Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 1 Mar 1842, p. 1

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CANADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICAL, AG.AICULTIJRAL COMMERCI}ê. DRI'GOODS, 01s,3on RETAUL. IL îWM& C"e tor enret ~"jiortlfti0of Ibm Pnb. Stock o! DRY 000DS. gal esalicasvariety of Plain anal ,O4ub ,lefor the lu anal Winter hweseec t mrb eacrs,. Lwsçssdaute o the Britisia ~SE 1 !N oJý,bm 'dulctio froin b.husuel valu#,, s5 ut bitiOdf.taken ta scknowi- ou bmthY'bave MOetu- i general ly, tin consequence of .1eTrade havsng been antiripa. ,alarge anal sinlabie SuPPIY Of im n poid'-bub tbm Deaib f oe ~sreîîere it necssarj, that à ~stockmi ot.Disposmal of, as île bitainlaiarrangemnoiif ~be otinedinauorder a micb o~ren . S'dmg0faisucb Prices, l'urrb,,gers ai t e ctSaving ,iher noney lit his Establishment. 'trnt,0 i averci.Mient wiib not ashow î,.ràIgue, but the following k el ,'- !Mr! cuCrlynWC rbhy i iLIVA'N, stir ~ SIo U" ir e ri-y n~ y rt- acut 'n tir tripah- &Ct' 't, 2A-a li, Fu Ir .-LEi)-1.'.' T rI l.1 ofor lttp;tsg &rP S AE of bOiVN, tI 'rll s-iit t' , il it dîî Mmix~ "Muîs C ,- il.i i-t iJ.ra> ,'li S Jue ai1841. lit, ~ ii egî.ntutj pa be B-t.î -> mîl!ty lor tie nb- 'alt ci .1-L AN . a Jut, bIl. jeNn il Ile ail-tl('t gi.n :,tr i P.C il xl!' ileS - 1 311p I . :i I M lt in i'i 'urîl tbe 'T', 1 h* I lir I!,srl-i< 'fi ut n wa r r i ri t c le i S1irrn.r lm rie 1it ;r4r1-ti TA'D LAV IICLOTIIS. ci~ t"rcewe fr i'aniaiocnsî 11-etr ,tiUsrîally Ciîerp; Bi1.y,çETS A %D FLANNELS. iii b u er an sd Quiti, Wo' Ciî *.'i sleu lIsp, &C. 1,t'Ilnaris for ciidren'mius. Sîth'i (luths andl ecinces ~. a.' ih.tab e srt o! Color anîd l.lier . î1tt,ttes, anal Cain- Ie r le Liiiedtraïa'tr anal Prînteit. j-,r 'ieSubrier5 il iLgreal coîîfi- 'îir l, Plîlt specttio. tils seanon, a a4'?eetaid be'tifulI Var-etp O! ilums, l',tr exondirig "lY former Impotra- 3- ti asis t' 5lii Ol no Iti'e object t. ;ev s uil i u. ,Stocli,L- e-- ~ ~ ~ ~ i :î 'rft leiri'iamakiig a,, tî- cs.e as p0s;lili. %c , t te rsrip'iiei, %Ii', . Molimr, &Ca.li- 1 î'.Menue ansd t Dri îr- to be sol 1- - I. lor eck Scarfa, t b ~i~.mm Lieu Table ":'lieuse in thse son e in alal ltý !'itt rt r Let lcar'a Priies. * .'hi'i 'iir, Lînen Catin- S rked riCi 2inbre andiLai-e Bl ' ' o- ,tt-ît-s a'nd lail- -- b c t ntilie LamEST - n t' r t-ssi lpli-ru ivli ut * -'. i <lii (b c itu In osr. 1)<as -t-i".t-cto sobserve Use G. Il.[lI S Ce p - ilers, Cruel S!iel, Globe r& J. IINVS StoreStreet. iaX'rt- x', Lips, ant 'sii lur, 1.51 ih I I! IIND STO\U E. 10 torts OhioIliest ett,s saeted ires, for sale eutîh H. CALDER. IWsERIES, &c-A grca nsOrt- >q0! (1rt)'t'rrs Liquors, cîoice Bt, "k' rrw, mi litle,) fom sale unusu. - H. CALDL)R LAd r î 1F iOeaiTumbiers l.tjIfe, ~ sizes anti squanti ,~es aid liai! fuboxes Widow rG lass ~'iI.~4~b -H. CA LDER. 25 White Fi3h' 2-5 da Salmon Tout, tlanh for taie hy - H. CALDER. mees A"nfrr Ise J. WB;R1 N tri, et arr'peC:*fr.iiy ifermu 'ion. et -ongansd t iciai- t hr. Irrlre inulse m.d &Bak. * n . ep ~ ly in . . S ita , in B = a a n fernte1 the commuity ~Opriur iUliy, tue msure Ihat ohar. m4eronn,'wh icb île>' shah ait al z- n est o!fuperier quaiy Asx,~~LLEN & lMpSON. GAND PARLOR STOVES Cheap Groeery Store. T FM scubcriber baeileuve inasI reapectfully tuefcfer bis friends anal Use public bis sin- cere tisanka for te ibm il o sarue!fpatronage heatgmealooufhlm durisg the 1kai tan peurs n ,tbis city. "a sin nomr advinedly cbSiug up bis Dry Gouda deparieutanal mil for Ibmfuture devte is tire. te lie GROCERY 4r PROVISION Bule.. exclcivly, Wbolesals anal Rataib. rom arrangements recently efl'cted, lie has boUs Foeig n ali British mare* open ta hum, fronesmiience, direct, bu viii receive, nnadslte- ragotad si. erigiaspakage$, ail articl e e 'mq tudml heb Mhus ÎlRe Brandy, Gin and Spiite i cosse fro ttie Loamndochs;I.e Wmnes, selectoal for hmlof, milb. cf choice