Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 12 Jul 1842, p. 2

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tod i va. hodréd sbeelspham been trern itodeati isathe eth cuises. la tise vieity ai Iluffal .seisrtenty ghse of atadock oftwî lumsidV sfew says ouis since th is5lewas in type, ve baie e r. -Iod me 8kmwdn Demorw, (0smenece.) "M Orb#h e omise tise follewin., ex".- "iOni Hunday afternoon our village evisitss 4Ysà sevare tamis;it jcoosmenco.] a 1101h heie ¶Y.opelec k,1P. ai, M an]rged vols treteue fa q 1Ta more is ait ha-u hur; tise riSe desceamlai as-t vot a cataraet, tise pealing ituadr mai.] tIhe ,rivi.] ligbtnitig sdded tatheesabimity eftttise ese. Tise-waters of tise-labo vese driven entis vith auch, forte tisai fe o se tue i tsntinned th ebb sd flow mer, thiasfoot. Tise strette vereompletey fille.] titis vater, presteetimsg the appesranceef a rapt.] river; the bridges isy tise de eecarried away by piecemeal, andl n arions places in thse sillag. Thie ,rvice at tise Eptascupet Cisurcis aeuswees * jesuastise tan began, sud sefurnsowas lise gale tisaithinioiter'a traite. wsendered 'use. ,dihfrtasnusny.into ltpaffrd outh Maselle. El. &-itige. send various otisar places, tis, danmage- va g rain. fences, sud forest treses, was very great. la uie lacs, vserras, dn.wera coaspltly rady Bagotami faesily, h is undretm&od are te .narkiuv tsesteamaip tiat JesnLiver- pol to-day. Captais Bagt proceeds in a feur sisys ta lalifax te n'net thees, aud ascrt tisn te (4uebet, tubere the (iavereor-Geeeral sel rectale tîli tiseis arivaL.-[Mootrea Gazette Ju. ly 4. A new Commisio of Etsquirr, rlative te tise fondai Tenure of Canada Esut. isas been issue. Theseliit (Xtmmnissioners ara Alexander Buebse. as,.Jowepli Aîtdre Taschsereau, ais. Jamse ith lisquires, Advontes, ?Mr. 'Tuiette.r«aiinsis silice o! lecreary.-[ib. ItiNOÇSTN. TiJESAT, JULY 1%, 18«2 Ai-rival of ihe caledMia. FIFTEEN DATS LATER FROM EUROPF. Tise lirtisi Royal Mail steans shipCalednia, Cap. E. G. Lt, arrive.] ai Boston yeuterday siorning, ai about fI'alf past 8. The Caledionia vvas detaiîîed' iy icebemrgs of miih shi spoke"'a large nummber, an.] alse by 4,g ai tliaa. Thea weaîb.r sluring net cf tise -yagevvas pleasast,tisougis tur twe or ibrea diava sise emcoumtere.] a strong vin. Tise Caledonia loft Liverpool on tise 1LIh. sed uvelo.veisWh Liverpool and London papaeste te mrnieg of tisai day. Lord John Russell bas bmueegi i b promis. s.] Bildfr the Prevention of ribery ai Elec- tions. Thse mensure was receivediute ie et ppirir, ami. every dispositiotn vas showu ta gave gt s full and.]calme consideration. TishosBute of the country in very eearty tise saume,. Traie, cf almeosi *very descriptien,. cou- tinues very match sipresred. vitlout any chafge in tisesmarkets tisai coul.] be luoke.1spcn as, ie- dicating a ietier state of timge ie proepect. Tihe reeevery rcie sucis a state of depression as htan merIse]tise past yesr muai altusys be gta.]. ual, sot it etay indea.] be alemont imperceptible. li in net in tise nature of tbings for commerce isa Le always depresseit. Tise crope ibrougisout Engl*ssi especially tise southerts, ounties, are exceeilingly prooising. Tise vimtage ims France,, premises botter tisse fbr yomr part. Latest acesauts trfm tise Cape of Gond Hoe represemt tisait tp expeditioms ite.]xut againsi tise rebellions houas eai Cspe Natal. he" been ieuiplelely suacesufta. Tisre lia.] ieers a trge iYiflux cf negrcet capture.] by tise Britiala vessela iîgagred ins suplaesie. the slave tai, sud r.i,ry indaceetents balie..bel.] out tatin ta pgi ta the West ladies aus iroêt siorers ta work an the planstations, isut vithout munacsient.' We learn iront-sBoésemia, tiai un tise, igil ef thMis0h uit. a ire wbicls originale.] je a stable ah llirsnebierg. itisat roo.îtrv, and] spread wvus suci irresistible force an.] ralidîly, lismat 110 bouses wsre deotroyrdî, sud the test ot the town was enly saires wiis tise reateai dificultv. A dreedia tiorni visite.] Marsollasoe tielits. Thesraiwnclapa oltbamsnder, wvues constinueté as- %eas iu sr aboya an boe, lb. fury et tise born- 'aise, andth ie turrents of raie vîtiel inimadate.] te cly, gave teasons Ie test deplorable resua. Tiss tar ba, ummlsppily, ieen realize.. Thse Aîlîerp mail brîîgs immtelligence cf lise failure of tise firin et Centhe & Co.. of Leiperic-- sconcermi uf sanie intportaee--lseitr engage- mente beitsg estituata.] ai about £7%Otor £M0, An eflderty man, of very respectable exieriort, nane.] Thomnas P'arr Gillmutr, in ie castody ai Liverpool, chtérge.] witli îvitg, amdes te <rus otf Me-ssrs Iiluàour & Co?'" ut Liverpool, anti blMestisa.Teteltssomi4- ("-" " utClieiar, chile cdi tisa goodis ani. prîîperty tai sassasl respectable radera te Landau,.lBirmnmgham, Shseffield,ns) ',tler places, lîy tmso f fraudaienît raprasesta. ions. FrtMMta., N. Y. Comsmet Ad'sstiss rARtLIAM t2tTAIf' ITEMS. T'ise ijîtesetasrbill va, un i.],upfor is ihird reaslseg inste Homue tof Lords e tise 7tv, cf Joute. 