Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 8 Feb 1842, p. 1

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CANADIAN JOUJRNAL, POLITICAL, AGRTCULTIJRAL& COMMERCIAL XXII. Ila r ',;. !l ie n ;. j ed ri re. If v 'll, 1 trir, les,, 'ci% l lîtr i fri- ;II,,', 1 l"oî A O, cli , I-. l - k l'teOlv' 11 mil tie l' jr i vi' ptr, ne la" d1 int-and trianc r" ICs i i ami liii-, h Ils 1 H "is Qf rin .' V R tndis l.ie usoao S,1 Tar lr' vle 1'&W y DoRY oOOD8Ï MiOW H EAIL. I ANEs'4 Ce.o--etore. hue o.umio tlo *»< bPet It smebtockt of DRY 0001> ýw.05au ssvaut oPhsi biac ab fote it a ldhpo.ed i*e 0 Brac esrlbof csptabthoii lm P ' W TBl nsbe~usuavalui , irall. in gsg.u' b5 ~and suitabli $upply0 110 &~o, but the Dealiof os ,kwbl U:e th t DCMt w8y b obW laeider to vbicl aI sucb Price. reco ,uCbager5 o hbeGeat% dogige, ioney t tiis salisnolit aesing p ictiîarly trorthi lweI A-O E EA VER CLOTES. ~1re1Mil,ldo for GJreat Coats, eit'lsqailO ruW for Paiîtakîu, ll'ctC~ nusually Cheap; jlANKETSY LNES Irr he counttrpante 5and Quitta, ët'C l,thF, W oolle. Ruge,, &c. î&S.oiyFannete tir children'a u»e *îotIh 1îyCîa nd Nelseca. leth 4 of fah:tt z.e Color mani ,~er)ts, o avii1tens, andI Cami- m,~ Lies, !':iin antd lritted. ts.. Scrnrdr Ahlgreat corail ap obi rtteth Iis saeon, a s br eC_ & n. îa OrMeV Importa- s )e- 'taidn -iets with Rib- an -I, iiJ 10P ii t aloi0w the object i ~.~elv epetu the Stock, Li. r veila oîioîoy ina<mking j rr', (. rvy li'cripl ion, d brrviMoha.ir & Cash- WO0I Me-rino and r aSî : antI ear', w bleaolî t.r pod"t or N'ont Scsrf.Î .5 I:er, Cab~teiOMuffleru, M Eî t Ors$ &FcC'Otly COTT(>NS. * lcrîwit t ici Talei e1jie' a-. n d'mF rench m rive, ao~l:.er. cfaayblosain tile 4.IWIS ci be rira! cor ci Desrgroin jail ci r in I rrvlle Imateriap. A l'l OO!lea Shawls. and I land. AM)I BUFFALO ROBES, k oiu;der Last Yeara FPrices. zrLe Lace \'rîl,,andr ibl llî o f o v"',Musiru Crllar, , Lien Cam- *.re'ccovked Cnbrie and Lace 'aYrBattîrar.s andl Wad' wi" be homarkedthie LoWEaa r'cFVII,Or usuaii plan vîli 5q Of ONL c Oaî NE Prmi. In 'or. o! .atapeuce i, observe the G. Il HIN~ES &Cu. 'Ar CLSSE -.~îkii,~Glaea '.1 TroAlrs, Cruer. Stands. Globe ck L it..r p S!,ades, &cr, for,;ae T. & J. ll;NE Y Store Street. -A tfci irrev of Whips, andI Whip '""cPla ad tai, Coarso i\î 7'rTO- -- a e 10 tons Ohio bout asi.oted izcs, for sale 'v fH.CALDER. &.Agencialasort- iil ofGrocenies. Liquors, chice aIlwo0 jà< botte,) frai au ii. ra.bl, or on rp roved crrîdi.hy. ICALM-:1R m uk are sîzes and quanti- . roa auf bXe, Wjadow Glass zt vraiiv ow for casb. - CALDIER. ~ oSalmron Tote saletH . CALDEZI b! 'amaAdan.Mnte Also J.OTW. BPT lIles m respectfulîy informa Ir ~ k of rog,îoaa and is Vichul- la tîen theb.11annd Bakery biv %r. j-Si'q , in 13=k Yitend rzirryîi n the r tern 0uiccnmranomity , Prcqal ,> lu ea te ti tcaat lert le hbtbeyshail at ail KINGSTON, CANADA, TUESDAY, ]PEjRUARY 8, 1842. (fil MhsiugResdalimîlosrrivoed toc lite' Ca .lme n el w yle bimi e butsin htuahhg. thMMune m"*"vosr h e mtwlles, iM dJi for oui luanb.r-Eod. Mr.] ______Suesd111m bty.- .s~ tre.aSrmru a l no du,thmainsyb INT11 OUT Q I ATJohn va a- pin a sui e-Duy, atdeoMs fr lan t. th.rv immrMdId tle cm e0,tTom MMENS INN'S VI 0 HST-TO lhe Augusta (Mai»).> Âge, 0(" b 11111111104 trulght forvard way7.Mt up tuhi ib lIW ve tsaned ou neSbiml 150$, AND 3I LIINSVSI O recoureS yosterday, contain i estuand nreporte . ordmmd ed <ml La bis aaid. IlTh, Malien. Tb#. coantsentoncaihima eoceive f. Bismeetng S esTaedv b 81mu. le Lamd Agent for th"tBte. Fi»aL l.imter cam eri bsussj t. and veOli tqhala sen lb. bare.bacit. and ordered the Sher. Atamer nT h alis. Hanalin. hIl laaaeovhglimgthy documeat.,naoleiave thetruas.vithoot il; but thomglaheau éxcu"'setae otvib le ma. hom0 oJdihCusme,cncuplrsg usw" of O<ve coltamm of the Ags, vascroassai rougb, lho nid mother vueometalésel r6tnrne iia Iolse paib oa ilm Bf tiur ' suý ad aet ic . ainoms#V M istrict ut dsd sume iatminm re$uecting the di- blame,aid that holas asureiota LWdboom driank-.ad tuîottml h bec <bsci Wilimrbad usapoite'blnm dd 1111 itorY.vhiçk WOOMCaave vil!l tproYe log avay &Il the n: oney: mmd eb h vasgen, cmnueelng muth=itiZ anmd rrguing NeJon .KelySe qar-tefoflkm<s< . l, n imt tulce. 