Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 26 Apr 1842, p. 4

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Udi0<55t ul etOs111a "Ire eulsas.-l,, *1e Swer. 1 n-2 tsegrave, su.! f t e s>'i iit oltis1.hd-i, te rl7 ess i isefi *di - or e ti Etpeat ult;rpt<5p day ! I-To- motv ay lia,' la te. ilavi syveescsi-arLlduW5Ept FatSyrap i lle cul>'rme.!>' pie ebotuld tahe toi ;or%%bi plain roamet :-That lu utmo r tIhe lbm.naad cases m-er. si. basbeea sac., bas ift -l et! to reie ve. For sale ai thse drua &fie f C,nsttnch 8 Ce., 71 'elai&tlecLare Ne Î7Yq k, and by everytiret Sst inuK iegl, an.! ini Caccda. F5r ale iy N. lampr. T ~ HE SuIpscriber ivil dcrng teesson b .conalanlin 'athe recs'.pt ai'Dru.!., Chenil- cale, Pe fliierr>, dcI. &dC., îles m-lch, coming fràteh.onutrespecîthbl" Elglish lIeues, ua>' !tr ýopened apori as geluine. rTbe compouin-~ ding cepagent m-h b.c cductedu ueatht.-eim- ne-ae sîperintendaice uthle SubsrIrit, w bola objet i, b>' tic. t.e of goodiratieriak, b>' a careoul nanipmatoo, 'te icdutrîca cumiec oac regards lii mit imprtant branct. of ther busi- ness. J. W. BitENT Ds-sggil3f. .4PoleceY. T IIlE follewing articles peparem b>' theoSsi- s1 cribec ruierecomnecc te the notice o! Canif ,ratedl Toollilowh r Per , .n (10. Balt uie Tiscrecf MYrrh, 1: e uls, cîtte t' uieutretec Essence r', Ginger, do do Pepperinii, dos do Ratafil, bilions Iils, gable Extract fer the lirit PotI Pourri Pasvder, Curie Povhors, 1. W. BIlENT, DRY GOODS, ýwDzoEi£sALz Gia. RETAÂI. G E ORGE H. HAINES &c Co, Store St-sait Kinglon, invite te attention ai' the Pub- lic te titeit Immense Stock of DRY 0OODS. rencisliu cfan endles vasitol> f Plain an.! Fancy Gositable furthLie ll a.!Witter Trcade, vIicit las 1ee slecte.! witb great cane; au.! oning te the depresseil ae of te Britisit Markets, togetter witIs a titoroughi huowledge ai' the Business anti command! of Capital, Cb.ic IM- PORT ATIONS THIS SEASON have bacc laid ini at ucli a reductiou fremin It oal value, au te astotiiela over>' telio_et. Tlitr presatt ppottenit>' in taken tea sekowl- esige thse ver>' literai supporcltIse>' bave recoiv- e.! froc> the Public general>, in consouence of wbicli an extensive Trasie baving beeca anticipa. led luis Seasoa, a large ana! nuitabie Suppi>' of Goods bas bom prervie ; but tIe Donlth et eue of the Paetnors bas rendered i ilnoceasar', tat te whle otf te Stock mnut te Disposes! of, as t-îrert.liy as puosible, tI a final arrangemnt oî f lte affaire a a>' teobîaitel, in erden te mhci aIse>' nill commence Sefling Off a scdiPicee, as will cînviaco Parcitasers f lhe Grea Saving ie layitig out lIeir rttnuy t Iis Estaeblisliment. Thce etent ofaauadvertieertnt viil tallom- of a Iotgtened Catalogue, but the. flowing Ooila arejatda eigprinrel'vrl> of atentioteda ei..priuarywrh PILOT AN»DEIAVEIM CLOTHS. Fînchicîge, Liic Skitas, d&c. Fuiie rnd 9uperine Bread Clotha, i>oubie au.! Trebie MALlIesd. for Great Corcîs, A variety f Aricos qrite ien' for Prtutalutcns, Mo!csiuit, tas! Beaverlocri, Utnsuali>' Cic'p; î% pomse lt of 'estiug, Humrte Machernd Brillis Fîsle-.! Cloticl- BLAINKETS AND PLi NNELS. Coicrel and.!WVhite Counterprects an.! Qutît, Seuperior Heotse Cloîlir'. lotllen R-ILae',&. Salisbury' & Sazot'>' lcenaelc fur cildren'r Use- Orlens Cloths, Saxony Clotaasti lerjutoes Of te moeet faaincbfe Sladetf Clcr and Style cf Patterni. Alec: Cambietecno, anti Cati- blets, Mounelins mde Laines, P:aiu ans.! rinîsd SILKS.-The Subtecibet'1 with greal confi- dence ofitar fr Public Inspectint Iiusecasen, a m" oi enplolo and beau!iful Variot>' of Suit-, Salns,&cfatexceedin.