Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 12 Jul 1842, p. 4

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ÈË.E YIJA 400H!-)o nit Reglec Il. lt?~T asatbaaiefadta prematured satbs for tise isais of alittir attention tea a isson coid. ihî js e e.aigs-Rey. Dr. Birtboltmew's e~îciwrînt Sym'pq a safe mediripeiription, rosnut; se 110Peoiàoffs dm,,seu.d i ex-E 1-'nive partice foUeilerai jean, aliliallait p__a iiily ard relief, ausalave jou tramn <% slismtai itiseaslbpiliaonty conssoption, whieh saativ ugeera laitotise grase, bundreds of tise yeee, lie lai,tse fair, the loveiy sud lise gay ! Hava yoss acoaugt ?-Ba peussled ta Porfclissu a boteetf is Expectorant Syrup te di> !!-Tu- atterrais wayble s lie. Have yeusia i ?Lrh.emçr Experto- tant Syrap i. <buhety remedy yon abouil laieo to tiare jeu. For bis plaintesason :-Tnit in nonesof tise heussaed raies uliere it bas lbere sed, has il fail- *d to relieve. Far sale atis dru; store of C.-,ntock & CO, 71 ?laiden Lane NewYork-, and bj every Dru;- list in Kingston, sanl in Canada. Fîr sale by N. Palmter. T HE 13usscrber wli during tbe season ha cesstantly in the receipt of Ilesîia, Ciiemi- tais, Poîfuusey, dcc. &c, thse seiit, coring tram tise moqi respectable Eoglishb Uuuses, May bcejepeoded upon as genuino. -The compoun. dieu depariment will lhe cndutcd under theoim- meâiate snperinlemdnce cf tl&e Suisucriber, ,wbese abjectint, by 1l ia<s of gond nisiomale, 4Y il rareful lainipulatiau, ta indurce coofiànce s regards (bis mosi imiportaut bSnclÇ.of the huai- nos,. 1. W. BRENT Driaggist Ar ApoMtcry -Street, Kingston. T H11E fllawing articles preparoul by thsesuis arriser aie recomnonded ta the noticeofo Familieil. Caser rated Tath Feyder, lier in do. Bl i icT'incturecf Myrris, Irs rie' Mixture, ('oncenirîsteil Essence cf Ginger, do * de Peppermnt, do de Ratifia, bilious Pille, gable Extraci for tise Hair, Pot P'ourri Powder, Coic Powbers, IlarnesasVareisis. J. W. BItENT, DruggiaW Apoherary WHOLEBILIU COMMISSION WAafflOU8U, No. 4, SsARt'5ISiULDINGB, ViRONT STREET. HE undersîgned reapectfuily announre tisai Ttiiey hav'e entered iota Copartoerahip in the WVbolesale Commission Business, in thse namne cf CARTER & BENTLEY, on tise pro. mises mbiee described, which, bving liee con- structed for tbe purp cie, arecbot fireeand frosi p co!t; spacciat and avel adîpted fr tise site keeping cf every description of Griodg. From tise retapectmblityof tise references, and tise riarater tbey trust bey bave obtainedin l Kirffeton, tise suliecribers hope they will be able ta give suris satisfaction ns tu secure a lueraI portion cf the public Patronage. Mercliants in general1 will ind h ilvantageaus ta consigoa ta tise rare cf tiso suliscribers, as i is tiseir intention toart as Agonts altogother, and ici .; principals Tht. adsetsement de@erves the particular attention Of FAvsuERS, Dealers in Provisions and Grain, as the establishiment feris a deoa for this produce on a piinciple decidedly favorable to ibeir interestii. AL.FRED CARTER, THIOMAS Il. BEN'rLEY. Kingston, Dec. 17, 1841. IKF'F.Rl-1uCEa Joli. Co.t£TzaEsq, Kingston, Ric)iitm ScoBELLr, Esq, do. Wu. WILSON, Esq., do. J. FasssàiawsENQ, NVatertcw", Ma. . BAssEY, do. MR. G. KELLOGG, Sarkets Hlarbor, CitALEsS 3MTu, Esui, Albany, .AIAsîtAu Txeàx, Esq, Rocister, Dui. AasSTRaOx, do. J. R. AitsTsitoNu; & Co., Torotio, JOUN DsO~UGt, ESQ., Montreal. Mesrs. LÂsHER & STrEvssoN, Bath, 3îIL FLNT, Esq, fBelleville, Wu. Roxiî, Esq., PicttPI4 G. HAMs, Esq., Cobourg, E. Pzxitv, EsQ, do. PETER Panaîy, Esq., Wliiiby, R. IUsON, ESQ, lamWiltori. FUIESH (.ARIDEN SEED$. AaFiRAL ASSORTM1ENTjust received £>.andfor sale by J. W. BRENT, Druggikl. Marris 17, 18U:. TO LEASE. OR UIl terre of 21 yeîrs, four Buailding F lAteison Front Stree, noirthie Goverîineet Offlices. For termasindoei ter partictîlass apply rt theo Office cf tise King.-ton Marine Raiiway Compaîny. Ki{ng.ton, 23d Foisrîary, 1842. TO CAPITALISTS. V'i .Y PROFI I BLE JNVESTME1NT. '% 011 Sale b) ?rivale contrant ai the Sobseri- ..'bur', the folcwing valuable property. naie- ly, Onse lot (J Landl 66 feet on tlle Front. 199 in le-dpi . wil, vesûstntalBRICK IIOUSES llieTeen, Rougi rosi Cottage style, with stables, sheds, andl plent:, cf yard roci nd ei drawirg a yearly sentît of £96, situateil in one cf lise central Streetru. 'Fle prieocf tIre alisve peoertyis very moderc at,înd <eeuis cf paynientîi vlI ho malle essy. For fu rtiser partierulars enqu ire aitcureof. fire COLINS & IIAINES, C. 31. Ar .. Kingston, Jan. 28. 