- .-~ - 4 TV..lE U CANADA les -IL U O miw0* V. A Oa DOLLAR8PmANNUN. Y(L .N.6]KINGSTON, (U. C.) APIt 41828,[Wo[E ÙMEI < FOuir Dollars perausntJmhmM eà4, paabeUIs i Mntai ainavane- An, P,_ nofl .oming responsible for tisa Pl nn f twelvc papers. »hall receive one u.n n lî ke proportion for a p-ester papirsdiscontinued otlarrears ire ,id except at the option af the Pub - pa-jîe received in paymeunt* lau tht )1rt pnre. ItuPs j Letttasthe Kltor Ms c OTP'Ai s iu %eshi- Pro. d.Con idt t ,a- arc'u Wtit lut Mtatam-tte. ) "f sicu ()f a Fi-o "mime Of Xhanant 5ilagei ,t, tlini'kg ha-hus pe essappat su jtopi th.Mann.e s5 tei th t se. ic h Are ateles Iptiouo..ci in. 1 a for u-citas an c4eh, 0& -et lm$&î~ 21AL*ai -it f, h,V-, bseu intis ofitan otxediattiy s~t be 9~h Meut- mq b r ffl et.pub *a.vu luO!Ior ADWURTZUD*. Sic îuusrs anti goder 2a 6d firstinseritan ,,j ? 71-2 cach subsequent insertion. ir, oes and sinder, 3& 4d fi-at insertion, g,lî lod ecish subscqu ent insertion: Above tsca les 44 per liai for tht first insertion, ,jil I. per- line for every subsequeint taser- .IaeatiemeUUt without wrtten direction reioeateti tit1 farbîi, and ch&rgedaccor- (-)r,sfor iiscontinuing adventisements uo1. n waiting. Aleýjertistaents$for insertion te he deiiv- fr,,4 on tuc merning preçeding the day of pblictionl. ZXECUTED AT THE RFRALD OFFICE. YARKER ANI) HIARRIS IKOUM ONGRs~, MARKET-STEET, R FSPcTFUL.LY b- g to aaforan tht- In. ha tantb cf Kui)gston and 48 tvicinity, th. ' thýy olive Couinentedti usina-ss in tht abuue lutue atthte Flirt- S<nlrýBrit k Building lattly atucipig-d by A. H. M ývi-rs, E.q. ant havcrric act-tdirect farontt i -tii-st anti mess raoptibît bouses an London, Bia-mingham, an. ifitlde ir follwing ai-ti-L sv;z: 6 tj s Engleisla-on, Fi-t. -ssorttu, trom 1 i,it,5ii.Ua-oaslatidfronet 1oi i n.qýi k. ido -e do round, dof1 ionmàt_14, 2 O do do sqtiare,ulnfrom i 14j.) 2doSwtdcs1a-oflint & square cf ail bizes, ido lluop CIO -Snt--t 1 à Sa-tl, iz. C-tNt Steel. B-.st Creva-j', I iuiatieo ad Conà njtltiado. R- fluc, i Nil Ru.., W ro. le. l. x, IXX, She-ut Iroti; F. FF, anti Canaiuta-a- Gui Pow)ýder Shuo;; Br rin, Sla- et, Pig, -and Bar Lutti Limp uB.k; uupa-îioa Blacit and eRa-. L; Lai; (iue; .'uruol; Siedgtîm; Victs an-i Belleiov Pi,,m ; Rès,,Pitch, ,ndl 'r ; Chalk; Black ing; Shor Tisa-aai; Puity ; Brase Ketties B-turck,&c.& - r. 60 caki Wa-ot Natt aasd frein 3d tos6 1 do Clit do do fa-om 2(1 ta 12 dQ, I o Hor'e andi Fiui-hîîsg Nails. lOýooi s -ad haîf <4-x ,*1)- t Dumbarton1 'ýî.iz: 17-x-18-19 810 lds . 