CANADIAN JOTJRNAL,POLITICAL, AGRICULTUAL & COMMERCIAL ~XJII.KINGSTON, CANADA, TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1842. ________________________________________ I ___________________________________________________________________ _________________ wib, n h. drsrt,wherrc wcrested ac o~Jwies wer s iiepiag, aad thir stecds olptehtw aAffl; op J'y oj s mwght M he<M« iecf 10 atth'at ss-el lte b. n ifr MQny Wb t.,sY pll.w, did 1I romi, uWa-"rybia, odsialf.d.4 C« Myaujlitciewaus ightty ýtij ne, amle aKailis a"ia atclmn ai c ,Fv4 I irauhpisa is twisu ',smcr vu ssubraks, aaptr iiodiuts hja d bhs itul alses ilsg lehckly dca-a wu.rik natiriete<if sonte drnmlag ýb!t aidacs ,dqsk!-ad baissas lb.e bui ofifiadsas fra ot soa.,uei *< w5,,ptiith terrasasand a thrilshook bol ou ia&utA br-'tia Ibhe5Spectre Caa- -Irr Ringtu. or atibi have vnt 'an ce-egant steetk uumniufct-uireil Ihy J. & it-lt a-tIl lie Imnaruimil JOIIN IlG et., 1841. ait the-ir('îtisj hitilditîgs, Frontît ,r Biscuit, l'0tcitut &t e' hart-el. cro Trt o 'r t tue. Whlite Fîiq ad le iari-in. barri-I. il le Sugar, Iliko, ,res'li Cii I irtonis, fay, 1842. irinOîuî oif Paier I: 'fia- sale' at T. & J. RIG1 S FOR SAI IEN10RIALS, Law, elLes iM L A N K S, ihe Ifrlu f)J1lve. r lias mnade arranges bi nay hic furnîihed h price. Its salible y eaîensiaely teetd eo tI gratcfiul PiRao r.,iic, plt-i eof fatilere, tadi' y :tItis, se fat- a., rv iVato-, a-iil, ilta is victictun li-ie. 'l bn-c dm-zen, $5 a ife ee lit-i me. Parties a-iIl Le fsrîîm-bed at J. W. Du1 liili, 11,41. ,1 NEW01 YON' rDit t-ATTEi;NS, r sl i-heiqfe C4~ wVAI.TER Kl Qu mire er 01,hot it titi Cocuter SraieO CAR1TER à E mSi Es antm cit cAR& ItEN BiR SAILE, J. RIG E' laima ilas Tunibie Il( l'-ret 'Cnive's,T - thir nanal variety atîi)itg, Trvehl .t, &C., & T. RAE bie liIpor! or Z VERY TI >13, WAUPOT 'ws StrtacBmes4 tic r b «Pla:~~,3 00ai,~s et, iwie hielesi f.ces touardillcca ear- ae. 109 filet o!canae, and of wernn Wpeltitt, y.utbfi ilnaide, beariag pitch- àm St in ust fhou-iamea MIc-laSg, aino- ~an!-ikc Ibutoa-pigent svcmha&waed ém.iiî ami-btnes aoe,, ad ges ta-e is colîe u clit daatmi and tforas, la pillj,rimrnatbare, as a-arriere on lek« he Nitîftt d [ e susai wom kc umd île .dt fo citaIs-hmsae kg au Ifa iote datîint,, off icir îprisotns he- dsî,teuîuomml ti lisheCaab'& liol, ds aias -rsrt--'tihthrj saepI in Un w, Ca ibisDeuri ilsai ceavuatrîrtsr. bia.'imsbetein myriade; teta-lte Wealdi of1 teý, s,iv prs, b-yoad te â,shaaud e [-t, 'u" lii. sii gtec cai unt k 'ei a-wcte tematui- i. -fura ,ita ltitreimetutt thies, ini g Id ae-u uY'..atii , YeuIt tyhefttas 'jas nate lkse ar eo~tît ri.yi s h ifue etioatura-nd lbti; ,5,m- tultir o Le-are-a ers;r Usun (,i ' t- li-t s, nuttceialy it't; Ili'le -to u îi cf hev lk tt i I ll et t 1 rane--Iise-in Great Vii il 1 i-c ullie- colonties hoimg e. t.iasý )1 îl uret-atid duIunliîesa a-outil sum - 'It y ai, itat iiiettla'rs hoco "Sm Ouri rat ttant i a-tae.'Tie Peu iv 1 i5iiiî retieioter to utave th orlo- le- lentgiiof Voyage n ,e--aist of cvesenow tre l il llat., ;ue-t stseadiy Gi-eat n 1t. ni eirs in the Itar. 5'~u 'rvrt.îmmtv--lich a-cm cf ii1 ittiî- i limi ie- Ite-c ana. ah, l.îi. li~ uke iv leir agcnts ini !Il' 'siiij~~ ir Jamnes Mac. lilumiiumili5Cr c. rance, il sîtust Sbeitii Etirlanti, in Loi- re. kWt 1 1ia~ < L ,",ensabcacon thte 'iaecive--,,un ofeter trana-niarnui Siirreily lt oeçta ropreucit. Pts-l umral ltaittlîillit -Sir isus i ,fert, das an in-' tibi; lt-m~it~t~t our Logis. it iaeilignt.lîe pt-ont coasen 4itàtu6pîcIuale.tat directdare e ltstar ('0 Ito s.a No bot- sed 1avi ii dancing the sdi- kflIle Repot o tf the lieuse of As- P4 e Chiada l rFi-y. 8 18:, a-hem- Lt oti animitiîme-r Ieec ' tiiii it-,arise-a frnt th, t~ iu iCie corrctary cf "li latadeparmetet is en- te-i lettLits teieLrd IBathurstq il, r ý27, yer Commnit-1 l ne 11t42 t 1ics than cigla i ma-u lcfofe acb1 'c-a tu bin1mre cr loeas dijvv1~~ litaIcf bis lreie. I v'iuuuay-icag in ilseif ai-1 'it- iî the Paaeqctraiofly immn.5 uttiialatetie nrdinâsst. ~ innea; ati a aonlit au ~~îimlI tegneal plicy cf1 %«iudititci, Of Course, croates îli le part o c-e 4PPu, Oe ' Iisas te a-Laioe- %beh b i, ÇrItev -- a ý, legreste$i objec-. lechuilig, andi Irjuicea o t ti1;. viuatnc5. dning Iis temporary continuancc in office, and of deccîding aatiufactorily upon the cenficîing Ftaîcinents andl clamma that arc broue'ht before bîir. A fient, unfluwchîng rCslutiOIntO atiere to the prînciplea of the constitution, andi to inainhain the jtist andi tnecessary