KINGSTON HEitALi-TUES UAVE Voi A lC1Uu % lI?_ 1). I.~OF f~NE HUNDRELI DOLLARS REWARD Wa IL i?-Taruaisa bec iela pea~'uîd ctirSELL!I.5ST.Ej 4-Co. 0 -~been cffered tormbnbs, tu any une avbo ssiIt lie a yor caillÉfattentionDr.tacîbe, ws AIES, spsrteserhip, itaý,se aieabotule or H1fr 'Lîrànecdfocrte PiIca t - 8,rtreWan etaditemI'iri a s.itscl AV 1ING Pmss ou1ae h out being -cudî.5Of t!r"esads salit, innoons in-. ntOfris ut cf cl escitin anaice tbs il failed f a cure. Proof ryr %%el- caniiaing au p oir.noutedregi, ar.d ee,'d in un ex eîe-rg lY DSlie cte le Ldemeî#ea'13 cs se. tâaieacr 'tesive praclicm ,fi s eera jear«, w il urss! pai- , GcreH . hOuuez4-Co, tan-<cutreiny an lIrer 'b lieely mincr. eijef, Mdu me an;o'iï.i hat aisfUIrl OA' .r'oe H . Ilag.e o., I Fo ettc all ne., 'l igbc!-,ltaso . cî Cs'Ille a pi'ar,1ý Gy C.a iepta, ihilcs sinvyite the public attention ta Fer ail Dropsi, 1 especi.lin childre, aSWeele mto e à't , b,tsredi ts o yTener FethOUI iri*ruo!ihe lev cli, be ai, l" cvsy nitrie gs-,V scrne as thev intend ta offer theGools-edrFrt 1olUcrsc t es lisve. Oje u ca ?-Be persýudsieult'i pirrtliaa '.05'or haird st auch p ieas i 6ii prove de- or e rlh acr rehe agasrs a~~~~~~~~~~~ Intec Ii us#rnlSmpt a rcorle ts, f bycý oa cicr o',tinate or a itae n y b- aLX0a tSýu t 5 cidedly nds'antaguoua î.a these isi- are 1iurGoup, 1 long stading, il ve>iu s ?-IBiriholeme 's e i' haing articles in tise above firneasI.F& e'o;rîeiib iFerV'ads .t ISycmj. .J thse ont)*cr y,~ og î5 lake ta Ce., are dsirus of disposiog ufthso sakoleof Scald Heaid 1 Chilblaiib &C. &C. P.' t -tise prescrnt Stock, ca en at a Sacrifice, the - LOOK (OUT. F;or Iis pi ils reassîî --r . a it use oftIhe aili continiue SEI.Lil,%iG On unti i ile M. Sinte Sindleca havue cuunicrfeiLeelhis article hs10eiaaue ebeii .'tid a lti-May,,lieushe Iprer'sei avili hociocý,ed for a and Put il rip sill various deviîse. Da net be im- .1 lareliee. -hort tie ta torrescte sanie atteratiriiis ia% pcsid lion. One tbing enty aili potect yeu-lt For sale at Cie ilca' aS. of C-irtitotk & C., or, andic i-ncor 71 MNlaen Lace New î',and bly esety Dcii'- in flic Varellnuss adSifaluo- thse care cf CONISTOCK & CO ; liat susse git n, ,,l n -aa der Io isake roomiir l'oneofilie niostnt Ie wcraps the %eu are chezt- gaitalusKe " Ntlan itn t.îd. ýe lrp n euitul sotdSokel. nt for--el i. Tk-e (is 'direction wîtb Fer agis byngNthe lirr. s' e, lcp i e aur'ml raotdSok.yuand ltest by fiâ, or neyer buy it; fotitilis DEME SU'l0.ribec a ivd ngi reiaor sriniporte intus Canada, the acti val of!I impo&arUe for ans nlier la hi truc or genuia. ..cost,.-tly i'tIle e-ipt f BrUgi, Cheu istirav. ilii Le duly notie-ain ic uepapera. Sol l'y COMSTO.K & CO, 7 il Mides Lae] cal, Peitecry, &c. &c., the wich, couing N5. 13. Mercciants vrrting the Loxs,.-r part Nue York, andl 1Z cvery Druggist n singaten, froin the meer respectabisi E'nglushu Il .uses, iray of ise hpro ince, tiis Seasoim, will fini) an our adi aaa h., -'ecled illic as gci'u.îuî'. Tise ceripoui- Who!ele aie raehouse. St. Paul Street, Moln- Fur sac l'y N. Palmer. d'e î-tment avilbe c ductrd oider tire m- cocal, snder tIse cm cf S. Forster & Ccap E RF1 1ER miase superiitendcce cf tise Subsciher, ne viielîj-c!üted, and Clseap Stock-, aothy T iE Subicriber tas receiseui a suppi avh.iee îîject , by tilia use of, ly c ei npeto.Cîroice EnglicliaIerfsicsry, aiiii.ig whicli a caceful minipuietioir, na induce confidensce as of____________î_________________ are tire folluring. regards thins îîobiminportant bract eftftise busi- FOR SALE, IESSENCES. ne". TILASTER eofPais. ancd Water Lm. Sweet Brier, 1. \V. IIRPNT Dr-rggit 4 .4pet ecary. .sccKingatonr. T IIE follon ing articles pmepred b y the sub sç eriber arc recomcnecdcd te tihe notice cf Familier,. 'am ratcd To(h l'owders Per i1.11 do. Bli is mir.Tincture cfl Mrrlî, Ir% us' Mixture, Crt,ncettrated Eiîemice of Gingr.r. (le do Pepp'ermîî t, (1o dea Rat,îfimr, blinue his, gable Extract for the I [air, f0lotIourri l'owder, Cuîrtie I'oaberp, Iîarneîîa Varruah. J. W. tIRENT1 J)r sgeist Apotihecor y WIIOL ESALE COMMISSION WAIMBOUSD, No. 4,sIIARDY'S fBUILDINGS, FRONT iTREET. T lIE unrersigcned respectfliriy annermece that tliey have riiteredite ('u.partiierslîip in the WVWoesalje Comimsion, in the rizie f CARTER & BPNIEY, oii the pre- waiseo above described, wbîc, baving been coir- trarteil for the perpose, are bath lire anîd frost raot; rp.1ciaUa and mvéli ad.