'Ti~KNSO f.ÈL-TUESDAY, AFýý ARIL 26, 1842. 4d jts, mad k pu"lelwy bd bue~,id ulee apa adillm& ineMta i e mi ail pesali ta a waret lpuees-tnesv e aso ese Uc iicit te smva t a ah0ulie oumm .frIeIIUPOII mm Iban.C3.BJ0fl ; but the est""aedpic. Po per uu" neu iïtduce ai the s.vly pr:aezl soveuoic me a -of trcforyjsgfz .1plawm l a.thue lbasrait oald etant a cveIbitut have mon tha s tho. ns e IZ.ta sts 9el rlojicapital. Goa. balf a millinsterling applicable tthde castin. ae lit wi eealfd>wvlithe dabiime ansio, and geameset edatasi vaiw ai6faMatitaWàn'Ibe sidtr'emptica. Alter r. Bir Roerut twAnmeldalitia an eloqueut appuise 'diculing "y' -6 -r o people vbo te tacelieusm trisepportu »àaihed thlimse Il vre Coultaa i iDigLimrt fer ktaxes vhick the people bave iaitatat!frnisdvifMre. on piano iea &u1umbrellar, accompanied viii faaers, andl vhici th.y bave aeainined la intis cijme of véry lattge prcctsgos pon the pro- cetury for tveeîy.live years of ver, snd iau. AI ceedr, hocliii. te tue. question riset! hy the laie ty.ive of pucre. Hoeniovealble firit remlution, Goveruutent, bie, fat il might lbepssiblete Ob- tewicfrW*n leant a dty ce Irish @Wiitz. b tais ieeéased revenue froue iminititaxtion; ~Ndsusol>oî' i1Rir' itaet s reoura.o vieh the fulet ceusideretion haboit f'Jahu Ruaseli veltlaiàed liheral pmii .entiisied bias vwblli inadequate te the im- pies of ahe muaure; latat)linted that ta.aie s9 -modiste eoiergency. Thox'aa natiolae revenue on 5iigi r would beho Lier thon an timber. A w vas eveutually increabiéa by dloinishci] lxalion. <0vw otiier oxcept"ana*ero taion; but tic di- a îmjght bu ahis tauc,; hbut ihe> irsi efect iras ai- cuoe"aiof se imp6btt'a a measure vas deferrealro qvays ue4f ta'eaean anda long intcnviii for father cans'udruaou. The motion vusthoen vas foaual nccessary tarestore the amouet. This agreed to: sud itho Iloume resumea, Uicesommt- prinieple vas illustratei hy vint LAd bappeneal tee te iti again 'ianFriday. - iad vith respect ho vinie, tobacc, eoffee, bcmp. ruanMr. Word gaVre' uice thet on going mb cted- naeran docicr -'articles. A mare reductien of mitine c upybi«"eliday.-he shoulal move au nt dolies, iborore, vataldam nt uffice ta meet the siadment »aecIarKg it leexpedieut tu impose or present exigeecies; and ho voulal nov state any duty on foreigicmrnoutil inqairp liseaLinh vhat bvas thbmesure vhich, -neder a deep Co- juuituted asata dhe allegeal burdees an the lasdaof vitio cf Rs a esit, lhe vas prepurci] ta pie-n,,,cd intereat.9 pose ud 'hieh h. vas persuai e ouid botre- Sir Robert'eaijaat istoitbfva pait fticcountry, net anly je lier pecuniary jnter- bth lu Parliasuent analCit ôuf IILs. lai thie p. ' este, Lut in ici security anal hr cliaracten. 'per boume Lord BroaghauniitWi'dued a sort of!0 Hoe voulal proose, (or apiadte bclimit.al. manifieta .gIL tth.e amaix, in 9sueriema f an iacomte tax, a-?-omore than 7d n ahe pousa, eslutioeur i theicLor ùds S "Ia nl.rie asa or abwoua 8par cent, front ehiebhLe vealal exetagit case ta peak tapon ilian'OnIy theVAri clii-C al incombs entier £150,anal in ehicheL a"ld pnc replaca, very bi7Y, te th*. speech wyuL iecludc nt ouily landeal but funded propautv' i h bLord Bron*hbao supporteal theun, sid al whetber je thé Lande e! Britilsh bects-or-o!Le oaad vas that i wouat iekaepqient ta adomt 'foreignere. He estimatei the assemiabla yearly a serica of assertions vf~a'h % kt place te 'value cf the landl at£39400,000; Oau!oheue t Boua, je the predican ien f belaga.«eb 'Iqcl £25.000000; of tithema ehbares ie rilvays sud rejeet Sit Roiert's bllII bould i peus tjcCdkj F nmine, ana other sijeidar proprty,at £t8,400,000; mnosle movea the proviens qusio, anal a ttal !=W280000. Front this loevoulal deduct vas carriedal amotOnanimualy. The resal.f onefourth for te exemption vhch Le proposel tiesvere as <llows: a ta gjve te it ncomes under £150,and laca the «i. That a direct ta upon income ongît nort tax thus fr a'onld give hlm £l,gM0,00. The ta le resorted ta uniuseilenomre graat eeaergen-b . caps cf landl (sssessed i thaîf theit nrent) c>' o! public affitire, aven an exttaoraieary ex. i occulr od 2.0,.axtcm eda Io enaitore nauy become unavoidsblc feri a té e,a pert>. The dividend paid le 1841 iras £29- or in ennui pressureoupen tLe fluntes of aIIW 4W,'000, fins hich le wold dedut £1,O0%- country vhicb con ho sustainet b-no e aller v 1)0, je respect cf them avings batule; but hie mesne. t muet ada, upen bla, freige aandl alliaistacks Z Thai such a tarcaight annse acouait takorn £l,500ff00 matiaig a total ai almosi £30,000,- partr thcôiie iry revenue o! the stahe. hut te 000« froni vbich fie voulal deduct one-fourth Cous,'viithe acnee?