Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 19 Jul 1842, p. 4

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bbs fuiBe teeIIts liton toi e ut weald. 4411 Iue sel -3v mat. a s kusv'a e fmx*pataatlea aeeumed106 cmac i olu, piuetRalmy euuFaliç, h Ofti tibis Epair -tiP es r~ soro. May bclue onlae. Have Yeua rog i' -Uanhtislmim"i Kzpct- vrant syrmp is lie olj ncedy jeu a doli talat . ttire pou vu iiiz Plain reases -IdI la amt om~f tb. lsmul ce& ubreil tbaau usae i (i ,b - Cà le relitie. Fornaeietai lie dneg st«oretocie&Co., 71 Moidea ain. Nias Yonk, madby ever> Dru;- w41 ila iegton, andani. Caa.. #or sale by N. Palmer. T E Subscriber IwiIldurisg dis ae' bu fcustantly iu the veceipt cf IDn, Cheti. calo, Peifasrry, &ic. c, the which, ccmnig flots the moit respectable Englili Ba-ue, m-Y 'bc &-pe ded clins se genuine. The cmpons- di@ &pertaient wililie cinduclcd under the îm- imbu tesuperintesasce of the Subenaber, -,vbose object s, by the a.au of gond asaterimie, by a calrau manipulation, ce induce confidence me regards thie moet important branch of the huai. aeew. J. W. BRENT .Draggisi If Apdkh-oy. .street, Kingston. r 1E folowing articles prepared by the sub i~ lirber are recommrencied t thie notice of < imf>ated Toth Powder V'er î.n sdu. Bl aIie cTincturs of Myrrh, Ia ats' Mixture, 4f, ciitratei Eisence of Ginger, du do lPeppermint, doa do Ratafia, bilions Pillai, gable Extract fur the lair, Pot Pourri Poieder, Cer4iePowberaa, Ilarnees Varniah. 3. W. JIRENT, Dwggist -Apolhcry -WBOLESAKLE COMMI891ON Un. 4, UIitmV '9 UILDINGe, FRONT 07111CI?. T fi Ereapecf lly a em a c e t Jjhi.7 h:,.'e ,s bCc-partnership lu the Whcloaale Comimission Dusises, ln tle naine of CARTER & BENTLEY, os the. pro- mies above described, wbici, havig boss cou- stnrcted for tiie purpose, ameboth lIe 91d frost eroof; epaciousianad well adaptai fur the Sain leepig of every description of Goode. Froni the respuctabilityof the rfereuces, and lhe character they trust hey bave ohtmeis n Kingstonu, the subscribers hope they will lie able tu gîve such satisfaction a, te secure a liheral porto f th. public patra. . .. rchta ngeneral will fn ad vanagou iniîonsign to the car. cf the subscribare, mu it is heir intention to act me Agents altogother, anul oct me principale. Thii advertirenient deserves tho parâcular ,ttcntion cf Fàisuiama Dealers in Pr wiso.m andl Grain, asuthe esaihlshment formei a iep t fer Itir proaluce on a principle decidcdly favirable tu their intereats. ALFRED CARTER. THOMAS H. BENTLEY. Kingston, Dec- 17, 1841. JOHN COVNTEa, 15-5q., Kingeton, ICHARD ScOaBEL, sq., « do. W,,. WILSON, ESQ, du, 3. Farmuasa Esq.. Watertown. bla. E. RAmuar, &o Mit. . KzLLer, fSachets flaiber, CHARLEIS UrTE, EsQ. Alhany, AeaAsia Tauax, Esq. Rechester, lis. Acusvaono, do. J. - R.AaITRaoN & Co., Toronto, Joua DOUGAL EsQ, Mont"ea. bie"a. LsuRs & ST&vt.,so.,a, Bath, 3ILL.À FLINT, Es(l, Belleville, Wu. Roass, Esq., Pictons, 0. Hau, Ruai, Cobourg, I E P , Pav., .do. Ps-ram Piar, EsQ * 'ahitby. IL. Juenua. EsQ, IHamilton. (IARIIEN SEEDS. blaarh17,18-42. J. W. SilLNT, Drungis!.1 TO i.EASE. 1'OR the terni ni 21 yea, four Building 1 Lots on Front Street, near tihe Goverument Offices. For tarau, anal ether parliculars, pply nt the Office cf the Kim.touu Marine Railwmy Coipany. Kingston,_23.1 Fabraiary. 184l TO CAP1TALISTS. IXP FR FIT aLEINVEST.MENT. -" F11Sale b) ?rivate contract ai the Snbseri- bçr'b,.tihe following valumble propersy. nine- l Onie lot (J L.and 66 feet on tihe Front Pa fe lenaepth. .ui ýo ,ils antiaî BRICK lIOUSES theronn, Rougis rosi collage stlet, U-iti stable shedIs, aa unrc ard roa, anal irawiuag a jean>y rentaI of £9(, ituateal inioneocf th. central Streets. 