I&i-y4 11wYou A COUGH -lDeDn'meger t hesa.avtae met a reeciuet ralli for tme seantet a bitde attentioni ta à8 grnonCOU.. Have jeu V coeigb 1-1ev. U. l1.n"hoentvs Expeclerant Syrup, a sate inediesi presriptieu, cSttairiaumeposeats drasumd e mnan etsc- Isusiye lractîe for mttrai earde fil Msboit tively alott reief, Mmd ae yeu tron tis a sfel diseas m peluumy coaau1utios, whicb useall aweeps inte thegrave, huu&tedi of tise jouez, lb eld, the. fas, h. 0foei,'mat 1" gay! i lave y** qICougIt t-Be pessuaded Io rîcham a biofe this Expectorant Syrop ta dey! -a feorroi uMay h. toe lare. Have jeu a ceagis t-Balbolerne**$ Expectu-. irant Syrnp isu tht oly reetly eshoidl ake le Fer d PUA tîf earn !Tlstin Dot onue ortise bosaaud cases ulsere it bas breta ed, bas st fail- lad ta relieve. For sale aIttedrug tet fs fCumsa«tork& Co., 711 baiden Lane New Yod, amst by evàry Druj,- gist in Kiegmhss, ant ini Canaa.m Fer s"le b, N. Plaiter. congantl inthe «icpt o rg, Chemi- cala, Perfumery, &c- &,c., thse whicb, coming front tise iu'vtremp)cctablss Englieh im Lsees, snsy bc 1e91nded upu. as geteinl. 'Thle ceimpoun- ding departnent will ho cseducttd under the un- riiediate suporintenince outhe tc tiocribser, whoee object je, b,' these of e goud muateriala, by a cardai mwaniputlion, tu luduce conidence se tegarda this amt important brandi ofthtie huai. ne". 3. W. BILENT Drucgg'a i d leltc -street, Kingston. rT1119folloning artictles preparoti b,'tise uni isrber are recesmendcd te tise notice of Fagilies. Cas: ms:rteti Tootb Ponder, Pertla de. Bel' nic TincureufM,'rris, Ire ut' Mixture, Cemetraled Essence of Ginger, do do P'eppermnt, do do Itatafia, bilions ltille, gable Extnset fur toiseIait. Pot l'ourri Ponder, Currie Powbers, flarnuuue Varnush. J. .BIET Drssggist ApoliSecr, WIIOLESALE COMMISSION- No. 4, stAaDi'B mCILDINOS, FEONT STiLEET. TlHE underiged repctully asmsunce tiat tIsa Wbolesate Commiission Bueùua in tes stage oi CARTER & BENTISY, on tIse pre. lises aboya described, wisic, iavinl euncon- mructeti for tise pur aebots ire n re lrot; spacious anà i aapt-f or th.rast keepiug ut ever,' descriptiuos of Gosis. 1rom the re8lsectabilit'ofthtIe reierencos, and tise charator tise,'trust lie,'bave ubtaitetiun Kingetu mtiesubeeribers lsqse th ise,' ehoable ta gir. sucb satisfaction as te seurs a liheral portion of tise public pailg. Merchauts in general witt ttidit ativautageous bu coîsiga te tIse care ut the subseribere, u it ia lIser intention to set as Agents altogoîbet', anti Host as primcipalse. This adtertisement dieerves tise particular atention ut FAsMEts, Dealers un lProvisions and Grain, as the estabishlment lurisa a dejsot for their jro'luce on a principlo elcidedl,' favorablt te tboit lmterestu. ALFRED CARTER, THOMAS Il. BENTLEY. Kingon# Der- 17, 1641. Lissa Couva-ras, ESQ., Kingstom, Rtulttb ,Suuaara., Eaq, do. Wus. WIL5SON, ESs., do. J. FAsmmAsNit Esti., Watertowss. Msr.. IlIAsSES',do. Mt. G. . ELIUG, Sackets 1herbor, CHARLES SNîsîn, E9q, Albany, Assasiau ' TituÂre Esq., IRochster, Dut. AiNSss'Oreo, do. 3. I- R.STRONsG & CO-, ToroUto, Jolim toLEsc>, Montreal. Mess. I.ssmsa & S-rxvzsasoa., Bailh, ILLA FLINT, Et5Q, Blleville, Gi. HAM, Esc>, Cobourg, E. PEstsa, EQ., do. l'xzr, Est Rei, Esq, Wluiity, R. Justes4, EsQ, liamilttn. GARI)EN SEEI)S. A GFFIALSSORI'MFltjust reccivced Mardis 17, lis 12. J. W. BRENT, bruuist.1 TU L.EASE. F OR the ternusut 21 yesre, four Building Loson Front' Street, near tIse Goverutisent oficles. Fur tatese ansdl tîer particsslarsm lappt,' at the Olice of thse Kinsgton Marine ltailway, Coumpany' Kingston, ZMs1Foistuar,, 113-2. TO CAPITALISTS. VJ'IiY PROFiTIABLE 1N lES TUENT. F 01. Sale b) private coîtract at thse Snbcri- but'b,itise toltusing valuable pruperty. nine. t Ont' lot tf LandtOf) test on thse Front. j 99 feet n depth. seithIs wo ,betantial BRICK IIOUSES tîereun, Reugh tufCstColage stle, witis stable-,,srede, anti pleniu.ou yard roosn, ansd drawisug a jear,' rentaI ut £96,situatesl n one ut the central Stricts. Tht- price ttie above propertys, ever,' n*eterte, auisi ternes of pa,'rent will lienMale cas,'. For furtber part icutars enquit. at our of. fice- COLLINS & HIAINES, c. M.# 4. Kingston, Jan. 2(l, 18412. DISSOLUTION OF l'AlRTNERSIIIII. 