Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 28 Jun 1842, p. 2

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INGSTON IIM~ALI)-TUESIUÀy, SUNE 28, i',12. Il bus heen alrsady staWtetit tise palicii oh- te bis apastamnts in Tttciil- 11 m attisey saarrimadbis boxs ; but ai- tiscagi for lhmasuite of estaibibg thse idelaiiy of lise acenset, il rwudeimieitati-iaiie Iht %bey â%oulM b. laken chage eof bu thea pelire, u ame enablemi te -alte tisatiser-c usa notiag&I ai al atmpctcts diarovenati inm aisbox, andthbeentte5 'uer- e lr-lly dirty lice, anti &orne scasaecl - vtny anti otier writinge of no imprtace, anm=_u %tink of a plitcal rendecy waa tiaaiiveret The, reondtiiof thlise @~ erin mg-aing lise anulf ýittsp, Iccitetiupon by te persons chu kîere . tnasa ry sinuîlar prOCeihg, Ras il vas "in.mca 1at lie tatinet fUtc lightcdt k»eulidgc of"titit buseinesls, anti was emtrely eiilt eans 'la carry it on,; andi iis stlpedi, flint being Mr-,;"d for-fle mancy by filia parties oeltrien lhe hant obuaiwÀe te goods. be %vas ietimtccd on thea Vriday merming tu selatise mcncy of bis coe- ;panioti. ier le îmtcirrûtia5rem ahove describeti. simeete prisone Ptranis hati been in New.- gnle te bas coniiectei isimsef remarkably a-ci. 1lea appeara tocry coptsat, anti axhkits aieap- pearserce nil beuig areare oif the fearful position i.I%îich ite is pittedî. (Of course none cfthie <,iicers or utîterît conneî'lct with te gani have hit any cjuiteap-tioon wth li snt inu relcrence to te nfone citalicit Le tatidd clarged ;; but -al naLerliedl upoîm as a Ioitivt3 tact filai; tit otictr ta n sae<rt erraions il-lare t ltI titere o w, nt i.i intfime piste1 mher il n'as tis- ritar"cà. A toriiîcy mecontiniulliy a-h hie), to proet aiii ptisibliiy of hi-r îmakinff any a- icmpt t 8se l".detractieon, tut tia contiact ur b-, ltavtttr dies meflt give tlic sliyhtet grotînti for impp>ii tim hat ise ceuit commit such an artî rerre hicatlmi-hua appears tintte reliit, aebmissit-e anti obietet, andt laI lia shîtult ave commit- leni sncb a denperate acî appe t' Morat extcaor- 'i tary. Them prisoner np te yeiteodsy prsistei in de- cI;ring that ien inalolihallthi tiîig mil tbut pcsv- 'doe ant sinte circtinmanleir tcuuid induce a le- lief miai letsassertion wcas correct, thr'e hein.- op le tismi lune an retire absence of prauf in amy uay liaI te seapon reas loatie.Th rie ncel dii- igest searcit has bean ilaude, bt ne trace ot a hall las bsen digecverem, anti frem tise position in ulici te pétotl %vas Pnmved te bc ir-et, if it bâati Sean rcaliy inaded i tila abail, tera iaavrery rosusontu believeatatlie ituliet muet havihein diecovtret. IN PARLIAMIENT. Hocmasof Lords, Mayj 23.-Lord Campbell beg- g'ed te ask lise noble lord (te Lrd Chancelor) whletiser- il ras the intention cf goverminent lu laite amy ltepae relating te lise dangerous practit'e ci] the part of raiiwayccrmpatten cf lockitg iut Ite jmsseger ,,(lear- ne a Itîgi.) One mcl terrifie acrident tad altatly occurrem, anti mmmny ctera mrght folo', if tile dan1gerûus pra- tire sere allowedtal continue. (Flur.) The Lord Chancellorr aiti ho reas not aNvare limat lie coalti gice eny satisfacooy anereer lu te: .uestîîmn of tise nobler fricodtheis presidet ofthuett htordcf Tradie. He ceuldi ulysasy tisîlbereas tintself locitetiup lnte muanner- alludedt uity lime noble lord luifs oing, anti -aasnet désir- cas tht auj ateratice shealti tako place in tise mnater, (itear anti a laugister-) shr- uale m*as conrerieti. Homas fOmmouî.-Ths e ceitittea on the Cer-k eltion repcrtad It Mr. 'Q'Ccnel hal boan duly aleetem. Tise Heusa rent on wult the laÉff 51lli Commntes. Tise pandutug ii admm sa te la-y lie duly en lire sock by waeigbl. gejcdl- d-4 13 ltal318, Esaseof Lords, May 42,-Ttc Eari ttfRipen anMoncoti that Govarmont hai rerommemalet lima railunmy companices ntte hava tise mios of lime as cea. Tliiswas aIlGevambtcoul do ie the. mater. Lord Knnairmi tantati tea u, sati&Wbergcti It ààk, Why it*.Majcty's (lovmr-ai m tinumgîi i àpiw at ta p-reset muetti tu madvise hien Nstaybtoiurit6 the Ieing ittf. 'lii dsteesa tat oeexistei since 1W8,eitl-be tmp. ami ber Majeaty's Gover-aaM 'war-a 'omaTimed l"itilwas nt tcmupmrr-' le wfo"üdrmaed iai ltter reas writen in consequinca ior e'om. manmicaties tisat hal baareceitreud "o Yor-. shire, antd b. sisulti lire tehase .tpm ssai» niralluna laid on thte.table cf thlia hcma(The Dule of Weilnpn atie smme observation ae- ros he Aoi&ulmiei aUsainandibbeTlMe uit nol aI Ciurris en ttuudy ismusf, a anoble lord basT iim ti iim tali e beasa hle ltte: r-catitat T-udal. Diii ber-Majety'a Govern. tuent men te las, îmy id dot knou aeylhing e sncb a ltter-tai ber 1lajetys geveromeni ntean te aay ttey diii net go te risurris ? [Grea aMm lrte 1 ci Wlllmgtn--Belcra thea nol lord meuves for sucis a l]erlie tadtitaer- b certain tistach a lauatelhall bec rittim (Ilear-, bons.) A Noble Lord (witcse naIn e Wîcculd ni bin)-! Ieandthe tbIcter ronatI mt Suday il Cîurc'à, andt iere ras a collection mame in cen licquestre of t. (<leur. leur.) Th1'iear-l of Ripoi-l eouttuti aggest la lit nobleia lrdi tu give notice for any fulatre îiay h, ileasco, n rder titute may fies the lirchnici mode mmm sciici tLe moton couitilho put, asltei ttay te Partie difilculty inm decriimth ie latter. Lor ir-ntmar-I-iill therettîre give ntit for Tlmuriay Oac. linonstf Cosntmcs-'rho lîuse Scemîlen i tte ,um uîon ofl itetarifi D ikvers aîîuetm' monitî t,- .r-C ropured, iut al wretovoiti duiv luylairge tiinîtri iet. (lue cas le maie ftie dut onii tiuiles 5 per-centtad Valureta, is ti et an lcice a ushol. ono' cof Ceurfmn, May 25 Agin on th titr-iT '. 