îjted for the safe r eping cf evecy desrr:ptin of cf Gre. 10rom the ces jeutabiltyof the rerene.,an.l the character thA) truàt bey have obtaine]lin Kingeton, the susibers h ope tlîey ivil be able te givî-i surh aiieFactinn as te secure a liberai p. rtion of the public patromage. Jîarchants i general wiîl iîîd il advatagcouo te consigo te the rare ocfic rbcrbras it is their intention ta nect as Agents atogclîIer, and nt as jrnîaa This adertisement dsrîathe particil ir atteation of F'AtmErs, Deiler8 in I'ravi.gioiiLs and Grain, as the e'tabIi9hmî'îît frind a <'ptfor their preduce on a principle decidedly favorable ta îhcir intercits. ALFRED) CARTER, TIM SIl. BEXTLEV. r-îngýtiîn, Dec. 17, 1841. aErEitENCES. jons cor F'cr, CQ , Kingston. RIRîcîsnStCsxs.r, ESQ, ol'. WMi. Witqo\,c, Esq, do. J. FAXRDA,& l4Es., Watertcwn. MR. E. BASSETy do. Mit. G. KELLOGG, 8aclýetsiHarbor, CRARLES Sicmycg, fsq, Albany, AIr.Anim Tntt.x, Esi., Rochester, J)e. ArsTaeRo,de. J. R. AttTOî & Co., Torouto, Jonux DotreÂt., ESQ, Müntreal. MIeser. LasnR't & STEVENsoN, Bath, BIiLLA FIANT, ESQ, Belleville, Vs.Roprg. Esq, Pîctor, G.lII.r, Esq, Cobourg, 1'.. Il~Erty, Esq. do. I'RESIX iAIPDMN SEEDS. A GEINEII.4L .SSOR T,IJEA Tjist receis ed Aamdi r cle iiy J. W. IRFNT, Marcb 17, 1l'ý 2. - - 11O LEA-SE. F OR tlic tcrm of 2' Ve ou ir lta'ilding FL.ote on Front Street. ilear the fi,.erlnient Offices. For terme And other vartîcuua ra, aîîi.iv-' ..t the Oftfice cf the Kingsto~n .ariaell'O r. Ki.ti,23SldI Fbrîîarv, li'2. l'O CAPITAL~ISTS. 1tlIIYF710i1 T. IBLE INI'S ZLVENT. ~'. IR Sale hii rvate ccntract atîh ;y 0cr lot , f Landl i66 fet on le Front,. 99l feet in de1th. wil. .n i.,.Gbsctiitl hLIUt.K MUSES tlercii., Roegh Cnt Cottage style. witli stabça, shieds, 2Ad plent,, of vard reois, an.d drnwirg a yearly retai cf £9di, situated mii cre cf trie cenitral StreetF. 'îl'epnie oetthe îbove pccperty s ery aînoderrte, crid termisof aymnetvilil'e ,-'iie easy. For furiher parmmýuîars enquire at curcof. ice- COiLINS& IlIXINrS, C. il. 4 .1. Ring-sten, Jan. 26. 1812. DISSOL.UTION 0F PARTNERSIIII'. N OTICE lse hreby given that the Patiner. sbill h ilbtoe existiiîg under the f8cm cf G. IL.lINES & Ca, at Kingston, sund S.F>S TfER & C'o. at Pîlutreal, r- tliîs îles disoie. S.FORSTER. TIIOS. Ai'EI7STVS 1AINES.> AI dàeltsdm to the lite Firnare reqiiesteil te he paid ens or lefece the Ist lune. 1842, at Kin-. Mlona teDaines, Foreter & Co., and nt Maitreal te &. Fordier & Co., ater wlich tinte they aili b pt in the Slcitr's banda for collection. NOT1CLè'. T IIE sînlcrigned have eiterî-d irto Co. Prnîier.liîp in the DRY GOODS business, t Kinîgston, uimdr thre firm cof Hiese, Forster &Co., and at bMoucral, un- .!tr th irinc of S. Forster & eu. SIBIEY F0RSTER. JOIIN J. hAINES. Kingmten. ,may 2. jaR F.iAN . Y PFR1VA TE CONTRA CT. A.BEAUTIFUI. r.irof and enaO~ A crie, ae adoped fera aret Ga , er a. sumou'a s cuidence, i the iîeeîate .ici' **'y e' tc lad atelY îurcaed.I.",vl ocra- b!. L. KlIalY, James Hopkiri, an lb 11.0. Vice Cbanelloe. TIhe above am4 r terty la dvided trou ibat cftbree . MW Killa- Iyby aproper itadOf fiftY feet. The terma c PajueulI are liber&I, *xtetri.d Over a tpace of, font " r« te o t Anguet nuitt, for forther partkoare pplytte Agents. pariCu ~i57 COLLINS & lil INE:S, ,KMgtoo. Apil 1,1 1842. Onondaga and LiverpOUI Sait, liv the bl Fine and superfine Fleur, and 'frcsh Oat. nical lîy the bill. Wh isky rom the esct Iistilleries in Cana- da Wes, ly the barre]. A sipply of the abolo articles %vili Le kept constantly on hand during thce eason of navigation, and ceold at theo lovvest mîarket pries- for cash, Or on alpproved crcîdit. ILUGH CALDER. Commercial Whîarf, IZigton, April 19. 1842i FURS. SKLNS. Tf TIE hihest price will be paid in Cash fir "'ldscito of Skins for E'cportatior lit WVni. %Vilson's WVorsale Store in Ilrock Street. 1ingston, Nov'. 13, 1841. ______ FOR SALE BY TE SUSCRIBER. D YE WOODS oftbs best quality, Wholesale and Retai. 3. W. BRENT, bruggist 4Apohecary. Kîag Sîreet, Der. 22, 184. 