Powers Of thÇ crown, weould dounmach towarà O upplying the want of local inrmgation. But it would bo performing mure than ran rea- 8onably bcexeperted froua human agae.ity, if any man, or ac.t of men should always tiecide in an unexcoptionable manncr. on ubjecta thatbave tirortgn f1 usantis of miles frein the saia of e bneieGWtrmne, t, ýhere they rositie, and of' ishicla they have o ne pronal knowlego ht ever; antd therefore wrong niay oflein bo donc tu individujalp, or a false vjcw talten of orne imopor- tant POlitiegi t4ubtitie, that in the end mtoy tbrow n *1hole cOmýmuîity itto tifflculty an itidsrca. Yonr olicd'î serv't, SeYmour, Juite t23, 1842. RUSTICUS. F-,,thl. Wo.iieh if orat TIIE SCIIOOL BILL. Sp-For te information cf the 11atOxford Scbool Cemtisioncrs, 1, ai their requca, t4 uli muitteti a nunther ef rîuerios toi the Superiutenti. ont of Etintaion; having e-ouved ansa-er te Ilieti, "anl Lel-lie- rgtuatllîey contait> infortnat ion a-iiltltavlIho inlere4tîig te otlit- eshg telusutt yud s copy o! thons fur liutlictiun in lite lie-atid. 1 ani, Sît, yenr uitI ahdiest, GEO.. I[ENDîîY. Wootitoek, lune 22, 1811) Ist.In iq ai nanner avili tute Gavernematt APPrnpriatiiu fr Eduration in Ihia Municipal District bc dividcd ? Wîîllit ho disiticîlm111, tLe niunlor of Sehool Disisiana lateabwicli tie Disrtict ie dividati, Or bY dia nuctier cf tih;booli ini artual operation? 2d * Are Vcinalea cligible for Teachei-s ?Cari they tirailime Goyeremecnt Amotey ? 3d. %Ihat provision Râ made for Chtiltiren ru- sidlsug in Sc hoc] Districts wiîere ne Scijool Hcnuse taq erecrd; anti,consequictttly, a-Iem uno Scia-c is keplt! 4îL. la tît dicle cf the Mcunicipual District L. be taxoti for Etinsat ion ; or ouîy snucb Srliol liiatrictâas anvae Seltoola in actuel oparation ! Psth. Wbat ie te ho unuteralooti by the terni, "roligioca faith,'t ln the 111h section o! tichebcool 57th. lu the case tif iiitividnals itaviisg ceuttri. buie tOwlarnas lte erectietu cf a Scool Ileuse, anti ltai Sciool lieuse lieiiag pîaced, Ly the op- c ration f tîto I t ,]Çw mseas diat iiChy haie nonacea te it-izmaO rucli any ebaime upun tLe builduttîr 1 7tIi. li1t he case cf those alto have be-en Trus-a te-os ilîml'der tuhe ultsystoîti. or otîterg, refumi, t "ivln te the Cumuisioueîa ithe eets, tiller, ie0 othir dtioe s acoînnSeoj ith &Sacl Hoei at coursxe isei> o Wpursucti I? t Sit-I bave-thé 1; , caur te acknoa-le-tge the receiil t fyca tte tr, ofitl;l ,tL st., cuutaiing t i(eueare-ii-utt ConitlitotSe-lie-v ;in im teply, yen lave-shotemîatnavertuth îe-seanli questions aI -IictiY vom ae lropoecd. ANS WERS. lI. 'l'ipprtionnacit cf the SCIieci.Ptind tui te seseral &hoil Districs, wtitin cach Ahun siripal Disirict, ita a tiuîy dovoîvet lry tue sicel 1 h 1th Ie District Council. The damta upon aLcu Icapportonîncnîto ettub atie, i3 cIe-ar- Iy poitedtioct iii the scond clatoe ofethîe Lth sct-rion cf the Bll, a iz. :-In proportion te lte nutilier e!felîîldre-î i ecdiSchooliivrirt bot. a-e-cite- agectff ive andaixntmi. Furtia 7cmr, ut propoirtin te ti nuuithr Of chîltireti in eaclî, utider ixleoti, ace-ortiiîug ote.e cenasscf 1811. 'I'be Aciteeos eut coulul-uiance tîne aubdit-siotu cf te- aîpvrtriotineit to the iDistrict, ititer by the tînîLober of Schl i itriceî, or by the nunîber ef Sliiolta in actual oleratiut aithin the District. But, ioyL-peoi ear, it aiculti ajpear reasnt. able 1. divide lie .totieys ohlaineal trom tLe Cont. Mou sclucol Funt ikuang tie Scliocls in actual eratioti n proportion e lhe ascage tînnaho, o! chiitiren attenti;ng cach Srhool.-tibca-caor District Couturilut arc efilte deterunino Ibis poiet. 2d- It duols neL appear tint Itie Seliuacî Bibi ci-ce centenuplalti Feuuaio Tearcera in theoCCin- tlten Se-liols. The masculinue prononi a [ici-n Il, uce-tinlu te BillI ac e-i paking of, "aeihors. Tis uis ta ear fronthlie thîtti clause cf te-7tL sec- tion. linaides, if the-y are le revoîvo nny cf tho ublic tueY, lieymst t-e exaciined Lefore lte Cotoýutîmatsoncu-stu n olearnintg ant i blîly. 3di. Thbe Act dos net provide for such cases;1 Lut as tbuoy teat Ocî-aionlly occur, te- plain eenImaen-se-nse viloeapiars te L, tai lthe ciil. dran it scci District, shoulîl attend inut-Iny otiter Srboitl District îLe7 choose, cil6r in that or tc immediaîS sdjoinieg 'l'cautsipa ;--the ScItotlr Coemisoncra 0 t i'eTwnshuip, a-hem eh1 ScbOocl 5vacaît,PaYiîugtolu ' eacheror Teach-ar ers, a-hem dieso *chilitren atteedthîe proportion- able saat-ocf the Schoi Fondi,'Taxt, anti Focs, a-hidi abanîti bave hoan given le the Teacher ini the vacant Distictt. 