itgeaanotbing il he ofibreal but an-ch aM anstfilugiving aatigtacbion. A large andt genarai assartinent il almapa lie kep on huad, anal unremitling attention mil b. g iven to the busines;, anal tu sucb as may faver imith a continuance a!their support. floi a bust of article. on baud is given, af genumno qualij, w!icb iii he olmosi t extremelyloeu prirata for cash. 50 boxes Young Hyson Tes. 30 chasts Twankay do 30 bbds. Muacuvado Sugar, 10 IlCruébeal Sagar, 20 barreit do do, 10 hhis. singe refined Sigar, 10 -doLirl,or.ihi2Ji:rd , 20 Pe"siîg ITîlacrc, 1Us, 20 *' do ls'F, 1) dl.) 24"e, 20 boxes Cavendish l' & 24's, à bLds..Mo liase, 5 du Bordeaux VîieZar, 1 tu2j 10 bzige s-eA 'e'llîper, 20 boxes Pipes, ô IlFrIbe.ja, 201 boxes Grounti Cofihe, 24) Grounal Ginger, 20 l'epper, 10 Alispice, 2q jara Macctgmoy Snuff 10 baga Roasîmal CohYee, 20 Lsî ra do, 10 big. St.iDoingo do, 10 keg. Raisins, 100 boxes Montreal Candi... GO douIWax wick Lendon Candles, 100 du Lverpool Scap, 13 hls IlOttard Dupua'. Cognac Brandy, 15 du Bordeaux do 10 barrels IlHuliierts"' Londlon broa'n Stout, 10 do Leîb aie, Genuine, 10 hliad superior Tale Cod finst, 15 bairrs'ia 'almo, *th s usmst's toise, ,5 Carotoli Zant, Carranits, 5 care1 II Vokas' est Mimtard, 50 jars IlDurham" M ustard, 20 boxes Fig 111cm 5 (lu Verutîcilli, 5 de macaroni, lurrisks Blackiiig 2bLiahs Superies- OU Port Wine, 5 qr. ctsk'.ery Super or Sherry, 2 hhil al. Bik'iimns" Midira, I(X) qr. c-iaka Il Nareci!leâ'" îWrau, Port & Ma. do:ra, 110 pundlieng - elstrîi" Spirite, 5 d, olal Ration Ruut, A1 piiicheons E, 1 Ibm, 20boxes IlLeschers" London -trarch, 5ci caser. Schiedaim Gin, 10 baga ienko, 2 cases Lemnon Peel, 2 Citron, :ougIttou's Bitter. - Pepper Sauce, 2 terrinda Arrom Root, 2 Ketchuip, '2 Pearl Sag, W1 crates Crockery astsorteal. 20 packages Glasamvare, Wîbb a varieîy o! otiier articles connecteel with a Goery business. aKe~T ( DMj The remaining part of the Subscribera Stck wilil bo «olda (i"ot Prices. Surb ras desire harrgain in citer brandi mouisi consot ibeir owmm inreoa by sxaminiug anal comparin>' the Iexteînive Stock o! Goods now toreal lu is pro- miseg, before pircaing. Kingston, 2Otb Nov. 1841. A. IMOTUE151'S TIOUGETS AMIDST ET ails. CHtAES TINSLET. WL...m e bu. terd, watcrlad. llesasai te mnachs ader: t Te ure @romd me. $tilt. A braîht. uhraeu bnd . yaut oises III The summescair mlb glainros, yet I hooes Thot Paie .îli ohbadws are rundines blliag. TbLaî matail* t mbenssî tisgms ate.cml i s caicag, Urint you forih-eal y must S. Te ulil del art witts glas Frt, .f.arbrn'.a-er. va have usciereal fre, Au Pris.go îtxsgbird'- y mWit art catI .d 1-ilsu miiilisarisg es yi.ur eblbociFs dm.1. lig' WWIA.î 11015 f .(ber. brghaier restons, isteieozr Ye wit saut .srrmuw fr ithepast Ye vil go bnldly fcth. WAîh >itur her'. trenes., geosf.!lieraleso s'aelb, Te, barrer fin bheb ,'lcwes, tbisiife Of bueu. c-ad,,-ah, tocd nusema!'latle .knwlag uI Mi ystsm cbeibed dresss. se rieb. asu goimg, Etisil lbereaitiesoeh'ilt!i Te.sorit0l em t- t.priasr Tise baby quiet of the loa tmeba lics Deep lu y"q ure. ati ye bave f'eh the mreg Tbst tle.csdi. asarfal mmli te osai reil. us tbahe et ,ririm.-eaim mary ekint Sa& .Wos -iaroa hresg Thmre 1àsily pa» Upie ou, i mlitmie lsosght cf Ftune isys 8rîc.4icsa tms5 me -un tin o*s oes TIsai n. ret.ile.s aeli vyrtr I1asmsgbt ganer, Th.tt has utei ye moullbt glila for *ver iog lies Dward s"tmm. And*mtiihmh ai"., As bs1 " i tt auesar #cri" "es. Ani obet amiber ferorito heraiteau., fieua y i %tmlep". ibesperdag navrer Wîtb ils imîdieig 1It-is iref caohvamo, Amnd tal-asalb dinh ¶ MNy Ped.fair gi is»h th. val teaita fle a 1 UV@ humeur sw oyt, ami sakligte"s 1 flaivemll thsufha seu imm b vhS.. u T.a mm u 1%,mi vlas, Mau e .y0*s1 T'b, pu" wm mlt lidsa< i KINGSTON, CANADA, TUESDAY, MARdII 1, j"2. A"d leu abri. cs iliiitrams "tmuees gie,- Boy, ta a e'orld wt, saary passtitemt..sr Wisb Est,'. poisosmal reami soit t' t ta see- Sin. llow wiil iz Cr*milh tîma Wîilt tho. *sd fond fut miiii, l joyos leu., mithe gratta.corti 1 WVià tii.a mi'. s sie i te bs ert h.iag. A brigbtosa eti . smo1 r misahbon, tiilia lu lot. nid hope. chan"s hy gittOMRsIo traitiez. or siience-bird of seivZ 1 Y.s art essd a- stil. à Irtths, mahîond . iyosmrots M.