86 NDTICE TO AGRICULTUUISTS. lI IE Srtbscribers offer for Sale at their Store TLin he Sone Iliilding frnser!1- eccupied by Mr. CirAs. IJE.iTii as a Druggist Shîîp. Ploughs of supericir Patternsanad Castings. i'lough Puinte cof Amerrean Castitigs, lhch oý "f great imprtace te Oie Farmer, leing mtare duorable than any other Castings. Beit Steel Cura, and l'otatee fIocs. Spader, Sli',r ci, and Dung Forks. Cindeotes, Grubbing Hues, and llrush hfooks.j Arîerican Patent Concave Grass and Cradle Scythes. Enghirli Biggi's Sýcylhecs. Reaping hIouks, lIay Fork-s, & Raites. Trace, Ox, I.ogginir, and laltcr Chjairs, Patent Slieep Sihears, Bed Cord, Leadling Linos, Hater and Trace Role. rARIriras ttIPLESENTI, OF EVERY tIND. Iron, .i4tel, Nailsacd Spikes, toge ther wit evcry article in tire Hardware lice. -ALSO-1 Cînver, Ti&iîôthy and Garden SeuiL', (ilafee, Paints, ois, Putty, Varniâb, Ptuh, Tac, Rein, and Spirits Turpentine, Fanmers are paticularly invited te call and examine furchoselten beo,. ,auhaing aIf- wlîere, al esery article wiil be Sold t 10w pris. 13IGedS & .uSH>LR Store Street, Kingetort, April, t2d 18U2 FOR SALE. Patent London laid Tarred Rigging, ASSORTED SIZ.5 C IIAIN CABLES, ANCHORS, &c., Osakîscu, Jhhîsks, and<l I)ck Liglits, Cop1scc hinna'c Lanaus & Sluip rLantlrorng, Double lroied Lirusced-ci , Peints, Turuen- titre, Tec, Rosirs & Pincis, 'P mmo mcapproe cdpatterns, .'trpaies cad Sloaels-sromght ice cnd steel A fi-%sasper;or Iog Skins for Sadailea, I.11PROFED SIKES'S Ih1iDRO.MkETERS, (Madc b ly Drinig & Fagé Londone,) a%-;tli ta. bules, &c. complote., acc guagincoe, One eau-e saîperieir Foaaiîg Pieces, donule & single bar-ce, peeket and) herse Pietoloi, hiteit wadidiig. Sîret Balte Pouciseg-.Povaier & dricking Frlasks, &c.-., The coae anticles are a piart of last falis importation, and) are neav offered on tise, nosl feverabie ternis,. MORLEY & JENKINS. Kingstoni, Marcis 15, 1842. 48 TO CAPITALISTS 11ES sriet bas onueotlime nmet valua, hie,,LLSIE in the flourisbing Townr cf BELLE VILLE, Victoria Distrrct, P'rovince of Canada, nri sciich lire ia dusîrous te ereet a irît rte FILOUR ING M1ILL-for thse asant cf aviuti, many tisousail lusiiels cf IVIeat are sent asaay y-eacly, frein that tomnýe-buacul eltiier boccow Orme or TwociTboueacd I'oucda on altantagours norma te cleader, ai-Irisundoîîr. aIle securilp', for the rupaymect scithinîhie space cf asven yeare, or meoner as liernaiglit fie) it i ocanrieunt te iimnsei or hie avuld ]et the Miil tSite, for a nomrinal eut5 cri condition of building a Mil siiiglit lte agreed oponr.-For furtler particulars appiy (il by lelter, post paiM,) l ~i'ioatt Ceaimaseq.. thne Preprietor, Belle. cille, crime ibesuerail Toave nLots, lieuses, & suirable ertuaticosfor irydraulieccd miii pur- prss WAN-TD IMMEDIÀ TEL Y Two gcoi joucceyiners Axe makers, acquin t- ed it -U otîmer Bimithianitlrs work, te avbose liter. ai encuc-agememel aii li Ie givn. T. C. T RIP HAMMER WORRS. The stone builing coutoining tise TripTiare- mncr Worhs, Lattes, &c. aili be LEABED for onu or moire yeare, te a respectable tenant. The iRechester Repmbîtean vit Please eoPY ibcm st once à veek fer (biriee nthie, andd at hom seouât te tbis office. f0R SALE 1W THE SUBJSCRIBER. fî1Mdzmhruavc Earthuss lik Pana. Aise, a0.lare anrtffient of larvee Croctis, sed Juge. Expecled by tise first Spriisg "es- s el@, a spiedil assomaent cf Creckery, Glasa- avare, d&c. April 231, 1842. F OR SALE BY W. SIMfPSON, Ring Street ceai MochaCOFFEE and LOINDOS POR- TUMBER fur Sale by .L.CARTER & BENTI5EY. Kingstoi4 April 2&~ tUToeed. a few cames of Chrty'a best J wb.iam b"*t BeRb'r and Gomssmer liais. Ao-2case, dfMens' and Boys' Cioth Cap#, sudt 6-case f Faiscy, and Dunaabli Straw Bonnti' A splendid saricîy ot Gete.s.tocksr, Scarfs sud Opemseo.tres t g eautdieal es 23J, 1542. 9f'ping Flowers, Sas et l'en, lied josmia or l'ecsicss Essensce, flovenua, Citroreita osi, Geranluni, Macechalie, Lavetîdeci Liiy of the Valley, lionea- Sucklie, Royaf (Condensel), Royal Extract cf Roiec..