'l'ho Msértloia ef Latnsdownue ofiredaisat amsentdaient, tletying tIi. necessity othtie tax, atnd declaring liii lIta deficeneey je revenuei sigisbci ieuae up tîy a reduetion of thse datica on corn, inîsiler ud sagar. liardliîreugliamde-ls larti l ia- rt.reasing comnvictiionilîs tise primîi- pIe advancedl hy L.ord Lansdowune aras correct. aim& fardirlt deniounced the inconse taxas sas veip. ostat saihoni.] never ho place.] je the bands, cf gevernmtent as a persaaeeît source of revenue.1 Lord Melbouîrne aiso supporesi ilite asindment,q whieis iowever wats rejecte.], F12 te Wt2 Tise Dsske trie.] Iaito hava tihe debata lbrouglit te aclose miai niRit, assEeting, aesog osar things tisaita conmmissiotn Iad blaen prepareil 1r ,ivn thearoysassatentte tise bill on t itnlow. ing d1,send tisai imporiset arrangamets ver. dpmat etn itsetediate passiage b b.ur- =e. iiiain ; aler protractinte tiseb o ti a 'Cetnetise mormiug i as a dora.hqct sent, aui tise 2tat le tiseIlieuse cf ('onmens Sir Roubeft Peel aunusine.] ihst tise Governusamt ha.] abandose. is intention ot lagsiating taniser on tise sisto of tie Csurch it Seclait.. lute ieâtIaset fLords on tise dis tise ail cf RatInor mquire.] wieler gevereseent idned. ho do sny tiug furtise reW iefe " l.prevaleat ami. iecraasigdistrma. T limais". sidth ier, wer. measures under censideration h. gI.-rahle ltiser a va irtual reîiuquiasmh tcf thete f. v estiar bbs. fortamaiy veisa, un- ).*tory js dispute, aBd tisaithse «taiLe ofMaine. ,.scomuly gesusian.] the besutitul rutal@seau- t. qi.] tuetn frts et *rw sehisv ery ai Englani seara Lb. louis.e ofJuly, ratIe <ires W.- Nelie laaSementhtib er UMajesbyle thuO a " Iia, eevoy euetrined a propoiises d ibis kin.], an&i 11KV AT ULEt . ts. i it su ges.sply suppoe at it la ve ih.e - On the 6Cuis t, Lord Johin Rouaseil intmda. t..]l bm e bme .o.~.m of NaumIeîsue&sced Mas« bill for th. beller dvtrovery cf iribery in -an arrangemet w iersenere hMo. tise rems: the sdectias 0f nImubrs oltarliament, Tise whl e Isat hy w«e i in p ' of usa O eJ5 of ti"smesatre ineracease the facsli masochsinforer he.isàry He visieti 1 ww îls sEdetmcion se.] vo encours" ecxionre. tuwhethr tisera tus asytruth t ti taemt;Thespeecis tha noble cotvet yul revis.] a eantiaisoe hesr tise rigist isv entasse ha.] canefal peru&aL It tarows abuntiatt illustration inathtiedany iiuqnry me b tsoauflen-'uhy thse aPOO the arttubîis in mont notable la cvoay 4 "elmua ardloais friendly paver for tise adjudi- ruigar visa ba ever boas praisant in ose of 01 ration of tise question W dbcenaset aside isy ber tise large taSsasoa populous tdistricts cf Englar.] sa et 'a governmest. dur:ng au election-tuat lriIsery au.] corruption Siril prm.-lmueutsgay tisai 1 thinisthe are talerated b> ail classes in titis cou"te uoa 1queon ocf tiho. gentlemmans altaîgehier prema- dagrea vsici sbsows a great ttaxt of sensibility t ure. LUcear, bear.] It vosmise - erta tise value-ot pnrity ant freedotu ai tie electira inam mie tbagive an sasser ta such a question tir fralschi-e.Tise bill je,unqnephiousbly, a stop th Prsn tb o h eoiain.1 i ei, lthtie tigisi direction; but no meassire %vil aven my bd adisatc frsa ord shbrto ' thoouglyaffective visicis revalus tue poweer thtcertain eouimries h bm 1 timg es« ai hntbery ienemmaittees of thse hYtbe@taisof Mamne, but lubelleve stLord ~He"usfeom emune.. Tisatrials&ho]&lieate. AOshiDn NuIlied att commnsication sebatever moe. to a more impartial tibunal. le ibis r.. tuitt tiss.eoomastionets. Tauirect epewg et, Lord Brougisana.proposition ie far more aliogeiber boiveen thse stase of Maine andthie ti=t. 'goreremont ai lb. Unitedl Biates. Neroiatioms Sit Robent Peal gave hjbis pportiho the imim. of tise tionsuimportance are pousigtt 1fuer! dm"tiOscf themenure very cortially. Bat ithati h sould ie ho oly incotsistaistut my du- w. ebet ibis may ho r.garded as proaftiat Gor- tytem aiesy saement mlng tomie thet ausent lun inta avi fil, la questionable. i e..r"e ILAXCI5ATmaN IN xaviÇ.aisl1 Mr. D'Ii~tiL haeged tsistate tisaitthe tom. A sew measura oi emancipation bas Leen inl. etissionersociMaise sera, or voul.] ho, in com- trOducat inj the Hou@@ ai Consumas. Tise pur. munication vhS tise Britishs eao. ,- Poe s ata fre. tiouaesofvwonseanti chiltren. lu tc pegress f tisetariCai' titroagi tise nov suhiectetlinje semines anti cofllerues ho s iBuset fCosnumot te 14th luesse ex.-evaiittWi ifntely more ignoes, tutaebe.] anti e port ti'aiy oe ala sas reduce..]b>il he lveuma- dbnuw"alMigtisas mat sas smiov uin thes West muent frons four shi llings the ton, » i -yIndis isiantis, crie hhoee Soutiserit states, viose propose.], te haifthtat snus, condtion lnao e trongly deneune.] hy the ultra. TRIL or vaANCaI&philanubropiats ofibtis country. Tisabil ps'epo. John FTransis vas put spcn his trial Maone ttse Md :Y Lrd Ashsljonatue 7i1 instant. met vush Central Criminnal Conrt on Friday, the 17iis ef tiseuseet oftue onze anti seesiva.]tise tardai -Jara.-Tsera vere iiree coutsinluhe ndics-.. im ia letts ai lpridshî nient-the irsi cisargieg tise prisceer itu bar- menine inehstoandlly eî,ad iany aia j tehins atiee1jrie, ua aseai in ie]a Ie ua, itibat. jafe beys under thirteen yeare ai age-tisat nana But pogierans isu ithe ee]thasit vas e.] 