4th. Il a-as never imtentiet, Ly thea'Art, lîmtt a-Y Scheel District henlti ho eromptoti front payieg tieiSchteel Tais, exceptieg 10 the case, cf povorty. Distict Conneila are net oly requir. ai tc apportion te Shonî Pu ntiamea i e vrISceeol Districts, but aIse ta direct, thal au eqoal suan hociaseti aitbin iheir District fora tLe purposea cf thia At; atlver, therefore, la tie saluat apporlioncti te nny %hoLoI District, rom the Seitool Funti, tLe sitne is tIse loaist. muanut of the lictool Taux open thal District., 11h. Tînt terni, -religions faill," in te liii section Of te Actl i su»far au Chri-tians aret concrneti, appliea Oly tu Roman CatlIthcs suan P'retestants. I blievo Ibat Jea-t rnight alecil si-ail Ibeinsebi-es ai il. (1h. Il dues net appear reaseumbue, diat any Act cf subdiviaing loto ScItool Districts shenî Ic deprive individua a cf thir persotual riglit in f School puoprty fortnerly acquireti.. Snu daimsfi shouenthoconatieoeas debte due IuponthLe ScOoeîlIMuse, anti sheuilti Lepaiti by a Tait P -an tai Sceel iDistrct in a-hie-h the Hinou , usa inatec:t to lide justice in auci ca oleth Stih'I leuse stouldîieh vaincti, thon], as the or-t iginalon e t ttepresent value, sa lu tha sum f paiti, LOte h ney te homîrerei. l 7th. lit secarcely possible that any body of a, Titua« illiaer te ochSol Ach, sittuld re. u fuse te ginup the titles,'&ce, aluingta aîuy g publice tmeSciteL. TteIa- a-hicb grai-. z tei tbeir pouer iba dase t lucit anti,'a*th t, fr thlIcr riglilt tahe ispuçerty bas aleucocaseti. But it la evitieut ltat taenaay bh aiamesGomc - Maill ai eâlb euliar circunmtameea, Ibat ne genearcule caua ap é tetliai liaattlour ta ho, Sir, d Youc ctaieut seralit,. ROBERT URlXgy Gao. lieatiry, Eaqpu WocdtnctBcock Duetatci tni'rt, are aine; iad nea bey it il ib.Wa M»g-m. .»r(,TRF CARAVAN. OM Cu. o - foe I - 4 - - ai iT~"'T NIA ZÎ.-I - wa, c -f 54 '-i rio. 1 f J t)arittn. f THE RATIONAL RIVALS. ' StCphen Elgrovo and Charlotte Fane wcrc on vory friendly ternis. lie was consideroti andI treaiinb the faniily as one of themacîvos lie caflld Miss Fane, Charlotte: sbl calloti Mr. El- greve,. Stephen. Thevoaaîv ach other frctjuent- ily' andtitought ofoacli othor. Each prefcrred thaesociety cf the other to thatof any one beaidc; andi as thev wero caîreme Iapy othor, go tby wor somewhat mey appy rtogeý 1ap paL' bey taikoti mntih sentiment, IL hall a growing tante for poe. otrY, iuuc,fliowers, poetry andi refinement in gcneral. bltephen Elgroe happeneti alwaya te taite a proinînent part in the droam of Charlotte P'ane, au ntiesthocf Stephen Elgrove, Charlotte î Fane was coitinuallycomrrne. Tbey ti&earti cd, te a g--" degvoeï UtheoSdinamy Otbànd cor caengtime, ani-J reclconeti frein iteryiew.te ineri. et aîllthis a s Wfrentiship. ,Le-id Lad] gainoti posession of #hem, and th>?, suspect- cdi nothing. 'l'boy a-cm bounlli togotbcr by thet 15trongest fottere, andi yet they consideret i tena. selves frc anti intiopentient. The lirst test mouet prove bow itposaihle it waa for theîn to part. l'hus as the situation of affairs, wben onse - vcun, Charlotte dancetl i kt a certain Mr. l'or- cy tenain. Mr. I)onham professed Itiiolf c- naioureti, caîleti on lier the next morning. anti fortbwith coitreenceti a regular siege of lier Iîeart. Charlotte Fane anti Stephen Elgrove a-are on. litglteeed instantaneovsly anti simultattneay. The'y dîscovored isait the idea of niarriage, un. less Charlotte wore the bridle anti Steplten wc the hridegroem, alas insupportable te aith 'r. Mr-. Deoham a-as ricber-far richer--thaa El- groe, anti parents are prime te look a pen riches as the grcatest reconimeîîdations. Stili parents have l-cerne more gentle than ita-as their a-ont te hie in the gttd oldti mes, andtihtét parents of Charlotte asnureti that if slle accepteti Mr. Don- bain itawoni hco f lier ew n frie choir* enly. This was enough te miallelber ini easy. The ta-o rital10 were vc-rY tiuIIérent, personally anti mentally. Elgrovc a-as of the middtle aize, somea-at slendIer in malle and witb i pale, tbouatfn ÇOUîitenalle-e-qpressivê, but net etrictly .liand- roe. Ilidhaîr isas tarh bru%%n, anti very luxu- riant, Iliseyes a-re of ltedeepoat bluc, andi radier sunkon. lie was cheerful, but tnt gay, mieditative, hut net grave. Ilcleoket nn ait. plic ty cf manner avery indicative cf noliiity cf inid. lie carrictihie indepentiece tea faillit, aund in toing what lie esteemoti rigitt, put himataif 'I toe uiuch il, oppoésition te tdue way cf the %-orbi. ht "ras dillicîlt te understand flhnt, but lha uriter. suood hinise-If, anti aas te ho untierstocti ]se by il athera a-ho a-euld gîve theinsi-os the trouble. Perney Denhan a-as the direct reverse ô? thia. lie wua taIt andi thin, %witharuddygcod.bumonr.a cul, goo0i-1o0killg face, ligbt bine eyos, anti short, t curly, flaxen hair. lus chief deli-'bt waa hunt. fc ing, auntit, tle that, ahooting. lie coutl), on Yi occasion, drink as intieb wine as woultibc hote t, Icatli of an ordinary niuit. He bcd nover dhmrel hmi i byanti ho tpelai ei&tlemawid net on the i'tr2t impulse, anti net aflow ltte, for et de liberation. lie bail a violent flow cf .ailn3ala pirits, antiboisterous, prcsutning, ulloa-In ni talinora.. di M r. I>e-îîain tîîouhigt Itimeeîf far auperinle 0'.cr7 rosie-et, te Stephen HElgrove. lecoati1 croi hile a ritaI uuwt)rtiyoif erions attention. anil Lad nu munrcetioutîlt f Iupplafiting hina la the et iIlctions cIMi. sq l-'anethaf le ltad cf hi@ O-n et xi i*tnce. T'elic erita cf AIr. l'ercy Dl)eiani, th c raliter itîtagitedt, mtuat Irevail agtiust thet oerits of aîy tanit ncartit. Otte iuuoniîîg Misa Fante ath te ta-o rivals bc were sitting togetbcr; the lady waa working a w sercen, andtithe gentlemen. telhavoit i er witb i bat tendeier Lumility, ant te ach ollior with tint plishct férocity, pruper rnier the circuniatan- de ce-s. ni 1, have newa for yeu," said Miss Fane, att. ng, - ntî agrecablo nui ,toc. lMy cousin, w 'annmy %VilougLliy, is corning up froua Devton. lit sire teusctien a few miontba witb us. SBbclis a th carnting girl-heautif'ul accoînplisbeti, ant i uth a lOn thois usatipouets. NowoneofyuwiUfailin lvo i ier, that is certain ; tell tue, which it je, le.Not 1," saiti Elgrove, witb ai air cf coui. k1 Nor L" satid Denham, with an air quite aai ,nOutient. hyoo7 11 bhlevc lit will b yuMr. Elgrove;ylonueh, -e ratîtor given te flirting . cf lit 1 fuel convia. ci id.., Th'Iis a-as intendeti te tell îvilh Misa Fane a- D( tinst his rival ; but te bis consternation, tbey uth sinileti at the charge a-itliuut spcacing, anti6 ixelnnget aglance fuîllof mcaning. es. l Ilt colit-day, AMr. Deuliaint" inqired te Ilsi Fane. tin . Yos, tiecidetily colti-that is-ne, it id aai, hal eplieti Mr. Deîîbam, confuacti by thia unImPor- ani an, poiitilak question, aftor bis acientifie i-a aanatuvrin. y I* arn goîIîg eut," Lsaiti Elgreve; ani willge ring yen rd Charlotte, in the course nf the o- 1 iig. Parewell, Mr. Deenal 1 coantot f rgot Faa illouglihy, dia prctty girl w" it t en thousantilpoades; bt that is net a-obdterful, bul ou know, as 1 amn1'rallier ivan te lirting." l l4e sayiog anti laughuing beamtily, ElgruYe de- Th lti. ete Denhanim rwbis chair doser te ' Mica Fane,bi ti puttiing on a look of the Ut* soleînnity liii ddresset iber lihse:- r " Mille Fane--Charlotte-I feel that f ougbit longer to.delay duhli fornially a-hàt I bave lady infeî'mally dore a undreti tiliies. Itde. tii are thnt i loto vout, anti eller mylband in mar-11i go. l1ohi-1trust--iat you haveano alleri n for the persen a-ho bas just left ne; bat 1I mst lie kept le suspense ne longer. 1 love yen, sait batCharlotte; anti hgyou willlctmoknoa-,. eni your ca-n lips,, Wlether yen lovam." and During the yvitole ef tItis long speech, Char- 5Wt Un eofretine intarruption; but a-len it was ana niheticiao lifted ber c yos fronitthe grotut, antiFau ling tbom on thoe o f M r. Percy Denaua.,re-." taI as folloa- - givt i. ame go glad,'IS!r. Denhani, that yeu have et 70< et corne te an explanation, because it Baves a te e mcet deal cf tinte, anti prevents furthar misun- I ita "ov 'hatih h lu lbnt f0non IWa I. bliving m iet itenti te bafowmyb r f Ln. 1 ant canditi, Mr. Donhamu-teo caîttidt hape ; but it seetio te nie that thi* le more ady-.noe tul telicata-than uumcessa. e ist e iy un t 1 long lime; but .uciihçt u 'e-ei. tia irs, itetil Yet i nale -au- apicaranve att,,Lised Ut the reality.Y Il'l'ben i nîn tu untlersîind. Iliat 1 sot-ea-a 1 ort of-r g-te-îeen ;k tîtat ftici:,tt" cîaitne-d Pr, l'ert-v l>ethaii, a-idt-jo' ci ruent. "Yon brouglît us te a Llioaledg'e of tie tr 'talc- cf cur Learis, crtaiitîv." sid Clitlet Ilandi, iin su toittg mervetdsagiîtyout Wl But tic net aîîgry. As a frietîtî1I hope te e-steq you fur itiny 7e-ara te coic-Lut Iie-ulldlthat ita lotiioy poier lfet -. CIIlVery Wecil, Misa Fane ; îery avi - cainiad Mr. l)cnbani ; Il1 ittoat biiinbly ta îy le-ave. It %vecld haveseice-oter perba for you te have acceîteoti î-bltt t ia ail ve a cIl!" Anti n itb tlese wortis Mr. Piicy effîiîaîî t partedt. Ile aient atraiglit te the roons ofibus Vicieg eus ri a, rosolvo t e caîl liî te ae u it I a-as Lurîîiîîg idi a ticire te mctîg1e blss(toe-f soîinelîoa-.Ife aalkoti at bis uttiioât spIood,,td thoro hîtglît bc lesadanger cf lis tiiitikiig. ai aueedeil in arriving at'kîgrove's duetir% t bI a-rath raîber increaset hon aluateti. Ife feuti Elgrove re-ading andidraiking"coffl fie hatil put en a loose drcsàîng gown , antia, pearedt very studieuBseualt much at case. "Mr. Denliaiti " exclaimedtiLe. as flie viti enicreti,"Iatit>deliglîtetu t sec yen. l'ray1 scateti." 