Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 14 Jun 1842, p. 4

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H A vE£'OU A COUGH?-Dcbnt seglet il ?-Titosutil bava met a prermtureti cati fr lie vont f a lthe attention te a cornice colt. Rarve yoa ceagi t-ReT. Dr Bartblmev'a Expectorant 5>rap, a a sfamedicloprume , cestainng na poiones deegiO, a su K ii aat e:- tisgive pactiCe fer Seffll yesre i ifiMaPsM- 6vely afford relief, antiasst you (om ihat awoia dios. plisesar>- coa.meptios i wicb, seii> Sweeps into ths grave, huihlSsets of the yomg the. old, ibe fair, tl bnI>- sti tic gsi Hae.yen s ciugi ?-Be peruLa- te pechae a belle cof thii Expectorant Syniep te day hl-To- morne. moy lbe tce laie. - Hsve you a c.a1çb ?-Bart"mltieu'i Expecto- rant Syrnp mt hie cy el> edy Yeu abouidt t l aaFer Z;hapîin reassac -Thin nt oeaof lic hossaS lcasca vices h has beau oii1lus st ai- i t rolieve. Fer sae ae tm g sioe of Costock & Cio., 71 "ionien [aiseNew Yrk, antiIt>- veny Dnîtg- git ie kiraxten, sudtinjeCanada. Fur sale b7 N. Pàlien. T IIE Subseriber wiii durnig the eeaon Le constamtly in the receipi o Drugs, Chîcui- cal, Perfutusry, &c. &c., the wbicl, ccrnutg frouilte Mosit ni-peclable Enguueb II-uses, May bc -.ependeti uîaar ai geisuine. V[ie cousPoun- ding departinent wIl be cnducied uttier te ti- inudiate supornnentiuce cf the 14ubstrhen, mbooe objeci is, by tic use cf gouiiniterials, by a careful m~aipulation, te nuuco confidente as regards tlis mt important inancis of thse busi- J. W. BRENT - Drnggit Et Apetlsery. .Street, Kingoton. TlIE fciioieg artiles prepareti by tisecsub T criben are recoonunenedete i o af Familles. Camp' aateti Teoti Povder, Per y an do. BlaItmie Tincture cf yrni, Ina nia Mixture, . Cmwuentrated .sEmucf Ginger, do de Peppermint, do de ILtafa bitous Pill, gable Extraci for the. Ifai. i' u rr1'hi l'weuste,' Curie Pomben, llanmîcs Varnisi. 1. Vi. iIttLrsl Druggut Apoihmcry nittailabvILH. &T. RAE, A: 15 bLd.. arteii's but Cognac Brandy, 10 do Scheidanî, .W caie@ do 3 quarter caskeswaeet Malaga, 16 do do Maudeira, 16 octaves do 14 quarter casa Port Wine, 3 hud. Sherry, ueir 2do do do 8 do Edueburgb Ae. Oct. 1841: WHOLESALE COMMISSION WAEHOluen, No. 4, UAEDY'U ittLDIiti" ItONT rRET. T iIE: undeigneti respectfully aneciiece that .t bey have entereti into Co-partnenship in the Wholesale Commission Business, in tbe naine of CARTER & BENrLEY, on the pre. mises aboyaiticscribed, wilil, having been con- tructeti for the purpose, are both tie anti front rof; sacous antiwell adapteti fr tii. safe ee.pinge.f every descript;.in of Gootis. PFrom the retpectabilityof the reference, anti the character they trust hey have obtaned in Kingston the subgecrbens hope they will bie able te gîte sucb satisfaction as t soecure a liberal "orion of the public patronage. Merchants in gencral will inti it ativantageous te eonsigu, te the cire cf the. subsc nbers, as it is thir intention to act -as Agents altogether, anti flot ai principale. This adi ertuement doc.mrvc'â the particular attention of FAituRas, Deaers in Prwvsicns andi G1rain, ai the establishmnent forins a ilepoit for their prnduce on a principle decidodly favorable te tLîir initesesa. At.pRED CARTER, THIOMAS Il. BLNTLEY. Kingston, Dec. 17, 1"14. R EFEitENCES. JoiVt COITNTEI, Esq 1 Kingston, IinCi<AiWbSÇOnELL, 1ESî, do. Wm. .(,NN, Ese, do. J. pArianANK, Esq. Watertown. Mit. E. BA ssRia, do. Niî.(G. KeLOG, Sackeis Ifarbor, (hIARLES SzaaTII, Esq, Albany, AustAtiAu 'rsuAx, ESQ., locester, itî. AirAsloir., do. J. IRM haSTRONG & Co., Toronto, Joli )otuGÂL., Esq, Montreal. idessrs. LAslî't d& SraveDioN, Bath, BILLA FLINtT ESQ Belleville, Wut. RUilE, Esq, Pcton, G. IIANI, ESQ, Cobourg, . E.I1's gg-, tdo. l'ETEP P l'ny, iE5q, whitby, IL .jurmoi. Iusq, ILianiton. D ufi)b IWON anti IAMS, cure,! tethe I~Eiglish sN~c. A chue lt jutt receiveti anti fr sale hy ils. subasrrubers-, at tlir Z',-iinis. a. in Store, N. 4, Uar.1's 1tuilulungr. Front et. Aprul4. "ITElR & BENTLEY. GARL>EN SEEDS. AGENERAL ASSOR TMENTjust receiveti Aantilor sale by J. W. BRENT, Drugiu. Mari 17, lV442. TO LEASE. F Otlthe ternu of 21 Yeaurs, four Buîidng a-Lots unl Front Sîrtet, iear the titis ern&%eeit Offies. Foc terns> andiotuen particule-, aitply iL the OliIceof the Kingstont Marine îRailway Comepany-. Kingston, 2].!Februar>, 1t42. TO CAPITALISTS - VJFRY PROFITABLE INVESTVENT. OtSale b> ?ris-ate coninact et te Siiistri- kbs', Lie folowiiug valuablelpropqerty, naine- one lot uf Lied (6 fot un tue Front. QOU fot asp5m viittotubstantial BRICK ItUE iece tougis 't Cottage style, us-it stables, ilieds, amnd plenir cf yard ooti, anti tii-mt, g a yearlY rentai eof £t56,stustedin unee tf lismenmtral Sîceels,. Tbo prit.f tii.alteos.pperty is seuj niederate, aud teruss cf payment wiii Le maei eosy. Fur futher paticularsenquire e-i urof. fice- COLLINS & HAINES, C. M. 4re A. Kingston. Jan. 0-618a2 DISSOLUTION 0F PARTNERSIIIP. 