SNW »ADDPLU ANUI HVRNEW rROPOOAY LAY2,I5BELLEVMilE LOUIUN MILL. NEW ANI)SPLLDlb 1941-. WAMIUOW ls - P ia PULi5WIS A PAPEÏL, TO BE BTLEfl, E ablura Miii wili lie LEASED for One or CABIIqET FURqn NEW FoitwARDING LINE. H ai Dibw&LES ST 0E E, OGpposiler. gHujh'sDrwggict 5op, Swa StrasS. THE C.NADL&N FÂRMER. T ise. Yer%,et the Antisai lent et£100 JO Chcap as the Chtap4 ia P~a ias wev t. LîereeC.WROLMSLB AJ<D RÉTAIL, JOHN RARY&T rfepetfuiiy ae *M CRflite weoitb, psaitseand pros erty Cettency, payle by Quasteriy efti5d>MiI5-as ' ria> à * n cu voRuiverE '5mBr. b eU vLY JO I pe ed bs ew b ii na g dirte M a b a lependa on lbs uce Z l T M ili ei ve t ag n e aî e oi nda h " . t i[ONMEAL, BROCKVILLE, KIN~GSTON Offlosivi:TUtU ac " N E oiIsk, opposie e. fsî ctSbI udtre a m4ýfe ootishaeb u l- Tis gae gob eîeraisatsfctin.TH u"blsl.. Aup E[£ iergtur DUTJ ?LA£"* osie Id. lla*lsbmgg Sécre, , W e &ai ga log tiaitinwiTlatheaAii fo-T oAe fat ne s omer Yeas telige rnaltythbis a oi% uTO~l now ywlviag, sud vili kaap doaaitan obaud cR mn bavi aa elca.It alTRIP BAMMER WORKS, fortinanufsct' raieeted13 1 Moli ROSS MATFHR & Co. a Mitrmd, itl.EY ~ ~K»~5 ~ a g~a wmetefaiSABOLEXYS &W- cas- h. tm$, htisI ommerciai interes ti f mota us..Axes, kt., et thé Asmaluilst of £5..o elbrecteaed in,~'4' EASlê unisS à Ce. ait Broka-.e 4vlt 'son OREYa U It , xm-. ,avesti pttof Liens are se grateas fer a lime ta overbade -Oaii ieupa aI. b ulinaoamn on reofS-oa îret, and,,.ti I(TH Dosan d improveid Bar-tes, vili h ps.- M ;= 14d ~sud single Ranimes plald, bans andsuditeais f agriculture, lotssa an occupation for Laties sed otistar %iey, mt" for a Cab&-.Grcr Soe-ae Wil wj 4z h.opung of thea Navpti@f, ta Hardware, IrOBBnery re. bakmounted. men in geuetai, it eau ba nuo coParma wt oltMalleteCooapir or Tut0CI Witt ecoveni iac neus, amrtorotof IIEADy ' gave P~ I45 o IRiaatu, sud tatranisport PrMp.Imported direct frotEssgiaad, per Siia" Coeur A choicea mrmerit ofLadite'and Gentleiei's agriculture. lodeed, amoug altiseoccspagtio lr a Family, at 1h. Actual lest of £M0, and im- TRE c ste stqualiî and la ety oif ai descripionSs au screasd t el sdde Lion", t- Mary Mur", la efese", ciPr Bîiding Wbips, flle, boaevet poetieor ecessari, noue cen stand mediata possesiaon aas.Ts npRmnr rms1 ui uedrgprh dispatei. d -4 Younmg Quees"-amotgst visich is a ieh. Cardage and Teamasttrs' Wbips, lu cempbtisonwaitli icuiture. Aud, it is igt Warka ou tedint ait day cfAugusiat . atofupurcisasing are reshictttî i Priic pserdo àred -or bgWEIGRT Artai faound, in addition ta those mrnuioued babyw, aaitnvcb, res ptsl.tisat it sbould be ma; for, il a is e former Whio op- Tise nev SAW MILL u.ntse West aide of thse a ii. As tise Subsci risacou; rats Iatedhao', aa PiSs v3a ATICE N UE uofx.uU ses su; ad Portmatetiis. boldo lise bands of coucuitv, sud strenglsens River ili lh. LEASED fot Onusnmure Yeats, aeturinlg for sale sud Io cîdet, t q c exucied forpanîs pasl.Tise viole bas h... seiactadvilatise greatet Ho vili rmanufacure ta orde, every description Of-tlepilIrpf tise state ; notidtitandiug thise p- tha Atnal RamI of £50, ta aviici ara expected sipadpI n ril b7ii Th Subcribarri f tuIa faciitieqs avhitdey <r rm iasvea anfactories i EWglaod, îçork -iu bis limevrillthe iseumat depateli and on, lite professions," and 1"delicats enapcymeus, ah eieeduwcace fru ad f Kingston, Jan. 1841. posme, and liaitdeerminticu to do %hgh husinanmd aili h finaudveil wrtby lise attention cf very reasoable terms. in wiicismen arae egaged!. Whee apriculture Tavo tiosanegs.