Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 1 Mar 1842, p. 3

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M! i ,«od rsetis tat5tt5 Z,%<1" Ax. 7. 0I ,elibut fer Camada anald6e 0!f ~ .qbe encon.ialeable. hui te %.sales of teiiitw vhaat V FIpee whit tvi5 take'a @par- ý.d. r falidIaatesuint on lait %rd ir sautenstances lir oe juG , iea Auerican wiieat, 15q,@ tisa 5taklaý of 1ia, l tise fi- h aIt jîa lý,l sia n lWý Tair-.a ortuiatartu Cf lIt i- i e lar I a ,QAmi v2 F', H'Il I. I , Caja'p., ; it, furk aiaaDL tAar rai luuaajac! the ar. r la't r . 1 l r ra n i l 1 I l " ' l fourais e,]I ilaf ahi td in ah aou ' %iaiifl vrislirei niarai 48.o alarre i . rh ara wdif y ari d uaetl ya lag-î f. aof- h., rimer Su r t hse mothe of W r- un l"'I'tîiair ar ari rala ra fa Lare cii s rahsale asfw 1lre ad f.s'er .raadihle "s I atlenel ih a lage 0; i aovrt assietal i.îrîa-s las niis eci nu lb-s a4 lr Erater nushall nllarau ria da-rahie fpaceil iaiiarra aaas; a cpee tir u-:.Aaî me hal 'e psariiaiai, a% aae~ tnrtheltoatsctug a ui ai l ,tqtt reii 3U ae sTaures ther. Ira e aiS V- EiîaritroladliIirg th] rî * cane ý.iral-er .l da ir-a u.n i eAi a, pa ua liar iria r l'il e r c trial.:-ç te1Ii rizil , .aur tri L il .a.. Ca-tt'itC l i n e Fr- a Art la 'J' t i l t. uaiiriat-a lra lu ta l garle Soni a alIa r athe rlla,,y, a Ilî 1.aa ra 'lilaii -I aIt¾r pi, andtr brr ira 'ta -â ti. at u p5sET SArO5T7. telA OInf Vb.aîdjs mcmn- à, t a Xrse~ten dll' sud bath fnbrue heeu been salai in soane tie « the pflces oai Monda' lest. W«We rvue4,o (sya titi UOÀDAr,aat orfight lince tisai '# aleal threfreeit ctael or th n 1w i tr~ ie n.anal th l, Vi laity ut aldtri a cnt asn ofttetgonds ~ ~~sriuaprhr1.al thr o tise OUFi n cc Isat tirey er stei l il eîntt fe - renada, anal 15, ru r, thteC rrybdu. andl tod r ple, e ,e tucPlsaiet. altt c ' armou's aaits tfrîl ie Ne w Oucns ~ .v-t. ate. tramJassaicl ,a~ ~~~~~j b--tna'tt iriiii bait- luoi) 1. -r a slarge number 'ldhrhialast torr neên killeifir 5d -strrsia iiîlisJurd Theri TIc Cur tnices iare net COlu laaarh urlke armaiais iI ii eanurgtaVenezuela- .ai oîltiat repuiblit, hut i 1 ri~ r nragent sfblis is frces- l2y i rsr r'expecirg ta e- r rr.l iib) thCe P lacket h i lr - iae 4b Fe., c,,- ra- l i er a-rîivl yet Tirat Ra t S.alaiil..a aI. aaaa uta . tird a t h he Pea'. Rab-snt 'Z.. r ,la 1.aI Ila-.ara', cah. lts Ug, ai a -,lah taist daas5hIr "aa 10Ra <11E BY W. SIMPSON, I e"!Jer ciEEsE, anad pilent la< îfl ,eliyal tribesi Lîmdaýn 11,LIG IIT, LIGHT, 01 II attI, sp4a'at. Olive* P-sl r , alcgi tainsI B rrai, îýUcG!SrU'S THIIIDO. t i;-aM r-h, 1. P312. NOTICiE. INDRSnaIlli rrese ly the unalc- rjluti el! eil..'aaaraythre 9tla lii s' U uchi peruts a. re vîbl- 'alta-ete it.lu~farmarly ocruped iHîuse al AdoIphlistOWfl s, -ruIi on cr i cur il i ts'itae- i .t r ll icrinar aof pîsient propta- D rils,:ct C)nri- i t Midlanal FRAS, M. lll, 1itr t Clint. F la '2ih, r12 "'lA iON WATER NVWORN&S CO IP-1 N 1. pe.Sa r[a? im'!vt , or it hy let-t Setretanmes, ai t ila ý-;1rirait- Fuolt Street Kings- IU LEASE. e.tsc --idby MnI. Sui. la: ~ ~ ~ i 1 i-t-ad1Ilote., an ha~ ~ ~~~i al- -\".siurear of me ilill~y t J.&G. IVES. r, 'lOLET-. se Cw rjiirar u'Freproot 'aVARE.. 1 sireldrs le'Vater Lot ai tise r ieso thecKing. laatrini-,ryAIs-, tu Lese Y l ne , Ir rIuildutug Lots an - 'iTla G-v-rîaeuuîOffices. For Sarrrar-r~p ly ai lise Office i.arelhlsyComtplany. -- ehrirrar; ,S12 NOTIt E. Tuas STE srauu.a (AIIOLI N IE KyBg. < ithe Bts- of Quinte & Ra'seu St. te!,' lilowi'~ng seaeOn, tor tise .utsad Vesae!e. For tur- Appy te0 ýp n.Feb8- GEORGE IVES. IOjACTIVE ]BOY, about 15 et' aRC, ~as an apprentice tetisa .-ltiteSiahcribpre tishe Sisop rIlutrpid liv M.- Asa Meugh in PETER KILDUFF. 1L 4 . 3wpd. S DENTJJT. t[5 H,,tesî. a namy e fotataltheiiarnbmi. D, JausrY1,1842. lIDAPPLES ,.3k CARTR BTLEBY SL4.biarj3s5Buildings, Front ai_ S55e bih euM2. ip Oil Pase Elaciin g in Tin Boxe, 3§ mouhes diaraeter by 1inchi deep, per- I~ raa....... ...... 