'l'ho priaraof the mioe proparty in very inoderate, and terne cf payinent wilîl le uade easy. Fur fîrt lier paticu lars enquirs at our cf- fire- COLLINS & IIAIN E.S, C. Al. &4.. Kingston, Jan. 26, 181'l DJISSOLUTIOJN 0F lARTNERSIIIÎ'. N OTICFIàhaereby gir-ru ilit thre Pastuer. ith, iitiierto existing meder the Brai cf 0. l. F.AItKES &iCo, at Kingston, and S. FOR$- UR & Co. ai Motreal, [s ibis day i'olved. S. EIISIR. f 110. AruC.us U IAIiEsm , «. bIRt FOSIIROOK UAINESt G. Il. HIAINES. Kinasuto, 10 Aprii, 18412. AIl âcbts due tae îLe laie Fmi, are rqueateIol lie poid on or belter.tbe lat June. 184t2.tainiag- iatcete.lainea, Forster Si Ccmi aetMatrea tai S. Forster & C.; mter whiach liane iey wilI le put in hLm S aliitor's bande fer cllection.1 NOTICE. IlT ii îdersigncd have enteresi into Cu- IL artîîcrslip ini the IDRYaGOOIIS L'usires,, at Kinagston, under tuc firnacf 1 laith-s, Fonter k- Co, mnd ai Montreai, un- dler tle fiin cf S. Forster & Co. SSIBLEY F R STER. JOHN J. IAINES. MlARY F. 1HAINES. Kingstoan, May 2, 1842. B y PRIVATE CONTRA CT BEAULT1FIUI. spot f load oaanlg AL Acre, veiliadaptal 0anira t Guardes, or a éumowr'~ s idune, lilii iaumeiaia rici. iiy of the 1lsddImely purcluassalby îl Iamr LW1 lrn.KiltllY, Jamua IloPkirli Ee, amuitde îtu. 'N ire ChancelIe. Th b*o,, musai Pm Irty tsiiiidsIMtroubat of due ilIn. . . illa. Y*ya p-P moperoaiutifty fuel. lTh.etune xingetoit April lkt 184..ste rs I1~U IIKALD-IJKADAYJILY 19, 1842. SBLLiNG OFF. IJIN55,FORSTE of Co. H AVOM , - ee d insupuumnrebip, bave taeatiepries, mm *d perzbas eim D MY GOODS t qîcht ea Grg. L Ca., SOr Anal haseW Wnitu *. publicattention to, tths Om as aiiey I ~rthe Goa,- xueu on buha" esudi prkiýOe.s vii provede- ehaingartcle lutIi mbve ise ; as H.EL S Ce., aedesiroue cf dispoig cfe th ceof the pmeset S10ok, oves et a Secrilice, tiSa will continue Sai.u.eieeOs, until t" Ï1O& May, -bn he dia pes i wi haclosod for a4 short time to coispk»e e ome mtestion, nov gîarng cn in the Wamhonlicnmud Sbop, in or- sie to malte roomn for one ofihu moui oxteu- sur-, cheup, andl beantifuliy motesi&* ever imp?ted juta Cangada, tihe arrivaI wr-ich wll Le du17 noticimd as die paper. N. B. Menchamnu viiistIse Loqver part1 cf the province, tIns Sumiu, vin finda t Cm? lWholesmle Wrehoua, st Paul Stree, Mon- treal, onder the finis ef S. Forster & Co. a nw. vtell selocteal. andl Champ Stock, worthy cf ilseir inspecion. FOR SALE, P LASTER of P&-us, and Water Lime, JLby thre barreI. Onondaga Rai Livorpool Sait, by the LMi Fie anâ superfiue Flour, and f'ab Out. ineal by the bb]>. Whisky fromth de Lest Distilleries in Cana- da West, l'y the barrnI. A anpply of the miiove artices triELe kept constantly on hansi duriug tbe season of navigation, andi sold et the lowest market pricca for caah, or on 1ap crdR. Comimercial Wharf. Kingston, April 19. 1842. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER. D £WOODS e<lhs lest qualty, Wboee 1)sud lItlil. 3. W. BRENT, Drugtm l pOtkir Ring Stret, Dec. 24, lu&O U NOTICE TO AGRICULTURISTS. T HIE Subseribers oller for Sale at their Sore in the Stomi Building fesauerly aceupiesl by Mr.nugh sujieulo a ra metinge Plougb Points-et AmericasCastings,vhisih îs o<gmeat impotanc ta the Parier, baianmr durable atth h e r Castunga. liest Steel Coin, and J'etatoe Houe. 9 cs-edîe, hgu, MW ipu riFrb, GÏrindtoses, (irubbîngNoleu, adBruuh Anianican Patent Concave Grass and Cradie Rpiuu lâa Hay l'orbe, & lImbes. Trace, Oit, Loggnid Hlmter Chais,. rate"tBepham lied Corda, Laing LUnes,, lmter mnd Trace FÂitNERS IMPLEMKIITS OF EVERT SiN». Ira% liiael, Nalsanad Spie, toge ther wi every article lai tho Hardware lise. -£ta- Ciover, Timotliy and Garden Seeds, Glass, Palnta, 011e, Pully. Vaieb, Pitth, Tan,, Rosis.aid Spirite Turpeetine, Farniers are pmtcularly inviteal te cali andi1 examine foi theuaelvec boflute u ' emslng - wbera, me every article viil] e =ti a= BRIGOS &LASHEIL 1 StoeStreut, Kigatos, Aprul 2%d 