'l imty ocf1-10 aistlingi Par- imuît.rt a 6iqit tamiiter reas imretd t-l'i illini front B lritis citlenies;. Aise ten anti sixpenc tlIt' hmtdred ucigt on lcs.-ttvc ant i xpemt if r-,mîmthe cuAniue. lfturc of Lords, AMtîy 26-LrdnIKiiriairul tm, teunove for a clpy îof fliciiQîmeî'd eter, whiich motiolite itatigiven notce (ii<ru fiesti lite expresse.) Lts asleniheit u taIthte.gtoa niicitflite muillers of tie goer-niontintuh boueailt irofeesetl upoîs ile aubjc', tsiitto1 r ite Premir i n îLtcoailler liouse cf hm'riniLiî wa t ha li ean miarocl -ia Lm@ vçtiiitent tis contttry '.vts carrieti un by one indimtiln i a iereii ut grentt talent,tio doubt-ml~~on.litreati fie ciler inmubere of te govcrnflmentl an- mIle cjulters 1ILaitgiter.] Tise speerite oftflitig litou. îpesorage scre iizleet, veýry 11lcra, L t ittg!i1, 1r iiuscif, lic egurfellicte tuu Il to lirecctttis picr'e of hiiîttiig. tglr Il cofutli. ht-a cicr, nutu icn T.lit i %55 ;llA jn di tticmtl a t l1 t art),ci a gmwerttttcut t oieeuple au gil ittrajirn, antticeai I1 no iiou I-e' ery su cy lmmtttic r îel-ien to. getut msan miIaf a duioit hcaii ciers. (Mu' tieubteti ubaîber tmimareould netllb. trilitng ils the increa of thsepeole by preomsing socti a. mensura as titis. Diti thein lordaiips holee1 tisat tisdistresa reas tempc" 1 D'i yli e.t 1ev Ibal il arome front the inetiation in tise maeufacturatofte country 1 or tidti hey hlieve,i as ha titi, that il resu nerely -maextibiton of them piermnanent ticenmiin cf tise ntaufaatures cf the roany? (Hast, hear.) Ha amlaiike 1 tear-1 thtipinin cfiber Majesl'sgcceranment upon1 tisai mater. If lier opinioniuer-r lat thse dia-à IreAs Aaqasof a permanient rhayaatenhlitcougbt il shoomîtiuooly ho conuitier-et as a stop ta sente clh-i ai mcrc*per-manent modeiof. ci nitstering relief. (Iliar, itear.) Tise Iishop of Londonsatîil taI in 1525, uben thene exîsteti greal ditress in the country, a Kiug's ler ras isaue, sl'ciing subscriptitcrt limrcmmglmthe clergy. Tieseurit collecteti rel1 smnsl, ittdeenl5 rotoparet i retthlie exigencles cf tise cae ;bti t a-as sufficientiy large le alevi- uiethie disîroes, and admitilof a rese'e funti, a-hicS liatien diffarnit aubscqmmnt occasonso bec[' plroti toatae relief of distresa. In the presemt uîtaace lIe ammouul colleelti itgit bLe very rnil mspsreti ith tise object fur soiicit it wseeraseti; but t il nu hiave te gond cirect of aatisfying flime Inîer or-ters tisaI Ito6e atrce thomett re nol indifrierenlt tatheirstsI, l'liec admresuistus thon egreem te. limaae e Cuttttsn %-,),Wnn mevti lai te A5ttrney Gemerai1Lbcdimcteed lealrceculo persî'nmt itiplialeti in fictubrber-y proceiediitgs et psvctandi Southampon. Sir- T1. %Wld, Sr W. Folet, Loird .tîîtn luesel ant i Sr Ro tbert l'col epIp,'ms1i'ulnautily omm1te geitut cf iegai tif- ficultîca in u cri-tmrinrg a prosec ltitn.'The rr.si- tin wnas w itlit!rai) , anti a ne% ts't ea ooreti. NI. <'Cratnmeiil i", tos culfur a setlect coliitit- tee ta inqnire intn telritery a Ilpswich. Lest, 119 t Ille*4 iîr Rui-ritn'cepp"itig. Lord Stanley t,etifor Ieuu.eIo bring in abill le protide fnr the trtter- goverînîent tf New. futtnaidiant-inlroti.,iitg a freelioil qualificationt fur votera anti catidates, lisere hotng noue t pre- sent for eiliser-. leste ws granlet, ut mmo c ilLoul oppisition fotre liiberal mutiers. Iloeselo Coitmes, 3My 27. 'Te tarifFagain. h ceanmittee After- ,nichrit t. Baller ttoed for an inquiry toobriSer-y prmcetings aI lita Briiptnrt electiomi. Mr. Mitchell, tise sittimtg mendiser, stouîly deniedthte chsarge, "on bis bon- or as a gentleman," bautte commitao reas or-- tieret. Mmmay 30. Tise proreediinah bouses acre itterrupteti by thc sammons cf Ministers, out accoit of te pistol.sieaotîmg aItihe Qucct'. lieuse q/ Lords, Mkaq 31-Tbe Dulte cf Wel- lingtnmo neîian matidrees cfen«ratulaliun tte m (Quccm--a cenferenre rilithîe tbct bouse upoin tise r-bject vas eniiret-e tepuation fr-cmnlise Cuimmnis cama up andthie atidress was r-cati anti agrecil t. House f Cosunoî.-The atiti-athie Queun waa niovatiby Sir- Rpb.rt lPaei. Afer Ibis lime iîtctme tàaibil use r-aaiia titird lime anti pas- soit, 2i5 ta119. IHomasof Lor-tf, Jummsne tm Pears reent te te Queec i alsthe atitres. Hotsse f Coumm-Tisemendiera diiilie isaine. After rebîcisthis otie uas engagedt u a lite ]teur le disicussieg divers briberycss Southampton, Liciill, Sudbury, Nuata anti Britiport. Hodu o f Lords, jime 2.