'cis powder amui othor destructive .batmne.] otwenty-ene eart cf agessal ho ail. - ce-ani tsa isid svie enbin abut iseloai ytednase eginaets-..an.] tissutIse appreeies4iip ces---andthetbid sboutheoad ysemshalsoi oniy ha abolisis.< but ail exîsi- ing, ?». Cr.*' %rkems fnde.]tis"e priset. luerpeuieis ssanale] The iraivitnesa as Col. Arisuthnot. wha 'fb. tarif lis a lise.] uegst saisi- heuntosnas, anti, as .t esgh cfe. 1 am ns ofettiheequerries ta ber Msjety. anderumtofas te brie g nai a t he esin of Gtin 1 vas in attendance upon ber utisee enia of e iet oiins vebnamt*at u, vtte eatn the bOt May. My <sueraI position la about % 11.1nw ihtelu iveê yards in tihe rear id ber Majesty. Beicre se Belfast isLlad i o the lisi of isurgbaa .en'ust flat tise palace, an Mouslay, I ba.]lseeiveti an tapivilage, for a urne, of eIectiag reprsminta. intimation visicis induceal me tc ride as clore to trs ncmqec iiubr tts s in bo ajesty as 1 coula, anti Colonel Wyliie, lion. BmR ob e ofPool spportaiithe lueot ptince Alhrt'sa querry,rodle je bhe saine poeit- r Robserlteelspotdthe ot pien-ci ion se tiseetiset side. Beiveen six anti»en M-o tis, use nd..sthe là wiit~, Min pi- 'ciool s serae-cnslng tissuConstitution billI, et Brlstâin fte."Trý r eo wbeabout hait say dowe the iill 1 observe.] SQaw..Vteabsofialysgie]brs tise priuoner, an.] en the carnage reaching hlm Qproraicet isea hreeeigmiacg hie thea b.e teck a pistaI rtrmbis side, an.] iradit sa te a rosa ten Prin c Han rra te Pies.AI- dijrectionof tise Qaean. z As quickly as J1<muixauinina Mary, daugsten ofthe ube aofaiSaxo I puile.] op ns>-bore anti gars tise proer letôAlteuburgis. cusiody: The. pauawm as ha.] isqiis csët H etMajesty vont fin Windsor te lm"de esy athants a appeaing anxiomste osé eret. by rail-no., tor th isrit Use, on ta.elais of jesty.lHe vas eom t tadingabout th-seards Jane. A lI rienvas providied, cfnoansa, ta unerigisi te pup CaConstitutia. h& antis "n rsalo superhly itteti np vitu seart tiispalace. icis eapets,. haues oifloera anti ai luxuriant1 Tise atemst distance whes b lise.] vd as sases aplsacs tient.The petel vuamh.]jui as the mTise"Landeopeaanneunce tise deail au Si. I vas paasng the priser. Theemietge hai ien! Petersbturg. an tise 2ed oftiJune, of Coasit Mains.i gaasg ai tise rie of eleran miles au heut ; but 1- cewtis, a .]stinguaased dipomaies,.tornsely1 bad iras instructions ai tise spot ta go fausse Rassian andmadurslnin Engianti. H-e vas a- ani thea pestilions wve driring,-as tut as the 5Pale by biâtis, but we ticato.] ai Paris ustiat iores cul gnd sshouldsay aithe srate of Naocn iveelve or tuirteet miles an bour. 1 asti CoL. TslebHuent ehjp4f.war, the Sultans, sbihis Wylde e Wrm atili tidi th ie ide et thse car u- vi n str Isubw snime titeagis. ha.]arriva.] ai relier majasty 1o1.]1so taise any cf bai Lonadon trons Zanibar. kingieg an Ambasador1 les; in atteedause.or, hemtuit irhan ibtaladay.imstiSuanehaEgie C r. This 'cas in cansoquence of b commnunication fotstS ltan.o theCengtonouert.soen tisai ha.] heen mae.ta hep. H-em Uajetywvas Sur lHenry Parsell, ceostietisuicida ce tie sa B 1 uhting ce the back seat ofthse cosiage4. on t.hOet june side uearest to tise prisofor, Tha pttal-strais Huue.Ujets a a a.ioa mesas hig poimal in the direct ite etfissr ma. asaioftsuhocrnptias e, wtise reief af the mai- jesty. 1I biis.]tbisepat as.]sas tise 5e fera by tise ire vas £1,94b,0. frei tia pi-ulFsituaras-Tbse cuisent irmtsof Brgm, I The repose vas sanup ami sStt, but 1IdIii 2. Tisrbuars& Ce., Bet ;India aetsbve tall.] - hestis thizcftissel t euefs et Their engagements ta Lastaaarae *&îi uipecf the carrnage sud olglt .haises. - 18%î o. ci Ciief Jusice Tinal-W batinlayauu jae4t Wa regret ic Sean oi tise failureot a large pi- - an le tihe pistol hieg inade.] ot 1 f pn actory le tise neighbbcaitood oi Mancheaster. Coloinel Arbuthnt-My éptiitti si Ittvsp Tishr.eangagaments are sali La amounite oupwandi bae.] in ssimtehhugrpe ts draidd]0. ofL20hJ,0 un osecitha Manciser bank uk ote vadditof ihe ptisaipal.rpisesteanti loaat eai et tiseha report. Thm at ame.mater cf opinion 1 do paFaedtr Agai amho ilasa mmci tis&nat amrc povai W hae wi' vli homcvoutof wok byibisiaavnt-[Morn. sucI.s stiutl. Aisua" eatniade sr e (adoure je that of Messre sueka oun. Ableit vasrteinh e re, e.t MI The Af e Daripsean Blackburnn.[ vaporatien af pcv.]er. Tisas h eotO h nw mail bringe intelligence ai tisér pistaI sou rammeti dotun ansdicharge., falut. oi tue ins cf Gent b. & Ce. ef Leipein, s The CousT-Wili yoa taLte upan yourself te oer isot mprauctdi eesaat dîer tu ai .pillcetiemretsu c.estimaund at about £70,0OOor £800.- dat astivaddiegiAdmirai Wolseiy dîrd ai blamciester en tt Colonel. Arbutno-I cannesi avean tht it t h boiJ une; h vsl eioelagayierb t uv poiiivaiy- coitat i'ise. but iLt ws u55e.tàusip Thavathtr e inirbas fibe ut<o. a vebi ranime.] doseantd ebagai. If oul xm. Thtie wumer ii dia."b ot a oda tt..] doiveamttd charge.] volt a.]ding, ai d' ta".. The Bank ciBriLiis NantisAmerîca bol.] ils tance iL vwsdieciarge.] i ashmMaitiy, it mi<ht annualî meeting on lb. 7ib af Jane, vihen it aop-t have dose lier srins oudily ajMsyvathot con.-peste.],rtraethe report, tisai tb. surplus of tis1 taisingany hulai aorothen missile. heeL vas £13.00lanti tisepal.] ap capital £M.