0of our miladers bo ham niother criai over lier uorh, bot soedii mot maltmetu dtnttaking nate. and listenîag ahsolutions ete pet <mu ib he hir, & s ta ! wvatchlag tbieprogre.. afthii.long pendimg and mytiag. 1 dii naot 1 e v o a crymmg. teilivry atotively mli ibeli.. M-auna t ia.. 0< marl tv bndim ~ aparmllyintrmhibsdispute. eau ber tears droppnc'mber banda . and tien s ihic oent, ami oe hu l'ers hoeuse. Ofuansasucsly. oTl behalrd, cy hhs Otci sallI give nome ides.0<of usMM baS voeu; anmtbe sent me to stand - Neyer min-nm mid-go on, Mr. aa. es iro,-hatlobntBalvin Equlà- urput y-, sau lhe Cer«.» 0 sa thei je" paReoiv ed. enlatioe, iiBaldwi.Ep m ailb. muvyho a f r e LÎust he hve not -Telllme WLntt your hbld tords vete. John," But iMalan bailg# larmed.-bnd re'ored sibclpar d <rtie f ls. uer if 1 h ooso t s ma",Persenhmve sppsec- j*%id à:1father -"let svriog, I ho"i, 10<teor. uii <cf be«Luz thia ~ <a. <.'L.t... jb.,bin GarnIt..] No, ogi John. ooig: "I1 uaid yen ere a crient. aislfoct.brsot tidls m~~ ~~th&e~I~~ ~ - yer i thi~ 4~in Ismsi, .4flbsv1m Wel~i% . m miaa, àMthse udge, m if ust of oam& Ir.ta10 mce guodgoor ri D'tsh e b moe-. imlbir mi- -"And tbey Bleue bid orie, I amsure" nid viii etql yoder vindr vySe aunBs.hum l-for thepuperle; amdIbsh" .t anit 0 1m"".blsputisnm hlso aiÎvi o is moier; "bot yeu are forgiven ; g ov Mar»«W jrecoeded l ino direction indicatei by ofEamedvo10 "inpart culai are etes Mr. ploting tb.erMditWhiegthe Madavmat e.. hing mesmm. eaiftrom tW ,box" tefftmtntrMmd hai nefonemm l"c"5 mmBlwnfoi bis himimie.in meeting ushbore l.umet. George lIcc he amfac e s ife ; and u ot han Le taraud te tLe court, viîb lb.e ecla. t Sa.-Pive thonsami pmodehave boom ezpemdci ho met tbe tender ga c f ber mild eyee son t io-" Why saibteYaie fingglnt iah lm,1 et Iouve&.That tbe diamtre isacrifices of bolvmen the Grand tlleaMi the Madavasha on tmimad tu10 b ina, h e teassrise in bis ovn- Thoet ual.. nou iiiLn.ae,iirepliedti o n.i Le Rbe formraof thse Fuurtb Ridiaag cf Yrkdur. the Norts aid. of theOSt. John, sedfilve tiotsami Ro Poe.op; anS ptlting naeny iota ber bande, Porturbe d e ntce a njour arguament', .b tmg te lt. political ulrugloentiltenu e pode finieth.etsawuha te the rivert, Ib.hmuvid, Il'homo aram my voei's vago. .Cu-e, l Wbat <cd il! ay argument do'?--the mn .1%li ibajakoof ltais Couaty, mdof the Province Lempon, the portage <froms Temmoua. A com, bnhd cut boutbande. far younhavo mt <0« au akeady s atnce a i mabei I Lave ia- 'g generaily, aii eervc ta ashov our brcothr Rftm-bridgeacerons the ArOcstOoh niailsîtmmontibas ailjet. Lay il ont for lhe boul, as enaumsthi:g gmmycnvnn Imout" ors *in Canada I:âât thita arna sympaîhi insen-beaucomphlo, mandae»Brrosi eut ousa do. 1Ibopetie yl bo a boginning cf botter ' iay.iUli gisat pu"sliiîthe Jaidget W.t ained 10 iard t é is epople o i r.gabd te îdr oeGadfans. do5ingsnm-part, and bappier dela sou jour.,'" Il f tria'-[Pittabrg Anaerican. q #t*&e, mai' o a deterumnzrLon feit byiiMta secure 'hin lu comtp<as bus t e, aior er Geogetaiebig vife, sara.thle ciliren vere Iytu totcu quai justice vit oairelvgu.teluifin" thenov sa<rn m thAroostte gae t bi, tbatvwhon ho savwbml the pence MEMORANDA, (Sîgae) Wm. CHARD, the Grand fallua" dmin oa m ie «Grand <mls 0of 1h. poor S c