1M42 FOR SALE. PaictLe. lau d Tamd JW&'a AssouIs MB a CHAIN CABLES, ANCHORS, &c., c Oukm, BlcksaDd Dsck Lights, Cop " rbnaacle Lampa & Shsp Lanthorse, Du l iled Linaeed Oil , Paitte, Turpçn- tiue, Ter, Rtoi. & ]Pit%, Plonglia mout approvid Patteras, Spades andi Skovels-.vruglut arcs and a"m ldes, A few superior Hog 5kim for S.ddles, IMPROVED S1KES8 HYDROMETMR, (Mlade by Dring & Fage London,) with là- lis., &c. conapiete, andl guaging roda, One case supertor Fowliuug Pieces, double & single barrels, pochut andl hoe Pistole, patent vwadding, Shot Belta & Poucbe-Povder & drinkiug Flashs, S&c. S., Thé above articles are a part of1ai tal impocrtation, and are nour offerea ou thre muinv favorable terus. MORLEY & JENKINS. Kingaton, Mardi 1à, 1842. 48 TO CAPITÂLIS T H.qsulucribeueocf tbe muet valual ofCanad,con hich, hoeis desroms ta enact a firat rate FLOURING MLLL-for the vant of which, masy thousand boushulaof Whoat are Sent away yearîy, front thaï,t lova-havooli subher borro Ose or Two Thoueimn Poundeoo advantageona terms toe leadunir, widi uiideni- able aeciiiity, for thse repaymnit vithiatis space cf ae en s", or sootas ie h muight fini it convenienitt u hinusuf, or lisvoald lotthle.Mill Site, for a nominal punu, on esudtisu of building a Mill au might le ngreeal upou-.For filer Ctuiaramppy by, ltter, post pela) tu TuoxAs oLtuantithePrapiruetor, Belle. ville, vuho lhme everal T'own Lots, lieusses,& amiable situation fer hydu1m-eliu -1 a-il.-pur. paca ANTED IMMàFJIL4TELY. Two gond journujuen Axe makers, acquaint.. td wil. e"xurlglackomithe vork, te vina iber. i ..isu qMent Win ho ve. T. C. I bue mouse building costud he Tripaut- une! Woebs, &tieSC, I S fl LEAU for On. or ncoUM je" stua aas tenant lW sseats pblu Upesep i ie OMSaausfatisusls tbssuta NEW GOODS. SBoter jnlinny," «"Counsamd"]i troin Livarpool and "Torao" trouin ius, mii uppyo01 iwhich hdve m in elsledbW auepnim Agent in thli"a &ll mt lboa udule are Io baud Wh a lae etsasivudiWm tn bhW preut tock, bathort Fancy a" suipe Gond@4,&H i ci vig vb e salit xedel le. prises, for Cas i atriiCreoit. ne experte in a f. daple bave OP4lane«0 or hie se. Iuitiisg MsQUM w eet alapium Asucalueut tf CRtOOErimr. 4>iwENVÂRE 4 GLME-. Of et ,, * »àfSeuau Pm s wào Jusepeai ué v aleSOS ue Emalci Lh~¶! CARTR&BELT fouebY mae a b"4 u~g* tmdlo US. l oubas lDrpy> ossiai1y 8la ,ime amu bals it id'é, =s. Ming I i .4 XIIdt Foui eeus a ep taiCsicellesitue. &c LOOK ;6ZT ie Bueda heoewlà,k~l miptifu îag mid cr iner . la - uo. sihi oyweill ret1etjeu mui e iupeasLi w~u,12 e mèast cbe- 1&CO, 71 ain. Lac. awp it sip uhan M v a S op».amie t Plie l r. r"yo-i 0&Il l Suhei lasree tisiecd ppolr-Wt amposste fa Y tlo rtale runog.mu NewektndBrier rgiti igt% »dring Flmidi. Fored yuN. lmrerjnEsne J oiEngline, rumraue h Hoenj a, Citronella Rose, 0.raninm ambcalle,- Lavendor, Lily of lhe Valley, Hoaiey Suckle. Royal <Condeoeed),- Royal Extrmct of Roses. Vlowers, Quee's Bouquet, Bouquet d' Arabie, Eau de Portugal, . Cologne Veritable, Et prit de Lavende au M illelleurs, Ambreunâ, Verbe»a Perfum nd miExtract, Persan Sweet Baga, Vurbema Perfumo and Extract, Esprit de Ras%, Veritable Pomade Divine, Goli, Bîlver, soli Bromie lits, Asiber Preton Siuellimg Balte. J. W. BRENT, Kigte., l4th cERTAIN CURE FOR S1CR RIEADAýC'ÜÇ c hli bbu heu. sed ini familles, *meum- ber of %hiel bhld ick headiche hM lamy, se a conetitutional fiuuly cssuplaimt, nid liontè« ted ellectaâin ri vezr istance yet bleui. a.ontiug it aillay bhuafille. It a st dpla- liant te the tests, sud dose mot privent lis dmiy avocamauas of one moint il; s lgl ieh.pfeeud la, sud tbe care le graduai, but certain mad pe- meat. aimaneces are0 c.mtanj ully wjr titis dlstressing couplW t leaoe t and curei, albUmgh e jnemsaiaylés quse ef Dr. Spohea celehraled teue. Ose ducai4ed prefèruncu e iis pieuaeoss, avlaseu of lde useatiag etRact of ci dsii . Il i en perfectly mtiatatey. t tle popegiser bu given direction fa, bis agente te refend Ils pries go amy se ule le ait pled iti, ai iesm cored by il. lie hoe% iaise tthsel Il.men eu &ebeauIaotlerdéscsn sRen E. SpebmM. D. IlventeemiPrand or COUSTOCJr&WC, 21 Wkidsm es.