- an', former10 t to siitabie for Dressussud Bonnets riitîon.ib- bons te catch, au.! as profit is tiotnom- tue abject se niuccb an a eeedy disposai f theStrack, La. dies mill on]>' te studyicag itfcoiotu>' in malinz tlieir purcbrses ." ettentsive as possible. 1-Toiter>' att.!Cioçep, cf orer>'description, A gaod aseotient utINlerilne, Mohair, &c Cash- tiere Stoi-ehig, G iiern.'e'c Frock.r, Lamis' Wou], Muoii e rnd lfoyal P 0ilibesi Shi rts anti Drassers, tubLe serlu uutsally Chet l Peleto or Neck Starfe, Stock!, IPatent Stiffic.er, Casohmre MulDet, &C. PItINTED CALICOES &a FACTORT COTTON'S. Danaska Talle Lauen, 'flrown Lfc:cu Table Cloîh-, P),lier.', Iltckabark ited leTiciige, ra' Lin,'.s, Prin'sd Furcîtares. .ssar,,l Curees, Ecglisb rnd Fren.ch tnrLe, I. ;.7a ssii.e'.t!>' yfin.! ite clirapest, bt thtIe i.'.ccrpoeasurtinent of ary houSithe li !-l.%'VLS c' thce usue nore] Desigusi, in al se v3s 'rt aid 'ýàrt t lashiortabie inaterisîs. A1 -ê 1 t 0!cI >aiJ WolT"' uS!ave n-d ara!ind- r1iD iUFjAL0 MROuES, %. ausuie' Lai1st'é res fl-. e ,Lt-tsi, Le mte Ve:lead sli"n. or .A j. rfpl.en, Mtslic Collars, 1 iae.n Camn- t . irs.clldren's wotkced Camre jaiS Laec a--' on .0100i'r., Battinga Nti lYs.!- eV" cn j , J. anl, it, ac.iirledt> ite o a' dtAI atMOUF.r.vPatt, cOur dioS lpiose yul sq cas to p t aist alh.a1c..'atao oserve the G. Il. HAINES &- Co. R,.Legstrct veiubcr, 1.1 0 OT 1 C.E. .v', tIsaI tim attie talion.the Bouseeanti Bahe fomrni>' atPWnt l' Mr. J. %àisw, ha L'scte. <lIeuetw, :ier 2tsvitent.!carrycuf on te sues cailosiioci ta meut sels! hy the BUrre ta!dIlail. ALLEN & 8BJUPoe. Kingslon Deceber'I0,1eu.. .'U Put, ed a-thtca..w 1V&It <al i ws; Gravai sel Ors al '8I4mf, Ce. Seel Sjssdes sand!Sboveeî, Cornetes Sp""dsSteIes an.r! stlihe Stertes, W =a a ia p fýPim; L 1J4Trot, an.! ote fVaamlultit'as, 4 Belicys antiVies; FismeDgIrons, Pickearma; Cet Nais cf a sepsir sm.leeRos, Clx*p snd CWact Ssîi,, B. B. oss NeînCreuxa Cu, lFil att.! 1fi11 iva. Hlarrow Teeh, ilor'" Shrteo, Cuit aud Wàggen Boxeg, k&. &C.1 Jotueasa', CantEunerimrA'» Ct.a'Teala ireeri ra.-ty. En-luit an.! Asuochn BAv-re; Loekg, Boit, Botte, Sinses,. SceJ.u,' 411..;Fes, Sii' Wardieg, Calina tgewand llSaiw, Icad anti lieuroulea!; Pv4r'WI' udset kgr; Ilt o it alsizs; Buet tauotiter Lscps; Le.dtie'< 1Unes,, atei and Tace.R"e; B.d Coud anti Hamibre Lies. SteaeW 4itltesa' lacisandti Psuieze; Scise, lasers; Bitaunis teisl T"t- PoM; BritaneoiiPiste.! Red!GesUM28Siver Tes, Dissee anti Table Sseous; BMsuantd Jrpese.! Cs»nui- s'rcs; Ctitmplueg Meaci,kt &c.C PAIIW AND PAIST S&UP»S. 5.-el White Lea., dry an.! in ei. Best Red! Les.! ditte. Vecetian ]Red. Spsnieh lBrownu, Biue, Grec, Yellow grounsi inc»cL Yelloas Ocitre. Latmblalck. Rsw as.! telleS lnseied 01. Téepeutine. Minialmsu.!%sgtable Ta.' PuIcl. Pettv. Cepperas. Wiadssw GIsi cfraW izes. Paitnti ali ter Duussies. Camnela tbaie pentils. An aasertcect f Brand Wcode a CLOCES, ehit 4vamnd 24houre. STOVns cf asldeoeriptis. S51e.pipes. A tarre sssotnient f Plain, Jse d and! BieTIN WARE hep on bond, or m=ae 10o- der atalto. t notice. JAMIES POWELL. Store S. iuaeIn 2.,14. 