1 OTC-i ereb,' giron tisatishe Pattner. lîîsiiihtrtuecxisting ussier the llrm ut G. If liAIES &Co., at Kingston, amui S&FORS- TERi Çe at Mentreal, is thia day tismlvedl. S. FORSTER. vrins. A'-GCSTOS nAlNES, or G. IL [lA1NES. Ail ditbtidue teIlle tate Firm,-are requocted lu bu a una orr leftrothe lut Juneuo1842, at King- é4-t teaine., Frter & Cwaia 'Mo<sts'al teoS. Forter '&LC.; mter sehicis tinsthey sel lu put ins tise ol jcitur'c h"ad for collection. NOTICE.- 7J IE iS uIrsiýrtl bave ent'red'inta 'o- TLPartssershtip in tise DRY GOODS bisïir.,as, sRe Kingston, under th ise m uf 1Iiiliso-s, Forgter & Igo., samd ab Monsîteal, unw ,ýî-r thec ftrîm ef S. M~rtlsr & Co. 5SIBLEY FORSTEL JH J.HAINES. M4ARY F. HAINES. llîrgmtssn, May' 2 18Vf. RY PJATE CON TRACT. BEAUT UL @ot elaM nt etaii 5 A Aes nel .am n" Wtà.a mkot UGn, or a smem. iedoac, i iesiate vici- *si,'el ad latel,' purcharet itb the HIonora- Rilge Y Ms. Ut)',isue Iloskrk., Laq, andtWts lien. vire Chamrelier. Mis aboie ame pro r im & WW e mdiidti roi t otîhe lice. Mtr. Rla- yba OM9ma ot titi,'flet.Theta erne eof pay'ssnt m* fbIera, exteusleti ner a u@aceou fo u " e OMMlitthse 1tlAbgugt sies, Wfr mlir partculars amply tthlb.Agent. <N>.llNlc& lIAI NES, l(suge, April letI 144','. SELLING OFF. lIA iNES, FORS TEr. 4E'o. H AVING entered i istt patrlsip, have ILAtaken the, prtuWainmd pur:L-tsed the reriauning S3tock of DRY GOODS Of /t4claZe George H. Huma k. aG., &Sem sbwrt, Kstguton. Aud hereby invite the public attention to tise saine as thisenîteud to oaber thse Gonds now on band at suds prices as will prove de- cidedl>' adrautageous to tseo whl art pr. chasinn' articles in tise above line 3H. & Co., are desirous uf Jssposing of thse holss Of thi, present Stock, cvcn at e Sacrifice. tlsoy Wil COlitirtUe Sxs.LIN ree U ntil tise ISti May, when tise Promimes wili ho closed for a ,ihort turne ta cusnplete mine altoratioms now Lning on 'n'thse Warelsouao and Sbop, in or- der 1. make rouin for une oftie muai exten- sive, cheup, andi beautifnlly assortesi Stocks, ever impurted into Csaada, tise arrival of wiich suil ho dul>' notitud iu thse papers. N. B. Mercisantas issg tihe Lower part of thse province, titis Seatori, will fiud at uer Wholsssalo Warelsouso, 8t. Pauli Sreet, Mon- treal, under th ir Smou S. Forster & Co, à new, seell aelected, and Cheap Stock, wesliy of thear inspection. FOR SALE, P LASTER of Paris, ansd Water Lsste, -Lb>' the barrel. Oisondaga andi Liverpool Sait, b> tise bbit tFine andisuperfiue Fiour, and fresh Oui. WhiLy fron itheoaet Distilleries in Cana- da West, by tise barrel. A suppi>'ofuthte above articles will ho kept constantly on band d uring tiese meson ut navigation, andi aold at tise lowesî rmarket prices for cash, or on approved credit. HUGH CALDER. Comsmercial Whsarf, Kingston, April 19. 1842. FOR SALE DY THE SUBSCRIBER. D YE WOODS efthtie boit qualil,', Wbeiesalc .lFanti Retail. J. W. BRENT, Druggist 4r -poltkcarp King Street, Dec. 22, 1840. 36 NDÏTLCETO ÔAGR1CULTVRISTS. T DIE Subacribora Oier for Sale aitisheir Store in tise Stono Building formerlj eccupiot b,' Mr. CHssà.IEFATH 1 as a Druggint Slsoç Plougise ni supelar Pat-enm 1ntiastings" Plougis l'oints ef Anserican Castings, uhicis ia ot great importance te thse Fariner, bcing mure durable thoa au otier Castings. Beat Steel Corn, anti 1'tatoe Hoos. Spssdes, Shovelsi and Dong Forha. Grindatones, Grubiing Ilues, anti Brusis Hlooke. Ansorican Patent Concave Grâe anti Cradile senIliatBgi' cts lieapîng 1lius, Ha,' Forks, & Rakea. ; te <xSo ggimg,.md Ihaler Chaina, Bcd Corde, Lading Linos, Halter and Trace Pope. FAREs iDItLENsTm OF xvxav Is.N Irun, Steel, Naila anti' Spikes, toge tiser wi1 oser>' article in tise Hardware lino. Clover, Timutb, amnd Gardon Seeti., Glass, Paint,, (ile, Patt', Varniis, Pitth, Tar, Rotin, snd Spirite T.srpentinc, Fariners are particularlyi, iviteitecl!at examine for thseielebfoeurhinoe. wbre, as eery atceilI ieSoliftls rca BRIGOS & LASIIER. store Street., kissgteu, Apri,m2ti1842 FOR SALE. Patent London laid Tarred Rigging, C IAIN CABLES, ANCIIORS, &cc., COakum io<cks, and Dock Ligis, Co r binnacle Lampa & Shîp Lanthorne, Do1ublee liiled Liusced Oul, Paints, Turpen- tisse, Tar, Rosin & Piteis, Ploughs most approved patterns, Spadèsanad Shovels,-wrouglst roianasd steiel blades, A few superiar Hog Skins for Sadjios, IMPROVED SIKES'S iIYDROMETERS, (Mlade b>' Dring & Fage London,) with ta- : bles, &c. complote, and guaeisg roda, One case superior Fowling Piecca, double & sisg hart-tla, poeket and hiorso Pistols, patent %wadding, Shsot Delta & Pouces-Powder & drin4inn' FakA &c & Tise siliée"articles are a part of hat talle imnportation, ansd are now offored on tise moât favorable fema. MIORLEY d& JENKINS. Kingston, Marchs 1&, 1842. 