etab towauis hoeping up ma fne Çbana. te and over thse portage <rr enaieoa ta" ts bougme. aMi ireain ont the landlord'm wifu and BY A SE1'TLB#IN II IWER CANADA. Et. ~~~Lawrnce. dBrrmd nh bngta i v At a meeting iald aetb the n=Woritm in tetI io '< hi@ 9lroute, tihe British have nmc ve v. har-ting, uràconaplaimimg Soman, andi bis1mTa0Ilvcr10s. Towmship cf adoc.on Wedn.sdsy me"ig. the milita ystalts! OU. t the Grand falluie ildren in vont, aid ainaat in rage. viaile lie Il in muclptu ho regretteà, as Wou for th. gels 9t uanub itas mattomded b Robert Newt Br 1 uimt th#a le Eait lineoaf tbhevassittiasg drimhlng, niglat after nigbt, destroy- oral nterest 0 of oolya illa mziua Baldwin, Esquire, Menahor for lb.e arty of J Bae, another at the tern,JaStiOOcf thetillr in~ g hie htallb mnd stroagb; be vas so mrucit beeit outsmuly urthy inidividuanIeIhiat arge Iîastitag, Uriais Seymaour, Esquine, District on lb. St. Lawrence in Laver Canada oea, .1 witli ioriwi an'bame,lihat lho eenaed ta coametr.. vySm Council lu. vas appoînl.ecbCiairminand miMr. Wet lina af the State. Theotetfour re ta hinaseifat lat. Ho deteramiaed, rom tha traile. of ebfielandi. ithiai ron50 ta 2w0 Cyfua igrSecretaîy. a ithin the limite of ibis SBute as <lloua; onueaithur, neyer aga ta Put the inîaxicating g<ms taE astern Towniap«, mmd tb. country on Lti The Clamrman staed tiat lh algreat iesRo. thepobm geOnTemiuslaa, vith a s arrimai e bflipi ofleOtva4r c it.bvao me surs ina i'aîroduicing ta thje meeting 2.rnac titadaru m I b eeb rtse Mr am a year sftervrarcl., OUoSuada et. &<Of h taa r 0literono a re a vsîe Ia R onî;Ua Mhi.foh aot 20Toemsantth,0 oe Degelor athe l erneon, mm Mis.Crowder. of tiaUPuocb. vI, for.. by more Ibsu a vory feu of Ithe Emigranîs d.!e MeberfortheCouty; hatMr.foo ofTemscoats,100oubier; a ettheam7igev--Y yIin searcb of a botaa-tb. landi inwa tedietRprenantalive af tichev hiocitbouseat themutil cf the Madavs s miigvl e agtts1 h o-a.anlludtaLas every possible rsouisite for h Counîy itho bail ever, ta bis kaowlodge, talin a.anmd ae>albe an. the South aide cf the Sf. .in. donte Le e.overtaben hy a ,.nIent ubover n av~ca n uc.tu o tet the trouble cf aqisiins' the varions townships iu One conpa.ý,y of soldiere i 4iaided btewoeuo i n ai n md Lsd ecome at legat hait drenchei. soidba, beui&.c.. mn s aurno flthget the e strict, îhereby obtaining by actuel obser- tbbo ot ae~. 'j vben îbey enerd a cen<ortabe lbonne. 4"n- s <>< of ti ilsand o yil*motemly thofgra. vat'iOn akrowledge o h it n i so IUdrtheme c.Ž.custmtncem. 1 votaîî recOga, - i-uled l'y ile huon ndtîms.tranali >b- cusethen compered ta a tnp ta thé WesternJ i tie inhalitanîs; that lh.bigLly appiuved of tMr. momi that the Legisiaturd Imite imaediale mou-ers je1,qr il. lis gcodatured mistressanmai iSi'YStates, or nen te lb. Western tarte of Caua4s *Baiiwio', cooiuct in Iariament; and tht in Lbisourettlcal! the atntica; P! tbe General G 3 o iegir!> dii al; tbey could ta dry aid ipe avay Lut lu is eligible for agricultuiaf purpoc 1gm a oinn aucoirse pursuei by Ibat gentleman vernmn a th îe pressing imppilance cf a milita- the rik-d.rop ,m o-eisfon b adies' Vgrt=0ngmr.es«peclaly, am tjiqcounîries *bicaniributed mach ta lie iniprovement of the ry rosi tte Set. John, uni liai a stroag effort fine silk <cea, ai 4draged and soilei, ami ta tav-.1à. preherence in no excluuively gil-en. 't condition of lie pecp!e of Canada as a Coloay of hoemd0emmenure il* Immidal oata m repaur. as fat as poeslse, every natuchief. done ta A pelis uith a samlil capital, by proceoding *Great Britaiia. ii socring the recognitioin, by the conpietioii." thoir essees aS poisons. millier te " .