~i r».temfffaitalrth aasu. net i ksou Thot gtFais'l Mobsirws area rossd «s (siic, Thal vu ntiil hsus a " th- ib irnd il calia. UrZ4 aysu o fm.lmsadeIDU.Maml0! Tel utiisker 1 aey.e sol Hre a s igber promiss 1 soforgo or i. kith"t maisisa eute am .srrurail 1 De a. My eur aat itIl.. faet ah u ,«Y515 Of sasq"il.d aeil moasd siogara!, *ad triuemp, fer ysmn ai' b&lGWit. M E M ORA NI) A. BY A SETTLER IN LOWVER CANADA. (Co.ifess rlé at)m. C. .XILt In ibe Introduction ta thete Memoranda, in Ibm Mercury o! tb. 18; bho! January-i*t is tatel. ibat Ibere are at aàIlitmesIlp!enty of farti for idale,"- anal sxtiifacmr easons ivere prorniteil mrp suclm i lb.ecae,-ît is neceoaary. as meli ta redeem tispoise, as ta animer questions wicb vry uurlyarie, o!firbat bus become of lbe pur. sotte wirbadl esideal ou Uhsie farnu1 anal mby did they eav. îbeina! ...f lIe country recosemen- deal in duee smranda bo un eligibie, hem it.l that seunrny perona bave lait ueir bouse. 1 anal thene ame so mauy farienasostatly for sale ?--the reatons mby, are manifoldl axialappi>' equally lu Upper as tu Lomer Canada:timat; it appeana te b. lhe geulus o! a partiiolar cimseso! prtons ; principally natives o! the United States, or ibeir descondaxila to moke fartus, ald t. trade hent, as in auj cther article o! mercandîze, min>' iersoni boidingadozen.or nare, soute made b>' tlemn- seiveZothers bougit freian omne unsuccessfui1 or mgtiugpersous. I knowvsmverai. wbebeing o duge.o!flandandtao! ite local advanages, have beug t lotsalunarlvantageu#situations, au wbicb, baviog1 iade cle:iringV, on mnaof Ibm best of Use ana, bave rzalzel frentLe asiies, anal tbe tirt anal second cropo, as mucciiasthIb landsud anal tblnbonof clearing ceet atogether- anal bave over anda aove the rotumu e! the fint cust, a number of acrea of gras%4Jual--st4se f ils prpe epsatube or z=, a'~ o bouse const'tutes one kinM fsý .*. - *r ara pl.ne4"or sale.-a a farinas eiug ou sale, is, b. above ciansu of prons, %mi1 i i m tiasout «eton, sml] Ibm farma îbey m-tp b.liitigm-latitli- standing themeies anal th'ir (alLrsbefere thons rmay bave been born on thm land., anal an iricli their grunafathers may have cutthebmfrett roue; ail îLoe.circumatuances micb moulal me endear the spet te an nidl countryman, or ta a French Canadien, bas littie efi'ct on the feelings of the particular class I arn re!ering te; as Ibmy do net look open the farin as a permanent bute, but as au articl u Le soir! whenever a gond prico inMy b. oblaineal fr i, and an Immnigrant in maulmof a tari, vien trav'elling ibniiugb îLte country iu searcb cf eue, may ascertain this tact vemy ensi- ]y b>' enquirmng as bu gees along ihor roui. irbai couutryuaan laves ou auj particular spot le fan. caus, aisd if Le finals it an American. lise May con- fidemabiy cousider te place in lu the înarke,-if an olal caubtrymnan tle case is doubtful. CAP. XIY* A tirI cause is, thai a greit nusuber o! poo- pile cîlleîl" aquattes," irbo bave, aitheut auj lcence or authoritytaken pct@zsmiou e! many lots o! land ini différent parts, anal as it casta them notbing, o! course they select Ibm bet-in course of time the proprieter usexpectedly finals out Ibat bis landi i. aireamly unsier cullivation, andi as the country becomes mnre ope, the ot becorne more vaiable-the squatters canent pUrChame, Use>' therefoe - cloar ot" afber doing as mucb miscie! te the property as tbep dan, anal tbon more farina are adalea to tbm naîmber abmaalj in mii.markeLT.'his is the case wiîb many cromu iota aise, notmitbstaoding the great lenit>' o! the Gevernuteni te Ibis clais afpersens. A