41 tIîank Yeo, air," re-plietide-I~',gîi but it is UnilecessarY. ilhav ea frai ai urds1 aa to Yotî, be. Elgrove'" tI %Vdt al1 my lie-art," saiti Elgrec, I"as mnia or an fewa- anyou llce ; but tna e-ai, Man- tan' a se-at." Ileill, air, I1a-iIl humer yen," saitî Derdia, sitting- dowmî ; "l but my cenmmunicationt is bîrie tthuofli intelligible. Sir-, Yeu bave acteti like secoundret !" Intiaeet!" sait] Elgrove, -"bc so ciliging i tloex p î.in ." I "Voen have phlayeti a (aIse part hotween Mis Fane ant i yseli;" saiti Delnam. IlVoit lia, pr1ejudicet iher against me-yfot have deccive br, air ! Site bas jmat now todi0 ltaIelbe cal Sor love mec, anti thiat alita loves yen. Thor, rn e underhantid dittg flore, tir t" Ili ecatise aie loves nie, and <dues net lo-m Sou$" SM.tiEîgrove, IIthere Lam been soeaun baud ioiiig, anti I have playeti a faise part ical, certainly f Cao yeu net conceivo tbi msslbiliiy of Miss Fane. lov ing me, anti net loi. ng- Yeu1, a-st falseb"it or utaderhaiid dloin, i oniah part et any une 1if yeu cannot, yen mlus, ,bc concomted intiecti " "But -h7 îlot itferri nie that you Itit antia îp niattors 1" saiti Dcîîlam, alto secîtîcti cooling, on spiteO f bianself. '"Why bave tue, fur àday and aoekil, in a fooille paradisel!" " 1There, again, yeur e-barge againat Miss Fane tinI mysîf fable," saiti Blgrove. "«Matterswaen <mde up, as Yeu ÇOIl if, oulv anuLiout or tvo lie- fre yo en -ie infurmodti t tbey walre. ile-ft 'ou aJone with MiiFane tb * ejaà in -homop bat umîglit eu au noIicseîn. "This ià Vary lussatiaactor 1 »" ~ eu~of iiirevenve, 'ydear tir,"aid E .lgrrafe, -"1 shah li' PY te givc yeu any betteor satisfaotioii; but it etrilies me that, if a-e gel angry about this love afl'ir, a-o sall only imalle ounaelves a pair of niunios. Coue, ta k0 a cup cf coffine-, anti lot n diseaus tLe atter like ta-o ratiottal be-inge, and eot ike tise passietnate savago. Von tiko mi)k balieve P" "I1 do net eboose tu drink coffe-,, air," excîsint- cd Denliatopettishly. le aanuntiecitinti a-Lth. er te faîl tîto a tearing. rage, or own ti imself in te a-reîg, as 1;0 Imaif 1p-lt ftnaIlie'%tas : but foi te preoent hliefrretldttiîîg ejîber. -l'euht, pool>! take a cnp, Ilonhainy, andi den'I ec olistinate," said Eîgrole. Il A cup oif colflec wIli net comtpromîise you, 1 suppose?!l'liesugai t at your ellica."1 l>cîhain grea-ledti o eiing-but lie esi' Jently cotîltinet re-siat Eîgrocîtieraitttr. lc tîxei a cup of coff" %ith a îery knid grare. Iltnat is right !t" exclaimedti grove. Il Now 'e cao converse sociahîy : anti as a préiiniiiary, e t me aît yeu thia question ; is it 3 e-r opinioît îat the humait mmd is gui erneti by flic laissi whici govoro creation gencerally V' "I -i have roally neyer considereti tte- ici- ce, Ir p i ed D e n ian wt i u to confusion. "»De yen suppoe- tîat it si-ti our pow-er te aov ant i Iate ns ave îtiecil" siidL4,rove. Yen lhave tnt-or cetîitiem fic tîte lm'ti.)OUn y, it yet yoc blante Misa Faee. As a-cIl toiigt u baiicn hfae cf snoa- for faiig on nîy totildur instat oatf yours. %Whi en usîtet d ýai on 70cr mallen, yen caîllen ytmur passions." "Tbi aisstratige languago, air !11 cxlainaéd "Anti ne leas true thane strangýe," saidti groe; Yet a-ithout naintiing surît dm11 îtritcrs as rea. 011nîxti comîno') scelle, you cone bei-e full tilt uecmmit outrage lit lcast ! ns 1 beboîti ycu ait- tg llew-%%itl a rueful couiitenance, b4liaigrv, If i-epcning-yeur coiTée.cup in jour Land' il your bat crushetid under yeur fcet-I connet efraiji froin laughtor. It la tee ridieulcus upon fy %vord ! 