10 iwKas ruantI Fute: T HE Subscriber respectfully informe the .1 aies and.!Gentlaeaof Kingston that tey bave ceceive.! pet Great Britain a nDeg- lu@, one of te largest ané bonlestasortmee o f London Manufiacture.! PURS, avec offréd for Sale in tiis Mrket,pnaistùin apattu fol- ChinchiILa, Gentlemeon & Yotlis Lumta Lnx Fieoli aBa, Siberisu Sqauirrel back, Sabeot e e] Sweedieb Sable, Chinchilla, Fitchq'irrel haclr, Britishe Sable, Nutrns, Bec. & Bi. Grueat Astracan, Imitation Sable, Ruais Latmb, Bru & Whita Angola, Moch Fitch, Freucit Martin,4 Imitation Sca', ANID CLOiTHCAPS. ALSO, TRIMMINGS & EDGINGS, Bro, blk, & bIne Grattoir Hair BesI,. Augolp.Msrt Imiaticn Sable, Sciti gesse&". Martine,sable, Scjuirril bacl, Mach Pitit, .Fitch, Min, Ladies' Fuc Mille, Nutria, Imnitation de. Gloves & Gauntleta Ge"oalsur Colas, &c. ALSO t-A la easortnent rof Bquirril Loch Vahe Sbr5 quirr, White Cous>', Bach German Giunett Astîca., Lutris, Nains,, Frencht Mainansd Southi Su Bm]Sims-AII articles lu the Fur lice nmade t. order, 'aM.!r.- paitiug dous et tbe siotcestmoles.. Aise, a tom- Maltogan>- Frenola Besteads, with hait Mîlenssesth alogie>' S4tMu'Tables andi RockugChaire,. coumu a cae, mc Flsg bottorne.! Chairs ungreat . Look*' Glasero-gf al desciptonsad afhmti = Zs of thse est Pincipe igare,--all f mheu vil ie sol.! lot, fur Cash. M. I. GREEN & CO. Oct. 2&bh, 1841. Ný B. The higliest peice pai.! for ai lasa of Shîppiug Fars at th.ir Store in Quart>' Street. STOFES! STOFRS! ' T IP suliscriber m-cul.! respeclfally informe thle public, tliat lie has opee. a Store in Kington, on Grass Street, betweeta Bruck rnd Clarence St.. for te S8AjLE ON' sOVmeS, Andi fi msoufeetuscg of Clpper, 21t, «td . âf ionWers. lIe bas eow on han.! the largeaI and bt sssort- tueint of Stoves ever oflired in Iis market, con- M =tincf vrions indo an.! asites of COOKINGc loelewitit a large senti> ofite mut dsira-. bie patteras of PARLOR, HALL &c BOX STOVES. llcving tahen inuc ie inthetitiéâlaction of bis assorlusent, andl front long- experiesice je the business,, e C4»confideull>' recomnineslis as- cormntttas being of the mnot stu rete am. fer besulyt nsidurabilit>' rcstngs,nxmsl style cf finish, te>'camnt h. excelle..Ilse is, non' manufactursng, andtinlteude keeping con- sal uon baudt., a full snpply of m-taisrE iatiias, sTovS PtW, Itorm -TmTS d axatzr hou WARx, Ccsapriiitgailarticles asail>' ante.! b>' bouse keeper.Ha -can confidentl>' vecetmen.! bis waste oeMqal tle antsw msufactured, Wo icg smade b>' long oxpreoce.! worhnen, antd tane but te best oet malerlals usea!. N.IL .AU kindsof Repairing and lob Work doruli w a ueatness. ELMLOY RingsIon, Sept. 2%,1841.25 FOR SALE. T 'HE enleciber, wisblrgtb rc2tn té lits ns-; -.tue soi, IgxauE" , te vIticle ho is iîe'itpd, afterhavingssrved 25 yeifs of bis 11f. lte midlan.! Ditict, Priov ý« ~fCanada, wilu 4Ws pose'o Nf,;i plae luAdolplau;tom-st, Iee héels. dolle buuinit. tgpa iiaccouaipossesle il! b. gîveut oitelI toflanue ccxt. rTe pWace la nov rstcupicd l>' W. Jet#IC JeMfrs, whÉiéLe ebusdoue, ahi! coiéýeidIe 4a Btcrtd Inde telLe extrcnt hlie 510 ,X**'c4muldi bo dmse m- nague sord eisealo ocfor te COcMV7 Id Then pitt" ad ut albuiltlimp s avever>' s.ble çhienience, vidu tit rele ora land! arottu.! Ibm ouse and! beidAup.. the viabletc » &acm sfin theplsote. li;e cýr -ilS-the' place, 45 aceof GOQMu LAD «eneelht4 and loep1 Truie. '1%e toe mce For terme »911>' sthle fraM Ofc,or to lte poprier oun the pembe& FU& a1f4N 25IstWa42802 l -àsao le isA' atin - .la a0 do itp lsnf la de 'de. le 4fexgk 1e à8bdc-Eil. Ae ol 4 ,. lael sareuciaîas in hetoTligittompairas 4ltaiisy, tb ea e thmehi&W ~elby caneer ore cter Tae"s eues, etulste, f boa er uteht* r Gecp, I 1 ugsadmt Whssulg ge, IFreea à n~ LOOK OUT. *See ta-Iqs hMire touesfei*sleiit article pavot! oprn. Onie tIint oettywilI'rtc e o-41t Uge aine cf COM STOCK & CO; mat sotse rser ah"nleo n lMe rpper, or von aste chuaI- euL Li» net forÀen it. Tate tiis 'direction vitb yos, sud test b titat, oetne ver bey' il; foui lf. if»POUebl for amy et hec te b.e truc gr