90s pwe - t Cast Iron H-shlow W'are, 4-c. ti.B Vid t., Fi-ýnrih Pots, Te-a Ket1 il o )h K - il s, Bukt Pans, Spiders, Tr ,- as. i-iugFtiurat es,Dig I C2ll eou bite <orlW&pri, L 411 oietIWei IBox -, M Il. X Cut ant pl',ts, Sîa-SVh-s nd Si kt %, Sut ani Tai 8i'Ir , Hoik- and Hiaig,. sDonîg -nti Pi --iTuanbuckit m. Hoouks, Pick Ax ti, F, IbiîîAi si Jripct% Ange-rs, &A z > 4' -e &c. c Rar and Double Boilesi Linseed ouz, PlN ['i. G'-,t-n, I1tîs. V.-iw tanti B ie, CdIf, Ku1, LJupela sd Soitz LEATHER. ÀAf"w'P 1iu Bperl Ban- A 'ew Geasuqng Ht m 1!4 1 1, ra a, atg anti o'bOtàs W r-- Cri-ansr,,&- rnted Cast St a- I T llS- ilv--a-Eye-d Net-tlIes, 'Sçuoons anîd Li G--'i, P int. e-' tîuush- On Tuî'd tr~' *,Doit, StsceeWhit itd tabiradiltto. W4s-b, 4astiFeaniturc l*:llîQiart ani Bau.hr-s &i. &-c. ro a-a P ' C-ipentt as Tac!. cf and 5uD 4a-tiail descrisptions. tnFoaksità, S-a-vs. Door c K-ai at--pant and Brasa ~io~Inives, Vaaes, - HU,lHuse Cibinet makt-r'strinb. - ht S9 -, miogs antimLoks, ail 0<Piaua-trsa-, n kinuis, 1iuuoiner.Kent and t n Asrtmu-nt cf ilts T ~ dicta Platin, lronn, &r. 114oud Ipafnn't Bras% Lee-ks. Ta-tnk n-ils a nd title Gb d dde ti-tt-. Louariens Ktv.s-1 Fil1, an iraFI-her, anti Stan.. s 1 ,W itttr, Avr Oi, anti p I t'et and tiSnd Stones, a-. Iens, Gin ffintîe.marbies, r ()n9 B Insandi Masons Tavwela an Nîiom ,chin, 5l-ammneim, B [-1-1 e T 8kTiti a"d 1.ppannd bal. (,iSirbe ter Chuîins.1 1,11 f)mb3tosanti Powîît-a-Flasks, Site' L>~Ir:Wol ar iBt-ts,,&c. B&c. týtIrwth ther articles ton nuanencu ~urnting as Cempîc ert ibaudt 1<in5tfla-t, lentas %va% Cati- offi red for utiç - vjnce in the abave ice. Ail 5 la-t sou' sais on the most reasanahi " i hrbv hopi, to meta t of the Pubilic psîagt.* Dccembarltrh, 1827«, TO LE T, imd'1mediate p.~ o,4rw eittibea- tf Ra-cnh h-Hna e Ouiny ICCPianomy e.njamin l'ut-k orth dwellng of Site sUls-iIwr.-. nt-ci " P1îdbly te inTt ýr TO BE SOLDE!' PRJV.JTE T HE STEAM BOAT TORONTO,:as CaVftain Murney'u Wharf.-Appacation ta he madti t Capt. Baldwin. York, or ta Mr-. Ht-nrv Baldwin, Beliville Any lette r post paît yull be immediately attendedt t. HENRY BALDWIN. Bellvillr, Frib. 1M'h, 1828. tf £rLOOIC *71 tTRIS. J HOMASH. POWERS, (fermerly o- lic-, that bc bas cemmenceti tht- Tailoring business, ian Kingston« opposite Mu-. b. R. ArmB-ah) hs tpe, hee tcuinthstpubd busim-ness ien t-,ei-met iatuui to sy-businluts at m forthe i fashen. couaragement which he neceivet fi-cm bis emuplevu ars at us feu-mer residence, he salicitu the cantinea>dce of theji- austom. N. B.» Ail garments asot made tethe satis- faction cf tht-eonrs shaHl he pitt faor. Kin". ten, F, th. !6th. 1898 tf R ETURNS his sincere thankto ebi. Frientis and the Public, for the lub- r-ai encouragement which lie has receiîed i the abosue bincli of business, for tFe lait furieears andi reLt#ectielly intimateî, that lic h as rRE.MOVED tu the House directly opposite bis Oid Stand, on. doar East af the Mansion House ReCel. vhere ha- hope-s, by a strict attention tu, business te ensure a share of public suppe i-t. bI -NAVAL UUuaistU la IsUGIU.. rALS made te order, on the most reamenable terms. Kingston. Nov. 22. 