Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 12 Jul 1842, p. 1

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Eîùgteutcvlv M4 CANADJAN JOURNAL, POLITICAL, AGRICUiLTTJRAL &- COMM3ERCIAL-. KIGSTON, CANADA,- TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1842. No. 13. "Y' ent>' Uuggist;in Peina-r, K<ingstsn. ibi- nill halev uilflmu tuclit iii hi'y J. &i Illich le- ' ',i li n"dclîi m e bl t . d cr. î ti* Buidig, pqi-au ie EIVms-uî il'yîi -c Ylit itrt-ir Buiti s F 1[sphu Sair lic wh, t tue "i aue a diela'rt-Il. 6urre l. A ia tîiII.A ala %li, fi18b12uî. ;1>? hiel1 mi' aiei r il e mi'i i- & irziJ. ii ftmL-lie- 1; 1,lAîN îS, 1 Il tir, Sd 011 C.iht meli mil 'cvl iu li i lii A ric Irat c i-iii i IV thein i-pr.i iM 4,Vied r iii, i i "I the hîrce, 1,ci, i a li ic $7,;iutnhini J. WV. buit -cNE-- RK WitAIuER F. ptpercti ta order oni mimd Cotinter ScnIes CARTER & tEi m,41uES and lied,, CAIITE&î:u au SAILIE, Iý J. RIGN E dill fusa iili & 'clt KuicTe raNhios & im. I e, tiàeir il ~alnvaict> e h,7, 18412. & T. RAE. ,le Iniport NGS TON. t EVEl"' TUF oliN WAViBIr. tg ,IVITATION tuait wihh tîein, on lie:r diarturî. front bhome- A "(Èxvsrra FtLL-Tlie largeat collectior DO l PRINLJS. tiecasandi lier youig offiprmng aitcesaine ttft'5pa1*rakouslneitî" ae).tr Bose thL etin* siî.iit- timtelaviug becti fasteiaed ta a stake tu pre'-iît ncv, coitaprisiognim ilelrms anîd rare rer-ci af etitsiuu Sircape. In a wcek tbe vauîmg, bufflilo wnuld b.- ticse pcriodicfrnt th' ve r 160ta ltil's, a- biol"b âibird scmingui.'.c itiimiy,~la m oll ionin h nil a 700 volumes. and ival- th. reaies »l bekh i the bieloosencti andi suffezrd lta Ion ai large wiraithe ued nthcuie thousand gaîneai. These ILportant baithateeneidhati1 row, andi fromt lat tintie lie two werc inscpara- docutments foc the illustration of itory wrre 1' île, lu Iis m rmne, aftrr a derotif four purciaetib>' the Gorermmmnent for lie British ehW .Clir <tgtiogi dsl--, montis, thie itaole're aken anedeincair . Maceut; and, tagetier wtb compete sets ut M(t.Cttc wb.c Mdnture litâtr. Wbeu the itntera iad aecurcd 37 >'ung bufa- ail tie neiropapers publilaet tram 1818 ta the 00 bist, <ha tsai retvmi. t, locat, ananlelope andi an .1k, tlb.vwbole returned present time, cunsiàîhint fmore tine 3,00() 0.,q.of hIPLss< aghin to tinir homes. The location ofthIeir upe-. voluns aorie a record of public tirlittia nol ta bie e ns4outed ag h«», baisses =ui rations was on tbc Arkansap. soine 5001toiles paralicicti h7 an>' similar collection in an>' aller Wî. S. W. frotuludepeiidence, Mo., fair beyond i iirairy in thc world. fi s WWu$, LWE patinire, anûd pUl. the presené bourets of cirilixation. Tise animoais ladm .ofr the bit s " li are noirsaome lfiteen mondeîsoni, anti are parti- The laIe Colonial S-, so ell oîban fat ps ilsutr trenth asti Ymer 5U»iy culari>' fond 0ofat andiallier grain, but ext witibliis IlîaI.tgoiin sizc anti bon>' deportuments being 10avidity ireil cnredtih> or grass. lOneorathlb ont e irmprtuned byr a diminutive taillr for pay. 0as aue,tc ure wile yeurquay, cows used in lhe iuntimmg excursion is stiIli iiti mci: of a bill, pitulantly exclaimued, *,If you . s dijkoeus ad .ece w a. lie berd, andi acteaua a kinti ut bell irelier, the were tt sth a reptie, I souldkiýk you durit .t, , eceseen C-6bava4, > ne ,ta W.-a-leati, andt I Iieursll aoJb>' tIhe blaiaes clir." -Iitic reptie" reusenisrattiilme don; 0~,<pasfl.s&Wstiexcesllent chas.. *in a drore frant one point ta anoitier, iimere tus cad %vaat i sai ! Recmliecr, colonel, tiat ,asmtuiepIses leeg propriehore ciee t tie-t ta exîilit. lia a few ire can'b ccg b. great brutes t MW b.thuwitb t disant iletb. weekes e>' il reaci New York, wierc, ifnont e .. m <ie h gries- iisposed out bby ili b.calippetita Europe.- FRAxIN-'ESS.-%IldeMaiSel'e tie Scudéry' wrote tbeIs ssu ad with iaitee n ther LBufl'.Ia Adn. ta her friem thie Cauunîde BuflVIlYour daugb.- ter Lîad aqi mach genius as if chie a' o vr whirb eîoty tiîrtse,,- NCIFT CSTLS.-Aî a meeting ut tic lix- day, anti ie;irithal a are sm hehainc- asi5, mie, t<t>go rflRI ose. tord 5Architectuiral Soiiety, iast areek, a paper un sec" iYOuaY te 16. S,gP-Where sàliote imn theWoodthe liemiliiar!r architecture out hiemitidle ages, cote- kit fem. s evii e r gooll.runicatet b>' G. T. Clark, Esq, wus rcad b>' lie CitEaoTriî u itisaiy-The rment instance ,csn Mbts what t bas .id- Rev. J. D. Colline, etf oreaioer Collcgc. The et the sutiticu datb et the police constaisie ln mrdnl'i.,ti,î msqul«s ardesi-abject ut the paper was tu point eut the distine- Hoiburu, ibabroagbt te 1gb: an adulteration iselatAmati iitîcoelCs eu.in p157, liantbelseen tise several styles ut cailtoiseti mpaactischd, particulàrl3î hy iIcit diseilîler anti UnsilIct a pe digieuuifv g"y. in Engianti, anti ta onable <faries ta ascertatu ttu venders uft* wh is, e t erodutetidul ef cran- jar iedstg aedito leàL., wlmîclclapetlie>' belonge I b>' tie existing re- stet10givethieceebratedp hedfreUavortocomn. as dighttoi, the seeel? 