48 TO CPIIA LIS T TD1E Subscribor lba onéfuthtie most valua Tble MUILL SITÏES in thée lourishing Town of BELLEVILLE, Victori* District, Province ut Canada, on which, b. taticeirousa te erect a firet rate FLURING MILLfrtise seant of wisicis, mass,'tbousand bsshelc ut Wiseat are sent awa,' joar,', froup that town-be sottli cither borrose One or Two Thousanf Poemds Se1 vdantagus terme ta tise ltmtior, sitis tinzi. abl secarit>', fr tise repayutas wtsithiatiso epace ut toron jears, or sonner au he iigbt Sud it convelient to hinself, or b. nossitilet tise Mil 1 Site, for a nominal sua,u condition uf building1 a Mill as might ho agroot upon.-.For turtiser1 particelars apply (if b,' lette,, pet pait,) te TuosmÂs Cos.xmuxs, Eaq tise Proprietor., Belle. ville, wibo fias everal Tuwn Loto, Haumes,& suitable situations for hydraulic and mnW lpur- poses -IVANTED IAMEITEL Y. Tw goond josrnejaem Axe makers, acquaint. ta Vitio other Biackmmitbe work,to wsei tliber. al emusrnglemeent nill heon osa T. C. TUP HAMMER ORK8. Tlie stoce building eontoiuiug the Trip ima-' nmer- Works, Luttiee, &c, seil he LEASED for eue or mure jouie, te a respectable tenant. Thse Itehmetr fleaâ«w blie ellse e Ibabeve ««e a wesk ferthyms Mate, mai ed thetmeseea ce NEW GOODS. CABINE? I<UNITuRE, Je Chcap as h Mdbu;» ViiHF Sabacriber begi Icave le infthestts a T1 i eeml' thtisai bu aremievealbics er Dite.=0 WmeRoate bu; mou buildig, sacentl> feeteti in Moeireail Street, thirti doue ramathe cerner oe ton e.Street, and tti M r M. Tibet.' Oteerj tor- -here sillI miases'be temaage- nealmutumt tREADY MADE FURNI- TUR1, et tise bemi qualibv anti la"etlmtri m prieas Io sit iteating pudumes,. Prsan ds rees et Purebulngvae rffeactllj imvituti te mah :a cal. dsteSubscriher kes btsy mdyrnnsa- temi îaie"and te order, tiseau cii pertiity b. m55.cesan>' article lise,' '"làq~. iegata, Jau- 1841. Wuwrx-A VmWr and m Polimber, NOTICE. W ILL pI'onuthe Bmay ef Quintoed& RivetrSt. Lawence, thse filosing "on.e for due purpoeoftiow'mg Baftt andi Vesbais. For-fer. ther partic aar Appi> taO RG V S KinstoebeE--'ts 1542. O NE H UNDME DOLLARS REWARD bas bee rfied for ,oths, te an ceue ulo %in use a bottltetfH"% sLir4rmêrM foius tirs d itli eut ein. care&i fdosa.sslm ens n stance bas it faileal ut a cure. l'roof everwhel- Mnig t bead where it issol4. it is aloa cer- tain cure in anti,'anotaicae. (extertalyin ithe féowiac comlaint!r. îles, Mil -gltasess ei the chest Fer aul1rij especisly in chiltiec, TreaderFr, Foui Lincer, o! thse legs, SesIra jCan0ce rs or other fongus mres, or elcets, 1hlowevcr obstiat or Greup, Ilong tnig Wboopg Cough, IFregsta Weundgs, Scal Hea Chithîsilsa &c. &c. LOOK OUT. Sorne seisdirs have couitfcei titis artie assaipult lup siitvrnoua aeser. Do mot b.in. pse! rpou. On. tliur Ooljwill lrotect yeu-it la the marne ef COM STOCK & CO; Matiomn mnuscai lms Me Ilscrçppri, or ).Oa are cbest- ad- DO Dot torget i. Take this direction wtb you, and tust by tisat, or neyer boj it, feri is ipouitk forsne ther ta lbc ù» or genuisse. bY urCOUSTOCK & CO, 71 Maiden Lamse, ewYork, ani b,' uver>' Druggist in KÇingaten, and ia Canada. For mie b>' N. Palmer. rPlHE Subacriber h»s received a suppi,' ui AL Chuce Engflisis Perfumery, anxnlg whicb are tise fuliuwing. ESSENCES. HS'Aeut Brier, Spning Flouerai, Sweet Pea, lledycumia or Pcrsîian Essence, Eglasitine, Citronuela Rose, Ceraniumi, Marechalle, Lavenslcr, Lily of thse Valle,, FIune j Sîckle, Royal Conden.sed), Rojal Extract of Rosci., Fluwere, Circassian Creasa, Queen's Bouquet, Bouquet d' Arabie, Eau de P>ortugal, .. Colo-grso Veritable, Esprit de Iàvende au Mîilluleur., Aiubrosia, Verbena Perfume and Extract, Il>rian Swnot