1t25. A NVEW TAILOR-18 SIFIOP. TI HE Satre-rR *p-ctfully anfoi-ans t1 h, Puîtiic, that hti- bas openeff a Shsop nci-I7 oppiosite the- OIt K4ou'9He-a- i.n Eauetn Sti-t et, for th, purpsu- of carryiutg su tht- Varions Brant-hses of thc ahov- Bouis- t-cs@. Th, expeien-. lichas acqui:-ed viii, O- trnt5s usablu- hira i ;nve SenetraiStintattion ae <iii, waha vesh te favoui- iitu gt ii t--i- 0. W. STEY'MNS. Zhagaion, Januay es-Ut. 1 PUBLIC NOTICE. A LL Pr-sens arc hert-by forbidden tu £Xperchast a note of baud af Tt-n patints Proavincial Cerrncy, purpontedt tebe given by me ta Eben- zer Gordon. on the 9th Ja ly 1823. payable six meonthe afte-u date, ana- nov in tihe possession of John H. Rnihburni, of the Township of Cuamahe,, te whom the- note as tuansfeni-ed hyJosrph Baudan. o<thc Townsship ai Whitby, as titis note la a forgt . i-y. I gavt- a note similar iu every respect Lte hafort-sîtitioneto tesesaiti Eleeezer Gordon, vhich vas transfenu-et to the sait Iust-ph Bardon, vho receivet value in fusl tir the sama- c,, tht- month of Mav, 1824. CHARLES BONNISTEEL. Sidnev, 6rh U Mt ch, 1828. 4w. .NOTICE. T'he subacu-iter takrs shis method t etonr his fri-nis andthie public in gecral, tiat bc continues his Clothing Buolut-sa at lis rerai- lence in Hallovt-ii. fonur miles vest of the vil- lagr,- andi bas euectd a uta-vestablshment for th,- pu-pose of dre.ssing eioth at Colt Cueek,. -n Mirraas; andlhaving puaviedbhimseifvwitn Drt- Stufs for al ct-sIurs commoun in thobe olact-s, thase vite viii faveur hem vith theia- rustern may rely on haviiog their vork dont as vu-l and on as ni- asonaahlu terme, as ut ausy ntheu- establialtmut le the.e parts. Ciastoan -a-v tredit viii be given and great allovancur for Cash. JO)NATH AN BOWERM AN. 1OtIs cf 9t') Month, 1827 VAI.ýUABLE LANDS FOR SJLE. a I oAIRES,vi.LtN.03,2 conemist of the Township of Kingston. and beastifoliy boaundeti in rear by Calles,' Lakte The abave lande are of an excellent quality, and weli tianbered. Ternis of payment matie e"s. Application ta b. mti. te thse subscri ber. JORN STRANGE. Agent %.rtheicpraprieton. Kingston, 6th Oct. 186. N B.