-Tise incomes tax bil uas brouirtt u p anti eati a fintl'amo. lmor Knnaird moveti foc a select commitèe an the distresa et tise coaeiry~-te ii îra ie ita stale anti causes. Tise Dia ofWel ieqto opposeilb.hemotion. Its ebjenciotaI dy b. 1 1agitata fr a repeai cf te bew corna a.The' f motioan was uithdTawn. la tise Communa tbiera à 1 as n-cquorum. Hottas4f lords, juste3-Lord Beaumnoit pu- Il ocutt the f * eig titice : t ..Thse pttieu c lt it ma rommittéeeje tts eoaîSociety hammsiy showeeli- selves ta the ecxMAttaioa[ nctWecaunes antd 1 Iremtfthw ar mcryh ic nhoksiaithI, loti hd ,, i.Zr, os f tti at bar- u a& be - emmi= lt -heffieantim e sSth&~1a49 * -e axmtence ban?*&n p;EeÉ "-iU e bm* ~-s ', iibcimm u lieu% euoes th te itin ncesaity of anua*»W.l-kleat1 - a "Thtat il is na qulèmitit m acWdg f1m e- publie reheter- il w the Goemaudal ofiu1n tr East Indu Cempany in Induason the Court of et i- rertora in Eunland, or- lier Maiealy's Getrn. 34 a 'nt, lîat daldeermne on Ibis rear; anti gise itorder for- Iteahocprmclaimeii anti madi nfu s at liere riliinthe rearb cf the public th easit of keeuing eter Iis naion mc artually dn- le ffened in ibal ubichis la rimimal or that retint i )e Uiosct; c'leher- tise rar car-nemi en by tIe Brit- t. is Iroupa La jut or unjust, expetient or inexpe- tiionl; 4Aibotier il is a war legally miade in t- il spart ltatise peuple %%,homnree bave assailuml, lo- in gaily matin l respect lu the exercisa cf tLe pore- t- ersa tflie British constitationt. -ITitcetore ycur petitionctisi imptlore mert te carnestiy yonr lornshita le ake suct stepa as in he your ristitu nay seem in fle oblain for ycur pe- al ttioners, as fr al olher subjects of lier Mnjesty re equslly coiicernct etit taeecves, Uic preduc- haun cf sucis publie documents as may enebie ce tisei 10auderstanti y hyrial antlority tise wu was prtclaimod, anti fer- uhel abject il ea.s un. Iy detr-atl-dn. A- Lrd B'uaumott dit net move for aey paper mut andtiLord lFtzgeraldi satiLe sioulti reist sur-lta y motion if il wreramrade.-smu ter-e thematt ix- droppat. 1ieuseof Cmmuons-'reIsO lIne w rent innc ne ceînnîltnticccf sosYs andi meani, andthie Chaencel nu lo ofucithe Exct-ietr-inovedth Ie cuetitmaarioei il lie ;treeemitt tiozlîc eousugar f,îr anuIter yenr cea bm. RIebuk mo~ved taI the duties on furcigi me an colonial sugar Se ma"d equai-lust by_ '41" jnarmt onff4r 11l. Aaboutmlere movdebta te d nt of cign cugar le rodureti to :10 mlliin, ant it ey clonial lu 20 unimlliiiga tise iuitretseigli. ic Lost, 215. te 11. 'The origitnal resolulion ctà i ton agrocdtat andthie lieuse adjourneti. nit M1r. lcr"y Ilisiop, tie omirnt composer Irai ercîseul frontn Qaen Victoritate honoro -iitigl'Iàtltnc-leiitg lte otriy noiciait on relte uf iaI itie ha Len conerrcd n Etigl.tti..Si 1- (ecgol Sotari, Sir Joint Sievcmtot,anti rom tiset% uortht-e oticrs acre keigittotinut reiand, bI re ficLe V'ccriy. tlitI THEm RIGIIT 0-1 SEARCII. aI- We eopy te Inlîeiing pragraitit front th ýa T.tndntlhit iniing Glazette, June 2td-mindcr th [s Ietînlott tirtni'aiit. se 'rie NWitcls"-lr, i50, Capiain Charlcs Edei as reimisthno liag ofItIear Admirai tiseIlion. Jonce Lbt liii'cFrry, reli go ouI of iarbour to-meor-rt le- iucr-miîg;uut il is deubtisiîti tliier sbc sv ch cave S1iilnad fîr sainme dt'r'sas ilte s &tpc mg a iery fat sailer. It is esltiuuvseil tuat ait toast l«MOW persens bave v icitedth ie port teosec ber, Imauy cf whoiu travolleol as far as 20 miles fur tiis purpaie. DxrsttTiaE OF A s55'tilA. rsre FaroitA- gitc-'tVWe undenslandt IaI a Queem's mes- songer ar-rivemi iere vcsîerday (Priay) frot lima Fefeigin Office Londunu., WitIm despeIclse9 for our 11inAster- in tIma Unitied States. At tishse lime or-ters arrive t iat tise Rhtadamtanthea@ seemr, ulicit uns pre'r-tusiy inteittedt e sait for Lishon anti Malts, nîtonul preceeolfiance liii nigtimh thiisgetitlesrtan tn NecwX'ork. T'rIe reannececnnermi Ilcatuer- te sat frocti ti coanltrv fer Ammarica unuuil tie 4îis 0f une nei: se flsaithIis sutiten anl'incaîîccd deFaîlcisof lise Jitliaamantisuxidicatc's cleari' taI tae oh- jerîs chicit bave eta thîe .endinÈ out of lie nteisanper are cf an unumuaily rupraitntture. Thé Phlanamantitus hatu 700 ladditictai baga of ceai" put on boardllher lasti nnght, and tiu le- urin le this potIas soo -.us tite ttessngr is ian- deti.'[ Devouport 'I'oicg-rnuil. Lord Abehrdeen hlas enpresseti an opinion thal the inerînaionaluehigatinstof Englant l l cinirel te rem-ani.ýthaeii"liickadcof thlie Coast cf Mexico hy 'Tenxa, scliua it ite ccîe Tise nep.îrtut-e of Ct'a;uunu il tt i- tifr 'exas ;re- meove-r, oc uurs, any rem'-tiuntiionbt, it auy cx- iet, as t1a lie fortmaîîi oul oîut f te t-n.aInes beloceen G(it-c'iLaint andT iexas-. t'rSuntins ilteau . iiint Il lecones Our paintai dut>' ne ecordlan c- curreuce cf a ni sI awfti düccrittutn, os mut-mteck pltu'e on Sutîias'nt:ior ng t e tjisuit., neýi- J-m:u luwtn. Ccur;',c ili, 11i,.tf Vileit Ilil, une of ilite timlet eutttt.uttnet-ut ut i s Coait>, w au f"uaîldîclecu riU8 bel.utans ifncitedt a ulCatit. TIre oniy, frunîit'e bre-ast m ar, a g>ciliuauî -ciart-ed tleos. S iL ai1ýcci i t, cltk" na rued lut-e.'The ues ucfle lnili sure ae- tuaaly Caciinet. XX'ltt reativ IrAk t'a corôOnu hurt-or aItliis tra£gcaI occurrence i,thlie fart cf aiiig acu the guaiiemamn .pp reuliy iin Itealtit iti bis place as a moînher cf te Lourd of guar- dians on 'rlursuiay last. Oit Monday an inqucatst-as litell on tise re- mains Ly W. J. Maier, Esq. Il appeareti fraie lIe evitience tisaI the tieceased wras et raîberece- cetrie babils, keeping cniy mne olti roman in the haonse, anti havîng lise minirs anti rindores o- pen turing lie entire nigîtt. 