'NOTîCE is hereby çiven tint tbe larteer- «L1slip itherte existmeg under îLe in c f G. Ul. IAINES & Co, t Kingston, anti S. FORS- TER & C. ai Montrea, le uhis da di"eR. TIso. MuUSTS flîNo, S.xeURSTEa O G. ILH ANES. M ote due te the uat. Trn, am. roquestedt t bu pad -m or bafloe the lstJune, 18«2,et King- @"a. te IlaincO, ltcu.tr & Co, anti At Mostreal 49& furnder & Cc,; ailar vih t ne iy viii be potinatbohliierbanda for collcties. T 'NE àndersignei have etevc et. oCe.. Panrsh-ip ini tise RY GWJDS Isuaseuk et Kingaton, entier th ise Icd',t Esissea, Former & Z., and t iMna, on- âeriie IKm dB. FPonier & Ce. SJOHN J. HAINES% MARY P. IHAINES. mingue, May 2, 1842 Oc. Ob, 1841. N. B. The bgbe t price paid for al l nesof Shipping Frs at their Store in Qarry Street. FURS. SKINS. FI 1E highest prco wil b pai in Cash foi E. àll description of Skie, for Exportatioi at Wrn Wilaon'a Wholesale Store in Brock Street. Kingston, Nov. 13, 1841. FOR SALE 1W THE SUBSCRIBER.' D EWOODS of thé. bet quaity, Whesealo i>anti Re tai. 1. W. BRENT, DruggWsi4r ipedlecaîp. King Sreet, Dec. 2 1840. 3 NOTICE TO AGRICULTURUSTS. T ILE Subseriborseoffer for Sale t their Store in the Stone Building formerly occupieti by Mr. CiHAS. HEATH, ai a Druggist Shop. Plough.ef superior Patterns and astinge. Plough Points of Ainorican Casting@, whîcb is of groat importance te the Fariner, bing more durable than any other Castings. Best Steel Corn, andi Potato Hôe«. Spades, Shovelp, and Dung Forke. Grintitoner, Grubbing Hou., and Brush Hooks. Arnsrican Patent Concave Grass andi Cradile Si;BgiScythes. Reapingiloke, Hlay Forko, & Rakeo. Trace, Ox, leging, and Halter Chaire, Patent Shcep e'hearà4 Ded Corda, Leadieg Lines, Halter andi Trace Rop.. FAMERSS tULEMENS SOFEVENT EnID. Iron, Steel, Nails and Spikes, toge ther wit every article je the Hardware lime. Clerer, Timotby andI Garden Seede. Glas@, Paets. Oi, Putty, Varnish, Pith, Tar, Rom,4 andi Spirits Turpentine, Farmers are particnlarly invited te tait anti [examine fer theinselves bfore purehaingIse. wh.re, a overy article wiii h. bld aIle. Pises. BRIGGS & LASHkukB Store treci, Kiugetuil Aprîl, 22d 184Z FOR SALE. Patent Londu laid Tarred Rigging, AISOBTE» 5BUES. C IIAIN CÂBLES, ANCHORS, &c., Onkuns, Blocks, and Deck Lights, Ceupirr binnacle Lampe & SIsi1 Lantioniv, Double Ioieti Linaeed Ol, saints, Terpen- LAe, 'fer, Rosis & FUel, Ploughs moat epproved patterns, Spades and Shovels-wroughit iran and teel binees, A feav aupenio Hog Skies for Saddles, ,IpRUVEorS1KÊS'S HYDROMETERS, (latIe by Dring & Fige London,) with ta- bies, &c. conspletean md guagng roda, On case superior Fowling Ptiee, double & single barrels, pocket and borne Pistls, paient wadding, Sluot Bell. & Pouche--Powdcr & drinkîng Flasks, &c. &., The above articles are a part oi' lut tall irintation, ansd arc now offereel an tise eot favorable terme. MORLEY & JENKINS. Kingston, Mercis 15, 1842. . 48 TO CAPITALISTS. T HE Subscriberb m ofetthe mut valua blo MILL SITES in dbefIourialing Tovn of BELLE VILE, Victoria District, Province cf Cana-da, ce ebici, he le desirous te ereci a firt rate FLOURING MILL-for tb. vasai of vbuch, mnay thousanti busiels cf Wb.at are sent avay yeariy, fron thtat tove-Le voulti etier borow One on Tvo Tionsanti Ponetis on adsatageotiisteries te tde Ietier, viti undeu- e-bic secenil>, for the rapaynent vithi the space of eten jeans, onrsener as be migt ied it consenient te hineif, or ho veuli let the MiIl Site, for a nominal sens, on tendition of building e- Mill as migt Le agreoul upon.