0fi. mains. le titidedthelienlt» wo principîIlas. mon epirit. This adulteition, wbicb is efthIe di ,"t.t.hemandit.gth l« ses, tie Norman keep, as Newcastle, Laotiden, mot noxious nature, is heo be teare i l vry ,,srt ri ieaelrbsr. &c., andthie Etiwartiian catîr, riti its rails u xesio-paciei nt buticr nI lb. ,wht',,e writirimcoesehther anti ire- inceinte, inner, outer, andti nidile bailcys, post.unîsvilacofiexie,1idndat *,,,sskaid aIe . ris W. P. orna anti dlci, as CaerphiUly, Caernarvon' &c. mouiti b. a certain resuit of il b.ing Isiien in atm> ., ~ ~ ~ A à 14~ A alter period;ltiug balises continuetiltub. qîautity, particulari>' in au exciteti state of tihé WX 4! caîtoilatet in appearaîce, it was more for Orna- systemu. -I_ nt Iban atuai use, lie windows hecame larg- 'rE! a hr' o er, aud thte whoie building lias more of a dame,;. A TERIBLExTI 1"Aa hir' o t)arcî ~tic cîtararter. It ii remnarliable tîtat duriîîg te ver tIour lioîi.." -lâtit cemtIirý', win aase have eu man>' churcîc I l it on aii-i'a the matter, you littie sac- 1),sFtF.q.-A metin ofire bave ver> fir railles. Thte nurnber ot cas- pit! of [lna u h aelîmmh uticls, ofiriich Uere are kno*u ta b. exisî iag re- IlWhi, <ad', drunk ; uother's dead ; the aId ~~-ecîl ~ ~ j Sos>u Lmdînbit ,si mains, is n EnglIanti, 461 ; Wales, 107; Scat- cuir las gaI a cui; Sal's gait marrieti, andi iun sieaidîn, lîlcîldeut, in tic chair, a pa- ]andi, 155;1Irelant, 120 ;-îiving a total of SiU. aira>'iiti ail the spoons ; Pote ba sawaflei'd s qf, atiatli. outtise directoirs ofAnt il js probable that if îüore accurate cearcl ipn ; and Lak's looked ti aheb.Aurota Bixi iU aisprsamdersofnCmut ce b rade maole, it would b. tounti near a tinusauti. be's gui lie deliruh triangles. That si't aitl 0 the prese ades wiiiioftafet ol~- wTus paper was iliastratoi by drawingau enuther."- spa te tvieinwhchit ffcli te if. keep catNewcasle ; thse Tewer u no n t rèeeti Whah ciao upon airlt giunse8othip mnifrturng population; ifront il* modern incumbrances; and Cuerphill>, Rase apl il the batter plaIe, andi breke tise <ih fid iiat:r sii theUs,Ie a he onls wt ill mont, carefally restareti. pancakes ; anti une ofthIe Maltose kittens gel leba r nteing ti e, fltt ts a le et!it etsneucscpadcud' e la per RRnîle varin the sien 0:tIse>' sd E tnRcie AODw.O ienr-il out;-,ai 0! Isar iungry 1 ans" when her beall iNta hi. Ricaisesnc)pEaed coutheu'orge. r Imd Vitîî îl ni4J per qlir- tnent tiiere are tira mater, et especial nundec- TEVrr FLP ADDAH-h rt v -riead rcý>t ni fod mut Le acdemle nt loaiasregards us Engls-tie wcliltbb ALJ o 011"E T~~lrt t>1 Ion ilords"andte magnitude of aur t....,:-..m -. liament gave ta D.Jner- 0O £ll <tlt)forlzi "Oiiodi" îî.u ~i.î,nt 'L hie di4cov ut f accnation, whijcb hasaveti u,' lte£tO frr iattofngdeit. '"Votre Duc de Devonshire,' nv la tclrue T--~î. dr'- et 1eatipeleind ol<rake lreclitnau su', anti raise hi, cye anti bands u sifnmtios -i. ie.iv peîi.iî aidmicln r adiration, I a deumx cent mille livres sierlinurs Tie saine Gavernînent gare te Gon. Sharp- cr-~ilritîi..lia Dei-smhier lat de crntes! Que c'est etatînant." Anti, avei nla îiyu 10 ayh o i neto ..'q t, II.a corninmittee othet another lookof amizeen:n, -Vous avez une outa rneur pecie cft shela b>' shici millionsina>' eJ. "ftII 1,wii i*o he ondtio o 1,dete ntioale hut cnt ilinres. Que 1* killoti. I î..î-iiiol5,:uu:s persas; adicest merveilleuxIII Ami wedoiolknow wirh rti itiîIlir mel earni-m ¶per poucs(n hrtichegreates .t impressiontof uur CoairLsvms..-Compimnseay i> .oife'ed tir, oti ,debtm of tic peuple. lose tirafarte are so can.a-sutie as u jecasceofthIe cil efk t =lit .îîir "c 'l front Is2 1 in lm 2,1 taon ta an riglshmn-lie i.-csaaccuibamnedti a apirate tle icier 11, wbo being depulei ta adi- * c. i ~ , ~ î~~ -ard h, im as natter of coue tin train tie dresasWilliam the Third, exclaimed *'Future r:(; ategrave, thizt i enlpérhalis ilh he ages rccortiîng vour niajesly'm exploite, wiîlI pro- .~ -î .- 3 îe tc ; - il e) îsoi - ge s iii'oft is aavîi ou try t iat lie beg ns to s e n u nce y u t a ave been a N e r. N a le s on- i,,.