Bage, Verbena Perfume and Extraat, Esprit de Rose, Veritable Pumade Divine, Pumatuin, Golti, Suretr, ansd Bronze Inks, Aniser Prestun Smelliug Salle. &C. &C. &C. k&e J. W. BREN'r, Kingston, l4th 4 C ERTAIN CURE FOR S1CR HEADACRIE wbich bas been ueuini fanslies, everj mma- ber ef %hidi bau bai sick headaceefrocs ifmcy' a" a Censlitetienal tamil,' complaint, and bu e- ted effectuail>' je every instance jet knowa- aMseURting lu o >'. hundreda. It la noi impes- sent ta the laste, and doua mot preveut the dailj, avocatimna of One - i i; It muet ho pesseberet in, andthelb cure ise9 ra, but certain and perma- nent. Instnces are cenitatly multiplying ubere dhii distremsisg complaint je completel,' relleved mnd cured, altisossgls et ears standing, b> thse use ot Dr. Spues's celebrateti reinedy. Oun@aecideti preference ta ils pleaantneaa, aving noue efthie nasasisig effeet et commmen drngs. Il k se perfectljsastistactor>', i bait the proprieter bas given dllection for bic agents te refondi tbe pie, le auj OeteWh. ia not pleuacti anmd cisc Coreai by il.. Hc hopq mime that Ibis isay acre its great bfftit te the distred augusraims Who are laboring nder Headaclie. E- SPeisn, M. D. Inventor and,. Propieter. CONSTOCE & CO, 71 Miden Lama N. Yerk, aribj very Druggist in Kingstosn mnd in Csaada. t DR. TAYLOR'S 1JASAM OF LITBR WOR T FOR curSUuuMOz N "DarVER COMrLAIT. CougisaCuide, Asthsna, Difficultj ut Broats.. ing, Paisein tise SidoorBreat, Spittingotlhlooti, Catarrlis, Palpitation ufthtie Hcart, Oppression andi Soresses ut the Cisest, Wlsoopissg Caigis, Pleuris>', Hectic Ferer, Niglt Sweate, Diflicult Or Profuse Expectoration, and ail other Afectiune ofthecChest, Longs, ansd Livr. Titis Medicine io fur sale bj tis ole Proprio tur, at 375 Bowerybietwen Fourtis an làiti ats, New Yorzk, Gos,. Taylor, M. .1 ad) Cumstock & Cuo, Wholsl Druggista 71. Maiden Lasgo New York, andi by every Druggist in Canada. J UST openeti, a tee cases uf Cltristy'a boit white and black Beaver and Goseamer llate. Aloo, 2 cases uf Mens' andi Boysc latis Cae, and 6 cases uf Fancy, andi Dunatable Straw1 Boisetts. A splendid variety ai Gents. Stocks, Scarfa and tJpera tiocs, t greati,' reducetire April 23d, 1842.1 riseth N. Ysrk Ii-Ml. 1iYSTERIOUS.-A çentlemn belonging tu m o eeoetthe most ancset andi wealdsj ftalm- liesi et Ibis cilY, ,Wbemustibchveil kneen te Da- ibereOM trientis, having ince the jear 1818 up te receti,', been boni nerlj double, anti fer several jeans confincid te bis bai, bas been restore t l geet beill-bu regaimeti bis matuerai erecî 1e*i lion-and bas q'itted bis carrnage, and mew wmks wiffi came Il W. beliee ibits ist hegentlernans Own description as ùéea' as possible, andt <er. is mo exagesatimn in il. W. null giee inquirers bis atidress, anti deubt ot bis bumame feelins will excuse tIse liberty ; mn that gamy one dosuisig, amy isiosethese tacla-tiseugli herequeM abis cmre Ma,' nol appear iiiprint. Ameagotbersialarim- stances, tIr.Je$. G. Reynolds, 144 Christie streel, bus been remored,amd wili give peréousaacren- ces ofet b.fielth fbis case. bIb tee euisg. tisa, aëat coaçted côrds amd sinews. HQ" bas teu, doe. inc f A-tn .-Bj lHema' Nree anti Boue Linimaent X. Y. Heafera Jls26 1841. SONt by COUSTOCE & Co. 71, MaiileaLane, New ~ lr,, andi b>'ever,' Druggihi in Kingston, andi in Cadia. KINGSTON IIERALi)-'fLIESI>ÀÏ, JULk q- ty - j M*-"~ ~ 'anuels, iltearised ; Pertc and PSurple vouvoe, R. M. ROSE Black Vetvoteene, plain andti Iilles! Slicias; ingston, 2 May', 180.~ Strip ,Chsecks, anti Denriea, Cottoni anti Linon LI1V E R CO0M P LA-1IN TS. Ticte,% Brown 1lLnnm, Russia Duch, Linon AND ALL SICKNEQSS ANI DISEASES Bagging, Pninte, gro,' anti white Cottone, (ver,' ITMPZRANCE LIFE BITTERS AND -Ion;) pinteil Cotton, Crape and De Laine CHINESE BLOOD PfLj,5 Hamditercisiefs, Emb'd Sisanis, larnes, andi 27iegreeui &rat iecees-e liarnecs Ginghani Dresses, EarlErtom Ginesas a- 77& graist ecn dtcomd Misîl, Jaccossel, Book anti Cross Bat-rod ui lns Pa epeg -pu - ssben tisecry flan dit Printeti JacconotDresses, Si]k anti Cotton tasti feu jeats. Thsis bas ben effctesly Iriedg, l>îese Silver Stripes, (for Ladies' Drosse;) and jet aufferers have auluipisti-antiedt; anti Verona Serge, Farnitare 