*,- seramlier vituesses ere exntsiad, but O thesuasaceai b.evidnce lg<ites t* Col. The sisale cf Lard Aàibunteaa' Isesestea, t Aibntisn et'nctinscy. A Mn. 1'057 mu aituate.] at Clapisaman. ivie bouses in tiser i thet lies Svtisa prisener present a pistel'ai thsevilnage, voe necentiy tsaly dsroryeti iyli. Quean on tise day previeus, but lhe did.] et s- CaptatinBasI lla i ia ade isd e.:- chsarge it. siu iSi sslhrudom the " Le» an t àl' Ne evience vas ofame.] in defesee. r. ites Tiebes, Sna. tise river Jordanmas.] tise e.]sia Ciarisson in addressing the jury conicule.]ui sanrew prceing tg Greece. sd Comstats-a vas no builet in tisa pistal--thtse hait ne intention te iilI the QuSOI-that is b. 1-Tsrae amsesta a sipo bave heen builtina t jee tuas only te gain a provision fia" lite, bc* *i Englan. ,ettis e pnue atie Pope, te naviguete a siate of desperation imialceti iy porertyassdtu. the Tuber. tres-att th ie charge of tUeaauu tuarne LGeneral Bustanséete, ox.PrSident cf Mexicoa, vas n"tmade ont,.a uot ieprssamsa ieQueas Tise jury ver. oui about hait an isoun an.] taon wu 'ogtep»tt ite n retitrue is]vau a verdict cf giity i the second dmigron JunelI& count. prose lh.edssumssune. . cotant.MaON" MARIETS. Sentence sas imaetiately prononeet-to 50 Favsny A"arxaaoot.-Tbar»port cfthe il-i Itamga..rawn on a burdît sud quarter..] At n.ssaifLb. King ofthe Frene, cosplei ibone & the clore the priasusatell taiting i ttea aotadifeérenco beveen tise Cabnet aiParis an.]s claneftie iuarniscys. Si. Jains' upo tise subjeci cf tise rig!t of t 750k eux COsaEsrctvsNsa. sarcis, causeda tieunossion le the Publie Fosils, j Lasines, Jase l7ub, 1842Md ataiose pere.] tte picn ai Consuls for Ar, f The atesaisip Acatlia arrive.] ai Liverpool on emati w»s 91j, hstises. reports havimig prove.]b Mnciday eveningthe ibiS instant. liar sevs unfom.ded price. improve.], asai tise quolationaof vas eaely Icoise.]fta, isetonly wvols refesence, et Coosl."iy seachei 91. Tuilas m les.i ta commercial affirs, vlsicis in abway siir provessacthas been tise resuIt ci the cootinual tant matter, but esjoseilly in reganup*pm.ahseaption of <tank by the geseral ersfn çh, re u aiti - -t.. a I'dîM che public, b! visici tise maket là = 1a~ iAhbut's- arr i îa...ht.vltise seail thse inaisthrowe upo= it b>' spoaniers. auriomity inun Leos bamaturssare - IwoMigTise premie. up-nExce ner B sam sas. snder bis lm"si~ upe. scnenseceat .qeoisbg s5. ofe isa uu fessnsn eosndingeet Thie pracIàsaataofTuestiay restiecis, tise a special stumshep i udsaei fer this'r ligisi soerauges hacass. a ccneidurain j. I speta lministet. *U'heinfsmaion roee ~in conveniesce at th* varions batis,, vier. uthese. ouaieidoiigily osWaiSiary. The SfgoiUtp ostty"M tisaI tbua aen tor U'Stghing e"e -pusce of Stnissser by tue satuo(cfMassacbidatta etgod ivj.ually, causes <roside"y intihe and ain inliaes]as slr.iig atrong <rotin.] to recoipt of extensive paymsusain <aIL 3«»eof eler. tisai tiseNortiieatenir oudny e th ie.principal husliers haveis suMt a noice.te ASw. .hse L-m Cs.d FATAL Rit," 1-9 CLAJRE àrin ENis.-Tbe bgqmoary privations i ofise laborieg poer,aLt ts ses«eoftise yea r, cauEe] bv thse udjen advanoe of masrket priins, anW generAl watit of emplor ment, bave alrca.ly, tva regret il. sincerely, pro. voise. a collision wit thvie police authorities in tir legituesate duty of upboMîng -tise publie pente, &led saving tise property of private imdi- viduals front amsul an.] rapina. The lirst £mrt.d. occurre] ai village of Cinto, nearEnets, at a late bout on iSaturday nigisi (tise particm.lars of whch lave aiready appeare.].) A meeting of mragistraies was bel.] in the Court lons., Ennis, ai 3 o'clock on Monday. Atidavits were sworn by thse Messrs. Dianatyne in referenco 1tiste attscis on the vesse! in Clare and tisa .xertions tisey ha.] made for tise protc. tion of the property. It was decide] to forwa rd au express fot a military reinforcement, te ô ci!l in front the out stations thse several detachmnents of the police, an.] te use everv exerîson te pre- serve the pence of tise tow. During the aven- ing tisera secte strong symptonisjof an approach- isg mljturbamire. froua the apparent axciteinent of the working clauses, who parade.] the streets in greai force, and uecasionally collectedl in groue" e various parts cf thse town. As is cus- tooeary on such occasions, the woînen were ment violent ie their deincanor, an.] evidently sceour- agieg tise men by voinc snd action in their rio. tous intention.