1812. DISSOLUTION 0F PARTNztsiiii». NOTICE i ereby given tisai tis aPituer- siship ithorto exitng mitlier te tiri ;o! G. 11. 1ÇAINEtS & Co., ai Kinston, andl S FORS- TER & Co. ai Monteztist th is d disolved. TItOS. At'Gi7nTUS IAINES, ~Execat," rn XLRAI FIJSBROK AI 1S G. Il. IHAINES. Ail dclii due t« iîo laie Fions, amr rqtested to bc puid en or betere tise let June.1842mi King. stan ta hlaines, Forster dc Cru, andl at Motreal teoS. Fonter & Co.; afier wiirisime tisey wilI be put in tise Solicitur*s bards for collection. NOTICE. Tr HE undera'ugned bave eatred ie C- -L Parioership in t DRY GOODS business, at ki.gstrîn, u-ider tise firm of Haines. Forster & Cai, and at ioMetreal, un- der the lina cf SForster &Co SSIBLEY FORSTEI. JOHIN J. HAINES. Kigaen My ~MARY F. HAINES. BP IV A TE CONTRA C7. er a eu.stisrs rcsidew'ina <le asiimmie ici- "*,y ofm<la.1s ateiy PurclaselbytheIlions 11i. Mc. Kilialy, jsseeaHopkirb. Uiq, asil is Hon. Vie. Chaneeller. Thu above namoil pro Irtby in dividedfros that of thi. Hou. ML Mira. iy b7yaPrepered utMy feet Tisa igrua( pajinentamarlibeemi, caenduil oves aaspace of tour Yaaîofr e eticliAnustumat. lifor ,tisc paieiuia apply to- thA et. Kingston, &poilI jet 1U2 ctmifs SELLING OFr. HAINES, FORSTER 4- CO. H IAVING ontered ito partzitrsisip, Ltave ILAtaken tise premises, and pur-baed thse romintig Stock cf DRY COODS of<A ute eGeorge If Haine# 4- Co, S&orti &,erm, Kssiirgsion And]'tereiy invîte tise public attention to tise same as îîey irtend to offer thse Goods 0orsnlad ai suci pneus as ivili prove de- cidesily adlemttgena iotiaose wltj are or- e lasiiiganrties ie tise aisove lire ; as H. e. 6& Care desirous of dispoeing cf tise aviole cf'- tise preseet Stock, eten t a Sacrifice, tlîey %vilI continue Sci.t.zree Os', r util tise 18d] May, wvien tise preinaîses wiii lbc clased for a shart urne to complote sorte aliersiiena cOvv goeg ocen te t Wareisouse and Sisop, in or- der toemake room fr d(me ofîthe most exten-~ siv'e, cheap, aîîd 'beautifolly msates] Stocke,. ever importes] ato Canada, tise nrivil cf whisch aili bc duîy notices] in thse papers. .N. I. Mercisanis visiing tise Lower part of tise provinîce, tItis SeasoS,wil fies] ai our Wisoiesale Wmreiseuse, St. Paul Street, Mon- treal, uscuer thse f6cm cf S. Forster &c Co, a new, %w'ii seipcîo.d, and] fliap Stock, wortisy cf tiseir inspection. FOR SALE, PLASTER cf Paris, snd Water Lime, -Lby tise barrel. Onondagýa and Liverpool Sait, by tise bisi Finue and superfine Flour, and fresis Qat. tueal by thse bis]. .Whisky froe ltu est Distileries in Cana- da West, bJr the barrel. A supply cf tde aisove articles wiii lo kept constantiy eisaed eicring tiese aason of navigation, and sold at tise iowest market prices for cash, or on a proved credit. Commercial Wharf, Kingston, April 19. 1842. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER. D YE WOODS of the hut quaity, Wbolesaie and Retail. J. W. BRENT, DruggWst4r .4pilhacry. Kn; Street, Dec. 22, 1840. 3 N)TICE TO AGRICULTURISTS. T IlIE Suliscribers ot1r for Sale et their Stars ie tise Stone Building formerly occopicil by Mr. CRAs. HE.ATH, as a Druggist Sisop. ;Ploogisaof superiar P4tterns andlsastingu Plaugis Points of Americen Cating, wi s of great importance ta te ariner, being nare durabie tisse any other Castings. Besi Steel Coro, andl Potaioe Bous. Spades, Shovels, and Do ng Fans. Griailatonus, Grubbing Hues, and Brui Americau Patent Concave Grase and Craille Scythses. Eîîgîish B' m'fa oScythses. Ite inoko, liay Ferles, & Rakes. Trace, Or, logiog, and Halter Chains, Patent Sissop Sears, Bed Corda, Leading Linos, Baller and Trace Rope. FÀIISERS IUPLEI5EtTS 07 EVERT KIN. Iran, Steel, Nails andl Spikes toge tIser wi every article in lise Hardware lUne. Claver, Timotisy andl Gardon Secils, (diass, Ppintfe, Oils, Potly, Varnisb, Piiis, Tan, Ramb, and Spirite Torpetine, Farinera are particularly invited to ral andl examsine for tisemsýaul before purcising else- wisere, as overy articlyl buSols]atl ev Pneu.. BRIGGS dc LASHER. Store Street, Kingston, April, 22d 1849- -FYOR SA LE. Patent London laid Tarrd Rigging, A55OIWBD ELLES. CHAI14 CABLES, ANCHORS, &c., COakurn, Blocks, anid Dock Ligise Coppor binnacle Lampa & Ship Lantliomeq, Double hailed Linseed Oil, Pe'ints, Turpesi. tine, Tar, Rosie & Pitcl,,- Plougisa mosi approved pautenis, Spades and Shevels--wrougbt lrosa and stcel llades, A few superior Hog Skies for Ss4îdp 1IPROVED SIKES*S IMYROME TEES, (%îode by Dring & Fnge London,) %viti ta- bles, &c. complote, and guîgieg roda, One case stiperior Fcwlirîg Piecca, double & single barrels, pockei and herse Pistols, patent svadding, Siiot Boita & Pouche-Petvder & drinking Flaks, &c. d., The ubove articles are a pari of ]ast falus importation. mnd arc new cffered an tise moai favorable 10cms. MORLEY & JENKINS. Kingston, Marris 15, 1842. 