- Floavere, Cîrcascian, Cruani, Queentr s Btquet, Blouqîut ' Arabie, Eau de Portugal, mn Cologneo VeitabLI. Esprit de Laenede auiiNlillefleur, Annbriis ii, Verbone t'ecfureeccd l-htracî, I'ersîan Saveet Bage, Verbeiîa lerfunso and Extract, Esprit de Rose, Veritabie IPomade Divinei PontaIent, Gol, Sucver, andl Bronze Ieks, Amber Preston Smellrng Salto. &Cc. &C. &C. d&c. J. W. BItENT, Druggist 4' Apothecary. Kingston, l4th C E ILTAIN CURE FOR SICK HEADAC14E wich lias been ucin lainiiies, everY mcm- ber cf abichliras bad sick headaclîs from sinfiney, as a constititional fimit> complaint, and bas e- reil effectualiy la every instance yet kaewn- amauntng tn mmny banileds. It le net ceplea- sait ta th taste, and does net ptcvect the îaiy avacafians cf one using il ; it inuit bie peiseveced in, and the cure is graduia, bul certain and permea- tient. lItances aie coalartly multiplying wbsre this diatressina- complaint le cornitely relieveil and! cured, altbougb of ).cars standing, by thre use of Dr. S1on's celcbrated reamedy. Oas deriduil preference iî ils pleasaaitness baving rafle QI the n iîng r'faect of cemmon dris. It i so pefctiy satisfactary, ibat thre proprietor bass giveit dirctin foc tais agents te refond the price te any one wbo is not leaisis with, and even circed by lt. He hopeq aise Ibat libis may sectre its great benefris i ibe ditreased sufficrers whie are iaboring under Headache. E. Spobn, M. D. Inventer and Proptiter. COMSTOCK & CO, 71 Maiden Lane N. York, and by ovecy Drggist in ingten "d ln Canada. DE, TAYLOR'S RALSAM 0FLIVERWORT FOR CON.%SUMPTIOX ND aS)iVEB COMMI5tAT. Coughs, Colde1 Asthmea, Difficulty of Breath. i ne P is ithe Side orflceait, SpiîtingofBlood, CTrr"e Palpitation of the lear, Oppression and Sorenesa cf the Cbest, Whooping Coubh, PleuriFy, Ilertie Fev#,r, Niglit Sweate, Difflcult or P'rofuse Expectotation. and all other Affections cf the Che.t, Lurngs, and Liver. Taise'Medicine is for sale by the sle Proprie. tor, at 375 Bon cry, between rourth and Fiftl Pe., New Yoerk, Geo. Taylor, M. 1). ; and by Comnstisck & Cc., hoesaio Druggists 71. Maiden iLac New Yoerk, andl bycvety Druggist in Canada. M 1 S S 1 N G . A N Englisli deai packing BON, bouil aith withs, belonging te -Major General Clithe. row, etipposel te tiave been shiiiped t Montreal on board of one cf the'subscrib<r's, barges, con- taiiing 2 pair cf sheetr, 2 or 3 piiiow cases, a rosewoeil inlaid wrting l)esk aitir leailser cover, sud aritten cii it -"Mrs. Genecai (iitberow." An oblong maiogany trinket case, Bramah lock and brasa bound corers-an Ebony work box in- laid wilh motîrer cf pear-a mahiogany Medicinie chict, a rosewood wrîting Desk covereil witb green baine, and a yellow painted tic glove case. The package is suppome te have been lacded at enmo lplace on the lice cf the Ottawa and Radeau Cana.. Any perion giving êîîch information as will lead te the recovery of t aili bie auitably reward. MACPII[ERSON & CRtANE. Otawa & Rideau Office, ingeton, Nov. .30, 1811. NOTICE. QUEEN'S COLLEGE KINGSTON. TT is hccc4iy puhliciy intimatea tlaat tisc Lfltat Session ef Qneen's Cllege. King. ston,v ili bco'p%-ned on thre ficst Mocday cf Mfacch ccxc, and tlîat tiien the Professerase-ise have been appeunneul vili begin (c teacis clas- ses fur tise fialoioa"g Branichies of Sîudyt MATaiEMATIrS AN0 NA NTURAL PHILOS 0FHI. LOOIC, AN»DisceAL ParUILecmsar. 2'Acoikgj, Chtr-ci R.Uîtory, andi Or-gida, It hs particularly re9uesteul tiat tisose avio, for mone time pms, may have liee expecting accocdin& te previeus aneuecemectî, an ear- lier opecîeg of tise tint Session, acd whicî lias been proveted loy ircumatances ove' wahicis neitier lIse Trostees nec (l'e Prote-s sera have Lad any corîreol, seuil loose Do titi aitur tise appearanme cf tîsadavurisument, ià iatimating theic intention t enecol thesmaaveE as Students. Communications frett Stu. dents or tiseir frieds, as taencrolment. ta> lac made citer personaîly orc in aviting. pro. aions atise day of commencement, te Alex. ander Prinuie, Esq. Secretary te tIse Trus. teewrQüeen'a olegKingston, aviso %vif aise gave information as ne tise probable loa. tioefithme ict Session of College. THONMAS LADDELL, D. D. Principal ki-LM. , lI tscuarv. 12. 