-For furtimr partieulars appi>- if by lette, posl pait,) te Teoxas oesiÀo Esq, the Propietor, Belle ville, vho li a cerai Tovwn Lots, leuse, & anitibie situations tan hydnaulie seulmai1 pur- peee. IPANTED IMMEDIA2'ELY. Two geeti jurnecymen Axe makers, acquaini- oad vili odhen Blaksnitbs vorh, te wvin iber- ai enceîragemeeret vitI h. ers T.C. TRIIU>HAMMER ÇORES. Ise atone building eentoining dhe Trip hae- mer WVorhs, Lads., &c, il bo LEASED fer on. or moe. years, te a respectable tenant. The. Rochester Lepubloas ii p s c e i.abst sac. a yen foIr es mu4 ha, mmi aasdîhn e " cs ie. FORM SALE 1W THE SUBSCRIBER. dm fbltcbrowe Eartiee Milh Pan. Aise, 1100 z5J largo aseotmnteo f Jars, Cracks, anti Jugr. Expccted b>- tise irst Sprng Vos- sels, a aplendît asbnetet fCrockey l« - ber>-,eGlass- Apnl 2Mti 1842. Wu. WILSON.1 F ORSLE BYW.MPSONXtet R for T & BENTLEY. lUST opsned, a feu cases of Chrity's haut iP wbite andi b"aciBoies, at(odGoasar lIs AIse 2 c»«o f Meus' ani Boys- Chiti Caps, &"-6 cases et Faaey, ast Duantale Siraw Bonnette. A spendid vaiety of Gents. Stock% Surfs anti Opera ties at greatly reduced i Aptil 2md 1842. w .; 0q SALT.-.J00 bhla.Onondaga SUt for sale, Is, low kr,.aslsy H. CÀLJ>ER. ing, Fainsin the SitieerBreast, SpittingotBlOd, Catarrhu, Palpitation of the Ileart, Oppressioni anti Sorenesi cf the Cheat, Whoopiog Ceugh, Pieunisy, Hectic Fever, Night Sweatm, Difficuit or Profus Expec toration, andi al ether Affections of the Chent, Ln'ngs, anti Liver. Trhis Medicine is for sale by the sole Pro ne- ton, at 375 Boweny, between Fourth &ntM Mi ets.,New York, Gcc. Ta y 1r, M. D.; andi b1y Coînstcck & Co., Wbolesale Druggists 7 . Maiden Laue New York, anti by every Druggist ie Canada. -I~ OR sale by the-Subscrubers, L15 chests Twankay Tes, 10Oboxes de 15 Young Ilyson do 25 catty boxes de IL H. &T. RAE. A N nglsh eaipacktng BOX, bcuuti with wt, eging te Major Gesserai Clithe. row, supposeti te have been shippeti at Montreal on boardi of onecf te subscruber's berges, con. taining 2 pair cf sheets, 2 or 3 piiiow Case, a rosewood mulid writie Desk with leather coter, anti written on t "r. Genenal Clitherow." IAn oblong mahogany tninket case, Brsusah loch andi brase bondt cornera--an Ebony work box in. lad wiîh niethen cf peint--a mabogany niedicine chest, a roseweod writing Desk covereti with green Laize, anti a yellow painteti n glove case. The package je supposeti te have been landeti at soin. plice on the lin. cf the. Ottawa anti Rideau Canai. Any person giving such information ai wiIl leati te the. recovery of it will be, suitably rewarded. MACPHERSON & CRÂNE. Ottawa & Rideau Office, Kingston, Nov. e0 1841. NOTICE. QUEEN'S OLG T i hereby publiciy intimated that tise fin Sesion ef QuSan's CollegeKin ston.wiil be opeued on 4h. first Monay of March next, andi that thon the Proïessons who, have beeii aprinted wilt begin te teacis cl&*- th o wlng Branches of Stuaty: ]LÂWJUf/.JD OGEzEK, AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. LOGIC, AN» MOSAL i'UIO5OUy. Tcoelogg, Churck Rùtory, aMd O,*mt. It is particelarly requesstd tisat those o6o, for some tim. pent, eîay have bren .xpecting acerdhn& te Provoi uneenis, an car> lier opesag ofthe firai Session, and which has beosspeeoented by cîrcumotances av"w wisich neidien tise Truste. nos the Profes- sers have isad, any control, will booe ne le ti. afrer di. appoa of "ti sadvmdssinoin l intinating their inteinEon 4oeerol ienîselve as Studenti. Communicationis fssm &et dents or uheir friends, as ta earokme.4 may b. madie euSrpersosUly as.or i %tng. vices te tihe day of commener.e1,t A - auder Pringle, Eq.Secnetuary t h. Tnt, tees of Qucee'slage, Lgaeq -Who Winl ais. e lLiao ste die Probable Jura. lison td. esoett -fCoiege. THOMAS LIDDELL, D. D. Kingaton, Mi Januoa7y, lm. 43 J UST received ied for saJe by thebscrmen., 10hds. brigt Mameovado ganu, 15 bb.à de 20 beuses 0"ap 20 doe Ldde I il T.RAS Kiý,ngeton, 20ih Nos. 1841. Ci--RCULATING LIBRARY. M ESSRS. H. & W. ROWSELJ. respect. ful nomthe.Gentry anti Inhabitiets of Kingston generally, that they are about mov. ieg into their uîew lremistes on King Street, lately occupieti by Messrs. Greenehieltis & Mil. ler, next dean te Mr. J. W. Brent, Chemist andi Druggist, and le censeqeence, wili be obliget t close the. circulation cf thein Library fer a few tiays. As they are about making large additions te their prebent Catalogue, Messrs. Il. & W. I. request that aU Books now le circulation will ho retunneti as eariy as possible, that the. Library may b. re.openied with ai little delay ai possible. Mesers. H. & W. R. take this opportunity te neturn thein sincere thanks te their various Subscnibers anti the public generally, for the. ptoaetiyhave neceivet i unethe. opening of i ibrary, anti hope that the large additions about to b. matie te it s.iii secure a eontinuanco cf past favors. Ail new worki of aclinowletged mment, addteti te thrn Library, s;seon as possible. Broek Street, Kingston, Marcb 3(), 1842 REMOVAL. M ESSRS. 