48 TO CAPITALU.T T lIE Subatcriberhlas one cftise most valua <le MILL SITES in tise flourising Town cf BELLEVILLE, Victoria District, Province of Canada. on m'hinis, ho s ileairous te serect a firsi rite FLOU1RIlVG MIL-for tiseaant cf whîiris, many thausand bushels cf Wboat arc sent avay 3yoarly, froinitisai icav-he would e ther borraw One or Two Thousani Pcueils an advantageaus terme ta ithe leuàder, wiih undeni- aSie sccurity, for the repsyment witbb the spire cf seven yeaes, or sooner a se migbt find i ronveniont te iimself, ce ho woulil ]et the Mill Site, far a nominal suni, ce condition of building a Mill as miglît le greed upon.-For fortber pritulars pply (if by bItter, post pai,) te Tius aCcc.aMÀoc Esq., tise Proprietor, Belle. ville, wiso isa severmi Town Lots, Bouse,,dc uuitaisle ailuatÏonh for hydrmulic andi miii pur- peos WANTED IMMEDUÀTELY. T"o gocil josrnejunen Axe makera, acquaint- (A vîil. cuber Blarksmbiths work, te w bas liber. alo.scuurstes1oosent wili isT. C. Ties tone building coutoining te Trip Hain- me'- Worlra, Latbes, dc, .111 Se LEASED for one or morc vears,, to a respectable tenaat.' The Rechster Rspmblleasw lpssen" te eabuv eau, a ueuk for <hua ihs, U Setheacumaoe i thie offlua. NEW GOODS. l IE Subrniber baeato infoin bis Cugtorus ers andl the Public gunersîl>', Ibathoeisnov mSciving per tise - Calcionia," "James Camp. Seli" and , lames Dean," froua Gasgo, "Souter Jobnnj," Il Courier" amnd Alpine," froun liv.rpool, and "Toronto" froua Lonclou, nie sepply o! Mm aluis bavme beem vel seiec<ed tir au expen'asced Agent lla t eitisis Market. When tise sole' are te lbaud bu vilà, htmeuextensive amihtimo le hu$ preseni Stock. both et Fasscy antd Staple Gonds, m&H cf vhicli viii b. solil ai exceedingi> loisir n'icesfor. <itsor - .,,...n,,..l <. kINGSTON IIErlALD-T'UESiVAY, JULY 12, IS42. 0 NE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD ha beaunaffeesl fr menthe,, tu ny cnr who will use a hotus of IIss's Lisiatend for thse Piles ili- outi cg ured. 0f tboassl os, innconein- gtance bus it faied cf a cure. l'rfflf evrbel. tub; lobe Lad where it h soid. iiiais. a cr- tai cure in eeas4 ev"e aitos. (e&tatalli n the L>owint rompaintq. Par tii. fler, Tgities. of thse cheai Fer ail Drap y, I aeî.i n cridren, Temir Fret, fFoui Ucresaosltselegs, Sore thycat by cancers orllter fanos soTs, or ulcete, f bowvever oistinate or Croup, 1 long standing, Wiîooping cougis, 1 Freas 1mOuds, scald Head J Chisitlainb &c. &c. LOOK (OUT. Sorne Sitiss.Rers &arc cuiurfcUled <us article and put ua uitwhtroua devseç. Donfottie in- posed upon. One ting ontv aili protect you-at ks tise naine of CO MSTOCIC & CO - L.tZt ,eme inuit bc olweijs on <the vrapper, or Yeu are clieat- ed. Do neot fürzet it. T.ske this direction witb you, and test by <bat, or neyer boyi; fi t is imopossible for any other to bu true or genuine. Sold isy COMSTOCK & CO, 71 blaiden Lane, New Yorkr, and by every Druggist in Kingston, and in Canada. For sale by N. Paloter. PIEILFUJMICUy. T lIE Subscriber bias received a rupply ot JLChaire Englisb Perfunery, ambsig wbiriî arc ho followieg. ESSENCES. Sweet Brier, Spring Fiowers, Sweet Pea, Ilodyoisoja or Persian Essence, F ii.ntine, Ilovenia, Citroneila Rosa,. Genanium, Marerisalle, Las ender, Lily cf the Valley, }110eySuelde, Rayai(odsd) Royal Extract of Roses. « Flowers, Circassian Cruaso, Queen's Bouquet, Bouquet d' Arabie, Eau de Portugal, .. Colognue Veritabie, Eîeprit de lAvende au Milefleurs, Ambrosia, Verbena Perfomte and Extract, Persian Sweet Rage, Vorbena Perfume and Extract, Esprit de Rose, Voritable Pomasle Divine, Posnatum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze lirks, Amber Preston Smelling Sait.. &c.