Alinenis. 1HUGH FRASER C o. lingitaon, Aprit, 1841. FOR SALE BY THE $UBSCRIBERS, 4 Bbis 5anmnilea Port Wine, 3 dez. nids, '6 cashs SberlWine, 3 do&. cacb (up. qu.> 2 hidi. ¶,"ure'à aa'Mdeira, do. 10 qr. ec a. Fcou'se Madeira, do. a do Shery, 12 1W P" - 10 CasesChampagne, 40 baskets, de. Leiti Ais end Pcaer. IIUGE FRUSER & Co. Kingatot, April, 1841. OILS & PAINTS. 1OHidi. doue boilei. Liame il , 107 de Rav do. 10 etob mSpii"Ts apetimc, 90 hep Wiite pint, 25 d ulGma de. 5 bis. spcn Oul, 3 doc-cilde. for sale b>' HUGE FRASER & Co. GROUND PLASTER AND T , ,E il càbehau uW lssid, aid sce te T a s &atu mi uyd t m Mr* of eToniiLion, W"ictuh.eson"isise<cbscostmers, esu"i> àruu»cd uai>'fer mie. -Abo, onslanmlyc Limd, IIRASHIG MACM« eSt <h. mom = d kipds. govil gwu l.te seUhGramd sa lvem tw esu à*chimputa, beiV.g tee f»fsuextme qaarryii n U E"omllal Felirar>, 184L POU SALE BY THE SUBSCBIBEE. D Y£ WUnB hastWMquJt>, Wbeei Irng Street, Dec. 22,18« 'ttCTy King Street, Dec. 1 ,PUBLIC N0TICt erainci upon bavatoy A <bis Office upoc H!Ouarsi lacu clam, betb lelifai Nm, Uesupcnasucîh ous, as haveib cerad itili itien lii n itba vise saIsi>' protecte rousext ral Alliance OfeJR< NEW FA L he B E Subâcriheiire nrir T Whrrieaie Storek in Front j Occcupied bb eurs, W. &J.waYi t-r J<nl'Y "pfrose iverpo1 m froni Glucgov, thc followng lu addition ta Ibeir stock ProaMV Pilot andl Beaver Cacîbo, (blue, Ma nixed,) Englih Piairluogs, Scai0,5a ding, Flunnels, Meiron, I>a., James, Piiou Fuatians, Grey TwII dovm Cettens, Selicia, firy j Jaccoae<ts, black, whiteand gr z C"e. CroydoiDMwas,Prn.t Cctto9, DMier, Rugo, CO!Oultd one bale Winter Vestiag,,o mias Tweeds, READYMjDE CLOTId3 R. l..il 02'7 Thoîe vbo re deirouaî,k .ci examinae<lie shore eGcù o fni..4 Kingtea, l6îb Octo, 184.LU I IAMJOMI,k WVH IRDREssEld, rqiat to bis IrjienI <ndhe Ipulblli t e <o tic Circeacle Builading, secnrd du carner On Brcck Street, rthMlii di Square, viere lie vill be happy la i Wie caiii pon base. Kingston, Sept. 19, 1840. £1000 WANTED, Ta) BORROW fora aro omf lian -s-ipo. Securit> für lie payan cipal viii bu gtiren ou uniocasbma tie Town ef Kingston. Apply il lis Cinea. & Cm .Ofice, Kingston, lOtI Feb., 1841. PUBLISHED EVERYTU By vines,. M.r13931 At b ic office, in Store Street, coly Mansion House iboiel, bingo vbere ailioraleswili 'c thaoil punctuambi>' utended te. Txauu.-Ftfteen shillinags perai of yoatage> payable in advane,a ahlnliongu ani x pence afsital la> An>' en becoining reupoamal ment ol ix papers, saol receive Os in ike proportion for a grenxuer tir .'No paliers discontinueal atis 1 cxcept at tie option of the PubUMil AiCommunications, te lac add"r ta the Editor. Aîhvertisseents andl Letteri or adressed 10 Thai. Il. Benttky, l'le jrfre et I MItis Six mes and under, 28. 6, fittWh each suusequer.t insertion. Tes fl ià. 4d. fint isertionand 0d l' insertion: aboie tee lineai, 4d. per à insertion, ad Id inrlime fer eTeIl sertion. Adrertisementa yitbcut uritlia ineertei tilI torbid, and chargcd &t ders for disccnlinna dvertwlO vriting. Ainertosesect for inuftt l e the memning pieceding the dey iof AGE£NTS. wilten ........SidneyWuwa Napine,....Mm. 1J. .Wle Bath.....W. J. Mz>y Freiemchcurg, ..J.W. cdi Rlir & WelinihonMr. F. I St. Cathenines..ý ifragsamm.... 111e>'. ......JU M PreseolDe. Feuls.......Franc. 2 Town GW. EVERY DESCI] vILL »SPMuoi£3A IN h memi ww sg ust - 1 . 1 - 1 CÂNi si3omU% tAEB es *0 fr wjuh*il @Pd . w a1 . deM- ta WUlis Moque " li e uas Mlai."p tols a n barh s 1le via@ SPlusP anseyiF mehai 0 ORceu ton *daitd eils ii t., Ad«. y ri DtIBLAT M .hP Britcumi% ,Ci et 2o'ClIOCjusel bne lieueiig cf I tg ere a tee<lmo "trente signet va a pruaidatbia! et irri ritanu'a irpartai, ni ber. &n intensel maxintylu in Europe fcr ber sa, lier oi artin clulting T.3 Apil 13, Th-n va' ru. Ru1bart! iirecel thie a nof the P Imaits MaJemia wtb d tT tlady,ii as foutu t 1) Peu.-11?Duhu s uiL' ore in i Pa se aof t<hein secoua e b Thea iamble Duc du al, lirdernig upon db oalbas i ja eschmnged a l0ORaa Draguonsaun f hlm. P. Cournni, N hie ol> oflicers in thc beir pisaie eini rt v I., ApaIl 14-Excite, Oui moraaîag b>' Ith ee mri, thugai ver>' lnrg el and ui for citter, t0af la h was Ilaeaneataely1 be the i'reaident J mac sent ta infom'nt t a lier of the faci, anad mliaicoonsise <mu ho. aleaare lier mnival ael ersiiakî of.-te toue rd,îaad formne boun mi xprcted ever>' mmui Y ,bow a quimfer tetu ai pnelr'5guni vas 01,n * a iaifminutesit vu§ r ontothelai eriously wu Oiesll, florni AIe: le J report in circuilion mt havie1 lut lii, Mmd abc i tiel houx. Wang I leter une post merîcan Stettin Naviý Bllitel court. Billiter Misai, JONXIIAND Ho£ :la the. Liverpool c. thamday's date, it ia l'liirent vire neilbu mNI rportta is ardly WC, mk y case uncasiacas ai eie r, 1Ieglasg<oancrxaa l a>'Cptain Reine to Moant!uiofetthe vms oparortaity of mati r opinion Ibat ber mmm captmin Roertsha hb Oit Probabi>' the la liai mostia ns. irne, 1j 1 PWOMM UMM 10 MK ulcm AMVAS,

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