-Vieill, .md by *ver_* »ruqWit ln &bW&«m ndJ.Gé-4 >L4LSAM 0F LIVER 1VORT ]Irm coguervos ANDraVsm CourtA. Coughs. Colis, Asthme, Ditaculty ofBral ing, l'aune la dhe Bide orBremat, Spitt nofBn! Catarrhe, Palpitation cf the Hemnti prei andi Sonress of the Chent, Whonping Cou Pleurs>y, ileetie Féyer, Negt SwestDigc- or Profus Expuectoration. and aIl cher Aibetinesu o theOClisat, unez, mandLiven. This Medicise aà foirm"ieby te le ePrer 1cr, ah 375 Rowery,',betuea Fourtb andiFil ese, New York, Geo. Taylor, M. 1).; and by Comalock &SiCo., WlelusieDnggito 71. Malsien Lanae Now Yoik, ani b> every Druggiet in Canada. J (ST opesai, a tew cam eof Chrishj's lest white andl black Beaver aid Goussamier liate. Ae, 2 cases cf Meus' amidBeys' Clehh Caps, andl 6 casais cf Fancj, sud Dustablu BIna. Bosselle. A splendid vaity eftGGese. Stocke, Scarta andi Opera ble, at grsmlj redumesi puces.' WM. WILSON..ý April 23d, 1842. Fmu m hNMIrvai.ai.t M Y'EIUS-A#Ue %blmist lies of thi ciy,who mustbe wellbkwe te et- mitous frieds, lavumç domae eear 1818 ap te recetl y, lieu leut naly doe, amd tui soveral ysmna cesnfnsi te bs bei, hbeau e ured te gsdhsthbunailci is s mal rac t poti. le-sdbu haiie is nMla, ansd MW.illa widu esIl1W. believe Ibis us te gentlema' esra descriptios t ai isnpossibles and tSert le - .xaggeraiisleil. W. vinigir. lequlrs lI address, anddsi duPsMotblshumuss feuilage vi excuse dls Maruy ; sutatab ejomea ulug, My has tf sefadms-tbi.ugbb. nequis is i se uay set sn upae. amoslenshimar- M.., lymli,144 Cbzlslletracts buu eau 'Mr d am i vge pseaeal ana- osa ufthSe faitofetUncase. - Bull verealenue Ammsr -Bg i tas' Na gean deno t hmn. N. Y. lieri, Js26 1841. $Mdi by COUSTOCK &Co. 71, Ms*uLan, New York, »d by every Druggist la KÜiagstes and ln aaae. NE1W AND SPLENDID CABINET FURNITUX-E, je. Chcap Moýs ti lsepes, sudsM gond V1 HE Ssbbacien begsla e sIo infisru lb.pub. .lic: genneIy. ltetbais bu evd 16Wur- allure Ware Roua te lia esr bildng a ceall erectei lu Noutrea Steet, tlaind tn, he corser of Store Sîreet mdssean ta Un. atbosm Gracer> $om- -urlruviii l aah. hue ;r nal mastueaî etREADY MADEP iJN- TURF, ef the lest qumllJtyasi ed.t~u~ma ries; e to sitebdiegpucsr. Meu et pencbul u m epettulivle4t ml a emll.Au the Subscrber la coustasstly saaFi-> lurieg tor slasI m uo ïsi, Su, rumsgausmily Is, euPPIi VU MI article te7uai** , N iegoïsu, J.l . 41 - WNTm-A Varieur sud Polisbea NOTICE, mg1a b tu a im7. sv - CANeEIoUIVS Kingston, Feb. %di1$42. cbeap Gremry Store. - = Otr~leuve mutais npeetfsily 4M , and the publie iMs sia- v*m thIe libeesilbuuOf pgtmàap Ipuva gite lha tua e tu ný ei Wativiedly closin up hie lopsuausal aminulfor tisa futurs Ixclov be1mmloamii Bu" poreig îlidete open to hlm, *m hacdirect, lai vili recsive, usaduhtu. rahd i, lumrignaipcmeaarticl es cos- seraitithle usss. l usBayinmi Spiite vini coma frona the London docks; hie vvwgiass lectual for iumsif vili tac cf choice Iltgss, andl nolbing .111 lbc.offre buit such a canent f611 in givungtlsistiaem. .A large anal genersasoairent viii alv1la ibo k u e.hali, aid usrauittisg attentiorn aiibo r esto tle business, andal o sach De tuay fau.n lia miaccnhiquaumrcf ibeir support. Beloas a, liai cf articles on hanal is given. of genuine qmality,140.cg vilI bc sol a ahexiremely le. 110 bxes YeugIlîysos Tes, - 11 chaste Twaukay do po hbiais. Meseor-adc Sigar, ,10 - Crueheal Sugar, 20 barre do mio, 10 hhia.s. ingle nîfineal Sugar SO double refiuucd de, lo egs 'n gTcbacco, 16's, 20.. Il ado 1 S's, 10 is i .. do 24'e4 "0 boxes Cav-endisha 18's & 24%s, 5 bhda. Molases, 5 do Bordeaux Vinegar, 1 10 21, 10 baga sifttoa Pepper, 90 ) luxaipipes, 5 - Filbonts, W boxes GronaCoffee, 20 Croisai Ginger, 20 "Popper, 10 Allapice, 20 jais Maccaboy Ssuff, 10 baga Resteal Cole, 20 I Lagu ira do, 10 baga St. Domingo do, 30 kegs Raisins, 1010 boxes Montreal Candies. 