KINGS~I'UN IIEl4ALV-TLa~abAl, JLL~ ~, lS4.~. A qF£RL-r FR As À F rWr's5 i Wu-Wliale ois .1 wet>er cewas goi'ig on, lot yu'îr9 Wpi- d tn a kette ut buling U-aler. sa ~ i ioitaisne Of the pans alien ot iruR îu emdcuer thiesaine eti anethi. ls of îth Oe hbt pams, ami prarat in lihe ieunm witi the c-laIma.oet ilk, md yn cit Ammi tfmt yu siilI have double tie slsanttty of geti, udcromas.,tsI ult ive yon doubile o6e %**a- tity ofai eot ami ilIi'om butter. a-a apt tish trouilet in ber tireane, and ratiser superaiiini isil, ininensedthet apansaisof tise paraistisai on-e« sgbi i..evims. abe dreiurei the eale rranlfatier a obldliman demtate- ton yeare.Tho c1rgman au.-led fier citi4ie 1usd taise eâti!". *m w;ç klt .a .itiepie!" "Well,s"uyu.0ie,tlyon u i deouied tieolai- er hait, yîsc nigtlst 'rabIY hase 6SDnyour granaltster!" Ai IswsIAlS RT.T.-Au 5 muaiscompiaineti j»as realer ftîlite piceosi iquora-aiteeigh. Tm .louin justification .u-si init i.<Coasta muchuuoo eua hcgaead of braady sastlakeM, a ,cow. 'The Irt'han seplicf, " May blele SeinS ac aunci wateir but ho e aieet se mlunchahay." A RatierPEsTOiax esYtnAsi-To tee miîldling sîizei rotud poatataee, aditase inttoft oilitsg cm fo, anti twttabsle speenuts oi brows suigar. W lien cool. asaki a sinail qisatity ai comnio yeamt. Onie fissiafbt uater ahid blilhppîied te evervhlsf PMelZettishe ompund. [lo t ar u-- hetter i% Warn ceallier. 1T4 euat boiisg muasle cithoul dour, clisnep longer. andl la saiS tu ho lyut k-tter tisa auy puoiuâly i.s use. ,ITAI-qîI'i 'i Msess. -Talle tira onces ofi 4,l ut bitrio. sanion of uratic seil; ssmi by tiltiig tia phitu, andtlwaken Ioliho a»É,lay t ,uîc li 51,tctpart l'y isoosu ot a toatber or woilen rat." iuashmtise pànt over nît-b nat-r, and fiolià las lsuphe.- 1't iiu "StiUB ccr-As lb. second nus. f'inth ie pet-tuent et thie Neu En,, cmli reni. pitr 0lmlii' Ifcri ions5 ot tIsaclul oDivision ni the Ai-tiy iLasaduripg tie aar uof1>12, and us t- sautil ceuuaily rcqiure se tilactu treiture iIîuuC iiithie Ceitre Division Witt dit tiililv n itiih alune eau retler thein of value, si- lace ieteri, lied, ini roniîiauuee wilb the cu.4ltes tsi îuny tot sur Subscribers te peulsk, as a isort ut appectuix tute Operaimasofitae Riglt D>isins ile Pnoem ofTecunîsehthie batiremiais- mog priiuul..Icîîpy etflîh, 1h cwil b. recoalhected,. basclbeen ue spart for tise pur"peaibeing gise. ed untete b.fundaion atonse o eCo.nsmaent wa lieercet tte nemory ai liaI Grea. Chief and %î Varrir et Aniertburg. AUi pereans de- cirur ot obtaiiîsg copie's eh tise resupletei puibi- cations, truslthle c o.îcneueacn oltain thi tiaisfi ub he severa I sat offices, on erîcling latt'hsnt.ur, or six ientdls eubsriptioe. We >;-tII tel ûiiuldif the pi-cui -lh dousas t avor fto uc' Oiie.[Nec Era. 'l'ôhe eitr tIbomhLimserlck Charuide. - 'l'îl CABOOL TEIUTOIY. Siurn-As Cabolis, li pasent, a emjecl higibhy iteretlng fis tise publics, pera" y.. uay SMi u1.icýt ti~teuiîuiiing mitutie i i eaccent la .tt ury. Wc titidit descrubl lu Diedruneisic, au~ liait ri, andilcoii-itin,& $taria, Saydiris. Hyr- eauu.l'srtbia. Aracois, Lu. &e.,,iteucpitalcas ilif-utui. i-t flic' source othesa (ius-ad il cas, iearly eciuty tîviieilby lthe uige of ie Cauca. .us, tltu irceeut liindosKoiash; il ai îresenh cî,aui oh lki, asdsitAiglianistan. utci Ioii t Iis hiistoian. in tlie year. W2, uîîtr th isa lif, ,r l(bIL. C. Zorouster orasis i eu, tcr cotespoary ot Abraham ; hoetaughsi issuulijuctsata.-ie ancimntuaacy. ami tisqîgiei tliat Iîiuuiîs-ai iiloary o @un worihip, ne effeui. culet iiitièae its', aimd hichi epreati ove, seariy alIle thu crl. t' iis sumytcittle crie as ter priur tÀs Joeepi'8 captivly, il paied taslise icd. iterrattean, thoughtie lalwritîaiUr Plhi .5 te l'ythi1.8v waestho àtvh'0las iji f tise Eiusiaiaam E.itufiut-aiuyetcniet,. aaud inatisun Esat, erimane shlrucmddira the lis !rtitia ofFn.,anti afiltiisll, uîuuî i tle tVcst, fateSLuàitDnuddutum. Aî-slistii, k ueiioite, Ifolic tb-faplamee ftue authiî.rs uft he f'ynauid. tho IL«" ilTonesa,- Sir A. Bourner, i :lusIst iesisir, says, tisaî a taleiitîicil t-useller (Mr. Massn) n'as a1t Catissl, itn lm-11%I, uuesl igtilagtIesacIltfiaso aituities,I nof u it h tit-, %i-re amtpl. e tiiw, listh in coins ;uu n ii liutiil i-t . Wte fidnit,'il 1ht ch, 2 Kiigu, flaI 6-18 B. C. f fin liît 'lritm-u tf lIrcurt, siee malîsle captive by the Asi-yriauc ; andt it uii hlieveilaies-e lcma.uicl liiti i~itualintor ;acordtiiigte Zenophut, t~yiu l. . ut-riabermepat i hie migltfy Pctiau eîqic, oioielIcCycu,519) B. C, itelsidii,, Aauyri-lw epretzeit Inahatljeîni, fie. la-f hei,trett isitirti uau cient l'Cr- ia1, tliteelittlv-.tahtctui. illarlà amid (4uuu)tus uui 'utinîc, feuils taI n5 1.C i audlter snef <,it th o îslierh1afia as-it ttlthK ij aclul U5,1*0 houîurc;ie uiar,'hsilrightl treugh Aiguiuutuîlute' piueuil fîsn of Cabdlulanti hacuicuiur y Ntl(iKk, uriasedhlIe l'unjaii. or lave luait driei'cftifhfe tutîe, nd l tsutedthelb. ace. îfiiîitn t a4mthurfoui thse thyptiasus, tIesapent l uer sutlgîlie'.Dlaieb chiargier. ieyaui del ; andt a City ontiuttnmn Ille satie tsî,r semaesu tatîstîlown lie indu, disçuug with tihe <iygell".ss)fJsis ttziOtlreseti os its isaitis utîîîî I.oinig itar ils mnit., iarrised ilîrus- hlihiucfis a,, uiuti t Ialslu h ajor Reanul's .uiamsh udsoir. publii-boil in 17815, tf»41iillusi. t raies his celebrated ircharnd sui lo that ot "imuer te thei saune plane A. 1). 