-Absout 10 o'cloek a foriouts crowd celleeteil opposite ene ci Mr. llannatyne's stores, and commence] an attack upen tise gates sud windows. The police were sbortly on tise spot, an] witb diffieulty ouceeedad in driving back tise çnoist tosan distance, an.] clearing tihe space in front of tise stores. Tisera wae extraordiusry excitamuent tibreug tise town at tlus perie.] frein lise iecasing zynîptoms cf turbulece in tise crowd, and- the knowlhge cf tise trilling pclicq force available for its general p rotect ion. About hait past eleven o'clock the mnob ap. peared te be dispersing, an.] thc police retire.] frei tise store ta patrol Millititrent. This, hoiv- ever, was but a stra.agem.In. e heir absence a rush vas again madIe, and] the înob had jhîst sue- ecded je break ing oee4'f thie gales, wben tise police returneil ait.]enileavorel la drive theîîî back. Stones were now hurle] at the police front freet snd rear, ane coustable lîaviîg~ had bis skuli fracture] 'l'lie police were ordereil tu two fronts back te back, an.] to &inj sectios upon thse crowd, whiclî continue] ta assail thein on both sides. This <lerperate alternastive was adPted; about twouîîy.live sisats were then lire.] an. al ot every one took effect; but as the crowd suppoe]thse discisarge vvas blank cart. ridg until tise fall cf thse wounded and thse sereains ofthtie wouven to late convince] thens of tise fatal effleis, tison only tise assailante bc- <an ta disprsae siidst tise greatest uproar. TI. foiowing in tie setlii fitise esualtiea, whiicis welainent te lin.] in 50 extensive.Tise, wotssded poucens were broagisita otise ounty jn. flrmary, an.] receive] evesr' attention freintise reuideet surgeon. Cathem.jne Fallon, abi th ie head,dimt since, .admite. inta isospital ; Pegy Kean, wounded ie tise thigis, not dangerous ; ieggy M'Gennie, je tise log-niot likely tu secovar ; J. Bureise je thse ares. broken; M.Leary . cive tise baila je tise thigli, broken,; 4. Tobin, osminjetise calf i tise leg; J. Siank, iiot in du; Edwaid Sullivan, sisot in tise groin; J. liennessy, ssci in tise tisigis, net ilangerous ; P. Neylan, sisaL in tise arm net dangerous ; Michael Maceamara, -two sisots lin calf of leg, brokçne; Thomsa Darcy, wcunded je tise back; Thomas Morony, je tise tisigis, net dangeretus; James Fitzgibbon, a bls.] in, alsot ibrougsbetis calves cf thse legs, )et dangerene ; and] D, Fli on, policeman, eye bru- ken by a strake of a atone. ENis, Tnesday. -A man nane] Leary ie just expire] iintise cotsnty infirmary frein tiet- fect e iofaroeeived duriag the liilt ]stevea. '¶eeis in in a very alsnsng state. Tise beil mane bau een sent round tishe wis 1w&some cvil eseisearies for thse purpose cf col lecting a noiai tise market befors tise bour of two titis day. Tise popuase bave refttue.]aIlofibrn of paciflcatioit, openly declaring tisai notbing will grstiiy thseth- but blond! Tise cry tlarougi tise towe ail dae' je-"l Assemble nntil we have bloc.] for bloc.]Pl .Large crowds land collecte]. Tîte excitenienit increases every ionceit, aud it no%%, appears ail Lise magistraLes deny having given orders te lb. Police ta lire un tise night liciore. Tise inquest bas not yet been lseld. Notiig coan equal tise iusflammatory axcitememsu; tise po- lice are uuler arms ils harracis, an.] a parry pa- radieg tise tusen. Mr. C. (YCmsnnell bas just ail- dresse tise people ai the Court Iloase, aisd expressed bis intentiona cf eouveaieg sanmeeting alter tise inquest A coroner's inqueat nas bald on tise body cf time siain woman, Catisarine 8heehan, and tise verdict declare] tiat tisera was net suflicient Provocation for tise dring, sud tisat tise police ho.]d, net cnly witbout orders but agsinst tise po- sitive orders of their officers. Tbirty eigis P. lîcemnn era nomisitted for trial on titis vastiet -tse charge against ibenu beaing wiliul mussier. Great camplsint is mnade at tise ensphiyreaeevof tse police instes.] of tise militasy. wiso voul] have beam more cool as.] would have oboyemi or- dars. Tiser. are two of tise suppose] notera des.] je lhe Isespital, an.] more in a dïing state ; ini tact ail tise cases je tiseisospital, oxcepi thrce or four, arm cansidere] daugerous. TuEsDAY NiOIIT, EJOJIT oCLocL-Tse ex- citement causeil by lait night's appallieg estait- tropise still continues unabate.. ,A dataciteni of tise &rtb frein Limnericks ar- ivc.] liore about tisree o'clock yesterday, speesal.- teques isaviisg beau madie for that purposae; tisey 'emuain andar arme, attse police isarrack, je Gaci surent. WEasrAsy,ÂY Mus e, Six o'Cs.oe.-Tbe police patrolleil tis treets ubrongisout tise iisi andi thoug crowds were te a laie hour collent- id je dliffrent parts of tise towe, nu disposition to ritt or breacis of tise poscevas observable. Every otiser feeling sennteto be lost je aexiety for tise issue ftse inquest, and] at titis early hour groupe of pariions are saeiering tisroug tise @trente. Tise coroer will tais, bis seat ai e- aeven. an.] preceed te business imnnediately. Iriast"s Lssdau pars Jseu Io- DREADFITI.RIOTS IN GALWAy--CAL1 LING OUT AND IETREAT OF TUE M1LITAUY. Jusi as we (tise Dublin Pilot) were gcing te pres w. velu favore] witl, thefollowing ea- trct iranS a private latter froin Galway, race iv- il in tows tues mornieg, frein visics it will ie seen tisiatis te date cf tise letter (Tuesàia, lue14)4 tisa toeseas ccnpletely jn tise issn& oftise population : "Notbing c-a exced-s ratleeime tiaptin.. t iwe taeasure.iinlaiCis waulti revive tise 1trade of Galvvy, andi ivce eaploeserst tu the t,4ptaitiN sisal.Populationa. Ila byape]tise ngg a-,nar tion cf or reeaaatsvcs,-cf = a- ngGalway bis WODtstj, tise pacset station, Dnof thtie existing ev ilg cal reocte wul.]prev ail" an]lrmadea à MORE Rlaarsq.