word or tin luthis place on Use subjeci o! "squatters," illi ovory respect anal deference ta the Gemm. met, I heg leave tin am, UsaI.I tbink I shahL e ahi. teuashow, tb. very faverable consialeration sb.wn ta aqualters, bas Leen very miaplacoal andi igly injurions te the est trtereats o! the cou- tn--muc La been saisi about Ibe value cf diese peuple as pioneera, I feanbsoly deny Iis, but e- vomi if it mas so, give Ibemo onlyproper ouccur- agmeut, but not greaier than te honest men; as bas beretofoeo een doue, I iii mention oeeil- stance. -Several poresn ra occ-ealtogeer soet years since te a tamnebip, thon bavîng not more Iban tthres or four sattin a t-solue O! bese persona Lad sutail meane le pay a finat instalment anal abtaluathte nuinhors o! several lots far sals --on examniation lhey fiul ineM'Iota 1h07 moulal like hoUer :Lae toM Of ! ibcb tbey bati the numbers mbihi mre for sale-thon beotter iota belouged al th e croire, the terrils o! micb seueal beoanal Use reaci o! b. iblaividuals1Irehh totey pfaundtie culalmae abetter bais idi a privat. proprietar, usueu ithis the. coi- Pau o! their mens. as b. moula bu coettoalt takne a ve«7 annalinstalmot lina& analintereat on tise remainder, till conanif e N opit--pia ignorant people, itiappeermaltbeY WMr ta on u8t -jssi aienttisnu imen, »M klem srup- km. perosmcamente ttwatmbi nlbok as session of lire or thrm ofthîe botter jota a = xcentloîme4,anal se tion years ater, the»e squat- ters mere reoasmended te Le permitteal lie pri- i'sgm of pe.mptlanie ai ndermîiem of tIe ira- pr oveinst ey b.d made. anda c*,galy Mdalthse asivat feo! eputchasaig tland utiattIsecreme price, acllrhavini Lad peaeeai ote land fSr tun jean wiihasî any papuent, irbile tirr ai bonnet seigisoams, baa&,trou cooac'mmtioss i- liv. ,petu t thse Iam imalance m'm tis ise lob & aistibsenau îigtercedt montiseW mlgim mga-do ut al, me sâommBats«Soient. la6 Mrs (meu sMy -oaresultmg becs Ibm labeurs mi theesaqatera, I cncail t h51 uetilg b« eil~ Mou armam ram Mdiathe ~agnthh mtb b. bn esuw enar=tqw* ib 14gmsIpsnae ass.dgu imi M (ago nca MWOMet.as uq lb. Bs~UlàI1iaauV t Y. -- I are iufor"melmme fifîmen bouses mere blown down, togebber will a rly barm,, 'nd varions other eu, boildinga; fomtmanaîeiy, bowever, wu linos wore let bu soune places lthe tîtnber was cfflpli le. veflie iwitb the gmeund, anal even apple lices, toma that bal! mealisercal the torîiscf manj jeara-, were loinup byhbm ots. !ilanjfarinera soffereal cousiderably bp the destroctiua o! thair fonces, in addition tui ibeir tosses otherwMie.0 A portion cf tIbm ibm passoal ovor ibis viBame, anal nmre loue.«erm left, as we are infalb. without aa re tj!imes in lte aide of mbich Ibm etorm apprucea. It passeal oT uin"ew,4 direction. aceespari4alwitb vivial flashes cf iîgb-- n.,,, anal severo clî1)Ï cfthunrder. Additionalparticter-Si.ce iribingîbe abeve me learn that a yosug moan lu thse employ o! Mr. King, a short diâaanca froint ibis piace, bad bis i.>' broien, in cunimqueuca o! the faliing cf Ibm roof of a barn ini which lhe mas en.gagea aithe time.-[Paincsilbe Tebegrarh. The ameep o! tia tarnado ln Mayfiebd ia des cnibeal hp an epe mitumsta frigbtfuilp berridc. Swift destruction market its patb. It mrved ferseard liée a blacks, pitbp cloual bugging lte earth, allai 'virling higa :a air every substance draw mlibhin us voreX- The largest trees more upturnea jn tîvistea off "Like * shoots, analin sente places even atumpo mers tom treni tbe eartb Hliterbedded atonei vv.rre liftai out. ait, large Iovgs acre nioved lt by ivinalp0wer îisatwouid have requimed strong oit pawor tu have tarzed. Lo- buildirrgs more tornit upanal îvlir!d atvay tle be ry stUndatiou loge, anal aur infoituartnt entioiied an inàtance in whicb lira men rihealfront a barn and finit flat before the biati, al were literally turobleil endl over endl soute ditance bv ils fury. Ai thbtuiî.sadccrossed'Cbagriîî