$Wt'y%4t¶Oleh e ualalaeti.jLi for tLe incemtes under £150 a yer; sad thon y ite ianpositioau-.iaitàclu èh-s'heeIdb ail the i thc proceed o! bis tax vouhi] e £6469M0. Ife ther objectionis ho vbich ik le faaai, is inquisi-. amy arrit'oi t tLe ilcoine of trades and profes- toialoPeration eing eqnally vexatioUn, hat- f alors, a pari f the subject atiendeal vith great over sumàs ares levicai, the -facility ai incicas:"t difficuty ; th. prcduco Le expectoal rom titis ii sunt, scemdaug 4ao<b9 PMIr 'snppc. source vas £1,259. F romt the income of « enieiaifbpiblic fetii, ddisa' tutat public offices le caîeulaed upan £150,000 The teteptatiain to Medtr'uganeithe lbpart cf the total wvoil ho£3,771.000. WIi nsh ctt Grunmut-uing tacmsieffctnalcheck the duratien f this impeet, the veW f (acyre- upon impeov'dent expendicure, andl iispewniug aient vas that il migit poably ie cOnhîaaeued it h the necettsit> cf sceking a revenue la re- fer lire Y" . ;unile@@ in caereue!cuh s evival treochment. cf oms prcilpoiperity, rom the other martu- 3& That aithougli 'tie actuel 'iellcaeacy ie ther 1 ures whiekle vas about ta propose, as might revenus ta met tLe expenditure, amuating te' indues Parlianent ta faate the opportunihy of ro- 5j,-iet neveu milions and a af in fie yel», sudi a iing the sabet; but lie vouili in the iratin-u the e..-imatedl dellciecy for the néxl -Yeo, a.. tance propose a caitiuaoice for thnce years Mount*n te abave tva millions mut a'lidf. e 1 % icacm f ma, h lie bulaldisentit reasable affie ri thaaeai8Y d r theg imoth »-atio 'that Irelanda uiulal bear her proptortion ofthis corufe a n u U ic Est.' areeu e tmer -y e.- tsi ; ut dng pauac. anal fer a ljmted r'riit, tempita increase by onataeniiehithb dutica cft andile te absence of ail machinery in reacaexcase and estoms Ladluijia je Obtii< a tvan for collection, Le sbouii] prefer tarai.. the quta Luuarcdh pari cniy,.-4bereby previaig tue un'.- or ha cont>'by abn aieta. I hiuh lcpoesihilit o f drawing any farliier rietuCae front ceulal do e,%cnsistently w cuL the. unaitofunion, increase7!taxes cai conaumption, vhle the relief1 b, tva modes; the irai of %%t irîr1a mli] le a wich may juot)y Le expccted ta commerce aud diuy of te. pr gallon uîuouu punli. Thês dl>. ta finance from l overiag thaofttaxes cnITOILb proach ite the equalizaion of liretpmtt iti made iinmediatehy evtable-ytil[t hbes the: the tbrse kinglumrsvouli, in i'ertau finircai Parhiadment, es faithIful guirdians o! the peepl's' grounds ahicL lie capilai], be o! t.nait udvan- iîlîre anal lutereets, te takoentersthat durng the stge to the nation a: large, aundIti Iieland in toenpaiary existence cf this tasifis pressure elial! particu ar. For a Ionu iile thle teanVecence le distrihuteal in aneh a mauner as aoi maks il1 le je that country Lai] been very effectuai, Mrot cash>'. nast patiently teabe borne. f but UIc omumptian of spirits led been again 4 Th"t wiîb duus viev'it in mt of ail noces-t uponte ecise. lHe caleculalci] <oninths source i"cyte catie!>' the peopleo aiai lere shalllac nea ta reccive £250ff00 The ailier source ta u a, joua excautions, but tisaI îLe bighest parC which h ho ealin Irehand waas the eqmlization ma age .i"Ucsasl i hb eft tu a av o!fUcthesmp dut>' wtb that ao! Engiand ; frot, »tbj dehare cf a burdea i clli Ioeuq e vhicb be expecteal ta obtain £100000. lai cesihy ice n ola variant te Pkghit ta, Great Brani, howover, as ml as je Iceani], o proposel ta reduce the tamps upon the chur1-Impose ihth.aieve, ta e~éi.tt parties anal billo o! ladng. Withrepaet tc makae a distinction hstveen incomo ribiingfIm regeler abbentees fix"n Irelani]. Living no clla!f cepial o!evcry description naljecOMouirising publie ali>ta teix ibem iu Englan, le pnipoical <tom labour ueely ; levying a amaller pmaPOFr- tu requjre <cea» about the puy.cnt o! thlie amne tien of the latter inccame thon the <éairet. propety iax %which wold tbc requ:irci] fromt aI . O.That vitL the sane iv, it lne pealidnt ta or rasideuus le this Wisn. mie a distinction beveen ineune posmssd 11 Anaîher resoelo oud Le a tax of 4g. Plnperpasona whe have Oely an literes iniiithainme col expontel i lîitiala reîuels <rrio. co'i- for uneir lavas, or for saute