- . e le!) t tial th ere es a iyt iing extr iordinar >' j i a fo rtun e e t r n ti am big atus w as the negro's com plim ent "v i îîî .11ail , e i o f- il m u h u i tre dti o us a tîtia ae cir fix e t FI upu-a o n e t a t ic g re a t e m a n c ip a to r. -1 G oa r ig t >' b leu s Amonii- Xiiti lep' 5t:10)51 - natfo eir atndierer, orin deit utfhS(i)millions IMassa lVilb.rtorce ,- - )pr e"'frc blai lckhat! e bah a white face, but ire l. imoi aunv,,e m'srnima- igs .lip ie pe u lefor fthticsaine eipare u aliiofakleat1 - I ptleu n-kl r-f Examrt n ieteasdit tes a thiousanti ta on<tînmlie fecis hie national jmide mroiidî-rfullv latteroti by the dis- TIuIcNs-A shillinig a day s btter Inari ne îorprv, and hegins ta thinl biat bac ta a mritliii'l'bci very art u(being at work wil pro- '-li, li i-Ci îîg ftr prar- mîreîv:lri pereîiu thlie evertook hirescif cure emplîy by aid iv ah a fair traite. Men a- * ii il, 'ii, Jt-fîro Illar, - um-noble a;eilie richst inte wrc lceetrts ; lie î,î jutieti unfit tue amytiog, mid mu>' anaireun oe n omcytc' ai.healirpo i de for runt ut emplo>'. *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~n i i itiii, .la e nîhe t t i cr i rt oe hl t he.' Q tir po-îi 4t,1 ,t!a %ven yi ali ftheet li tgfc ry t t tue-t Ix ADVi-ACE OF THE xMAIL-A Wisconsin Ï todu % bt vte cin woderul tjitg-vry'paner says, *1We hocco fronna a fot pasengetjuat iriei -ha the nwillii-ay.lie ilpoclut inîthc 1iiîerpol, May 27.-b nul the man %% ho, in corse oftîmat hie ntiLIa' .cpolt i N i-or iii ýi,îv bel-re vîtu bave inder ta)irati fa-lhe vantl>'fptarsonal iîiîctioîtcus tIla ve. - iitetidaîit -,te --l i:t iii arliieat, breaks the , -iraii tc-> iotv l oit uibeirausee 1 uvs ofisi icountry', anîlsedaces bumdretis et iis Ti ugi tie politencsof the gentleman- le poncer coumtftrymcîîa ) hoemte ale-whe ho aacharge out Vie Obsertees-ry, ave are metouemedthat îlîîî i.ii litiiier, ihirtl & ýopenm pt itoues and lier eahana, andl introdu-es bue*nicofaJouman11 342,I am.,90wiirb e :imsritsgh ruot aid ilbaucheiar' îtîma peace;eul country lo%-n Jit'iu u.14,wa ,0 nis:drn ni îîîvîîîg ealen ton lit- -A hlic teiches the porer chutis of rotera totam_ eI une, 1841, 1,u6 inches, anti turing lune per as itlîtheo trulli, tii aurninht î,îec perjucv, acdu.4o,4,8W inlches. The greatest quantita- ot t rilîi- ietîa ae do wil- to accep: lite nages ot ûegradatio-is uot eadi' raizt ever regicteceti aihe Obuorvator>', as ILIr- aiesu>. gît' a a ac igiern1îiac~ i- t n i n e n onti, mas 8,150 incites,,du- ii cilie evi iiirosi us îvliiic a arvîng aretcli avîtai, tranpoc:eiîfor sîeaîin.r, ieutih ilI> 81-Tcot lrii acIoct triîîtî a iclere 6hiip or euarîîîg a plieceat P EOr PERziAStito 1.Mihe H -z 'd,%:lY 1,> tteir cunoimIlibait- Andittij a'iot sucli a unai protecteti he icPub - Pon.,-r icelut- lic opvî'ion f hie arn viiae,,fet.a in cociet>', lis- insole, irlu colierteti£3,*.7,9, for rehuiling Al c-ir, Inireyanspek. eitti o ilialtîîtîauiiituailose f ansSaints Ciurci, Deciby, in 1730, iras su iredustri. 1-c1, utlit lte awcre mtiîis, and leil ta bel-evn afal hauds thati bucani sucreesful in this labour ut lave, thal cr r-iî. mii îs eîi.cteti n nîiet li as <umrtitlioting uinit- utli fthe riaracter ut a Iahen the irsits fititle t i ts door for a Christ. 5ý h, hey kep.-Tit retleau nd mai o hoourý Iereje ni as bot, lie imîateat le muin. treate t tena aia -r e.- ,I0,t , iozi ccgardeîlas root cd tisé cci. Ilits idue ma lalk outhIis or that tankard ut aie, anti persuadeot iemaout of aguizi- t i iiie mcc:>' ofthie mer- prevcmmlionm ta corruptomt exists-rwhiie Monla ea. tcihi, titelevatea thîvîtinosthe pub. practicali>' ceutideret il ie upperclare ai ouO- t tic();i wclit-arr, iiitittacy nitît ciet>' as coferrrîng a telle tic outrage thie lars outl ne rer tid sc such a wînti anti sue.!; a * 1c în liays .iks a ;nan in tiioralitai iii itopurmit>' aîîîte golden c-ut t ofri"sîianu ofarou At -Wliîle Lac perbapr, Uin anmujei, avtber aruas-cl>' or nut, inîtalmi PraSc iqurt ol-b. wtt,) ince ao it! ic il ' n iione, itubns but bitte in lie igi places of e as I "he 7sdn-di utte idadsom htmg their M ý:1ce. cir aile miiking<iceirre- ty of itetomaiili le. scilie-siig !" IlThee nd ble, and the sîormrose," sa earr wlit i slstaste , mitat sort iie- pie-n atiîiandprrîlch atmno doubt.- 'sa i e tleimssue et bie oavn ~ dcrcnîsc. lhere are yautmg %ice'n ii have nouilman opinion ut ha îtiiiiîe nithwoi ol -bcsrepuaul ion is 'sortit e: n ltiirs.t lesaidtlIta a an- %! i adeitaate laun>'eergeer>', outfCongroag, ý< tav, is, iruin aven Icems is 7 tii n:cumnsvugae thie globe ln StIc- ai nr ois risartuintoaanti- h15 dhiiti4i te hunterg favr- ilhe îfil erd ior i- tuis o z> t itvîr tuking, as gatierot 'Il"ii'litiaIl>' asteihoirs :-In Ilinr«.uitiig soinewhere thii '2ict cimr, zatheredt ogebien * "eaten mlue. huelve horcs., tourj ' iz c i he r , a av ha l c eilliliet- e Plainsnear lime c-1.1 Jî1mas, ut searcliof oh>unîg recii( liecelet opera- m'viScil 1 elct haitf a duzeie of i il ci.cidciotArai-like,lue, h ar tnulîl holti up anti iil, licping mcli sa'to prea cnt lie1 Ualîi1caris, h buch tas il>' do -cli i te iiniard. Once nearj l aid aang tihendmud iy t4 vmie ?dran mod. ut catcbing1 i 5 h l5. 