'Te latter prar- tice, boreever, Itati een ehandoneti, tise dbora iavimmgbeen regniariy holîti for soine,-ime, De- ceeuedSallrtI reetal iis ruentuon Saîardiay nigist, or retiser Sunday mcr-ring, atone oclock. At a- boulttrce, twret rére mon reio liedt been pas- sing ta perferm rcoine iabcring svor-k at potetoeh fora sveirlo efore te people siionit ho stirritaf, Leumî th e od oitiseîami cresmimîg athlie garrel iointiosvanthe lsmoke iesuimîg out. Site tolil tisent lise blise suas on fir-e, ant iitpleredtinm le res-cue her trin esetructin, anti thal sitc couti nct descend trtoagisthme bose on eccount ef tise amoke. Afler a short delay saeVas taten outI' witl diticulty antidanger il),nas Of alatidec.'rThe monthoisn proceiltu lie hall %leur, anti, t0 Iheir astonisîmmeut, feunti il widle open. Ons reaciing tae rooin rhere lie teceaset i a, lhey fountlit envelopei in fames. The alarma having beaus given,tler- persons tadati ve4, anti arongtiema tue police. The ire wretl lazthtsuttinad, whien te teoir hurer, tisej bd. heà Mn. He1 ncaly hurnt le a rintiery1 gl is beti, ret lasar-ms stretcheti upuard, tub anti tat clauses andthim greaer part of thse Nl- tara in lima roin taving beau brittin utela <s li part. Bal rit a sa lie mosi extm-ordi4IM tact of al, a berrai of gunpouper resa teent it- in îhree yards of the corpse, bing only par-illy~ rovcred w'r-isa pera cf broren papen lir-own çvu il. Iluasa a souceofatsatecisimeent te aIl tisaItI uasanetli qntei by a ahark, or-eaitoastlhy tbe flames. T rC re ag antter bar-r-clcf gunpo*. Sder- in lb.etijining ron-)utieg tise iaqooit the nosmafbox of tise deceasati haibeon fou4 missihtg, but druesof silver tati benu foenti te fleur-astu iitati bren iquiieti ritis thinteai >boat. i*Ita»fmvd IalM..ksleaaUim il~ ~ ~ ~ % cfrei' i a. nivlng ifs caeéDunler iing aveu iII!tthn emlck l iseh. crning. [t w, " cg tiandi uhicis ua tik proablet. ttçcanlo 4feu i aott ore te Ithe ldce Ttr-ee baf hbentilhaves cf tbreo iifre ba havebfflbugtte our ffiei ah5 z.4gi *' tise on the telue of ti ' Vetch 1-Etglisim; anatcelr appear tlbe a "'r-i en r4 «lgy andthie third a wrok on gcology, anti, s lag.itt ndugh lie acercheti ptgd btmiiagisltei 19treals cf te central ire ltateeril. DdM 1- et cl eenite habit cf trinkinefanti ontdu 's nigit of ltheocrence ai neitiltt tfunk t attOn anthing. nersupicious ëircuntaice la Ihat of ltha duelor antioeaof Lire louer rintiesvsbeing foiti > open, ubicli the citi ieman sa'ere uer-e a - cn stewrent le bd after the deaseti. Il s0aetardettat a nicher--gale in lime noir of b Ios« tai lico forcitly brehen ohmn. In Tise évidence reas &(X ver-y conflicting cwû e-acterm anti leaves lie watte« in considera» IY douts. Tho verdict wusadaf olcua :-"-Tise* C-ceascti ras taludd mrain le isbetion Sun _, 10 mrning, tb.e2911irat, belut baîhhaimia ti in reas catialby acient or- tiir-ie, ree ba ne moins ef asccrlaining." 'rie tieccased wras net in the abt of keepiIu Slarge suma of momay in tise bouse. We bat boisardi that ho drere fronto euefthlie hanta ber tr on liaI itahr-siy lte suivi cf £4Ô0, but for th trull th ftiis ne cannoI voocis. 10Intelligence et the but-a Ly ire of tise aiip ceel ~.gistOf Nerecastle, an Indiaman, Caplain Milci Of el], loiutleLondoin, res recciceti by the Onde r- ircst Loyd's. Tise sbip stas batwee*n 80 andt 9(0tous burtian, anti ras vabueata £7,00< abeiuug îîmenditly fulleti np for- tise uceonalit of passengers. Sise hall a rris cor-go on ban lr cemsising of jereciry, merrhlandisei and ti Il tut vauutbe property, reiicis per-iclietiw iittis ici t sel ; a Iciss iin theltotal cf ucarly £20,000O., ast ftr ire cke ott anong lise naegti, ci' Mailagatro on the ist of Aprîl, anti ail éhtorte te stlic mir unavailintg. r, Thp. aip mas thosn eigbt or rine huctirnm mil cftrain band, andt tmitea reas rougît, rith e gal tttlsiining. Captiamu Mitchell, te cbiaf nmae, ail îr- lime cnew, timinten in tiuchor, ahatndoemmei I no ship andt bota t ieir twa boatz.s. at e by b'Thomas Star-ko, a Chia trader, ounr i oim laîndu, ot-e n igit, the jolly-boat rilitîhe cii mae ant imiue tof te crtw.ovas frumîtitu lc iet lie ý,nuu-aleh iaifoundered.ti.Vite rliterss'ere pici ho0 el tnp, andt hey usived ti aDartmouth, inî I Thoemas Sparks. 'The (Ceot-gia anti ils care e, sere insatreil for.2.5,00IJL1. e- Acrotunits hase been receiveil Of tlisetli Ose Sir RoLcr.Kcmr IPorer, il St- Peter-sburg. Il -i c'ait an artisl, andi c'asin 1n0 aîtpointcd li ýcd loricai painter tate ise-prem of Russais; a st ,,, duer, anti n'laret i te pet-is etfiSir- Jh lîm oîre 'sienslthe opinion titat il is for remitlances iniflie direction of china t iils win reIqueut. rTe Est Imudia Ceinmuv havea atisancel lime rates ainre Ilme 26th cf Mai in allte piirdten- cies, raising tit on citîcut frot 2s. ta 2s. id-, tisaI on lloumhsy froto 2sr. 14dt 2-. 