-leîelligence liasjust reaise] ll-te, viiîac us tisai bit. Doppiog, R. M., ot lhatsagami, raitas oQ.v yasterday express toihue Canule, te coilîmsuicaic d omr tIthe tact otan aUtempi isavieg been ma&detise lav dur and iSi 1 bifre ho lîlumden a boat luadii wita four, atiRI-0. Cruaîuî,t 1berhs*otvn, iu the ctavty ah Kildame.Mr- l)cp ,crl!eaut., ping left lotta agnînAn aiglsvNait orlem.ite, aud] berge preveut a recurrellee cf thIsece, irns]ta gvo tti iegiai entire protection, lay ilassof tic contstabalaty vetc J 9 sud mulitary,htu e traffic un itie cail, ohi s cuit1 uftItlt c ise c oassisIe] l», Captaiu Destiari ais.]Mr. ofloragetfo 1Iteae., shipeni ary magisiraea..-[ýubhun Mail seriîunerît 1of %Wedneaday. iroopa Io pr POTÀTo Ritors ti Caat.-Saturday even- Asa co ing a scemie et riai ocesirrel in Cork, iîn coasse. daar, %viai quece ai alisui1,000 men, visa, Ps'ed uo by Ucierul ti isueger, an.] tishsgpie l 0ai visit potatons duiv-l' anuvri vee eling, comisieîîncd brtuaking to thle maai-tiseassaulal wet,e NseutMausi-btreet, an.] forcihly lisses. tuiLe Ioa tua sing theniseaves of tise pohatoes store tisere. At vs ti reckie tielve o'clonk a second attacs vas made, vm hicli hayonact's l tise police rejiellel. Tisera wan apublicieetîig alaughter,1 couver-'.] je Cork titis day by tue Mayor ho pro- tise Brîtti vide fur tise vsnis oatie pour. Tisera are 2,- :Maj are sai. 0010 in the wankise, but double tisat isnaber tuifs. Th is antside pressing taor reie.-[Lierick Citron- 5 killidan icle. theisetish STATE o&' Txprraaxa.-Major lPriestly lbas han as iiit been je Dublin since Tuesdsy auenlng, anal ii thiere i. a s comuimnication s 'athtie la'c ollicers of tise crovin juck çan, a and lise Lord Lieutenant, an tue subjoct ut' thc Ofthtice state ai tise state oif tise Norts Riding af i Tjpo. strikîîtg ii rary. Somse very denideal steps viiili c e aoubledtla je iminediataly by tisa gaverninant fur tise puirpe.. n the lIs( of restoring tranqu illity in tisai quartecrisands. e. elublsatedf curi nglite aid property. A apecial cesiluanssis e b. lonae issoic en ntwiulastaniling tise proxinsuty ut tise Native lia" assizes.-[Dublit l'scket. e.] graisiti.] GERMANY. hei aaîte ENIGRÂTION 'vo AsîavicA.-Vsale villaile-, gruiail of iiic!ding tise rics as vieil as tIse pour, are assai- cuishen]; grating (ays a letier frein Ment-t) front Ger- tîsa .cii srany ta North Amarina. Tltrce ai tlaoa it eueclà,a ft ti Upper Ilesse have, wihan these iew nsoitli, ceie.],as ii beau esitirely abadone.], ais.]several in R iiIà ofaitis cciii tussiaararerepaniT a -clvvtthe eaanipie- A liait. tu tati sisoi îma ga isatulole Pulaticsofoaise of aiseast ncela na Ameica anoaned iy ai stor sdjuai i leei scluteaot lm aslý te T i' opa INDIA ANI) CHINA. tisathlIe(i Our advices by tise Isi steamer nerely an- 0n'c at (ils nouneesi the arrivaI of tisa overlaâl mails vjth described ai the neya ot tise taI of Ghuzree aathte forcing fate as tht cftiseKisybor pasa. W. havaeractubefore us tise diers boa ng details cf ilsese an.] cuber evanta j e oEst. e.], anid tise oin thse viole, appearances are more favorable oth ie tansc ta the Britishs arma. We giva belotu as înany efficienit e extraces as Or limita vilI allotu. caution, as& Th'e cseas a.] cemmitte] trigiful ravages bas beau cf ai Karacsan. Tise 2M. Regimenti last nineuy caets in cc aigisi men ie six weeki up tu the 24tb oi A pril. Th» fate The sisip, Harniet, Indenfor London, irak lire lae"sem. sud islev up ai Calcutta. astd tracit Lord Elleebaroug ad taiteernaine toretiss a. nnoeuvres tisa enormous salaries of tise bigisez braucs of conetiaeltu office isolders ai Bengal. tance je uhe AFIG ANITAN,&c.as it is nov AF m. AmisT,, &Q batve, iL asi We bava recaive] despatchea frotin Indi us a tua oirtre China, togetisar vita file@ of theto jurnala puis. are descrili lisbed le the several l'residancies sud Canton. l-as' boire, Tise intelligence itomtliouihay i8 of Ldiresdilys confsio," liter date tisse Ussel. tise mail having bec.] de- Scias Sat hained util tise 4iis of May, ta tuait for tise Go.-jais, alter a vereorC.eneral's siapaicises. Our dates traot, iron th Calcutta are ta tise 24Lis af April, an.] front Chti- a",cfii ns ho tise lOts oatMarris. al Thse <boute ushici saurround tîch Ie neya te- aa Teay. ceied y te furprecading mails tross Itîdig 'Pînevv- I wili lie considerably lessanail by the lîighly iun portant avents detaile injetise intelligence whiebantent, iQll lias nov teacse]us. -i'i5 i"ireau Tise Brîtîis ia diani roopa isave fore.].- eit Io#5ïï beraê.tiAt ti very litile lSs, tise dreadfnl pasa et tIhe niber. oel:tosur Tise redaubtesl leader if tise Affghsans, Ajihisa Khan wit 6Mmeni«Irterais vats1 Kisn,'cus 000minbas licou route] ly tise Lord Ell g,îrrisou tvhicl lie professe] tauisiankade. As il tîîrece tcts ta serve as a fou te tlleavc successes, thioraliave the sapperp been tvvo partial reverses, anc ofi 'claPaisli.]du.- Lte jturie rinig sam in e re euexpecte], Mvile tlie alir a cale coîîtparatively triflang, and nais ho e;siily rettiet'- tise general Tise Britishlindian annales hoti thest f the otii.oiero lIndus during tisa nionts ut Match antd Apira may reformase hoe classe.] ander five distioet l'a"al, vis. ubose oladprmt lis. Tise Beegulalditision, under Gaenral 1101- aî soreîsheq bock, vv'iich has cetere tise Ksybor lasii train tthe amyait tise nealifuises tPeshav or. iiorirya 2d. 