1IL& W. ROWBISLL I>eg te ie- tinate te tbeir rrientis andtih s ublie tisa tbey Lave removed their eabhsb.ment te the spaticus and cenvenient premiies for- merly occupied byr Greenshields &.Miller, on King8 Street. King Street, April 19, 1842. J UST PUBLISIHED anti for Sale by the. Sub- scribers a Table of tihe RATES 0F DU-. TIES payable on Goonds, Wares anti Merchan. dise importeti inte' Canada freint the Unitedi States of Anscnica, &c. Pre 1s. 3dL. _ RAMSAY, ARMOUR & Co. -Kingston, IMay_23,1842. lTST Pblshed. and for Sale at Mr. »JyRoraeni, Ms. Henuphulla and ie Htr- ald. Office, A SERMON Atidreeseul te the Conrgtien ef tIse Wedçyan Methodist C nrh, Deember 22d 1 1,Ling the Day appointed in diii Cii7 for tise oelebratien of thse even: ef th. Birts ef tise Price of Waks : nErT t E*£y, HENURT WaIUUBN. Pulsishedà request or thse Congrega. ien. Prie Kingston, 14di .Jany., 1842. r 10 dozen enlowRuot ns, 60 do Caîf-shins, JO histi. C ee. à entes Crce. Noveusher, 1841. P. IL& T.RAB. King&rSume 1*diApeil, 184L UPRIOR 01e1OU SoOlive à Pls Safor el, b the aitnsmd arrel, EUS THIODO. pSOsMret Kiagmton, lmrasL 1842 5O FOR SALE, I <II<~ rET square Pino TIEBER, pJ.'Fofal iegtiîsim .The. j'W 'fin elocated l i i&met paie cfthe Toue, fer tisepurpm e f asing Cantae t iepr chmrn. IL M. ROOF. Solti by COIMSTOCK & Ce. 71, MaidenLaibe, New York, ani by cveny Druggiat ini Kiîîgion, andtin eCanada. F OR. sale b7 the Subscnibers, 20 du do 18. 20 boxesCavendishi, 8 haf boues Nadrod 32.. 55 jars Snnff 7,000 principe CigarF, 15 boxes London sperm candles, 10 de Montreal Moulti, 20 do Fig Bine, 20 do Carolina Rie., 21) bags green Coffc., 15 boxai; grouetido 15 do do Pepper, 10 bag8 grovndt do 10 do do AUsopice, 10 jars Mustard, 75 Matis Caisia, 60 reamas wrapping paper, 4 kegs NuttnsegP, 6 le h ard sheli Alnonti, 10 boxes Starch, 3 lineaCloves, 15 boxes Pipes, ke sCerrants, 10S'iratus, Oct. 1841. R. I. & T. RAE. AT T. & .J. RIGNEýY'S. FINE Cut & plain Giass Tunibiere, Creet Stns.lPen & Pocket Knivesf, Tea & Ta. ble spoons, Scissors, Neetiles & Pins, Razors & Spectacles.-Au.ao, their usual variety of Coinbe, Brunhes, Paper hangings, Travelling baskets, Leioking Glaises, , &c.,u, Kingston, Mardi, 7, 18a2 FOR SALE BY W. SIMPSON, F INE old Chetider CHEESE, anti patent Sperms -JSioggeet-rKingmtn. NOTICE. CAEts"LINE Ivan. Capi-, I~7LL plyon the Byo Quinte & River St- W lÀbnmmp theMlowng esson, for the p.rpoeea( towing Rafts andiVessele. For fur. ther particulars Apl oGEORGE IVES. 1Klngelon, Foi. 8d 1842. PORT HOPE WHISKEÉY. TVHZ Sbie hs cevdTw U keep ceeetamly en liant di mthe.season, a large supilly for s"le01 t kn4 owe article JOM8EIL EhAL. 6=8% iwl sdaptsd fq a Garke = 1 or a U05'5a reoidemin a*s.imdiate tics. "y t7 " Imdat laoy ponelsaed brthse Honoa- ble Mr. Kilbaiy, James Ifpkirk, Lq., anti the Ila Vice ClmSeneor. Tirb.above namet pro- poot'i 5i e u tiat efihe UHo. bn. iii- ,Yb r ed cW f iMy foot. Tihe tenms of Paaet are iberalextendoti over aaspat. ci fourP par m eaiejot Aumgst0=4ufer fether paitiukarsafppy la Ut.Agents. COLLINS & HAINES Kingaien. April let 1842 BLANKS FOR SAI D EEDS anti MEMOItIII iS,l., làPRrqueuts,ani suher Il 1L A N 9K b rtieS>- for sale at te er-oU Office. CALE1)ONIA VATER. T IIF Sila,-ncr- lr is asil, Ir7MIttCff sîhiclî't he Pl'ic ruai iie ttrntitedÏ above, n a reilad retrr. td ysîlebte ieu have tuentrvery, setitt e-o numheious 5iiitars at thlie Spr-ttw t lusse emtifiet in the octut rattefuIjal t sonse o!fleneflit eti ri tui a eI t1 The arali-sisty lDr. Cit ia, lttt, -Ie. donltiat.value ia-in tlt-ti.e uer>- frequerîl caus-ît; ,î-tne, -. lte use of a r-ctuîelstlt,-tr-.r- ctuiliiua sprt tiitt-et hI suijl I e, Iloxeslatd uythe r-o-ilii. i t LQS. 9d. ;Mitiuiulit t oi r-t e tlitor otun u BolWh, utii h tot douten. Kingston, No. lît, >r41. FOR SA LE iIY nI E S ii Ai tiseir Whcdesule tn-ort.rrt8 ~ Cloîtie, ll tue, t M-at ,,t duarnonti ieaierm, Nerief, fbzrr--l prînteti Saxonreis, plat geeît l, u crnnson Moree néand aullasarl1tt, Kerseys anti Serges. s*bute, r-c l tti ecd Salisbury-FîniIeerl.h--r dotes, gre>- ant ivnbite Cuîuîutu,lits- Pf printeti Selitias, hâif rd tti il!i.S nettes, wvite, black, pîuîbk b> "0 Mualins, Bsiop a Lisn trl io11 îti lins, cohtareol Lenoee, Verfti l totton Nelvets sii V!eletL5, i anti iguret (rollde NaPile, rcl' vets, sjhh SergeLue cias asi ses, figureti Poplins, BrI18esis1De herciiefs, coloret Barceiuna", il ne- tiannri, blonde anti panne iiaâtkP Vol,1 rp Iaienrbiefr-, ptru pnrinlet Nette,1plainkanti laacy I.