50 do Wax wiel London Caniles, 100 do Liv-erpmocl Soap, 15 huàII"Ottaal Dupuje" Cognac Brandy, 15 do Bordeaux doc 10 bariole " Hulberta" London brovu Stout, 10 do Laith aie, Geulne, 10 haie supertor Table Cmi flsh, 1-5 horrise mon, Skis seo$s' tae, 5 Caroteele tanti Currmnts, 5 mons " Wicks" lest Muti, Eljara "Dunhamu" Nuetanal, 20 boxes Fiue, à do Vermacillil 5 do Maae, 10 ecgins Blacblug, 2 h uSperior Od Port Wine, 5 qr. cashstearySrapsaor Sherry, 2 " is"Blecklurne" Madeira, 100 tqv. canisIIMarzeilles" Wine, Port &i la. deirs, 20 Puacimeons " Boston" Spirite, à do ld Ration Runi, 20 pucboon B. I. Ruemu, 20 ues" escem London St arch, 50 caeseSchiedami Gin, 10 bage C'orkg, 2 cases Lamon Peel, 2 - Citron, 2 " Stoughta' Bitters, 2 . Poppern'.auce, 2 "Bermuda Arro. RocI. 2 "Ketchiu, 2 " '.arl sago, 20) orale. Croclery aumorla, 29 packages Glasvare, With a vmriety of miller articles connecec vîdu a Grocenj business. Thie reu ' e<sMhes tei jillbesoli t ~ Pnices. Sncb au daira largais a ncit br lauch vou eouulithair ewu Iolèeust 17 exammning ami comparemg die extensive stco f GondIs nov ulredinishie pra- mises, befome puchasîng. --- 1Kingston, 2Oh Nov. 1841. RL M. ROME F OR SALE by W. Spoon. 50 bar"el v.ery auperier OA f-M 'AL; prices te çcilers nnouully low. King Street, l9du April, 1842. 's¶ UPËRIOR Lmmp 011, Speria. Olive S& pale b Seal, fursale, by the galion and Barrul, -AUGUTTUS THIBODO. Store Street, Kingstonu, Mamc, 1. 1842. PORT hIOPE WHISKEY. FMIHESu r e. mrecorsi Tas. Ru"ia JI 4rréfi ba ort hope FAtale,ami viii heep caastantly on liaid during the' nse, a large supply for sale of titis velil ino.. aricle. JOSEPH B. HALL. Kingsto. hIdiApril, 1842. 50O13BARRE&L,fruai Oat usaiof the boit &. )L ROSE. LI1V E R C 0M PL A 1N TS. AND ALL SICKNESQS AND> DISEASES TEMPEP.4NC.E LIFE BITTERS AND CHINESE BLOOD PILLS 7le greales Srca duteered! lut fiar juase. Thia bu beau efctually Irisai, àna yutlkufrssbava muli iplisd-aasd disi; ma" whjT Nat becam se.gug wu nDteesuerj, but ton muahbusbeau den-sitbthe to hl a fel.w su sala 1. eet..Purge jeu muaI? The eicby bae f the blond muet le camred et thr ac ecuul.atin et Setsprevretei. Pre- veut IbeAji, be giovbh od sCh humurs. Wiy jdo the Chines. live t.a sch lnme rgia,*ed îll renaIboepowrsofsooub mruode, e g et-Recaue lb.> panfi lhe blond. 21e <1iSiBi, p i-e oslci ecauseyj tde ope nad limes. Se Biso,-meetise stenderd mmey. %euPille ii deoib; a4lte T#m- pruie ij. u aac as diecisi, villi sangiha th iste atuIpieveat tSe accauulatioe of ths base humees winh iaft e bond, and ahich nul> lcesasusby purges, aun e ebitteu ase labruýana. eryRu, Iliu, lisas PMllA cbitters. Take vseklj Ils pillad amialy thebitens; ami It yen ai.or have loua invalida fer deusels, mnthe, or yens, jeu l la le h"y hause rayaca~d peuvented frei a eretura, mnd is gouie YWM â foriclase Chamnge l s te 1 f- e Cam se cmeru o te se. InulIu *eet*, tâSlel oaamI spece &fau aettesopi ta pet tisu doua.B&yMad me litasmeiu, and usn w.41er, amid hiuséstueli i»dl jeM%. Ses pe rMW d ivoefiset iaisu wiSh liee. FRAUDIqLBNT CoVNTERFEITâ ,"ilb he sleumpiiuy an tometstbetiu ï" cilI haesMy san-0. C. LiM. D.-ue tle viappermad " sthoee e fdous:- 14atEnrei eecudiog te Act of CenueesA. 