1tId. It ta theught iikely tîtat tise real object of Ibis aticance. of tLe rate is ta prevettt any effets hoing madie fer thiser paper on Indus, simiec awîth tise expemîse cf tise Affghsan andti biies wars it is motl improbt- abmle tisau somicît revenue inay lie abserbed. a- hrcad that filera is cnn'Ptpartliy but a smuali a- mouat te hoesent tu Engamit. F- imOhiLoao..lsid orttatu t Fritlay Evening.-'110m funma conîtimnue flat. a.l- titotigl a larme parclise, t' îta ile xent as renport- coi, ilf flttX ico 'hrce per Cents Redu- ced wasimatie ci arccuutas sid of cieue vif lte raîihvay cettîpa', îces. C(t-ris 1c efif11& ta a toc acrOumît ex di'. rlnd, andîti iieted 9id Layers. Blank Stock 1 tu 8te&3. idia stock situt. Fxlaclcquer bis lonrgtdates 42.î;te Il-, te udtr- tied 3i7s ta 29.i 1) 1îititii. STAa- T- F 1tc CtINuTmtv-i'he pasl week tas licu areutfavaslle one lurcutmîttîcrce ;titernar- hor inaiitîatet-t- cae avL n tua set-y du]ltateOI, liehioitotrudo tiarelbeen vecy it'.' 1turcltaecrs, ttt ultipiuu ou-ter, foir gonds Iave bcen îmîusu:îlly stur il. 'l'ime ttt:ucive sclie ut ai- faîrs it' irunci congituancti ot, annd turic- s cfarticils atlajteti for exïurt are uriusually ire ; brut as tlic tanfl'is t a air 'say ocinug suttut .ettlod, W Cbon tea[te alit lepcort a iure salisfictory stlttc of tlinugs îltertly. 'ritalflictirtadoea cre juever nmore Lare ot îtock titan i preient, us ad- ritt eti by trii parutes. The clettersru cetiveti Icotu Laraltîtrc anti Vi', iiarire are a ulitu nros,.l'itiact'-t-t'. lite s clglit ilirouvellmnt fti tt l atictec a Ile 1 date ofotnr inut pauisr, lias Locu t-o far scstaiseir .but mmucb w iii depetîti<ii te teruir oethlIe ne- icoutîtitaby fUtc Iiid.an nai scletitocflie groutrd fgatureticari ho preteceti. i Tttc!juy conrtue, s hbcpîcutiful, tieugi on cineatiay anti Thtîrslay iiir rates scerec e- quireti in lte disrcount l iarkcl. Large btouses obîsimnet readnly tiîrec anti a Lalf par centt fut firtit tisasspaper. Vie weater la stili deiightfuily fite, anti there iis a fair promise of abtmdant crop.- [Liverpool Mail. LATEST FhOM INDIA. El Tiselndion overlandt mail arrived at Marsci- les, brings a4 'accolant of lte fell cf thuzoce. Tise place *Mulated andi surrentierei, on con- dition tisaItts garrismi be safeiy cotiductid te Cabal. On the iter tanulCol. Pollock ihall fîrccd flie Khiber paas, ant itkon itoa.ssicii cf the fo-rts tcoinnmantimg il, amiti aouid, no doubt, pasi tu the Lireinef cf iclialabati. Cou. Sale, ini a surlie frais nthat place ovcrtlitrw tise ittîmrgcnus. A rm r evaiet ta Akbar Khman isaticroe badiy weudIe Generai Nat hiatigaimneti someativantage on lite ide of iKandiahar; Lut (icnerai E ngland htati anôt joincdd Lim. It is reporlet ta Shah Sotîjait L adl béantpoisonei. IlTiere is n ne ws firntChna. la The Timneu, speaking cf the surrentier of 1,Gbuznee, says : Thse newa is sadi, bat fmot tiiaceuraging. It Coulda carcely b.e expecteti that a garrison of oe nregimient, ant that net British, coulai hou cout ,aeven tise aimait impr.gmabie Gbuznea agaimuji jise perseverimig attacha of a war-iike and eMntlmt M.astir nation. BilIliasa d we arigbttc a e" .ysanguine of the roultel, tith lhe impaifel in-' 1.formation wicb reached n au ta tis' means « ýy.subiance wbich titis scanty garrison isait ite r conuInand. B. is ta Ibis enemny-sarvatin-mcqm li formidable titan tise match-locks cf tise Affgham* letlat tise Gisuznea garnison. wera pr-obably crail r- pelles!taoyield. And with thea fate ofthe Cabýl army befara limetr eyes, we may pretty rani. j1d dently assumea t thia capitulation. Ttital u tncceditiosai as il i...sanot1eter-rdmopen I Scompelati by aitaclute netessity. Meantimo, Ibis fresk is aaater eiaaasus vwiii thse tank cf recapturiug bie- itpoat fertresai- mas e ligist motter, indeeti. of itse% but wbiei,. « 0& may safeiy leave a th ie enorgy anti disciplinea p car treope--ani, which le more ilumçmotant, placet Iin the banda of the Affghans au aditio asui Li1 cf iteetagas, te bcamoud by tthaïe. doutahei ybtiseir cren barbarcimi way, as a cl itk p,, ir farliser movensent. We sa a i d Smuet anxîety ta hcar wbetiser tbase unfortü. nate miten are reaiiy ta arrive safe at Ibeir proie iaad destination, or wbetter a new tiisplay c SA!fghan trllaçhismry-a mew call for speedy an( Ssériùits retrtbîItionýis le ho atideti te limesc a; fearful one whicb already stands unsalisiieti. Itlaisof course difficultat this ditance iudg r f lihé relative iilrtance cf mmmlitary avents p but wa can scarce1hoc %%rang in saying thaita bd finr greater inprtance ta mt te cuir future soccesi iltbat General Pollock tas sucreeded imn penc.ra ~.ting tte Kisyher defiies. il la hors, cf cour-n etisaI the real baotle ir hoing fftngbt. It is hemi tisaI Englanti is pntting out Imer strength ; amt Samfy dogme cf succeaafni resistance, aven eve d o trnameitery or ever sa partial in lis quarter, ti >.ait efrort on wisich we realiy do stakieor crei -in wbicit ue have engagead uti a full katis lèdge ofuwhat we bai te enrelnter andi a profes oeilditermination ta overceme il nt allisazard isg-ater havistg time te organize such a forcea g e migmt jutiga expedient or conula spare for thi ne; pturpose-and