5 i n e r- , s a i t e c s a t u r e s m u l t i Sor irec t thticcaves,1 q hfi anad happeiedt l catcha tt QY i)t prove an agi>' enatoos- 1 'as nâ 'rsi àiuest iratbiao "i nh'tePatch .S ci of tise1 lueii oult ie .taken back to4 Sd le danseaicatet b>' kiling *ý 0!!h"ni-f thie caws whiclmthe>' TuE JUSnTorîstio.r F t I lamouatros, ns> Lard, tblîcian>'manu or au>' but>' otmon, cor- lirate or utiierwîse, shoîuiti bava the parer ut uuakmug imea> cheap or tear, at will, rarehinimag ,lie office ut nutianal currene>' mitit tIsaI ut baul- ars; tiat the>' shoulti have lime pnivilege ah an>' anc peodof tinuntiating the country' riti au ici. mense anontt f pa5scr cucrene>', therci>' stimu- latbng specuiation as cil as trate, raising prices, nageff anti protanami.atanolbser penbaîl draw- ing in their rags, screwing up ail legitimate soures ot redut, as melI as capital, andti tireby loworniîg pricesanmi ages, and dimniabing pro- fits, protiucing a stagnatiou or traei in. mur- chanta anti manufacturera b>' tb. bundrçtiant sprcatiîîg miser>' anti mrelclscdns aumroug tious. auda.-- [Extract from a Specch «Hlenry Braugl- are, in tise Beitmis i'arlîuuîent. In oina oftie courts in Newr Yorkc, a black. amtsbmitit hda guft ofstammering lte perfection, mas cablet arto court as a witness; the amauut lu question b.ing about twenty-fivo centa. 'Tie judge, ailier Ieicig bis testimon>', askeil ut mi>' lie bail nut atviset bis worînsen ta settie, the cuit bomng fiac limes lie amauint of lie dis- putedkaun. lu reply,tiewitmooserved: 111 t-t.1-oldth tie im-oh, le sethie. -s-aid tiecocu- can-stable moulti take thcirSca-ashe lamyr their ah-surIs, and if lise>' <t ista jouriabo. ur's; court you't sk-skii'mu. FATAL ACct 'NTa-.-Mr. Josepis Manséll et Heruion, mas killeti n Manda>' la mhile get. tin timber in tisewmeut e ar bis house. lHe ao bis oldeatsts m-owr.workieg aon tb. samne atick,-wbechiassn's axe glancoti andt enhereti tb. cuit of tho fatbcr'a Ieg, cisopping rit oacly off sud sevenieg aU tise blond veasels, by uhici ho bled te =oaisefore hoe could procure surgi- cal aid or egot te is o-abuse. He vas 47 >'eara olti amat bas loft a vidow un ver>' lefirt hoatli,- amdiarmsciinrea thimai di rtjoimiiuu. ' ,Ptrau ny ou ell mecthie ra>' thicstation- iouse 1" asked a stranger. " Yes, ir: pick the frst man's pocitet thal you meel" "George Washington Napoleon Jackson Han- nihiflarison!" ,blalami" "Telllosephine Roaina Cleapatra Matîlda Victoria tu bcimug up tihe DIOP pal" IVoYs, ma'am." *New doctrines never pissa. hie aId. Tise>' like ta faur>' liaitie morlti basbeen ioaang wmià- dem insteati utgaining l, aisace lise>' ere youeg. Love labor ; ton if yoIa do flot wael Il for fond you ma>' physm. It is wholeoaîe fur tie body> anti mid. A-.EcDoTE or Loîw RouxE-" We bave ot a goond master,t saiti an ulti craisir ; Ilho mas a ver>' hit friendtu teme; betor. Ibere mr. an>' revenue men I mss hati up by thseoediae betor. bis odsiip tor a litto mnggligaifalr, and ti.. ligedtu 10 ied Ima bondamema. Se 1I aene iat tie lusftice-nueta Bictue. The excise officer eiareined My bontiruaonuit ahutt proporîfy, ant refuieti one beauese bis pi-eoal>'as lease- belaL 1said itmeuldhoea gnesttreob o.,uq, au 1 was thon esagagedtu t attendt a gentlemass yacht andti tsughtàImîa eeiso lnuder hialord- ship Wou Idibave béensiaffwieeetNo, ho mouluS nt take iL. W. bailsom . rouble te gel hlm te sake lb. other suret>', but bis loïdeislpsaiti, -Oh lit kees hien; hoibu propenty' ain lansuhosast nma. lieever, Ibis one b. (lthe ogmes't) al out taits, vien preseail>'bis lordabip steppeti up te lise efficer, ' yo en-s't abject tu e>' boisg 0ee iil jais!"'The exciaeasu sa(ta use the isisormsana'sords) atrucie quit. pale We" his iwdslsp teuk aetbe eant i iged lisnself as boin th ie missoft£ fer tise pourfiaisenus. li nm latao"k&suingleld lie pour andi <mud leue ifroret e l.1m adIte no"e Md ualtis>' w en hysud, adofn îîlesth> iaît , -iom ves lIebeet saftuo., t of 'epeuple- 3: [Dcrcitester Chîroî.înle. it The able uni C!.ieCt I -îrres.poiijCmî uf lie le Netr Wrlclses ai,îr-s-aîîgicciuun, a i lise récentCicuflagcaimlt t ainburg, ai iti ti if incilcur: e lTise imatt-s of tîtese Ilobela mena nearty ail 0taunti sitling on thsîr trutîlbaaundlptintîtalils leun lb. streets ant ithe rai," came <ilftthei rroffiing f<mes fift>'taounebundreti marks ta haves- lieus cas-riedt thebcstesin boul, bat nera roi*u@eti Oe anecdote 1 Muarit Yo mntion ti, yuu, ietucî IrI bave doue. Il saviîra a lîttie outhelime cnti- 9tluougb lunutsfit la but a triflîng inctident. omi ail kno* thtatiu mof uthticGermean anti Belgi- *au loins thc Ghurch bSeepîci arcelarovideti sît * pusical hello wirici pis>'once or tice a day., ;gcler.