4,, r i f 1- FOR SALE. 509fflFEET squsre Puce TIMBEF, 50000cf aIl lengthlianad sites. The Tînab.ui l lated ln different parts cf the Towts, for the purpose or savimsg Cartage tu tie pur. chaser. R u OE L VERpool. and Rock SALT oraie b CARTF.R & BEN+LeV. 1.... .1 l, Jf, & tt .w cm, J U ST l'UBIISIIED and for Sale by tliuSub- scribers a Table of thre RATES 0F DU. TIES payable on Gods. %ares arîd Merchan- diseu imprted imb Canada froni the Unied States of Amerirsu, &c. Price lu. 2d. RAhISAY, ARMOUR & Go. Kirngston, May 23, 1842. TI.ST Pbiha d, .and frSale t bMr. J3 Rocisona, Mc. Herpliills, and thse Her- aid Offilce. A SERMON AdFdrcssed te te Congregatien ef thse Wesleyac Mudrediat Church, December 22d 184 1, 1eing tise Day appointed in titis City for tihe celebratien of thse event of te Birtis of thse Prinace (f,1 M'les : 13Y TItIE BE. IENRY WILKItNSON. PeIblished hy reî~tl et te Congrega- troc. Price G<. Kingston, 1 ithJuny., 1812. F OR «%. Simpson, 50 harcela .ilvery aupcrirOAl'.MýEAL; pricesto etilrs uncauaily low. King Street, 19tls April, 1 S 12. S J1ERIOR Lamp Oul, Sperm. Olive & pale sSeal, for sale, by the gallon sud Barre], AUGL'STUS TIIIBODO. Store '"Zreut, Kingston, bNarcb, 1. 184. PORT 11OPE WHISKEV. TlE Subecriber has reeivea Trso Hsadrd JIi -Ybarrcis Posq Hpe W7i'kry and wil keep rouslsntly on liard during te esson, a large supply tfs' sale cf thia Weill leown article. JOSEPHI B. II.ALL R1ED.BACON sud HAllS, cmred in thre DPEgglislm sta-he. A elmocé lot jnmst ruceived andî Wfis? b) F I Ése e'ab@criber, at tbeir Cosemi. ore tsNo. 4, lîsruly'- Ihuildirga.Prm ot ~ lpril 4., t.%la lER[L& B FNTI.EY. improrernenrt. Bicg urembers ef lier faîeuly, ehe trusa t It ber constant superintecnee wilreesovusttc objections, ahit are eo ttc. queetly bniught against more public lctiîutioe, that wtile the uMinds cf (le pupila are cuitiî'eted. tl, eir Is mmcad frabils are negiere. Frocs thae cxpcnieisce of many yepre, and frent the<fro- -- ofs het tcgreat -museler et Yotrsg L s th. have teen placel uclr et cr e-, bMn- Ilurlburt itlera Iersulf Ilsat tu it sruction aili b3 efficient, usetul, aind practical. Composition, in ttc tort cf journals. letterm,id aritten es- saya, ail!lectade a daiîy exurcipe. tIra. il. ailI te assistel by able instrimtors. TERMS. Common Englishb. potr et ofeleven acueke, £1 00O Iligher Engliali branche.', ietluding Rhetotic,Natural i'hiîosoPbY. Mental and moral I'tiloaîspby, Ctcmistry. ttntany, PbyeriegoOy, Astrocnlmy nsitl lhn Gîiubea, (;e ogy,-Evilerices cf Cbriatianily, &c., eacla pur tucr, 0 ri O French acd etber Modern LAnuseageé, cacb, per teces, 1 10 0 Muaic andt uscet Piano, mi 2 50 'Dcaw:nî;,& Painting in waaer colora m 0 O0 0.1 Painting, n 110 O En'brider; 0 10 0 Board.- inrý odiesg roi, fus mitue, fuel enad ighàta, ;')10 O Board and Tuition paid ut the comumncîe. ment cf tact tern. Lacd yeung l.ay aili provide iesif witb one pair of ltets, onec pair cf blainkets, une counterpanis, ore pair of pîlloava aitt coe-rs, aah toevls, A deiluctisof 7u. 6d. purtu wm C 1 mu>s fôt (ose lai&O ado provide their own beIt. iagt tuerncf eloamun weeks, te commnce cin Ire irt efJuce. Stuaents arc ruquetedlltpenda in their arnes a fortuight previoulY tosalsrmng. An elugnt Isa-irt dwellicg ail bu un rocudmausa in lune, for theacco-.uxm àtlo f l'ourg l.dmcs. Algatuet tteM±îemd(oChutait wsi'c h Lor paroufta osguardians maj direct. Bcoh a sd Stationeerymay te olsIainesi;nsuCi nesrt Sftii' Kingstni.113îY 2:3-l- lJ-2 MUE.OR haLe Illt'ir Shite Fisli, fut sie"1 p by a. ffý p I 'FI C t C A RT F, ItAT T. -J. 1&> S fbN Cu & Plalin .e-Tu" île speon criSisurE, N'C Sie spectacles.-ALSo. iimt uci' Brustes.Paperliîangiaie-gFmi r' LxosI 'ng G.Lisses, 4 r, "mKingston, Matcb. 1, EUTZS & rim pe r, PUBLIîtt ED 4E Mansion 'Bouse fs'I a- - whre ~ al orders al rsai, tui..îî "ruustuiij îendl t. , e = 4is.Fifteeniiîîîing r a ofputage> rayable I rr, i 5 471 - to im ~U oeTAwA. 'i cIimmp roterlStore. jLIV ER CO MPL AINT S. (1VANLIsJF...,, 711~ sbarbu ls- laienamiî cpettihyAND ALI SICKNESS ANI) DISEASES HA - s CIF T-HE bc- lcirbsrIess e trepcbis lii- TEMPERANCE LIFE RJ'7'ERtS AI.M> tenu's imil 'às'til h < -ýr taafe is forteltra hrec arenej CHINESE BLOOD PILLS 8houtil îe-c,It LeI ri251 'r* t ltwl i inemring the last ton jeers nf 7i eet& t ~ ! enil u1r. ie . ea-a& oi ths tscI ulo in , d v-rs" v clcsing ep is Parge--purge-petgo-ba s beei the cyf r th, li) acfahi tise tiXc5iOs j ., i', Dry Gods de1atmeiit, crav il for tire future 1atfew jears. Thia Iras been effectualîy îried, m'aj t be kIe1 t '" .' i) dea-te biss lime mc the antd jet sufferers bave muliplied-and'ied ; a lt 'i ismh a-5"t t'Mf~, vIry ?Nelt ecauae Iring tiait col neces .c s i cm