genaint. $61lt-c COMSTOCK& CO, 71 MaWietLiue, New Yoh, and! by uveey Driggistt it 'ingst an.! in Canada. For sale hy N. palmer, rI'JE Sulscriter lias received a supply o JL Chcice Euglish Perfuntery, anaong mhicb ar te üloin.ESSENCES. Sweet Brier, Spring Flowere, Sweet Pea, Hedycuiena or Persian Essence, Eglsat'ue, Hovenua, Citronolla Roms, Mlarechalle, Lavender. Lily cf the Valley, HoJooue nske, Royal Extract of Roses. Flowers, Circassiau Creua, Queeuaa Bouquet, Bouquet d' emrble, Eau de Portugal, ..ologue Veitable, Esprit de Laveede au M4illeleure, Ambroia, Veritena Perfume rnd Eztract, Iereîan Sweet Bags, Vcrbcnî Perfume. and! Exraet, Esprit de Rose, Veritalîle Pensade Divine, Poemtiem Gog !,Silver, sud Bronze lIsb, Amber Preton Smelling Balte. dcc. &c. dcr. 4Z. J. Wr. BRENT. Kingeton, 4m4th - . c ERTAIS CURE FOR 81CR HEDAC lE viticitbbas e nord!ain fseclieaevezy mem- be cf abicli ta* tatiick liesuscie fas idecy, sa Lconsitutilieal tfaiul.complaineRstibau cu- red effecîcalî>' in every, instanice 7.1 hnvl- ameonticg ta maayi'ried. hIla nt ceplea- gant Lutl. ltute, a.1 doue nm Icera9 at i yi avocation cf one gin gi ;Il mastecpesevered in, asi tie core is gr:tiaI but certain aid peres-a Dent. Instances 'ses ceastamtl>' ipl>'isg m-ere tbisdistrescn compilat is esipletely'rele srd sud eu re., alîliongl of years standing, b>' th.eusc af Dr. Si.obesacelebuateul retuedy. Ou. cecide.! preference cm lia pleasantana, aving tom o f te naaseting effect of conmun drnSa. Il is eo perfect]>' satisfmctory, ihat th. propeletor lias givra direction for i, agents ta refond tte pics ta an>'uew s vt amot plein.! m-lU, end sien cees.! b>' it. He bope" aIse tthIis musescari a.bre Isceaeder Bcadacbe. I. 8>otn< IL D . leve ae s i. ed ist r. COUST'OUK &CO, 71 Meilea LaMe r t, DR. TAYLOK'S BALSAM0F LIVERWIORe FOR CerSsuaraow A" atmEl couPLT. Cougle, Colde, Astia, Difkulnt>' of Brealit. irg, Pain n uthe BideorBi-east, Sptt gf lood, Catarrhe, Palpitation of te Hesrt ppM =t sud Baremm afrth. Chest, VWitopng Coe~, Pionna>', Heelic Foyer, Night Sm-a, lilifiot or Prfue Expseeorafiom, &n. aU allier Affctimc of tie Chest, Lueugu.and Liver. 1I Titis Medicine ms for sale b>' th. sole Pop- tor, at 375 Bower>', boeen F ows nil stFi os., Ne oYrhGeo. Traylor, M. 1D.; n!i Comctoc.h dcCo., Wholesale Dugitl e Maiden Laite New York, and!by oint>DUggfrt le Canada, -1 OR sale b>' tbe Sibeceilieta, .?15 chesti Twanhay Ten, 10 bOoxes de, 15 Young Hyson do .25 cstly boxes d R.H. & T. RAE. rtg- sups.!t 9v been sippesi at Matrml on ois! c o.1c te 'sbsebersarges% cu- taiuing le pafref c"bts, 2 or el pmblw CaMe, a roeoo idlaiti nug Dasi with leather cuver, and! witea ou i"lmde General Clitro-' An-oblong aitogan>' tinkuet case, Bramuit>loc an.!bm rasion.! corners-an Ebony wm-ri box jen- laid, ville motter ef pearl-a mahogany medicime eliest, a rseowood mrilleug Deeh covered ville gre aime, and.! iyeliov peinte.! ti glove case. .Çlie package is su.ppe.! to bave been lande.! at soum pliace on te liseof tihe Ottawa and! Rideau Canal. An>' pmron giviug sncb infcatnansa viii les.! b lte ecover>' of it m-il ho anitabl>' rewrd?d. MACPHERSO4X & CRAiNE. Oftawa d& RideaucOffice, - Kingston, Nov. 30, 1841-J QUEEN'SCO LLEGE KIENCITONV. I' ý BqéeaWÂe4plctiaOttts fi, cd f iabob tms, sumtiat tison th. Proassosuml )aMM bem Aepposutemi Winl béfino a0 otclp -sesforte olevig Braacbis f Jkidy A4ND NATIYRAI PNIL@.SOP*fy.: --à il" jr501, AUm*t- ' MLOOU . 