1351, mien tise Moguls o% e'rnatt ahlusîsiktan, fis th (uaigec', --Si'. Gibus'i'd l16.-toiy, vol. si-citerc Tansr. lîne's deëweiit outlIheHidou Kus>iils by rpine, 'as dcilssnrheu. lslsnisn, has4ig A. D. W,3, ftitaliy overpoc. cccl tFe ll' or.lsip oithe Eêscthle doctrines iut YZXrseate alenuisonly te he fuai t aîogit a ie stIrsees, a imieeaiusudrce. sialy 4eiond irouphu idiia.Buit I cannol conlhide culhset et aicg tutu 1efresti a t-i rsctiîw* dby it A.X ume. :--lue . hat in IHMa1stietaernie,. isiuuutty a;i1-meuîhsftu t s ineard" e ofom trace tfilis1ts iois-e. aIsre ie tuiiuied miglit h fituaî itioust tue Kusiit, a g«u<iaf.s- auJ rîseîvi race otf laslatucuar (',ashuicer ;-temdê-à ar ~ i, hat iho Af.lac.ra tke.iiuelves --tin lesr-el," antd have plugtroos dir ihir ui.. ils felssa isa.-0 'ias. Slis;I atilise t'iflaq. ef 1h. 11.1b chafti f lte%-el.itstîsî, sidtîu lu I fuure mîîrcli t 'Itifiaiitly arrosesMfglianistaramnmtier lertiotin tise revenue. If. chargea ailinanner o atrecfmit e " .Senoe Pe-4the camimandant, u-hoseilît-isaeM ad thissatsbd beon the Cacao ai bis figlit.lie nys tIsaIPac ca ent inual y druak-iluat bc baWlput tIco persos te deatb witbeut sol krm a<JstiO14J,&0.&ami de- erêses hissau"* ilent, insulmrdisate ail Oie ssm rnnîsm tunel thatbuhae ose aun- der al oic. Nttgi Sm i* thse Gazette rave extracta frmse EZ tis w1spurs for a - Gaceta Offmiia," of Guatemaa, pubiahed on thse 1Itîof May, fru1 clich ce leamu that rtener Lapez bas resigneil lbe Pressdency of tise Sta,sud dttSener Rivera Paz lias een cie.. en ta succeed him. Gen. Carrera cas namin.. misai but ilclincil. The nec President teak Oie oath ofoffice on tise llth. A desptcb frein Nicaragua is pubiislied in this Garcia, auiuicng tisa surrenier of Generai- Villase"o. commander in chie(fof, tis national frres in Coula Rien,.s. ith alis treoçî, te Gea- cmil M1orazan, by a capitulation entered liteo o tihe l2th of April, cithout striking a biow or making any atoinpt at reuieaaîce. Thse tir arnuos fraternizeil, tht Morazan was prcpuicg te advance upen Guatemaa. The niovement proliably cas tiscause. aithe resigu- atien et President Lpez. Vigarnus efforts were in pregres etah uawe utala tu eico»Uor the invailer. We leuu'n train Captain ltowe, Iliat tiere were at Belize, heidues i1Iutrious, a, a brig, a schooner ail a stemn abip, aIl under tiie conituaîdaof Sir Charles Adam.-f N. Y. Cees Ad. Fis.M the ilet bm ma. Hlis Excellency the Right llonhie Sir CîsAZLt Duior, K. G. B. Goveritor Geom],, fael is first entry into Queber an satcrpy la4al~tWe o'clock, . M. The. steamer Qms, frens Sorel, witis hie Ex,' cellency. ami suite on board arrived jhortly ater oe o dock, andi preceedeil down the liarbour nearly la Pint Levi, aîidst Oie firing ef cannon fruîmAr. Black's sîipyard, thse Unkarv,and at Ptint- Levt; Oie numerous vesseld in port being aIl decorateil cidi-their flags. Thseboast aterwardl sai. aiogside t"iK's Wharf, chere lits Exceilency cas reciveil by Cel. Boches tise commandlant cf lb..rom ail staigwithaguardfofbourand hbad alby the Mayor and Corporation, the niagitraloe and DuisiefTrade. Ma Exelmncyaerrsegecas in atlendance, but ho aceeptei thee invitatin ef the bMayer, a&M tapped loItoahbe Wesiip'a car. ru wehilothbi suite foloced intbth g isE, clm.-Tb.-preesiee eoveil .ioninjethe eider nsied in tise necepapers; alongîthe Cu. îe-sac. through pat ai Soue lefki mestreel jut8. Pet., street, andi op Mataim street ta the par. aile in front of the Chaenu, chae.ail lie mce. ten wer. drawn sp and alutel Hie Excellene cliii seelanatîeee, repeeted by tise dense c=od wbicli Ouled th hewoie oethtie square, sud parte of thse adjacent streets. Risexcemllene, aiteçrce sa rouandth ie eqnam ,reto mta lb. : =' olidinige, wc hel. tanlers of tise Exeotive Council, thse Jutige., the Bar. te Town Ceuiiil adl a- giawmewer e ambi enaïceve is; ch Hi Jel ilbai amaendei thse tep, Il@ Weesbip the' layer poeaeted lthe fliawieg aà& dense in bcbalf of tise ctizaie "To is Excellency the. Rightt Hoaauralsle Sir COaAiRES Bicor, K night-OUMndlCrees eOf1h monetIlionorable.Or&ieof the .Bath. anetfMer Majety'enieel Honorable Pnivy Conscil, Go. vernor General et Britishî Noth Amerios, anti Captain General aild(overnor te Chiafi litandl over Ohe Provinces af Canada, Nova gratin, NecwtBrunswckci, and the Isand et Pric441 Wsard, aMW Vice AMiral of the»M&n.. Mq Yýil pies leus' £cdoeaî- We., Ibe Myor antiCorporaonof thse Citret Qnebec e l.nueanian bh&lftbeClebgs5 heree iOe" respetfuliy <salmitae ouren: lo Igncaym<r arimaI at tise acet Ssat tt gsnïMëkï, ad ce myil oureivea oft Iis,, tia tretopiemuulytisaI bas pasentei ituesf, et expressimgeer gratification et lming %mnag us a perse. odistinguisheil as Yeux mrExlleuoy, not miniy by the igb andl important ranis to chl it lias peaset ber Majosty ta raise leu as (3over. itr General etfttheliritieli North Anierican Pro.. vincep. but for the tmany persoual qualities whibît bave j«Usy entitlest you to occupy that ex- alliai station. W. do justice te tise obarater of tise inliabi- tants oftthis City iluring' the ei ty.dirue yeara il ashecigel t l. riiss rown, chen c, exproe their sentiments of unvarfirig idelity te the tbrooe of their Soverige aildres efrth. Inersnne entruateil citis taeRoyal a:ritý'. It in aur deaire tisaI Yocr Excellency s se- journ anonga"t us malylb. long, ail plcasing ta yourself, sid lia tthe discharge of your bigli andt importan funttleuu asGaveraer Generaloft dits Province îuay