£nu~aTovnship, or up tige Ottu prsaAmnsrain rter resozat iy aWbeu l nai eabus4one Iliat etild Le doue, 34-a. ny, la% fuir ay., (a vcek at fart"ss, aRd the Peope, asuroade knoou tirougi tie:,Repre. Correspondsanceaofuiie Journal 'if Commerces. a,. 'e%3Mise Lvy eaid, lliey 66begii2ta0look t lenotbim ina humi't e aaking almnd seitatives. TIat lie wahappy ta met.0 ayLxh c 1 lcngl:'as agai,-" Mms Crcwder, wbowua lob- purcbaue a Mnali forn Mmd oa 1 mai ragemerits - t beiiiibinns f helonsip, -o ster j ing lina Itr;'rarm.cbnir, and atnsiosî heref ma"s for tbm .omsf«of W»Llefaniy.aMd fut carry- bey have b.nid Mr. Baldwin'm aderess, votlinBuca nay lant of 9tb Jo!>, the political atate cf b> a stoal ti veyY tinug inathe rÀn, auddeoly itir onthliel e m ili vigcu'r ic. -e re al ail b.e abte tu judgu for illeiuaelveu.. Mr. Urliin Briaia bas Leen rapidly inaprcvaog. Aflur the started forvard, ani d dressiag herBehf 1. the limes plemly cf .uc. farmaesfor msl, uaajooi,*ry tiec raliendoiadiresseil tLe metinga iew. tyrant Velasaco amibis mnisters voieejecîni master of the bouge, e-boue Bible and we-ae coreuana vby vil!iie b reuter given) vhile a.:-t ed the various m'emures of the lite session, and frmoie by a eimatameous riming of tb. peoplebal just caught lber oy-" WLy, Imy «<ci nat5, aother vil! travol Jswtudet mies Lu vater mand ie m oare b ad pursaue-whbler ias supaport- ami wmy tbrcughoait tie entire repablie, in June-we mie nId f<unad; 1 knoc your face, l'mari.-a t4dicusanMd ezlpemlve joursoyby lend, travel. jeg or opposing themc. AtIthieconclusion cf helouut, tr. Calva, lie frmser Vice Preuidant cf Do- tain;- still tiser. is saine chanFO in yoc!, lbugh issg ou snd eou pasdngpao intb as %woulel 5.1 aderesu, the folrîwirrg Reaul utions weroieput ram lvis, relalmealtrfiniSata (e-ither lbe bai beu I can't.exctlygamy e-bat it is.' stock aealunil fora Ga.ng tartiner tea<re itorit e .imra. baisWbhy Velasce,,> and assumaid tLe conmmad 11t1upei 10ta oinirageddlLes ani outrit 0anmd 1h00 rot aai ut ppe& oarbape han. r Resolboci, That this meetiagco.ibl pûes duiàtb beneo!Go5anta Cruîz. h.i'u4 Ga)efny.aiig no '-.r lieueueparsueJbyIbearîIlmdai'y Eq. lai e mein lime thc Chilian and Peruian tiant GeaI, 1amni sfortably clad,.annd la excel- mach momly and lime itouli have been smved. Jcrn thie ite sessioni cf the United Legialature. <vveroments Lavee iarei lh'aî le-Awil mot lent healb." oi oauuonls eaprîiehrft n a i,,, lia consiatent andt patriatie sacrifice cf consentliat Sata Cruz b. called ta the gaveri. " Bat bow isi," said Mrs. Crower, «Itbat ve avMaretaof th riemurad maif f settiementa Cih rtir than principle. baus srenga*ieneî, if ment of any of the South Americais republice ; nover catch a sigial of you nov 1" have lately beau places La out bande, ilinludng pu"Bible, Our confidence ta bittaua a legislator, ansi'notwithstandiiag Iolivia en niasse basa pro. .. Maamn" asid lie, "l'an sure 1 viab yoa iesm marmsbj astiri ae an mo Iat hy vîaitiaig tbe severml townships <of the. cîimed bina Presiient, lbay have sent out tboir lwefll; nay, 1 have reasoo ta thant you ; <or Cmmaa;" he11Yuf"cabsotete imîoear f Dt'rlereby c1tioiiag a ktowliedge cf ils cruisers vrillacriera ta take bitai otnt of amy ves. e-aide of yoar. fit-st openei my eyes ta moa OtO igant a qusntlty of practical information, 9 reanacca atui cflb.vant univisuea a' ,e l ors th iseasus, lb. lir day e-at il naay, and toolich aid icitosicourue. My vafe ani cLil- itlch vo trut miay prove essentiely oue habitats, lhe bas givon a treala proof toa , if sOut hlm al onire. la cotsequenceo f lb... in- irea vara huif natei sod Lait taived, anir dis tu any Who May coma. ont M easan. Ve any werue rniog, cf the deep ilteret lhofeue sfamous orler e Lecommandera ai foreiga iquai. lime lest year. Look at Ihean, ioif pease, intoard ta publiait ilportion c teeaemr