if,mt, -e- GROCER Y 4 PRO VISION I beutee uni ch blas beaui doe-icithout the tn. t ru Baîrineas exiltcSty, )Voesale atm1 AIteii. -fllow, and antain the systena. Purgeyau rmA.? Nuif r rcme~ FrontsL acagemntmareceiatly effetedliebu tsi The icklyIuir ftr io in ecrîil ontlîam"Cl, . btb Fegn and fBritiibhtmarkets pei e0rî,-or the accumnulation of Iherns revenîrd. Pre- front w bence, direct, ire asii ceccîse, unadalie- vent, tirers, the gruath of such bisitrat. - Why ettceChine-e Sa-e tae cbmch -e sa .1 ic¼ . ratel, and ini original packages,,ail articles col] t'iîy t tu et r'i netel with tise buîils. ueBrandy, Gi ad sges, and sîII retain the pawsaof yomnlbor mi,.- e L titKts spiritese iii tonime fi. n ttLchr ok;Iis iii'. ae ?-letause lbey puifvelieblool. The i.a0K (il c u Wirnea, seleted ft,'r liiSCmeIf, avi liehocf Clsoire Ch nte Bi.eee ils-se cailed'because te ck î " - M. V'intagee. and iiotlîmeg asieh offere but suc 5 upon ail leanse the Blol-r ts stadrd ci a , as cacaos fui icii gî,,".c satisfaction. ' renecla. TlIese PuIs ii do il ; andi tise Tem. A~ ~~~~~r la[ti)ruea 'ciient ts ii 5lN sys, 10perauc Bitters, raken as eilretct, aili stretgttea j popt-RT Wi ii Lct ciiband. and uiirciiting attenionaviih the systenr and present the accmulation of tise 101i¾"î gmvert lu tire buine.s,, and îo such as may facer l'ase benea 'is vir hinfest te liold, cnd aaidch i1 hics~~ ort oiiuuicciiîî uio? e osa Oiiaccasea l'y Purges, unrseatise bittci, aie a lit of articles on Iaîd is gis-en, ci gelulrne lken afler. htuy, Ihen, Ihese pill;aend bitters.. c4.1" quaiity, aV's.c1 ii aibcLerol a t exiremely 1cm Take thse puis, acnd daiiy tIre bittert euan,!' à prîones foc cash. it jeu are et bave been invaliîs fort Isas, necl '-i e 50 boxes Younig 113.îrrToit, menthe, etrjiars, Yen vili fiiîd thrs sLkiv huiers hao ~ it , . i Ct ti c 30 chests Tsssiikay do drawne ff, sid prevented ie rm s etuita nIishe WN fl 30 lîsMuscos ado Sugar, sallcie peilese hue cf sickncs rchrrgei h lt M lii t "î iýý,, 10 Il C uaired Sîîgar, thefuli blotiig glo e efh esulh unaura , M 'ii u y N 20 btîsreis ds do,JONP1"[ 10 hliras. silsgle rtined Siigar 01 Ol \ ' 10 iosîie -etiied doThere ate cases so nauricraoss cf Ihese rillianI 2 (IHN 1). l 10 1 oPugble aci o, 6, ffecis, (bal lime and epace forbais natti t l . . îII N s.M k0 '.eo k',put tem dose. IBu>'and use these edicincs. bi ls boxs) Cseds2h a yours. See wcaîuperrand directions tisaI corne Ttriua 5 bis. Nlolasse.-, FRAýUDULNll" UNTERFLITS a1Iu, ,fia nte 5 do Borîf'aax as regar, 1 lu 221, 'ilil Ie atempel. Bury no remrdy citltre kiîsd t4ue,'lI_ c. 10 bags scne) 'cppcr, inlesitbave myncime -O. C. Liai, ~IN. D. - oubaditîc o.î. -0 boxes Pipce, tise orapluer, andl aire the notice au fettawe t- , c ct f aile, fil 5. îlurtm Enteccd accrdueg ta Acttcf Caîîaccs', A.1 201 boxes Ground Cotl'sc, 18u11 îy Tur. CobasEi., in the Cletr*s Office if CNi , i 20 Il(Tround Gîmger, tte Disicc Court cf tire Uiiteîl Slaies fur th( 20 Il'eplicr, Soithetn District cf New York." RlP lil 10 -1ars Maceio ~Waratreà eJ toniy geniane.ti Ü 20 agi3<uaccab o -e bleers. CeiraTacs & Co., New York, aî tie, îai . 10bg Icate]Cflcsale sihaiesale agents fer tire United Sate's mvIdilt .Fs-i fl 20 I'l Laguira do,neisîri 10 bec St.Donaigo do - cosîitries. . igie I 51 !ý 10bas i.Doino oDOCTOR O. C. LIN. lu'încîîofi 31) Lgs Riu,îni',Salul ly N. Palmer. lu ci 100 boxe, Montreal Canie:.. Wuuu ii I 50 du %Vax %Asui,oîrAdîun Cachles, C BNE ANFURLNII'IIW 1Lx.j h 100 do Liverpuool Soap, CABiîET U , 1't-1 ' 1-7)hhil Ottard h)uiraas" Cognac Brinîrl, .qs Clicap as the Cheape.ît, andtas cmguoi ~I 15 do Bordeaux do as thre best. I iiî u 10 barrels "libett2" Londomn brosaýn S'out, îlE S bsrli e.,a Icave ta isiferîu ire r- Ifi: J1h, i t l'!, 10 do Leitb aIr, Genuice, .[Iic eneraliy, thatlie 'h ie remoud hisiFur- j broîîi im 10 irbîs superior Table Cod llsh, iture 'îare Rauîm ta bus new tsiiriumc, recru' tý y au-i i, 15 barrela Salmon, the eccueon's taie, erercîl e nMocrreal Stirît, tlîri 'uîn ti i'liiu111,1 7mu 5 Caroteuls Zante Curranet, fartier of S'ore Strecl, ad it -r le 71r. Iuh diaie iii t, iI à cases I Wiks" hest Mfuetard, Groery Stute'-sitîrre ssill alai s ie fouiad a L--tc -il 51îjars II)urham" Mustard, nerîl assu»ttaiet cf READY MADE FIINI-li up.ieu 20 boxes Fig Blue, TUIBE, cf tie best qualiilvasd titest lattrisuIuh ! Soitub ci'1 ik 5 l Vcnilt'pricci ta suitiissenîing pirclasîrs. î'etsaiir dul- Nec 'i- i t; i a10 c aronBt i, oiseetPurclssing ae espectfuliy inv ted t lauke w,. 