proesol.and moecu tis peao. sud preiiperity. Ta whicli bis Excelleney cas pl.aeite aks the folhsawing isMa. MATOU AutO Gs!TLEMS.5: 1 ratura 705 sy sineere tlianiss for dhis ad. droits, ani for tise anuer insi ch yon bave ceironied iny arrivai in iair city. llaving beu prevenlei fresin proceeding ta Canaalsjib.rtoute of the St. Lawrence, and trous assuiuisg lintisf,tde anelent Capital ai tIe Lacer Proviace tis, office cits chicla lier Ma- jebty bas honaureil ue, 1 haye sec seizailtde eartost opportuity alloweS me hy dhe publie business, lu visit your City, no cetebraled fr its naurai hoacties anS isutorical association@. I wecli neuv ie gratification clich my preleces' sors, the furmer tiovornors at Srilisb NortisA- ëerles, deris'ctl k-ni ibeir assidonce asnoM gyeu a»s tise sentiments of attacinnent cutis chici tieave restrgarded Quaaiec. 1 feel ceuvinceit tilat I a6uîa hail hava causa iereafterta lok lacis iiti tise rmol pleaging recoliertiom te tise li- 1 1,1i7mams s inm Ois ity ; and I trait Uéat y 1-1-1 i squaintance uithlounmy i conluciv, wto Mnyt ur privai. graticaluoti but 1a pulie iterct's..1 scive as an earvost ".isaI illi bc o. lIse kisenutimeonts ubieli yenarc.e Aas- ed taexpress tocards myselt and mb.eiarmony sud gouil feeling w chsbave êaukcd yauc pro- ceediusg8 on tiis accasion. Theae staet rougi ulaickis hieExcliey passit, voe icorateldt a roc et evergreene, set up u eaobaide, aud lIhe ehule cay mcas silennudly ernaiantosl ciihlags suspendeS a. tut tmeels nsong chichi the rayal standardad fsitasusr et coaspicwuus.Soute taus- isiar notice. 'S.sccttî Gale cas cuvere silli amatiui ai evergre.ns acreseuntetihy a Crocs, andl a thde nrUarnceo>sthdisperade lIere cas a sery hantisonse triempitai srcls, vil tâte faiy amuisot qua CuuszasB*GOT.- OUR1 PRESENT STATE. Fer 5cuate veeke a eisve declitel giviug an enstioe t miteprai.utstate ni depressio.eacept cha u sttel rlass teffmniraioi.Whbîn tse last teedavis, e caflel poa tie Agent, miss informel us tisai Emigraustdid tare heter tha issa hie ebkmcoe-4e telle nut t smen of famssly are granleti25 Acre udnby getie. mien whia have 400 Acres isume blociskansi ai. loceil lepurcisse7b1oray aumner et seras tîoyplestu, t tie lheset rate miti Lanis could bosald ften urakingtdist "sibe.SuIar se a hoelisuecevcas extessied. oaly l inte Hoe eDis- trict. Thse Agentforumserreana*e&titht -he bagsed ttt buffl proprielea na la er Districs *égWlifedosv lb. humane-eipe ati eemo- à* atranger te setule aaseeg us-[Tareto if thm 40 **y truiistde teportta Wb"ci cee idgsstadathdmUe n 1mbe f .the ,teeffl aimme laemeîl amu saxions teuresigis, mlvii beaWVr of en ipsatd ciplaintlo lise part ef the lapai celonie. Aler having cotniaed-b lse quwmiuab polies t-ey haves pursiete d 0 ime in a great meascre tise perty by chasse sean. tbey-have iSeus brougbt inte et. ii-e, tiace gentlemen are botund oneutciery con- siteraion of pelticai houi.sty ta stand theur trial in thse homîe, andi ansucithe questions tisaI cilI b. put tetherns ntdm nature et lb. poliey diey bave thoist proper te pernne. If tiesenmne at ti. umjerhy b. expressait in their favor, tisey cma reire trougsencti ly thi8 result or if it bc the csetcey, i i ilb. tien tise for thein ta se- knowektg h.senwY Of tie princîple by chieha lbey ver. paces! in office: but for theun ta le- tire t the presenî moment, leavueng tise adiuof tise act te honte by men at chus. bansthlb publieoexpet aothiag, ha uctier uanly nor hon- est. W %elbiulchoexreedisîgiy rorry tisai a suspicion shounli crmep inta the publie uaind liai the ouîy ais af Pubie mien le ta " feuther ocu ileute ;" snd ire canutt heip thinking iliat dissupiion cocld b. justiied if the changes rfoule shouhl bcinmaie. At titis rate lie public coulti in a vcry short hume ho buriteneil widi adecent numnhror etitreit politiciana cIa preforreil tise encb tu lhe Senate, saul a sncg "irrepsille"'office te the tormy stage of the Provincial Legishature. Mr. Hlincks nai-ht Ihen in s short space of tne fold lisamaris, atil lise a second Cincinnatus retire te itis phougis, s'uilst frin under cvery iudge's cocked.iiat woul peer the features ofta e; devanti Attorneyyor Soli- citor-Ceeertul. Ptt and Perc ivai, cIme stood attis oltita uring t uiseiticali tuc cf Engliial bis. tory, and t o bail aItis"r diupetial an amunt of patronage neyer hofore or since ccîualied iniithe corl1, uleilse poor diat tle nation iras ralel oni te psy their lebs sud support Iliir fatilie. ; but our colonial puiicians are a lem disinter. ested race, andi net rlying on tisa generosity of their fclliocmon, adop a aster plan ot helping iieumlves-[Moitroal Courier. SOiLICITOR CGji-,Iu..-The report titat Hi. SisenîvocilEsq, bayezofet dis city, hau r«eiset s sunamons tramt a igh quarter, relative te his acceptane of office as Selicitor Octieral, is ire uaderatand, correct; and that îîitlî efècence tu il, Mfr. Slserwood utîl shortly proccedi te Canisada East te have an interview cti Smr Charles Bia- got. As chief magitrata of Tuonte, Mr. liter. wsoeil bas, by lis encrgy and thîe impartial dis- charge of the duties roufideil te im, gaticil the approbation of ail parties; andI shouldîte accept office, liera is neoilaubt boc ili inlce, is a hig. or cspere, tht aptitude for busineoss that may b. eupected frem isietalents aîmd oxperuiincc. [Cohailiat TORONTO CITY. Ki>s's CoLLzuta-Tu AvuNstx-GÂs Liesora &c.