lesser terni. anal lu. ly ; a faim impat. arhen it vas contiidorcai Iht ce possesmeal by persas vie ave an internat; t he artcle thus carnet! abroa avs a met ia. n ethe capital fom vbence the incame arises;" 1orent uateial o! oun ovu indiustry, anal a geat jevyii'ac a larger proportion o!ftthe latter iecame assistance ta thai -of rral naions. Thot tai is tlu,n uit he former.1 alreai]y ampoenl on conal exporl cd in foeige ves. 7. That îvth the same viev, hi. expedlient te1 saie, but the vssc f Mary countries drain- a. ne t'dibtiiýctioo in laver c! pecsons ini the oxemptîcu eau the gnound f rciproia, treaties; civil @ervj,.4<thet stato or Of penSceRS receavang it vil! nov b. leviod an al sale. Suclia ta.'penson, flu»the st.O aoulil probably yiyldl]an incona i £' '0;0; ti i tjh Cnitn W utc aaud voulal cperat, unlika most otber tae. as non Tat h s ca..lic!tonsisya etevia p tc a encouagement ta native inaustry. vi oe! o~~l;' omytanterpopr t'ncf tax upen larne -- f vnth nulls TLe aggregate revenue, thon rom all these ferI;, andl that an .xemptioi. fe'uupnsnl soures,'wouald Le £!~3000; constituting a incoie f <the operatice et' the tai' Can" n coiWialrabie senlur, alter coveriug then dellelen. ho justjfled upon tLe supposition Outi iLiar om- cy on the votes o auncl oxpeuditure. This nonst are wbo im asle ta pay il. 1 surplusclieproposeal te iil>pIy inrehaxiiig the 9. Thatvwhitit la tiealutynof tbe p>o la commercial tarif. le Ladl condieiaiom.un ecdibar thase bardees *"ac&te necmury f'p- of the humerons articîci. includleil, the propor- porting the credit of te oothaty sud muti~ ien bt eec e pricae ad the dua y. fie icaining thceecnurity of is vide!>' ibeedeal dorin principies al heen removal of prohibition, andl joiata, il la equally Gt utuy cf Parlitam tauaOf- realuctian in the duijes upun na teial, oral the every procurable reiei, b± iaaÇrcieg arhick aboulaI net le scîrcel>' an ycae exceoil 5 the te nt raomous c my in ail <b aliieml Perse. et"&iaIa oierab!y dimninsoh ment. of pauflic service, by diacouraginail pUoP . tLe dtin atclspartiall!>' nufactarei, coedingc hjah may sudang ie Uc oinnncme tLe igbe*ieRjg2 par cent; and oven upen of peae, aoui by ad"Uuiin whatever measures tonilete nmutfuwtuise ho niemplutc] Iat tLe nia>'bet canduce tWi lte anProeet of cii toamast ocud ati asgoneai exceed 20penr tieca eere;~!ie tsi nejoi cent. le nov lait upeai c tbethis aniide<l ai manner iuaumbeet mitbaut 37dolby ta re- icale of uutlo. vi ildbeex distribm.ied lto lucre any incrme tax, vbalever haizp.a.a t*evi a fereuibeal; for t *uail preparcul. cocu as it saol appear tha the OrdiftaZY bt5rail It voW ehifuet]ndtrain abaout 750 aricles o! the revenue have reccevercd mcm tueur toe- there Lsd ree s aneaaitù cfq( du4rccoruied. parr> aepression. ed ; sa hét enabout 4e0 è6ad day Wbai eau aUrRRobert' p* poitieuivaon deLasiW a et Jeu antauched. lreu.tues vers nov pena!iug léngdi.frua igttanigtuuleSoM ur vith various natjoî's, in arhicla several of these whon tLe opponents o the mere succeed in articles ver. te subjeete of Jdtmisiaaaa4 IthroWing it over beyoeui the Easber holydays li ech articles o! caursecouceflt b 'iacled in pi e!fthe Prenalerte Ulmcet reasoots ibits ta the prisent reductione. havé D toing dm B.Hase takenapates heat. The total diminution cf revenue occailoneal hy judufn.T é dete vaste10ib resunealOu lil the reductions vouisi probabl>' net b moreat It 4hcfAp ilisn shot £270,000. On eugar, lhe rei7hl to 1lInthe course of the alhsabe ir DvRobert su>, te proet ministers coulai net affer any e- jeforinoa the Hattéc that thé 4uéen baiai etr dumain; tUicc'd nct consent te Stlet nte saUgm aveaccoral= g imç bn(ta uudevtind tit, if cf Détabil a=Cuba vithaut noms socurities PeOB Parliameet iual iuk an incarne tex noces. the sebject cf lavery in ahsen ccunttles; and al*sst l*» brlier v uitantiu that ber Wn- thcy thou arht te reducoe t on B rita ome "Outil ba suliectealtu t; asnvwon ans lise 'n aritLouaa cOte ritishpa ofber p el. foreigui ugirf.' ore > i on ta ah. Tho éthr defl aoin Parlimen;t,. ingi Of On lme stmb7. mtion select coauee mire erdegud. te *mre auto ll. satm .Id lb. obse an the Westcc@M Iof Africxan m taIb .arcthe, West aie coloni. es oisi. eue te MWio. vagis, &&"a; the oèpet bsiur stalaia =hgcefaraticu frome Afric a s h &sldies lr Stauley gave a ]amont"bl *covatea(the preuat state cf thiagu in thé bfth calcule. Sir Robert Peel mSeueged It ha. clits .usid be takho p for pa.s. The HaSue cf Lords adjourned, for tLe Essîci bly.daysto the 7th, and the comuns ta lthe ôthof Apii Sir )obat Fats financal Stiae-Thc great lcarh of the Premier'» echeme off icanr. wiHealvwutagive at wdetail. The sum. mar" of tie accouai, bowver, may lie tablcd au LOBS. Licess o erpeuditwrc oer laoer-Estimaed Ielieieecy w inheyesr, e;,570,000. 