teA in out velfare. ton@ in the Pacifie have sont a part of Ibeir <r.nov-for sveet, coneated lotks, antIdecent eacb ucceoiing na uanti! completil, sud r. Res'sh-vel. "hrt v. fouI tlanitfuilta thse congit. ces ta the cotai o! Boliria ta protect Ibeir fiag cloîbe,, l'il matcha Iben witla any man's. vif. emeit sh0<cirirsahaenod ueracy of tbe North Riding cf York, for their train being inilteiLy lb.,. braditti, e-bu pou-aid childien. And mev, maimna, 1 tell yen, as t hmo, vta ptiOurpeo cuhaensng10I is cunrbe mrgnanimoua cuidant in coosenmaag ta silos, esu neilier national nor persomal ballorn ycu bld a <aluni of yeurseme day luI vear,-'Ui sead hem lie papere, as a vainabie preon.To iteret Baldwin, Esq. ta vacate bi sesat for liat Gamrna, yuLh ail tbe Iroope ho could coîioct FOcLS' rPECE "heam aidosm ail i<is for us. The OMO thtb.n roustIs more usful and en b rRid.î'g. n crier Ibat. hlauingItithas Muinber for ta&ether, Lau marcbei ta the Boliintrantier, Pooe' pence t-I ouglît rallher ta amy, tb. ponce vo antoni, at Uh.conicluita 0coninue te .11T ilastiiigp;an;dmithIe efcrmuns of the Nertb R. ititb h evowei intention of invaiing Ibat coun. eavied Ly lbonmat iniuslry ; ani apent se that ve et by a narrative cf saieosmpecgt, en mgtMay reet ssrei Itat vo @al andeavor tus try ; andi bas sunt an amemd force, in a Peruvian can sali the bIeusing cf GeS upon dhe pence." 10 tamfcilalshoo andamivalumblo properiy recipî'ocalo sach geiieroLîrm caaduct, ubouli acc. vessel cf e-ar, rnd tlonken suion cf lb.eispro. Mas. Crowier rever recovercd lbe caatouer vhicbbave boumaie tran very aniail Ley sion requ ire il. îected Bolivieti sea port of ("obija; atthie saine elle il los.ms, tmig hbaeaIti omecfto a t teruo.ved, Tbt e-e do mtcerly sympathy limes1 ibe supreme governmuntal rtLima declarei-vninl tiy thmuclnco~.tbo eamcd.o!pritue r wîb our brother Ref.rniura la CanaisELut, amind fciuiy t tise foreiga minitera thal Pera is Dot UNCERTAINTY 0F TUIE AW. -La cottshteaicuiio a s*nmm lbcy aiay rest asureil bal neceffort of aursashalat e-ar wilb ais natiun, w as r f t: a e Md condtionrendretae aîL nu mnaîtg 1 sear taIbea qum jatio vtb New* Las just been receiveit ut Lim a!f Le TLe f.aîioe-cogfor a hI La is tateot vil eourselves. enbartation of Geneal Santa Cruz et Guaya- as legal readera viii readil>' hoiiene, rom te<pristhe -*A- a cirbraue u to- e. (tlignei> URIAR SEYMOUR, quil itiiaf<at aiieg vesseI fcr olivia, mmi ee -"a0 i .c eot,. utâi tO iamW Mlay;,dscitina CYIbS RIGS, ccy. Chaiman. expert ta bear of his being at tbe beasi ai lb. soy. iUcarer-OrTi avscp la y - d k be-1 tsic5. &tcf nim atho b Pl CYU IGSr.ernmnoth.*aS country. illutatedytheb> I.Pittsburgh American, n aueto. ii .< a mo'ale ieirne At pbli metng f binhbiane c Io TIlE 00 ~ pE N<~E aym vo bave Our scoloniatle for ama>' long e for the mort 9 A a uble eetng f he nfibiant ofth TIE P OL' P NCE 'It is no asuai îiing ta seemen ia Ibis coum- ge«mridibiaicntb f iseful nfrnatiea v aTbwntashp f Tycodinaga, heu aI lIeb l Con. tyis aeiec ttebr ai h ttPoe 1tem aPlte.unii Sciaicihlo"'us onFrida>' the 21ettintant, Mr. In the yean 183-, in a bandsomel>' furisbei r vs ilnlonuu l.b rdin b ttpuoeb bsmam te ill. cc àit-baul Ne Ian. Townshi;p Cient, vus atallSl parler vhich opened out of that noteel giîa.ehop b>' thoir avil uraiied e0ergies, and lie naturel CP9 lthe CLair, andtr. i. .m. tBel.sei, aploin"eB. clee '<Tb. P unci-bovi," mt ils mistres, the vagor o! their mie. 0f this tind vas jaige Th i mt thlmg a Prisdent famiy generali> dost >cretar>'. The Cheiriama tatii thaisi amanieeigadily dressed Mrm.Crovier, conversing vitis S ' 1 ...,of Marylandl. lie badlcameslta lb. bar vien they thjikofe migwaion qInerca iç ofm bimin uite satisfaction taossu.10 namny etbis Sunooquiceis noighor. late n hife, avo4ng, or evei.stepping the dol! courue, ta maite equirWo.about, me count-y:.ta ac fellav tue-asmera prelent et1th M,.etng ta vu!