1 mnust lniurh-1 must intîccil, if 1 et sîtet theougi the beati for it'- 11cm Elgeove indulge i n sucb an explosion f aartli, that the meute ranig again. Deubait tatid teîbisfret, otirageti te lthe tttigace ; t tee marriment cf Elgreve continuti se long ba the power cf sytnpathy was irresistable. ie iiue of bis ca-n s.Iuation struck hiem ail once, anti oc forcibly, that lic coultl to more av preveatei bis lunga fren joiuing te the lgh tilonlie conlti bave preventeti bis heart 7n beating. "Give me yonr hanti, Elgreve t" lie' oxclaimeti; ,ou bave ccmsqereti meaîtt for the ceconti me. 1 have acteti axceedingly like aenas; but a-tî t-antifiait ta su rely a syniptona of cont. 1goctlaense. - yoVan aam a brave follpwi, Deellan,- antI a *ise,"* ad Bîgreve, sbaJiimg bila ccrdielly by the baud. Il our braver7y eîi show in tae bravst ay- i ycur wisdo<a in tIhe aittet--by uwuiug your. ,fm thewarong. l'eushhh ty1vbin; 91, tethan tiat you c-ail ho le love a-ith anny Willoughby."- INo, no!e txciaimeîf" Deuhani, srniling; II e UP Chlarlotte Face te bOu, as Elle prefcrs t ; but r nat alpays continue le prefler ber lvery other girl ia the workLt" Ife atteedî the wedtibng-met Fautty Vil- Ugbby-auti fell in love utit i tr. She linacia s. bouboa.andi hclimasha-en heart te tiar t bulie cea entertaineti a sert cf ahlictica Chrlte Faîte, ha neyer knew a-bat love ly a-as uutil bc mate Fauiîy Willoughby. iiiS iiruxiaa-V aebe ifra WITE' mWÀAS& nolhin7 altich 'o' fo te"hsisard ei a.veFie fin v i.ingreer'p te anasaer the San ie i6se 4.11an,'d, brie-, atnd stotr, an oil-paiit, are nitteh heaper. The lir,.t is tige recoip. used for thc PitMe-atiett hluuso at Washtngton, iniproeot by furîlier exîte-rimentâ. Tbo. second ia a ciiopler anti cîtalter ,'îe, %a hicl thp ivriter lias kLtteantosecrceti ia a lieta- i caè;eL, lastiug as lontg anti Iookît ii ad as w hbiea ol-paint. . 1 . REceIt a--Take Saîfa busmel of unslaclie lime, andi aak it a itît bobiiig-lota aer, voter- ieg it turing the Iroces. ';tran i, satîi aa peCkL efat dissoîv-etin aui a-aloi-;itree M e lJr cfgt-cutit rit-e boilet Iol a tîtit paste, put ir ie, and apouni cf pow-ierrd Spanisfiah ing, andi a pu ouî fe-lear glue dieved in awaarth itvater. Mir. atît let it stand scvil'aI da5's Vilée keep it in a kettle oni a lorlabkc furouncle, anô pili On as liet as Poasibile, asiti a painter'a or whbitte. asal bruali.. ANOa'u-Make a litewasb in the usuel a a, except that ticeavaler usetiaboulti latetvo double hanifial, of sait tisaiol'ej un eacli tail-fuil cf ticeaaatCr uFeti. 'ien.mstir ii) a doubie-bauti- ftul cf fine santi, te niai-e it tii-ble cma,,i. This ib htter tei hoput outliot. Coîcrioginat-r can hoe atiti etibaLtht, itnakuîîg n liht atone voler, n croate cvlur, aiOP a liglt itLfll;aa'îicb arecnîcat suitaile for builtings. To wAstIWOOLtra VaYnai.-WVaabin liot ta- ILr, PUttn teacupful o!' lee? to haîf a poil of wa.r ti ne oap. Rinse tili tus aater cee offclear. T* WAsn BLACK NWORSarîo oRWOOLLEN UIOsr--I4f ne.O',ak aill 'igiît; thon a-asb in hot sudse, ait b hef's gaîl, a talilespeonful te taîf a pail O>f wate-. Ritîse ticn color contes ott Thon airetch on steckingfrmes, or brou tal hem abndaaap. on flhe aroitg Bide. TO wasH IPmc'run Mesî.ts.-Waab uinn ti- taoPortion@ of. ukarin ~so~tu -nadq . wbth WltitesaSP. -Riaaâ hyce in calti water, îutting in tîiehat rnaig.a-ater a teaspeo6nful cf, oifcir vbtriol, or pyreligiteous acid.-Stiffn 'titIt rice f ater matie by hoilieg a piaut anti a liaitflcf ries Oie l'Our, in a galion anti a hitaî of 8oft welter, & Orainedi-Streth anti dry in ctealle.unwmug Bie out.. 11, onalîrinkue snd roll une heur te- fre ireuing. To e-LEASE GENTyUiaN'S C C iCoaTS &It; PANTAe-o5ýNg....JPfawriteorlban trieti anti accu Otierg i, the Mfowiag metho t hibrernarka. lae succea, on ail forts cf, brtad.clth articles f meCss. Take oeaboe-fntgitl, liait a pounti o! t thgmtatus, andi four galions of aat teter. Vith a clotboa.Lresh dippetl in Ibis mixture sour lte article, Iayiug il ce a table for the pu r- i sc. The coller of a cent ant ti grosse spoîts 1 ,îreviously ,narkeihya stitcb or two -cf a-bitec roat) musI ho brulted with this mixture rc-i natetily. Afteti- Ibm hake the article ant i cuse np ntiOat~iithtnxtne.Thon rinse il ip anti dovn in thé saine ay in suta colti aator. heîa e*thotut any arieging o- pressing, biang it igo anti iron en wlcarongide, - Or %Ea ai-agi uomMmthing heta-ac lthe cloth andtirb-e, e wigtiti perfacthyV dry. litin tbent te rip ont suda nt lin in&,the,1t art icles are wertb the rouble. Aie brual the article hofore a-ashing. le isoftttL bet te moune prt but Iha shirtmcd i osa the Itppcts and out. h AmiTes-ueMaODE Or WÂqittao BRActaiCLT.e's. a -Shako anti brunît lihe article. Rip outpochets p id litiige. NWash in ta-o portions cf ctrong hl udo, putting ateaamupfulcf loy iatisé irat. Da 8 t ivring, but roll thena tijglit, anti prose tLe wa- fi r oui. Wben enluirely dry, sprinkde,thena andi et tienlie ail]niglit. Ira ion tdis-rOiig aidea S'aidi an intereting cloh, li perfectly dry. a ?r Iightt aeolius awbute aeap munal ho useti. ron on the right aide a-ith ai itervening claili. To WASUt MEaINas, BoBatZtaNES AcDCHA.L- ai .s..