îl Bath Lices, Quillingis. ised ' Frnck Bodues, muslîn (utitu an týite, (trimmeti vili lace,) musliti tuUtutlI adeth il kl, back anti s-bure irro 9"t tillas, a lange assortnt lul f heS!" iambe, vool Shirt. anti rD ra-St Tjt ions, " &£-e -«1 . R. H.& T. Wholcsa ClcInupOil PUOBLIS lID gny 1 >~J My Joux WA off At hW nifce, e n Bout 9re1 40,it 't' F03881 FVris F038RS1! ItIE Subi.«ber smpsctfUDYfl nfomatlse Lde&M Getileaet fKingstonehtIs n they lb, estt e «,Wv sWat «Biain andi Deug- ou %les, MW eci Uthe largeu omt hst assrtments cf Sb IjdaM obu M Yrc fRaIt, qsr olieed for a ",%ths iamark@4 cq mùa-in taPart ai fol- th ChiChilia, Gentlasee& 'methe Lustra Lynx, F-ee Senth sSeas eal Subeiani S.cet g', Sable, Sveetiîsli Sable, Uiechiii, Fitch, Sqirrel bath, Bitish Sable, NUIiOia Br, & 11k. G(inteti Asîsecan, imitation Sable, Ruasua Lanmb, lIre & Whilu iAngola, Mock Fitch Frenh Martin, Imitation Seal, a AND CLOTH CAM p ALSO, TRIMMINGS & EDGINGS, B l, I, & bisse Gruneti, liais Ses]. Arîl, - 8Muskrate ALé Imitation Sable, Sont SeaSeaL. Martin, Sabie, Squîmni bath, Moch Fitli, F.ith, Minh, Ladies' Fur Mtis, Nutria, Imitation do. Gloses & Gauntietts, Gents..Fur Colle-ns, c. ALso r-A lare asortnseiit cf Squirri Locha Secks, Biber"an Suini, White Ceaey, Bach German GruneL, Autrice-f, Lustria, Netria, renci Martin, anti South Soi Sea Skins.-AII articles in tise Fer linimatie te ordernd etio- pairng donc aithie siiortt ntice. AIs8, a fev Maltogany Frenchs Bedtsasi, witi liaisMarasses, Mahegiy cealceTables anti RockingCharemoncane, aw ti ag botent Ch is. i poolvaiety Lech^ii&g laie.. etaâi tDcipeets, anti a fov thoumn efthic bot principe Cigare-sIof vhicis vif b. sole lov for Cash. . uv n 471 1 . 1 KINGSTON HERALD-TIJi$Aye JUNE 14, 1842- [>NEHUNERD OLLRS RWAJ>hB cheap GrocCr7 Stoem. LI1V E R C 0 M P LAI1 N T S. CIR,.îE~ uT beu fseifo mb t myns h.et UAs»cnbe e . eaemuet nepctfiilly AND)ALL SICKNESS ANDI DISEASESjI c z - js bN 0<Jsg'Zu DLLARS Er e "lewt- ~ oe i nendeatrtse ulchii- TEMP.ERANCE LIFE BITTERS ANJ) tend trictIy St i ue uthale coud.Oftk ier thle MaoWe 1 -' oi O&a is bfoct.le and thaef Pleisoam- CHINESE BLOOD PILLS selreî U~l gaiU bui bilest édof 1,cen«e. Fro tiiâ'l eeewron ue iuningtedi las u h$ w-i tnyaos L'e CIwG*051&CTS(dusthed MftSliacith Hathe..tru nasi 1eha 1Wsd visueltlis mid. li isea acem- ii iy el e diei isn ,bS Pg ug-ug-a at e s flt il te ?l et. ' Dry G" eomstiartin-t, antiwill for ithe future ttifeuv ears. This bus beauen iiy L ue e u. ais~evll bist uem tiyrae efelutu tiethe liahir!a iti oxtiêly disfeow agceoplies.dottS usLIm t he stiptso eisa av m lttlitiau dîe ; st t o fL ihout ti atic I '- ',iu Fer the Piles, ~Tsghtuam c01 she' st *GROCERY f4' PROVIlSION mebyt Net beau og-ithonte toe ,rtiiNetitho-uti~ Le, - tale ,t' For ail Dropsy, espeially l in ldree, Binsexs-tly bIW adRt"'bt 'Iene Ft ai liers fothnge Frinarringemsente recientlyI ffecteti, h a olclanOttite$sen ugYuut ice e Sors Llroat bycancers tor fanges su a elo, ni utlei. tedPre yen mena In" u'e1ectý- i', -.- erulcereFoatiign.anti Bitisimarkiets tohbie, The sickly tbureauof the blondiaoustbhacarried o00 Aî - ?etich llronp, I long standing, framnwheitte, direct, Le vilî receive, unadulte. --or the. accumulation cf tbenr preventeti. r- re- u !ii-b a~îr.L Wboopngcogls, Frets Woads, ralsuland 'inorrnlpackare, il articles con- vent, ltiens, tie grovti of snciumena. uhîa tte 11lt.~~,~ Scatti Headi J Chlblaisb &C. &e. necteti with teusns.Ii Brandy, Gin anti Wby do tic Chines. lire te ueci immense te tiese tacts. -r LOOK OUT. Spiritevilii tome frein the London dock;bise agea, and tialit reiain tie pontrasof ynuti er Midi- LOO )T-C0,,:s Sosie Svwelk hove Cuitrfeieil icle Wines, seiecteti for himsecf, wîll ha cf choice dle age ?