- ..Wlsy tirs. Crovier, I1rml>' muet ay)cu toclnical fot-malities vLeh eanrounad the uuemauusrch noe qogispbkwslgimamaior gazelteer, f cae ta lte township Itobert Balwin, Eoumrehave thauga A bfra t st uyle! W'but îemot uppreaehos ta the practice-Haviag rsscamd the for a desoription o<eU o<tn and province an LI dair blybi, este.ei R epresentat'e ; moi ai paperiig t ni-at noble chairs!I viat a pair or ,'ofs itsaavaitages of bis professiona vilbout Iist ighlY continent 'viasuàsdiscuom lana. th liaI guntlemsa nula talie eexpectoi ta viemi acr ele!ali blsbriai fresis tTison, bu oe. thora.,lbe fuît or .JIheteil for them ainiffrence or lurally entem n m, M aeried oaafor a iengîb m thie fionds ira Tyeoiinagu el Ibir respective gant etone-ccpiigs te yaur wîdand hamlme. cantempl, and tedIla aid"Mutiratb" Of lte l1mw01fime, sptstheir comparativeamentls, tîlI pur. m eabOdeb. ie h indi>' canentedeaIt tie equolst Leutiful French viiadov trames! Ami yauhave ver. allen maie ta star. at Lb. liberties Le vanli hupe eacb mmbor o! the famil>'.a as du. hecasle o! a itutaiho f h. nunhb ta, 0moach te,* been sending yoan danybtora ta the geneleî.u aite, vitb vIsai di.>'deemei indiopemible amdiin r-%ere, ScAm poa ierentpart, amiDoct n th th.r. it crier 'ta explain lb. effect of the imo.boardingechooat; yoar c@hop i i tfin' mecessry formeansd rabes ofthe pructace. Toelb inamedite **m -~voso oeaeltr tant ba passeSi urAng tb. lt. ossian, ani theand iiYoisiceliaru are tise bout filletiin aIIl lits 8........the -wsnothilng. so tint Lccouli l blàmme the-sami fW miïtstnt. Be ,tee, s course w bicLb., lieu erRepresontatiire, ladpart cof Luiîaun. Wb.re cm yen fini the eed- seize tbeoiight. fore Ivo eu»mo thi4eleleui atatd lli theu'c ltait in regard taet. tusîfoamiltbesgraneltigsl Dermi tr. 'A natorloas ofibirdor, v it s!long escapod ho@itallet' alauts <t for hinç, mc and li pu Mr. Baldwin thon addrasaei the Meetingfor a der, bey do you ienage ?11 tise moshesetho 1mw,hy meas offlava ami bos that l.d boom pab!isboi abut Americe4, intLe or pariai 'utfte-o Louis and upwards. Atis ou- tira. Crowien simpenai, ami eual okof sn-ja baditenta vas lob. hieS hotore Ls . . aapeof HsersRaOODactiosr, Travelo, Cou-.tg clion, thelowi Reolutignu vers moved ing coempt lhmoug.t.the baif open d r, c ral Mama u ta Isestanding cotanel; Mdi tise versmtuam, Emna.ra Guide, Leuer. 10 <intis, an far ed un vinguara. 1fellcv'n goci forune, ail. niymihe * wtIuiotO~'i, aIis 1 h sud carreti nnammeusly.te ebop, filloc diioagy contaisers. "The tact cf bis conasu] vr. ooan erjil' Md i-&- 4s? -leiusmleat o tbougbîntigbtob. ex Moisi by Jobhnliveen>', Esq., District Coasit. <caa'poee!-'im TUE tOS EC bt aepro.Ji e cspiol! maWeS h-istttii.Pý1upua W* OVU gol h oug nolie dom <t uilor, and econietihy tMr. Matthev ffeomllln, dues it for us," sheoenid Amidaber vai* dflaev ioserudgpei.nw»welamainasd atuuimo d îls tal<on. Wte sa vi« aboutiaMn be c ReulviThl ieLet bait c ti.metig mare ubrili sd udi thannsal, vidth ttiasphtahobhouli recoe it surotiltlet 'um. lt u, uani e auethpa e ci!a are ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ut>'uet thriBiviEqreîL eh I.cfMaso, air an>' Iqal iiliacalîy tiat migat inter. tacal hawl ofoe! b.counIr>' viîca va am dit tslli an amiaîtieRepresemtaîlve of tiis [[or voet.recIW dtise am o f oe enstomer- pote. lSud taohècm tetaete<un ftr etn' Coait>', for lbe unvearieti porsevorance andl un- Geo tiesai>', îecretrfiesuSua Ts p OcIo eton u h orii ObaImlbu u r futuresw.4,i drqliutr dspsyi y im dnig hesthe coutetr. Tuiniasg i ayesz pul -0 YOt b<- 86" ~bu' r.a oint l vo =Wune 'us « ses»n o lb.heLoyislaiure. n endouvotan<te m. onleu . n pleaiuh n oluoe & havaL Orcae h "e upo. e nte oor,,e i ad cure the civil ami religious liberty' of the I ro un jed rugge gurae ineu. oaisonlleainfie" clint tsrcorii iindmp eeuîg t bu iobd eslr od0 t f. Movtibytir Jn sohrne, aud seccude t ti.naupon the. ateil apartment * h. loehi lon.