'Ise usotureig the garrîsan cornanan.]. The cat o cd by (laouerai Sale ai Jellalaba..eegnn ZkI. Thte Iomhay detacisîn nndar tise orderse hetiil1 1etf(Gacerai England, vviicis iaving gone ibrangli ted tu o-as tisa nalebratei Uass ot BoIse, ha , siftar soine Ilesueai fighting, taken iLs satation iti Quetta. Nuttvatu 4tIs Tise garrisan St Candaisar, under the o m nov narrca man.] of General Noit; ami.] Iis l.,ctaii Suis. Tise surrenden of Gisuzuce. Mwaitaeg furt Thisvisjon uuder Ganaral Pollock,. original. Loosiin tla ]y a Beegal artiîlery officer, have gaine]tise te- nesaluhian vM notrecf openieg a passvisicis cels Nadir Sisahi cusuiifîtil tuas oblige] ta purchase. lîving taken due 1 , rsi precautions, titis division,, oesiuuiatg of ber Ma. dia, wus the, îesty'a 9tis Itgiment. cf Ysfantry, ait.]tie 26tit, ths esdesal 30is, 33.], 5d, and fBth Beegal Native Infaniry, Tate h. 1 aemis regimnt of Jezalclecs, viuis artillemy, tus te atte.rtte Ibreac Cloies,on tisa Suisof Aprst force]ihe Zems. set dilfienit pas. of Ebyber,.sud noiwiihstanding tiseergai,i determineit resistancofthie Atreaticas ibesasuc. ibi5tet laû ceedeil je reacbiug Ali Musjeed wiits tise 10" Of ut ai cul y ona officer-Lieut. Cumming of the tti- a, thetstsm aud tisirteen ranis an] file kille], ant one bon- au.rely niLon dresi an.] foutrvvousîded. wlalbme olai On tisa ttisof April tue division tuas ai Lundeaexatini Kisan, viseece te tisa point ot jonctia wvus the 'f0iov ru garrisan of Jellalabal, iatig like t-fibentual op- cd stuiaguat ci position tuas ta hoe expeoteal. The Sikhs troopo, r ud =sbeiput 1 vise, ou the occasion, attacset' anouisa r anOf teset Wst&Hail tise pase, co-oipanateil cordsally vuthe ritias, »d aipbsat, aud beisavadt u s t gallantry. sy,.t Du gtise attacis on thie Ksy ber, Akbsar Kia, 5wu et Cebol visa witsOOOAlibos aistinvestes.] ellalabadi exisibjite grai agernass, ssiif to aid tisetrisas Garimxs araun] the pos ledefeieg it. e4f.C"s.un » Ontise avenisof thtie Ou habcause] a f.* de kmo joie toecfirei inTionor, asiho said, ofte.rpulue miestnissetyla visics tisaBritiash troope iia.met tuit ai tisee. fartsen trom trance ofthtie paso near Jumnrooti. Bai the g-j. day, Captain Msm anti experieeced wtarriar, General Bale, tuas PiOes a40 ns nt te ha daneive.]; ha resove] te aicipata tbs,Lieutes what b. conaidere] te ha an intanded nresu ct f pisoers, na the Sirmiar, anti on tise morising of the 7th saIllie.] ltth ie enai forth te auhanli the Afghan camp. Isre col- Of bis 0issa aines, composeed et ber Majosy'a s t lnftary «m«th asti blilaBengal Native lufantry, vith. a detýacis. ased al. le is Ilic ' co ilaltai, . ,i lis i l e rt.s- ed not L lis,- J, t luta -,, ,f alliae ie t r 1ca I SO litaukus l, , ze atiI t, a alag dre41fa lint-a-rs- flPenal v 'a- le ruait ta>tiu i1atv s-r-. ag týClut haand.'ilie laIre deta dl tel l sire saia rs ul illra; tui, ," a'.- u a V liu inrhe',. lfors-n mailul at- Id Io laue IL i m ai ufa.uiaaî,a, j 'Il il i o , iie-- "pe.ias, claeirý. ,,, - II uriirsuse aie1, haê s - - tauip (I lan, ec 'le,,ufs- fot, m oflaî r- au-' s monythvnt-i i , -- lu, va n a as-i "roua:I-vu, fIlae fajalia ul p ; -- leas wrut tse.ua1- ais- I ' Ily, ulad 1 allal- s-, aaauloa il li llu-uu,-a lil va lcla ilÙ1,1auas avu us 1,%uaag in Ma, l -attars-ed aJCert1) h I lia ail ul aJ -iuuja.-Il toua-sis- ced y tas-I hus-, cir attnirer, lauuuinea,asies uf,, Ili toite,) ire tle &v-caiasdt, 'li, a.] l 1a a hlle a hts- II,~l cniaisd lic ps- lsicîuaion c0 en f AffglIsaiitan fate,woss Scsal as ii. sali ttu, aitg - lia bs elasuius- a sd lyiat n avualalle iî tha, ie-taas h o B al i l is s r ai cuabu 4, l u l, I 'w Staice . lites aiaumalsai. Ilýs spars, tales iuiia'anthaa, ne sas- vahIhI. l tuet, aV a-u, Lu e.] as ai prtiliîIiai s-ail"'a.Ilr ree i. hifl lu ails-a li ,urar an bIs-ai pel a sI it fiilo cuiaiilethslii .1 iHw lan tcsie t mle-ai Il'F-ta li Indui, taay lbu regàlvila, svi ot lth e -t if Sal liaits. alla la tht Agi a UlV/Ma te ti ii r-I i -t m-ifi prealici ths- rs-vîia i m ,n-t Ltti, ennfit.liimil, ,, ai lts- profianchs-ie(ai ctul i t ilressder t ts ei is-irl, auj tu tisa Initiit an erms-aauaia. Ilaboneasal.i sa aîauaaa-dI s- maticet, ihal aal a a--a t la 1,i cyiu u-îatsaIlalu- Vtla--,e s of the anay V s-a-tiwnua&s-a, arstiiiiiaa-oiaavad s-ual lte asraaa us-us-cIa ; 5ail uta' tau itlulire te. I i a-is -la a, ai l au ti- tae liullc al-I ua- tas a-sIqitt is i trt aaalisair.aa-Q tuilaI i1aaai l ai'0 't aslausaal ai vagot, s ,ba,,h va-ais:,eua'h lu-I t'I Noes-ualata lau-rai lel li - fi roke forla, han 1ori Ail ý,aiN -rouasse his eus-cemr layt illa a nu long-a s-auuuIasd e. îtandirsg the sas iy -i thua e I ou in l.tlha iti.u ast ai-Ie ip ias, ai tue d.-,Ikrus,, Illebs Sta acialuiai tit liaila- kalai îts- tue irnrpavs-- li moulitîsi, L isa caie-I-li i- 1 y thefuuarssaltas-ushuiI lI ut at aasd,il'. 1a v, jatl. à iarguetîtil, nfialtaistaise1. on Is 0h wl aatian. AIl55.' amnd if Ibmlatt-ct t assi ai titra laetnkse l e Iaisaa1- 5,, as saisi, a g .r i , il sai -1. Ire, tesalitme ha , ,rtinlt d ElbeatdIIIa lasju tu lie iils asi idmi ii. as it eu flis ge 1 iral'at1 la tlsskekha tlaai, ela sis or If lAs imts .. .eI Sud, araicti tmastht laveau, eftom .55alliva 5rSolfaid ai th ai de kile mm fit., t . f , J oesaTie b il iste insurrecharas hIe liA for tbe s0 ofy tahie n<tho fu cL, tOOa ilest b laitt s a tieIhtii enia sW.