1 ludi»Oof TeMU.-Moâiicutmce9f<the vai, oi lhbrtDation in thc Tarifr, £W«0,00.Ion %.mu the réduction o¶ Coffee Duti.., £170,MXE Lois frai e eTituber £"'s,00000. flelim of the Export daty con' ffnîah Manufactures; £100,000. Réduction of the duty om Sta 'Ceche, £70,H-.mhing £1.210M00,anaa Oit? defieienty ie thé Public Incarne, of £3,780e. 000. SCOTLAND. A frightful 'ho&rerxplosion occurred ini a ClIyde eteauà vessel on thes 2lst cf tdareb. The. rolegrph was a steamer built exp ts~a rue ;ganst currages cn thc Glasgow. aaddeock Railway. with hagh pressuresenezs; and ebe vas the ivifiest boat on the river.8h.hadjust lauW, ed s e,"atou t R eleeshurg, and vau paedingéun:fier way when Uic boiler exploded. wharepart which vas hoard at Greeecck, four miles off. Nineteen persons vere killed and about thWry wounded. incledhg tva pc*UoU who stood on Helemurg 'juày ta waîch the boat'# departure; othet on the quay were îhrown down ."ah sunned The vessea leif was ahiveflt'ed1pinces. and the hoiler vas tbrovn ta a distance o! a haedrcd <(et Thse who vers wounded mos: scverely were conveyed t0 tLe Greenock lnfirmary, but snime of Uic, are flot cxpected ta rerover. FRANCE M. tloerocbe, 1% reeponsiblo editor of*tEel Nationhal, h'.d ! hrn tteiviîtta'ouseditious libel andWt edt ~erf bu %ame t. suda 5.u of 4 Lieghthbenvic. lion of the pré"e mince tLe comemencement of Uic presont yeur. Thc opposition papere mare thon insinuats tint the juries o fo1842bave been pached by the Gavernaent Thé King and Qucen of Uic Belgiaushâa n rivod at Paris. Thé Bank of France, on Uice25h of MarCh. had 211MI0,48 frances in itavanits. -MW resea',e. arasuplus fund, vas 10;0091»fraces; thbiw'bole amntof asets 478ffla4ê 'Xotwi in circulation = M,80500. The réduction of the miitary and naval nsaab- lisbments %vu n i progrers. A despatel vus receiveW ut q%"' .eo the 22nd cf March, eider. ie'~e'oheiaed0 Obg f ail the meuse ie Il ÏNdt -iie had siAii lird yearasonehourd tbclhs g. 75r- 70c. 7&. 86c073c.,; Fgr-per Cènte. 101f. 50c.; ThreepcrOuiëh f.600. Si. ac. Lame, 1M41, z80f. l.; W C'Ce 8. uo HALLFJSIUT2 o'CLocK.N-. à pr Cent. 117f. 65c. ; Three perCent. Ô. fO;Léasa, 1841, 8. 75C. -IXN 'lu àsdaouaiMfrota Madlrid vere ta Uic 24th of Match. 18e conspfiacy, if ilever rosI,'existcd, had nat broken out and was belteved tobe :pcU- poccd sie it. The king"om as geeia]y* tranquil anad the leit vas go.eg on yiaoeuoly snd succesfu ll. e capitas u praclpaly, occupled viti oloueities of the holy vsek. Tho= beunderndMing was nid tu SniaI bat- vou the. egent and tic Infant Dcn Francisco. uncle of the Young Quuee. la ithe Northeru pro- vinces tacre voe.Do movesentsorai ntimataaes cf discoteMt d>OIlTUGAL on iIlthe c'f Match t*e Queegave birth ta anoîler Prince, vhichUkppy event vascole- brateal vita the anaus! rjaicinga. The laie revoluticn Ws becs follavrea by 'a' state cf repose, ai partues settleng dove ie agi. parent acquiesconce ;-the chief persanages by W}icci il vas off«cWa had receiveal promotion anad honoreand ail vas going on favorably. Thé Ùifflcalties with the Papal Gaverementcause. quent upon the confiscaticns cf church proporty, veije taeof amicabie adjuatntu and Uic Pape vas ta hcopnsor for Uic new bora Prince. p,. ai.*h."b. araw«m.posdaala. Ci.osùch IlNews <rom Candahar of a ÏnsI important nature lias aima corne ta liand. It extenals tu tie 111h January. The tribus havé st langeb aie. en; and an army cf 1500 mQn, unrler AUe Ma- hoaned, le msscniblcd aroued the. city. Prince Sufter Jung, Uic youegest o f shah Sciab, in repcrted ta bave ;iedfrein'Cabanl; analjoiee the eecuyl force et Caudahar; liii trou,sapeau excecdiegly improbable. The cbicf. Achbar Khan, Le nidta ho appracheg; i Uic thebel miniaoeasag &1asthUicpeople Iockduê in eagrfy aavu l 5 hs:ut Our traps nev- ertules, re n agh spirits, and fuies. of dan- r, and the Candabarpep0cbave every oouli- C"in theéfic ffieecy ofUteir protection, su cihibit meosyni"tomiofalarni-l'thio intl!mee ie eath asvouav long expecled ta reccive. Pat thc alt7of Caudaha:there oued h e -sp. p ra ; ~ l~for, vith a force of 1,ND0M"n, Generai ôt my defy lhe strangeat effrt' tOf the eeemy, bat% alt for Ghuzece, wjth Uns nie. ~régiment of %àétl*railslJ aseleinvita. ,ye lcarcct suddhbut accunt that btsW seen <f tý4 n'itioh disanters je Central Asis i gih e c oi,wa bluter sud euînaci, viiich we lie nLondon HerZZd. Kuaisoi, lait JanuCYa 84 1 have puto09 vritieg to thelasthourtja maay lie a"to givo you Uic latent eDOW& Frein C.0 olwf.1 sud dreadful aretley W.ds& Nothieg bas occurred ie the whole- hislSy of Engkeud for Uic lait huudmed yemn o melancho. ly, so distrensiug, meodW igraccul te Our ue- houaipover sid mnau. le my lest teri'.lut. tei I taM yon iuhin surrectionet Cahoci ; froue that lime ta Uic prenasco .road fromJellalab. to Cabool bus beau coanplelcly ckosed&M e! Uic intelligeecthathbu bea ercofve hu.beu ba fev cecaimna scraps which ecaped tia, «ue riat gudovus latac ciy velibec te Le vaitleg fur the- reinfurcement fr'rna! As Dr.Br, de,-". e lea man. 'n-maemy d =esnem f lwàd soa naljdas. Neverthelesa sortof hy- Tiruem S ia Dm .assapaurd bsm ana fout. v ie vo wai<re wucartîel'on. The Britisha'Na. 't'yt.iy a ls e assas, it d m. prcl th isi dae. vol Commander ai Bong Kong wvs .contînuing have ite .Idu s **thmh %&..Theamiiin la @b.Balla the seizure of te Chaaeojiahi. ThieChîneelitiî i, r Haamrhabe,au-i tuieVta ome i, but aiCanton vero busy je maitiog the defeaices ,of unwh i !îî r rerrrît aigU "hleattabfridgc vere ve p.ce flai river as effective as possible. They hadltl î e; lîeainrr~t, a peut an" odien u et id une su- thire.Duich engancers for wbtih tiaey sent a ru wriuteau, tii,î v. coud bat YU7 partiell7 e nur &auIe.Ptviaimjo uita lava esanie meantheagneIt i nDot strated,I !, arnd thie dt aw b » a a *ar n Mrcap, alec in if thqu eengiaiecra belong ta thea Dateh ariny, ire poills "y ni. - v f v=4 M'e~alort dacoùlMtiit li, prenemed they du.. Their-naines V[1!,'r: , 'Z ouar roopsbhce dipiited and fo " hieim o 5ap.....J.~j, i%-'tftI,, id nomiet ; car camp crovded end staring for eme4-and alarmed wyuL the proceediigu e the i, vaut of foadli, ne possibihty of sendng slaccor foeges. Z&amo a! îeort froin hi# lieu. îil.ir'ta,1 ', frein Jcllalabad and Candabar. A brigadle vas tcaus th aie province le had read Ilwiifast isl ito:' sentfrociCaudahar, butt vosobligsnd te retemu falliaag tars." Great PMeartiens are staitea îbu c ijj aber gettig an arasu hlfvay teGbumnee, froue taie made in the provinc o!a Pekin, whicLh i draw ni. l.ri, the cald anal nov. Our information in voey nder bis avai imperial jurisiliction, tu redît uclettNi snî,and saineof il doubtici, hbt it appeau dhein mvaders, wlao are expecteal thore. Rp1t lrlr lbatMNgteat least began teegciats with Large foratea vere collecheil in tho e itrîbor- aprtt'.,t, . the ef for permission tu ovacuats the cauntry. band of Nipol anal as Sar liugh tiour' t the du' l t"\ ~. A sofaiDoet*lashtnaat.ho Ladllied from thouglit more troupe neaassary in erder tei uaiaib- tilt troop's Béakha.imh.rcd Afbed Khun, nov jaieed Uic tain that: position, the .Admral de..patched a oîlip iltl à nd .r. Ù_ caihtook a ledioglpart an the tvaer. The teatoliteabout SN Euruîpeîus ramlion- Kongz. n aile lînaîlî,rý. L eaxsc'ligresof tête troaty Étaeaotyebd'hecve, Her*Ma,*est's 'ehigi Carnvt-allîs lai proicedard W\t'uisht e'tr butsgo anxuiswu the eeveyta finish it. thas trei l ng -chg late ihaexpediluoh. The. Icrt ivithi t',t bal'a ' -ld u-edgaaçthe cbiefs te cesse tae lahdanva ah taa.~,~r ha,.'agrodte vasi t tir camp unaruaed, la Amnoy bai the,2d of Januadi]t tCIiuuan c. ~r~Ii nerltrvith six persone, teacoeclade and à o nîthe 24tL Decemnlar, tedso the liteiit lrllîrrîPt i ail tbt'vas requircd. He left camp tIL lettes. a&lvas quoet. N ttl siiii G mortuiagef lha 2Nd December, accnupaie.d by Tbe steaaner Madagascar hail bei destroyealtcii , i is secretsy' Captaiu Lavpe, 2d Suoemay, by Ore; dte crpw, having italien te theo boîits, cd %%ilSi,.'i Capti> Conoly, Captaiuà vt*, I cornpay landeail on Uic Choiese conataiad bave beeun lsv- iita E iIir mdCapt. M'Kenzie, Muris etablishueet, cd b, the interposition of the Hong aîercharnts. la: X n î cnta o .(hud hnteet er . hsyvore There wvasosme alarm îespectang twoa non lie drutc i dovlu mid tegan t a ses.Akw hudKbn e-st eamersthe Ariadne snd Medusa, but iitîela.'ilîici., doive sd befflto disuse. Akud KhanW - 'Las arrivedaf Iheir eafety. 