Wil KIGTI4UMMD-USAYUYI liîa a tiye or trrv 10 appinie vutore ji Km.J ryta pin 0it t' Irfs l o i"ra In , 1 Sai>e u-il NI Il, i* mi e lit:l î i. 1 l.'re , Iivi i 'art of i lîs>tf lii. i 0lrIl cat-[( (Li't aETrAii'S OFFICE, (NV Kin«sîou. 111hk ApS4l rcy TUEs G;ov£Jnai t aP pint, Citait, gatrer Of tie Court of lie Ilrovince Se>efore la, auin tePlare and bu, Esquire, realigîcil. CienemalOrder ins j md Q'trtcrs, Monti cn' "i' 'h proaruît nr. Ji.baahi-% olion ut framthe, du eneral iticulais. Hon uarter., Mon A pril 2, 1Si12 n 1.aler tif Ille ['t,rce4 1, hlia E~xcellenty tii- G' plea>ted t,. diretin that t'rpq efthe Proiiriinl f ,ervice >iilî -xt be î'îiitîîiid eilotl muit fo~r ttan yvîars, t an tif the ,lv'iiii tonîI, r ut aîîv inter anrier Cavalr. fitiar Cit iiICV. it I)ragoon" cail Cavalîy. Frortier CavaCn'. aieî Cavilry. Vanta ier Cotal,y. Franiir Compary. '11,15 lffg'.. .:irpraned I>r s-ro utit'vir Aa il1ery ('.îii torporaned Bontalioîîî. Comanpnn. ',ht Ial'oiarv 'iî1- ~this forc Wiil bt. elige il) Canadie. Theo e erent corps. nIe ritm clotiig, &c-, *ill the force emboi4 Geaierl (>rdcr, dtin rouI. 71F. April, 1840l ,.e in Canada Weet L .otalcr, dateal Tore my reduction rnay lie cusin vidu the fer"' e»tioned corpq tien viii bau dWOlnîîIîIued case diavrilg Pal h cimi Regiunt. Frurutier CoMPO"Y' la etry Compony. sae ~dF cors it wu tis ectivesu t sais te y ba-e icim2 Rgi[EN, D. C. POSTERp, A. A. 'JlI . h a' mua ire 'ýeao MW -= or">pae ethePmn Pupiu..aaeSet _ _ _ _ _ _ 4ar dé s;.di4lr ua u fi= ' ad" r a ti.Touta'ri.. ~~aimih< i~%p0iselpbOf i etipepers viiibu oeuuar- svw 70"mDUTT OF FMi vtie..ueppotq 11oewitîossmi adi repme- ~~avogsabu~grou,-BuemP-- tricrJlr indepdmutOf Party -.aca.t. e-tya trav-aw biaie-... il! riad e athe. <oremmu.ai i - iss aCefrosbi. Ail tua iDtmou urnitia iinMupp rt, srafcin p aSte bo fre. 1- u n h emtm 1>.aven.-Ve usand naiieq. !i1"iee ;* mintai U Siau. loba f al d-urpioou-s'!PRRMACY, vihel <m opagnt t qer-"b; icloiWa-red andi white leaa- peut; Si.y vwiU isel ta. de. of bonnet pridaman s atifaction in detendlngsuai f ai Plis lb S,acr r -Te U ai TorSi, sCele tua; " conduce t tchumotr gaIc ZYT (ÂuI'ALO A DDroîuIc tue9 Z CMW14 the interoat Ltii. Peuplen. amdthe e"(in r-Lar OxOl~n IsoEaia'n'j*y of th Provine, dmt u nuise br Nesry. ajipanfsuesd iofthieuasu dm ~ebtrgO,Ox v"'d- tiere tanrummfor momeaddition tethe .Prof amooc<iaimiia fOd sthu e ornpois af Britsh North Aubeonl. .a.luu.dates eeanr3Y tOit- Tb.eii nnnbr af the. WEEKLY fal.r viui el in sugar or brndy-llga-b-oney ho publisiiol in about a fortugt; aid Si be .. SI î,,roatghl--pig iron Juniper Clajn ai the. DAjy vili f,,lluiw aus 0000 gr o f fnkinfn-Jlava aM the. aditinnal type srto rderua ed tatpu-.s ,srked--mosaie work--manuk Mi,,,re s miacripsions, sdm.reveai at tie '0810 f au kinàit-otruýhiféatii ois Et MIr. Hars"r',,Store Street, abare tlis ,i.f a.mnfds--orisaot-,-oci .IAanbton Houuo.'l Il ad peel-olivea---icb- Kingston, lotb Apnil, 1842 xe at idýa'Agdu-%qipkattve vrnmitlli-whet tolr'a-un- d ertWlIe-nd. rgss,e, nrota. SýTT Es Du;r on FI$Tzr. ý,, VLOEit)-"11 g.ed, vares, zonùt oherure"pcdâea in aoir;ff. >.n jiclaed t'le froc 'if datf. We i -tmj ofh ,inaetports pay: ng tSfic» pur TO OWNERS ANDI MASTERS Or ,ig-ca-.atheu w are- CNaAî~ raa ,>0.0har,..forIitu-b.M--as.Toranto, @th April, 184 a lnd aullei a nuafactrei--oye. ClEALED TENDERS viii bhorCdeau t thii àery..nediei-4funu iandSki»i office until TuEsDAT the 3dJoM,4Dmut PCiîry~biiomel, bruahes, briatles-.-Nonq[aftr wvicla Do tender vil b. adIiited.j kec. <sau person iln oaiT eteýl liU)EC T Tu DTY F Tz--zymisaratD.partnuent. a BHOE-e h (DYLEX)-CGtton and ti on Il nauratioSCHOONERfo tis asand glase manufact urs-,undermentaelurie.vi The Vessel, wudie sta be tau»1 neh, lu ,Wy TU rie DrrsTRIE?? dgumhil n ,andonoleu thmn140 tom îSa ~i£TIUtfl ) - or Tpape.,and nouoreta., n jta b.in readiroaaips et @Pto ,(I n LrEo--.ck k " at-and. Toronto b; the. lut a oi;, 1ta recae t o ard 3GI athf8-eah-isaicb ludionPrutnt =ior oSier Sams..e aîm nds- rinfaiortanufactr@i i>au;b. required b; the Camniauaanat D.part. of ll ors slk ndment ta b. omairked ln ber. Sb. iu toprocega .-OF.fT nDi CFRtS flrra. s uonau loadeti, ta Aolertburg, wvissa mter discbarging the. portionofa ber' Cooitue s ii~.i~ ' , otraq ldg. fr tuat Statia, shu viii enibai mii Stores or ",ib.ola !et t mt-i obuccn,'far, Pasngereausnia; b. sent on boarai b; ie Cou.- tirc!,21 st r e n rM e tteTbc iasariat Depmaaaent, and piacumai vtiontidaiay .r.,o'ir*.peri't cet--r iut wPenetangualaoaaa, vhitr. ais ai nsi mi hi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a ,:ri. - i2>PtaetSi velandS vetb.r permiting. b; the. îSUa'of d à2ji!yer L,. ob'ir 2() Per 'en.- Ju. .11;.ilt.liiraciv.ou boarai at Penetaigu. li id stering ,rr Ili. a sand *riaig iahene sucb firtier qiantitiesu ofStwte, VCelle, -Coie, ree,, ti .1dlirglrlllgand muipasengers, au, lie na; b. requireai b; the aJr illo: , n,î,l,4> uenaigCuanmiasaraat Departinunt aItat pkle a- L>à. :i r'ot ,cv-('nlt'ee, Roa- bal for Manitaulîn, ta whiic port jie muat lin- j voî , I àîpet cett-Uocon, Ineîiately Profoned., »oas ta arrive abourt tie25ti 5il ,-îdNPet cc"t-M,laee, day of July.Pnuta Otlt@;hO ~i.ionid 4 6 Mreiif Augaet . rom biath daesoutil SI. imai Mm î , b1ýern et'a, ai7terl (dtuing n.s iijt tu order, ifrirc te dova am- rerc Cd utelà) »orce nt-X.-Weir.i, i and £rtrer no-Wcoes ketaot Ie.e.,aiatol and all uer i. Sl" in Wood '7l et-eaad lster- illhdahe labû nlu" auadt"ûSVd 1W. ei.aai mm Tbtitle-Ilraoly Ucaievft, cavit- ta do su, witqt Charge.for eBfeiua»t. ~Ar Spirit-, except Ram. feenten- Diig the jpeiol ibe Vea.el .i.Irl th@. if!ri:iip2rglii-Bi-andy Glete 1(un, -nt seete ad.ing telleilu. aideràher onveniencuas Ae r"ua- 0O'i r Ii iirrr'ifbYiykc ' sal are ta bo at the duapoual of the. Oé-uuai 15 ~ c'i "rga!i-i, sud sein 01Part; procediug in ber. -d -aaPamueuPaus mo fra gp»tetom. t'hla2s the-Stores .are taeb.o mbaikel vitiaut * l puai.