river, thewa ter mas drawn frm it bie(!, anal dashed uposi ,he tramne dw-elling o Mr. Dean, locatrd Aclth e bauk, with saach res1itia might as le sw6eep the housq agai,%astact B orne litho distance. when it aro tum fragnns, manp of wbîcb worm berna amay for miles. The beddîng analMarty light articles in the brtas cannat ie ofuundal a ail, anil Ibm escape ef Mu. D. analiber dbilalren frein ie- stant deaili in a carvel of marvels. The churcli le Kirirlanal isinveal round fr-cm mla founda- lion nmre forty eet. The toruadu sried lu widtii front fifty tIcone hundreal roda, ad lasted btit a moment or tmo. The vivsîl rezolictioîis o!f ta raraat itM long ro- main wiL tlswho felt or tvitnesscd il. The occurrerre e! suri, a tornade, accompa- îîied wiltlituitsr ana l ighlitin>' in Ibis climats iu Mid winter, iils singularirp weorthy the atten- tion anal mxanntion of îLe r rr:eus observera cfi atnaestptserio plieaernèna. Portions if lie tirke cou'iir yept heur Ibm marks of aimilai toruadoes in pears gonte hy. A wiradfallsoie fetty miles iin lengtb, eud varying frein a bli te more iban a mile in bremdtib. str3whs iha'uji Lonain and into t a.ntl~ adjacent Tht 1argeif treta>w8 î I 0 RE~ and bbliautnip mais wept dir in W'lsa va omhîe su *ru shore of Brie. mlz bnad4p hi igîven use note,. thlise crmevWheu the wbîîes 'Laitupag wîssafall i it.. @în cabine, the t bluther busibecomme I cieusb tu fttnisb ibtç log inateni*l. RFIîCa 5OF TUE PaKEsIDrI4T.-Calin Jepton. of tbe scbaoncr Mokina, arriveal yesterday frein thm Azorei, reportaeIbaimwhite ai Bisuavista, oe cf tbosm idands.,lie mas toid b>' ait Engiisb gen- tleman fris St. N icholas, another of the groop, Usai soewater caska anal a steru-bout lad boun piokeal upanal laken te uta Nichubas, having on îbembthe lame of the steanpackei Prestalent. Captain Jbpeon'@'informant lad asenithest ln- terestingrebice. WVithir a feir dapoalase a brig- froin Spmerna bas arriveal bore, aud reports Laving passeal on tbm 21nlof July, wile u ber voyage out, a b.arg e ntc wreck. morne sixt>' fect long andl thryo ot ide, apparentiy part of a large teamer. Ih appoarçale opart o! the tuina charne)-% bavin>' four dead epest, mith tunned mouldinZaanal long fiat ircu atrape. lier fbulk t as blit miL a brosa wite atreak, andl large paaîbeal&ck ports. There iras a bite ofa Lau' ren over a pince o! moud, apparently part o! tbe guarde. The ce.criptieoni. sait] te agree .miLth tàe.o the Prosideut Fronm mlt.t afamte Cossraol tet,,sry 7. Batnea OF InEAT rNIAG~AAFLLs.-TLI. river heleir the great catamct preneants ai liii, lime a mont singublar phenemenon, beiiig rom- piotel>' bniageal over from the foot o! Table Rock ta a distance o! a mile andi a haiT, by an arcl of 1impacteal ice, o! immense bbickuess. îvbich bai bema creseaitdaily by Iravmibers aud visitora foi a meek past, ini perfact safety. The ico broken inoav rp fine pieces in uts passage over the faits, bis nisen up b.iom io sucb quantitios andl mIl sucb force, tirai the mass bas bren mievatealtnc boas tbam bbirty-five feet abois Ibe Sumnier be. vel of tb. river, anal frozl-n subtily s ther hi the eowening spray, presents a filrmnmasii occasional fiamereueevenal feet in widtb, anal o gnet depth. So permanent sema this mander. a, i bnen of nature, Ibat a @mal] building haî been erertealnu ih anal occupimau a a groery. On Monday might lait a oulier lest hi ielfs in 1attemptiug te distent freinse Canadien side b. rloir the fasllu. luorden ta elude dtmeteelinel, b.li procuneal a coril, andl eesajealtute lt hlaset 1down the precpice, belmees the Table Rock & thm flerry-bunt the breaking o! tbe curd asie bu.n lifeLosait tae rocks alti ice be!ow. Tise Suosesy o e! b.Treasuy, a.lg sasse: ro! Casgnes t pay tise mages ofthe mmeueraste L nda Mofusatscrapaiofaold play, tiseameid mhicale mubave fmgtbne : , Debtor. l'Il pay. ifàMi1 wi mu Crodibon. Est irises Debto,. Why--why, irbenes-er you'li 1mai A geiesdevi