214 0 OaI .'8.,. Blac-in in T«n Bxes, 3 maS..o diameter by 7-8tiss deep, pur gross-*"*-----------...---..--116 01 OuI l'asie Barkiu'g ira penny cakes-, if Boxes@aiantauuung li grass esci, ai 71 per grolle-....-....-.........010 60 Aaer Prot Pasie, per grasis ...2 0O0 Liquid B:îckng-quarte, per doz. .0 9 0O It, do. ,ut,, do 0 6 0 Do. da, jpintm, do O 4 0 Si enge Waakirng ür Leatiser N'aunieh n cr-uar botte pr dozen... 0 9 0 Surg citung peu lo.. ... .O2 Blue anal rtlC k Wriiiin quenlly loy. V' AI tric isisve articles wanraates equal ta an y in tire wrrls. Isîchats pu'h-airsg té tise amaunt ai £25 or upwayds wril! Se eutiied tasa discount of 10 per cent-tothue aunaunt oai .910 iO0te s dis- COicut fI er (entand <l3 menthe credit an g .1ng pprosesI endanteal Notes. Orders iry pos, in accordance salais lheeabmv ternis, puarrually atendea tu. P-. R. LAMB, Netw Sirtat, Tormsto- T IiIE !iubscuibers are prepareel tua raceive Or J-dera tar BOOKS tram Engianal or Use Uni- rted States, delivrable esrly in tise ensuing Spi.. RAMSAY, ARMOUR &CO. Januauy 13, 1842. T UST iPubîlibied, suifio 4Sale at Mr. eRorisons, M. Hemnphiuls isnd ie lier- ald Office. À SERMON -AiAdreed so the Cu.rote t tis Wesileyan Metisodiâti Clura,Deceastber-2da 184 1, heiîag thse Day appoisiteai in ibisCity lor rtre ceebnation of te event af tise ins rti tiut.Prirnce of lUnlas : My TUI atxv . ia aWILKIN'SON<. Publiahea by roquesi of the Congrega- tien. Price 6d. Kingiton, l4tis Jany., 1842. Christmas and New-Year9 Prc- sent@t. IIE Subsribers bave coies efthUe iollaving AAnuals. tain 184 fur sale TH£ TcaîrEx, TaiE FasusizNmwpS OFFRrasi,. Tuasr Tise, taDAHLtA, anal a large varisty ai amiusiug anal instructive BOOKS suilable for 1rsns, in saniaus bunduaga. RA-MSAY, ARMOUR & Ce. Front-straet T IEsbocriber bege tae iniarm his cnatom- T* ". - cs n thie puibic geseally tisai le bas recels-ca part o bis surpplies et Fali Goodo, pan Spartan rotrain .is-erpol, and ale aiean, andl Moîhaswk roM Glasgraw, aud 5e daily expecte peu Grcass Brtairs & Dougla, a large snppiy et Loard. Fauc Msas. AirautMaguet anal Courier, tise 'enidra u îschester anal Voukshine caod.a, the visole o OailCh wilotnsone t.h ie best asaortments in Canada. -Thsose Ladies anal Gentlemen'Il ishig. t) upply thesuselves viih Nournuug, yl do well tacMi analexamine is Stockeoflloaibaeenrn Siksa sud Clohs., as diey are mt tut Se surpassea in ciespues, ait pa-are, sudgInt oacs etfquaity; likewiso a l.rge supply ai news Canpet jusi openel, Bame veuy - mch paterns.-- M JUST RECEIVED & FOR SALE Y the Subacriber, a large assartuscut af B TOES, cansstifig of Cooking, Parlor, Oflice and Gotiei Stoves', varions ises; visicis are offercal for sale so low, tisai perseas visbing ta supplv tisemselves vili do e ol teCaU imme- diately. JAS. LINTON, A. &B. Kingstots Oct. 4. 1841- F (IR sale by tise Subeanibens, 25 kegs piug Tabacco 10e. 20 do do 18à. 20) boxes Cas-endshe, 8 Iaif boxes Nailroal 32s. 15 boxesLUtue.r m 10 de Ms>trcal Mônul 20 do Fig Bluta z,- 20 do Csmotulrmitice. 25 Saga gmen tairée, 15 boxes grtiuna do 15 do do Pepper, 10 baga greunal do r10 do do Allapice, 10 jars Mlustard, 7à 1atis Casas 6raama wraPet .papas, 4 ièeaNutatueg, 6 Shîs bard alel AlMDsioua 10bpxes Staucis, àiega Claves, 1ý5 boves Pipas, 3 kege Curranis, 1» Salenatus', Oct. 1841. I.L1,IL T- RAI A tARD. m uESSRU. COLLINS & AINES, Xer- lichants sud Auctioneers,'take liis uppurtm- iîy of sespectfully sianlziuj Illeijr uumorous trienals and tise Public gneually, tôartiair eery liberaI suponu g tisepast yea,'andbq ta iequaiut tm tat aiug catpletealMsu aryo' Smaterial alteratiaus li tier Btlildhasg, siseY as" n mv prpto a"ecuefù.tiser es. mn an 06ai y a strict atteulet te tees cf tboseevhoaentrass be thosvs ler iain ta qert a cntrsume ofttisepatrouaansd aup- pi5*e bvé tIwteu1ogi SPRING CIRCUITS, 1842 1, Ofretu-Ha Homme, the Visâ.