~WtvDAVrnse e ~ lateutel tsa flatte abiitut bt se iicoumry itorekee t, calpeas s, 1<5"t, fams- g-Tise attention cf Lumsier Mercbaiite.FarmD flnrishes, ise country grows tics; but wbere il For furtiser particulaers,tauquire of the Suisacra- NTDAVnieradag Coonisaid mimdmait a bt.e of Public suppor- es, adlitessuvn rhsd t 000Gods au enssd Teamtmisis particulatly iovsled W a few is ueglocted, tise cootry's prospaity declines. br-if by letter, past aid .CLMN . .FTIM~ - (Ugid,> ATTIE ASTN, & co, theiseict favorable teonsthey ar euabied ta coin-sets cf very suteriorlba y Dul aue . Agiculture bas beau viewad, bibrto, la au un- &flT. F CLEAN JAMES ROq, 'pote ailis amy ouse ini lhe Itide, and at dter- lh. bas uow ou baud. favourabla ligit, sud diougist, by many, t1lh. ra- Bcllevalie, Feint. 18, 18,11. P FTH HNYES N med Wta ndeavor, by strict attention Wtaait cadets, Kingston, 7tb Nv. 184.. tiser a second tata empîcymet; but, il la uow h.- N. B. Twe gond SAwvsas of steady babils, Mernber of 18e %al eo lleà Jasnsry rd te sortit aERY eetonsiveliescatrentgcf Piano Mu- luE regaidad as une cf tise Ors, sud Mot houeur- wanted frin thse lt day cf Apil net-can h.lieIT AN ilfg _________________________________ 100tom Enlisb Bmk'shas su SavdasIro, s Se of empicymeuts. Tbis tlt view cf il, lea acoeodataiwitis a convenieuit Dweiig lieuse tise nnua meeing r tie ~tckho. nsorle, t~ SIC, anîogat wbicis msy lh.foude Glees, sanctioned by tise aealtsy cf tise ad, W ov I oe re if ruied. me <w î, E1.,,, fti.KigtoeMari"e Rail aay, 5 tona Blister, Savadisis ad Cult Steel, Due, Sacred Song, Marches, Waitzas, sud a cotibuting tiaifluemce te facilitata ils pro- 11 ILel tejenstmgreat variety cf Quadrilles. Thea aboyl ail uewsga.,ICLR bittheir offiW hidytee wng. 5"abeeat adbra, sud bas beau selacted vith catte. Pailiamentaty and Legisîtîve Acte have, HE Subscrber Lags leavetu atrietatoissnu- -Lwitii a sulpjly cf Fric g e t e m n r e e e« ahIi c to W o e e 1d bC e a , Ting ad are ising passed, in aid of il;- Cisam ists, m r o a r e a tsou io t ts r v o e Fi ld Seeda. suiug year, vu 1 400 46 Canada Plates, Piano Preceptois, hy Fraucola lilutou; MÙCc Gelogists, Naturalistessud Boaniste, ara adding thmasarknowledgmnts wbicb tiai libatal sup. J DoE.iLîtU PauwzrrsJoi-S. aCevLýR1GT, ud 50Doot Loce, sssorted,scime very blghlin- aPaper; Almasacs, -Tempance sud Farne[$; acacia Walise scientifie departineuts ct agriculture. putl during the la(eas u suliy Cali$ for, and i Ir isbed, supehior W army haand te brouittt ii. Cathiciic Proyer Bocks, &c. Just eceivaiD, snd Farminge, n tbeory, is not tW h.ereconsaended, Mis do 0 ioge arats biaSaîf cf lbe pportuuaity to Kng tret,De.2, 8 1tons Hollov Ware, Comab ansd Pa"so»S1-. corne auccesafisi, lscrefore, in tise baiane of fané. te coulinse bas PUBLIC NoTrict 'agJeteMsu uttff ho at sem bç ldt, ~ 1000 dot. table Culery, of varions pattemu, Kingston, 