10 ass le upcking0. ot'vma rati. As tIre Sutuictiher le caîrrantiyrnianuifru'- i . m 2 hs qr. taitor Sud PcortSherr, I hsiat fer sale andl te crîls-r, (bey cas speccîhlet ien 2 hfrds "Licluri"MI ratsupliiid aitii any article tisey a.!req1ir. . .44.I 'N 100 qc. tasle *Il Marseities" WVrne, l'art& Ma- Kingston, .Jan. 1841. T.OBUL . 1i. deirm, 1.tNTEi-A . 'lcran 20 Pulicheens IlBostoi" Spirits, Vsilcra TPiler . 0. (Ii I ii 5do cl pteion Ruine,- - _____ 20 piineheoni E. . IRîrnu, jb 1iiN. ottirr. - trmsî. 20 boxies Il erclere" Lonrdon Si atch, ~IYS-TERIOtS.-A geitîrmai hehaniiii t.. 50cssSciiiedaîus Gin, e .5 oaf tire moil anceitan i cclthy lie, ~. 10 legs Cork., liet fthinscity, tebo musttic oel L niis. to tii j T ' 'lh i iI I i it 2 caee Leisuon Peel, mecaus friends, ha'isg siuuce ttc jear 188 ili î\ ' ,o 2 "Citron, teceiitily, behtintneariy doî id t 'otrir vi 4 Il 2 teugiton's Bîitters, yesrs confiise.itu bis lbed, hlien cr uecre) ii t . I lepper aue-bcl m alls-lsreghitred bis naîstai irecl Wýo'- L o . > ' 2 Bermuda Arroas Root, tien-aid hss qiitted bis cîuîiig,,se) mess vals 2 miKetchup, wiib case !! t 'V.It cieve thins irlise g-iiticiiiau Cci 2 Pearl Sag, oca-n desriiiiun as rîcar .s prq.,ibic, ai(: t'.ete i Ipe i' i Il, 1i 20 craies Crcî-ery asorteil, ne sxaggeiatien n lrit. We ailigise iuqài i l l i '20 packages (ilesaivace, adîlteis, brie douui nt bisl tîmase fQesliuic- s' l î",î WVitb a variuty of cther articles connecter] extusetirhe libetyj ; sa tlit any arime doau icg ,ti. -I, witls a Grocera- busineus. knse these fàcts-lbaisgtî tic nîqu as is bi iiie LII. - ~~ ~ ~~ ~mly net ai peir iii prinI. !rrnoii5!tet seiilér iIi 1 u,.oC Tireremicîn pat c the.~uscrberai.lck taîces, Mr. Jas. G. hteyieinte, 144 Chrisrie stet, vili bu a tGutPie. uIa beîelas bren cestored, andill ivse perilin il asserki) au"'s, largains ile itîrer branch weuîî consult siseir tint lI r fated of bis ande. Beîr et"IlîcîuLa's iriu ~h' cave irtrest by uxaminicg sel cobparing, hetIi, beau dcrel i)nao.lrîsi~ î î extensiv-e Stock rf Goods co ta-strel in his pre- Anee .-lly Heice' Ncrre oeil hune Liiimeiii. I andul brilir i-ut-, mises, beore pcrcimisinrg1Y. Y. Heralut, Jan 26 1841. ' ILhNo.141 .M. ROSE. 801l' y COMSTOCK &Co. 71, il.ilenLinte, Ricg "tî.mu-15h bu Il Kaington, 0hNvlS1 Newv York, andl by every Drumgist in Kirg'lan, B 1, A N% K S lI 0IIl CIRCULATINU LIBIRARY. amdinirCanula. ________ IEEfiS andI ai - ESS I.&W R WELrespect. FO -SAL BY -. SIMPSO'Nlui li fully ieforin tiho Gentry acd iiibabitaita PI~'NE iîid lhed.1c 'llIIEun atp t riytut.iC u cf Kingston getroraliy, that tiney aire about roc.r- LWAX CANDLIES, equai teatest tondu lfNi W I ing unto their îrew Preiîiisca on Kin- Street, Sprt.miiic~il latlciy occupiel by Mesre. (ireenEhilÎ., & NIil.- Ku'ig Sîces' in igston. 11 Ii'ii,'i'iu ier, next dber te Mc. J. Wi. Brent, Cbeniîî andhr"~ ii ..c ~î u tDcnggist, and le coniequetice, wseullho obliged a eÀ ri urtcs ame tuttl set..i '- close the circulation oftlîeir Library for a few snîînec'uî. is: icmii' drie. As (bey rc about naking large adituonis Ibave t' Ii iii r1, i' te thuir prerecrî Catalogue, Mers. IL. & W. snu u itrl l i i i R- roqîtemt that al Bookîs coinuicirculation tril l'lie auilt'îmî 'bliPr le reluccel ase arly as possible, tiret the L.ihricy STmIE.Itolui saiusi may le re-opeimel scth as lttie dclay as possible. g"ue. R L liq N.E ICES. sery sýt-uo!lmt cri sii,ý Mlessca. Il. & 1V. R. rate Ibis opportunity Cnpt - , hteet2s :ceI1ý'4 ltLu to reluurenheirsifncere tiranks ta their vert ionsia -, ý Substribers and tire public genriclly, for LLpIs ontire D f Qluri es& frve 'I tiiC ' frle VLaacence, ac oiorgIII n frlV bu 'yts r-îî patronage ibey baste reced ant he cpenirfg n'u r- h i~! i. cf tle Li.brery, and tope ilimt the large amîituece purpese cf towing Rafts and r f'ecle. l'"î ýr S. 1 »aott emdtasîm ll secure a contînusece threpriclr s rrir ou îînî'ilmu B cf past facore. GOG VS oe.jv Ail nuearorks cf acknewieitlged merit, alded Apy GOG }g lia te the Library, as e oon as Possible. Kaingstons, lb. Stb 142. S Brock Street; Kingston, Match 30, 1842. IL A DIlE S' SEE N IlARftVKuiliie io N'vs. imtî 1. RE'IOVAL. CesotOU , CANADA WEST. " 'fusi sIci,1i'i1 ~JESSRS H.