-Jea tic. EbuDistzict, Cornwa% l ondsy sy la OLUaa « L'Ori-4 IT-edzy May St~ Bburst . Pertb, Tuesday Meyi. iraud Crus-1iW hemIdr.lumtie Hginaa. Victioria District. BeJIevill eW onay May t. Pinceis dward " Picse., - Mouday MILy idlad ' Kingaon, Nocdsy mal. johnomstwe' Brocissille. Tbuedy .YI2& Nom eCamait-Hie ce. Mr. Justice Macaulay. Newcastle District, Vtslius Monday Aptil 2&. Culbutas . l'oterbcru, Tbarsy May 5. Niagoà aC sciit-Iis Hoetr Mr. Justice Jones. Nisgara District, Fiegara, Tusby May 3. Gare . Hsnsilto, Tuzrday May 17. Talbot - .Sitmcoe, WcdnesdayJunc 1. Brock .." Woodstock, lonay June 6. Wae sCircui-llis Haçn. Mar. JusticelaicLean. Wellington District, Guelphs, Tesday Miy 10. Huron GlrîiMonday IMay 1I& London 1.nd. , onday M y23. Western " Sandwich, Wednesslsy une 1. lKime District CT!,, nul Court. Monday 28tis Marcis-HisIlon. tise Chief Justice. Ase andai Pfisi Pras. Tuesday 12îb April.-His Hon. Mr. Justice Joues WATER PEOV FPASTE; BLUE & BLAiCK WING lNKS, &r- IL T DE ubsciberbegu ta return bis minere t ak othse Public fer tiseir liberaI support mince hi c in bbbnt ndg prooof this grtitude he bas determined ta lower his price for the abave article 20 per cent. Thse erct inqeape lately expeiieoced in thse dernand bo is BLA4tKING having enabled bitete enlarge hie business, b. uow offers bis manufac. tures tu blerchacs ansd Sbiopkeeoore et thse fol. towmnf, nrices: . -- -£ s COLLINS & HAINES, Kingston, FeS. 21et 1842. DRY GOODS ESTABLISIEN FOR &tLE, AND COMMODIOUS STORE TO RENT, BES? STAND EN TUE CITY. T IE undersigua.d Legs ta state ta those tisat %woulJ wish ta establis tbemselvef lu tise mercantile business in tiis place, tisai thse delicate state of his health miwi fot per. toit ii ta remnain longer in thse Dry Goods business, at present; and therel'ore ho pur. poses aelIing out bis stock et onice, if an op- portunitv ufflers, on favourable terms; and as thse stock bas mstly Ieen imsported Ias fal direct, and is in perfe-t order, an opportuuîty s unow a.fered tri amy person wiahsig ta e- tahuiah Lanseif in a gond and safe business, -aeyt be faund, aud the stand i5 as gond a, Ieas asaaa.luthe City, aieantime, thse stock wl bL selling off st cost prices. ini lots to suit purcbasers;anud sould no opporuni. ty offer, in the course of a few mocths thse wvitle stock w ili bc closed by Aucti-n, of ,ich due notice will be gis-en. The refit of the premises until next October, le niad- erate. N. J. COONS. Kingston, Corner Brock snd Quarry Streets, Jan. 14, 1842. TO CAPI TA LIST S T IIE t-ubsnrihs-r bas one et the mnont valua. hIe fILL SITES in tise fous'isisng Ta et BELLE VILLE, Victoria District roin af Canada, on wie, lie is desiroits te erect a firat rate FLOURING JflLL-for tise vant ai w.ach, "n ythatmfiIand isefotofWheeî ave sent a*ay yoanly, fs-epstisai tovttZ.Se vnaîd e.tisl et Que or Tvu Tisousanal Poatds. ou adusntageosarnsrmatatise lenaler, weuh undleni-. ablle secarity, for tise repaygpoasL itisin the space o( aeven years, oroansr 'as le assikisifinal il covne o iosessli, Orb* wnIdleltise MiII site. Los a nomm 4môaI -ue, rne -e. fabuIi a Nillasemi iSe sei io. Fotu res pa mcln apply (i"fSy ltes1 s poald,) ta TanaeaisCOEMssAlq, Es., ts t'tlietar, Belle- Ville, Who haa ecerai TownLote, Hanses, & uitable situations for isydraulicanasa miii pur- poe.WANTED IMMEDUATELY. Tva gond joasrneymen Axe maisons, acquaint.' eal vus otiser Blacsmittas vork, ta vhiso liber. aI encoursgemomient viii hoe gives. T. C. TRIP HAMMER WORKS. The atoeebuildin catoinit"gtise Tnp liamu- mer Warka, Ladies, &C., yul ESE o anc or moue >-eans, te a respectable tenant. The Boebetisr li.pabernviS aplu"ecp- b h, Oste a vaiSfe ton ila medais,sd seat 55. seait tais ofite. QUEEN'S COLLEGE IT is lsrcby publicly intimated that thse fir»t Session of Queen's Collegfe,,Kiug- stan, wili bat opeued on tise fi Monday et March nrext, td that then tise Professors vho have beeu