-TbO rV as.] i lufE' lite v«Lb.NooertI A n h smy enav awfod nnIlu', ,miles bael, tas.]otse giite sme oonb>'awcaisul aiff, a he N leta As-tit, dilai osen occasfrian b er l tu igemiaida on ibisli la- uta. tuaniftlanu theinei enahy uil" nl> ~ s -"b molin re bi (11 <f lsava . Mdt f et tiar z-teah-ai sratffete ingvee' dc, s l uses; anti Colonel I et bia ieepatcs, expt w eft he farce. jW jarnaiiSdixte7leintse t»i wa teJetalabsi, ~1.fl ltise chiais. Nobis ~~~ m p ti e~ âm nrg ieen iSa rd M~sareely &ny ten on bl iOicauliktise peih<'l k pretaient usnBs-li à rivae a n vise bauds o f a seront date (e Zqeniroael e t JeHlasî tad fi ,webqf Aril.Anoibor nov,. l &îie place; as. ~. lisy tara oui Weil round î«,oi aimuentieted. Tse es k usl e shcW len is l e t n b OM ]b & e U Ih Il usa . O ut isasîa1 la h m a sd t F u ttoa bad, va tsse toriesely. <aS O5 GItEAL WVSas'-.lle Saq. isieeit tis spp.tisîte üM ho preseedi ts iFigl-iai i u «X Mgre. in Septmithor. Tise «MOat tsv'ctOiotis, si'ace 1 - ssmllea ]FI wavueofkfeil4" . a s . C a r t r i g hl t, E sý - .. b u it iti- litn hatiMn. SlterwiAa, 1 Seriae]h y Mr. Cartwrcightita .ahefiurus ta ssy, fion soitel an Much a tory asl rite lati mmaemewhai difi'reîat, ,.isuueinfluence. IL tv-il Pi' éli Mv -Sbrwood erupecte, hase prmisie], sosae concesision -- sud bis jounesy te Esagisa -&,m âete. orble ittitdeiwce i'Asa tisW e Provincil M iii lfle'. 7,i asuaêwedsteisi ai heingI ..]ugu 004 iâ tacoalition'of lde 0- ytissy rau ineetait the Ccuî n ad tis ln arsciet er's faces, il tuoeeMne te listieufs, if in an ati - h s sgitvodarofai ii va.. Il m....~systlb.world% isi eau c., ~m.tVouIldsouta ta i e irght . ciU Sieiasotne: lt uf î~the leopard lice duavut titît srss]tise rau tee.] togiirn, sai tend .edthemu.Or it tiseamiet ésl]S aa iital tv'.il'arlai WfrnvO prbably dissolv, eeit 0ate the ounstry 5V s nov ale-ttai. Ille onlienty Ihuon, ait] ussbSirooi%%,oul probahiy ho setv'l bout content or oppesit ssi eti c >inasexpeeatineoms pr fut n. isatuce] vllhard>' ho r, s frthari> lii isplace umitil lia il a e isoing out ibis ides, va e.in ths avimig clause tisai the c dsmj isnet coe eoteraith e niig d acises tepass. h voulbe a l pthse mien aoftii.] sud tames boa bff W mmte sceltaiê ae io ,V r qdeauueliv. qualihies; bat i jte ent intisible sn etcthtual, tisaieseltisseSlves wtelatse>'mi îsoassfoao haro a pov-erfol chsan teneis"et iaunenchsanter. Itltact sui aset hWe illusionis vere reali ias. . sitat lin. Buchanan yull resign 1 kTaranteosud Mn. l-àer'caod stop ir bsutbl v isoeidaiik Mr. B. lias r uamltetiyç. r. SJaervcod'a isu r.>'Whoteoask içasn. Otiers tsay 1 rapel.Toronto Corporation. BstthsPe do rearkts tuera wturmb m oh nn uthe Pioti Ha pîW.m t a aiiisttionîslover lis fur 1vha brings the rai tu burrauwvu slitle tuein feasi. mrProvincial Cabinet ai ithe samne tin a Dole t us sptimeu of lauliit ,snis"Tories adicalet , %faibl irai sdrieipts ar a mble] tcgstser juf'adii ne. W. eaomida.], to have àisti oadf polilidal ahllenulusu, 'letnifrati lfox anti tie lam, tise ent amd.]te a btdatun togither ta teasi aud lattait oi hves andl toises of lIais usilsi oflet u r c o n teta sp .a r ia s lbusse ti i sis teiis auoepeu-iî . .j isisemigra(tuba aio re'utiilaia ho ,att tsi saggetieig plans ftoi iacir reli of bcr utamgraasa baive beun aealit tiLWseramment Jgeita isth ra fee psssg tatscli.l'ooei and ami]Cvetra] ba lipnes lemw~lveaitlm 1 iot li a imlitttiultuoSai beasi fur thae suilisma 5 rdn aitise snjapiy ti l auti i thedaîe dmatamiti, nrl>' b1tie Cen biutshebold ceunry-. bot alsou tirIl astsgnajis O ith isaUîited States cari, ots. Tho sAnlous public vorksa t iso Itai flitbils seasuu, haie bocas db t iclutte excepieQof Lhe Ceruvu .ls sihWtAemploy amîtgratîts miitclab lacfsels Inf. The i'laik Raid tatou1 IslaitriCt, tise Oilargemnsrt of it ctaa LoLanamise S. Lawreni la nescuLa«e St. Louis ami.]Nt. rau 0" - ralut behgua, or rcaly tu W-e'i '11ibc 011Y a beN'innng tuas ynar. ý dttshitese i a Is vre unavilabl ace vO igbtY 'natera ta decide hotut Ceusent coul.]lho tande. And c ame sing objoctions raise tlatse il bn issecam tusfcf siitiasg LiseM .'anal On the siuSs@ideoatthse rivet Stsly il@ advasttages cror theonorf Agrasita Overposer tise caims cfiil t iter acruutA, opecialîr as boîn ~1it s]prOtote] tram aisy attempi <sinrasa ot a van uiith tis Usîitt ()eing tetis. delsys, anthe ]u;.s« > b5ei 7rilb-be, tihe migranta ai th, eý taisbtlie ochsantce aipropaning lft Sli.] suIlsequir. <resu prudeac Cit5tehosais% e t upreeun ~uui ttse attentin titre toms Of previdasg for tUoevis Oustla u ntue faitit cf thalu. iq Thaiose mJM Onttii ehst car eaengyl osdd ofthe 2dini., cousainisa ~Mm O Shefer baimg dia.]trams b> Utublî it lu aid tisait shen the Ma 15 . astisae]tua nature ai lie *,"<5emspsinthat it vas iydre tse asat.teUme fubl BWIa.te David B. Weaa » nePImduasmbtascon moe.cboaly hi sstissu.- bisea curions durta

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