>, te "make asmuiame obyir, ~ha Ii sf.lÎ. Mtpres..,i oe«& by Mr. Robert HaigLi, 4012Wr i.prlr nse-lciq eemr ines e> nsotbmr 10>~ee,- ald otiis in a SoDr.UI g5 t bu R e s o v e d , T h t t ie m e t i m cn g r l l t g u s i s e t r . a m " m i f n e c a n e u > ' l I c i s p U e b i S s p o v l d o mr t b t i e t e t h . r g d a i t j o v f e r the Retlornaurs of due North Riding o( the entoCu. me% ad ica crel aP. ( I id fc>' t s il b ferme r memsoq, asl beleil p.ovecho iet eat4ilIIla j isict s, v iétls intR0.e-oth ty of Yorkothe ietrumpbautssuiruof 1, IL H. evah in:mu oIugt1 aiil bthis addit ma teoual S, ea w .5the hdaiworm< 5A iià, s ferous"î fantaisieEsquire. fer lII iiaieg -aMS th.tvi e t à« outiti l o reutha Io is Mr.vlola balai l-eotsoaIshthemin moue. 1h. ds foui Sempl>' gratfaji te Il. Riecera tsf lIaI RIS l~5 itou aleflim eRSb.ai au l u, sro n pait i~~ . pam* t. fee. Ionpl tho hAn e e gsmd yqmhytor ylstrot ai hi oit, -eyc *âtglt' of miraim. toritel.Wu auc a", nae, u ei§mgrnew milt semmbesh. e lon m sa eeneiate. eit In rui& tF r ho f neqi Ro eaalo e m C mn n ica inm m sa u bum wIkviss d u lail em imitào*le fam t e W U- m .hbmatuth i tianclirnn ueglsUAtemetS tvot Tn vsetAs5i Iae enIaiinsi~ lhrZ*U mmwu ww i. e- for but 1 t.] pq fr at . oi. hel'im --ls ot d me Ast il :-the pmieb~ en. tes -"Mo iasvi'sal i* erli mme r e hugoith avi e in e on bytis o o-Yalolu..liiCous r eamt ailu 'h. mteb ua tiiiv~ t tst6 h [FSd thuest4rae e«uim Md Commai. U, Mmd' 'a< eud l'h.n&oqui BrilleumMd Ws lbaha Wb tus,~~~~~~~~~ <m a eemue <h ebr ueaI, Io* l -bi miIees ;-h. b.d, M et* en a- A- »Wbu*m imeedufllaattbIfoeevh&W usem t "d. The psm wssonforil :-Thebpmeih vs i~( e,,,<i*lm ys4 tesreo a veiv 1h.itond ame' ' .mjianm. toirOew» e . a n u , b.-11,h t.»iftebe sbm wilt2 wlbm uheaq5ê bsevr S jn. Osu iuabd mt.s~ . . ta Ourja 1 Ilio nus/Jr' e C su ~ r 'r-' __ _ .. s'__ '""'V ~1. NO. 4&. eauës t termd ut ta ewgIflhII la ».. .10<1 festero, vltbt îuP":»aue hW b... 14 fr dme w"olcouru. 0< bis t.Mquarle a".mm wbicb h. wu U m o so ixela.=1 ot Theteo. the Suin, a ams en[rl'Wb l in that dm country, for t A .jl.~nt, 44 the 0a a t iwbich plu*. h. 'aiviciia UppérOq.d.w4lith nbotter.ose. Hhsjw Pets a4L.bhibrever. éaemdtobqin tu »Nhss Vid le iùmd bimueif in the dfr.ot =% Fron U~egeprovincesqI l,usL rwlthoj theus. botq t.b hir vb Ïai lerw. rIt ap9Uei*to'iseIyuore10< coun y a ',i tautcfemguh. upon) p,11 t cal p tcpae.iL iWgWl&ad ua lton it wua pie e t htov upu.m .dsculn ud murr.-g sah b@id cbard te «0" inl tbeI 1;.blicmad a etosthe thon olelg adoula Itrati. Ne t 111sucla luoméiulm sura affect upon Our Minde, lW vsve Uc »p<slîcls bauides if ve had.be. we eokms116V kttibet second hbond, whe4 il vws mi b.Jimîmm mnd fiel. ted "at amecould tbaren dlt. ThIi Ue was as followe : QI; c£aTox. Urwza ÇÀAsÈJ. Sept-.I, 1817. i b ..Pa ust arivei l et t piacPle wbere s muba vat îwoaas for a vosool 1ah.eksMorose the «rost lake. 1 @hall have sfiieut t bisur ithich 1 bave noter hmd bofâre, tu dive Y«t secouaait0< of indvootros and prospects.