e» budiscovermil a metLod ls a(uansifacing frein sas dandy. a moekey, au tapie, enal tisse ahotia, se a. te have enougi rleft Worà Munellleir dueg A Peaa~icaq'mCotaasuo, -Aneim l aiti. ician s ascmS=lyaughî Lya friesal la tihe a .patleatki.tiae êe V = gaibb Lad selu al f9* uziuaieofieb. lpia iJÎ ih e StMn 1 ailaing Ibe sd«7y hot th.e -siýq A Toczx0W TXS.1JU-Th ~ but!eraily. a ilalutt with Y-ur appruval, andl iv black and 1u.nrînn--ffie thuadcr ripped away .ongigot saibac*i;ic a h bas affurded your vioieully. and as a i..id iflui cf l-ghn 1ngài> t hCmie n fasial uligfrteacm acrou the fuguens, vw d..îcovered a fat -'ugger Te atoasuabbilngfrhe&m, running like the devil a.ros the vatern Iln modatifo of th.- Institution in an evil whic bals. P" boula sevrely tait e.nce .ar-eatsbahusent. PS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~g Anatteuipt wasýat ne tiue nl .oli ud Neyer decile îill1rou have heard botb aides of tuinvet the orec. lob of an edilice te b.caevoted a question. Thons are twc aides tu almuwt v.- cluite!lptu Iis obecr. hbut it tfailed, and Oue ry tbîng-except a paacabe, &ud tat bas on17, a cfrorta have ince beeu'direeled te the reo" tpsudia bot'om. of the disability coder wlnhcb the Institution »ow bP laboars. Furthîe delivery of Lectures. theb.e- bÎbition of the Mus.ui, 'a:d fora Reading BRom ~..s <~J1~jjfl ini logbuiDow cccupied 'là spoxh- ugi:t iLr.< aiiLtt45TC'I EYTITULTtON. 1dbîta t eu a&wiaI~ e ereardeal The innuai Genoral Metinj of lt.eîîecitan-thprresf eImttiavjrCo îlq ire, lypititution wau beld ou ?alenday evonung last, bavc gvon Ibeir séeriuui cenaaderat*ana to th. St tie rugira of the lustitute, vdieu lthe following mater. being eue of themuit importance. The Report of the Coummittee of Ma ~t ias project i1f erecting a large buildi'frrnaa i mal b theRecrdin V.rt;n,ý-welI au for the purpabeu of, the Institution, hy ioad~~~~~~~~~ bthR*odn Otay j.îr meails ô' a Joint stock C spny blis aaaj son, anda dopted by lhe. fltingbee:î dîaeui.d, and favôtrablp otgttajhad fil Ille Comaium oMaumn i the Kiaîg&tosa requires, thçn, but unanimity of action te carry MfeeJka' b ,laâliot*abg ima., seubridtWur it irto e.ct. Reprt,fer the e asr ening 141h Fc.5, 1842. ln the upi,îîon ofyourCommittee. soch a buil- Sinth Lbutam Quarterly Meeing ne materiai diîîg iuuld out caly provide ample accommoda- change bas taken place in the affnîr.4of the lu. rti'u for thee lnsîtiýuul, a. roquircil fur the vari- stîtuton, demanditg pour iinediae attentimon. u. purpoans above isu.utionied; but in the course As the period for wbich your Comîitîco were -f *eu or twelvc yeare payable for, it, eréctialo entrusted witb the managemulcof the institu- f-rotin a 14aîsdâuue mnd..wu1elinta enablo tl# tion is about ta, expire, it becomes t.beir duty t0 u rjcIcf te lustitution tu e b. uccesfuiby pur.. lay betore Ibis ineeting a review of tht.. igenera1 sucal. Thse Cuw.îîîttte ittît w 01 11 other moenu maltterL, wbich, in cannection witb this titu- fur srffectually securing thit objecl. Itfil. tion, have transpired during the past veut. buWever, b. uecessary for the institutio te Ob- Wberi your Canhxitîee accepted office ai jour tain corporate powe enable it tu hoit! prop.. bands, the Institution lsad been but a short gliale perty. Au applicabidl usttlbe madee the Le- revived froua that stite of luactivity inoawbicb Igialature, wbicb it will be ueccssary or yen tu it had uuhappily falleis, through the apatby then Ianthorize, and as it ivill bc the fini sep in liii. tee generally eviucedl. On its re-ostablishgmexît important luovemeut, it iâ wortbp cf gour -not many iudividuals becanie members, tore fronm serions attention. T emeee a building about the inducemeut consequent ou its rnaction, andl£ wOiili b. necessary. An <bject cf conaid. tige nier. desire ta see the Institution in exast- eration wiril bewh.ther the aoncoul b.ie vent- onc, ttanffen aal iterination