isaviug nore tneasutttd curnuelve &0e riith our enemy on or own ternis, weish no ex me cuir of haste, or surprise, or ignorance, or in caution ta cover car faiiuro--any degree, a r- aay. cf succcessto resistance te tise armny whie C- car Aitiel-Tndiaim Governers a t ls sent fort! r- fron tteir fronlier stonit ho far reorse in ts el M fecta titan a mrîhap cf treuie lise actuai anteuni )0; whiici is but part of thse oee reat; anti fatal rî inverse wrcbîct trst open us in tise national riais ir, f Aftgbanistan, andtihie invvcslment of Cabul.1 lr i ta th ie r-maîog anti spreading Cloaud, tiseugisft üs Ligger tisau a usan's band, that amîy sensible poe A stan wstîl okwitm appreimcnsiott, raierlimajit- ir, tlie'isst big dr-cps et lhete Uundcr-cloud wii r-e Las aircady donc its worsl. We do mmcl atlach c sdn imc inpoTrico tt ile forcring of thse Kyber laus as doins tise Leadi ale edittor. The nuatu dil'clty by etinhthlie Dril andi isit opeiatiens in Ai5gitanistam are embamrrasse th --etrange ta say-is rarely ci on aludediteb th, liseEngish pa-peca. 'The svmit.ers lucre are ciIj, *.er tgnorant cf il, or lhey nîpprese ail mentioan' ef il front Motives of prlics. 'iThat diffiieuty is3 n ýs flit e prd of tise panac:, althougi the peril us gre c -ner i-i it the nu-esvcritycf lime ciimate, nor til me con ar-diceofthlie tre'uils, muer lte rant cf entae rg prwe utinlthe comtumamidery, It in thme sant cauncîs fer lramicporlaiotm. cf VTe nature cf tise ulitry anti cftie climal ias st-cl as or Uic lrocps an-i tise 'ar, is ancm - lite reqie itnnense suplies of subsitene -T_ hich minat ho tratusperteîl siitlte army. PF fi n'as r('prtctil tat r4ir t Ii t Lite cf ithc K;ni baiiot maidle, n-1thinti-n:i itota t aeticr ne,ravvhall he'i ii-11 or;i thý c îerex'ts c1tue ln a t.1 ilut',.' abie sihape. Senorr .Nuind, îte teftnrt Spanu- h tnker. e 'buried i wth grcit pomp irt l 'ere La Chlaisecnc the 3th of May. The funerai orauo; u.ti!tc tottaL was pronuuieti 1wNI. G alo,-, a deput-i. Marshal Seblastiarti maduue a Frp:r tecl dfî it ite Cha-tîther of l)Opteo, Mt'21, for fi - couduct ni t ttging te treaty cii l,,tr I. supprest'î.n utfte lati' Inde. île onlri thet rie a just amud iror 011r0 eau te loue, anti Fe tie cotîstmtorcdmli mo, tiptc all e c' tlt'tt i1ai ei raîsed agnillst it. rTe Comtaerre ~y thât urderzi: l,:u ec :t ct to Brest, orderî ine %,) -iîpaet watr to proc, ttcî tlvt I lay t. [heoupttad'c!întofîPt- sidenliyt Yer, %%ho ta plos aut fronttte i Ium eot pof t ttcre ut-me at.i\cty ent ttüu ttttrtc flte ni that na1d, w heýre tlttucbatîicc, arc troin1d rThe rutuor," vvrie a %w c]-iiituu rnîed cor- t-csp talent frotl uis, il"whitlî havec te!vt- cd cttrcev tii Lotndîîo n u et,- o i ith or Lotuis ihilip, arc, I reject te icar n, itoIt%%ii ,,ut fouuudalt o tt -1lnu iue of an ap'rarucc ot strerîgtih, Itt MTaie ltv tho K uu.grt i i eicclitha-, toi.îc a Itie ;ta>ttectia at-tfirndaýi l ai,,, 'Ls :1 uic tsource tof tunix rut' to i 'ttachcd tnIidi' o'cd ma ,t:,ud 1;' d~i.'. u.u,,ic%. Atarutco!unilutu,,,u' ut lu il, ,lic tutur ýi l i i u e ' IV. 'u . i%\wel] c tlnitarrivod -' ti,- I n j,td t bers oftIle taciit r,. c .re i i . ! , e \% a trc ru.-'. 1ii:ike tSi ,i: I , ieu' tý i uti It. lit Majx.tv'rr luit , muraus; bc t"i iiitiiie4.te tdantger, ttut te co-it;lriut flsau e liait ai anud serin-rý. iThe visit oftheino vunger pritnce, tfiT, is f i iete 1rt'snt, n,t fr,nt ai t causcs, Lut owing to the sie of hicail il tutti royal parent. SAN 'rherc nppears tri bc net muclh nnws c f ittrr est fron ttis kingiioti, acccpt tisaI UtheIegelt liait Lecn in a moastire cnntpeiied te yid a par- tiai change of is Cabinet te flie Unitemd ites of îLe Châambers. Senor Surray RuIl. thte inaîîce mninister, Ilad resigened, andthie ministlcr cft mut rifle waa ei' recteti to feiicw is e'taill'Pie. There liai heurnsoute uneatîincs's t Tarceit- mia, andt moops lad boon sent to roinforce (ieîtn rai Van liaicti, cemmnmdmmgini that city. Trhe finances of tise Guverument wccc tn a i ilorabie condition, anti the troops wer i a uîiý crabie condition tor want cf pay. Thore werc rutorri of auttcipated mistîtclan ce" at Madridi, tida popular mi ycîiet t u of the constitution of 1812. IJAMBURG. DESTRavTIoN 0F7 BOOKS ANt) oTttvl tî:otA DISE AT IliAaimu.-A lbIter truti Ilattîbut, say8 the nunther of libraries de8trl)yetlley ityI fire was ecieoi, six of uhîcit were public C..tai. libinmts. Te theRe luiseir ual. hbritl, i ni sttmî'kscf sont', buokinoli,îr, cuuit.inutxg, utoit: sîlers, 30,00M volumes of modrnîî teritta: t French andi Emglibli works. The total tlesîrt etien of books, as yct uscertaineti, amiounts i t 300,000 volumes. Seceral collections of aciet. titile objecesbave perisimeti, particulariy cite, con. sisting cf 4000 modela of umachines, bcogmt Ythe Patriotic Soeietyç and wWsiehwere uec f. thlie evening and Sunday classes, institutert fo if thse mrchanacs of the town. The saine letti *gives time folewimmg as an estimate of tise quanti t ty of merchandise edhsumoed :-2,000,000 tid, i 3,coffmtc, 5,000,(>Xiss. cf ugar, 3,000,000 cf wfiim 1- were refineti, 1200 battits f railCotton. 