2'e~,cie0à.. W ur', useZ v0+ we It la p*rskcu1arIýerequestod iw ae luslo. for scMautaue peut.UMay lave Ineluezpming aceor&biço o " n uone.es$. &ff btasbe " ei steib>' alrnuautassees *r vil nekethe hx» Tre iees nov e 1!uos a&"l the s 4s ef ituîc, wl es a e i je" r ier due ofiraie "Yapn b. '«me ~o enouml>orina vi bult e éayou*rucrei'1 Ns~8eera 40 t*bes ~rs Cbeup Gr..errStoWre. 'L YE RC 0 lP L A 1IN T S. cL'nI\S I DEAPLLsICKNsIs EANI> T'DIRSEAsD end '-' !ytu 'fi ~~~~,~~ tbasfote11c]e~cc sang ~ CHINESE BLOQ)D FI.LS Slut!ftlr i j'% *.I I.mowed on bilisdiîtisig 11 isth 7~5 j ee lut feu yem inesered' fltîhe .~ ~ au,1 rit'. 'aIfe n ow dvlsedtyclce;ng up bis prp. s brtte Mfortfl of ail iîle ttYO ait e's eaes Tits hi beene&ctaîtytriei, lt .7il le kml t ~'a. ~ deoebs im a h .ad Jet sufferris have mtaiilpd-aid died ; abt.!m e o',, " GROC"RY4r PROVISION, why ? Net beritse parring wua net .ecessary, 1 Bansieus exclusîvely, Wholesaie sMd Rett'l- but toc ti,h heê ~n dîneewilbe the tonitce inûttî Frcm arrangemento rcmodntl ffectet4 lle hta t follew, sud eustain the.yts.PreucuaI Ytil )«IlForeign rand Brtismarketsjopen tohian, The ejckiy humer% f îî Mbond muet l: e cartî,d-odi'rt~t *laf whence, direct, b. will seceive, unadalte- 1 -ortb. êccuteulaticn ord'impievente:.re!.. Ir! r V- rate.!, aIin orkgwal picka sDail aiccu-vent, tlten, te gtow th cf surithuniers. necte.! wkth the busicess. LaBrnd,'inan Wydo Ille Ciinee live ta sncb ifirne[ A : ! Spirite wlli coule frein lte lidedu -";lits 'arteppasdd euhrelainte uttesof eycttor Miel- LOOK OU-T C, Wir.en, selecteel for hiinseli, will bc of choice di 82e ? Betanse lb>y partiif, te blood. The 1 ,~for th-,, Vctages, and îeothing wili ha ofibre.! bu na Cke'ae ELon b.l-o ald.beas hv vr as canléot fa!! ia givîng saisfaction- lt. Pdý ilate alled-berae 1e swcrk "r '12 wrap Alarge and general rssrtuent wil l wyli e rmid i ?ese Pille .m1N do lit ; sudite Tern- 'n kept on hand, Iandi crcniitting attention w pc-arie Btes ie ,dîmemi teghe 18.1 .I gien tt the busines, andta ancit as ncavenr te systeni cead prevuent tlhe scrurnulatien of the' ùm with a continuance of ticir support BlOw' lase huncots whirtt infest the blond, end wbîit îh ~ st. of articles on !mndlac gi-en, r gni, ne joily increises hy.porIep, ocles lte bjtt rç are To l- lgi i qusiay wbch iiibeeoilat etrCmey Wtibken sfIc-r. Bar, then, iheme pille and biters. used thleB prices fur cash. Taire weekly te 'ias,,ailI dally te licterà ; ,nl.*' 50 boxes Yo'ung llysoît Tea. jit yen are or bave been invalids fer days, nieo-ltocn' 39 clisetsTmankayYd 30 hche.MuscvadoSementhe, nr y, le, vol s rl l ind flic sickly hu:mais 30 Tiiaruacd a. draina (.f, md pr.enel rein3c a rt-turn, and!te 10-auhdSgr alloac pehlmue hue of socrites chancete apiJtl ytu .~M i.rp' 20 barado. nlerfnd, ga tefui l oming glose f ealt are!go ut hf.:t buoY- i 10 Il double refiue.! do, re are cass s u n mnetus f these trillient JOI I 1. i ls * 30 kegs Plue Tobacco, 16% ,effects,tctcofinie a sace fort.!.!pli atcînptL, IrIiN S. ;-7....... 20 do la% ,pel t t m don. Buy snd se Ibese nred. i el, lU ;î r. ..~ 10) do 24%band un no ohersud itealitan.! streugth hal.tble 0! N YA RD. J 20 boxes Cavendish 1' & 24%., Juis. Sec wesî,per and directios that coiSO The agýi,! t r' 5 hhlda. IMolasses, ulit tileul. iag:ltA' 5 do Bordeaux Vicegar, 1 ta 21, FRAUDULENT COUNTERP'EITS 'i Iit tciao l tle', 10 bags sUfted Popper, Wili hae ttecipted. Boy no rem ,dy o tf i. I! lit e.Uttn:' 20" box eps, unleas fthave niy nam-O, C. [ tic, !S. D. - Pe I t C! j 5 I box ets ,ndC ,te wtpper.and! e lte ,otice nf.'liows t-. Ye-:5 20 boe Ground Ginge, u"Beereti actnrding ta Art of Coeress, A. D. 20 Grun Pepper, 18it, Dy Tu.I CoiîN&tL, in the Cie: kVs Office c.f I CMN~,, 20 