-Bieanse tlsey pnify tisa blod. Thi wa Ioitfer ltarie of (~ts te endsîi*pîiiveuosdsrùs.Dootela-Viit<esaitleohigwllbofireti but oucle CiimesBLcci Pitl-socstledbecaiise thcy work spleali 1rae r nd'ý 4uI ap it p. yaiass eiss o tlel- i supernd,,tiin wsu b ofo peuo.One îîing enlywvalprotect i t s asnet faie ingiving satisfatction. oen isanti rins.ie theBlod-are .tie standard tinnrne erbu o la tiésaut nanof COMSTOCK & CO; tient eurme A large anti gezerai aisortiment wili always lie remedy. Tiese Pilîs ulîl do it; anti tic Tom-si n, mai bce tlwais othLe tioprs, or yen are chseat- kepi on bandi, anti unninittieg attention wilii h penance Bitters, taken as dinerteti, vifl trengtien RIOBEFRT %VlîATÔ. ' et.de ene l. Tk bstisîe u ictethebttIl anid tesuch ai may tavor the systesi anti preveel the accumulation of the Pil.ilpTONuî eru E~. you an tet b Lsai, o neerbey il; foi h leis irwith acoitinunce of theirsupr eu baehmr hcinsthelodadwihtgteIË;l(IlaacterLn t- eJ. yen,~~~~~~~~~~~ ae etb hto ee rco eun. lisi cf articles on bandi is gises, cf geenine oniy incees by purgesuieii btos r hestenurtikhremn----' herttheuprt ouw hs hmnbitterfs teblci at iih1 lt tg iareent~~t ,, SorIî3'COMS OCK &CO, 71 Illaition Lasse qualiiY, w!ich wiULe solti t extrsinely iow taken &(ter. Buy, tien, these pille anti ittens. used ehu3mç o! nt,,,~ t,- New York, and iy eveny Druggist in Kigssteo prîtes for cash.Taeekl epientdiltc bittera; asdti r-ge, anti tavi-undrt t - e. anti in Canada. 50 boxes Young ]Hysne Tea, ilayen are Mr bava been invalida fer days, steeks. oitiy as a peventatîi , For sale by N. Palmer. 30 ctesTyrankily do monuibi, or years, you wilii le tt ickly hunis tair, burt aiso a rfetr t -, * PERF lYI RY.30 liio. Muscovado Sugar, dresseoff, anti prevenheti frein a rature, anti tie WMN. J'HtTCHilE 11IE Substruber fha receiveti a suppiy et 20 banreis do 0pt e ioSmiggsae cf ckeass canenptl e Mnuoitbtttr~ TL Chictengliah Perfunseny, among viich 10 bssl. iCrualieSu ar yoOHN . iC.Lî bu-o'o 10 hi-d eJOHe'iP.tiN niBr are tihe followîng. 10 " I 2lineilSdoit fi.e.are camse Donmainesa of " tien biiant JOH 1. -c.ýN S E SBrEr, ES.30 kegs Plug Tobacco, 16's, afeei, that lisaitanti apace forbiti an attmpi te JOHN s. F1,1iît-y, 'kl Swe re,20 "Il do 18's, pet theindoiven. Bul anti use these medicines. HUGE Mc il "t Sprng Flowers, 1it) do 24% ,anti useoctaeanti beaih and treegt h a e JHNY R .I. - ', 1 Sweet Pea, 2f oe aeds 8s&2wyua . rapper anti directions that corne The aged ti mt ît hh, rsr Hedynsisia on Persihe Essence, 5 Midi. Molases, eila tiemu. igs, may fot lva» ripe Pr-net usei Eglatine, 5 de Bordeaux Vinegar, 1 te 21, FRAUDULENT COUNTERFEITS quilutîo, yet il ili celtattîtce HOVni, 0 ag site PpprWitt ieb ttemnptad. BOY 1BO remedy of thea kindthe Ikeietumatise cf te Utatc e isa Ilotenia, 10 ugo b iox es Pi e pp ru e ss have aMy Dnai O . C. LIN, M . 10.- no liai tires fie aloi-r- i,,'r '- t GCanMinni 5 ". Filberts, lie veopper, andi aise thse notice as folovs: ycâns cfage n ie0h't,:tý Marechalle, 20 boxes Grossiri Coffée, et Entereti accerdieg te Act cf Centres, A. D. gtil0iîstt i Laventien, 20 "Il Onnd Ginger, 1841t by lTscs. CoNs nte aClerkts Office cf Canlistssîîrac;;1 n p Lily cf tLe Valley, 20 "o Popper~, lie District Court cf Le Unitedi States fer tic Cti , oplâi j1 Llist Honey Sucke., 10 " Auispice, Soutisev District cf New York.» 1. ROBEET llAtl(1Iî\> J"4t Royal (Condensesi) 20 jars Maccaboy Snif, Warranted ihm oely genuine. City eofPlicl1îtlia 10 1 aîooit Royai Exinact of Roses, 10 bags Roasteti Cesse., Mesue. Cetisioca & C., New Yer-k, are tie we;l sclunttuîîoliil e Flowers, 20 Il Laguira de, soe. volesate agonis for the. Unitedi States and ailS.eraut i >tut l. Circassien Creasi, 10 baga St. Domingo de, ncigbboing countries. signeil teote aboi esetbt1t.z se Qnren's Bouquet, 30 irege Raisins, DOCTOR 0. C. LIN. tlemen o 1f rttar res r h h BuutdAai,100 boxes Montrent Candi. ,SON by N. Palmaer. toi credit sislt r1pet dtu, BouqePtuArabl, 50 do Wax vick LondonCuialles, NW NISLEDD ewit ess etst, ta - iî Eau delortgeVrtbe 0 oLvrolSop E N VEDD.. aaireof I hae eteit Esrie LaoVene-h Mile, 10 d Lveroo SopCABINET FURNITUIRE, aliesle tutte i- [ lr, Esri d Lvete u iUtlur, 15 uistis"OttartiDupuys" Cogner, Brandy, a Chape.Ui leaps't sasgodiliillAT, Ambroisie, 15 do Bordeaux do J àa eGisaumla od a(à'D Verbena Parfumte anti Exti 10 barrots aiHuIberts"' Lontdon brave Stout, as lte bl. LOOK<OU. 1 1 1a- Pernian Sweei Balge, 10 do Lith &le, Genuine, rl E Subscriher baga leave toieforin lie putb- fcited sthte-tlint, and ceutjwt