& W. ReavaRti. beg t leaRin- ULBURT, for many jeirs l're. r iNL%1 ' tirantte tiseir friccsancd teP ethe heppublic, thaseinls1recenseCa 100 P1ECL, O' ROO'in- tisat tiey have rstrncied tleir epromishent r- pte- thu .t.e Aentae aI":0CE 17H01 tetsefr aihieenunîber ofYeung Ladies irtabr-aiy o 1 11NiiDmr'm nîely e pcn n d y (,entpenulrul s fti- thosu they cari be thccnugbly intructed in al l csl e; o niryocpe yGenli s&Miller, o hoebracceembraced mn a cemplete tystemei'iihii1ni eu e fII Rinig Stccetof et uaie Educaluion, botb irseful and cnamen. iii 1Ring, Street, Aril 19, 1612. taI. Ifaig a lmited niieber, Mra. Il. %III lie < iM., . A-tp li r xclsiveat.uiiOn teitir ,il, En n D..,îcreh 0"~ =os ~omb SDAY, JUNE 21, 1842- CANAI i'IE' IVONDFR IS F'OR' r COMIX&!! pUPEBOSTON NICi r .iCl .hpônt of sielwiiuinia'îf pend aceofventiandl ititliu'r ci arI sirpamasuit cumaiins ned fi-ontany nawleîurt-tua' hi sueiepuiblislier of tle Il l'i ,tei ocis hîscesi prîio eini1 ..e U51 eeil;nius liii-irîg the te iteforte prîllicat mut,, i «faTUPENDOUS PIIIN' QkýAREVPLE NOTiu lI hbe bia;csery conilaencPe. frni', the Ws arsrgleeeleinmn ssuriîug tihe public. EhP" 2U Y AND) VALUE, issptecm5 iou Wis ,et npviaspelier lent usl t wsict te "seulaUegc the siens jute airtrcssai1i Isaili cîîuraîi prîiii ual iýC seontantcf scear 11,1ffl ritirre uiC ltire lut' i AitISe 1etbideln--o .<IF SPLENDID ENtRAVINGS ri%' contentswill liecof iie iiiui.t vc nmete, andudnc article avil lincalilsiu ittprouens aI basprealîreuir appe jlmericars publicatisis-ra i ill cîlih Ni EW ~ reail FýsrS-iI MATTFR. steamer M-iibring I', a large' qunti ca1sserin for In s. uua\pre.,.iy fie tise saitthis forimistnipenilî abe-. usson oier Imalter, it aviiI ci.ritaii Tire Si BULWER AND) J.4.uE'S!! ai nasalebrated and pîeusilar uîinvei. cs andFlau a NEX' IVEL. iY Il RE Thissue nsuIse. scterpriiiil.i lu Wilers,*viU preoblby "di for frottes Tai ti iustAr.aS. A large uurîuînlec îuf s1iua Iao tmncep,. Steriris, liiigrmii'ai Ski Fer ar utinîgui.iiei clnarirte roIl., site an]tan enuh foc a yo ire &c. RUi or ils coiirisnaI. reah îe prelisises ve have ciarle a acFpirtrceadoera nf lIre prespcetrs lex wtc iifilid, wir an nas urne ris 'rI: nru, (uai111M'a-eilo.t 05iy alilu t..' i' i nil se tare propiuscil, tintthat w ire, e'bc.r utikiiiefi-il urus andI tins-cii iv. % uQiteS aty eraienre tho a'alise 'frut rcF ipbli'ra bsprinisucra.d ;Lfmîsîrill- i oi furmirer aiithi Ntionp, luit %% c r rsrmfor roumlcing tire fertirci IaIIIa" a t sîlgemmOr prueligy ttman tsi m.leFCcsaam . ave c g thn Iisa if ceeal t nr ntthtiriguislsed 11h cg, flht s utt1~mk s.beuu limtm eriffîa1 r s"i1 andiisucb a rigil ipslh tsi pitrcisod in nmahing up tme teh i ~nav rtby of li. orishînIl wul lieu!fia eo t'Ae s,Trsno.cîssgl-per andulpendc hli lhusigiît tectcesstry, deinîusifu 'i0 ci Iis îsîu'nîiîing publicartionr, ten uro s tîmaîr enlers or once, acecîrur A Ficu cash, asneuiy talunitel r'litieî rituuusri cu)ir-tes aililecprited. Ifl hue sirlel in t(le cimer iiin b iii 6,-ni, efier aliuwinig cemmonable I lii Cirml.TIrewsloui priî'e tir A- liîr nI lie 820 per Iînurcu. Fil>ý ~tw eety.fie o .piette 95. iC.'s~eeiecîubbing, limili rer reo forrS, FetiTiruN copies forc src- icfor 8tFusil T'ZqTtt-FIta- f, Fi)., cselîee to focssacr ssa teunîitta n"r a tt ext ra cop~y fir ti'uel rlictuper. fur eecy 82 forraismici i'y Cae s. ta un. GÉO. ROIBERTS4, l'nbhliec Iiuutoîî Noit., Of.fhlice, iuson, Jlire 1, l',A2. on te.teo(hieshàeet wm-hi beci'ty Mer- i les, sand id 14rtra ,si ",; w;!] be priiitel ase a iosijiu- fllaItId glaad, sous dooe yaars, bac "t11Y Suber r amies, - 51iitlplaeed a long toimse 0 the rc, Iamf nieu g.mui, b, uetrariea." i14X te tain u ris "~tri tuasait' ;lo i tlaeimn as rhe lighl la jour vien k'thetstsbcicîhsmam iesa. 1 the Iaut5tduWho cetailfhotcharme trisa sut su eq ais m f, M;hum bu hi rse oftogn 1veu bêa sa foi uisenferi. ve ,ne4aM whtin leermausg a liq asceclt ra tlIter; **Oft tejI igssa oeWmm s Mh d ~ ItSls-(in osasaglste ceas Ille is VoS ., lse eae, se and. M v e *- he o abes. i - lle aasatue saul, Iff5ns as cna ha ker, à as a ta,(b -a liapMensi Iticer litse 6 % _ ..ej 1