&Cc. &Cc. &Cc. J. W. BRENT. Kinsto, 1th Druggibt 4r Apothecory C ERiTAIN CURE FOR 2SICK HEADACHE wbich bas lienue d ie families, every men- ber of wbich bas bad sick headaclie fron ifancy, as a consttational family compint, arid bus eu- red effectualy ini every instance yet keown. amounting ta many hundreds. It s not neplea- saut ta tbe tate, and does fnot prevent tbe daily avocations cf one using it ; hin ust bu petsevered in, aud the cure is graduei, but certain and permna- nient. Instances are constantly uultplying ubere this distreming complaiati compietely relieved and cured, sitlioultb of years standing, by the use of Dr. SpoWs'acieeratud remedy. One derided prefýýeree l ils pleoasna, hav1ie; none of the nauseting effect of cemmon drugg. jt isa5 perfectly satisfactory, i bat tbe proprietor bsgiven direction for bis agents to refond tise price (ae ny one wbo is net pessed witb, and uven rured by it. Ho hopeq aiso thst <is ma), securu ti great beneulhsta te udistressed ufferers wlio are laisoring under Headacbe. E. Spolie, M. D. Inveneor and Propîlutor. COMSTOCK & CO, 71 liaiden Lane N. Yârkqý and by Avery Druggisl in Ring ton and in Csnsdi.' DR. TAYLOR'S ZAL.SAM OF LIIER WOR T FORt COTS7MPTIcltAND LIVER COMPLAT. iCcughs, ColdS, Asthmt, Dificulty uf Breath- i.g, Pains in the Sîde erBreast, Spitting of Bloed, Catarrhes, Palpitation of thse lleart, Oppression and Sorencesa of the Cist, WVlocpi rg Cough,I Pleurisy. Hetie Fever, Night Sweaie-, T)ifficult or Prof ose lexpectoration, and ail otiier Affectionik cf <ho Cheat, Lungo,,and Liver. This Medcine i. for Sale by tis ole Proprie- tort et 375 Fowery, het Neeîî Fourhis and Fifili gas, New York, Geo. Taylor. M. 1. ; and by Comstocle & Co, Wlîolesale Druggists 71. Maiden Lano New York, and by every Druggist in Canada. UTopened. a few cases ct Christy's bect J white and black Beaver amidfiossanier liais. Aisof 2 cases of Mens' and Boys' (luth Cape. and 6 cases of Fancy, and Dunstable Straw Bonnette. A splendid vsriety cf Gents. Stocks, $carfs and Opera ties, ai greaily reduced priceg. WM. WILSON. April 23d, >42. F. ., tihe N-'.Yo-k tteffd. MYSTERIOIS.-A gentleman belenging ta M0on of tbe mot serient and seealtby faii- lies of <is trilanbomusitlbe well koown to nu- murons frienils, bavie; since tise year 1818 up ta recetly, bren lient nesrty double, and for severat years cronline.1 ta lii bcd, lbas been restored to gond bealti-bas regsined hi# naturel ereci pool. tion-and bas quitted bis craisg, and noav walks witli rase,!.Webelieve this , is e gentleman's own description as near as possible, and <bore is ne exaggeratioe nil. We bligive inquirebis adlres, and doulit not bis bemane feelings will excuse the liierty ; sa tisat any eue doubi.ng, insy ksow os fact-tsougla bcrequests bis naine miy flOtappear in priet. Amoogotbersimilarin- stancesi, Nr. Jas. G. Reynolds, 144 Chiristie Street, bas been rustored, and wiîl give per3onsi assura ces of tbe fat6of bis case. Botb were rbeuna- <is, snd contracteil cords snd siestes. 1lowlbas tbis been donec? Annoer .-By iee eem u Vmand fone Lie!eneul. X. Y. Herld. tan*26 184 1. Soid by COMSTOCK & Co. 71, MaideanLane, New York, and by evory Druggiat in Kinston, and in Canada. NE~W AND SPLENDID CABINET FURlYITUÉE, ,A CAcop ain Eh CVapes4and as good m (ti .bet. TP HE Subarlber beRa leave te inforn tis pb- -Lie guaerllj, that h. bas roàeseui bis Fo1r- nture WarePRec tetobia necubilding, rucen<iy erecteil in Montresi tret, t<ird donon tthe torrie e! Store Street, sand near t<o Mr. Thdo Grotery itre- -wsreuwii alwaya nu tounil a g- nrai asortiment cf READY MADE FURNI- TUlEf e! b huaiqualiyand liatest patterns, and prices, to suit leteeding purcisasers. Persooe dei- eues of purchasing are respeetfully invited tlemibe a cmii. As tise Sehecrihur is constatlj iasac- toring for sale ail teoreder, tbey eau speediiy bu aupplid witb 5siy article tbuy.a& ~rer~ire Kingston, Jar.. 1841. WuTzD-1O-A Vamniaber ail Polisher. T. 0. B. lexpets li a feir glsta bave opeilin.meeNOTICE. of hie, new l'u il4iaag oitQusir> Street. a Spiemi»ê AseOrtsneastOe CRMXXERtY, £ARTEF.WJARE4k GLU- WAR5, just cpem a"for Ba", 5<10pe uliel CAIRIVLUNE E VieS. CAN VAS,.fmnu.l.1to&tAlaoeaq.mMity ol 2Capt'-, Sail Twine IU id' anibe Ba oSQuinte dc River 5<. Wi.Lavreucet <le foaswîg .ee, %for the. Kýigol0c, 28<11 Ibu puMpae fwtoingugfts ailVeasei. PFore. T. IVERPOOL mailRock SALT <raei b>' iuww Applyto th.ilie bnrl-by G;EORGE iCig CARTER & BEfTLEY lingatoR, Feb). Stb I'S2. Clicap (.roccry Store'. T JIErustiucriber leg"s Iras-e mcii respecttully ho ùffor bis frro'nduth ie public is sin- eme tIsnks for tise liSerai shame et patroclige bustoaved -on iîrduring tise at len jears ta Ibis City. île litem' advuiedly clostng up lis Dry Gondis deîsarhmurnt, andtvili for tise future de'c s-t im toisethie GROCERY 4r PROVISION Basinesa3 exctusitely-, Wisoiesale anà kIetail- Frocs arrarg-musiu',trecetiiy etreciod, he lis huIt Foroign a nd Brittit i uirteta opent ihm, front wlienuie, tireri:, Lco ilrecord, uaiulle- rlitecl, and inoriginal P'icktoges, ailarir-les Colt- nected vitk ie lius.te,. lis2flriiidy, (t aî $piris wilt coulse tram ithe londue docks; lus WVines. scIertesi tir iiuelf. asIllibcofcItait-e Viitlg"eF, nald othiînZ i~ îl Scofertitibut suris as caiihîot al integ.