1D. -,luib Tuo. Cessain l Sehe b's O5sei . bierii Cei*0la.Uffl s 1dt ee bu Uss flDÎMIs trit New Ira&" Waveiied eMay Peu".. liumre. Comis e Clé e* srY«*i ue se bs47 DOCTRIJ..IJ i I FOm BALE 13Y W. gIIPUON, IFWAX CA 1RAEeuis u King SBine', Kir-gýi. n ~ for sae 11ÇNTee p -'-ci.5 fi 1 CHEAPES T OF AIL CHEIP RoUAs! ]mour 5¶raLiaIix, ANDt»SOL!) DYr MARÂT, AEU<>UJ & CO. NrPARTS. Sm eaemor otaining oua or more Icomplte Works, a Standard Libniiry Edituon ufthde foitovuigPepular NO VELS and TALE, trou lien original lets.Thumgivng fora mere tirlle, Weiks eriinelly pebabheml at a Suma an~d alsif!, *Te feloving Ner-els are already publislund: aomplete tor part COOPER'S a. i. 1 Pilet 1 4 2 Spy 1 4 8 Pleneuns 1 4 4 Lest of the Mohicans 1 4 5 LionelLincoîn 1 4 13 Prairie 1 -t 16 RaiýRover 1 4 18 Water Witrh t 4 42 Inuaginatiian anal other Trales oe MISS PORTERIS 6I Ilungarian Brothers 1 4 7 Don Setmatias I 4 DR. IiIRD'S 8 Peter Pilgniin 1 4 9 N id of the Woods 1 4 17 Hlawks cf Iiawk-liollow i :t 2e2 Abialla île Moor i -1 =3 Infidel's Dooni 1 2 32RbnDyKENNEDY 'S12 10 liors-Shoe Robinuson t 4 là Rob taheuBeWl 1-i INGRABI'S il Captain KydI I 4 14 Pirate I1 SMOLLETT'S 12 Peregnine l'ickle t 9 MILS. RADCLIFFES 19 Manfrone T1C'SIt 24 Undile froie lthe Cerises) 0 6 PAULDING'S 20 Koningmaka t TR='RDEN BROWN't3 21 Omasa 1 34 Wieland 1 t CHARLOTTE SMlTll'S 25 OldManor loee 1 I NEALES 26 Pevety.sîx I 4 30 Logmlte ?ingo Chief 1 G; 27 Romance é>She Pyrenee 1 6 45 ÀAPeepet lie Pilgnime in 1636 1 4 SOPhIIALES 28 Receaai 2 MES. IIELME'S 29 Louise 0 14 48 St. Clairofthealule 1 4 .51 Faaserof Ingewond Forest 1 4 JUDGE THiOMl'SONIS 31 Green Meuntmim Boys I 4 AIES. CLAVERS' 33 Ne.w loae-Who'lI FolIo. 1 0 PROFESqSOR LONGFELLOW'.4 36 Ilyperion 1 O ldSB SEDGWICK'S 37 The Lànvode 12 81R WALTER SCOTT'S .6 Qu.emhoo Hall (by$trutu) 1I12 38 Lay ofdthe LutMirwircl () 8 30 Mdarmies 1 0 40 Lay ofthe Lake 1 0i DANA'S 41 Tv. Yeau befoiro h bl sat 1 4 ARTHIUR CORDON PYM'S 43 Shipvrecb Muotin> anal Famine i O 44 Kiugumeu or the Black Ridera cf Con- gare. h 50 Confessicn 1 4 HOFFIMAlN'S 46Gldsumth ofParis O 8 GODWINS 47 Caleb Williamse 1 4 TIMOTHY FLINT'S 49 Francia Berrins1 6 52 Carleton h 4 W"bieh vii haolled insuccession by Workî of the mut popular Anuhr. IL. H. & T. IIAE BnOtoaqaint Ibeir Custoaiers analthue Mecniecotsuunity geserali>. tuat not. widtand theîlemboscf lb. grambr part cf tiueir Bpntng Gond, their Stock vîfl lie foui]as me go. oamis veli asenieda surnyOUMaiWbole. salelHomeein te Tmadeanaa saruelu upply in nonabout leing eosal hey request heeair- 1attention of iMaîengpuncbume, being cou- detfi.antle fecilies alllanied the.i in th.e berns, narae, that tley eau dispose cf LSein Gonds mi as remaceable anda avamtageou ermen at amy Importer pcssibiy eau. AMOMget the gondeSwovaapeing silI bc founal the following: UE@9ADCLES (ail colons;) plein ami fanery Cesimerea, tmcy -Tweeds m and Cabrone. Bleaffl elCotton mai1 Liae Drille, Pnintea Cottou Drille, Cott- ndm Wonsteal Plaids, plain ami printeal Moleelins, plain andl ilgureal Orleans, plais S ipnteal Sax- mnis ami De Laines, Damiake anal Moreens, colorai rolleaccotta; mmi, white, aid green Flanels, Bleacbed; Perce and Pumple Velveis, Blacki Velveteeus, plain and tileal eliciam; &tnie-,Checks. ani Derries, Ccttoan d Lises Tici, Broya HollamalR.sI. Duck, Lis. Baggng, Priais, gray and whiite Cotions, <ver> Jliv;)piated, Cotton, Crape andl De Laine -Haoiomch Efe, dSimule. Hannes. and IITaieseGGimiDraesse, EarisomGingliains; Mu ,I J BeookEnliami Cross Barrai Muelii, prnted jaccoseht Dresses, Silk ani Coton Daussea, Silver lipes, (fo Ladies' Dresses;) Verousa Sorge, Fumitura Priai,, Piolsi Quilt. mga, Choanes, Prited OrleansP, amcy Chusan ani white PrimeaI,, hpioea Ceuvae, CuttonVYs, Waiiing. Battimg, black ma" celorosi Lises Titremi. Couon aBalle amijndoe,%P«isNueile, Butoe aeCent Caslong white aidblack LaeGlvs Habitawhmite, k admdcolorai Goires, i ,Lace, CotJSesS id ' à à ntcf COTTON HOSiERY, Glézei Tiruasmers, Lace sumai ligiafs, Plains ligurai Grs de Nel. French White,1Biais, Prnache ami Pil .satneblack a»i white Sera. ustt. pui asndm iembousi Pensbia, 51Si G ause Hanisehiete ani Voile, Lace Collais, Staji, prunelle Bonté and Shee, ndim Reblien Cents, vidi a vmnriely cf otien articles Grorieu Lku, &t. c (IFSS TE î tend strirtîr 11"c t la lentIRInteaeVIOA ex e fui cf mli the afif, et~~d tcs MaY il hbe et nià di; Ihat the lhaittantnr ^ airs of ColiaiSa .ii, Nue i r-cut iai'Ir y ,, Ne$ if voit t,&iii e r--t e Apolitred U'i e cmiii e lî articles 'j'nt. II a m e a t i e 1, a r lia! hai cie, ais ît n.'