îily et trelve e'cineL, suit s ic m vnîug kt w-Tiec curcli ma St. Nîciolas, toc, aas pruviica witi auch aset ut musical belles, antiflic icîl. pla)cr, -iu olti grey-hiaireti man out7(f, wvieciher 1 In, minirn or unirillm'-y la quit titi st>' casit t- raeibicih li ailbentfor anars calumi>' aateii- Sing tic tide ut meni beloan. No une ibiagit ut thle pour guardiatiofuthe 1IIcsce ai (lot, umîlil, as tic steeple aras arrappetlinuiA., andmitle fictri %ail that bati atout, ter ages bagumtaesiake the belle * sournded thec sdi knowzs Gerusan choral, rlîici i msusaîl>'oelutes thbe Protestant sera-ire. New i tauk yetho Lord!' (Nun dtanket aie Gotl!] ilAnelipt moment a crashb-bell, anti musici" wre.burioti ube samnelier>' pare; tho bell -player steoti heforsi bis Get ;"-["aton Mail. * Patovxmm.u.â Esci.prx-A cunlous anecdobe la inrelaleti ut Captain Sauter, ut Hec Majesly's h44tb Regireent, in ansetftise loatraw.have ysean. Wben tie troops mere attacked at Jur,- tldulluck, be tare tihe(4uean's caban < reinlise stall andi wcapped it round bis bod>', te gaae t; au as h bpedtrous <alling iiteithe bantis outhti jcemy>. luat asbe hatidoMni ea hall laieti im bis ucm-made cummerbunti, bicb iras thug miraculoual>' instrumental in pneserving btiebite. T0ttdx<To As if'd À&ID ta, AN» tAq-DON 1W, CANADA WEST VIRAt? E UST BE One or more porsons ame ow living wio r.- mnsaler wsisalanos Toronto haviag oui>' the. bousmsin itý-one taveru and Iso log bouses. 10 OL tatislical work of Upper Canada, Written in 1817, the writer in dsscrubing shat was thon liîtie York [eow the cil>' ef Toronlo,] savs " Ils population is 12M @ou la; for- iv. miles' round the Capital of Upper Canda scarcol>'one. impro- ved fare cae hoesîn in contact witla anetisor. 'lho oni>' connocteti setulement la about ive miletthe nortb of Youge etrem; inether di- rectumsse ft ra- lb.Diairietguie)fou Ulghl travel ta ils aftàotlimltsausdusel* n orthan one Ism.hesefor .ey a stoa.- Yer14by >'whicb eoit wus indeed prefixe te t its cognomen the word dirhy, antiin ms<dy weatber flt ver>'inatepti>'so. Iln 1817 it bad no brick bouse. no tinnet rots, no plan!ýed oidewaks-tie stumpa remainadit e trenes, andi notliing was more cammon than te Me lèans ired in thete, requiring ail the aid whici could bc obtainedt u lîherate tient ;-.'wlab ik n0w thte market was a bog, andtheii fii mar- kiet tie resart fwild tows-unhealthy-liable t 0 fever sud agu.' ,and ail the diatresaitgcataio. go. of interffiittenta. No baniks, no market, a ver>'mean building fora cliurch, no commtun setvers, scarcel>' a schooner beloogîng te lb, aed few frequentîng it: no wharf, nut a single itm- porter uf Briis goada; a few, snd ver>' few, finignîicant stores, and a few tavernes offerîng tie warst accoztminia ions. Sncb was dirty lit. île York te 1817î. iio% the celebrated iCtY of Toronto. Look now at itts 14 or 15,0)00 inhab- itans; its rows of eplendid brick buiit, tin, cov- ored boues; is magnificent chure boa, amidcure. berof places of worshtp; is baiil;s, its floting palaces; ils beautiful schiooners; itt magnificont stores, sotue oftheor raliing those ot tic firet City' olie world, wîth their plate, glass windows, Uetr spactnsares@, and their splend:d contenta; is hiodredeofu thousantis ot aunually ituporteti gaudi ; ite public readîmîg raooto ; itfà înechami's institut.; tts Board oif Trade; is commun se- wers ; its tnacadamîsed streets ; its planked stdc waîks, above a mile, or nearer two, fronq iti mag- niicent Market and Cit>' Hall, in ever>' street, and leadînîn alitteb cicr> houie. Look ah ils expert trale, ils whsrvea loastet with produce, aid crowded wiîh steamboatsanmd schooners, the daily couvcyancers of lie riches of the neigibar. baud, andi lait 0f ai!lok at its Gao ligited streeta at nigit, and it lanew progresaing te that great. est uftail luxurien, an abundant st.ppîy ut pure anti wiulcsomo waer. 'l'ilsis Toroanto 00w, in 1842: compare it witb what i was in 1817, andi ]et the. inhabilania of London ask te what ta To- rente indebteti for ail this wealtb. At a ver>' low estinsate. Ihe fiàeil and oalbog properi>' of Toronto caunot b. ut leois value than froint ur te0 8ve millions ut pounis curreocy. Fromain lce bai it beau obtaineti ? rom ita Harbeur ! No-il diti unt corne b>' wa4er. It in ludebteti for il lteia surrouoding agric ulture, to ia extensive back country, ândt thîe facilities wich lave been obtainod andi airarded b>' in.. proveti approaehes te lhe db>', and i mproved lhues ut comemuntcation promoteti and eil'ected by a flaw, [andt b.