-Takout aIl gahmers anti plaits. Free tho tiele trouatintaI. Mako a suds cf a-arrn (flot a ot) a-ater anti a-ite eonp, nddipg a, msplofe ,gai]. 'Pton aad in a aWéaler antise, atiding ar tiark Ibingsa s antiful of tit, anti for lightlut tongs a tearpoonful cf cil or' vitriol. , Ou net rin, but folti anti pre-sasitheaater onttù b abc tchiug it in a ttub beaaéatti. Whcn hear. ytdyj, ral it in adapîp toa-el, anti let it lie an -ur. fron an-lthe tr ng aida. Dc not lot hem enumi danap iery long. Fur black houthazines, Pl t in lye imtea t f x-gal. Lt T o EI A 'a E fE E F 'S G tt.r, O ton ( X GC h i. eiti a hsttle-or jug Co the hateber, anti request a-tayarong essece tathagcbl.L a-pilcoredanIli aci plae. i vtt ya " 'u a il e m id s diaagr e r s li e t cl i lI ho e - veti li- rin ajBý r ticeY. n lte rl b ar mte Ss-TE&iî;e atat-l see Iat yen devte a part t0 yer valutable paper te Doinestic Ecnony.- gr 'he isla~ il sheult ie. Our lady reailera, a-e te. tnk taitle an iaterest 'n our- agriculîural papera, a id of course ticy aboulliat'ea part ofthepaper W s part for tbeu.. Tre inano more important part of tbe roi-n on cfa faaily lian te article f bread. ifwa-e tout 0[ ve beard ,~know boa-te malle kal, ~ ý Weblaet4every .ll<,usea-ife ai. TaR ant, ca e or d os pridèltemn lf, on m akinki qqd& i eati. But, n Y sathe gooeti Eusewl, 1,aBsle i" Oka tlircugb itr aPee aiatq the Cuitivater, 1 eder a-bat tbay a-ont carry stean te next !_-..ih ie bave atoam te dtive thopeole Ithmogh the oii on rafleoadiasti stoan or tchag bick. - e, and lent of ail, steanm fer mniingbreat. -b 't steain for maling hotua, gondi lady, but lik nan f«ai makin". üit breati luanea-. Il la a-il sa-a by every heusca-ia',wio lias a farily. d<k Ltin baking a large batch ofbroat, nom ofthe Y-0 ves ailljet drymat dhefomaitilaaIl in"ed. beej;prauitin le ebelievle, te M.ah1k. Iddlopgat t badry hi-at. Tis Iteaever, cMt troUbleanal ae a-li' cerne té à pent et e; in lie firt place, 6lyow rpridJge 'puta- t bai ful cf a-aIe-,andi àiil bo18,r have saute tat 4t sticks et i-ttiste, hay ln scress lbe pot, tIers ont ieaaloi; thon put in ycatr leur, shut deun1 oe var, anthIon yoq dan latIen the stem fur pul but llftaen or twest f inutles. Iue ,Yoe ai il with a fcsk, and i - it &--défie Pot il bal te " h; asdlffoedoe'ts«Y lt u « gond e a-a- hicati, if net ha~lesu, lt am -Y set mefia wn as s faim. pr*brt. W. dee'î think t 0 . It ina- l t alyb a mi that .-breut igmesia. li fica n iet ngentilman ihiu irs ~ iasa'<t h.botiad ta t-asasaf -7faaih un il$ lietit,ithe taucans if desimable, of preoducii ils can itrai . '" r-. àlari-tig -i fut!W n r , N . IL. lap p uti a i g ar iiaffle 2 ,I f i t in tua m eter, ahic i n la l ho ù 7 g tt ' oe c i t y î « % r t n t u t t a p ; f r o u n h i d i îîa C i t ýt l bc; t"ai aia Iin i lld,cn'offr. -, A pail fui! - :îi n'as& ifhiit *Iii ciite ad ofidti ry sugr. A ret i îlie,( 4Ari'rulir>huis long been ohject ofiteroat aI Ussipee, N. I L, oetacyci'; oh <ha si-ae. aid lime qltaltita' ni ingar il pretin'-ý, S ls Cirruitfe r-et o itar Ile surfict aas 28 le- anti il ceatinitoti îiarly the $atte site for 17 j a Lit itPartet inmtbamcett, eu' d -ihidi iu ilu m f eaée n d ua m e îer, a n ti the - o t bt»-a o f ae at. tule baasa cito: 'itbta tagnihoiittroc n-as lait ,Y bl . a n d cau itut a at m ' , ta ie n I a na - , t. and th e lI ep tot uct ini nlc lhio ar ts in itkX l f ot, Na eide,,<ti ne corda cf a-cozi fronn the branches, &, 'l'le cefer la mate fory pontas t.f uget- mît Yeu, froitiis ingle ree.-[culîivator. . à t . a a î f ~ S < e s o l tite n a -h a % v o t e q u i - terûd but acountry villae, ulacit they a, Uta rol: raltrini-o askin,one saneur wbac- kinti of qua. ters the iLadit T".*tut'of Illeu, salît1hulC.g' ae>- gondil quirtr-ý. Lut the almangîs tegttiL-ai Craa lie hîsl-shIe ahayâ boL htnuoff. t. -e-umtrtthe ai l ie te i'îlti gi aîiig witb Jluin, an voulîl afe-lier off. ie - g~4, si îfen.0tt vIa ke hb an dts ait bu It r, aa),i r " lI a a re y en. Eatt"(Lit aas em ifacai) "iuied, Sr. l e)t u ) - e 1e- l u e l t e Ic i t C r o ' li me ; i d an sa li e : b)Leui e:patu, do '7e no eu-mnie 1-lam ti dtvi'as itclr'. i-ci."IlDear anelis," quotî- lie, looking hi Lroatly lit tige face, ", niait, but Ye're juta litre your a-ice. fruac'a 'aife cullteti10ber 'a-at-"o-, tomeneIteybur I)arritehb,'ar th«e- Is',il a' dtint- t e t L e i mlk . " ' ' e a h i di , lt h e u n e h i e t t a g i a h i l repiet, "Tihom'o's ne far; ileyuay musya-au tlrougi 't." lsiisasuiilgtiu 1ti s flirmo on ber libmi'a î, excla<ticd, IlWiat, ym looti b tat'@asaying ye i ea get enoîigbt"- .