PeAupe, teDstitCoui cf ftle Uc)itel States for tLie ,, 20 Jars Maccaboy Scuff, Lcutbera, District of New Yck." 1. ROjIEII i'Ui(: 10 Roasted CoffeeWaryanted ha eonly gentille. ritt' Of II.1îj,, 20 Lgia do, ole wbolesale agents for the. Unitedi Sttes anr. ail S. FI.c-Y, ar,lI u11 I C 10bieSt., Doti.nge de, ceigititring coucntri,'s. signe-' :0 île al.'rret 30 linepRaisins, DCO .C I. tee fcadtrrý 100 boxes Montreal Çedles. SoCliR 0.NC. LIN. tîemei cicter' h 50 do Wax wick London Cac4les, S1. yN.Pltr li rlciste! iai,'t 100 do Liverpoolgnap, NEW AND SPLENDID Itn.ices'icrojbr 15hhds "OttardDupuyB" Cognac Brandy, CABINET FURNITUHRE, LS]cntar5ei 15 do Bordeux do *q5 Cfiap asth /e Cheapes, and as god a ROBR T 'v J 10 barre." Hulbert" Loletica brown Stout, as 1he best. LOOK ouI'. ..,, 10 do Leilli ale, Genuine, rlH Sbsrriber bett lavse Io infilItre ;ub- feiled the articl-.e. 10 btrdeis sloerirTbleod fos , T. lcE generslly, ta a b .s removed bis Fur- 110l bit ir~,.,: 15 barolels $aiait, Currn t, ittitiWare Room ta bis nesbuilding, receuîly vYe-it 1is, .,.. 5 oe 'WiZa"net utardererte4 in Montreal "itîset, tLcrd dcer Iromtc th'e ut rame ml,,: b"us, 5Ojas "Il rham" bs utr corner cf S!ore Street, an.! ue..r inMr. Tbil.idc's art hîr' , 50 boas FiDulhas, Mastard, Groery tore -where wil lways e féund àa rt-ni, tis Mcv-l,' . 20 bxes tgBlue nerlamtinttol-F-ýDY MDE URNI- il is .mpe-c'.. i.,i 5 do Vermacilli, TURE,of titi besl qualit% and! latestat It-ros, and! SOfti t'-%(.r\ )ck 5 do Macaroni, prices te suit intendicg purchascîs. FPersoce ,i.5,- Ne:, Yrl 20 censsvruo Giti ortIVromeof purcitasinit sre resjtectfulv invited ta traie ea:.!nd i 2 h qr ie QUPort ittea eal. As the Subscriber is caaatectly acc:i-fle- tFor oe 1>\[.3 5 111cult " f.srirS herryturing for sale and ta aider, lbey rami tpe-.'.!y c - - _ ý2 d Igdut"Madeirsa . . hI , «, - 100 e. ash "Maseiles AVne, ort& M- bprled willa any article tbey m'yv cc1 lire. -J J 109qr mk I Mrsella"Wi;, or & a-suT. '0. BTLER. Nif î ilirs,im piie Kicngston, JoIII. 1841. e!lte. hii! ;o 20 PunchecaI otoSiis , WATE)A Varniste nd ibe .S111 u- tm , 5 do old RatioüiRam,e' 20 bnnieonsE. 1. Rum, ________ T. 0. B. tl':,,î j 20 boeflencherai" London S arcit, Y-'th. New ..: .. ,.. 50CmSchiedam Gin, 1JYSTERIOUS.-A gentltiman belonging ta 10 .LYA'ors --once of the mint anent and! wedlthy failli- I:~t'.' l 2 cases Lemon Peel, ls. bsriy iemetlewl eouc n 1N1c 2 "Citron, Merous friectia, eilsig miie@-ithe -cr 1818 cni) taeC GTiri t.! tit!S,a. (.rtI.,li . 2 "Stougltona Bitersreceritly, becc baut ueahly double, and lofr several oi ii ah > 2 "Pepper LSauce, years confine.! ta bis bcd, haî been res dte b fcashlt AI4 2 IlBermulla Arrow Rocs, goe.d beut-bas regains.! bis natisial erect lmic- .181 2 "Ketchup, tien-and! hasquitte.! bis csiriagr,jnd ieur ls GtoEllk &.A 2 "Peuli Sage, with casIllWe believe tiit ils regentlemcan's cw1ROC (w':,' . W cres. Crocher>' assotld, owe descril,ulcc as ncir as possible, and there ia Wjcres (ici %î'oeil alu i..,, 20 packages Glazsware, hO CI3g5r5tiônint .W. a iilgive inqcirera bis Witb a variety of other article connactedl addjeeu, sud douit 'net bis humans feelings will 'l'y low lor cai, (r :. tie a eroceybusiness, excuse te -liberty'; so taIayn>cee docbiîg, nMay' Dec, I1811. il . ca.!] ~~ foiethese facta-titougit iterequit. hlbismnain 'rtere at i§r lus> ml pparii pin.Amont oetiereimilaici wilIh.sold a et ste s l,lr. Jas. 0. Reyiicîds, 144 Ctwmstle treet, -'û Ilt.'