>' have been ver>'. few,lacetive and on- terpriig asermd,, who bave gone a liîe omoe hir fellows ,but wbooutail tii.popula- tion have Iboernelves deriveti the leasi boeeit, anti bave beau the loat valueti. ' Ve bave tis been induced te exhibit the importanceof tTe routaefWitheb.purpoue et holding out te our fellow towesmen the naturel ativantages poasseet b>' lie Town uf London, and ta prare ta thein that b>' lthe fstering aid, of effort andti itelligence, iu growvtb wii continue te b. ful>' Loninensurate witb ibat uf tb. Cil>' uf Toronto. W. have in 18-P,7 2M6 iniabitants. in 1826 tie Town plat was surveycd, oely 16 years go : upwarda eof 600 boutt!siale thon bave b.en bull; we have a court-bouse, places ut wurship, Pcbool&, libra- ries, Mechanics' instituts, brancis batik, a mar- ket, andi some. ofoui aerebani stores will net sut- fer b>' compsrisoo with thoseofetToronto. Our publei injrovemeets arm just commeucinge and it snet ai stsI be ssch tu sa>' that thse ad-. vancenseel of Toroato in iteois yoars, certain- 1>' neerexeeded thaï of Lontio, even if it Camne optait letise suee*aeo utlimb-e, . at b. w«U'eIof Tui'wtdld numome bywsa. Il se t rue it hba aspleunaturel basin as itsi haiboui, wlilst Loandon ian iles disitaut from oee ;-it laise siorue tisaiToiasutoiu near>'ygW)miles earer Montres], tie <rOmt public niarket, "bae Lonidon ina ;-bese aré tiseatvantages, Mdnth"s> am e .oey datvantages, wlaith Tuoeta posses- ses aboe Londlon. London buasnime ad _ 1ge over Tomuto inluiles theo saOek winters, bo ter clitmats. andi more fertile sumi. a an we safl show presenll>; if &'London District irmer cat grour a bsasiso gaiea eaummmthamn aàVesa o treet fà'rner cut i - i ut oazî.c lilcetipîîîîua - totiiig utf equmailza-. at liing ai aîuitcaîeiîr fîr lb. extra expience î(t tht'greater d* iîîetautanr- lie. A ilthe iniabitants f Lie Lottuici 1)zai erc have bu dolas ta caii ail ili- actia îly. etiergv a!i, Sintlligence ihici tlaey mailcîiiaito' uiu aid, ta tal-e c cotnprebre 1c ie-oV.'i Iir Itatur. 8-i adrîntagas ant i dîadvaittgv-' t î:a]e ther tuait oft ef ornmer anti ta rened anmd reine,,' tht i latter, andt tby ailI seseths9 part of Caiiîdc Weci 8hioliniimuZ chisci.- iii lthe 'ake ut lber s .-înrCity' Fi of Tpron.- e 'iere la :o:lieg le-ierai acio.aiua ive l.wili 9;ve tiheol o-:i ne as ail imporctnt a'id e irtls>'ta lb. act tipi, as î.iiî motia. Iltic Londiona lai.. ml -iiiiv tiiit tii apublie i'oads antid-at-ithte coc-t ai traits- *port-in its lien tic gre il secret uofour tuturte ipraspenir>' bat tic roahla' cm siruîîo i laI asheve g fermer can mmîîîî or u Mtanarket 10 cii t li li~n bbwe -. wtii ite sat ,1eiignc t1%.ai nbal I th rue ii aIl shauas ta brin- ,jlttir.'ani lb b nivitaits if it iwrtt iti a buhte! ta brifif bis. rien,-t toa akctnor, il il erist uite but *2d, n angetotlthe expensafitrainsprrt; h 8 bar rel cel au tr oni>' man ho carrit- la Par, tanîsley', faimi t tckeî baoticys le go aup u rat, aliiif tie Rplamîl raIti nu occnlue a teanîster bis carry 1-3 1harcela, in a erber tinte, wt-the saiteI ihuaur, S t aili redace lieraist oft hiebarre] offlamrit ilai 1proportion it*Il 1 t4aio es directla'initi the poclet voî the tarmer. Atuil te rosant ta aiithtir ux;om- 1ibmn lise farmer ta rich n atler part uf lhe icommunil>' cao b. pour, bat if faY.rnkes sutkept puer, nu body' else cao he ici-far iî le tthe far- mer who croates the realts, ili other classes mnerel>' appropriateit; ami acquit,. mealîli in du- neGave iment are about ta do ail liaI cao lie desireti in lb.episait mati te Port Simule>', and tie repar anti improvement oft hiebarber il mil lie tôt oursobvos lu ca-operate wmmli tlieCGovern- ment, and icre 190 mre moulti sa>', let us tolor tie exaiulle ut Tarppto. Tii.> madtie iclit mile o. Macadamtixed road ann l'nge Street lu 1 .3 2, andt le>'bave cor mide neari>' 16 mile, te the norti, 20 ta the West, anti abouithle surne. disaice ta theise&6t, part et wbich is the cele- brateti plank rondi. Tise tirst liing m-e auglit le do ln la oblain a charter for a plaaknd a th e District iiie tar- aaisu Goeiici; me aal lie, in connexion mi thse Sarnia rond, oen London as lise nsrkeî ~ uegtotiser tewméilý,) te Nisouri, Bld. isMcuGil" uyand i W. aaizta tis nnti,, ta Lobe, Adelaide, Bok anti Carrasioc, ta tic reot. te Defaamo Westmeinster samd Dorchester, ou thse eutis. To improve tise appruacises te Lon- don, traons al IbUme vacious sources, sioultilho lie great abjecte ai lie inimbitants of London, andt ta tua al Ibeir eneegica aisoalt ieb.directeti. The emtouel uof dieposable produce fron ail lhiee townshbps musi necessari>' adtthie cxtent eot business off or reertriants, store heepers, anti havera keepers, anti ta the increasing wasti and preaperil>' etlie tome. Howsh Iis ho b.done! "thore in thée rab." The pblo v hgbeiwtaspelale osa the of is .e#iiiiB1C_4eve ts Hm n