850 bale I of sport do, 11(10tinta of Cetidiiita rice, 51X) ack i-cf Java riee, 100000 Ibs. of pall il i, 5W00 r quintals cf rapt! odit 1000 têocf 4myrna eti i liante, t2MOtommeof elee, 2àc Packs orf 1ltmms 80,000 pieces of limen, tf000 caskés cf ciaret, 40 à pieces ofc rnandi potatoe tspirits, 4(»0'pieces - soinnd arrack, 3M)0 Ibo. of Weàt Imdia amâ li merican tobamco. D( A lparia paper pays, IlCa pttin Vasise, of th NI Paris, which arriveti yeslerday moring at 1iavt 5front 11amburgh, reporta that the inhabitlnts thi lia ity have intposed upon theimslieaa mont Il int' cf six weeks, muring whiich periot! titi are te bce no amusements of any kindm, andi moï ut ai entirely interdicted. WVrknen are active] n- engaged in removing thse ruimn cf tfto hotu£ tf whch wPredestroyed. anti svocn harrarks ai id beimugcommtructeti in diffiérentl qarterîî tior il t accommodlationt nf the lnuseicas. Ilie utalc Il n one Street, tiat cilIlrtlzdiatnitm, 12î ltouisctwei >e trnt, anti enly two escapeil, ais if hy mmic e;Bis afe paiti, anti oercamti le cngigcttments r f specteti as if thec alamnily hal oct orceurreti.' os The total value cf properly drutrc'ycd by tl ti 're at Hamburg, id ctimated t BI eau rtJ n,00, un THE DARDANELLES. id thec Sublime Porte has.. it sces frontm r Stratforti Canning'a despatcis to Lord Aherdeei te d'tted 2:I amay, issuedCillers ciosieg te Da li danitfliesand Boepbrus, afler stunset, te thmepal "- ataýeof nerhant stcam vcscls. t- e AnonHerald ancribes tij oreri da Russian inifluence. l irye, Russia Las ailent as rlc-openet ielir annuai catnpaign attaimntthelii tadopendence cf Circassia, and ti lbecomttes nie ta, iportanit te lier miltary operatnonr i t ilitcCal x-cacta that munitiotns of war niteulti net bc pa '-csd îlîrough the IBophorus anti Ly te Black St 'C mb lte enasta of Circasa. Supplie arec iîk h cnoughtoLe conveyedti er aunset theougit t h Straits in etcam vessîls; n0W titis ordcr Pr vents any sucit passiage lty iiglît, and is therelo eléariy te the ativattage of Rusais. szLtVEarOcc. GE:AltS alAtKETS TO JUNC 3 litTh 'ritqatitica cf foreign andi coonial whe O anti fleur roaliacti front bond ii titis port, atIL r- reducet ceaie tif tiiins utîder te neur Cern Ac te front te 5d lu tL'c 2OîLh instant inclusive, cor h prise of foreige wiseat Zý,739 tlis; forcign fiv 11,9J70 bbs ; colonial Wlicat 5,128 îro, tandc e loiiai foeur 4-5,902 barrels, of teiicli rnaarly. en the foreigu, andi a large portion oi ttc coloni it. have blicol s for consomption. .d Qjuotîons-Caaarhan Wbeat, roll. 8a 911 in Os 6dii; UnitlediStates mimci, Os fol a9s 9d;C l- niaa Fleur, 3.5sa:15s 6dCa; Unitedi States', iw ,f Ws 5a 37s ; Sour, 30aa31e; inhbond, 21)s a i] lt LOi~NDOrN EtiANrurE 3at The weatiter id very fine anti warut, 'tt te briqk weFterl iy svîui. ir The reports cf the rrowittgcrop are laverail cf a reat inîprevecent lîavîng takiniPlace in t last wcek. InthU eitturuo of Nesîhi. e, ini 1irklietht'e haanti barley crs a as 9 ai(l netilte ho lookilàtt weli. ce, VtE -Etlo tfrintua Mondtty's raic ýor atttibûmutictiisfiteld i a te Ill tuere ian it weu oii lui-t-.~;uu - i. r 0 l' i i uu P Ii ; Ie ' ie, grund > - ,, a- t'.eutab 'il - il n' Carrir 'f u i ll 1 i i e i l 1 I't7rtii. S Ai.t i lait- i lg -c It abl'.u.uî-l t!' r . 'l ,Lt ilteut cf frilt i itilliir 1 -lite g mu -ttr. AI, le sT lre t- tb u-u L- jr e i trres ii 'iutti . n1, l11 crtets muriulm-iirru'i - n- ii mmi liont c en rt tu-' un,- ' l'e' iltay n-ar tuaiuat.,t rIk i îtrti'i i- t - utie cmî.t bei, i- u ns l iid t-t ,ý:à fu avie plu i titu l onu lt i s lr u -' - 'unm bis 'ri uk i aw ip i.piuiu-a iuu L i ,- u tf c tint i n hf ' i - it li ea.il i te tishu m u tii lt u th u .' lu , lie ut I. itnuati tie i s pCi du5tih> u.t t Onut' uu à te) teînctt cum ci aui tt i huit iu i n le h f leu ncatndr sainje l ire -e tî.Is A ?La aîoc ifps'litetgit"" atldIvl' c conr- bacc u irpe l i gon i usti tei1,,%ii te vtir hi p rias tpoper- i)hlrsail,ïu ctu'i l III T_ Th fora'r-trint casicte s ut miinoirt% e! mprtancely ustht- t t l il t erlic asu t-bc hi hi-ra s t i ttnîtewinchun Ici, Ili~ mnay lle im miiiles iguitit u se a v refs c situiite st urt, il r i UIt whcl fat îlneur'ut ts l ettru tin t r-e elute'u tut tîermîtaeittî i' ' er nI nerfi t-itjranssirLii 'd-i,- Ismu.twi rie 0-11 blefu a Ici ei'i-lu[lutmut ctecda mngescl ie r-itusr st ni.te uu :u! of~ psitm g ut o't;i, tai - but-I,', t issu sc sowit tilfl.cs uit a n-Ii Srti s euride bs nt i swre]t a ssii Jr 'imb e fouar-i î usis lu, ii n tre immporamîisdulà ttoitelitIcu mît >asy Ourtislainiceu t it elet rIalc,îne te bacuse resct l imh e ti-ctmiitinsulla'à%-I 4t re inatpoi t À fiseu'ardc a î u r l i '.. lr 11- e sà na e knrî u titt arecii ttr ue'. ' -r 'se f antier alimeiîre;buct itu14 i lut t5nsu u rne Ifor aielon i's e ptuic, c 'l " ,as- luitemng lepera nUstuat'iuluntu. T , l u ttl farts siow tpua ls csîoru %iuit i un lel iltOu'l, IIIpopst fica t I a u .coltutt bi., aI lree-iitmn îe t.itiIuueàt.n. lnm litaIco lott rean titls% uîuîrtri tîtroIt cin l Ireu repelu cL fnïr ln: ut ut c t, e trt- 1raril ts, .mt-iC t- u as- o f lai t',a Ile grrtn;Jl I iu e n Ictn teir- aPor t nIoiin su-idlc iS lhe tircuof altC.e, 'o nt, rue Ilti,11tht ai Net, impa1nple li he fmaiarusbc tii ,,ni iaulotîl t-rebu Iusui tsu a cri.