appoititc,'i ill begin to teacis claà- fel for tise fcllowing I3rnnclses of Stndy: ILTN ANDfh~ X X MATNEMATiCÇ AND NATURAL PHIILaSOFHIY. LeSlIC, AND MORAL P55LOSOiot. Thealogy, Church Ba;sory, and Osiatsta. ta particulariy requested tisaitisose who, for some timne pas, may bave been expecting according to previous annnemnussan eat- lier çpeing of tise firt Seasion, sud which bas brou éreverited by circuinstances over w'hîch neitheai he Trustees fier thse Protes- sors have Luqd any contrai, mwill baose fia ilme af ter the appearauce of this advertisememî, in ilitimatiug tiseir intetntion to enrol tbsemacives as Students. <ommanicadons lÉrom Stu. dents or tiseir fçiends, ýs taO enralrneç, ma~ ho miade either personally. ori i.wiitug, Pue. viauq ta tise day of cqtnmencement, -toa .Iez ander Pringle, Esq. Secretary ta thse Trsat tee of Queen'a Cellege, Kingaton, vIsa wî alzo giva information as ta thse probable dura- tioliof th isa ttSession et College. zý THOMAS LIDDELL, D. D Kirgetan, 5tl Januaryr, 1842. . 43 CATARAQUI BRIDGE TO LET. T oLet on Conmtraf orons year froîn T O tis liA1sil, 1842, the TOLLS oet te CauesqiBige. -eaiesi Tender.s'illilie eceiveti etl thc 7tht tty of Mouach ezf, frointsuais peu- sons as may ho viffing ta revit tise saisi Bridge for eue yeur. Tise roui peu aunun ta ho élearly stated lu 'varda eit leugis, whiicis roui 3iIl ho demneudsi eekiy, in tlie -irt îrsty veekiafater the lt ut April, 1842. Tb* tllowing 3rsons,&c. ar e t.hffe a fie puge oves'du Ise sp>-Ail Sulierse ana , Ssieaapdpes'suainethse eauploy~at oft Governnt. Nilitiossssnvisej> on duty, uor gcînsptosr retoaimug front Parade or mumses' --Dsreétort antiOffies oftise »rM>e Cou- tua etat, wuh Herse onr a ha T4ndene tebeaddresdte. aseUa<n 4f ihiCataaqlBiage come. loit ai tise reatdnce cf r. IGi n door te tse Post Ofee-1v >e pe etn- derin aim u to p ,ise2 WàOany -famiter i fsaaion reuqired wvil b. givon. Tva sfflient Suseties iii lue eqaiseal sa-gie 'Bond for the des pcriotamne tthse TROU" BGLASSUP. K egt liFebs'n e ,2 ,O N Teeda tlst &k gIfarc wil S alia ~ Sbsalae'aStore, sae ta commence ai uses aeecisey u 10 choute Tvanky. 10 liais Muiscvado Siar, 20 bes-ss do do 10 Nids. Loau!rgar, a puchemuldRon Ram mS 12 - Banm Spirit I4X3 2 Boutnaspirits 4X& 10 Hisal. Cognac BrI*W, 5 11 t>ttard Dqqey" do. 20 Cases &-hiedans Gin5 20 baie Canales, 10 ' Fig Bluse, i5 " grounalCofie, 20 Saga greeu Caaffie, 10 kegs Plng Tobacc l6 & 18s. 5 puncheons Moisasse, 5 boxe Pipes, 5 baga i'eppe, 10 qu.. casasaprurPort Vine, 10 = t MlelotP. 5" Madeirs, 10 cases SL Julian CI reta à bb. each cots 4"aa 4 osaehSklealira, 5 isSI. Sait vatisr Salua., 5 Hls sgjispeiorTable Ccd, l0e s XIO Glass. Tisere vill aito b. ufféed afur salthereesain. as Part of bi DrY Gossalstock, aIl ut viici yl to slawIt uanay roserve. 1 go. 4, U.%5 tit ULOiriNtI, FLONT WtSIEAT. IEundersugnil respeatfully sunounce tisas ltbay aveentrc a, ieCo-partnersbup iu li.Woeae Commission Business', in tise a" eoe CARTER & BE14TLE Y., an tise pue- msesa bove describeal, wbicis, hss'ing heen con- ataucteai for Use purpose, are bath fire anal frasi breat; spaciaus and l e alapteal for the sale kee1aog et every- description tif Gonds. Firuat the resPectability of tise reter0mres, sud tiecharates' they trust hey have o4'ained i. Kinç«ton, tise sascribers hope tlsey %wil Se able ta gave saab satisfactionu as tu secune a liSeraI pnrtion efsthUe bliai patronage. Nerchanta irtgeneral will ind ith avantageona hita conaign ta tdue cars ftuttie subacribers, as it i. tierintention lu Set au Agenis altogatler, anal ntrýas priîcqIas. -,,This -ada citisement deservea ther particalar attention oifA.Pitaanus, Dealers in Privisions anal Grain,; as the establshrment formas a depot for their.prousce an a paiaciple decidedly favorable te their Intereste. . AàLFRED CARTER, THOMAS H. BENTLEY. Kingston, Dec. 17, 1841. JoIIu CoueN,E14 aQ., - Ringtn, liscatAso ScoBELL., Esq, ai. Ws. %VIS5 , ESQ, do. J. FAUANX~sr, Esq, Watertown. >in.. -BatuEY. - do. Mi. G..