1'rints, Ptinted Quilt, sels,? Net becanseprgimg wnu not necess r' tgCisusane, Itrinteti Orlease, FaQcy 'Cbusu but go& as ctbas ben doe-eiiboeutoi e at nisite Prints, Isnproved Canvas, Cottons Varn, foltow, anti suatain th. sysiemi. Parge yen aDt? Wadding. Bating, black anti culoreti Liuen Thse icklj bumiena cf ise bîteti Munsib.carnet SofI Tlreati, cotton Balla andi Spools, l'uns, Neosilee, -or lbe accumulation of thon prevented. Pre- Buttons, Tapes,- Coat Ciard, long nisite andl black jestt, tisn, tlse greetb of such huma.u Lace Gloves, Habite, wniute, back anti coleresl Wby' do tisa Chiiese live te sncb immesei do., Spun Glove8 uf ail colons ; Lace, Côtton& ages and til11retain lise pourasetf yealh or nii- LiGloves, a arge ansorlmet o f d. âge ?-Becasec tise>' paruthie blood. Thse COTTON HOSIERY, CýAsee Bu.oon PifiI-teh caîleti bocanse tIse,'wotk upon anti cleanso tise Blod-are tite standamrd Glaxeti Tirahens, Laces and Etinga, plain & remeti,. TlseoPâewilanl do it ; and tht Temi- igsret Grecndo Naples; Frensch White, Blsch, perance Billets, tahen as ditectei, kilt strengibesi Peracb. anti Pink Satina, black and wnhite Sars- lisjsIt ndu l n teacumltinofet nett. plain moud ensemeti Permians, Silk & Ganse bonshomm *hcb ifes theblodt ad bicitHauikenchiets anti Vtils, Lace Collets, Siaje, on' incSesb>' purges, nains lIse billets ,a* Pranelta BoauaantiSues, lndin Ruishor Coats, laken mfiter. lIe,, then tlise pilla and bittesg, sitis a variuty ot otiser articles. Take weekty the pilti,-add lt he' icbitets -a; L, ir tear or have basensahiti* fe wtia'nea e~ Lq.,&. mclior Yeats . illldls ihi'bmea 5 blits. Sherry' Wine, mre tf, antipreveteifrema a à ,atite 10 qv. cash do. tio. dtla si à o f etsicknesm cha Taa il 'te 15 tds. OltiPort.- the fsdl iueaiesgbo sfhU ieulawsi à r- bSO'L fbltti-Superier Port', dur,1 1qr. cus.lteI Mastage, Tlse'e are cases se mumercua oft tiese biii 15 boxes Iseanka Tes effects, that time andl upace teelcut an alempt te 2W « Young 1 yeon, pottt Ummden. Be,' snd use these meticiams 10 "H,'M io , and use no eihnr, anti lealtb and tisremgth&istsul bi 20 lhège Plug Toisacco, jous.Se sec raiper anti directions Ibat coma. 10 boxes Cavendishb, nis tissa. 10 Naliroti PfR&DULENT COUNTERFEITS 2o "Cut Tobacce, WittI >e ttemptei. BonomeremetiofethIe kiWti 30 -Liverpooscaep. enjee il bave nne -O0. C. Lut,, M. D.--S. 20 -- White acentoti, tise urappen, 8.14 "a heso tIs ice as tllous :- 5 STierces Rice, "tEmff*d acefftasg te Act ef Compreas, A. D. 10 boxes Piper, îf b, !e.Ceamu,£t in tise Clerh'sOffice. et- 10 baga Poppler, [tise istcuteni etteUniteti States ftee1W 10 boxstsgrouati du. souUsera District of Newe Yoek."$ oQ MAiu e Warvacted the eeiy geoutes. 30 MIati.e = Se) nsif Mesar.. Cessrex J&Co., New ets, are tise 5 boxes Starcis, eai uetese aea. orhle Unitedi Satea andti aIl m Le( Sger segba o ulsis,1 rbiti.de d" seDOCTOR O. C. LIN. 1MceWumniistdùâdiug te go te monireal, oli SeiNb,' t.Palmier.tdo Weil te coîlt saexamisethse abusve1 aumib ___________ oWbabesldcossildeatthatise,'cas goto n. FOR- SALE BY W. SIMPSON, tistactiots, both as te terne, prk.adqai Sttrrî, KinOaUir.iI aaeb>' lb.barrlI b' Kingston, Nov, Ilîh l.,11 ift FlI-ESI.or0F%00,1 PPIr oic 1VsLEND11tt'rAcT e"-N, «ch -ff bcsol ýh-j cc Ce N. B-Roins papened te tcrct'i'- et notice. Kingstosn Miy'23, I1112- p LATFOIL-M sand Cuiet uc-t by CARTERt W TINDOW SASIIES anid 'cc Y!sale by . l'Et& t-ii Fola SAVE, AT T. &i J.. RIGNEI,,"' IEct & Plinî GlaibTocUt, F Stno l'en & ( 1,lius- ', le ispeomecisst-rï, Needie&1, it- 8 pectacles--ALNOs liter ,cil?'d B3rasbes, Papet hatugings, TraJ11[cucI L»Ooling G lso, &e., &C., Kingston, Marris, 7, I1ýl2. R. H. & T. RAE. iWIbolCttaIC julporte 0F KINGS TON- PUILLSIIED EVERY TUESD At Ma office, in StoeSteet, tiai y Maasiem H Mme1te, xkutSls. .brelaa oidil~e rtiahslrC bha sion . . . . e. . ists, pgybte in sanC5e sttes dxpence iftsent hy~r~;tu A s m eocunttg rsc ment~ ~ " e rpaals ia reurie inuek proporiou oraleater tntt 'Noppets dlisied oi it ct$attise otina ohie las-u1É 4 Me le (laeap Grosteriy store. T lif, oebseriber b1" n-, f muet rersisectfc au çfr hie tieneis andti tisepublie hlsf tee thans for tise liberaI sbire of patron beutoneti on iim tliring tise lest ten years t"i city. lHe is non tidrieedi,' cloiig up Dry Gssodss epartuseal, antd will for tise tuti devote hi, tuuae to the GROCERY 4EPROVISION Business exclusivel>', Wboleealo maid Ret Front arrangements recently s.