23d Nov., 1840 ragit la tequisite tisaI sciere sud priac ilaonhId*P.IDCL AESueEDrctrofhtlI4e mg > en on ai te th ory, su d f i l à Asup e r o rt olseultiiof e lan anasPeu- N. B. A feav relis cf Prepated PARCH M " o-oV erate vis i, ad aid ecis thar. . L.Pto TrIouto, SUESlon u TU iSScOt5 ai ofey froin kuivs, Ds'c Kivas lic, O.Deeda, &c. just received sd for sale. Tisr r sudeWc aresi i ei rexended scale, in order t0ausure te bis pre termuiaed upon havin, i iro steady ana to eta, ncaiase Of business rin P.leuL Veruvolvars, eor omtiiag JKl EM VL Poic, p ae oteratcakolede - tieco rnp ence t ; and« iu ,.i evidentse t eso esa dt th Triea lag ,icesd ti OfietlnH u sMIihae the u f ap ta h uh rt d em d Siseet Coppet sud Bramoe BbuMV A .Str s P oine s Te b a e r ty Whso a c uv edge cf 1h. seul cuetano ertal is ret r tlt e, eld hassOffice upon o uyýiIOs nt ount Of It = Iad HE Suscribes haveiliovhaflous hee$tarr lie uppl o tienstamiaial hrw em A very large aud <hlo. selectioubf Suecifrsbae emve foied.butwh isaerane mactiay wbienek . he tessdaceti naktfrtiesp~ c li ettb otd Ol risera <1;'L nolne degome t ar LA E O D T fM.Jcksonte heremisas îaîeiy bau- marof hule visoaasmo prac theriertce m-Tisa omdt netédnmnain0 1ar i- U au rit waa ne loger ID carry FLA TE-,. O OdD S Mts. W.5 J. ilon, in lFront t . hsltc i, aursSia lsr aon etters, Wane#, Liquori sunGrlceriez. ao pen suris boUses as bavetthe ouidiavies cOth cop sa rextended 1 I negat £pergaa, ilvat mounQ dwith s. pedb . sa." &..~dium 9P tisougis whicb tbe various kuowledgu Adbhelsetaarehadil.Iem coverad pl ith ir Tin o Ctltt15 ottevesothCopqR. 0 TR possessed l y escis sud ail, may lha commuucaed ouAndtl eiygaptesli aseue Sals fo tiai tperaiJOHt a sosle as ithe present flourib cniio f branches, sud eut glass centc re fOyrs iefment, Ii ay c ci is x eri appies tise roll eot t n aes mo tisa mosl vise safeîy 1ple t rom pItton thse works would warrant, it f uaim - Plmled Candlesticks, ailisor aitist ranches, Kingston, dtis Oct., 180.tehefrn.Inhi antnlteexr-supestte odmrktaesndntems JJN. ly resolved, tri aSertgiegreater f- .B vrouzd onath gss roFRESH GARDEN SEEDS. meute LiaaI are hOu' giug ou, but tisa exposacnce iavcr.isia terme. lar lie cs1k3 to their operaim, s'asd ta enable tisem do Inkstanrls and Cimuey Ornasnts, whG aiENEaLdsoicleu rbey etsufr rale a tculure f aI thie psfitandghes, frmeleiltis SucnersaMr.t ILA. mar na me te îu igtn I uui 80 te place the establlisment in a state to rieet Plated and ilver Invunter! Cake Baskets, Tes worsl i rtil yteuetay 0lisepultuescf tisa biensudta farangex-sdoeNeEWs usomtslit R A Godeu4i0t J W. BRUt, H11lE Subscriblae a rena evey exigeiicy, the ual stocf thse Coin- potsE9StanodaWitest Coast, Chat- i .uî .9 nltet aa apcaesdyiiiaetiilgc-wb .bacs enrsaed ditheateailanagmocut a éandlesüÎ;: Sauffre and Tryais IrlIG eVr4tr. su aamedium l now ptcosed tole CanadienJMSBOWuNor lie extended. ta, ful assourit iited etr uat kSuaiTuWrmh ocLl aela gn sdcnientialStore nFte c artessndthat stock bonks Ile0911- do do Cruel sud Liuot rStands, ct gEh.. Ba- public, ,iz.