-cc- LOOI t)'T COU-,t,.. Wr>s, for the cmna i ftt or Ot spieidil wvrappcî, i"dn II-i a RlOB ERT l%% H .aIlrt Plilad elîî, ias teart le tire tihchai-acte, if t S";.,~ The uriiersugned do ii,-io., c "cIi used il e BaII etfCctiiii ,. "l ladite, andd have iiiJt ' 1J cuit- as auîen lvti, ~ liair, fatit a e >te c IVIt. TH ITI-1:î' iehl tSlat er î JOHN pim 15LI.- F JOHN D. T op,'. JOHN S. llU a, W : lIUî;H filic , : -u i JOHIS'A11,J.,~'.- Tht ageal an,! tiiomi's 5tip ma. iitiy miela1 31 qualitica, 3 ie iit ,i[i t-jIi -v c tie î,lîmatieif et tue tra, that lhr the i te Il si il ' t yea la ge, andthe oýI ,:r th", Cil1 nt linîî- '1' O a 1. ROBIERiT l'a*Hlî i. 1ua S.w,Y d1 Ira,îleî iIMi, .1-î igu..! 'atheoe Irrce cmai, ta flemme oftcharactet stit«ctJîîî art fllu <redit sabretIi b aclî' adCi lu wîlmee selieref i~î- [L.S.] Lied, and caîdleic Ct affial, ttftie i I scf ln 11.00K OUT.-y01 t-iclr iei Jeld likse - d, m aI dî fI _,u-t laetfii, sanie cfit3tTa- Ilita noumi must libc."lta-aiya cre a are cbeauci. Ili, tait . tet i. T.,4,ii -ti, s I a ,îk ion aid lie ni n t lt, ith , i, ln' iiiaipoinfroîyc , le -1 - Sali h> COMsTtil -Y&c fI, Mct- id iCanada. Fer saIe by N. Pilinico., H~iiE Subscrnber miîli hiaie ci, Ta. id fin Sale. ans Curnt ttcii, STRt'MENTo, Ii-nifactured i-vJ J.. of Toronto, anulhd i i iW lie re genuiaîc, andîlof the b.t ei- leçrjc uJà )lc E t l%i . ' No. smi 4, lIals Imllii Fe noms for sale. New 'Yi-rk Soda IîULl &-. Cracer-s l'y uIhe trre!. do,. do. hite Fi-t i ingslî y (lire isirrel. Sala-a ntm iry tIti- lier--I. ElIk lormis, 3lîapl- Sua;r. Ile tce l)nicd Coalfili, Fresu CCul-i lirci- Boeans, &Lc. &CI. Kirgo."d JMali, II12. C1II>F spprtsaiettof l 11i1Ic A anal bordening, tir oale ;ilRî'î Kingaton, lStli Nov., 1841. BLANKS FOR SAI, D %ERDS admil EMIiI IL,,lîsi " eqaeta,îîîd otter Il LA N h S, i rariéty fou sale i the lilid f Iie,. C'ALEI>ONIA %WATII. HFt lESuhurrniber-aisaretile arr:iîicee îic te IPublie nîa eiiîtP risieds mjotai, ai a nealucI lprice, tir latat' tiesluave beau very exteai ie ticrd enraierous visiteasam theSianilg1 mrty c have testifiea l)îait 1 uot pnîtefulai ur Inense cf benietit mIeris r11a frc (9ii lei The auhîklysis iy Dr. Cillot, î, >uie, e dhsnht, ius value ini,,iiîisr,neretelc very fnequent cause cf frîltunre, is ile uh se cf a neeieythis u,,cefat Ag reg Ca Ido iaSnng Vaîter, %AîA t'a1CI ab at thîe neiluclion as prireIli wiîli lai, PDoxa cf 1liane dcciii, $i; 4ife Seu. ; it.;sihnut liai BoxîS,,. licte tiîeir own BottIcs, %% iili bc lirnIiti-il a dozen. Kingston, Nov. I Iti, iIl.l 3 U S T IFC E1V E D Fr0,F1 uYOiRaK, 1015 PIECES 0F Roomnitrt of SUCLtIiii ATTECit, wleiels cant u i tef rtyuanli Qurr N.B.-tooun a pparedto critli est notice. KingstonMay 2:1,et42- LATFORM anal Cîmîttr Sriu- CARTER & iE- IN W SAluFS ad ia baT W sae by CARTER & fNT irogB§AI, A T T. 41 J. RIGNE îS ,N ut Si plain Clrai Tuiica F t e PeS l'ticket Knis ",Tri hie opticins, $ci-misN ' e, & Pigg, Spectaels.-ALS then BuSia,arkt m.geonIMrch , SI2 l. CANADI ýýW-Br Tuosea. CtuarseI.u sal tight hubsle tici 'Anoya. $totro iareoelimes, IR3, -- à the s,inChbuutisiof May. 08 400etihsprint. n se an artd do..M bo , t t tomes. mii ber breat n ,thei1 60 sele d berpnot a e o liait b. Lma le bahW betiteespai herbageand osdn Nb8busje qtauaet Unat.I.i, duttIs aiendo sumid âZMsaaiva lwof limaistosabi limhe zenisud euat,, 0 tet o thUmmwhienUaroud s, they 5tr ,wu çbuw*5yuitned onIalltecloima lis tho ammse.si mad-*oy wvser,. roi0asM." hnsgu si-li&t lllr je te lame asof taes aors t lis ega i dm basat bateails etcsiifut foas atiMssue. flle anautelgsi ,~f natb. >g ast o e gt iltibaillennd il. den t tt et,..