-8troIIirg ou Monday lat tirough dhe Coi- legs Avene, tisaI ieanlifaul public calk ; ce dere agseaably surprimei upon arriving aI lb. site of King's Celege, ta ied upwards of thirty atenre-cuttera bcsily a atwris. Thb.east vine, h e ail cl b. erecteil dis season. The atone fW tie foundation s ftram Kingtston; for the cIls- er parI tfthe building fruns Hamîilton. W. are iladhto bave it lnunour power ta furnishr a niarist far asy supplies at the disposai othde latter. The gas ce ais..e cve liasextendel it. rare!t fication ais f a ISars. t -A erfect bessing we shoulil sy testde inhabtanti t tisaI quarter. W. have smeietahiouglt chie eressimcin Mudty veather tran McèLae utracI; tisai a plankeeoumunication, my eveu a single oee, verniS b. a grealituprovesent, At present a- ter raim, it miut h. fatal te de than stro.aid te ladies, Tis intde mode adioputiin samall, tacno, and ce tbik il might uid ailsumtage b. =pliedl hors, citisout any encnoaehmeîit upoiî dedignity etbth ity. OnOie choie. hocever, Toronthaainig tde beaty of ils position, its veali. ,ils ciide asti seepuaoe sreetm. ita beau. tiful avenue, cbich if equataiedil; aI leat not surpasseS ina Uritisk America ; tegedher cits tise towof gas lights, that faintly asislad us of distant soeus; consumeS cw» L.traqulity th vv hieaprvails :-ciiIvea aelons vimeti vatuualy becoe es s e.pleuubaneg the itiesof the Americonetinent sas ilcas suoempatalne tins., ta rentier it insigcificaat &M nïeiaptMle-[ib. FATAàL Rzer-On Saluuday iuas as nusmber of men cet. perforciug liatute labor, onthie road in lb. Tocnsipai Picierings hesvy show. or ai rain occeurrei, wdieu dey cent int a Tay- eru ta taire ahelter saunoof diopa comnccd iruiig andti llerasuimoiing-oneoetble prty nameiSamiuel Majors, uappel s pipe frotIal inglon Sanders, this causeS s quarrel, cien gantilers seizel a Spado and sîrucis Majors on tise head, surd fractured bita akuli. Sauders, ce un- derstandi5nec win jail in dis City tla Suait his -riai at tbe nexî Assises. Sitars thé abusa'. as put iun Type, a-c learu diat Majors died.-[Toronta Minror. Coaumt Scnoeais-A comperative tristement ai lb. expence te heatis of families cnucr ti. ol ayatein, andithdatftire neir. Tbe gerreral rate ai psy to leadhers bas hoon about 2s. 6d. pen metI, cidi boardl andt easising. Nuc Sir, l'il suppose a fariner bas dirco childasu te rend te schicl 5airt ha . ratedo n tb. Aseesaont Poil for £150 and the tax for schoois unlr thie bill on. penny on tise pounti, lie mauter would stand Ois:. OLD ssii -Tuilieus for 3 chihtirisufr 12moissali at 2s. gd petrusosth. £410 0 Boar for teacier sarne period 6-weeks at 7s.Gd perwvomi. 2 5 O Fiuel for tie saute timnse co rt. O 5 0 Total cstI 7 O0t0 fur Oie eticcatie. of direachildnsifurue ycar unatio the olut plan. ""Ew SYSTEU.'s. enfr tue cishilureui 12 uonthe at I& ZU parnetb. £2 5 0 Sohanol tax an £150 ah Id. parpournd. £0 12 6 £2 17 0 Lcaving a balance et £Î4 2 C in fau of the neu cl for tise elisosiion of Ihrce chihtren for ana year ! anS this is chat in calicI eppreoing the por! ! t0! ise Cetanril. lors ! ' 0! cpint "Amicus! !" Theabahve cateelation is plain tu Oie comme- sat captcuy-n E nystifying about il. figures don't lie. Sautist a fariner -ra"tesia abmois>Oi nearly oiucate lime cihilten onde: tb. operat. ion efthtie ticbol Bll, fer chat it effi hîns for ose, hoeetdnorc-[ruokcilie Roc. Dautuna Hieutcsv Ron..-A person uas. ed John Fergusen, oftIhe village of P'acisenians, Petilar, informed us, a foc days ago. otan exten- sive rohbery committeil upon iinssif on tise merlu. ing et Frids7 the lt i mtant-on Oie Brockilîhe roati, cithin a mile or tue ofthlie tewn-by tue persona umknoun ta bi.. Mis taleenelt is is, tht ho cas en s . ay tu rucisvilile. andibail pt up nt a tavern kept by one Neilson Kinîg, 4 milesfiausBrocissille. In the iitrniug, <Fida') about 5 O'clocis, h left te reneu bis journey, hi. hait proceesied on untît ho came ta a part ofthle rnsslcliem a low busb approaruhes closse te it, ciien suddenly a mats appeared ail aimed a bloc at bis breast, uliieh he-avoided by stepping bacs. uas ; but on ding su. an unseen iand puihot bi e tise graund ; liii face cas intantly cos- eret iâ ren md, andiane tif tiseir isnees piantedeon bisi ouîtb, ulicli sennexisausteil hiuss hy hing deprived of biatis. Wienisc camneto hi. sen_ peu, Le faund is nam adguma blslneuing, ami tisa h.bail beau rtieulofais peciethbok, wcicl etotaiat 10 Tets Dollar Bi% Commercial Blanks, Kimcleo, bves and 15 Oum; 6OVives of the Bnle< de Peupe, Toroota 2 Pours, [aMs 23 Osues ; ofte City Bank, Mostrel (ncasum andi Tva 001; Bank et de Peuple, Moatreat, "one. "*mg mn al 0246-a beavy loma(fe a s. a bshie eumwsta e sa utlai». TIse we àte cts,5.lbave be etateilteoug by hm ; sud ce simerlgi bo" etht tdesatdens of jagbMosdring ulbk.%.ay h.le ovemedmal meu vitb a pemaBIMOUluiei'SItaetheir ecrim leuurt Coulier. ,%un aquest, cas hehit beiireH. HMile, Esir, Coroner, in the Tovnâisp eofuwras', on tde h. dyof William llutchîiie.n, via cas ftnuS dead on the cirryinr-plaee roui, three miles hlow1 Bightou, i, ts emurning uofthetieI-dinsi. îtlis awond in in lua trat, ftu s Iich ho die. Thse leveaed whecas in comspanyl idia man hdi mneai aines Maiduer, ut an Iait Brigltit, laie the. pretieus inglit, isîviteti MailUner ta accan. Panty hlm honse, pronilsittg te procure hioin pleyesent. chichi Maddner aaid be cas scoiing fer ; Madileer return.d bock ta Brighton lb. @aim night afrer hein- absent about tua heurs andt ok latiginga at an Inn. strong suspicions taffing on bâi. o, a as arrested early on the minassg of the 2-thi mt., anti a jack.isnife cas teLnni in lis possssion cils blond Ihercoil; bho appears toeb.aImrdenedw rettcb. The Jury as. îurued a verdict of WilfuI Mlurder ag-tinst hics; hae cas comiîtted te Cobourg Gaol tua sait is trial at Oie ncxt Assizes. 