. r.e,. itê~iifU ID ot b es. wu can sa irbis been restored, a.!m-Ilgive per*eaal aseuran -t's OWDineret ~cxmmpg aii cmprin tseces of the fadctif bis case. Botit were iteulna- fUt sale i usually Iol' for c,l oui id ccntrabtedacerdnau andicemp.rIngwthe .IDec., 1841. i 'I extensive *SetliXt lodenow store.! inIdi pre. Ibs on dotae" '.ol.-.an' mises, before purchaaing. h .-By Bdo e ue'Nren eteLbisît RL M. 1IoSàL nséYserait, Jase 261841.«B Romîl.-;mt,,B Kingston, 2t UNov r8aY. Y.Hera J« t 1841.rs Sol.! b COMSTOCK &Co. 71, Maidéic.llate, Duc., 1841. 1. DLCKNG! DAO IN ~I New York, and by over>' Druggist in Kiiitg,tec IJLA~N KS o!'. WATMIERbgoF PAsiSE; end inta nada. 'EELEEDSas!MININItI., i VORYB.L ACE; LOR sale by thse Sulscriberm, U.J R(qciea,ý,al,î:' tei :Il. .N S k >S BLUE & BLACK WRITING INKS, dc&C F Z kegis plue Tubucro 16s. edriptoy fat tale a i le Vh +e TpHE S>sa e gs ta rtura bis sincere 20 du do Isa. CL INI T sic i omneeti uies n sa 8 haf boxes Nailrod 3~2». Tccc,,,, peof cf his gratitude ho has defermine.! ta hiver ~ 6jr ui;ce l 'Ur. i s p ie for the oove article 20 per cen LT. hrIe 7000 p icie abh e ?ar-cee . great increna»e iately experisace.!tite denand laboxe. M I on 1 rm aidies, lie have beu ern eXter,..y1',. i 10aneduisiMentatti1t"7M for bis DLACKING having enabled litai ta 01 MuteiMocld, aelscc-: :d :i heLarg bi bu inesh co offrelhije sanfa_ W20do Fig Bine, flColitciticir ca, tue t arhns u - hpleursa ait e fo-. 20 do Crrolina R!c'a, TenI I y , lowing pi," - 25 bg green Cofibe, j iteaayeh c £ 4 bags doï d..bi, les :'cci;cs :ai., O11 Peste 'Blacki git Tin Boxes, al31 do dose~r pper, îcry rcofqace c'rc : f1 incite dismeter b 1 inch deep, petr 0lg rn. oilt s i i'ceî:t.,i 3515..-..-j *- ---...........2 14 0 10 du do AlIspice, Catedia Sptercg W'ar,'r, . e OuPse lcin nTi oes 10 jars Mastart],rea.!l er"Icti inches diameler bjr7-8ths dep, par 75 Mats Cassis, ll ,iox. the ' q gi-ces ..............;........ 11610 60re=mswrsppue paulier, tci ,': a Inr . CIÉ Piste Blarkuug in penny cake@-, in 4 kege NutmnegE, lze: Boxes toctts'ring l4 green escli, at 6 bb ahard»hall Almonds, ' r 7i. pe gro... ........-....'...O 0 6 6 10 boxes Starcit, Water Proof Peiste, par groes.... .2 0 1O shes Ciovos, KirgezIc, N. . I ti;.. t'14 IÀ ni Blacing--qctrt., per dcx.. .0 9 0 15 boes Pipes,- __ _ _ do. its, d. OIl 6 3 Il sCerrats, FOR SALE BYTIE. D. du. nt<. 0 4 0 I Io SaaeAlu, th eur 7lesclr ll'rrei:î !, gpongeBlscking or Leather VaRnuia Oct. 1841. R. H. & T. RAI1. "'îu F, 1,cut lad.L: in60oz.sequare bottlets per dxn .... 0 9 0l- - Sponge Bls.king, par gailon ... ..... I! 12 6 A CARD. C li liiîr lIno !r mi 1vaSy Black, pet cwt. .......... . 1 0 0 IIESSRS. COLLINS & JHAINES, iMer- dismon.! Boen, plan '!rer Binedud Black Writing laks equaljloin M.Ilchants aud Auctioneess, take tisi opprte. pcnled aoiwpllJ 1113 AAi th1e aboae1articléeswarranted ;;Pilunit:l>' 0<reepectifily thâûsing titeirrnmerous cri-iOn i1lorecc anda 11a ' a ith oi frienède ainsIlte Public generall>',,for their ver>' Keroeys an.! Serge. ic e :.'. Mecattpurehasin atuheouent of j= ibera support dsring theonatyear, and beg ta dacbuvici.alr. cm- pvsda iiib. ntiIetita dieout c 10acquaint titen t tat bsving coniplete.! ue'vcrv <l:'wne, grei c. wlteand '.c,1 o pt at-e ime aenie aI f£21 I i. eai 5ItcIa±lofc10 ne er B fd'ue y sar prWente.! licias. loirtrd!li. ' Ornitut-lereet-204 ~3 monda Cr1 an mpnePdt0 eir&*mtbih cdmiments, nettes, mwhite, LIea l,pi. kam1 gva îwuvi uo5Iotm .Md hume b>ra strit eltfltm te te cteresta Mmilins, Bts bcps Lav, mltPmc ~.ueIeji seaeeednce avit thlie 4Ave of titane mho entranttem m-mlletheir Ibusionsi, lins. coltores Ltances. Voull n.4e l. , p ulctu ally atten d isi ta . t a m e it a c o n tirtu a e. f lt a I p atro e sg c a d scp .. o tnd f e lv ts su V i eee s.Ma t P. R.LAME, Nemi 'I ent ero. port the>' bave hîiterto 07..se iire.d Gros de a ndpmteS lfamoc 7tbiJanciay, 1 1.vatî, elik Serge, Lucmatt a. saae 'AZ 'ÀN 'e TUsAdes41e at.ti, C 'COKI G S tanm Gloe erchiefs, colore.! Bancalo«aj4as1eS L Plats, TuGls L a t .. lbe mablonde sa.! gauze f laýrt.A ÈàW ae ýwM*hile l S, peite.!Nette, Plain .and -YBI'm-" Ment~l i s féI b 1NOt «- !t ft rt rad i lBthLaces, QIL ug.,,ed sci' Ax.