(, grandeurst asomly il t St>c ~I5iii4th ilsviillag fe. u s~id . diiud ju'avd vacalasat, gcsw brigt nami twsj PTve*nida mEa'd del.1ht. g" e,t ceuo hime ee n hm .i un psses et Cod,min àsymboi sblime. , km Ibohfi5ed toe hsait of M t ,ialgM asi e iswhinîwimt is u"leadi- taasm.a s labunriels. aal uglitiAha. lite alla eloslibis baguer of Vegeasce coirist Wun bis asista aà nuit-itnikeson lmt - k "ai o f bis pl u me e . m is a h i xo sa nd e a s 1, owialui tssey. asd eka bise 1tire, js,«d ,,end ai ls p a<asapit. vrilatb eat lId asand %saouine arc the grea aif the si alsonallem ubaitsew. iuat btautitiit u.is Nm.mkbwuta etionils tkey-lass-tbs ira, utc, iesas ittueiiasDaity graertd, kiutice ài Mlias mt ubere,.and caininarni bu amlil usn'ail bout aven the glaon, Il e.s'ai« a daab-essi. , lsps ,' e itan is fith dsuk ses: whlataneis i wly retireai dm uhW jeu reeised, or Sto". bat spinat md notéulos â uai erces nIay sont, la se e5 iibthos e lmesa butoais;.ý 5i.ult ia l i 44.betlus ior 5 il LitI., hiathuteajud.d-g enfman, iddade kti fialt-ub11emeseet affnaumas-cir a d.y. iles Iran aY.saubt. Psiaslserer awqe hal vsision. alriait. thast aay--tia My tesra, a9 ti-v (m ressanbuaae casnosiardn.ani. a Picirs in ume" ditialy defisd b iis. umiiMWMmsids etul ni m of i; $0 i<eY bel.1 boyond my <iaalaut. bamS an iSa.eJ e rznoeibed euin y onit'e VI CT ()R 1 A CO0L L E GE. IECARTON RYF!RSONS. IN.IU(fl R.IL IDDRESS'. -tl'H 'VAiTlacsATlee A-41) 'issi IAL SCIE ýTii tnovwiealgs iet* jtaerntic,haine, e fal-'h uIdt rtlucrative purduits. tij rtl Lt a Éibu lever bîrci neIgioctad aur u. hWsi Tiie Art, cf NaVigatiolndîîîSuB î.', « Ccivail Miltîry E:Iaýiîriîiig, in i îia it.uîelion,.10 otw, great nril<iii W' 'Il Caunürem and l iternliIiijrie. gIi tî01 vîriows depirtmenta of hlîî wry,-are iltimitlîy identiioli urtIt tI 1,41Pl Of Mathoiuaiical;ijnicples,,an-J ai âterheirpr.eîm fgreeo eprfentoua i ými anrjarcbej cf min prolcu!ial. blii .liaanoicicaî sciencte. The intluuum , 'eb"îticali studios, in disciplanicg aaadila ail:'tbm snud, ha nlDouawoimportant ttui *apiaîr of tje.n te practical pursuatis 0,8 and ic ueful. 'Irimhe ouinz facu Ineciseiand iuaproveil b> the axactniel luLcwd I arurt, distinIt, au naiifia! 9k Iianu..and by the e nitctd anial cc omSn"'rien lyfis Jtisa former teaudan ilt teitrogîheu thi nîcldectual pus% Ileltter furaisbigg a Mosit potéit InsU-i liebOudle reemcli. Tboegh the rtî lal er l, i slon or ne'er bave oco ien or 1a ny cf the Mathemnatiet eWtîîrhhblu' au toles the Il bits of luiîet 0ttay bite contribuéteh foriwili bcai Pa t, amllsubjeets anal p ensit t iliiage bia lattention. 1Lor Iacai u"ký tst mendo muet sufflciectl Il es thmydoreMdy andl cure mmmý lielthelit anud facultiais inteliectual Mky ix Yt .-@hoiter if tei tell lamt e u " Ulu ne ae vnhyhmi mmd ise inte0dl"s im a Picpl the yonhh thorugll gs~a -Uo am, e o u ld bu quuel lg,,~'IiaIBc.i~uu...incInded in tht lij erecaivea liittl atomihug" mehola in tdiiProvince ý lm a ciauonfnetil oi thîe C!" 1b fladsbhava acqaureal little or m ,_ 1 aý aJ llPhaloophy, Cleuistry 406- AetonoflyS c., excep OU bc tan a Province, ci uDe. * If ma. rancbof odnut Vie ursnlY tise bewleag f thua ur'llese, famiO e ,.verbe ofGoal, ia bzia b., b mcmml anal moraly, . b:,dWPofe GrZrIanal Latin. leu . rtýivebow deigtftlte bc 1ýiblee ia theW vosnsmd et ~ crea ~I~ nvariable 1mws by u Il bsy bdie. arpdirectsdu in th.ia 4N4i.d- icea"u Mgeeuiose durougu oP"*-,tàm str ett e .t t","toimd Ofubit m ý 1.1 Ili 1

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