Parliansent. Zhletnlic altib>' n0ta te* tltiescene wMîlb. nce=tl mueta aning ever pesontd, andt tat thos who take su incet ln atudying the vagaleb ofai bic mu tl wil b. not a litle edifyfeg. On t hepreviens occasion i won the tuimietr>'mot thc final Parlia- mt of theboUnitedi Provinces at Kingston, <bey were strengtheneti b>'tle strcngbh ota principbe which tic>'bav-e since showne very disposition ta absandoni: tise>' mcm tîen lie champions et a ateang cause; the people wmcm ili there; lie Hanse dispoeeti ta trust thae, andti al wumnîrate mon bapeti goofti tmrac. At t>îir boad vas a remanioceecncrgy bas noer heurtsurpasseti. Selecteti by Lord Sydtenheam, it ras trustedt tat a portion 0f lai getiu ios rtie b intumeti mbo Ihem ; anti wleu in the courge outhtic tebates mmici fallowed, Baldwin, Ilimndis, Aylwmn, anti ail mioe opposliin bati been mnst icareti, gra- tinal>' gareeime le Item, iti semncd ués thougi Du- tiing au waehing ta compiele thiat triorepi. Andttih1le rosult lias siown liai auaitiing irai wauîng-moral hanesi>', fortbusthie>' uevcr could have poasesseti.- Aitinugi net allugelier unitorre un ta campa. sillon, lhe Miuistr>' tien iras suibceutly go te serve thc catis for wlîch il iras tormel, anti hier. mwas nuhhiog segrosoli'nconsotentimnthie jnction of ils inembesltau a s hbSk the public mnit. Tic tact tiat Mm. Baitimnin hati actuti ta art iflitthein furnisheti an assurance Ibat Uic>' rere baunit together b>' saine politiccil ie, andi saveilie public the trouble of nquiring fur- tiser bnlo lie pat politteal bishoties oflieéiff-r- cnt men. Thus thie Ministry ranstroog; strang le the Housc, anti shrong in lie confidence of tie publie, Who iiont bavuog matie up thieir amitis ou tic vexeti question uof "lRespanibishoGouem. meea4" mere disaposaitita give tiese ystem amîud iha suppérters a tair trial. Hbm standsthie case now 1 A change bas "caise 'ei- the spirit 0f thetircaie," anti aliaugis lie saine Micmstr>', for se lie>' muet lhe coasie- cd;* tsàwitistandiog the changesaisiicm bave icen matie, wml mueet tb.Assemahyi>',mIil b. untier ver>'diftéent auspices tthbie wmmciin- fluenceti ita position on tihe last occasion. Thets Mn. Hiatoirsemasin oppositiotsm-uvlie wiblie [en the E]xeentive Benches IîtinMn. Turcotte heled oti oie ismcaacent tho luamous vie- latore of tise puril t of eclnamiDowhle wil caW thtiiveo.sttadeutta biturail bestowers et affice!l Tem thune vise-mI aroctiDraper anti Harrison mare the chamupiossoftaa-"princi- pis," iloi, alia, they i b b.the champions of their ewn solfiahit itrese ! Thsai, le sirugglei WUs fur foasareu-..<aad m v-rnmesi il will ho liow ta. aostU tilo-m ' '.mt abuse ofi pover bas coectoti ever lIseur it,,aXiS. Il is net on>' te Imagine theo ulsonsge ili vhicb lb. men wbe have itIst fortiteti publie confidienco vîli maires tieir lirsI appearance la lise Hanse; but 1 sisanitipi-omise Ibat those feelings an-ll ho an>' tiing bet enviable. Wbon Dr4oy ines iieeitaide b>' aide vitli Hinekaâ, suud- the latter ols aven- bis sheulder &antil asileti at-by Sheimeod, mhat ill batitiseuogite ofttheeliree! WlIi the>'fot oquile salimWfaut tise inteent>'eof esaiier, or wyul tho>' onder et tise p»lngeeew oset b.chances suds eatl th tee? cm'h"tbl okround an their smsprtlem toi% bâutr i etbey iiill tel !Doe- bahire will botbsrsanddne il1 Turette 0" We mail v1ise esimt vC¶l hoelsewber-.nd titanae t a ho& ! but tisee vMb sit ne tiseo- = t eddisg, oel d m caaihoyadfaite lta mo iethé» nilhataiul terlmI There in Badwin, snd asb. t*s Hi do ~s g Sba<oi frImawsuami n vorde of uA.mÈîrun sobiclu . lâthw lle Asfti.- ~A eeN éusna- a îi of OS ppi)iiit:iieatl lbe faàr>' pne loto. Aiq :) liiters vax woraier, J.esliep, lorbei, VU' r-i.Ie up dia artgî,ue't,, audi a a i iiabout 1:e' Cre.lrr oWthe .11cluo.en aiir"titat nid Nai, id iii,elf miht lîtil eire ta escape Lirn. le Aad wiat rep' i%, il1'lies. geutieinen Yurg t~ r. tlii' heavv vIîargetr . a:h aoýi(iN hm! t le atr.wora ait,. er w hen sked- le Are ïu a tili willîîîg t. 1Le tested b>' the prin stelpies of "RleSPQP.îbie Gteunn, and tu ae oy:rd tuilIsoupe tU! rvrrÇiî g1%,vSe prinrîpleS (.Ut Wdifl liq> bc p-epareJ Lu deletd d their ap- .epoîîgwoD;,î id %', I l fe>' furviah a reasona',Ie excuse for tia neg1igent i.nneir in wbîch tir t i1. o<i b il le i >u r tl c o n fid e d t u t h e i r c a r c lh o i e b e u c a r - s- rtei outI le WîiI tey.inishortholie lete satisf>' the pub. it ctt tey are hriscoi rteit politiciang !I L ia o . tî,ot. nt .Lî in Der Sr. th. fo!1loîrng in lîkeljrtu prnr ifinterestiri' or. arnuain- tu y-,Ur ibacrîbers, lt i r bahisi.tetueoritilertion in the ,Bi1.s/ Cclo rdti8 K Lig b - .tiep îîI,rined tîtat a pit, containiug letir ifs a ai u tbi ic>ws iiiuverel oea!il v to.v a];-lel Lt%- '_n, .