Vebea efue nt xtac,10 Lads suponbor Table Cod fine -ILtic geneeely, tuastho bas remevet is iFur- DO l'at lie 1imîs(sei t1iJ . ir~ t1etfl Esprit dé Rose, 15 harrele Salmon, t1is ssamo ase nitere WorebRoom te bis reur building, receelly Yian-it ii te iaire o ll~< Venitehie Poteado Divine, - 5 Canteels Zante Cunrants, erectet inl Montreal Street, ilird dean ram llue thueSi saie muai li-e u-~ ,trwt Pontainilv n d 5cass Wîcslaitsutircerner of Store Street, anti eear te Mr. Tltihado's are clitetet.Do si, t fo,t t. t u Tkr Colt, Slve, ati Bonz Iili,50 jars "Durhaim" Musiard, Groteny Stere--there vili alvays sts.fiouedt!sage- lo mt> iltites ytlu r Amben Preston Sntseing Salis. 20 boxes Fig Bine, nrtatrieic ED AEFRI li mruuîeltatue t &c. 6e. 6e. 6e. 5 do VermmaillilTUBE, of thbest quaîity anti laîcal paîtersiasd ti ot:!C.-piCk&~.tt tt i Drug . BRNTt de acarniprices te sit intendiieg purciasens. Peronsdtrsi- NwVuu siîyceytrge~ 1)ruggist 4. Apetheciory. 10 cashs Blaching, roui of puciaaing are respectfully invitedtat maire ant inleCanulla. I91li Kingelce, 14th 2 Las SupeKrsOUd;et Wiee, a cati. As tb. Subsciber le consntiy manufc- ber- sale ly N. pir, Ktd, ,- fiERTAIN CURE FOR SICK HEADACHE 5 qr. cashs eery Sup.rWorSierry, turting formsaeetndtt ortier, tiey tans apseduly lie 1 C. vicibasibeeu useti in famile, av.ry noe- 2 bide Rs ltsnuMadetra, splelwt n ril hyMy t Qtl> ber cf vbîcb bas bâti sick beadache tromu inamscy, 100 qr. canssl Marseilies" Wine, Port & Ma- Tp.itiwîb0eyarice The aa -rsjîE. T han t, Pttisle t as a consttutienal famiy complaisni, anti baucm- deiro, ingwton, Jan. 1841. -arlurseit- -î 'j reti effectually in every instance yet hoennr- 20 Ponctinens-"Bston" Spirite, Wasvan-A Varisier anti Polisher. S tJll\1.utttfirr amenlngtemay uer la. int a o mplea- eot ainRiT. O. B. of TIoronitoî, oartil u ii i, _________________n____________________________5__do erInrtelatiRuattiono, drt r sent le tie taste, anddoese t preveattheb. maly 20 puncheons E. 1. Ruin, s,,,,,, ecroandieotiefile. jb N t avecaîioes cfocee esing i Ilostaib.-enuevereti 20 boxes IlLesciers" Londion Silaect, YTROS- etea eegs ' irs i, andthSi cure la graduai, but cetain antipra.s 50 cases Sciedam Gin. M o.o i oiscetat cli îii -. 1 nent. Instances arc conetaelly mutipiygheie 10 baga Conks, li ef istihe s int a veitom fateli- T S'IE IVDbt tbis disrcusiegcomplaint is cosmptely relioveti 2 cases Loinon Peel, en onfnctiiy, iallie nc eis eîr181pte u- BiU L REEV rit ti-ir i anti coreai, allbougb cf years standing, b>- tie ns.2u Citron, ecentiy, hersa hent neanly double, ant ferrserrenai No. 4, Hrtrdt,'s I)tiliîl2nîts of Dr. Spoin's celebrateti rensedy. Onea secitieti 2 " Stouglton's Biltersyesna ceefineti te bis lbcd, ba been cesîcreti te now for sail-. preference is ils picasaetmos, having cm othle 2" Pepper Sauce, naessteg Rac ofcomon imue.2 BemdArwRot good besli-has egainetibils natural enet 1pe11- Netw YMoik 5,: iit[,l- Iasetie pefecti> o ficertisA tsepronitor 2 etcup, ro Rot ien-andi bas q'iitletibis carniage, anti 00w wmuni _Crar-. Iiv endrect ifoiris ante prefetic 2 Keachup, viii aso Il W e bellovets s tic gentleman's 1 't'ckerity liii- irri-!. bas gvndrcinfrbsaet erfn h er ae ove description as near as possible, andi tene luSu1aerior ,u- L - r,ît , -ctt. pico loey nectubo a nitpleaseti vti, anti ave 20 crates Crockery aisorteti, meerrsggenatiee let. We will giseinqtîirensSis do. do. )Viw i,;,'- curtib> il. He bepe aisec theltelhs miaje seçuna 20 packages Glasemare, atitres,, anti tiubi not bils iumane feelings iii ing by ili arro . ils grsai bondlit. he lhe distrassei afrsuioavisbo With a varity of other articles conissectei excuse tieclibety ; seotiat any cee doutai og, easy Saule-r ntiI. 1>7 lite trr. are iobnring entier Headache. vitit a Gru bsiness. knot these facs-togihe requeal bis came Eik iirtfiîi~o - l E. Snobie, M. D. Invanier and Propoleter. ThUret ORnin WW a n nt appe3rihi pini. Amongothensieilarin rsI-redî('r-îllli, Ii -- COMSIOCK & CO, 71 Maidessi Laua N. York, Th eang part cf tieqSbtnriher Stock Ptances, Myi. Jas. G. Reyntolula 144 Christie sIrent, 1eatus, &c. &c. anti b>- ver>- Druggist ini Kington 4suati ie.Coad. vil b. sels] ah Cosi 1'icee. Snitcb a ier*elias been rTeatûnt;d, anti m!IlgiXe percrot lassura. - Kingstn, I DR. TAVLOR'E har~ains in eitiser branch voulut cznult thit cea cf Lie facia cf bis case. Boi more nieumna- ~tII ua DPLBA TAYLOYKR O veinterest by dxamninng andi eoeparing the tiaon, anti cenîraciti corda anti sinecs. Ilis,. as b ~ 1p t-'tt-ttttt- BLA PLV W R extensive Stock of Gonds eew siored in is i.pre- iiu becit donasA ijlirterît 'f- < Fo OR 5ttttIPTtOtq ANDS LaVER COUPLAIT. ises, before purciaaieg. Couzb. Col('. th e -... ltutof Bramai- as -- QV Anor .