'rha deceaseti bas loft a cite snd sixs mali cbildrcn ta lanient his os. ilth cere under tle influence of liquor the ail nght.-[Cobourg -Star. CATTLE Siimuss'-ctcruhay, tIe Midiand Dis- trict Agicultîîral 'Suwiuoiv bell thecir f attle Shoc ai ilat beautîful spot caflesi Atk-ineoî's Grove. in thc riciufit - ot the village et Waterlo. lu thte abenceetfltte official report oftheii.pio- ceedings of Ose day, sic usay roniark thae the Show was net se uuînierously attendeil as on fo- mser occasions : ecima, perlaspe, te tihe distance whicli gom Sse cehbave tu drive Ilicir stock;- for instance, trouu Lennox & Aildiiîgtan te Wa- terlool especialiy ini lIe sumnîer tinte. Prohsub- ]y if mouey eupended oitmthe District exhibition hati been dîvidal betoesn the différent tiaustios, cnalîisg eaclm te have a seluarute Calde Showr, dia competiion woulil ho as great, or et loat nearly sau a apresent, anil wou Id, in 0cr esti- mat ion, îeuoegn*a aifcin The $Stck exhibuîed yestorday gava evidence of great iînprovoment in thie stocks etfItornieil CatIle, shcep andI swiue. 'rue young stock front thie insported l lî,cere oxceedingly fine, equal at leauistlteamy in Canada. Captain Canieron front Gardon Island,. broughit ta te showv a beautitul yocug Durbaîs Bulli, oser tueo ycarail, chichi took tha tiret prize. Ilis alîeeîî and anîbe ucre aie very flue, alord- uii a clear 1troof ta chat perfection superior breods cuti arrise at by pruper rare aid manage. Dr. Sampeon, bir. Straclian of Erneateen, Mr. Beuls and M1r. Spoaner of Glenhurnie ami sesucral othisrs, bail improveil breetis on the graund. Mr. Manks badl tue fine Stuil Mrses at tise exisibition, but froin the circuisstance of hisem ebing a Meinier h.oIil net recaive a Bestides Oie stock of epiiteil Imdiviuals, the Harse anSdBul b.iaisging ta tise Agricultural Society care exhihiteil. These besuitul an- imais place wcilain the reacli et al lb.he reoilerta ot heorses andl borneil Cattie in tise District the best Bres dial money coukdl procure. Tise pedl- igree e I.liera.IlSomonooirou"anti et Oie 17ll.,Union" arec elt dererving et attention, and inylie sent lImaestables on Oie Kinîgston Race Course, -cher. tieue fine animale ciii re- main fer ilie seasen. Sncb vcry auperior stock, ce tnay adil, caudI net have been precurcil by the Society cithaut tie &id efthtie Goverrinaent bemîty wchb bheen se liberaliy previdel fer thse encourgment of agriculture.-[Chronicle. MIDLAND DISTRICT CATTLE SI10W. AtItde District Cattie Show beld at Waterloo, ont Tnsy. e2éItli ofJune, 1842,the folloc- ing Preinuscet. awarded: lar CLABS-MORSES. £ 8an Firet heat Stallion, Agric'l Society 4 0 0 Second do J. M. Prior, 3 0 0 Third de 2 10 0 First besI Mare illi Co)t liy ber eide et 1842, Arcli. McîIntyre, 2 10 0 Secoed doi do. Rouben Spuemer 2 0 O Tlirt! do de San'i Miller, 1 10 0 Irieot bout Colt o 1841, David IleaS. I 10 0 do do Sm*]'Miller, i0O0 1840. Of tita-at iteitli, I 10 0 Second do do Peter Davy, 1 0 0 2tmo CiAS-H0ORNED CATTLE. Beet Bull over 2 ycars ol, A. Cameron, 2 10 0 Second do do Agric'l Society, 2 0 0 Third du du Reuhen Sponer 1 10 0 Best Bull under 2 years olil, John Mocsat, 2 O00 Second do doIal'etcur Davy, 1 lit 0 Tliîrd do do George Stracbsn 1 O 0 Beat Bull Caif et 1842, Peter Daivy, 1 5 0 Second do do Reuben Spooner, 1 O O Seat Milch Cow, George Sitrachan, 2 0 O Secondi do do Dr. Sasupsen, 1Io 0O Thisrd do do Peter Davy, 1 0 0 Beet Iloiler, Dr. Suimpsun, 1 10 0 Second do Iteubon Speoner, 1 5 0 Third do John Mowat, 1 0 0 Best Heiter Cahi ai 1842, George Straclian, 1 5 0 Second do do Itoubeîî Sponer, 1 0 0 3it» CLASS-SIIEEP. Seat Tnp, Roeret eitl, 2 0 second do George Strachan, 1 10 Thurd do A. Cameron, 1 0 Seat six Eues uiîh Lanibe liy Ibeir uies, A. Camesan, 3 0 Second do de Geoirge Strachan, 2 10 Third du do Peter Davy, 1 10 - egt six yearlinig EcWes tîtat lias-o neh lambeil, George Straciuus, 2 0 Second - do do Iteuhon Spoouer, 1 10 Tisird do do Peter Davy, 1 0 4T#m CLASS-SWINE. Sent flear uder 3 yrs. old, George Stracîman, 2 0 Secoisildu, do John Mouat, 1 i10 Third do do Ardu. Mehityre. 1 0 Seat Ureeding Soc, George Stracbhau,'2 0 Seconid do du 1 10 Third do do 1 0 Set Seat Pig of 1811 0 r THS CLASS-WOOL. Best rive llceces fine Wool, Peter Davy, 1 5 Secondit uo do Reuhon Spooner, 1 O Seat 5 Iteeceut Ieavy Wouil, A. Caimenon, I 5 Secound George Strachan, 1 O 0 O 0 O 0 1 0 iO O 0 DONAsTONtS rua CATTLE SltOWN N OT ifELONGINGi tou NaEaBR. One Stalliin, Georgc Minis, 2 10 0 Tuo Clt., Tionsas Sarett, I 5 0 eFFICE OF iLRasuIUIST's Cutti aANT FORINT a- ORANTS tut CANADA. Qenarec, 2ith lune, 1842 Nuoshor ot Emigrsnts arriveil etI lus Por4 dti- ring- Oie Weeis, ending Itbis dt Frein England, 775 "Irelaini, 2135 Scotlanuf, 219 LouerIPortc, il Calîspausengers, Rut incdu- dd inlatOe saose, tlrevioushy rcportod, To eorSmpouding perlio latyear, taver ef 18112, Imi6 tROt4 10071 A. BUCHANAN, Inatitction Ieminale yesterday. Tho nexh wi.1 eted t th l ofdel.,11 tOlir 'fie Rv'd. Principal Liddlell basfrui e te ;cet- landl fur bis farnily. and is expecteil te rcturn seuil e îth sîlditiostal instructers fo)r tihe coliî'gc. WVe understInd that Rev. Professor Camipbell will reside ini Kingston during the vacation. [clu'onicle. KINGSTON, TUESDAY, AiLV 5, ISUi The Examiner lia given us replies tu out late remarks on the Curreucy, andl on Mr. Ilinck.' acceptance ef office, placing, as in duty bouîid, the latter first, lie intiates Iliat the Govrî. nient hiave not saddled the country e tii an uil. necessary perisioen,.