- -peaIn i'%on r-petwd2,1d tte - imcf the Senior Oâcer ofthbise muaasariml Os 1naliaj Dppartmeaat. f o'-iIv -'e's hydrunt. Tenders toa pecif; the. sunireqim du tii. ir r g ICIl Son n nPro. Voyage, andi Paemnt *iH"'heai the to roe îr i th e uhai> production of a cet'iicate frit»the. Senior Cou. - tnaiuuarlat Officur at Péet'angisieno a"t tiie 9Aaftnoed on aH Provincial Duuies tConiaract hau boa» prapri; per(ai-moi. îoutîe' î.r£50> aind o paards, witli con. T'va Suretire willieo r.quired for TintdlaI. pr.-îai x iot1lafrom the doate, etofte',tat ii ipc orie chah bu Stiun , mn oohrCntu i r n"; I 8elteîtîber, aid if label 5" .a' i l epeI-iwr, thenit t Iecomes. t tntd: of Apnîl tiext eiiuiig. -Ï tielt cont rines ai' ii ici a:r, JPlia 2. t 1-1N' oti cmniUg a.EPice. - 'i soîhîl l. the Ca notitiMar- i $>î~thînîA, fur a sînlil 1 io -i. The market as SiiCi 513. lcrteit -a mercant.ie bore ~i- MrcIt23, 1842. - ,, [lie ei ng of fna- ~"~w\ilk et wkc ailI b limited. lilrchmin Ià>llinois. Joli. q*îte ha>- 'e> houglit by Cana- Nlolt i iitreal sl 200bl. !WoUharb1oir. ad coven feet-six 'Pl irî'lav have aine fet 'a..0 r~osipect ih 00w tlat- -j "I' e besoon Lake Miçii l ettg uiheomarket, but liien f %O ient asit 81,06, V li>aîtti ,Miller$ aa'll -nît 1 r uhael. Con. ira l H lî~.Ieb.goteru. t 1 ~es re tiousand bush. t 28C l'tgfor the U. S. bar- . hevvtont sal-w.,orth 'f md~the Prospectus cf a new ~ hlid InKingstna. It in Le " - rIîboo& frali> Brckvilie te n 'il, lie conductei b; ni. samo office ni the Cmoannn Cetnc moN0 t lli hApii.1142 SflUît*lY ltt iWiiSirecaiveoaI d.vofMIO'cl-k P . M. on MON. n1 O ,> ext froltu ucha pr« e as a~~lSr -Oi.ofaii illqa eer, under tô W a anitea1ta prou POST DFFICE NOTICE9. AISfrEngiand viii ho tmade op at this INoicothe ioowitg ays, viz. via Bali. P. MA.; and via Bouton on Monda, the 25th S. stan, at 4 o'clock P. M. ROBT. DEAC0N, Pet houer. 1'ost Qceg: Kingston, ith Apri, 14 PROFITABLE IN VE$TMENT. T 10 BE SOL!) ly Auction. if neo pro. vionsiy dispo efat privai. male, on the 28ilai ins., for a term of TEN YEARS, (non grouad reft,) tint apacious STORE and DWELLING adjoining the subacriber'u, situated in Quarry Stroot. Ternis uberal,, whbich viii b. amade kuown at Salç. ROBERT CHANONHOUSE. Kingston, Aprul 16, 1842. FOR SALE, p LASTEI0<o Paris, and Wîter Lime, JLby the barrot. Onondapi ad Liverpofflalt, l>y tiie bb. Fitte ana sopet-fine Plour, and freih Oat- aneal by the bbl. Whisky fianthe. beut Ditilerwei in Cana. dla West, by the. harrel. A stîpply of tic aliovo articles viii.>. kept coot»aetln baud ilaring the uexeuof nvgtoandl uolc et the lovesi market pric s rca, or on approvcd dredit. WUGI! lCALDER. Commuercial Wbadf Kingston, ýApril 19. 