-bcteal, ha both Foreign assd British nat-kets open 10 b fromhnt eae, direct, bu will recuise, anadui naiet, ant iun origintal package, aIl articles s cected wseti tise busuinsess. lis Brandy, Gin; Spirisats il coîne frein tise Londlon docks; Wincs, aelectcsl for Iins.tlf, wuilhofutchu Vinteges, anti sotbissg %%su ho ofirec but si as cassuot fttul in givin- satisfaction. A large andi gesseral aossotusaust mllIalwas kept on bsandi, and ulreîuiltissg attcntion.wnil tse o tIse bussiness, anust sucIs as nia,'ft Isis seitJisacostiuuanceeut liseur support- Bel a lieu of articles otsa is a egiron, ot gent qisalit>', niirh is lIl bc sol, at estemety,' pricesi for cath. 50 boxes Youîsg Ilyci Tea, 3l0 cIssts Twasckay udo 30 ihtis. Muscovado Sugar, 10 IlCrueheti Sucar, 20 batroIls do o 10 hîie. single refinesi Sugar 10 Il double rofiiseid i, 90 kega Plug Tiubacco, Wra, W II - do i'is, 10 t.. as do 24% , 20 boxes Cascetdislit 1b's & 2-Ut-. 5 isists. Molssces, 5 do Bordeaux Vîttegar, 1lb 21, 10 bags iteu l lePper, 20 boxesripes, 5 Il Filborte, 20 boxes Groanîl Colée, 20 "Grounti Ginger, 29 *t 'eppcr, 10 "AlII-piec, 20 jars Maccabo,' Sntsff, 10 bags Reuasteel Cffiéu, 20) IlLaguira do, 10 baga St. Domaingo do, 30 kege Raisins, 10bo bxee Montreai CandIco, 50 do Wax wick Luistio Caudss, 100 do Liverpool Soap, 15 isbtis Ottard Dapuyte" Cognac Brasi 15 do Bordeaux do 10 barrels '-Illburts" Londonx browss St, 10 do Leitis aie, Gunuine, 10 hissuperior 'l'absle Codl fis. 1-5 batrois tinînson, thisawn'uSs 'a aer, 5 Carotoole3 Zanste Cur-att, 5 casas i Wicks" hasdt Mastard, 50jare "Dut-issu" Mustarti, 20 boxes Fig Blue, 5 do VerunacilJi, 5 do Macaroni 10 cashs Blacking, 2 blueLsSsserior Otd poi Winsu, 5 qr. cashs ySuerPqeror Sherry, 2 ibie ittsiarîta" Madeira, 100 qr. castraIl Marseilles" Wise, l'ont & e deira, 20 Puneona Ila Bostots" spirits, 5 do oid Ration Rani, 20 puuciseons E. I. Ram, 20 boxes "Loescers" London Slarcis, 50 cases Schiedamn Gin, 10 bagi Clotke, 2 cases Lemon Peel, 2 Citron, 2 "stoughtos'aBittens, 2 " Peppor Sauce, 2 Bermuda Arrow Rool. 2 Ketchsup, 2 " earl Sago, 20 crates Crocher>' nesortati, 20 Packages tiisseware Witis a varieS>' of otiser articles conne, stitis a Grocory business. Tise ressainsg part ofthtie Sabsersbers Sit sil e sîl o at Ceut l'rices. Suri s e ds branincitisor brausci woisld cunsui t) ns nrotb y oxstssiing aisticussparing1 extensive Stou Gootis now sturati in hie p mises, betore purcisaing. Kingston, 20tIs Nov. 15411. I .RS F OR SALE by W. Simpîson, 50 bat-s cver"'au perior OA1r-MEAL; priccc etaira un.sually ow. King Streoet, 9th April, 1S 12. 'LUONT,. LIGDT11, LigGuT, SUPERIOR Lasnp Oji, Sporm, Olive &p S iS'al, for talc, b,'tise gallons anti Barre], AUGUSTUS TIIIIIODO, Stu!cse Street, JKingsten, Matcis, 1. 18-12. PORT lbOl'E WIIISKEY. FVIiIE Subscribur Isas rceireti Twseunadi - 4r FfIJY barrdls Port Hope hieikey, and % beep coustanti>' on Ianti dat-srth ie scaseon, large sùQply for sale et this w-cil kssowss artiu JOSEIIII B. HALL Kingston, Iltis April, 18423. FOR LSALIR, 5n BARRELS, treuli Oat meai, of tise b 0qeuiitv, hv CI-ikAPk:-i*' (F ALL CIjE.îî' îuuss>.s l, '11hI U,. AIMSAY, ARMVOUJR &Co tn IictfI ue-c 8 tri N lPARMS s a cchcoutaicsssg one or mr uiniu i~~' d~ ie coutpcte Workoa Standard Lsbrary' Esltiots a' illie kcçut of 1uci 1~ lire uofIslefollioslig l'opsslar NUVELSand T'ALES, t,' tiîaitih,-Is,1 .ha frotthecr originsal texte. Tisas iViiugfoUr sucBallu of aî, 11, tilcc1 s trie, NN't-nco orig-inally pimiised at a glter anuti tit..1-ie taI Tehotf! Novelsart, already ulOished: t ulvy No,;f oui c te!- îim, -omi ltelof m ejt,: - u t l c Ile- l'art COOPFJR'S s. il. c crret f . -' cu-- cttc ce, andl 2 SpyI 4 tittcosess lais 3 Pionscera 14 I 00(5 IIr Sica 4 Lutat of tise Mohucan3 1 4 waiys for tise r, c ' t. ucis 5 Liossel Lincolni14 llccidsra1 a (j'MSu 13 Prairie 1 4 namne ,t. cc,. bc 16 Red Ros-er 1 4 11c. ' . ibc Dl Water Wstcls 1 4 ([ilr H T vor 42 Imuaginsation andl other Tlales. iî4 u l'hlseulpia, bset-c ,,' M Ion MISS Pt)RTER'S t Ille hc-'lI .harcr ic~i aine 6 llussgartass Brothers I 4 tIlle udtcraiuad, l r,, ce e jls 7 lon Sebastian 1 4 usedth te I!im oiéu,, - a , . c DR. BIRD'S idge, and have aut,'c: it 8 Peter Pslgritt I 4 otIya Ptiulsuc * uT 9 Nick oettse NWoosds 1 t lsait, but sm a certtueta 17 llawks of llawk-liolles, I :1 NI. 