-ilii ther wurds. he lîseali, ta my tltat the lion. Mr. Macaulay will Dlot lc allowed a pension, and ho says, Iltlîe publie nuli deemn it strangc that a journal advoc.îtiig ref.cni and economy, slieuld adeit the necessity of peil- siosîîng an individual wio, is now in tie prîime of lie, possesscd of ample fortune, andl who bail been a very short time in tihe service ot govcrii. ment." Wc do ailvocate reforni and ccoowiy but we advocate justice first ; andl if Mr. 1%ac. aulay lie disniissod 'vithout a pelîskaLin ujustice will bc commnitteil. It mnustlie reiiicmbered that lhe was nu office seeker-no tieedy, grecdy ini- vidual aelling himieîf tu the Governi «îlent for a valuable considerat ion. lie eîîjod private oi-i ces which brouffl int in i about £700 per ail. nwn, and lie cas icequesicil by the CUuveritnuit te gecp these andl enter inio its service. lic di eatutli:s rcquest; andl haviiig tus sacrifiei £700) per annule for tile tiovernmnîît, is lie tu bce coolly tolil that lie does îlot deserve a peu- sien 1IfI this lie the ki»d tf conduct that islie % »xecutîvo Councillor wjll dictate te thse (iovrii- nient, thon inîlced it bas tallen froîi its Ilii cz;. tale, and cill ijicur the centeiupt of everv îoî.cst, tman. That Mr. Msacaulay liassoîne prîs.ate lor- tuile makes ne différenice. lie gave up a gouJ income te serve tlîe Goverinent at tleir requcf,i and therefore heolias a riglît to coinpeîisativii whon hie services are ne longer reqîlireil. WVe lardly need say, thatinii makînz thoe- re. marks we have ne respect tou?îlr. Niacaulay'. politicu. W. dilfer trom hiol iin lus polîtical principles; but ce-a liall lver bc readY to <l0 hiu justice as a publie officer aîîd a privaàtQ gc tloman. T'he Examiner next ailverts ta tlhc pIc t-YO Lord Sydenham, and au r advocacy cf tîtat pu l'y, but ho dam net state it correctly. '1'liat poliuev cas lu provîde for ail existingofflcers uoftioverîi- Ummen thât vwuld support the administration, andi as vacanies occurreil te fll thems by retormers, lt was contendel that soute lîcads of Deliart- ineshould ho in Parlianient, but liuw isianyu er how few was nover deflned. The oftlie Financial Departnient, the Receiver Getieral, in iii tha Assembly, andl tlat cas sulllcictit illiti. a vacancy uccurred. Trhce 1xaniincr rayt, tliîl if ce were net Ilinfluenceil by vindictive fecl- ings towards Mr. Hiuckp," we shoulil admit flit importance of placing the Inspecter (.eiicrsl in a position to support the adinîistrationi. If sic liai ever bren infliuenced by Ilvinlictive feclins towards Mr. Iliîcks-," tlîcy %ould have beeci amply gratifled by the tact, that hie cas bought, or driven, or led, any way lie clooseil te ptut il ta adopt thse very policy clîich we bail aivocat- ed, and lie bail bitterly epposeil. If this is nul triumph eilougli, we muet lbe particularly covet- ans. We are next tolil that aur attick on Mr. Ilinek cames willi a Ilpcculiarly bail grace' freinusbutce are nettolil why. We supptsî tii.Examiner will net pretenil tasay tlîatbho cause Mfr. Ilincks attacked, witli much sieverity, soin.l articles that appearein thelb Monîlîly Re- view, ce are neyer ta malin any renîark Oit aiî th' lieoia sa or do. Where, then, la tlîe ,, M 'g,ý Iý, it that having« defeatei Mr. Ilincks once. ce ought te bc content 1 The Examiner continues- Wlen thilerald aielcrististat Mr. Ilincks expresseil1 scorî and detontatiomî' (teucli stranger tenus, by thlî way, thats hi is wavranteilin usin.-,) fer lt.ermen witli eboîn lie has nec accepteil ottice, lie taies good care net te st ate that the (tlject iuon asi alwayý confined te Individual icenihers of tihe aîlîîîiîsis« tratton." The Examiner teIls us iliat Mr. Iiucks is Il ne foo]." it coutld semthiat hi 5 îot very wise ah ail tilDes, heerr or lie coulil net liave 1put fertlî such a siliy aiiswer as tlhe above. F'ur those -1individueal members of ftie adiîîiîsustra- tien" ;)r whom bu expresseil se mucli uceriaiîî detestation (ce shaîllme direcîly clîcther thore ternie are tee strang,) are still inenîlsers of tlîe Council! Wliat, tlien, bail ne te guiacd or ex- plnI1o wbat injustice have we ilîiîe to Mr. linicks iii speaking f i bîî as we have! Thei admainistration is te very saitenec ow II:t it was when ho paureil on it aIl tIh anathema of bis wrath, andl the mon wion le represoîîled as fit companions for nohhing but roui are titi men clions ho now muet ment lit Oie Council Boeard, aînd ctcit wonsho muet new takeconfi. dentiai cocî,cil. on the affisirs of thse province. Bis silly subterfuge birandea hlm with decper Maine, or preves that iî cannet ho salid that hi is Ilne fool." W. shall new niake sorte extracte frora Mr. ilincs' writings, in oriler te show liow ho liai spoken of Oies. Ilindividual menihers of the ad. ministraîomî," and that the publie nîay juilge wbefficr we haveatuledltee strong ternis in des- cribing lie opçposition te thons, and ig I u ai jutige hlm c ho lias talion office wits the mn whom lho bas thus ilescribel. In the Examinîer for Jauuary 