1842. SREMOVAL. MESSRS. Il. & W. Rawau.s. befg tin- tuanate ta titeir friend *aid th> e , tisat tbey have runioyed their ea 11*ié -- ta the apacious and ecovecient prmi s. b. merly occupedby Greenahield cMDhr, on Kinq Street. King Street, Apiil 19,'1842. Tlciatu teisisaib»ppiaion the mis lsre JI. smithine mosq, M. P. P. STECAU ENOINE ar10iioe noaz 7« rI SÂ.E On aLM tu=M = abvilingte purdioso tii.St»Ev. igu, MolnsnI 2L '104 w on boi ardi Ber Naja.- izri7 n Shup aToronto, ut Grand River, Lai. The. Tenderan etais adaresusaita Mr. Marb., Naval YardXKra;atan, Sioirice oi dinute b. tatea in = vodt akIogt1à, HalifoCurre.q vitn the. uameut two Suretiou for di paasnt of the mner. lb. J:giue of 11>ioe Paver, <Cylinder 48linou Dlanter. a Mmo stroke) of Suzenrmanfctmand i n good coditionvi=t l o &raa mirytoma. EXENgs!vE & IMORTA]IT SLE9. Bq qc a &*ffl- ad tori >YAUCTION. om Mendia», 186 lue , ai tI ollouag duy M iipoitivl; hobu "d itbh pit the lbéat roerien ithle gpera] dii seloteaiIteeoi ràe% s. Lqeore, fop for- Biture, . - c.,ofaim r fine <Moussu.Amm. utrisg& Gruar, gSte-trut, i a I. N&mc cmont ai tb. Trute... Tie OuF i i n pen d M rli!oe,4nd in excellent ordet-, md an intu ie ilosedu9Ç thesSale vii dama exoollaat opportunity for the trada ta fumnlui tliiel"veu vlSh aatupp *d T e vini com- mence uicii day at 1'luck, A. M. pouctuali; ma Catalagîtes. T-r o f Paga.r.-Under £M caïsh, 25 ta £"0 tva tanthacredit, 50Oto £100direct dodo £100 and upwaidu 4 do do> om femrishiqg - paureai .ndorsud otu, vhidh yul bhorequingi n aU dse,, or a libura] ailucunt viiibu allovea for 'cash, N. B. The Sale*ottie vi"extenvive sad vel uoelelStockaif Dry Goude, viii commem nce the 25t i ua, and continue «ehc day until mni l SCAid. ROBERT ESDAIL, ,Iumnfor M fe Ihusio Kingston, m hApnil. 18a2 tes sud CbwirsuiLs. Iiogaatse aqsuate 0"p th. slavé un m101hA"d. masmI Stbir ajosauut. lia Mebur Ss. rstroA. & <L'a Eo isas Sale thu-shleaftir val"Stock ai 0" Goa d you- .itioi togethor, or lie Dry' Gi%dii rôoct,g efflrtoI; saupurchamseraya;fuel dlupseod. xb bove MStck.arecomseihreai ta b. Si lnaat and aostextensive le Kiuguton, and co- ai of-ti.einuit Stple aMdii*&"sle srticles in batu branches. Snce ai opporlnit; of pur. daige Stock » vel adapé tiaithe i.mutet !tls. mivedrtb* aroiaame .aspe So iAamstres& Ovre, op t e Ilii et ahima fis Simau e .dimposs et iy th AlriL a»di tiDe7Cioed.s xMalyt f Th.e trume lutt fm« cedtviii ho 4 uaonti on the Grooa, Mda n aamm .thé «Dk asq "udtlMIailssu os. 1mputo p mi4 eand.utaj> t Qi . supplilataost1S--S- - DUT ES AILE, KgaolUtt ieu lut È oeurCI zig~ ~ JSE ilàutuwaM 08P1 to m TGOCAPITALIS 1 PJIME uhucruber bas uodiofthb.mnat valua. A bil. .N!LLSITE9 in tho florihng Town 1d»EILLZLLE, Victoria Dintrict, Province of Camas.on vbich. buols deaioua toeruot a fii rta IouiiWOm NLL-forthe Vaut af uuic14 .au; tioumu naibsels cf Wiioe au pe mattoa ril;, fm th« teni-ho vala «ez beaorrov 00e or Tva Thousanti Pe- -- adailaous eriste thi e bder, wjtb uniden i. aN y.erl; orth. nepagoeeiitIhintlmo ptu [aiqopapo.,or smmnersau ho migt im ld l# rGiato imex or ho wMid lottbe nul a -r5XIiaa neon condItmof 0<buin LEu4T E Tm» ýý, ou" V, sm. u esfor g te ,M dI r,9Soubdbeboavag-wevd bls 990qtei0 as-ÇoWad FulVeda, bte"promues leej ccepisai iy J. W ataoz à Ce.,am. nov 0. -1 gaiaddia ulauppl, »*ans Vh Mme Sib. ie, " Po-ale.