% ii- ual usctiOIT. A larsge sud gtrrl .uihiin vili aave lue kepi o însl andl unrcîîîîthîng atethiiir Ivill Le giren te lte isusneui, atîl <o suritz"s cmv faror ilist o! ricles utn lstd s gi ett tgellittiie qualiti, ta %îî l b e ci id ai extrcîîîely Iota' primo <lor 'aslt. 50 boxes Yuutig Ilyson Tea, 30 cisesis Taaiv !o :W hliss. Marcevaîl Stîgar, 10 - Crualied Sogar,' 20 Sarrois do do, 10 isisis. single rellneelS uga r 10 Ildouble efincldudo, 30 keg. Pug Toharco, 16'z., 20 "66 de les', 10 " " de 2-4's, 20 bexes Cavendish 18's & 'e, 5 bisis. Molasses, 5 disBandeaux Virtegar, 1 to 22, 10 barus itieti Pepper, 20 boxes lPipes, 20) boxes GrourtilCiitiec, 20) " Ground Gin-igr. '0 "Pepper, ' 10IlAlibapice. 20 jars Macraioy Snîifl'u 1,0 Saga Rcasted Cdi'ec, 20 IlLagîtira dio, 10 Saga St. Doutitgo dIo, .JO eg. Raisinîs, lait) Sexes Montreal Candîco. .50 do WVax wick Londion Canilles, 1( do Lirerpool Seap, 1-5 Shis "Ottîrd l)upuys" Cogînac Brandy, 15 do Bardeaux do 10 barreis Il uIberl," Loien braavn Stout, 10 do Laits ale, Genuine, 10 bis o pecior Table Cod fIS, 15 bîrrels Salmon, this seosoe's taire, 5b Caroteels Zante Corrne, 5 cases Il Wicks" bhou MuBtard, .50 jars "lDurliîm'"M ustard, 20 Sexes Fig Bloe, re do 'erniacilli, 5 de Macaroni, 10 raska Biaciing, 2 blids Superior Old Port Wsine, 5 qr. casks rery Ssprror Sherry, 2 lilda ,Blackbttr,,is*,Madeira, 100 qr. cîsks I-Mýarseilles" Wsine, Port IL Ma- deirs, 20 Punellîs s Bo)ston" Spirits, -5 do cl Ration Runi, 20 ptsnchêons E. I. Rom, 20 boxes IlLesribers" LondSicaSres, 50 cases Schiedaminî, 10 Saga CorkE, 2 cases Lemn Ic e, 2 Citron, 2 5'Stooglitoti's Bittens, 2 IlPeplier Sauce 2 Berimuda Arrov lied. 2 "Ketchup, 2 'Pearl Sagit, 20 craIes Croct'ecy asuorleil. 20 packages Glass taare, Wib a vriety of cter articles connccted aitis a Grocemy busines. The rernaieirig part ofth<le Subacutarras "tck i Se bc od at Ccii 1rices. SurIs as tiesire isargains la eiîîîer Seancis totîlilcansui tteir cm-e interest luy xamiuing andîlceuiparing lte extensive Stock cf Goil nts steredin îî is pre- mtises, Sefoeopurcliasing. I. M. 1ROSE. Kingston, 2Otil Nov. 1841. SALEby W Simson,50 laîrrels F "ýrysuperior'OAT.MEAL; priceato etailers tinusually low. Kir.g Street, 19tis Apîsii, 18S42. SLIGIRIT, LIGIET, LIGINT, S UIiERIOR Laîîîp (iii, perro. <Olit'e & pale tiraI, for sale, ity tise fall'mn mildlarrel, AUGI'rTUS TIilaDc Store Streuit, Kingston, Marris, 1. 1842. T IE Sbscibr lis rereiveil Two Iludred 4r FFîftyj barrelsPort Iotie itiikey. mît il l Ccep ronstantly conlbandI iuririg t e aseu, a large supply fur sale cf ibis w-il kotI)watiecle. JOSEIPHi B.. ALL Kingoton, Iltîs April, 18,12. FPOR SALE, 5O BARRELS, freah Oit mcml, ot tiseSeat 5qualîty. lsy CIIEAPEST OF ALL CIIEIP BOOoKS! (Iia 'is aOW rt'LtSIIINtu, AND OLiD mRY'I S a*t li l IRAlUSAT, AR1MUKR & Co. tnd Iic!.. t . - shou ' ' .) Il KINGSTONC. ltdl Sunlil-the nat i~e N PARTS, Sva. oins Ccitlaienie "fi' or mors fuioal ths iegî~î~~~, coml c ru nka, a Standared Library Euhtion, mjy it te kt-o f ~~(~~.I oft tise tulllavuuug Popular NovEL-saimurALEs., 1<y ihaitheîh it ç nv, . frein tlterrgial texts. Tliusg-i%igt',ranierç l ias sofC's M 1 Çi* -u trifle, Works vrigieally poblislîed at a çuka tui toi:et wi'sL.oet ,~ a loi!! i ~No, if vo.--, î ii The îuli.îaing Novelz are already pilblisluel ': tiitli nt lîcî cehanpîleeor A tlîc'dred Oî Part COOPîEICS o i. ci' ohtiisa tik 1 Pilot 1 4 5&'île re.A i 2 Spy 4 (0 t'.rse tacha :1 1'ucnetrs 1 4 LOOiK 0.rf .1 Lasit lte 3Mluirans 1 4 a>sfr<inm'c T 5 Li:onel L.îcollii wriddara1pcers, t.î 'î 13 Prairie i 41narre 16 RiedlRover 1i1I i lthi- ls Vsater %Viçlî 1.1 lOlii-:ýiTi l1~\~ 42 liiiaý,imiatîîîn anîdciller Tales 0 P Iàldeltita MISS POIITEIL'S I i <o aate Ij 6 Ilongarian Brother. 1 4 toThe , lerus'î", 7 Doii Sebastian i 1 4micd the g<lis, si . a DRt. BIRD'S l1dge, and tiarelird 8 Peler Pilgr:ni i 4 drv'a- aiprerunlstive Oo .0 N ck cflte Vood, i Iluit ttalt sretOl -. 17 Hlawks ao f awk.illlosv 1 3 Nil. T TCIîI . 