1%, 1841.the admnistration art termed Ila knot of onprincipied office-holders, wco are notoronslly bankrupt in political cliarac. ter. and utterly unwarthy of the respect and con- fidence of upriglit and hotnerable men ;" ans again they are calleil -about haIt a dozen un. principleil renegadlea in the twe Provinces." %Ve migbt quote many other similar statements in smibseqcent numbers, but pais on te bis letter ts the electors of Middlesex, in chhilierays tisa Mr. Park. " luId deserted lhis party andl hie prie- ciples-tliat ie bas lent bis assistance te accens plisb lise vies af a cerrpt government, and that if lio b. sent back te Parliasuent, tIse cose. quencea cul ha ment injurious ;" and ini a scli eequent Examiner h.e sis.II Can it ho pessible Ot atbtheefermers of Middliesex will lhe dupei inta lendino their countenanco ta, a government chas sole aim, abject andi pelicy is ta tranîple under foot every vestige of liberty that they havi hitiserta enjoyed " Andl in the saine. article hi mae: "Thse criais i.nDow over, andl tie result le, as I have for anae time feared, tlîat th. e cue f ry han got a Tory Qovernuent as firaly seaici in power, for the' prelient, as an y Fannly Coin. pact that bals ever wield ei.testinies of Up. per Canada." Andl chen Mr. Ilineks aupportoi thse nomination of lMr. Cuvillier as Speaker, lie aaid that la ieud no becausle Mr. C. cas IIdecideil Iv appe e thedi Executive. and cas aise opipons If lie' sucre , LuI, u ut ti-u chai-i uu- ho sconluos ut -nl runsatances 8 , - ilsul, the fiis, and i, cuuul y iar et lis dcii al.blII, long since iu ut lie -c ilitu i-tud fl le b Ii ui lct ucj ci ,i rot l DtIluuispoit h, - tlu tiol 1,,. liit %;I tîatli s- il-ci u "tin sil iua: un a on igthati] it1 <le'Un i, gnlut rsui Iboi lx! .l tuccI i, ' a à aum inusivIouu.i ai,, a imi il']î,tuic t u- lu -n suluuu lu l bIcr'ibel , i- A t st uîi i - a, 1111u- 15' t il ur v il or us thu" Iliii. Fa, I idei~uliell su th theiti., - i 7 .uu lia c Il,, 1- I lle t i- i ; L ias nt heOti <-iiOu mar?àunIl onic-iice' t ,- 1 briuuhus lise t i. iilier ~Iu' i j tal;unolk-, for iu- itl -lý ! n lscc i I u t hr tS- u 'Ifi - le anuiec's argumeInt oui tiîcsl Ittis , lîIlt tquecut ionualuy ttui il u. tit i IL V il§s ihue argîlletît ut a tyr;uit Nt di lspute bss lleaîtntu-sli -tlasur lecieucc. ituulii' l ime luu-,1 y ot uine ;but utilur l' i' "e uuuibluuuti iii-and t ut u i-caii Lp.ucluunu t il itu-iu s f iuurjiu - h t ilýj -v .Xct , thi 1>-; 1 -:- lu Iu, - ri- ruie. If ut %ucue u,,.uiIiu l.,II- ui- t eiti.,ily aliu!y i. IC I) nti*d --u- aîI& n citw ukIflot b", uIIeIlà. r , 1,;ri-i or t1 o iute -ii- 'i ut--- L\i.uu-, uhîp0i-eliarelti;ulu- t- uuuV l r îclqalittu ethat lie'-uI ii lct-e yei t i r as i i-i-ci-t llu i-r. Ii - l-uî t 'Examinuuer il, nun u mu l li-',dîises ý, t c! lt arterfistic of a liltisisn utetcu,ti-unî;i 'le Exatmuier I nuitluuthe- réntîn-uî(,,tpi Briis ilser ,;ttî' umas, ililiiltfiti r. ten m w AitCI Wt i îIu-c roni Ilt'I Il tmust inmporitanut tiiai tre St(if - uuu VWi I0 e e'îualuzing o e i ca'îIuuy uin~ îutuit i-Caniada. 'ITh e ;soi us;:,y unlî uiuuc il -ci- e nver Puil>it ltinit ;it a hiw iîuu ue, i-olil Acd uul shv tfelic-iliril ult i ee y chanuges, walu nul nuerrey thai I-îîu.. ae là eguil tenider il)i uiuv uiiiiui, biuîlu I, r.fixeil at a hitgler valuýe, uîî pctlautuilî. -,-î c nul hc ltuiil te 1Il%-ssr Cawusti, c u dioa BOu i liuhuei lie Esnuîu,kic i,ý, I, lh à i litisu i e tr 5 irn uu 5 uiaut ii ' Ia I; stsy anienunit, the h»tt l suiut -iw' - 1, ste ssI-~ut I lu4t 1 lu - Ki tile subjet- is -i î %%i î,i-', 1: u;u tu, 1ic Is 1u bc.FI--r iishtu h ilici- r.-îuci-u ;_ value t Iiruuiughisuu ille i iclue iil as dcîîund imuore tur Pi-su l-u-ituuus aiilit' a y thte cost ut traiilhuIcttiti- nîs-cir, tuy I,'. - per cent-; if thucv unIt uuîre- uIilule I-I, cr denàini ulcet-: auuul t lis fi ilei ut tutil iî _ ing specie titi-t cai-i i tic uuil tiei-rl.,ii- n i cuiheuit auuy ion l ctuiIllici-1u i111 - thue dieu k il ie ,i-lu m-u îIIî~I-ttu e and ul cîsui c lluuuil.tu '- îc il ;ut i - h ic rate. 'uVtu icituui ii -ue -content ilt i tiiulu-uu iig f-, u-11 -I- ttriiusrtioyniaoi, au ticv,-ti li, ,!lin it the cutire iprovince, tftue ;I u PrIiul- iIIL t' If itig a icgal tendîer 'IuilyIJ'2 10 z; - illt iuu ia largeat part ot aur bsîect uts ssdliuiy ti n uselcis, legaui-. lliT lttn c of tihe E.\1111 i in biespaleechl in thfli hii-ut un (îflic t e.sýtiîssateui theaIi. îuuîto trtthîi ti'lueCrIli Ir hcttîe etricci nlieu sucili iaîi -Oi tii ' -e suddleîsy sîvept asî'y lui- ait i-illuti, WVo venture te suîy thtthde eot i "itsc r.try is a% great, ccu a:rtit, lt--lu iii u ft spocie had hen ilIilrasliî rots rlu i 1- in Croit ilritiii. LetI ic ai- uuisI e womîlilbhoIflu ellIil u -iuitel n'-iu'- ;_ atonce wcitîurawî îîfrusîuî teBic iiý I: i y ie seac hiai ceitornluitell, iuiu sà money markest, stoppage ouiîf-ll i~ r of tradte andiusasuf;tuiem, falonIlle,' sproduceu chitIsa ui1iciuOiustihe bà5,k u 3, edoely four or fine muluuuus; aiidiici- fui- > mone-,bagatelle for Eutiliiu ~îuu it I_ loso et £lOO,0 0il) thus prfuuser- d Insteati, lIen, et nurrsssiliugthi uit- ui 1- specia ourrencf, li oiigîit tt In d-tu * as possible, so as tut ncîulcutaila s tisat are net gceathy depreeu;îteli iiami lits leshilling that tise countury luis o i-'- Lt hocnmae arsilahle for <tory Pnpti-paci-ut quires. 0f ail th islty rrtchuli0.