'l' UIEI,, 2 A.bdalla tIse Mont- 1 4 bMetodist inisu ,uu '23 lnfidel'a Doon 1 21 3'2 Robin DIaj I2 JOHIN P. INCli.:i KENNEDY'SJOHN 1). TiIOIi \s 10 llorse.Slsoe Robinson .1- JO'HN S. Ft 1kiitil 15 Rob ofthe Boni 4H M .iHl INRblSJOHN %'I RI) j,. '» Il aptain Kyd 11 Teageti an,! tîse e 51 "-23 14 Pirate I 4 Wi ,telua),net oas1sw j 12PrgioSMOLLETT'S qslîu!Ilc I~~î t5' 12PrernePchle I 9 tilet, wmation of' tise l l~t"c' u MIlS. RADCLIFFE'S bsai Sircetofitise aiuu, , %Ifi" ' 19 Mantrone TIC O 0Ye.urs ut age,ad lith e?,ccte1ts 21 Undiné (front thse Germais) 0 6 Catsos,'tLTtuL, l'AULDING'S ('ut tI% '" c 20 Kotiingsînarke 1 o .R(IBERl' 2 BROCRDEN BROWN'S City tof lcceliu, c cru eu- . rlacjs Iuu , S u lu, 31 WielandIl S cn utiliMc -, CHARLOTTE SMITII'S S ig - 0tis bs utic 25 OlsI Manor leuseoi< lîsenotf cluatacî c aulr,! cpct 26 ovnt'.ixNEALE,S ml Creist isul,! ce clft y-tha n itnesi sc,.,', cSuor M o-nteMingis Chiot 1;n[LL.S.] bond, andS tauc..J s Inl allixed, tleixe e ,'l seo! I e litre e7 Ronsanceofu thse Prenecs ( L6 KO't -%~ lHt TuNt, tut, 45 A Peop attIse Pitgrsma in 1636' 1 î î LES cLed152rOiui01yc uc. 28 Reccss Do nos lue malus,i ] . , t MRS. IIELME'S 3oO-ui tis e nuIule ' Iu"f uc, 29 Lacuisa S t hicet tse i5C 115 t (il tcuc lc 48S St Clair of tIseIsainaI ar clseateci.l)autdcutu, c M Farnier ut lnle%,od Fut-est 14 tion fwîtls 3OI, antîc esti -'si JUDGE TIIOMPSON'S il '16 imidoStult l's n uIV e ac cît 31 Greenu Mountain Boys ~solal bu>'COiI)(i'& (l IlRS. CLAVERS' News York, nl'iy> tînt> îuuu I, t 33 New lio-WsolliFohlow 1o0ant in Ca la . PROFESSOR LONGFELLOW'S F1or sale blu>' N piauecKu' 1o 35 I lyrpersoo 1 0 T MISS SEDGWICK'S Sulcccuc ucllcu-' bl. 3 ieSIR WALTER SCOTT'S 12T haulIIurSale,uc .36 Quecnlsoo liall(by'Struti) 1 I~'Eît.uuuuu uc, sj , 'l-S Lay of tIse Last Minstrel of TVI Iuests,anudt 'sl cib' ce .19 Marmion 0 gesiise, andsfall ie bce-tuu-ecuu 40 Lady of bise Lake 1I -J>ISl. ibI 41 Tiro Vears botore tIse Mast 1 4 T UTST Ltli')iI ARTH'IUR GORDON Pl'S'3 i IN t' tt, - 43 Slsipwt-ock lutiu n tuiFamnise )ONo. 4, lcurlt .luýulu-. 'e-,se, 44 Kinguien or tise Black Ridera out Cona- 10 o !- garce 1 6 New rk <SulsIi-au ucl 50 Csonfessions 1 4 Cracke-rs lu,'tilut, à IIOlPMAN'S Sauerior Laket iLrleuu'-c 40 GoîrhnitIs of Paris Ô15 do. (!,). tuut u' . GODWIN'S fnS]VIl arl loi47 Calebs Wiliams 1 4 t-tn i; Le IY ic c, TIMOTIIY FLINT'S S~;~~ ielct 49Francisflot-rian EI 6 orsa, Mi1le'Iccs-, î.,. sire 52Carleton ..14! en,&-.4 suit- Wliciswiltbotollowedinsuccest"ssbyWorks kugtuclMuIi. tise nf tiesenet plopular Autisoi 1---. tcuuucuceuuutII 'alr Il.[ ptC- N O T 1 C E Aind<sst lordeccuu1-,iur cul,'i R.1-1. -. & T. R AÈj ,Kingctuutu, li uNus., 1- 1. E~UtdG te ctin t hir uroinr ndtise B1 N K S FOI SpigooI their Stock nili buetuu,ud a, girt. eSrit't - 10 at i t, f5' là us et-ai antia well assorlual as atis>' tîsr Whscle. <'I-:rNÀ5Vili. sEaleflouse un tlIeTradeio, isa safresh Snpply l-11 >au"i,'IcFc,, cc is tao2w about boissg openeti, tise>'relaeut tisestar-T s'. lusstclsuîuu' c c' c paie l Y attention ot înîenalung purrtiascre, bieng cou-auottciruuu-l r.I 'cc Maent, troinlIse facilitios aIlrred tiscnstIelinhave b1,c r,,v'-u'j-tu, ulc-du c boitte nmarkete, tîsat they cau dispose of tlueur flil ouvisulcucatt,"cc jGonds on as reasionable ansd adrasstageoua tornsno testisl'ea liuthei, uc't r" as an,' Importer posaibi,' dan. touse utles-u uc -d'cc-c Ansionget tise gooshu now opcning ebulîbe tound r's tayi ' h ituc rel lise foîîowing dout, its saluue jssccin ct ir'u, will DhlOAl> CLOTJUS, sery îrerîtsetrcacc we luuru;, 1a (It colora;) plain and fan,' Casesiusacrue, faucy tise use ut a : t)u,,,s,,uit,. cu r rIle. Tweeds andl Garsubroesse, Bleacheti Cotton and alCclesi.t iirs-Wcvcii],cc Liuten lirili, Itrinleti Cotton Dirille, Cotton anal abaîci b>' tle reIcl? tIlu Wut-sted Pliaidse, plain aisd printuti Moleekins, null bcu, c-eo ui tisree iuc u p llain andI igureti Orleans, plain & printesi Sax- 8se. 9<. ; sutluust tIse ' '-i uotlnies andi Do Lainesi, Damasksaistd Morelle, tiseir ovvIsl lttlcn, ~cit ou l" etcolorcal toed Jacconetae; roui, white, andl grcun daln.