22 Abdaila tise Moue 1 4 Mletiait il*t:St, l '23 Infidel"s Docin t 2 P2 Robin Day 1 2 JOHN P. INc.tî II; KENNEDY'S JOHN D. THONIîlis ru 10 llorse-Shoe Rtobinson 1 4 JOHN S. F11~lî 15 Rebatftthe Batri 1 4 HUGII Mrcu'Rlî . . INGRABI'S JOHN YARD, Jr. _.j Il il Capîmie Kyd 1 4 The agedi n tse it l 14 l'imite I 4 wi", may ast alwayS aîr. 12PrgieSMOLLETt'S qushties, jet iltvil[ rerîs,.c1e s 12Prg ineickle i tie estimaition et the îî;&~<ilî5 MRS. RADCLIFFE'S <bal three cf tise tore tirei t., 19 Mînfroce t O jeans of age, snd lseth" ,. 1ý ' TRACY'S r , ,. ii 124 Undine (tram tise C(erman) O0 LIiîcs Ft.Th , 20 Koninusmirhie ~o~ RIEIi ÎROCKflEN BROWVN-S City o!flllfili . - 21 Ormnei1 0 W< 5V csqqîaîsild mt1jý j .34 Wieland j~ S. Fsrey, anssii lgl . ai CHARLOTTE SMITII'S saigne. lnte eabus ciI., i 273 01 Mainer iloose 1 6 ilem ine tcharacter snd NEALE,S luil credit shoahd lie guet i "i 26 Seventy.si*x I 4 111 wiinss aerenf, I1ti- ktit 30 legan lise MitigeChie'! i 6 LL.S.J band, aid canýud tl,e ".I[J se uffiaed, tiýseit lV e i 27 Romsance of thie Pyrenees 1 6 ROBERtT V If,5 45'iA l'eep at tise 'ilgmîm. len 1636 4 LO U'"ê,~ ti~,,fr s SOPHIA LEE'S jeiled <the arîtols', ausul ill's l V t-,tje, 28 Recess i2 ')o tot <se impord usgt>. (1,e iniltv[ 2 os MRS. îIELME'S jos-it l is e rime rcf OiIxýTîiq& 29 IAusa 0 8thi amiteniat elc lfro's @4 ic "",W ýMst. Clairtr te les s re rbeatec. Do I,1ilvigut i.l rdý iet4 451 Fariner cf lnLflewond Forest 1 4 tios m'iltin0., sil (>lI.> IhîIl:.., JUOGË STIOMI'SON',3 ti smsil ,Ie iii tiihir t. ii Ie'r 31 Green Moutain Boys I4~ lttCM.O'i&r it . MRS. CLAVERS' Nea York. std t irlî%. ,. t 33 Newliîome-WVlào'll Fellose I o andin l Canada. « - IîROFESSOR LONGFELLOW'S For site hy N. Ptirner, L'n,0D !slISS SEDGWICK'S lï1 heute-r nl tati 37 'l'ie Linwoods 12 1 T aoPaean,!,at SIR W'.ALTER SCOTTS T 1 36 Qaeenho HIall (by Struit) 1 2 STRU ENTiS, nanufarredj,~ 38 Lay a! the Lasi Miesîrel O 8 e urmlmds is0i t îsnr 39 Mîrmian 1 0 genoîne, and ocf tle beshiti. 40 Lady cf tise Lake 1 () JOHîN il.i-tEd DANA'S ingarOîs. tI!I Oct., 1>41. 41 Two Ysars Sefome tise Masi 1 4 J UST - -FCl -'ÊI)b ARTHUR GORDON PYM'S BENT LEY noh ilnîîrîijî 43 Slîipwsrerk Muliny anelFatinu 1 0 No. 4, Hirdy's Buiîldins, FrOh >1t ~,,î 44 Kingsmon orthie Bark Ridera et Comn cosa for suIs'. gare, 1 6Newv Xiirk Soidas Jiq*.it~, l-r, 50 Confession 14 Cracke'rs liy iili., -t-el IIOFFMAN'S Siiperior I.akî' 11- ronIi'i 46 Goldsmith et Paris 0 8 do. do. V I-, - GODWIN'S rings liy ilî,-t. ' 47 Calebs Williams 1 4 Slcîntît ,by iL'-Istr-! T1INIOTIIY FLINT'$ Elk Horuas, MoL" p ,il r 49 Francis Borsiae 1 6 Dried Coullish,ies], C on ii"i- 52 Carleton 1 4 Beati, &c. &,-* cf thte most pepular Aulisars. ojt<ii aîirîîi a~îiîî lin N0OTI1 C E A audtoîs-îî,î'i R. H. & T. Pt AE Kiug4,l7uî15111 ,lII 3 EiisaîiG to cue t lieir Custoweirs andI the 1Jil1A5NK'i SFI 0" R lS .ti 11 ithsandng he lle ofthegreaier partofterD eusai 4 B1ANk>,n Spring <,ods, their Stockaili bu fournil as gon. mit o aea le<u . ife oral anîdas m-elliseorteil as any ol<ser 'itslo-~~ -sNÇ' iî sale Ilouse in thse Trade, and is a freoi sMupply 7Fliiip 'lirîuri'.t t is now about Seing openeil, tlîey requent thse' ar- I m lîîii i tîil ili P IIi t"1;!. Iv attentionî uf!iîîlnnding pureiiatsere, Seing con- above', ah a ri-ud ir,-I- -i Mdent, tram tise facilites affurded tilemin iteisesîîuihavetenesar, xii' lie m tark-ets, diii lhey cati dispuose uof tlir u-i mueroI siîuu t îoît.iu htlieî,i (;oula oit as reasonalile andl ivaîitigeuuns erna luave <coificil in tih'iiîi m ' i as iey Importer iîossily can.eereîfhnItdr,-ir-ii .V Atisnguu-t tise gootts tîcsvopetlineg miii bc fnunil'FTe 1,vi Pr a-îî. 'i -tise toiloat ng uloult, h sil ale in ifi i i ,l < DROA» CLOTDRS, vrry freqeqtiiuaucuIi tari,. (ail colora ;) plain and faecy Cassiiereti, fancy tise ue uf a :eiîcitti, 'c Tweeds and C,"ubrouins, BleaciecilCotten îanul Caledinia Ni'hng t~ -r. o-- 1iîen Drills, lPinted CotonDrills, Cotton aîldatuatu'd iv Ithe rî'dîîîh iIitil.Il'i Wor.led l'laids, plains and prieled Muleskiits, ailI lue, lIoxes ifilr' n.- plain and igureil Orloena, plan & prieteil Sax- 'he. 9d. ; îtitbiailulitihe .~ cnte n d IDe Laines,, Bais anad iNreenls, tîtear oan BoulhesNi, eult r li j oloneil rolleil Jacronetts ; mcd, wisie, andlgreeni dazen. i l'annels'. Bleaciseil; Perce and Pueîile Velvets. li 1<. 