-KrELLOGG, Sacluets Harbor, CaaAai.asS SJYTM, Esq, Albanay, AajunsAueTgteÂx, Esq, Roichaester, DR. ARXstrLÎOru, : do. J. R. Aiuiors & Ce., Taronto,. Joux DaunÂt.., Esq, Montreal. )IesesLàsEt & STIVEnseri, Bath, BILLA FLINT Esq., Belleville, '%V3i. Rotas, Esq., Pictun, G. HAitX, EaQ., Cobourg, F. Piu, Esq, do. J'ErRE PUT~i, ESQ., Whitby, Llesat, Es,. - anfilta'. Théisaaesmiis sud Cammercisl Iieraid. uiU pisas u ho "ts av*5.j ar te .fomu adstssust, and U" ics i l tasvsa. _____ uF'CHALKcCI'fÔ u GBalgE e rRunanr**udl bd Stoe ý«ech 6 foot dismotot, iW9dg1II 'egIlig 2 tons. f l cast i*,n Stop Blak Bm& *1idthie w.d)6 ,l Gunetai step for d., fit -- 1 csst iýon Caver for the Step Block. 2 dla. -Baves, fiscal in the runners. 4 do. Wtsiser Plates, boîtes! together with 8 «re itch double daed bpsslts asti 10 Buts- 1 wrought irau faggotted Spindie, turnea analfit. ted th ie Stones, 4 rounl.nd2 squaxé,.gun métal uhbee for do. 1 eust ien Packing« Ring, for do 1 do. draft ariÉoe,fort ...; do. 1 do. , ônch Plummer BloCk andl Braie and cp boita and nuts. 4 ceut irans Artus, for bO1tiný to thse uprjgjt -shaft Wortise Sweeper, gearing, sud li iÛjcis lts and rivets for fixing do. 2 wrougt irun Sweepers, and 4 du-o4q u p- riglit Spiudfles, for lifting the Swcepors là and out of ger, witis 6 boîta anal unts, wçrougist Iron Handie, lever andl pin. double ioint standard Pinanud nut, 2 conPling fPlates, 1 cats. anal 21 inchs Srews, for tise Sweepsr geai. Ieu ci ra Colg. 1 wrought iron Swiveli boit, Eye snd Screw for fixing do;, Chain and bok for tise Sweeper. 12 casit iran Segment Gratinga, aud 4 do. Plates fortis Caris. 1 lro tbt lon Gate Plate, with landle; 161 "Ncis otaanad Nut., for blting thse Segment tagether. 181 inchs Screws sud 8 T. headeal Boîta anal Nula f'or IIQop, iWro-'IsCt iron TIloDp for tise Cnrb, 2cat in Carniagess, and Screws for fixing di, fur carryitsg thse Sorapers 2 wrougist irais Spmadles, boite and nuis ta fix 2Scrapers with steel faces. 2 Levers for do.; 2 cut irau Weegts andl set Serows; 4 couuter.stItk headeal Dlta ati Nute; 2 Csslîsa and 2 Keys. 1 The Subacuiber afers thse above MILL ATA REDUCj,,D PRICE, warranted tuhe in rs-sa IRAirz CONM>t2Ue).- 1- - Tu.KINgSTON IIERALD--TUEDAY, MARCH 1, 1842- , er Dr es t id AT No. Il Laueis sireS, Quusai. AUt IRON'DOIl,(cv' mel-ronfutLacis) tutendoal for aBzluVaist-viscish. vini ai. Pmoeto<ow. - AS. quasier, Sus- F.bruary, 18a. ___ éUBLIC NOTICE. OST, by belpg droppea lu thse street, tR ev. 'eogeOkilI Stuut, for tise nom ef Fifty Punavich iseing payable te tise Beat- et, tise Publie i@ herehbY tsounMedsamtw oeivimg thaesMW note tsarotfieîuaror.pSsoss Ofthe samme, vho will Se libesally sowardedby realsing tise lmne t i Subitbe. - (JowGz tom-"LSTUART. Kiag etae Fis i, a 2.4w3 COLLINS AND HAINES, Cmoue f ».«k .Md P7ter »u, Opposte Ni. àAnisai-te#GeisOo" MW sudhie- imedale vielelt'y d L qelPs, F.., se k ffa 1Iedv" atmorenaé vlsp labu been acoatomid io "iL.boni- onn4 apply who caast bo vrdi te- conumeudeal. rApply at ibis office, if by botter Mpdi&i n oaa, Pcb. bu S bania842.e cHWrNAS TFS, v Ime Wsvii in nv09ey WM. WILSON. lOne lot of Land l66 feet an the Front. 99 fot in deptis, with two sssbtantalBRICK HOUSES thoreon, Rougk <'at Cottage stylie, vith stables, shseds, andl plenty of yard raom, analdrawing a yesrly rentg ôf «90, situated in one ofthtie central Streets. The price nf tise above property is Tory moderate, aud teruss"bt paymeut vl Se made easy. For tirtiser partictulars enquiro St oui of. fice. COLLINS & HAINES, C. M 4- . Kingstan, Jan. 28, 184a ON SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER. St am St Blankets, 100 pae bite Counterpanes for stesm boat@, And a very xtensive aaa-tmont af Fancy andi StapleDry "'od.7 WM. WILOX, Cerner Brocis & Qu"rrySts. Kingston, 2%hi January, 1842. m jUTTON HAMS (well amoked). fou .VLSale h1 CARTER &BENTLEY. No 4, Hardy's Buildings, Front et. msson, Sth Fois. 1842. T H EEA otl Meeting of tise Town HaIl pgeseat-Messis.Cousaer, W. Wilson, T. WuliW% aGreene, Nalntosis, ovai, Shaw, Fia. ses', Brown, Ford, FaPssusBriggsChrnistie, JouMasBeao uselCou,,,guy, Deares, andi Hal Thse m wl resu tins veme adupted, Resoved Tht àPubic eet oftise sub- scribers ta tise NevasRuom be aieon Wed- Dewiey me, tise Ot i hst, ai 12 c'olck. ms.fus' tise, paspose afexplaising tUneposition taken isy tiebis ord la tise aaamft tat istutison 'Revaireai, TIsat any genutmaecming ta tise Town msy becumme a subriber ta tise Newa e=..fMra peiu5t5lm tissa smontS, is *Wupying 9o psupe.itenldant ita lrodshes -by a soacriisor. ien r Resoled, lTisitise laard fiels cl W- nuau contra" inuaftislic aam unqolafled mM mas-l assertion uuie ls,9 15is of thé 18i Tarte. m = l z i Xl mebem tatltestaiane jiswlItboir apin- mmrd tieseu.lme ta dasabusetise czetod isy tis ppe-stth-ieseexWtfelings ieical taevwomeis, Reyi upu.tise blk E te pusitida s«isy Iths = &-U aist ermi»saidu#.. jecib ie BrISis Wlig freInltisepobik {qe1r ReuIed, 1-t ai b gwalesaiemu4 kg seteal ha ailtise ci&Xpaepere for une meni.a Kingston, Jaru. 1541 Wàssrao-A Vacn*iahac andl Polisisor. T. 0. Fros, ithe Nw.Yok Eh uss. M YSTERIOU'S.-A Featlemna# belotslg 1 une ufthtie Mst autanansd Weahtly fa..'- lie$ uft Iis C < hi o ismeut b.eatoll ivsn ste Da- meronsftriends, bsvsngp le-tho jear 18108atp t* recently, bers beet oesrly doube, and for sleail years confineil t. bis bc>d,'bas bien revered ta poil belthbs sregaineal bis atutaI etact rsi. tion-sud basqste i anip u o ak with oas L 4711belevo tsi. s sise gentleisaa's. ovu desciptiuff a noar as Possible, anetbere lu nae xagieratiou lni it. ,W. ,ill give laqeirers bis addtm,,.send daabt Dot is igmaiieelings will sxiet islibesrty ; selbluay sns."tAitla,.y ,kot -these.-facts--teaagi be requetsbis haime mhy nt p psapri lot'. anag otbeyasiai - .tsuceo,.Mî las..ITReyabds;14I4 Cbs istrrect, bus be'e restoreal, alUalwils gile pRC"otal assuras - ut ofthse fictu ofbis cae. *Bath weîe riseuma- tises, and teotpsc4d corda sud sInea. lHow bas tisis Ses. dons '? Anaaor .LB# Ifeu, e Vrve.ad beone Liaiaeat. N. Y. HEle, Jan 26 184L1". Soýlal b CSObalSTOCK à Cg. 71, Mid«eusa, NwYur, nal by every Drug&st lKingalon,9 andl in Cana"a. FOR SALE BY THEC SUBSCEtBKR., D YE WOODS uft te butl qeety, Wiss«sis anal Esel. V'AL [7AÈLE FARMt FOR tILZE. WZlesalai by acetiosce Teiisy tise ..ff day of April nomI@i 1%2, Sial vwon isn*à Faim ieovnU asLakev Favmbt M nl pW@sesien of Mn. Fourre lu Erbettuw,lyiug se liaI tors o ci uAsaiized r'a& eý@St 14 miae fi-O& -Ki»gUctcaotaieing »Mms6s4qaKnt ar of *riicis as nov undes' ciallt bW6 he t beaus. oàrsne bousm, bain nê llerou . S .*taueive os-clisaI aofgond apples, mise a wwcg spsing vus an abondait sewply e- etès. In imweqasece <th.ounuais t abutelare. Ee t 1pg mdbe an.vhllle d.psd of on, vo- aorable tenus. laileuiassapply te, . - J. WNOIZ.i-& C. M. Kingotue, Nov. 3Mit,1lui. 10 doSsieia lOs.1 de Seetavss a de r 14 q barisloutIwinos 40 tu dSas é2. s do aisg61.bIs., Ot. 141. dg fars Mal*. rn-g SixBuiuiigLots for Sae AtkA UPM en sd ofaioastreet, a4j àsigt sTIKrET txà3itr rNzw:. snitINýLtccG 0v 1502o 8 ~ j, CILATIIAN 5TREZV. As alewn ay tise above plan euontainir. hlM an ocre more or legs, end will b. sici in onse lot or separaely ta oui* purchasers. 1< faims .'ju fronts baven Store S!reet in front, Grave StreCl in ers, Chtam Street an thse East side and - Street on tUs Wee, thse situati on requires no rit- ecommondation as it su rpamsd by none fer thse éection of private residences. Thse proprietor .wll guve thse one halfof thse above to any one wha ,wil erect Cottsges on thse others accordisig ta plans whicb will b. ahewn on application ta thse subseriber, wbere any information rspecting thea above cen b.e obtsined. J. LINTON, A. B. 4- C M. KingitenFois., tis 18a2 - 1 Gmet distresi a h ulaid. wST A 8?F? 011! 