-tsn CASADIAN FàINES; viicis, Kmgstoù, 15di JbAMES OW841.t<OL ccupied by Nlessoi. W. & j. %iý ed in tie office after thse sixth d<ey ffy ies, (tory s"falo') JUST RECEIVED, sisoted il mrev patronage la warrant tiseMurder- trJhlyyfonLvrolid asex; for thse purposof subscrbieig thse Bran Pes for avindow curtalos, very ficheSPLENDID sasorentient cf Gag, Bidiug sud taklmg, wvu.hapubîaisaed op the first of June iart, F OR SALE. froua Glasgow, tht folioswng) nane othsewshmgtebeoai prcsaor. Vety bmrdsome lacquered Candalabra, 3 brcks DrivinWHIPS; Wisip Luises iu Kreal, atKingston. Itfaili ha deioted entiraiy ualise 1Y tisa subacrihars, at ti at tores su Front. (0 ID (b 2D 0, nansO hf ihn obcieprhsr, Getran table, bal, a su ad bracket Lmp, tariely ; RwRides, &Teamstets do; SCUOOL farmer's lutaresi -lc sciemîlfical sudpraclical g- ] ret: In additiun ta tiscir Stork pry,ln whÀ eeyirfruaincasa Block tin sud impeial Plish Covets, BOOKS, Feclscap aud Lettet PAPEL riculture ;-totlie difarent ofIesciusndy 60 kegs Plug Toacco, 18'., sup. quaity, i. Atmeeting of thse Dîrectoa held imme- Bitniasmoel Tes sud Coe Pots, Tableansd - ALSO - 'Il will cootain articles on horticulturte, and the 50 ke go do do 16s, dc Pilotan md liaver C!Oths, (blet, a daeysltteabuse, IL G"tLmSLEY, Tes Spectre, &c. Cotton Bs in, lfine, Coten Ysr, Tbread, culture of fruit tracs, by diheaaitstantiors in Eu- 10 lboxes Cavendishs do. ie.EnlsIladntfh& usq ie-elected Presider.t, gd Mr. C. W. SseBasetnerMc eSeiars&.lc e uiatsMP IUppar aid topa. On tihast mode cf masusging and isprov- 100 jrsMaccabo> Sauif,îîoFianorîs, M tses"' 5 C. W. INKIN. aylndpaentcd, dulLu sol ro oer Cansada, aay also h. faruud at iug stock, vix: catIllsacties, shoot sudaine- 1 rocp o LslaCiasJn,, Pilmoues, Dusîi eC.eiW.y & T IwSe. su plnPeentw tdo ubeaninl bi.T. & J. RIGNEY's tise various disemaissta aviicis îiseyare lhable, sud 0HG RSR o9ov olos eiiafa tî y$el$ ur . . wW d ils revolvigcharges, Coink f îas<y Store, tise hast mode cf treatemtlby tise meRAER Coat axCllnepeni-a, any h ecans cd groavers. Essaya.oR.tisevicuse ud Kingiton, 7lb Aptil, 1841. Jaccoetîts, blackr, white and do__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P s s i nc.k fg s i k ,K n s o . I t S p . 8 .en e r w r . E s y n t e v rc s s is n 1[ngaon, lay5, 1841. t oulk' &C.m c. li ~~tiaitadaptation t tise differeut kModea(ograin, Home, Croydoun Boudes, PFiit Patant Gain Waddiog NOTICE. gi r sses. On tise mont apptovedi metlsods of y is FOR SALE. Cottoos, Diaver, linge, clirî NEW HAT FAGT<I&W. F a god ndTct, CS9.l *. mngigdates s rctsili E a d dth tesubacrihars, t tiitstores in Front- oeale IVintet Vstin,,g &la, F1121g ld!aa Tale, la àEwNVS:rnnsgmgdanes a prcttemngao 13 SteetTweerds, REID Y MADE CLUIJ t heiiahiBsuntanet 100, 5flJ trs lsteelsasd b aui e L. GREENE, vilii i-s thedia igisiN uliUnitd Stales. Ounlise plan of lsying ont gardeon 0 hdsbiis u c v d u at 7* Tss he sedî ni elai > ' isa t b v ed ie m m d o D g Iro n s, c ap p er T e s K e tîle s . V U e Y O R K A N D M O IT E A L P auc Xs fer 1 t tIn , a d far in . O n tisa rm i g of h u es, sud tise m a n _2u -d .b i h u s o a o u g r . beydmCool Scuttias, Brau e Kales, Tea Urne, 011r, Miuk, Racon, Boe, Pasbet, Muskral, g30 hoisia. dc do dotan ccnas f ou i riin addrviýWbps are ofé ad loReBlck ro3 n Slv ax, g1em ueScfp