&, W e ins Nc. oc, ua sess oi tands, lodel Ibu luiuel Pour, le pet cat;, INue ion, Watci !(47% Pla'sairCiangCrda, NMe mwioh ns., p a n~esd vsi. 3'pmm ta, Acru Ratc-P. SeizueruPisa"Mi ochet radvos, gager stuiWaluims, Pociet NaiK mi i 8h peua- aS.Ae, a cieco aas.tmeaSof Susp sd DisanSauciau Ri.agr i, ilveî Ti. , ami viiaS 0<oSir aiticîco reitablo eTowni 2Jeu., ISI SUSm aimmENi AIas-Vi etiir 0vi pct.ay, a fullsuait- Mtent.ORS of lail du t mici S.y dagflle eli itoutheir =paties. e?4usetiioihretr.k efFiwy sud 855 4baa e, , vauinvite istutionor faei4le et T. r SIsl% IIRD BACON mi HANS, Cereaiàe * 'E-' A ehole lotjoui receivod Md fS saistlesiieuriereasi tiCima -ai-. Stoel N. 4. sr'leIiue. ru - Aprot4 CATSK*flL Y 'Q MK"D ILAUS(prk anti Nusue. an d rfine aut, Md. sudbuoule f LOIURfor s$le ut ti eCommiçiffl taa <5k saabriieîaNo.,4, Iad' Tt&eLCARTER &IE INTLEY. tIi8aa~b il X/UKUMETERS. fl jADE b>' Juanua 44eune1 MesitreaL Aluo Scanissesneters. ftgenéq~~ ft 1-..e - -- . 5 -. . i8'fE ubsoeiaare nov *nut d 1 > aJsteOg0artatie oUit.dute unaS, me td e ruee ed eaeeui.qdm u <W aW bai.r nom % .i i.- :~r~ no&« ÏM UM= C. â m u Cour reoviE tr iptonUtIl*Aura, 18a2 ofe"teiv% oigesog(,*budin 0 )"i.vil tho HouI-ahW fusiure.nd Ebu huu aberso1055.. ailqauThnua tbe 21 anas.,la vk'cIhobudirects i. the tii or thèm. psrmouu vha viita , 1e1s MNI. hold farmiture, 8&c, a th" yare SU ofthe haut j description. For psrticulamsa.bill. Kinato, 1tbJ. LINTON,A. IL& C. IL Kigtn 2hAprlul.-the VALIJABLE REAL ESTATE, UJILL b. Bal b;Anction on Wedwidq té VI ~ ~ 0 jhar àwj<a. nbrtif cm otiirns diapoasa of, Lot No 250 corner of Clarence andi Rma Streetu, vlth oua adSIIOI>attacic ansd Tva Pram. DweS. tigu Ontlo. and à<sud Wel of Wuxer or i b=ioe, leLot auer 314 in Gracu, - StraeS, vitiauline atca ýI Sa ltabi. tiovo@6.I@%a anExcellant ,vithi lienil«of KiaeCom etâtgma acres ot Landi, about cune ndreai cloare& ait a - Fd RAME BOUSE, JBeruSud 8ré, ai mainsi <Orchrd, and an excellent "vofa livdn vater thereo.Alun.. Lots 2% %m U 2'w o ce f Lot ntuhur 2&,in "ie con ma oce. sion ofth TcvamipHaiHueo ; tb s U. dihall OU f lPt tiiaeer nuameu enibe 11h .Lv. couesasapu of the Township of largos.ile lief.11 ofeS, inct.. Drf MORLEY & JENKINS. Inuh, ké46, n4. 48 L& W. ROWSELL, . a v magot dw- '-ymm sd es C&hIioueieterotao.uikfrws ofb ux m.ca saug a»foi re aee uat Books orLmy tu4ae; uffled raviaI;e44W S*si5ed euorç i Eandau te Uni. à =09"» of #"& ndpeu hvuuêtn am >a iei& Lou*uipilued e aa Mtpw fis- illen.caîÇgpn.lt aSdkSW*atos.L VEO110MACRINES, Ar M épom ee ràm isfoi' mn;de, se., wasin tg boner A' SAlLES. oan; dille Inique deuca-apîloas of nascines, rtat requin. atng wp, ébaulI arden ti4 m ute. dialel. au Mr. J. pi-ea pr.