1< 11 1 T m Subecwiber bas just eceiews aieuGreat BartalUS T Sapply uof Ar. tas. Aeumuess Wun.flL=G, DRY OODSMAR[ET SQUdARE. WhiCis havebottea beuglât in thse Englisish >fend , s'1 >00W yde. Sîrilla Scotch lMfarisets at VSrKCEDEJ1Tsn Law rit le F. ýSs'rïnz,ÇtenPlaids, anad A- Tise =5trpartbaves beots jarcaiseal cf Baul. Pro» ClSeckit. ail cf ý_cctcis make, and tise ALP TMEIR ORIGINAL COST, stqliy anadli las hatierefare cnabled ta offer te bis friands, -30 d,,:. WooUczn Shaerisus' Haasdiercsief4. G1131TER aARGAlNS TRAN RIES. ire of 1839, ail of ths e :ets sudILest Ife particularly calae attention ta tihe Sol "'Iitg kiud. liat. Es-ory article iliereaimes!, bts is confiden-t AI.Sii. will be foiral Lvjud<gesIotoe ast least 20>ser cettaJWolî la riwajer thrn &4 oirs hu'j- 1LIo <2aaton ldu oli DIKOAD CLOTUS A fe\'- bles of Bufr.o Fobees. of every quiality a-id col'.r analof utsperir anike, 20 due. lRed Over Stuckitags. Pilaet anal Beaver Clatho cf assorteal colrf, santie 120 di2. Corr lircous. of thoraver slendîu.. 4,000 11,s. Ccd Fistu. Gmo de. Nalikr, D;csrr, Satin Turit, Plaid. & AU thse altwe goodru ivill- We sold.2.5 per ail otiser Salki, ircludun,gsaune finer tiss ut cent k-as than cati he hougLr auj wiserts else isvr een brought befoe irto Canada. ;il ana a a oat l'ts-;n vetc beDugha 50 Franch anal Englias Rilbor.,, lisat areuet ot: lue E qualled in style or qualit y. To lias Rubbans lptr cent leas titan sterling. tWs, SL'bcriher iii particular calls tise attention %Many artiser articles. cliatualond , ltt'pt ci, tl,' 1ibli5r. al elissu lways un Lànrd as us"ala ithe VÀRIETY Mer..,o« f Ut cllr adqualities, plain auJ STJHE. rigaard ,,ý, usana leians Ciothe ot spiendida - S. %V. BrADy. qnlity; W'at4-rcd sad Demasis Pieresar, 1 Kmgsunine..28, 184 1. 37 6w Crimas, Sçcaaet, Fau, Biaie, Green, Orange ______________ hauaevrotber tuoi; an ekteuivea-d .el LVf~ M'L IN csalo f Mol»lind e Laines, the grater part ami upasteld ir6rt krom France, therefoiro AND AtL' SICKNM SAND> DISUABES. tise Subscriber bas oves Vv C0fi5tuèin lurecom-. TEJPERA.PVCE LIFE BITTERS AND> mnedug them bath as t su:ok't' Xid qalalti,.. . <IINESE BLOOD I'ILLS Blankets, uneqauillesliun Lt05 ttic:e @O voc!, Tiegam ecd irtv I amsa Of every ise. Re&a, -i.te, Greca'. andl flc rttct e-hsas esthe Mforth Yelo 11vFlanaels; sgnnse Bases,;y . 55d WVelh Pvn..ar-prebsbsutteyfrt Flanneis, patrtcularly fins andi ms aVcheaptllas t..&WYeats. This bas bis09e fctbalty I1usd, Witer Gloses ut eçery description, àar s anl v.t sugt-emsbavte esaliplied-asid <ied; aas large stock cf %Waolen Hase, ana l. le, to y -laytNoiauseiipaing vas neit neceissry, direc tramLeiceter; cotchanal SO~lat tv u maire se isai anie- witisemt the tailete diecfrntLerstr;Sctc adLanaiaaiiar. foliosv, »Mis aiiti tisa. .yetrçn. Parge yeum ust? Serges; tise largeaI sud tientchosen stock o' qT iCL ue.b iebsdrutb ar f PrintedlCalicoos in the Province; Ribiseai 'icsclîbrosi lbsandui S Pcrride- plain Cassîmeres, Tweeds, Buck sad Doeakîue, vu.tsn h rs i tsasbro sorte oft tieu of peculiar licences ; Moleskine 1.-, denteii- t f.qc umr and Fustiause, rensarkahly loy; iiter Vos- li Cis-.lr'1asc sn,- tiogs et splendid patterns. iu Valentia, Gambonn ser, -'i iq 1'hf W5Wa5't e u li or un'id- Plad, sxsrr ssala hoie ssotmeî t ~~ r~s s ~-erus" l' e pof a'thse Sîusi TAe ura a la in Sati,, an al sie&imetopledid CA -)O '. 