-b iagtie îrpeY s m a tdn- aic- sost cnîrilso us ct-latn tht I ft- e tit is l Ita a rt Ilranot) lie il i di w " in - C l.ted tut tut 1iuci'u j -o lie ofILes n a funetr i-.a liet-nc'l, cru- the ItaLie cumii s.asa-iicc' 1 ail bi55 uit oriath nilî ty ti V s-tit e m ata il du i i e-1,mu ua ui.ti": --u cet g o a a at nltcitett ris c t fic Iuhltpursu s iigc lire f c ie i4 t- s - It eru to hoa Ildnrrttll lIaj~ acarec )lt worth cuicriü51, ter-o is att ettît ceriat st tiof e siicesafer faulfisc Itnntià in tlueîa itfoeatiere soîio a rrel à-.u te c is îaîilc atclirtui itt c t at-_ o the lalielf îtaiitUtag AOi OS Cm t W r - 'Tor 7 PROOIMI 10 toeLime. e.t kla"'x '0 nti thiie talien n aI 1' lie animhe WtOIC inreecilr OfteBoard- d'Cid GaleeOfSatttrtl'tjannt (às m " raDay o appoiltitettu t 'Curm ie Dictrict- er<frotc u kttoWII wim<tç bULd rs n5LsreWiear tie jarisit ci - .ii ariiantOml is pro'r.gtteî l~hit iI rbal'ry nct in thme It' IL ust meut by time I-'t k orer'ml a t hUtcMirltut 1 cOfan application 10 lime L t"~,tncapital Stock cf ('i i s111eat wuWd 0te1imtSaltrtia th Ie I JJ5W' Fergion, Enr,I.t'ruis. lo irFra- a lreimli, meîîr Lsesin a tielti ur te orati, iti sbrl adn iimtii. 'i' Of Wka eL'mllce otf amty kurtr, am:. 1,1 ermt of -itl is ltesut1,1fIti ~ ity wsadalieredtu btiti' ii amdtLtakei hituc. let il 1«, L lient quarrcl bot%%'t'uIIIlie ',etset ihiritîtl uIl W"Wutb«sonigamland .smt i f I1al" ttthse nlt%,"saliîot.iti ! utere Il andtoi jîr 5trY (e 1-0'! vt ' verdict. l' itlo t'le P lot %,.I as beld lt e mct mItît -v i s'ucr md altlt kürJuI Y t ttu 1il.nhi uts sont lfortue eamiite iti' b r^ct améjmnpeosenc theim tc>and ..1 ec55tétpette e Uaitttlea :iad tluet tiutr i$ ati i th e tutt 11a 're tmmy iemi b.rîîgIt tutG, %tri. Du, v as ee yeari: ofutge, :l r l t- tt nibas ]eil a a ife iitut Isu Li 1 je i san lrimulttt¶a satritr-1,TUEIDE Mmom-ÂnuTtICTu. iie i ilati p, anti bas becmm for- s akblte tmecefu 1je iao t it dec acre s legs tisan N'fY aîpicarîla t i1 rTraly lis ard fur- cer-tantermti hi n Cantada. Tiser- e a iworir L m -. le; bat te beg for au ofi'ce tl As camier titan lt bc indepcndemlt byipcr "s il I cxecmttionm end or er tviti ,ttc are itilliriuStt l imU îth .'il, lkti' itisougit lil i as bluc il arcdl A .rc sarh tiecmtmncmlc «leg.al ,,otral opinionn seetis Î tehtiti tacfturgis eil be the tiers'Sliei'E é,cdtu John Il. Itablin, Esq, but )me tht offce. r. iticks tas retired fifrth îe Rirtsîa tiseceaI, anti atitrean u'd 1îiem ',r iiicittsig are.Clcntiiit. ' iTe Imiil uL tis admres atimltibuîi iî , on .' l alctiira of Middlesex, uhen Tir. l'am Le sdfiie. De SalabOrrY bas aise raslignemi bis ville, CanaaKsi, antIbias atidresset a er- m'tioi, ou setqumtli<eut isi-m ci.&,.Tihis la one otcf Lerîmm wu cpie tif'rWng atelection; mntbmlt i a naged Bii e. à' tulbe helti on tise 41h of July. PWnontices wlmat Ille caille a proli amîpatcd ine ibis gLer- in 18381, relearma 1W..14ibutmlise net alale thîe loi y. The pr-spisqrjmas i il i terme.à, adIttita, (but git-Zn in a commnamm te eele have imvitiltiMr. Didwill «irtrues a iscme h- (mhut helm ild tic initation, 1iUn se tftmatpart L, Yhabatlffllid. Anmd fisbchm tir Invitatti'îs Vary probable tia pamnt aeild alo ibave bmemt fntilild, ken tlambt aàdeLratICý fi* bici r-Seis prophecioe." àlirI i)iaffl oth, eilI anneunremnapt cf Lectures, lit gi i iatislector> acçImmmt of lime Ummveî Mldit-si Faculty cuimnncedtr i te r m-t lui ycar, amndl *19- ol udisotil fbi-n t&,"a munber wich liait pne luaiil wbstcîyafrliaeaO.l' h s, per-blttmit, ait ,thtrmDir. Vilentine IMott sif r-owdc , and beasl of taeModical Facuity. QsInlstraction, as detailed t hn lm .t MI.tue, provides fer- a tiser elting cf tih Varions depar-Imauts of SccrItrc. Nuiw Yl'or- ffets great fart itttl,. ad jenot more e«pensive limani rplumes. Tise Lectur-es Lmtonmomce mt 11isitlay in Octeber, anti are coninmueml Mt day tof Februar>, fol~iu"nf.Tr i ipring tcoursein addlition. ,' ees lui sues Of Lectures, (Wimîlèr,) 810à, 'fletrie, 85. Matrieunlaticti feu, aeldlomging fur- 16 iseeks-, 83 per v Italtnga total tcf#1*îoa Ttc frcfo ttrseio *50. Tiis abatracl scili c t0 Jatige ofthîe atvaittagos heitio, titras uy. a Fi-stiienry the ('tovernor Cleneral ti laht Weîiueaday for Sorel, to psy tj ir lchardi Jackson, andl rommii ftri Qinetnon Haturda.y.Ilis Excili ald aIL ece ai Quebler yester-day. WIt rai decidedt e commene anoîhi', el t e St.Larence improveremts, 1.) bl iSt. l'rancie anti St. Leuts, ammd t OrIti ir th!tri5pmrpe on tite sentit bam niir, aiîci 01ofrs rancht greaier fat t l t sl b a t I LIant i n r e o v r , t i e i cita l e advanced 'by a ccinpsm IiOnte Setgncry'of Iiraubm %"rcl'itil iîliane. rThe uer-k ril l immtudiateiy, and wrilli fmrauim t'thme Mligrant on arriving. Illaci eainfermed tisai a short limi S? tln$tean chidren uar-adreumjied 1 - lle'n ag1 danitlie report frcama h it elCtink Iliero ta soleno I mlerefore requcal snme cime livi lbof t o nd us s onne nform 'hýect ; for sutil a fut, if il itavo ts *kgl ierOred as a cauticn tleuctle

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