wsityndIFaviicsan cft s 40 baga E. 1 i ctalizad do srIple Goodawould adit ladnasi. mataitaclurieg o 1,0ndi qaryL ni-lo eBsi, rcsdSlu» iosmdFilutise Province, 5bid.elndLf dosdeaieitla-. Steet, la theaterbuilding opp da" e .Fat #hop cern MidAis, Pryiug Pane, Gidittind SkINS ; etlise Brik Store, Quar t>'Sreet, f inga. dia United Statesanad!Engiamsd. Tise Marktl 540LaUbat e nedLoa ysoad Tes, te bot of it.bL1. ren. he wil um n ie t auddicansGepwhdas in coono egston;Upper Canada,, prs w;h.<lie ler! hy ; ad partilier 40ba> dae ToungkysndTese &C. IL~cr verNEtrn, suM couma Fur Hans; PIII Som- A large maiaent cf o Preisd q. eerbes-, osei a t uahe S cftise imprevemenls of tisa amplemauls tif Agin. inp, AralFRAS14 ERDRESEo. WOOL lBATS, cies fotoasi. Anam sfflr c>SALE BY TH.EenlakrsSJBSC-RbouIBEcou= la bistie. frieodsnd ularedotisa an public aba&R DESSitri aeuisor approteilradfit, trou aoeaislierissnts, Engliali sud Amias.Augets, dàiad in f..«shaoue. Kinpsioa, 1840. -CONDITIONS.FO SAEB TH S'U CRB Steisfen adhepbetè il tisskuiy reave, ud uuttll100Gugl ozpds ad Sbiels, K gtolthse lot ofcasmonîi,-iu Doubla Quarto foran i10 40 quarter coolie elOcerner on Broci Street, North i d j A0::)- yu P a r 8 s W #Vi . ABlacksaitbs' Ajavil, Vices and Beiloav, cO Romr OSMST5EAL AND 5TtIL8 5tE T . ou god paler ansd witifait typa, athtie loy price 2S do Cognr, Brandy, Square, visere hoeawillie hapy sIo A m TWye *xELL osvaWedG. Anpr ssrtien o Lka alseuroraghilandi Neor Mr'. Hautk'i Droagia Sta#. tiffi"vsilings par lyer. Payable in ait cames en 5 bhds. Bordeaux do Wh avio i pcn im. asseilme,àitcfLiclcs, Butte, 4m.HE Subscribers be; ta intimas test dieytethe eceiit of tise iait No. 7 do Balond& Gin, Kingston, Spt. 19,1840. Knadol4,msreh 2R, a«.1-- à-, l to ctcisT snd book and eye Hingasuported, .1. ave commeoced businsathelb.aoe Ail Post Masters ste requesetedlta act as Afents W cases Schiedam do. 1 dot.sches ROIE m.w1LONW@R.KS. ad nd lron de stand in tise COMB aud FANCY GOODS Une- fat the Canaien Farmer. Any peran ebliuig 30 tash Bordeaux Vinegar. £1000 WANTED. vmSH pu~inim e ecfug ~ j<j 200 colLsiamuvasEz»siaaou 1 vo 5 mncte viero tisey ae ntiv reoeiving au extensive s-taiesujbxycrianmd sendiag pay foar tisesaine, la HIGH FRASER & Co. 0la BORROW fut a tes îf y I r .N ayl a i e l i x w k ie~ l ts a- P c î , l k a M ops , U m s, T ra cs, do & ansud ttm ei î <'d articles in t i i e a cc g v b ich d va ice, fr ee of P<"xm sa hl ie amftid Io te-s ti TAe e1r1. up as. Sacu it> fr thae 61e [ton Worh, sud aVm dopé ttese, vi. sud lChainesBlack Lead, Sisue Tbread, Galt net asy lh.fomde!-cavC édeveacopiaioft1he Fanai?. cipal aill iehagve on coinscesa 'teBrkIle , andShop Tavae, patent Pampa, viudcw Glass sud Ladite'tcllet and poatBoxes, dieaiug Case, W. weuhsailtort Canadien Fermer% in partte- FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS the Tewnvo f Kingston. Aw étaésb Monstova, B vakiiPuty, patent Pslilssud Tub, japautid Cas Boxes .ahcgany aud rue vood writing Deoits, sik a rti faveur us eriti comunicaliols on any or hdhua. (large) Table Codfib sCisten. & Gaz. Office, Omae$%, swu COtarloe, mdavreyofJpne brs 0 oku ehad Rticula al dPurs«s,abis llvry sud uma- ailetftise subjecte antioried abeya; sid giva us Rocbektet5 on Gases River, adBookit e Jpad aPort ocin,.14dia retaptte1020 kegs LcchineaHarriags, Kingaton, Otis Feb., 1841.