(.', aY, (-aWsIJek,> tiro'e 57C eoug h for the p r. radi.b. -' 'tWeIl",t igl f owitet i l tLe CatIlein Lte worlti:BaaM Nsi. 1 - " I n * o u ld -Y o u fi e t l l e u l " ' aè s " i c d "l' tretIîf1l~oouhrpasture," &id t4ct a Ies, 1i a-enMYt <No, Yeu iutiut." "Vo i àn'i."l Autîlth e aie dmc fltieuff&-and 0O!t o a ley titi figuet - A Iiortmîut. Vue Hn.-" Zopitaniai," aked a country achoulàastk>' thé ether îay, as u a-a' iterrogatig asclolar uucnc rning the <anan, o Ie eovereigne of tîne variolim kingtlonth begi u lI e w o ml t, 1 "e a u y o u te ll n e u e W a - b i s I b is u . te-rer tif Russiai?" "lw igora," wan the reply. " A îud tW ltein th & ,et y to i A lg ie ,e s " - ' *5Thuinder d Mdr.," criadti theautortlabeti by, griseting m car te ear, 'I 'vo heerd tell éver bera lî ib -a Iboday <f id, on afor." A l)e-rcintssa tx Tauay.rF -A qeriona aId uttelitan u in ysgote ly, aoppst illn.tbevtieil iyof a oiling sprin te 10resI hus tanin, 3anthîle tas fcereti broat. llaving lft bis sonJohnat, 't e l l or s u ' h e a ti , h o p r c e o t d i tt iît bs U l & iti begail te iip bis atar. At lbe tuaI dip Isis il drpped front bis lbande.. mil ho rturu l; i hi@ a-lgean ue fuIlruoi nJoting, -"Shesti h on ! ttrivé oÉi, giona i -î is tc von nmile- font, dis place V! (>aat-tINAL A ECOTE.-AbOnît ffy yoaa-î sînre' naît nautÉtiPitrifr, a-lbattasfautons fr hn, n'il, let lsfriendtiIho 1ev. lMr. Badger, oit %VeybosO1tt Britge, je-.lProvidence, a-be -aau' airly trying to lree- ls hrne over the bridge. fument a bavy tin.- "iJet nie try telat 1 àn-to'? sid Mr. P., aiati Ic ortiing y the re sore-utt getle mnan diau onateit, "Wby a-at tiecaîis ulte " 'aid lin latter lho again took the bridie. IlWiîy aouid lic eait yeoi tc tae liii oser, a-be< t &;0 obati albely refumetetbchoguidoti b ymet" - - -_j '"Veut bone il'soctane-tglike lnid," iveturneti le otler, "lue dot'iI ke je be prt<slrýdd." Lia- CÀs-The fuIloaig a-as atatati hy a silfeao, aI l'arntabia çtnpitS. ,- - A gentlen- dying, naile bis a-l, in a-hieS e pi-ovdés tiflusu5I' hôtle ha confie. ti' aotId have a boy, hie tealîl tae ta-c thurds. I the Prepgrty, and iIts moîher the rmnainder p )t if it a-as a girl, tho be te r vt pé toi have we tbirts ant i l t augité'r naie tii. Note ut ippe uct h lat; a b ey . and girl a-re buer. - TJhe Profeser boquei oaathe prcja-rty a-as 0 eédiviietiaccording ltthewish 01 the test.- r. le callei nne tf bis pupils, anti asei -advelY--"ti, ahat a-sethe intention of tae stater 1"'l "S ir," 'ansa-arotelItesudeat, bigs lel6ition rs tuhave o tîy oneCikLt" - .- - Slm," salî a pemPuit Pea'nage a-ho oce dertouk te bull7 au utiter, Ildo yen hnowa-Iti bitteyOur pr.1" Il, have ne .tu t-yen, du ike it,1 rep ' ilthiemn oeftrqu fo" r seié. YsI l about lta i- p up 9hll inas ta thé Au Idhalilo Iavngbeu Ia4h&l t hy a evy cf pretygitis, tbld tbe hei uy -re aWqal Ott&*& IlWe aiafhe zmall peates," rplWe m of a gimtis" but ae are s-e t OSa-aet sin- baaï siked mbulm t u bêtutua samur ke enraalf." '-e" . IT T A n n e w Ta e %s a AX À u ~ m - e- y Lae friets, that w-il ansu be~u a tIig about a stag uin t be hbmh. e eliag the 'a u l-. gtlues ye n aver ltai . 7eL.- ait.*a tut y en- - a o î e ur t ru lai B*. -Anti vas bud l il, 3dualyen!," iWeIl.attbieyjum beatià mugi that ut' ken Iso tte Iai da saier - ouaut~init i ar ltu lten ta iL - Eliatuaiat AacNJECIa.....A a004W'Zefd tot. aIble wtelr, and reqac~uee fuMteéarite a a t-e' for bila. i, a a cribé replii, "canait--I iv seuting 1utî ttmr a-il My fet" "dn- stam e," ralet» dti eds"I,.a RM tO Ba u yv ay a-ho." -"1 ndvtabd Ri perf atl a-il.-" thieda.otIe r, " 1.1' - he m Iite a latter <ai- auly asic, tam. lW*sm te rea&st."r, ,-,- , , ' ',1- T i,> W î e ai, . - 'f a kh be 180l ,- saab iL . sr geâtie ire, ant i eh t - l eu r m màiho il omm» a pesiteGrasseft 1 1 0 -c"s. ingar that cao h eie em u-te atal, t_ Iiae trees are gxoi, anti the- pria- eusa-ll getl, la gererallynucli tsndrmiýe& z Tseqfl icW la open fields triU predîtce aWe u e til(ion athe tneest anti it'Io, Ïpfcsitïdâe"pa- -é aatay ytare, lsacivreti-s tUs tigpsut t feI"es. - W. Suid ii'*le Mitaes souins'ltoîices of thttrac, e tte peuine , a-or- lby of record, as pr4eiin m the b. out las vitit- f . 47/59