'Tlîesliii)1is-cnfdntlui,, l, came insolent and abusive, on ubieb the aenlvoyt dtt IetLourne, Captain Ma'Ker!ie, aass li lthe ittîlOr irr, gotptaoavy.Akbud Khan drev ra plit1 e tweeî. M a ansd XMacaho. Soaeotthe tt :î'aîr'iîa.rI Cal 'hofE. aydead. Trevoraàadé a rush c" Màalc e îgapore, fram i henco au nard sd atîd il t t i. viit o esvoaid, as dit!snCcmlly, at Akbud vessolLas beau sont ta Sambas ini ques: if ie injîidiious!, ; r,, % 7, Khanan sd bth ver. cultaepicne..oisaiu«. remaieder, ho are'sâppoied te have pnoceede 1 lurtier Cul \,u ti ,. The rentitlera dragged tathe ramul. Their <aa Iither. riî.i'rl i t. la unkeove. The hurkaruo (messengers) 'rw Of* pcstacript cf our Bombay letter aîuouucpe psti V off te tell the tale in cantioameets. ; .tatanexpress hîd reachei]tbat tonen front Ma- i iIr'i The savage bldthe onvoy's Let ulcg analdrus vith the newsofo!the arrivai ofthte frgire Il i alrta having placeal the green apectacps which the; Cambrien, haviug un hourd Lord Elleitboroc"h, a1wlg;I; cnvaiy alvays wors, on die Lond, behkàd' it)ardai. the Dow governor.general. roalu. ed on the pint of a epear tirtiagi is "ahPaud The following extruct ramn a letter contii dtr ,î ultim tely placed it over anc cf th gaies itCa. a liit ofthe asmes f those vho are in the hLriiiiiu rljli 1 sti. rîri it" bel. A shed'! srup rou si ëecr gaves tdiscf the Affghans. It i,howver,to0 euaiLer, cd ar wouhl Ii, ..r, nea ait! afp pattheyaIl' 4ata eveC-that Capt. Sauter, cf the 44th, le ropoptetl lteuviraran areiè"fIi; bul for Jelialihadhli Uie 24th Deccanher. Such bave heen killeal vhon attomPting te Idake is hall exîiarliielrr was lbe nad tte of affaire by te lut accoants escape frein a fort Disait Jellalabad tte sîîîdtu lii tlit ie i tva dasys ago. Il in deplorable ta conjecture -Tb@ offcrs and ladies wbo are biived t oeC:0iiIsi-tm vbat is te bocomte of ail the. trope and people in bave escapeai massacre, but are prisoueru nî.a- a ~ UircIhî Cabl; if they romain vhere tlicy arebehint!iouaed Sha Khan's Fort aI Loginan, ara itet iote lurinil'irtinIll-r tbue entreacimieaits, they mont atarve aveu if (the cause cf al aur disgrace,) Eipbinstone, 110)0 c-aulîn ir. t1i they est thcui homs; and if'i.7atapt Shelton, 44th; Lawrence, llth Cavairv, Troop couid, lîy r'rr marcb out, they are siueof death, for Uin couli. 401h; M'Keafte. 'Maras Amy ; tnderaoa, 10 Glitzitee i try lil iajinder saler,and tbc passes forithe lirst 501h ; Boya, .65bL; tVllet, Artil!ef7; Piol n-,' et4avaiita-l.r ixty miles, at aIl tinies difficult. are aetais mesa- ,EvyMm ye Atley ade aeo it rl son impractieale ; besides, tihe vholc country aNaM'Nsughton, Mil. Anderson. bMn. Trevor. ietirl.. vculd iack ta tbeir dolteelacai la short ore sud six cildren ; Mrm. Waller, Mas. Mainir,. itetr ilp; are ave marnent ex * êtiaa 1tahmn accecetS rianid 1 infant; Mis. Boyal, and 1 chldIris,Mn i iofjeiihi'fe' utuLEyro, ditte, Mr. Staum ;Haes ~ at Ciai Ii'rrl t.. 0 er'Umurz ladteeud a-Y d liella rc....Coaitolly, 20tL ; MWatsh 'ani] Webb, Ma- 3itead rilirhic. rî , yuL lar1efamliesbosides tolbr European vo. dru sArmy; Arey,,Bdȧ -, Drumaîuoii, lrh Cav. J.ituart. i 12. mon. ar Mra.Trevor. yuL mevyen lue chil- ary; Warburton, Artilteaty. Jtemnitiiei] a: <. - i.A, <' dren ! The copsah Cabool are tiie Quese S lind with the sich-, Dru. Berwick sud (2îiiiphii'il. distant fi rilI 44th, the M N. L, t ath hN. In, lb.eSUhN.' amement'teith caule chiefs, (iriffitha, 37it;1i dfir i I.,tv sqadoeaai1h.Sta cin.ay Ncols ouftI4t';analSteer,3S7h; *'ith Eurp:r,181 troop ofrH.A, besidces Souveral Hindoetuee me-44h Fou. te,1 . illt1wi!> r . I, gimn of theflhalafsb« nrfd fct, id aboutit lesfeared, and tctruly, that ntioî!îar olf-' îîîî'.- .l[,irtt TNUAUD c i ooeaamp sdi thoseri wssved. The corps irhich have hea'tnitaîi- t li I ii !ilir Uiut« eta haaubeingvil! esPe des-hilated are tLe 44th Foot, Itia Light Cuoîalry (rtlidrsif il , r trnaio.Ti ha iaa, isd aIl ie aiiiy, squadron,) (eh, S7th, Sdth, Infanîry, wa lbaa nd u ",r' n miafltfciia!ifollor the. fate of the test tioo fHorse Atiliery; and ail the colliers luilnir' r ."r Sir W. M'Naght ile vls arneal ever and the aeu osf the enemny . tuai ail. over agi'git, Ilhcarrnemussdat The Sepnym acte chiefly killed by intense ci,],. Iry jtirrirr anal e Shah, a çcilelocf déyp proviens taHanda anal Iht swelinledainmmense aiye. arî nd iiivi.tr n . fn tLe ontbreak, in pe; 1Durbr, callealdiheoScrs randonnai tlien incapable of nîoving. ci, îu d a. itîrr uoca presene t w t hat ho varncd dioe nvl the puerfellows: atnd may such ariother cii:-iantrlti rîtt rrt rr' Il tat a râIse*au e. tehksp lace, hat that e. 17neyer hefal us. The folle%%,iaag îîîay tuacnin.