-.in lia emplo; wri]l i. an Kiigono on the openlm.g of navigation for the pvrpo@a. CARTER & HS1NTLEY. Ho4. I1aady' Builwdiaia, Ft t-fflti. Kiagsn.*,Sth Maid, 14i JLTKî= M¶arine Lallua; Çoanpeuy kýg a rgce(lc is ,day., jmweit té. ait., aate h fce u r Athe peutym Johi C4iunfer, Chus. W. loakine, a!14 ~Veai gkedî t« r tic qurtheeuung M. At emeeting of tie, Ilord <j Dirctar Id imnaediately afierwardu, Henry Gildtraleove, Esq, was releçted Chez. W, Jenkins, Secretary. Au inatajanent of tlm per cent en " i.Cap. à tock oa he.Company remaiming uup.id herebycalled in, andistepayableet th.eOf- eof the Company onor Meore Sat irday <Signed,) CHAS. W. JENKINS, Sy PIU VA TE CONTJtAc T BEAUTIUL.pmm ofland containaag 5 L C1 AceW eil adapteai frWaar4t tGarden, e~umateuide*e~in»the . a diate viol. yr i tLi. land label; purnhi by theHonora. Mr. 10la James H pkfrI. Enq., anid bhe la MieCac'O.Ti abovee id Pro.1 an dlvidud fn *bat of tbe Do.&Ir. Lula. ïy a proe ald'fftfetTii. ternie of mnt aue luberal, uztezided avor a Epic. rW Br yaers hum the. lai Augu.êt noM, for fatithu' ticulave apply te the1 AgenAtNES Aucimwem. gdtNgiu. April lut 1842, CIRCULATING LIBRARY. lESR&S H. & W. ECIWSELL respect- " a rn> nfotii.heGentry and Inhiabitauts Cingatan eeramytiia ii.;are about mmr- iota thoir nov rau..e on KIMLStreet, lIy occupiud b; Meauru.Gmeeali., d .mIut duor to Mr. J. W. Brout, Chemiut a&W ggist. and in conuequence, vill b. obligeai ta me Uic circulation of tWor Lji.., for a fov W~ Au tii. are about aag largo additions th preuent Catalogue.,Meurei. H. & W. "aque«t th"t ail Booki nDov iu circulation Wini returaied àa ui u posible, Ciat tie Lubrary iboe.eu4uWitiuittle doley au possible. â1bàamIl. &W. B. take hieapportunity .ts.Wrei*wSucre thanko ta their variouae terhoaa4 ~publie general;. for the. rng eyave a'oceved duc, iii. oponiug tbe Libuay, and bope tht OIs loueaddition@ ut te be mode ta it will uscurs acmutinojce Past favor. A* n or ad acknowledpged ment, dd th. Llbrary, »asu Jas -pouaibbe Brock Street, Mnu n aeh3,1842. Mz- agut Zab 40w r lUIS «Un m aK ire movit, ADiOtuIKecaor.ruer- 92 et._I8q'_* 82 e2 . __ MPUI241te ma sit perchaveru. Jr for=. four fronts baviag *ose ftreet in~ front, Grave Street in mu, Chatha.Stret on the EW t ideand - etreet en the Wet, the. situation requir.. no ro- çmmnatin asit ouefor tii. viiigiveth« ue àIf: ý bý Dy ie Wh vii erect Cottages on the otherqacacording ta plans whch illiibe shewn on application to tl* aubocriher, vieea»Y efonnatice rusPecting the. iiove c=a bc obluinniL 1 J. LINTON .iB. C.I Kingston, Foi'.. SU 1 WHOLYJJALIR VONNIION iço. 4, naapst'au unoisos, n" rakTq. theetfll auanci inthet dau» « CARTER & BENTLEY. ce the pi?. miaou above deuale&b . hich, baving been con- utrieilfor îthe perpoaaen> at " re aam*froet pro; s = on and wefl laqatojr tii. ast. n ~ gofeeydeffcription et Goau. îý0îthe reapetuhbiayoftin. rerncea, sud tii. character Uic; trust bey bave oa od in £inquton, the subucrubera hope t; v il b. uble to give auci satisfaction ae ta secure a liber~a prtion of the. Pubic patronaal Mendiant.e ingeneal wMi nd it advmalus ta contigui ta the.car. of tii.uni.ciu u Sà is thoir intentio ta nct es; Agents altogether, ase, lt P ipu. - Tbiead dri.mt. dum« o.the pertinular, attention Of Faa8. ale ursaini pgons6iouaqdi Graia, am the otailhaiuot for. adepot fer thew r juquceem a pn w m.*pmeffl, neaiiI tu their iWput& , ALPRFJ1 CARTER. THOMAS-IL BENTL]R,. Kiagatup, Dec. 17,18u1. 'Wu, w.au,ýEaQ. J. FAi*aAag, EEQ.,, Wvatertown. M..L ,do. MIL '. G. Kçn.ao,. Sackets Herbes, enuaaU simiYT, EAu., Abany. A » uuTiuâx, Enq., Rochester, Dit. Aummumi, Immu flecoAL. Emal. MOontreal. Memrs.Laswaa & SEmvawuoo4 Eatii, RMi u "'F.apEsq., Belele," ýPotm'anaa. ESQ. whitby, 1-1» JuEeg-% m lComoaBreleant. vii i se " SIal. Sm lieb. thei.fumer wsioeme, am malm"itSt .w.uk. msq*ofan6 *#uhupuo" dby lauaeeilpra4u ù«Prenifflebilbt. ki lew kbtutà( vay ratauB- anfe y " uot idii. ea. èp. poentuyf4 isiug on mny lm uvaoý ~tgo~i- <>usity wt e 'p> ii thta lie Anorly uttéidanon t reot* merndecL s i. pri"eaa"e stch g a tsn- 14M. a peedy dEupM or.fthe sock. Matcii8,183.1 CAMOeLIN ITEm *1Wînoaaeej for the 4APPIY t IKJai4 ffor. oi-S1842 Aise, th* to. qfft 0yuhv~5 Mss, liraob ,rf e tru.oeýof Apply to , . .&G.I I* ,COLLIffl8 AND 1AUNEe1 l-i ie&a V he-nu aUt O!w*b$ ef*utksmsa an nwç oPT~r* Atiq~S'caatp nie-',îui oatmai frwRYu Ibi ~o ats ~UYeu% 1 à lvtk tif TO CAPITALISTS. TZArPROF, 7.'4 BE JNIESTMEZET. F,,k,,,>, priyate contracta> tiSnWri- On, lot of L:and v641ie o tPronyta. wit là twf @tU<'n tho Iran?. Rougi Ce'oaf Ce< dpi.. whstable@, ali. mo plnitv of t'ai!rSamnd oldîatiî Cga yca rentai e Osituale oe oft a'the =i4a S.reei±. Tie puce oSîle aboya prcperby isver; <naerit,, radtaraiof pij'nnent wt bei mnade eys. lor fur br peiculars ettajaîroat ur pf- - 1 - 2 1 ý 1 ý Êý 1 ý'j ; A BOY of atiidy 4'txabout the ane of Y.ewb"tq earg. v w teo m r re aiready mured.Pn4e lnowi dof ab si uteengage fur a pprio<I te ýie agýre1pon. ne p pi; vlo an4nnt .rodaiée favotrahli tmnai fr1a -igi. apt tployer. Eàquiriou înluut bu .Tinpersa et dia officq., N Di FO R S 1 8. 3d., I *e 'ILA NA$, ARM01JIL & Cu. of qATS fot uIsal CARTER & BENTLEY. Ne. 4, Hardy*t; B, uildings, ]ronist.. Marci 1 84la. ILINzflMgWAtim wou&ms tu XM $Obre o £2 les eUoach Applientouau for $birs peruoaliy, or if by let, ter Peut P- te b. arade ta CAgTE & UNTLEY> Ne.,& Hardyo lItidiQgm,. Fwtui te«txiDpu- ton. POCKEI' 1300K. Cmtainigtbmouten delmlae .mow m sovoralioo 1iiw andpyabtosylveitet 41.1 den. aUdeL 0109 le, sure-th« er nMe.The