on their pr.ually raismal :-if me there nomal Le no hitafion as nov appearr. to support andlgusIan'hy i n proreeding. dividual exertion il. proaperity anamgênerai use- W t'oa bmw daya the lntitutku bau te de- fulmets. Pintote Io@@ of a mosl vauahi. and saloun The effects cf thia have been felt by or coain- member, mnthe person of John Vincent, zàqairo, mittee, &as uany of those persoacu wo were then the ae second Vice President-who wua.jet members bave, by neglecîing ta reuew their oniy a zealomit proigaoler of the. iraiteresuOf ibis subscriptians, witlidrawn their support, thua in Association, but for jnny ara respectab(e. sonie dogrem liniting lb. resoorces at the dispo- inhabitant of Ibis Towne,ad a uis fui member cf £ai cf jour Comnmitee. It wiii be seeu by the scciety. mtaternent gve beiew, that, se a cousoquencO, lu Corcui n îouLr cemmittee Lavmng had %te the income bas Leen a ; pufçieu tue meet idirection andlguidance of the affiiira of the ltt- the incidentai oxpensea of the esbablithnent, tution for 12 menthe. du nom lu accorsbaace wiIbul iavinq the great objecte for wbmch the Institu- detgroles, resign intejour ba"d that trusit iricli tien wa. firt caaljuite being but litie provis- you su freiy & geuerous ]ylaestowea!, & wbibst it ien for t*r ftrtbrancc anci neesary prose. ls tu o Le opelm the confidence givec n* us'l action. " not been mispiaceal, peur Commiitse cannat taise As far. bowevor, au the means piaced at their leave cf Ibis Meeting without expreasing an disposai haye permitteal, evory thing within tboîr earnsst, and at the saine limne a sincere iia, power bas Iteeng douc te furthmr the interesta of that tbro' Iboir efforts th. Institution bias Leen the Institiition, and il affordia tbem ne light do- eiabloal te carry out ils principiec. as far as gret cfea 'tisfiction, aui mou as encouragement means woid aleir. $boulai Ihiq meetig ap- te rerewod efilrti, litheir individual cupacity, prove cf oui exeaien,, eur Ceaisit»e retire ~te have iL luntteir peer te sMats. that ailit a]l frein Ibheir duties gratified that lianugh partial 0~ d* ies ..and, o.lales atteant, ou con- ucceas oeiy hua nownsd their efforts lu tb. tie ue ttmt udo their du* is e Jktto L55 inhC b'pllfl ii pr i déi i fwstâii'i ~in a far imore f ale aad um uspcin ner rhatthem totesetasu mombs. tirat dmen t ~thau even ils a tsaau ne fren ktnlcipaleal. le r theb.inleresh of tise buaîilntieta, mi As an svtdenofth;*Ibs, -sU xznamigshav" actuabual tigellethrasgheet the cma11g peoW. W a ddçd tg f» Q«.:qf om m e mkin; in il AUl wbich is respectâml tyuu iwo bpnduodv J A '; '91qBe~ rbup, witl a trkfiig eerlipu un your part, After the adoption of fâe lapor. the sere- Ibe sphere of il, usiefuinma may bo mucb enlar. îary reaal a etter front lobu R. Forsytl iý, . goa, tbe Institution piaceal on a secure anal per- the wortby President, rosigigtbat office, andl mnanent bus, andl the inhaitants of Kingston inimaing bhis demure natagan te ho putliodnm- niîade-tully 4iii# te the neceeeity o! using their.1 ination for t1be Presidency. Mr. Forsyth's noe efibrte te support and upiiolal an Institution, was acempanîma by a donation of £5, te be ap- wbic bhas for ite aim thzt desirable objee-tho propriatcd te, the purcliaseocf Bocks for Ibe Li- digiemination co- ueful knowls'dge among I4ebmjhrarv. A standing vote of thanka mat thon mc- workimg classes cf the communiby. corded to Mr. Forsylli by the Instituts. Soute Tii. recompte and expenditure of the jear are atber preliminary business haviug heen diapo- as fol!os :- md cf. tib. Meinhers preceedeil te the elselion cf Officers for the énming year, îvhich resulleal as Ltd ta. * followa: Ta best o emsue. 2 0 aOl Oancea fromi ~ f Lbmoias 23 7 61 tsrrmssmr. 9 il Pra;det.lion. Jobn Macalay, Md 1 etsephos li ice do. Mr. Oliver MoiraI, Br. Cst,. 16 14 Pines. es 7 8 2rid Vce de.* Walter Eles, busditeas pet 1I'Cent of IROM$s. 1 12 - le 6cAit ïeberg. 