-biuir nr PAr cIlI vao1L l'noi lst te i..- B urnu es e s idereda acorrect anemoranduni o! tii,,nuber of 1 truot il' h":, bavi bien cqually ifahtutiidfor the .elac f th fiesvoaealc lu rctj r'.. PKussiliashesent him a secret massage ta th Artillery. me.edstci, liut hb voualalno crendit il-AI Rier M nys4t eiet 4 lide Ilr.rir.r leu r..r. Candsair anini. me; they have nmev 7M00men M av a44R agnunt 2 i ii r'tr nnlh'rt. diere val equipped mi provisin.d-.esda 9 =1u1aary, i ar'n.i niahfor 1OOUWAffgl.s. .Gb,ý uee lorftIiiir vithaut an utlMler nd asileryucua d 1 t'u nîrrt r ly, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ti;i viasxofea- ~~~. a.Dejiarimentir, .20 raideli rurfarr ituîte ]y, gaiss fic b - igi ftisieb «Dualin, April 2. ihere fnom thie L _ oiTmc. comtamaneseai;hua l, fvr ho iUbut The 58tËu Beinient, quartere'!iuî it mondstanîîd that ilii'h nei.uIt ,ir enaill 'h t e fearfu deo;bIsIfiaI teislitbarracks, Dublin,, Lisrecirvi ai n timatio bading oiiii !, stesl aaîtst h. earul alas c clmat, teac has thie regimient ieintc.ei]ed n arly emuuhrk. irji. r:r " ary a o ie<m f many tiocands..-le ation for Inda, anud tl'ât itivill bu ciinp.eell t urcrtt i i, ne accountet ai ai rn i hunor of himfer a lonig theIndien establishmuent uîîlîoîîî deli>. strciugiy irEc'1ii.i'i.. iiaii rtires.Tbeforce at ielald a aisesss; four E imn agon nWt heMItue ooseivrîrîiti .r, î'r regimehi eofnative iufant yare at Pesbhaar , sa istuon isgaabooutit thie uurrtuî Moure t e llalaad. Ail tLe countryvfilons 'tue quivocal success in Duer.r*, uni]gour yaot î.jc in Mi, tl4m le rom Shekarpore ta Ielialabad, am diroaigbot Irelsal. Tht e iIi t ap name gauet u. Wiat ils tabe doue God The faàM *oa! the Rentrewîbiire fBank tof rarnoe bar ti lai ix.î. keavs. . Grepucet, wiiiçh Ipok place lait %Wediîesi]ay-, li]i - iI ce':rr Trc sare marchng-and caludt. aag, LaI ÉlLab ee productive of great commnotion sud a- nimhc ,ns0er laie j ri. Û= Cioci c*, eb. sq~é.G~r4ti tovnoaf Greeni, a'Lwer thie lead tie ilie-, . Taii tr'f r ,il veremet " "m laîL~aàyzd oaedcfoite saestablisled. There Àrere only threc ha: Sb.h irii i;, lrrn' :,%;,.~ aisi i e ' isdpIt.eagoondface pa u t4n ebanik, who nacre ciilective:y ini. epiracy',aid I ' r s rtrI- ce metterË, t=arc ifsôutelydmaorng etiing. debted bte M comipuy e40.001.The liabilitia, cent rlaen. îd î'ke'r 'r' Fifty thousaenal Mya i~ ta hole M Y6ths a. of the coucern are statea li 200.OOl, sud the' . my, and that vanlaad ly ba safficients te asets conasting of motnggr on bîipsi 100,- service. mou&ans tdia ho rsoi 'Ihuajuta austial, 000. if p.rqicrly i asu lIigd . ti c' '*egs100 lb.he Latters anal papers rom Maid àlof tLe 26tii tVo lave îiirio natives thini ve maentéri nit aimt, annouaec tLe recel o! Mn. Tunibuaîllthe diffiruhiesin o wlilit i. ami aeg aanticasalbanc, wîit a M-k t British Consul et Havannah. Tbey ai]d that he vohvedi. and wiif rcune 50ý rSpirit ou gill they ba quiet; bittu ~js beereuuovedaetthe instance ofithe Spatiei hryapu r recl Iy eh" Uic isyptainf fui nbça aeet.I enieaea ia Desi and every Mussulmaen i Idi 'vil! sbar- viLennext Ma>'te Englanal, te ay£ o0ff rlev- rriltnn' ertt' WBn hia Uord ta ct oui iuiIUts; naflf~5U a lie. These alvices comtin lia Othe i or Hnsave s s ai lbive rs ell1esly reof thealigbiest imtenet. mae; bltuaaits .rI rII' Had itea mn lks Lrd ellsle or ard Letersfroin Constantinople af Uic 9tL ait., i, that tre ibtuiMeuI Hastings aI tiibesnd f tic Govemumeet, 1I sold atatc that a recoauciluetion vas about t0 tala i le ouily effectuai lr. net cmarestsravr for ail that bsu cccuivcd..-iut 1 *e ewèelnTerkey and Greece, ana l aliai , with mon afiimid minds &W fuarful of raspne- Iaaipav'ebilns ete ewthrwtoi fa oto o h sbLave aGn i i oe t th rauty ___ toue mtheir respectite froàn0irs, The neir Csîngcea sdelrght in luei f W inthis M lg ydar &W vaud Eevoy, Ahi Effeaudi, vas te leaivo in àa fqvy dayi authiaug te relliat n.i rC <ceais. Young Re ae a nassactral, vith the for Làedoai. Hoe Letheurer of a premettutl'roeuhaisen tiratnea¶r wholceof bi corp, the Shah'a goiNb5, e a tic Sultan ta the Prince e! Wales of a magnii. pl a fefald Chaikar, L-: heariatan. ent Damascus blade, due scabbard o! paire guli],aperauft.yhduI Yen cannt imaigine îLe gIom tait ailltis andl the hit cf the rareat brilliants. iin,!s te eniarrasu t!,c'rr bus caused. snM tic affliction vhich it bu ___________________stop the supplieî, andîIforrce broaght ou huedredsansd thousanda. la My bsamnsrlo uilso1r laiile ýIe opii, the courase viliéhGowvernueut is adnewnatvrneniu"u r' Rouegbt té pu'ina us a eMW, udmi1Ineve W bda o ntraei i 'ru ltata ruVi t lirsi e agrasl.