~ pon ethiselot an maibe terme, by applying te Parler and Lauudty rocco csrd Cass, Cigar d., pocket Bos Pr- theasulte cf their expatience. Asavepct 10 ishis. Ne. 1 Nerths Shore do E. W. Wite, Eaq.,mt Moriawnl folios, elassic and sail Braces and Staps, fauoy tdit tise Fermer aili use bis eudeavourta 10 d tisa 40 taxes Dgiy do. ~~- Msis. Pilsigis e Ce-. Quv*p, rDabStotes, Sore Pipes, sud lise usual assot- Pip, ,twig snd di iai hpa;Imicotslalpoted rasclpar, ptubisls bnis cet. ad, udHUGHIFRASER & Ce. P U B LIS lIED E V E Il Meurs. Cisid a Sbie>, Ibebutat, ment of TIN WFAttE, onilasudlotiser BRU SUES; Willow Waggons, devotad, patlnt le bis e interet.We Kings ton, April, 1841. R Au IMratoavusud Ggdauburgimsy lec leTie aonf Piaas, asoatlCraies, snd travellig Baskets;- frictien Matces, dii v iainth.dsponei __________________ r .n iAd tM"seivng articles, i: Potwak bIlles,% s Ten, twoi artile)hrae ylî Accordites; piano MUSIÇ, and Muule Boxes; N. B. Ail eubscribar's susmes, sasfan as posa- USRB SA i fae nS laeroaeaklsg StoesBosStieveskt- c.iVenead, (a seis D artce,Cryov sel, Cises.Moan, lati gammon Bourde, $ealu Wa, fie, are requested tWholie s te 4 d. Editor of the VOR SALE BY THE SUBCI3R tbi fie oSore Strees5 baillIs, pan.wn.PinsdlVf, kuis.GeauVa-dJeeïdles, Canadien Fermer,'-'Kingston, befora the 121h4-ay20BgJaaCleMsiirHoe etl~ Orders fcr Cuaag of a&U kimds, b>te tonsand Bo0 Pa. lelaeGreVnyeBrovn, and Wera; ImkaIt lotpoader;Pin part iaCïoking Emelaereahada la Griàallr ltd adBianamoellOetMay naît-tisaI dia necessary arrangements 20 Stble. Rolsei do wep ist Ilorders pilibZe scolr Seve laIs, Ptasa aniYen. Blue,,YerOilli, Minerai Green, E Dorl li tler;sfni a er patdsu Bitnat for publisliiag, ma>'lha made; sud Lisav eMay ' 30 boxes Ground de puoctoisîl>' mîleoltil te Csuldm s ttls, gelgi-Shoas, Wa*n uBoxas, Green, lic. lec. te; ftueancertifmerlrequired. 1 aaBakPpeTms-ite hlig Audirens, SIC., abuser ater tise paraa iuuse et Oils, Ta, lesi.,Tutpentinm,riIce, usu,Puuy, 17211v=7 AN» vz e Edittos et papara aWio vil give Is Prospectus 28 boxes Graumd do cf pastage) yableienlu dtiBct si tisearkoias,or effte an' atetaa vMaeb s'hay cucrled Hlait, sud a variet>' cf olier articles. Tishe xaîr Papes *ng anmd Borders;jet-aninsetbion, saol h.eentitieilte a volume cf the 50 mateCassis, silins itpcmiiig enitrlà famisbed fat Liant iscle fou-fIS dhaltmenls esassicu Poder, LrOOKFNGGLASSJIS, Cisatiin Farines.1 akNtes ypsobcmigrgoM for 151 POtaeCavil recate-datten. Capelsudormssitneuofsehe ment of si aadsets' Mettentcdrite ion, hiag dirttei liste Agent lu <baugeOf tise trot brougilais LO: is r Ccmanuusicatiedmsa. lu li8 jrsMulel,,,,>,mete ofsxprtis fos gireite a aots, or Ieotise suscriber. MORLEY & JENKINS. &CO lic. < ommiasti ie'iil duaiionra. 2 0 jarsMuatRd(ih),nlte rprinfo ae J .OSEPH ROSSEEL, Kingston, Sept. 2, 1840. 