â,-A FrocBah B uimslnaS n aa A4d m mp o tisa te or *s nor. ae d oie -es m eut>e ë MicSS- .~dLta E ro y u jaE Ei U1 ACNADI ra e~toi l Nsie artc-ell . siUà lait i l ilCR îrc. tcheodrFace>', - (Co5d5&d) l 1 stt l Itas îcmgtliaarIlicit a i~c.item sbtuma el f v.' s ill vilcha es tlîc #rat Il I sonputeie lco Iat Iiet: lis Ilsae! .9i t0e iiieecoi min tilliiti ta US dck r o eirin,'rofe, cîc csf c leeea aeignt !o ever' juleS ~ ~ ý orv kp l itrie; ire lies mm-ld th t-rut i'ee big-bis bnakis tue; elauIller the îîblmsSlg, betfut re o l ales eloue, att.!drivers m-tI doftitP la.,e tethgtf elmie, te Ile $.Se, ie umoiter-.. lu la5 bis i hsd-b;o, Mably be. IsCcU ta glapît. bei iî,equc iS"s,', Wkia. j,, ad si clbs suscdelir l"... We past a&I snffetiuig a3fois bouts, sit cea leaxial. i-raere aurne sulrieigfroii u,'1IL31ii. es Iset blicud; wee s in to'dilb.)a; mal ain dI tits u eietvort;co tIcl seernd, as.!Whobe lusi;et.rce enm' edpoints un bils etc- . -uon>' si ici ulter ,Iarkt-s,- ILa i, eiiitu ga isigerifis ! y rp set'tng Fntit e m-rier !"re klî.eîeis te, the aftes laahliwac'; u hoii.re u eagei'tcy slvtli icI,. di liie uIle rahece Ilint tIae:c-5 tls just a pilt; a sein- .,neio f the licilo ucrrhiinx r,'ot mv~dreadfully ufraid-hit-v tets. i!ow de lt.>' cr o tiween ai ne tugiler anes le get liager the 1tub plîrideartes îirust inutaIonce :a tl dy regard liaiellrtonate pouass ucr 1 téter nasot erery drop tsaIt passes dom- ~Preuelita, ans.! match Il froinî t'csj i lun qacr,,e'ipt, Ma stgtb lit Zidmy e'., ýit xla rsect for frets inl t ca'sftuetos;an.!un a'ocîdr- - ut ssg10 gae bis cm hen I ~kvt5t'p" mas tit! J,;e>' Ilas 1.nefucluostes nvosl r; vors yot marcs, but they alr encun ~lcstrde dicke; te tins m-cru si guil enan an.vsen tlle air wsxie boa thîe, arensDow ind fer the mbarks; ueoteaas cresattecas have foliais-au hi ccns te Adtile .tt. bave 'it htulila isî,but .rtey are. a b; llsy m-ll itumait thte hast I'l iatt, ii etenci'wooaie. j litehave tees qirewcaovcrtlr Pscpua dmninto ltse i sl,-r aidt.!pionouslb.alatusospbers kbeio theite ks lehsc de-c atm melt &Il squat "rtit in one position ; r ft5t.litngnes longuets for bol are ,"cd Aav.7 uneraah ; souti n'itesute crawl bortaen uthe plan ban;-l of tiuit he lb.ch.Noe, thc te ur ehf iuuesauion r the>' lre 14 the rtuitt ied round 1 tÀi*othet on'cuvernug, fameu t a, sudilugeritintob lcash t 1-'! 'it heir issatiales Ilica e s-e: Bule nesir Couse up agin, peri Mdi $ ,die iteneati lte plathos, an.! eh til i te cgifnesIair belom- ga"' lutasd.! teransalcin im' ttti badyItni t a Loverbeirrd. i lot gag-f m-i] frelin Chu. ccuth c lighisimig i"s"esfrins it.itbelc 'tJugai, tr1 O P«Ande a eqeli. Yetcu ue '<esdsend. eCi-cirte bs---th ittruingeet ps weak à. =Locs tthse k edaviûuu ,f~tornie.!apte 11j1 baredowngristiongi aW .! l' nm-ng- equeezi t uf wlutste envie.! heoal B "Mar'slte dis d 4 h.tm-sali e air toi5r bei eagle, cand i a irtile air. (O alsr ucapture.! her,t iailde" m, sal cet vind.1 bond si u ht Ivs &U' " « *4o « l % u Igil >1 gofr 6w sA re& i r e e la s il c 1' ta -I Il Il 1 ý -aým-!ý-%j ý

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