~ 11 CANADTJ bk0,e »Oinu te itie ltbird ainCec' ho .. m iebrosses matu etltb sn t eusl etar gtisal sunelinsta flow- Pd s5IbcemEs nisicis nature beitsui mi 6 m et ityt thse dtisanmdflic.liseS, fil am e bdr n i ire dot4ej«thse daym i t ri ibowi pli10mi ,'eirurength tini yusir eue"; 00,wa, ho effae i le yos-tsay, oodW uàsmatasud »mrin tt,' vèmb j« oneaimt rosi,,ber.. b"111,01, peugtiffe WexcelentChiai, otmi55,.W< t505 pu lalohff ai obliger « t ilethe dete anti iii' .-i ; e nie homiglit rivst the grace - Ibul tai eut and witl t uiil- ..tla Ou las fi. e k ioa hi,'go trannms . te the aotmtuuwhere a hase u. thse mo .aiumuY-mb uat Ibaie s-ict- s, uedsm'eda thee aîsquit5c" are tiesd OM ebl. ied illt sitnatemina1110,, crMvîaeau-prodigiemt,' py. Bul at.e Md US"@ tre dI i tI I.it.Lie, c~dkbgs5, the outuet- lime. H mun-.mtttadigthi' le limet- mime»r...te sent, tioggent ryhmm- omdvtua klsd nieomeme trou W-P. hescsorDsaiRVai -At fa ssaeltuuug llstcticslmSeisy et Lutuslu, iselsi tiim, lit Sastien, Premidet, in thse cihait-, a 1 ohVii. AuiseeflIl, El, one ofthtie duertcrm ksscheute rCaushr eofsomtece, Nt g,, tise prienttiepreatioot i radi.e t Il ï,inwsg theile iii wlssih safrcîs lii' il ,giflse et mienfartuniflfpopsslî'su 0abunic ne i*Pd ihat tise lois tri the towuu. elfstai osr enlise clecging ut mille, lD usuuustt 00 par flnguaitsin tise ntter ousNta,, ;&1iii, t b.ear If183, wi-bu loy hl wuuuic titiwhst ssa itueanti 4J pîtr'ilcu ýte increw1edeffcotest ffondmugtlile W14i Wbt a.uunstta £118.960, furmreC! a tfoin i g,$îii, esuaIlto £1110 fat -aeclit si--t qTht peuple diesel pauperiesu. ast Im,î eut, cf Sge t ts ire, bs lecV iguuug aul ilu; brtusrt anti clohssg. tsi) ec-ouier i enity iras institutesl, hip orr iittt ils bica'e OfthtIe tow i-n tiste condtionîtof' 0 keclicep consistisg u of,3O' e t-dame)UI . ns laiihat their noe cniinipe.r si- .stsâle 1291474. eule, wiltodemI luiarr-uit, mt £310 foi fooît, lire, cluuliuu t,tusLcccttiiancrare of ft4s2 1 lt 1, 'heuIl r'- seek. T'faunitt-r of tssici- lli ac panseut sut of u' i's 9514l; , ,, C' tqi 1 tlo,e %%,Are i,53 leies,iau i stil; tW 5I 2 îrsmi, wte rieepsîig sui i t , "~: 1 wice'ui chc a nitge oflitnen ta;itiuie 1 sv tasuuu tspawsnng.Attstoig thrlum:101) 1, us tie itea e et-t' uitty stLucse rsuui su Ilu.d <1per bexe neekly-I Exiu tsR-u.rssu (w -"it'tcloisi ug i'r p 1um wous gisen lis-Mr.. JelE-rs'sin; 4ttu iéi cis hua umgske, 'I'oisuutttu Jutte-c i ecr put oîrtiii to-mot-nussv, snliat jas I tcttruibe oti tdu ic lat vaut f Stucu peîd yuuar tint'> ey uufr oyus1.l -Nemor blus, nIal yoO do îlot 55ast bouc us f',l c iguore tItan latingiýr, tliret e toer repetn t fhtving catcu tue 7- Ns111ics atroubiesosse ttsat ite do1 H -Ic- actpain tisose e util rtcum um 1 . cppemutal. t.hoeiisgis alwys b,' <hein àmuotis l hOIiouangt-v, rcont ton lofiNre joli e it1tc' t- n gergeraililîtt lit. ea% tsuhtieir reputatîues is eflioctesli n vee iSu,t, bhbIe cornpassyitIse,'keep.-' at'roit thein sfigesiiîem lseuroonregardes Ü5wn, If theys eeu hetiseociet, ut sitem <'el >opeClable, il elevatex tiffeun msstise p icio n Outisacotrat,', iutitsasn,'v of cs, Ifiechat-acter atwa,' ssks ia amin S'y4 nithe pblic. Wiile ho perisapr, wýe iuthIn chi egonge, thunks but If titi 11luee otersardmailing tir h. liepreters, mmd Pretisot on nodot wha, wll ie heissue oethlas «siliandstibagracer. TIsere are yo lm uebohohaie o neuas opiesu, hte b. intiuat seitt isora, nould le'l Il ,ffreputatiu isnanotis. B"D07ti UFA Es4tis nid tIsaI a a lqenutte ifatieqat. te any 'euerge el gtxig couuaisp eut of Cousr leb t Oom, hiem isain ever toemsi brèplan te irounaviatetise gliel eaiclt rcovr swutinte e Pllu. SOest ssisunique seseme emrd M h hoati ottise isunm 1s e%'l ftise bebalehirerti nor le, Thiton,' cf tbiti taking, as gatis, is absttîal aufoliotas nn-n. un Missouri, gathe-edti lget of .5Voutee same, twelvetsoritsss,* th r heRokignness.plain ucar Y M-aai4is acesof je Mtr reacing thse ucene ut op lielint- soulti selet isuif a dose anti ticiselIAvauislihe, te