0fmdeir osn aionufactrure, a large aseortiment ut Naines tif Pot Offices andth ie Countys o"lI 2 bel Zinle Curreuts, - - papiers discostiniitd sil Execulsurof Gxoaa: Paustr. SHULL VOIRY, AND>UOEN C019113, haieauio, iu ait cases, t rn itakela 2 blsCoe.excepl attise option cf the Pl'biks Ogdenbatgb, 9di li>, 180. FURTHER ENLARGEMENT Ail tof wvicis liseor, vloesle andi rel<tl, et Kingston, Aptil 5, 1841. HUGH FRASER & Cu. AU Commnunicationfs, tu e eSZ A.Y TH£DpûtesRasclowas tier eau haepaisad at in M--Kingston, Apele 1841. te the Eîlitor. A.'BRD 0V R AL TRA NS <R IPF e isortheUnited Stats. - NEW GOODS. AtivertiseanentSsud Letts J~NONCS a is IisislsticfKîgt@, L<OTICE à iereis>'gtM t iis paiper visich O::>- Coutry Marchants v ar c ulstavteti SOAP. atdtresed te Thos. H. Bettîf A NNatticulaherlliait ts o Kits E sabscrihor tespectfull>' inforatisbis friande B oies Steol's hast Liverpooil Soape fotr_______ STREET CHAPEL, sud bag ae"0 e licit s a enadaiioal press, vilie Ou tise lotMay, Se a"eT.u J. RIGNEY. esmdeIasap ui mnes isIl ad, iii cou- 200 s)amie yvnit et oMittrl* tbr ifpublic ptong.BrancbIseî ...N.uth- bstged tle s ixa cf th Miontrea rld nd ingtn a ,14.11masto terwarebSire o atis os And, dFRSRîro. Sxenendude,2$6îtn a ttra, N a turl P Ilo ato1h , â maX ~ ie , I i- C ourir. T isa pn eu tili uni h . sdvs ced. Kingstony Apopo it tse H a dw re St re cf M1s841J.W.I7eacb suiseqottt i se rtio n- Tei o tory, Eq>. Grossier, Geogoply Êgmà»ai -WliePs.p ietor Sas long tegratteilishe amposi- JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, KJ1NS, & Co., snd lise ISird bouse balb it. Ba- King4i.onnitAprertion1841. aTp, M fgiigbs edr il dia inforatnand )) ads(omei'M.My')HlaaieaUI iFOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, intertio: above ten lices, 4d' peS 'lAti,141 ier Moaseiinsertion, sud Id pet lice ft' inl Klugatop Id Apti, 1841.literai>'mater lisatlie desired, sud had genarali>' 00 LBS. Presis Clovar Seed, ail limes ha funde,ce olseicu prprFras Garden Seed, vbciesale sud retail, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT 0F 0bm __r-fAdthrasmoe tae is iesntbbetwit21hriia tie, etton VAUBEPROI>ER11Y voolsi iscd. Iin by dtearouos support tisat 100 Piaughm, superlot ,airat(s, Dry Gooe reis, ad CWkery, 0bsi.Brl>,i serte ons ias hrfit ie lisealtar.atien mev eoulemulsted, sud1dorsppfor ise 100 " tmura Forts 400 tegs White, Greeu, Blue& RlPeinte, sud aill ieh. ld CBEAP for CASH, eitbet visola- 5 bales Cois, r A ALE. bai o!part o Kingsrequtheed.%500galions hast Bolet i 1,aile or realt.- 39boxes tappd sund ficedf Pipes, vnitiog. pronlunt artcfKimslc, tsa st-___________________________ - ILLAMTHIRKELL. 0Si. lcig asredtis rn orinltekyii WILLWAM cAREL&. peastve.>m 5 donteai bysa(ugievta), iahpremon-Aprettedthe i c onet ef Stoe sud Mouttel bttaIs. Ap- oO01I OWT! 11-&(casui Wte Parant cf W50IA Saguier Kettlesoted i Ipi>' 1aliseesubacrihar cm the prailac. Sa ety v An sttack efthlie Piles Day h.e 200 pairs Poliised Trace Cisains. Kingston, Nov. 23d, ifflO. 33tf 3 do alusutfesims>, KingeAs, 23dFai. 184l- story s umtoms are fit) die celebrateti RAYS' SltanStreet, Kingston,RGS&LASE PBING GOOD)SHUGH FRASER &Ce. LINI IENT. Tisere are more tisaisouneisuutred b.2 14.FRSL BYTE USRBES Kingrton, April, 1841. mine .........--- 11 OR S0 a be. ie Sool etr,cba cc1opl i bsct, Wo anve luf. ned Saeyodu* -LOVER SEEl. A. LARGElqusatity of bleacedCocleas, 11o7 - FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, 'alis,. .. 