ý I ii-- -intoe baledsot mats deeuuiîug lr ui dth si iliesit isaIt fdeP-ti t elicç,ttlýy 1 lag rprtion of ils apeuluili ader tieii-pi- * tlang asouu6l tauurt.hiV 1;~i! -as gthe Examer W'ithtthemlfrut il-I t only a toison iii E -glaîicuuiuuu5,i tI tia us noionaul valne; butithe d,ffîci-i sa tuîfling te juslu ieeclusion of i i frons IbiscoU try yprehlitii t a lega edr. We tilI t- It him hbfor, tiatce as ch cùuâl0i *rency entire]y ftritiahitluer, .iiif it Ilise effeo tis hg e wprpci à- Ite retient resuriction. )_ ;es are welî ans re tîtts-eAt"rci-u i the editor of t-b. ýxaimiser as tuîea ua le Britishi silver. In hiei speechi ta1te , 1 Bill he distincthy propoild ils as One"t ' - jactala ho eecteit y the tl... u tl 0-ý UmmVal, Oftise Msove' ~ But as cel reinerhi. 0& The. radquestil etIIIIUa Britilsi liver in ti bime festimmatedl tusrbute i.cSntt. aissif ce blaid alIe il why iarerisndcighiti W.tndrto ii W sd tW 00cewiofc nucesu *ldm te assignei lv i1 w ell,mattalsaanoto : 0..JetMbmi5fdollare are flot ciii1 sOu- 'd Ipu5iated as te unfit the",i t fou ïermlPart of thions are s' irce P jm. uni olyrin im. Canada tînt W ~tdas te lie unfit fier a l-g w,~-e hich reduces tlie itii .ti ïwd of Quartern sud eigbititi ,jtOaîd etasdiscouint Iur dii! ,i C!,Omoouc> frnt he clrer.i: i ui - C W uefl ltter -ai-e more c"11i ,We sutîlerefoie iuur'piii dieîîî.îî iom ~ îepse tWS il-turliIltle Xci l t lis* il luore ouil 8 b o u e y d c î i y t î a t B rti li ý i ,W,.Akouicnoutuf tlie couilli u. ..ý glfit__e te. N70 raid it n uîul.l il, Ai s 'ee tutte lui ier itithî.,~< fl'~i ot keep Aîîîerucaiît r lit 1! f- 8 itk hie b ave amupte jiro~i ,ilpro 00* lat he ifa m ot the iîîuievpA lUi '"i h.Teytave, sice tile ltoc a paiioui a valiItsuu le i ~'sio er; andti lure usil de kW boBritishl v li lat haslu, neim leeii 1 Y No. hli s 3gîuIe lia trc. aîne' amidtei) iJI do lui li urt wo keep cAniecaulîtu a il i idilsuîs lîuiiîs ..,eblcb« rlt -1vit %%u a is h1. 17 of f etthuuf att%% cru' lut1 doas h hais, but flic wsîre lit WHt îîîî ,tillfet sas ta gîva useaasecir u cii uu Oveinu keeçî. for hofie listti . , ebw .mnSpecle at moff, cei-lor chaii.- r e iadiILise tbiii-, ut is truc, it W ih ssthîcy proceerloîl 'as tuuiu tke tise rein &ilfliîe fluii giritig it a tic ttîuîî i cetell tihe Exanituer alilt heâire taeeBritishi silversnti.ît a eare net NYankee eîl.iugh jt wperurld ascaili i i! eoruut fr us. lie uily cull iii . iii oar prrî.s ce.ut le likes : ce cure it i. IV ttc l s-unmot *cV r anc et t0&0,iui ~t bil us oauu f.tliert:iîl nutl M, pit for Asirica and L ler eui-~ ire wrthy otrespetsi wc sut îiîciri flie ,and llitaiti's tui',l heure et-t-y ut/ luuhalsstise F.xamiicr s.ul! uî ic t rlasiti ýii ,W îte mite on thîiýiptoit lil otîr lh-- ta lisaientr stildoiutest ilut nuis' duiuii mla Ieui reated hty theun en i iî W@ aili amert Ihere fis, fronsu i., ouar lumletige. 'l'lie Exiîtiiter tî. fin rateef hnelie redmîcei tu 1 pt bdîs thei. rI iltinil lIat but litth'! p( ,ie trac." Mosl cortainsly si-Q liî. ftil wo" w oulil kuoivthtlrt f ini i. !ti àtekleipreuiulan tieepecie, !let i tftnhperl, &0Isat ftle lîaîîk cotait samannfot te riw rc hlnmainve ys titat lia suuiporteiti i sian its r a convitiont Iiat il; WouIsd ts W ' fmbl.Lt i' i inatter %chat hie 1114 vi'; . sev taprventitise IBanks tiitu il watni ber0mcy, and the,-î à, aieh iatelagait uie reculsiu biiaee adtat tise publie dencum C'.uen A; bttlat part ofthie A, in nlses rtrictieýn on rislrs aer lii, Uneliat Lve li . haw art fixes a standardîl cuh iliit al ty ilpraticable. n t e aIeut îii-o a.iu )( fin abnd Set eoreilby bc-in-. touisli usai tle iDow ot mrilîy bei.ig to-t le'. imy perete o iusider it; then c-e rr i lis fle nec Set is totally di zregacle i D iportant particular; for tiatitîgiltfi utlst talue ef Britifish ihîigs& sxîuî stii cirrtulate at thoir olil rates <if 1i :u- t7u: aste priofthflt tise isubuhue trefer wn t msiti-, to.clual iiidilli iit titlelu. Pi«U 1<10 lsougli tiiureticalty acrurat, &su lites imntheir fiseudi a-ailst a ul "s!j Offfdirera-tee citis the Esillîtt ntWtILHa wass to eîiforce tle salîl ImilsiStandîaril on tItisyoung andl1li. fayisusut«jg6eJii nianul, îlereaq ln ilfis le Praticable, it in tljiîulr, nariii I-pY'tiy air erurrenry, alti iti,;flini 01 a Battks urrcry, narreciing ou ut t hohf speciesadpalier, tean anis tI*ras. gratdtirâ,Qgeient uital huan *fili lusa umin niany. "ie cure hkll'tiliîmilver, at lfeitirodtîs and lua Stogi tender te any alsiîlt, as dotilai isâîlris aue. Thins evry kuîîd of aperu fls a il l r bl ere ta in iv ill hie m ail ls* for esery rposse, andilthe specio cci 119 nelargs.d, palper currency cili lae '6 aP'Oot4and tls enmtry wci b1il st testran.le Hercultes ie hi dwuâfases in Rhtode Island l iave rein- 01515, ant resulte l iii the reîîewed flîgi se' theCaPtUe of many of bis adtîeî ifbietd'about f5Mt)nien, dit ndIlSalsîmans et car, anti farineil an oui iiitii. tate; but the coustitutei auti, fatrelta farce etf800M, part of chic '<nt Drlast Tuesday, snd frhs 04 twtheybas]tigît in enrnseet Vatlioed Oof the ecrape, aud th n' *"an- yA Licuteitat orethI ai ~ aecid.nlaily sbot by ue of W itPa"ftackli, 'sanle truee i ce bsa bidgeta imtercept the fugitive . eQe-aspmeL A sob tcicd ta ierr kf lattise bridgm, sud thie latter, afto ;Zige once, snd anonuler cround o 1 f tise inl, et laat fireil on thoen *4 Wdng tca. In theamou g8a 41isiature lisas passioml fk Lcrelaetion of the lieaple out1h am adapt a constitution, andi a Umt ise cs ofetthe suffrag fi t c