- 1 reacW e alifàx in twent y tâtes d&%up.d inamedimtely suileid for the Canuada., threugb a preut port ion of wbicb I baee ,rmvslled. I1b]Mr such terrible accotants of their winters sute ol- vioce me thut thon cold sud iribùâpiýablo rogim lire uot the country fî;r ce. Deaideï ihg wods ame so thick asuflot ta admit aveu cf the idhgbt.s rdegroo of pasturin, and the longtL of tue Win- ter, independent of ats severîty, must b.u oq dia. ademutageons b farmiag occupations. T@I.d bowe% or, in gond, and the cr",. i as t, <rms ttie littie ofhoni that lu yet e, âapp oarub. to:erable. I ama determioe Dot ta stop t1i! 1 reb k Obi* couttary, nsa neadescriptioof w lh <s i g9e in Birberh's Jetters. Froma Iboner, if 1 stoddfot like 1 wilyl proced ta the. Missotai terriiory. I féal in mwts ebtter spirite te 1 ad. vnre latO lhe it!tef!ri- Tt.i avtri: Of th'. eÈ. route modorates oven in theo s aine la tîeç vwle lide of em tiou seemi as 10 Ji Qand in tKks dire.on1. oInmy pose .,,,,., o anîd il [al fli gi. C t th~laadrlu botter-. the foreus s caier tu>Mêv dstie camul cation tu New Orleonf abwm s pen, whieissthe, rire.,i of this couontry are frazoïa op narl bhlu the year. And ad houth Neo Orea"nal a Tory disaa nt mrîe!, jet, <rm îts geograph» I ' s lion1. il ba sumchea0y accs» tu t. hobo cf South> America, the ulthoate markt &rfotibmost mi 'Cq surplus produce 0ot is upart of lthe Cont. neat. tl.L ta tdistance -Lies butit iîîb lnSc in tb. pric.sthe. frtnems btain. BRamewn ni. cipating frcy progposa. shall, nE Comnie, gv& à every informatioli whlnizzreub i htfrmlç Yoa would ina letter frou Ibis place., se account=te' Ï,fatned Falla of Nàigi woeroar booms througp he.wolkin bta nl î- moitIe distance Lk. Ib. receding " «khmû. 1 can ail] »y, tImt's ml thevie am dVert grapie scrptins hch 1 hm gseon, bave fii. ad, compleîely faïod, ta couvey tearml mind amy adeqxtato idua of thora, il intact far uW lapremiuma. to drmw prtraiturte o! a scone. 60màqnjficesaîl grand ; Wter Scott ougiit té tuki amtri:la Ibi country pn purpose tome"0 tot. 0 0 The next lutter vo reeel4 trou hm-stmtd tbmt there vw aoecircnastance tiecIMr. BUhiL bock Lad neglected 1taoi.ntoa< maitbat~tta tiare iras no god vaer, in tnit SOe =_t ne conntryi hbubad described sailno wol! utatedlà every point cf v 1mw, ta thé bwRogbheiar< MIy hrotlaer, however, én f r O»id rn thougit th- prize hoe vas ini dach othdfourT within isiereach, tbat v.nlightvenîcyslia miRon the folbowing spritn tadhi mu egu Philadelphiae'But 'a proS . idiandm"esve tabu hotill n doubtfül uîd distnt t tb ires distunion, if ot discurd, mb o u counrile. Dau uligbt mentiona vas made ta00kilu ome of M4 lit., tors,cf intermittentfevrm efpoos efgrmiii productior, und ac re «t"w«ar trMng edat cumnatanres. whieh led, al latl tii. odesIIt ILM nine&.taoreak the comupat t they had ot.re inoia andt wiîh bts yaongeoî brother, vboýW bd- .cnsidered as moore oopocitlly'aibder ",0 urda core, ta sooh in tb. Canaduasibt M car0 tose bvigh baope, vo lWi,pOerbape, ýfeoUubiyfa med, vhieh lbnd bitherta, bien seugit fSt Levaflî on be ban ka If thMiehity tribuarleta the fe mmc Mhisoap: Va parttd. motla n M&M Wa Lor am %but l ie t'omcmi devotod eemo, vIt the varnieut vo!ze ofe sah ctberslejl mîngé, eieyliic, wth camitairation taB goeo tho ore port. man d Ilbs ethw bu eirvibfuawd neediosu tirerute qegua Meétrmittento, and the' r wbo tra i diof us1,1 iîuperinduced h ibm <mgmat fthateiamoifloh cli'maîo.Yo*r.g0au e mer 02,11M peint ILtepbil M o ur. On th* bue i Qîéý# orged4 lat with bia ealtb and a bîoodâda' utboa vhàî unfoail the Injuriés I~ a ex o mmb horl d Peran u ei* ycylitable uherove o animd g m Cbiste ta Ibie Woamu e btoeaus . ail tbusodluodmnîage BuOtaguomidi. tingare tienvery dmeraitbing, a. nh imovod M. Lis i san eueal prtjrnly l % m lha nth».srtrgof Ileaamia Tite writer of lheu. shoot s, viti Wu bsidtsi Wwd the jaoita oli. latter pl4am. sd lu C"sd CMus uio vre broigit out «. inada es bile df ndvss'at tn cf sm tl ilgs theWCsgset bel, prtit1les e. opeo JI ibaZloirés sd wut vW c ét.Ô1r staxfiss v ug e l e o g l e - a

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