10isBosese al Tar 9, -imes nm araaisfave omuiredb e asLB5. fcfluefashs Saad, W *sale b> £IL a few ecsaof Cisityls est Beae Blisz Ssndemsu'a Port Wine, 3 doit.taches, red rCksbi5Tgh, -Y-j- w l b -2 MJ. W. BRINT, Gomssmet Has, of the newest fasiiois; aise, Cnli 6 cashs Serry Wioe, 3 do sache (amp. qi.) HuIle & W A briIaham J lD listes B di T iM edu-ue s b bs fdtc hdm couplaint, avis o ï e 42iue00 0i g 0c r l a m 7 s , as, ad2 brgistis. t f tre B suÀ .... c10 oxsGI 8jX9h teueve yteatru attb> ppya ifd lagesssoîlabelstaw.onn 'GoaneO'M adeine, do. . KING -f El lMerratI= . aisesfe oMolestas, Jeans odt Drilla cf vaioe» e- 10 qli. caila 1Faconss' Madeia, do. IAdllpsoa . . 40 n. . -e is y aa.U E ie bvegod svn ba prbSeuls. 2 do Pr-aio flI .J II- RATS EDSsudMEMOIALS L5 L~ Engasi Marels talrne hendie> var meS îocase Chmpage, Du .......le G ~~~rIG C I ~~~ ~e 4 u e i duil mabs ,u asiraa»l { st slR Va, lr e m efU s sg DYVM ie e t falfl w olm le 5I1ii =js (soOiMj.8 bc s.slp l S.~.<I% h5Ne Fleeb i Palsterid edstat mV.1YVE A jellis d S I~ ~~nm ,f P "»OlmR ud.lm .ajw.,FOR .,141 ua.,SAa.,."MS MRBI K, iamdrtuwALE* AES NiF Pmr a ha" twimm aten aud d;mamcwdaglk m ac u 8(*b qtw wbo hm 'A up-mm m«t30 a-ecovoase 0 ntrt. us uss iIc4lEIiSlocaa ntW1' cmtoa<t a> nmieit Ze 5 OF PMfrea ce oilagsI n tis Isl~ Asarics 95s1,it &i i't.~ abee. slesUs < M>10'D1 a- Mx sr j C A IVE 0, dimmis< d ee-dior Le5se-vd fge km I'er filas, h li.tbe 8. diabl 1 lier * éab"ll ieradit lé thei a tiitivi lea las vus bat surit hss glevi . , d ia eso Moo d M4t thse a0" 4iI. a lave. the Puce lîbi tafshe tiseeita tui tittut i ble sb, ,bisi um raid aiti bat liis w inutdia di yseaie-Ou bautid km «<b. *NqWh-wiad Pe baifste t EDUCATIC tact tisafoloainç et d1 moral anatruetgm iris cansui, ave tit entes0 vidal i>'cleh asemsit>' oh raligiotl chidren ila uiversh tte imnprt of tise ule tendtoa, or caruiitu effect. made et coufouadinj a sctiptwul expMe r elaicis tilitb fortIl Tise estreelis noves, and andervaling 1 table netres andi gru the cane ronatantl>' (techelidren tisa14 ri gby CodivilS ai ui tisseif.1 Atec ,asnd Who, i mtes of bIt pipils, ls the la airpeceteI mp and beast cf ebilula vaeh avr tegoveineti ""M tin 4"ime e slnd outhtie chuE.s Il the bcar . ltin end refleello tisaI moral tostructi lae amF ottiet foras et elrn laponthesod g lifinençei. To te e viloai t.ala bis Enfle of bia patenta iu ocale cuabreac aou go oapon theseslgistest sal net asatise>'do, fi àt mPlinciple cildren niae tcondgcî. lHe alh training cf s Dut genain' l iscour bissp et moisi axier or ibit tht maite the mnoral e lot bher i, bre r. He il I8bm tieif friand, asu th.e lame qulities training l qaitelem 09g mystem o e ci mInY (If Our scbaots. bcoeadeceittul, a, t, Il. sten. d, snller ien mathbsam -o a t>' s oblige intasprovi tatly ou il§ pute thing te haieicon, 0 arc unable lu appt mYbtkm cf discplint "b lu tisa aecisani "C<OMPenasle for aiatisetheoper, .Weuueding tise sir ai te emnple>'teacbe-ma Wbt da ise couî Cie veît nl:aili taa intl their si tsl oecetetmoral t5i n amdati u *aa pouctive .a,tbeteje no dl weo le*tri t 1 n fftJ Wel r y eau am 7 Taeft, iolene, btt Fe am sa lait« LOST . 'os ipa