--et (-v.iliiintiury and Il. Iitiil il t h in' y of sî'uo7le, ciii eir tIi 'IfVlie: al1gulehe e uid for Orly owîil ut isicti.à Ireso1,i~Iitoii4it tha placc. ..%fer acquai.*iî. D c. l'aesid îMr. Catiîîý ai Barrie, ai ntii rte etiort, thcy l!d!y ir~jelajoin nie. Accordîn, i!y, on tire *Mt i:, i *ly aetî we bet ,lit aind. a rive] tiiere about rt.i -,wlîerp we d,scoîerc tité appearance of' a pit th.t had beezi dug t,.t îîîerly about fourteen fezt in diaunoter, and of cireuler fori. W. proeured a spaile a-id co- a n-rnred digging ini bopes of dî<.covertng soi,1 thing_ that ight leud to the elus'e.of epunial butoî-cti bodies fhavîog been throtn into one bea, but cattld ind nothitig either iii the s'hape uf o. naîttents or weapuiis. We touk ouý a nuithor ifslullâ, and what appeired ver>' reinarkablowa. th-it ai except a few were bioken in on tir rioht @ide, a fittle above the. esr. Tey jar efto lie principally thune ot eduls. Zep;'ý seoined ta bavl coiitained between two an; th.ree hundred bâdiesi, throwi l quit. prouisc aous>'. The bianes were diocovere4, ,b aerâîi living on the. lot and nea big. hmi la He t- ted "that lhe hal passerd le Ploevr tLigntes, ani bis curiesit>' beipg ex . li e hal procured a spade, aOïd dlécovered blea. Il in'niedîael nfrmdbi n hbovspjh, alter bana culete toethr.fnU to m amdup., st.itstocý, accordng &0t&e colis. wurowuh of iuibcr, appeared ta be qtqe bjulî'd1il id, 1and upoit if@ bcbng displaccd, bibit.a1. ie ea coMtplete musof uruinn@km la. ou ani fune bu itîdured tuvisit the senne ut ti idscove, ry, tb.y w lua in a road leading from Hollanl L'tnding to Barrie. Your te!>' huti È(, ývant. DAViI> souLzs. Barrie, WOUî Joue. 14Z2 Toe iÙ« tor otte s1f thCêla.fà Sr. Editor-Lat yeI bocamernor9 tbar. uuaIy~4eilitte4 Meaiaiimon,. ,whîje ~OW ta sdî1silme ta use art ihrâï1on O1~î, ie sirite; about a wine g"asftU every4 ay. li. eidoir that the Meidicine im i have t ésp. sible effect, 1 bougit a gJoîfMbt wh41 at1a.cuvp~jc~ but b.fgc to . waa dnetht cur prdu e moet unatcounajle ,efecte, 1 havi gjust been reduced ta .leath's dpor.- Asibave ever>' reason ta bolievo th# ih whisky (Unk nowîî tu the sieller, t6e M. D. wb.{ prenaaincedl in faveur of if, or miysoîf who u»o4 it,) wnji very sltrongly iMpregnated witb Creosot, (a. n'eik invention by w hich it obtains whaî ili comtoonly called te peat reek flaveur,) a npxirm,; drug wbich is utten qi4eaîded witb fatal èffectî , and whict bas left mrc lingering in j MiéferablIt atate. 1 wîll hoe under the grealcat obiilion t E anyof yeur readcrs, who ieay ie acquaisiîud wit. the comùpositicn, il they will bave tlié. hurmant: ta inform nie iow th.'effecta.o1 il Moay ho bu. eradicated froie, or Pottea ie n,the ysten,-- au I bave very nearly lait lie use or My legs a;' togother. D. WALKER. Trafalgar, lune 24, 1R! The following Addresa, ver>' ntrmerously s>m cd, was preseîîted on belmaif of toolIlcers of thî hululia on Thurada>', 2Mdhist. b> a. deputatii z co0sisting of Col. Bullock. Adjutant (leneral Mil'- itia, Lieii.'Col. Cartwrigbt, 2d LeçowzCat .Me G ratlî, lotitlîcorporated D ragonsm, and Capi. Jîrisaon. Provincial Artiller>', ta Lieut. Generai £7litherowta wbicbwaa returus4d lbheaaexei repi>':.1 Kýingstor, 22d lune, il<I Ta Lie'ut. Gen at ClWthereer. We. the underaigned, Offcers of the iithl, rf Upper Canada. iii and abou'if Kingston, havingý learaed witb Mach reg~ret that ygu"are about t4' retire front the cointuand of thc Mii - E"T:~ in tlîis portion of Canada, canna: suifer you ta depart without requesting yuu ta secept the ex- pression of our regard and estot-i; aed lu whai- ever inanmer our beloyed Qtseein' may agaiii se,' lit ta eniplo>' you ie ber service and fliat of tse contry', Yoî May test asm.%.m that yuu, and we reque6t tu lbe peruîithed to aU. Mis Cliti"o, carry witb vou aur kindit remembubrnes. iGentlemei, Knsoln 3 It s pecculiarlyjratfngta me, jearosi ing the omaed of ort *eaty's rces le tasa- da Wisst, tu accepot the e*pvléW%1P u iour n< gard and esteemL Ip ha bd frt'uentoessiomSromairk, and alv~esbaberedytoseart1WMpie ttoh" tia force of this fine Province, For tue li ed wîsheand -1**nfseena cm.- veyed ln yotS Addreg*,' Mis.Clltberow an My- self reuent 700 wl ieopleasa ed oacc élite urmited ibank. Jou,< CLKTNZROW, - Lieut Gsnerali' The011cer ofM»I *Co "M'g Canaa est 0f Canada Wet'l Ie andi about KutM prom the .r ast. On Sanda>' afterrooun. l.th h uit,, a torrbie hall stear.1>sed cver Ibis cdoag mticl a in iý thrul twtonva.qhips o! wo *i~5 uInm% Sqiutit>' of lewIs,- 1ac*O sud a a Vëare aloi iukcnjedthma ebUlwee *truck witbesm linfreze ,m. soul- ., o trîsyedituI.. à.- ô etILIsh~., 1/ 591t o# j oauum b'- 1~,

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