'ut 5(~E. BlackVela>etocus, plain and tavilleti Selîrsas; Kingston, 2 May, 184*2. steipes, Chaecks, and Dories, Cotton and Linon L i V E R C -0 N P L A I N T S. Tîrkp, Bron I l oliand, Russia Duck, Linen AND ALL SICL'NESS AND> DISEASES Bagging, Prints, grey and wiîte Cuotions, (unry TEAiPERANCE LîFE BITTERSV AND» bu;) printail Cotton, Cempe sud De Laine CHINESE BLOOD PILLS Illatikerrhiefs, EuaS'd Sluawîs, Ilarcose, oei Titie greatest Secri discavered lonnes. Gingisai Dress, Eamîston G inghianis; Mol, Jaccenet, Book andl Cross Barre l Mulinaq, Purge-purge- purge- hahes tise crylfor lis5 Printel Jaccenpti Dresses, SuCseld Catt test few years. This lias been effectuully tried, 1),esseg, Slven Sinipeiu, (for Ladies' Dresses ;) andl jet suflerers lusse mutîpied-and lied ; and Verona Serge, Furnituine Peints, Pi'mitlud (uilt- ubjî Not Seesusu purg ing aa o erabjiss Chusmes, litnteil Orleans, Fmncy Cisusîn but toc uirA l as liee don-aithoot the tonir t<oand white Prneu, liîproved Cana-as, Cutîtu aVire, ftjowbo and sutain thle ays<unt. Purge jeu mot? Waditng. Bmting, black andmil eurel Linen The sicrleij umnrfc!tIhie loemust le itanited 0o1 Tireid, Cotton Ballsa ad Spoola, l'in, Neeillem, -ore tise arreesuiation of hem lrevrnted. Pfe- Boitons, Tapes, Ceat Cerd, long whiite and llackr vent, tises, tise grovîli cf uch buniors.. Lire Gloveea, Habits, wht, black ail rolorei Wisy do-tiseCine.. lire e<osucs immense do.,Spue Glove. cfalcolora; LaceCohen dc ages> ael atili retain tise powers cf jouts Or nid'.Kid Gloves, a largeasortient of dîé'eage 1-Berause <bey purify ibe blood. 7% COTTON HOSIER Y, Clusiaee BacoD Pill-sa raileil because <bey vorkLrsat El pand upo ma riane <ie loo-ar ts tandard Glazed Tisrasbers, Lgcs nad s, rmd.Tiiese Pis viii tdo it ; aed the Tein- figures] Gros de Niaples; rni ie Blackr, peranre Bitters, taken as.directel, v'iI strenthbe Perucplinad Pniatina, blaci aný ilk visite r the systess andl prevent tise accumulation cf <the ntpanadebaulPrinSrd a base humons wliul infest tise blool, and avbicb Hanilkercisiets andl Veile, Lace Colila, Staja, oni>' increttss by purge, une. <the bitter, are proue Bocis andi Shous, India Rubber Coats, tuâtes afles. Bey, heu, t<Se pillç andl bitters. wlth a vacieiy e!fallier articles. Take veukiy tbe pis, andailaijtise bittera; andl GIIcriaa Lqnr, 1< jeu are or have been invalids for days, veeke, moallis,e yeans>jual ie bsaci> smrt 5 "bi .Blirrj Win, drawa cGf', and Jirevented frein a retunn, andl the 10 qv. ttsa ~do. do. sa" v ellwhe o! sickness change rapidi>' l 15 do. 011 Pont, tbs bisonoting 9glo fh«lend ca M.jh4jéîp. 1bâii. Buperier Port, 1 or. cash S8weet Malaga, osLt~ire anc cases se aumeroos o! tise.brillanut 15 boxes Twanka Tuas, effects, tisaI<jie and spacu fonbil an altenspi te 20 " Young lyseui, put ibuin doan. Boy and use thse« mindicinea. I0 " Hfysois kins mund unsno 10 tIerandl bealîli ansdlstrenglis shah <te 20 Cege PIug 'M=aco, joum .Se uraluper and directions tisai cone 10 boxes Cavendishs. vith b<len. 10, *Nailrol, FRAUDULENT COUNTERFEITS 20 tt Tebacro, Wiii bu teusptud. Bey sno emedy 6! tise kinil 3ô Liverpool &iap,. ueeaait bave ns> naie-O0. C. Lue, M. lD.-on s 20> "White scentedl, <lie urppet, eld aiste anotice ase foms :- 5 Tierces Rire, &tetered asceording <o Act o! Coss.ress, A. D. 10 boxe. Pipes, 1841, b>' Tacs. Coasat., in tise Clerkle Office or 10 bage Peppor, thie DW*cstI Coudrth ie Unitedl Statea for <bu 10 bixes gietini do. Southenr eustrict of New Tortns 9 " Allopicer Wsaa<tasie e nl>'gemtuine. 30 BIailderaScotch Sssuff Meurs. C.srocr& Ce., Now Yorke are <bhe f5 boson Stosii, sue wholesmfe ntsfor tbe Unitedl States mnd ail 5i cases LestSugar. aeboiin c«ýrie. 1bU l.do do. ee ~ coetees.DOCTOR O. C. LIN. Merchianla utendbnq ta go to Moqr*d, vSu SMdillu>'N. Palmer. tdo veflta cmll muidexamine<ho elve, as h. - Sebeenibera féel conidenst, <hat Ibu>' caàgs gv FOR SALE BY W. SIMPSON, tifat nbLa stgo uc T.* &a E F l CedrCHEE, ad ptnt1 Kia&oeT.isuuae -prm Ring StRe',fer" toiLtho bavel by FingStret, Kng!5oq.CARTER dc BNTLEY. King,.ton. at.11,i, I'iil- J LUS'I'R EF. ' 000 pirECES 0F1P 100.!11 or SPLEiNl-1r-. CANADI ýyMScUJRE OP BLiNIN îLs ~sAUbeau the province o.,tItis tOur mb,« tbu he quarter of ct'ilr). u adui-ng a pemiod oft tiliia!