61211 'l&oerdinq &ory<, "George L. Moirat, k____oad, 69 Qr#mdn p.' l SiulRowlands. 73 ~io10 1 C 0M MIT TEE. The meurs. R. Maitbewv Mesae. J. A. Henderson, nigeIbrary continues to Le weil att«end, J. Sutherland, William Gnon, nd it is peasiug te report that the circulation Gea. Davidsci Joh Creighton. of th Books lis àuch greater than at auj lime A. Rose, Epbraim Com, @;ince thm re-esiahiiahaent cf the Institution. T. Thoruton, Hugis Ros, Haviug thon provred cf nse mcclintuerest te the S. D. Fvwler, Bobort Davidao. memibera geuerallj, an addition, lit s Loped, will b. made tu, thm proeut Bomben cf velumes. The To Mr. Magan, late li Vice Preaiiidtth ie eLibrary bias Leurn in odents mamure increaseal hp Çbaatnuanal Mr. Henderson, Recording Sec- a tbm arrivai 0f those valuable worlis frouaé New retgrj, a %tandlssg vote of thanks were gnoen, kYork, mentioneal in thm liai annual report at ho- for theiz iWotions in behaif cf the Inttution-- k iug titill expecteal. Your Committeiroulal re- andl Ibm meeting adjotral ýé f oiniend twlbm the lb. peaira om anl moe l' a many.dthton ui Ibme ab:: iradmoeeBa:dbbf fol e v fl issued iLd n eplcitcaalouethan the uenow nueb ulwm iclr uwii ebgt a h g.printed tbereby *>rding an eansudn desirable attention of millers, formarders, and eLmnprs of hrefèrenco te the Books bmoging ru lthe Insît i- .flour Several cargoeig, durag the Pau yewr, The Musena ma receiveal but fe radditions prîecîpoaily itaçaMesunesa ilie griMrie, pack. -during the year. To manjineméers il al ii a ing anal Iransportmog of the.fleur. As acontinu- source cf valua"i information, affibrding ta lov- anIC. inti s may prove highly prejogiicial te irhat. 3fers of Naturel Hitery anal Science an object cf in likutby soou 10becoaa one ca the jrincm4a r. ineals seldom teob. mot wibh la Ibis section of bronches o! ibm expert trde aof tbe Province.&;.. Ltheisa ,Board of Trade have dls9c4ed thib elrriosai u-. YeuiiConamitiee cannal but acisnowleitge Ibm lectin t9 thesubject. andi ibeir gseoaîioigif Iliberal donation of tmo handaouneip framed Pic- foîboireal, iii.we deth»Qo4obviaIlb. thely >ture&-lm, »iaeof Wellington anal Windsor complaiaod of:--[Moutreêl Gost ýLCatie-(mroin .Com, lu addition tute mtWO lI efirât place, . ei e U itia kgws if alregmdy given. Abosaeveraisnubjcs4fa"ul riofauî lc- illeluo IL cenioagiljrfreîp aMr. Bujeclk; illi a valuabie & ho .ocâ, mnd well, eleasalfasebu ris d ercomeeli on A"-onbo y jRanajdate ao nase.!;a a b onis uleaie . 165% francMiMr. .ary Phair. dry, anald ins eve«nt o! a b.d samm16 voeU kg A M"p M Od d epame, iavin< huit P5lOUTd hetter that from non, tlidi6*ec osehit bdhaoaib lt shacrptioe s aommmthe.property of lb.he - kl r.! eeln !cu. b ep pr and (sluto m m rea16 apprepriate choracer, ilb o ro thacinrOee.f o ur" th* dm leplb -forme a valsuble aoqwààiion. wCoel&iO bd -b. loe Al a ueis o.io__enpa if Trige leain.Rom hing .~its »is.uî~pp1lise snt *e.h o ~,aalub. tuv8sal mOrer<beOwen in e!Paors, eetjsmlabu sa souce of inteceat, as mte m411» -Uet Un Un tago opie. ad(rom the numiser lahn in, vis. -bth@ Chran. Ws.t .gidia ie&Giset..%W - News., Kingston fllknld, l.vous ,tomhn a-sai h a Toarist of tise Wood@. Weekly Truo.cript, Wou. - haspassible, ealIaymsb. ebratler i trnHloral&, ByuyiJl e Rcorez' .British Con. c i ionsire &gbl tte b.obtMaiuM; l;it 50 «4y o niai. BxmiMerAuV ' bin Ceal, siffri & henpe Lener osathe voyge, but jea muacb prr- )Id Ceastajisse.anm 1 WorMd; ia 511 8 elhy1.bk I& sain etrbaaaa abr tinl evevy menuea tu heliae tisatit lili ennM b * bk04wsgku eilbrmd gug the pmnf e! llsg flte-Us audIt tisle gsame Wa-M fe * i t bi. c iststs tu» cb isploewdmimUmokttisa., merh. ' Tt . gà eitt u u t U a. .h i- tair au seu te toriî m ýdatise day- Y ig-b b*dt os ie agmoate« M d Cammulkt eeir rmumpd ti n mo li .t oiv rvîe, frtime tti ii ps e arisaitua opeurrd. arm.ar - "f aOýs4gs

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