-Ily ffeosi'Mrvand Bte Liiment. î- c ce nu 7iri . 1 1 g1"<'oAf INDERIS!! 1 u tgetLTSÀ5ziEwsrAnER, ORt uAr.t UFtlLg BOSiON NOTIC jaco ra lu ea traite, beauiy cf péaliq ~T 0 -conveiicce of fort,% ,8ehmaS f ont usant i iumber cf si 1~v~f r shr aetuat Cf ani- J anzy nemipiper estabuislth publissen cf te IB gr sske 6 ocf bomlnea e prtt 1s e f Itu a st ba %itoT inahîing tiliu wksnýflfor the publictwal.- lsd bs.ssai n aseunîng tire Public tu Peotm e ~JBEAUY AND VALUF,. tu la e~ cstien ge theudo an. I t i ilI tîntaîî prittie.! -.I auri c nair 161> squar nr- tc D itt5 At Nta ssll!RF ti - ~<vriire inos sevei tutuIris It viii Sasernitalteti i% it ~ SPENDI EN RA VING S' prsuboneu. w~i. l l c a.,Vr seirtai hoM Warticle seil bc ai1 -i in',,ta n tatbas presiiatusli,- ~yAmrcar pe )icatiar-as t il Ifit ientirelfjI ttvandi ViUiN SATOt i ,,,, twunll viibng us a lange quaRtý i.t- sent for by us, expre.saaly fi-n th, efthts fr-rbonruleg stupeiitottisiart. Aseef strt atter, it avilutlit-li n-sUIl aICfLL aLLtO ac'eý-' gil BVLuegàlqANI) JAIMES!! antiaIse a NEW Ž,NoVFlII , ly Thiee nosolis, Wseîu itr ,ieller, mut probobly ce i-11 r trîreii giutli l A large rtuiber a t r- t«n.-Uwet, Stonjes, liît,.raijtlir:ut SI, mealirs ,cf tlsi.utiaedicutate.lt irei sud fiai eîseIiglt fur a ye teIle,& l61 up iris nr--tatu t.ç Ti0)tiglu 11 i ll (tItlSutS e liaive liie r uyatpper-td restera oi[ Le pru-pott, t , tu b, lIâlIled, ste cale assure lterià iii pc reiv-, tuvamisearce tria culy iieli'w acs lih L;ii t e tttprol>otet 1,buint h.ai siN ttP1 0 es I tihr stnîr-ut ur-se ant tti ies.i tu ,i t- t. L.s pronura:!-. a favrablrv,iî a l t-r-atr t1-i-rain'uu t orho t'lit îî t r;; me tiares ic eutintr'g thteiti- Lot att tuaEti1 gresu tn proti.gy I hurt a r- ltr'. Vie tarreen.eds itatitiiR r- f ouiritrfcr iiOtitt distirgutsao t i rt zâst r astbuti ta y rakurînt ucie -Lîhîrît rî, at b eur-ci".m'dut roakug £iapil urvtil, t iuaJ sa îî ea wthîiuaui it,à (;RRAT lf'ODE11 tt rctarge e *PUY 23 C9E bTS IPEI C0901 u.ti-iesut I', retuitrv, deatituts tif tf tiI ita ast(iiltirig' pubitttrn, e us I i-ir ordel'u aItfic"ertOCCtI irait te Cralt, as olv a lititiiied ti.î itor nors-rto tories s wtu hbc pr-lttri. hil eh ho pplieul le tior-dec r ii-lt t ertted, after ali,it-igrcasonabie tLe htAgeluta. 'le ikole-ale ftrirertut A III-ihe uli he-2perndmulcl. FAf h810,u twenly.ire ca)ptes 85. h Cit7s.-I'ersons ctibbung Fiainai -Ptc etosfor 82. sehiZTEtN copieS ft Ira.-ICi reptes for $1; soi TwFutT -t tIE r IAý r- liurselue,i L toroar-il us.a r-enia il !rtIV ai éttS xtra cîîfy for thertrielvi-tl ni- wraptpei-, for es-en-y 2 fur rîtI. r 1tt t ttua cenclope te us. (IEO. ILOBFRT, l'Utiisiuer li.r-n N'i lttýiai Offce, Boston, J une 1, 1P-t2. Is P)aga on thuss ritet IliLe orui, iier (K)ilJeles, andjrd l, ite osver ; le ba t wtt! luc pnînteti as a newâpapor, tOn (Quaruple) Notion. IL ora P- hatis Lriaos lirra. st,...iJith te impression thaIt il '4( 10t te frientie of Terperance ti 1u wel i thLe public Lut large, ta, I-o- PetitY Of theiPi. leiAbelineisce Sccts lit !oQnir-; anti untier thie Ititend irio mail wteasaure t WLheapath ,tiat apperrntly eitl, léeillrsof he iety je tuis ietrop .bra8urthem up te a mre liveiy sera 'Indirauu80gt9"4acaise ; I bas-ele. 01f1 gt Ia on a bruefetatirient cf a n L'(Ile eçit-viiII place 9 Lk. t te air IL stCiapel in W dtt beb.le is.recciletion ou tt te day vas utiere-.lin1 lKtmisiug aspects, On auc"unt L 5iotcl j torrpato tiuring tie pret tias ~ in the mornig ; vhicb le MPira Pfn ensions almt tprecluda bi! fgetîmng an audience under suri ei tapocs .Bard. sir. 1 rejoets e. wSSuae mrd7 al cf our Toe 'as oda cause, h a litia colt 1 wý genldeeetiiq froinLb.he mri 44cttkP.ii.ter as o dspa gîce w , iacenferreti an heu bNlet4y liat rw A lon e . enloebenl a" t tatsect *on 0 ite , coun ry, S4ttail tcaiedthe eirta et aI kli iM ord toaeflm itis plesmui çs~~fs a ii.A s-eky respet rib a ihtilgerle 411va orviLi ss~ lp__ ap.ornà fttir M. ROSL 1 P" amwa - 00UZ4 ,«= i

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