ç te ad lprogress ofalicuat ct-c> ct'si' twa het ba S.toiaithtie , ,dwienteries isprouîutîed <su1 'eulbeing f mnikinil. Aiiunig ,ut allhi,de5écrtitol, the cure ifur sliiui by U- 1j pUnel it. Siartitoat rcs'iit su tematlias at IoeLié arru Waily.resueare' stmggle, mîtld tu n a tery user <bus ad »'îi.sdntordrcal syi tttiag » Wis alei me full hiraite,4 w eftry part of lthe isiigsiuia . .tetMi o te eentire sicir> in euavinglthe impedîtueu!s hs aveàil afty limproved or mestomeul as édd ,alum tu as, andI csîecièllý, ini atpla NMîFuaei>snd Ipursuits otets ili t,,«ei5thbu i flicsegrasues ci ses <,îsasî lipoe<nt eveuts iusy iige ni ...uuedso omuin ihumait lieus *Vehedaj, tise vecy preservai îtuî &Miut ing(ueendis], tu a c à~î~eped-on he awant o! resady itt liq eP&5on, wben igitatedbi w4to! tbe assaeiel And tItis 1 iliIse tee!,su etil. xcellence of 1 ~pemtie. YungPeaanebas attns sa e h. vent alluilel te:mnd se ~fat, htebs prducilte give evidet <naj!Friacs, ve aveDoaduubt in n *udbWesiseitatifa cf any Ci, orij a, diirder lis the. oegu an foplsoccît. Slias ibis le prelerable tu relu... of l luoweyer bigla, and o! a rgul mnt».bu unI supportai; butm'e liate înîy luer lsnthesdeofiitrod(urieg to-notbre o waemugous îltacevery t<cring anuti ,vilauxpelsuoaale wiinis u st ve go eta leur ilatj teaeoourstelvos arqusait weeits mgo, (Literiry Gazette, 1.). ta etc«opsoodentoç, ae ment icteilt1 h 'had t It. (Or>.) Turnbuli'x cure a by <isfuume fpisussie at-i,. tut t. tumidateljprocurel usisitiii sîtatu r. ~'iTusbuilIltu examine tii c.uaeu'iet- 1eesa, tei ie ta six lu alsuvu, tasCît ohue, Whto aeme unlor hie treatiium< icalamity. We farconuiusgly atteiiIr isaitteaaj ta express Otran iatiiTite wuîtionm hai av s. "lie s anio 5<cracncifint our pru-etce, by t fçsciun.fr ablant islf i tutlitc, la lhh'att aib àvraisfeu hby ftiepatienît, vsp-urel hydrotymomo achul. i mte s 1 ph, sépistote oye, vus an aperture liituiig 1 bitat organ ; tise varitonaure of t U6 80 ailed--opacities ioftiise cienea, t iiutcatiaraci, ansaurOais, aiet, &c.&n u usaages o! relief m-hr lise patier uaulur 1, wîtb sente'.iau ne ee tlael aimi plciasuri to loo lmk upun, a HiI lthe iti oly bluisutid iii ils pristise detornsh ltuil been actiies-el ; tica sari, oscso! Iisîalrclncciiig, catarctes lre, ii ud bis1geadusily ceabsorbe),laupila ben 1-1-1ri, sud allier aitogetsor ex r sordin a r afreenedvail cegeneratit, iliki aia, itliwniler a" diligt. ulsulil bail Ibe totaliy blhul tecîtu six da sid teen t.uégit ta remul on tise caised le brithe liunane systern htînglit ita tise bIl bot itmosld nov seu thu'nejetter, a rariosplueisomonon ft, behuhii-ýuh usuld in by tosteand hy tîsiht!'Fi illeemcu vasa a ingular alteratiun iin<i DI tsire andl Prononciat ion scien readit <wtt says -bat by tise eye Seing far 'ii il kthe ii cal r yptin ,tIrm'isirhî ac a 11-Jo, tisai the oitiller. visîiswavasmourut uilî<hau air oftdufficulty oven aîîîd tIl I ad uines.acquirel by thia netue. crise ererthe vndertulr sftluePcwuro<viao <c < bis iveLii select the. caseof a girl tveeîy.sso jen nisd <leretiare fulj capable te romprete teiseranY qutistion put teitem.[ta ute <se thiten Yeats proviens te lier cms r . Turnbuhî's Vtraient.elle ne Y crwaY, and cao iinguisis cueaille cot lon. pible, a maremarkoi sance cf <bue e ttlecurative procea. vast exiied in ma, hobailworkej ai bao.bindttg. I -,astI aubsequent esaineal trea-tnet &t. al 'ârederel beoso ieialîy hlmn "OetituboMeandl doring <bu fit 'b"irc atterdanéce for tise appitioen icd iaPOr,be W asl obligea ta lie le Wd 111 usfiniteov lin cosald smfeIy dispetî id udniredihy diScen objec. son Iiihîedôuba, le aviHlieureaterci te b 1 i idepaudence. r 8 8msa tting Paxample ofthie v at *let'nY vas Oint cfa aontlemsu fro 'lithal be..au icteufin oeeove wi &"lbliUMsi e r nte.ors. Ili. 'ahîvil',<hi vison bu fret cainetoeinq ss ld -atiiuglba cov tenus a bots it o-ld ark andI reco .eOc - au ouilmgseiate the. visible di tmurîs. o a abilisiiig. This à ,ll5behtm cs more readily at ~I7nsaenratelfacial béaili popil te acertilegres, oeve, fine O *b>' the actioni OfthV UW o la the cloudy 'COURa asrsd ofinael et th<ee redit,, elly, ate emusecio<buhe oa atuer vall, t at son.e ~P5ttMeg te bileu vas lb.e évide SInd; yclal (e" bfrom poisouiegfrît ; re uslecrleffin ever>'ibue lcd ?»vrasis oived f8ila, la 'sI l imlse. TIàleili he sud mcii ertida saecille sllei eff is aene fibl ni vasé l" peel -l *ii N. B.-iuusRs 1apercd 10 uidut - .1.' Cul notice. Kingstuont May2-1t, 1512. P LATFOItU and C<ouater uii C'ARTER & T VV ale by CARTER &LN Ère]& SALE, AT T. &êJ. RItii'Eî I~INE iCuldc Plaie G;Iait Toniîu ' 8ttndsPen & l'orbe laice bic apoona, 1cser , eis& hu. li S CI, tbanaal irîî Bruabus, Paper zagu.STrasci Loing Giasa dC., &c., Kingaon, Mardi, 7,î.t4iL PL H. & T. RAL. 'WIioIcoaIe 11Rp0F10 K IN G s ToaX- PUBL laB E» E vE Rty 'TF At bis cffice, im Stese Street, ee ?01l Maousse ieuse i ote1_Ls4 1

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