~aeuoe tbai coul,! ianîily h'1cel1er W= fros the n ifi - the K~GIN13101 hITEBDAT, ÀaP]if. 26,s1e. s deoucratiec c0fltilautia.1 namiescee orce aCaeJ iel ~ sapposea tlaat mecnirbo hl e0 armi seneii d are meCb e Bifm he succoshave arrivassof the GsxaWEST- office by tuaie eoplrWouid ahîre Sputk b adtat vida n mecyor Ukrft New iYork, afd !the BatTAimlu et H ali. diharge ilîir a tffiiil fwttulr ;ý ci adi o mmg u h U st inel saxand afl ervbavé neevsfrais ngandl te Lest, un'til they vere ie.-al!i5' en oaeutil bl ls 00 "a It e tbquel the 4th iast lanthe crovtd dstate f Our oel- powýer îlatatppointeil hheel ~ ~ AUl the ef.ctsalt-- cani r e -let of 5t amueartv.bave liorely racletuacrefer te the ion. terni af office 'i, anal frequeiettc tiiss n eEe inalalverytiaftd potatnt evs fromluai"a. Assmngthai the effect a change, the lta ' eS Sufty o its iait, 'seM"tieilaccouatsam correct, il leiipossible te masint Dom tLe e!écteni <cqut elle- ' 1 Tiorer Itnnas Sa hoji fiLstcoWcminathat thoaiewvasgrilos. misiaaage. es of tLe populai 14-0, aud it Erl> alât&a. if met. ucemsar, saldicaeourcibien.-mnt on tep r t hefUiccommander a! the troope vhether au e:ectiOfl ey sic Irs etf ma & ieal race. in or aver. Tiu e t bd in CabutL But it vould appear hein tIL. !ollow- tiif>' tLe varices ali] ofcri e -- - - ludied bu raIo aZf.acw redtbctd tirs dra o af our te la as.liedor twor ,le mie Iee ruaicilbafiuo i e 'WCLris fo wi] h care th gwo at feo elier Mudthions. s of geny eiaOat e sen a1~ ~ ~ o The anaf r bsnato t. de.&utisonnefrneal. Bfiu aih sij bolegad Islanl d na-,la-the oft ty le iae he ,p i sil VI frc 'ù airaitf ic «Iicoalnfitas aJ onet alpri imentuira 0 s,,uT SUhah for iibavs traliv tu às L dtar o îLrEitnche, ae 'Lecrge cth. utieaie dsil nddle lll! i.h ,ej ri t we tthatn i er t hirs r bperforce. bthi 0yý,,t ftheis btalitte bas l.. co;eel.e ofcsurport f e Edir of ftC oerua Mane b for the titei st l TutP 1 on or illeiîe.asted a teliir,0 uY ic casfthe cf thasaut.a Ooi rcia! Oucie e a ,0ui thecarg Sc furite liiaanti nî,d ic,,rua at, rrfncYBlin s r oreïlu ie a Plaira O coure ilt ailbrio aaiI cio itj riia edl'ythite Iu r-r fi ri ue irho llitoîi '.of t [0cmule. il i UP th wir unau ai se a r onli theiui, ,>Ottnii a a a'.tS li i dit ta ncte ndes' îrtlfi Of hel d oafbicitea p the CI",ur pendaAt il inte a'te Taiit' al<ire " .il anghllu ide.uC nli un ~iRrm ntbffon îîu blaret t1,îî cir n a il rrr ae,.cl iertaMa si *,t)fcoril i i Lega.lron s 1(i Lmlii r. clinrd l'thle Putr ofr thide ;erictlw a;..,. Iuit tfitlthla vaA'e pEr Tri j" T,tKt u l i'rc a in Pt hir iahr nma.l %%' 1<i l.I ,ilitlgyforie vlcire I i.a i ratice ictlior r onta lare riiie (l.M ,m longUsc.lT era a,.îe '.OIl 1 ba nu'hgaint Ih -. c ! c ivil I, ý r te ma e IIIhin là i r ai 1 t ir U) m e r ila nlutl'I ri, ligts uina ug t M ntrtu, ii tî dI'ji '~e ad a NIti ltrrp 'rirr omePt Iu fe ITIthraaaionanhe Por NDV asarb ~ ~ ~ ;r 'adblentoAacnira jrl etr. s aietîh ri v rarar Q--n In tla,ý bouseaitiiop ig i i ti, moirr e b y hi thee malri rire lte. Te not ra.u re a tie I, o r iie t6 1 m.*ankd the atcitiare. kie:'ý' St,.în Davmi idtheo o t the g. i. rol F'i g,.Las beerf tLacine' i tht é ul l 'irlain aat fa r Pclyintou a lw.r,,E.'n. Mn. Fonrbosi îI') taIha 11ii 'e a A Tii Weluu Cm! vs eocî on il .,h ri rgdî uthe i n'ri ia .1~ ~ ~ br crnîi slul iîi t&i.tia. a bot e, îrsi ,,î tqi,. ri -iei-aun s, mu aa t 313t tT tineecise dard saa oaa'a rieins.,htuathere naît expecte E.a te han 1ler irut trp, er-i rat irlun orthelue e of lal aI, tire uer. rbeuin ste h o kla kf ral, r i. gle ra rj a. kTîtIVl!:rTs anal teiefuesda v orefi uafe.,êîîl20 and 0ilàoers am. 14~ nutrgson cf ioRidea u fCa 1 etlae steamriter losimIa Lav Titlre . a her ort iie pui ce 1, hW 5idt.arrn tthermmeto stan aN,80 mn tu sedand Trouona unal fun irg ae os el on w ndeuf x Weoheur rst tlurp, f ePred %Imn t he etî. hIrai te f1.idrataiig intu bai i 'irs andim thecrbi,,d»wulb l"11of pessre p0rsonshanlir ltOdeilri aTnp nd Meet I"9a yolast hprsalb -- ---- we Tg eti spifor the otleek 80 .i te a". he__ and fmrig hvek lo o W'u Ietnrr mal a