0 #ai.sle Ibais etbsy yen Satine for Ladies' Bonnets andl Dresses, Jacco- lupon sadtitean tieluni-r s.taad ner. Muil assd Book Maslîhusvisite anid colure. reiedy àTue Pis L<it e; anl(tise Tees. Leirs, Rolled Jacconets of every colouir, Twili- ps.nsei htters, la en a aliriede'i lsrengthea le anal plain Suilecias', Regatta. Derryseuisl Tur. the il rte au d vtsent tsereia Ilation eot h. key wtrips, fist Irisis Linon Shirts,.Long Cloth., bise banroes whîiti irstte lud, andlwbiaib sn. wb nal coloreal Cotton Siairte, Lamba'ouiy haîicreases hy puniesuniras tise ittle &teI WVaol Pantaloons anal Wauataioat4, Warsteal tiSse ater. BuY, tissu, thé"e gilqla isa tera Cassnorters and Braites, Sîesm Loom, Factory, I Lise wrsialy thse pilla, andI daily til bittes ; eind anal Swansdown, Cottons, Whiite anda colareal i yen art, or bav. bein avahls fer days, ujeit. Cojunterpanes anal Quits, andal aver alelt annhsa, or yjass, se.viii finalt. isskly harnois Of Cetton-analWoollen Rng; Bruselapelot assVt J, endit revcatel treaa rtitit,»d tihs rial, Kidaerminster, anal Scotch C tng f a t 5 litos gllu hue etfsrckitssa cisange rspidly te tnagaificent.patterns antdlsuperuor quitCy ; ais,, IutefataL (À ttsg glatir afhteIîland cruihj1oaaE& - sarna fery fine Drugzetis, weli vrthy of jinse. len~a <it.atateition; Frenchs anal Scotch Cambris, -î se are CASat8 0 nomeutoue oft les. btilli.att anal the largest anal Seat assartment cf Blonds, elfecas, îir.t lioln sasi ace torid ana attempt te Laces',snd Qnilling; saote verv superiar Frenuchis lat tbse adevra. Buy anal use thie medie ne. Rldgig' t acsCiencie aia ThiSet Shawis marualise nao okel, anal beaits sud strengti h a î ho sdHandkMrhiefté' sud seme very fine lanau mits. Sec wrsaper andi sirecticoa5 that cemes lias, amangit th isn vlSe touna aew pieces of 2a v.tt lisa1u . real Indian; Woolen anal Bucitaitin Mittst, Scar- tFIlAUDULENT' COUNTERFEITS let sud Or-e yBse, Stokinge, Linon anal Cotton NViil bie tt apteal. Boy nou relnedy efthaie kinal Taper, W. ii Drais sud Blackt Linen Thraad, aanlst il bave esy esse-O. C. Ltu, M. D.-saa. Cotte. Bal,, SpracI, Site Thiesal. Bonnet thse wuulsiîer, endalttise he htice as follcule:- IVire, anal an ianummerbie quaatity of other "~ Enleredafl ra tel Actotc. Centires% A. D. Sesal Waues --sud tise 11, by Tues. Cesêasa, in tise Clsrk's 015ce uf - - SWÏC'Oc 0F FURS, tise District Certo lis U4àiitsSîtlls fer the ConsisetfMu1154 Capes, Boas, anal Trimminga, Sealisera District ot New York.,, iu every description cf 5km; a nov andaltout Wrrainis'd tise oal anuines beantiful article-la culareal Svansdowui Tries. llesar. Cnais & Co., New Ya,i are the maing~ ,1cn-i1 wl dpelfo rmîga'suie wislaleleagoit frrthseUnitedl States.m"d aIl 1Dresses for Balle anal Evening Parties, sud a. iafsghboting ctisatries. - few Vry eoice»0 Sransown alle DOCTOR 0. C. LIN. tev er~ heic ros Svasdov Bos. Blaiby N. Pâturer. - A vety large Asortment ut Fine - -r ? "A»lt MAME 10 LT]SLDP, NWAD$LN)t .y~~ Vsfisal'ùtlouaotvey CAMBET TURNITURIÉ style. I aogt tient wili Sie foun ema Pa said Mahkey Jackets cfapenier malte, i.- .A* cep as Ias, Clampei5t, «I11a gooal caliarly vol 5apted for Saflor' vear. M liaI' best. An excellent assortiment of CROCKERY aof tIl FIE Shscrniber hegs lisse tu infarci tise ,- 1tise nevý et ateeustur uiner Services, Break- ..L liai generally, tbha iebis relssavsd bis Fan ii tfut and Tes Service ; andl in fine China, aise iaure Ware Reus te bis riurv -4nllîitg, neceotly Breast iai Tea Serrvice. erecteal an Moutlrai etsa,- thind door troin ii. 1 A fe* bihas. ofHaollandes Gin, anal Cognuse cerner oret Streret, anal 'uai l Mrt.. TIti44e'a Brandy wiii b. soir] cheap ta close a Catsigu- Grorery Store- -visere wilI elle îa6j s tnua a'- nient. notaI escortanet ut READY NADE FiJI-; s 'WN. WILSON. TUIBE, ufthelbeat qualiti anal latet paîteale,a * Kingston, 13tis Nov., 1841. priais ta suit ietelidiug purchausers. Persans dcd-' _____________________________________ nanaupraibsing ste epeattully inviteal ta mais. TO CAPITALISTS. acall. Asthe Sobsarib.r lsconstantly naeuuc_-' ft I"ERY PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. turing for sale anal ta usait, tisey cas speedily bc LIOR Sale by privae comenst atishe Snibscri- supplicai vils aay article tise7 MsareraI',' 1, F bes, athe floing valuable aroertv. tasue. T. O. B TLER. fl

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