-Any person or penron trespasig on the aboie Laidts viii bc promtecutel ta the ut. aot igaur of the Law. For Sale, W= OLLOW z» Nblf Wi~ ati EST hall Lot Nu. 9, 2d1 Concession P ittug-100 Acres. Sotth balf LotNo.31, IstCas.northofttise road thmougit the MQwhavk Tract, Town- ship of Tymudinaa-10OActes. Toa Lot No. 361. au the Towuiof Kngm. ton, escltimed vait a cedar pieket fiace aear th- reltinCtuc-- Acre. Watts Lot No. 4.in fioni of the. Nonther- hy part of Town LoiC. la thse Townasof Ktngstatt-1 $-Acre Atpplca6tio ab.madat ibis Office. 1Tîh F ' 18My. CAUTION. T faIF. surOc m autioned agaanst stiisuciber ta oue LrleauttsiPhulpq4 a Clock trdlr. Tht ucte vap for M lot. vitda a CORDAGE &WRITE RZOPE_, 50 BOX- 9 Wançlow Glats, 15, kvgs Naila, 4 bales Cotton Yarn, Soir atnd ljppte- Ltathte- Caîf, andtitlaep Skîns; Cantile Wickeng Bittiug....okt-gs TohitçcoScotzh, Raplpte, atd Miccoboy ýiNUFF-Cooking Fthw'ac.-% fer faimilies, ut 5% 6't. (te 10%. 6.. ach.41n- Sperna. Lamp Oit, Ltmp Glaswca-Pami.ý anti Oil-Dyt- Stufk...Powder, Slot-30 bai- na-b Tai-, Robin, Ptck.-A vrry gcna-ral as Sortmnt cf SuitÀ. l- t f- - , st- uit. GROCERIES, GROCICERY, flash p'd for Wheat, Floe, Pork & JOHIN G. P -&RKER, St o-e Sirer. T HAT ail perraçns ai-e hereby fridt(, gitchi separateîy by each sutsca-uber. in th- ionthu of Septimber, Octobea-. Novt-mb. r. or Dt.t-mbe-r last pa!ts. to onît pettitoea. K ptî 4 op r i-Wh.-tmore, Clock Pv-ta as, foie differ-nt suai ai- suais, acnd pavabi.- at uloffr- ent claies, as theu'- bas berenne value receiv ti fer the amre. Frederickbu-gts 14th Mat-th. 1828. GEORGE 81141. HENRY sil %HP, WILLIAM DIMIONO. Wu- PRINDKL, Jus. ANDREW 0DsVIS, PETER Lf DYS-T. JO)SFPH PRINGI.E, DIVl) ;4UrrAN, JACOB. HUFFN 's Il, ANDRFEW 1ý1 -V(K F IN 0O,11 l . T d1E public art rra--by cautiont-dl againsi isîui-chasing twc notev of hande. giten b¶ rý .ubscriber- ta one Prttyboet, a pedilar tf CcCksc cneefor S.15. &payable in six montht, -au«e for 51. 10* pavable in tweivt months; as tht same vu rt- given foi- an illegal cou- sideratace. HENRY KIMMfFRLY. Ruchaonti, 10h Mrc, t8 3v NOTICE~. . gaven 6y hian, ta Cyrtnius Foa-shte, for the- sean cf g12 losi Gurs-cncs, dated the I2th Septemsber. 1826. tht same havinit il-, en paid. JA MES QUACKEN RUSH. Napan MIi,? . -rNI tt CA iT10'il. HE public ai-t htrelis cautiontul against ueciviîgany natasgivra tesa caapaflv, ai Clock Pt-tuars durirog the last 3'ear, vis:. ane hy the- nant of Phelps, one P. ttibot,., and ont Jo-.a ph Ru-ku-, and others; fis the %aid Clocits art- mustly ail su-ut-t hy th%. Collecter of Customns, as the), art, judged t t have bu-tribrougisifreinthe Unitid Statet. without paying duties ;. hi- folloving Note-,% are descuibed as nt urly as we eau nt-calltet, vis. one. Noe for £s. signed by Mrt-J.4 A K. * i.,-, duc one yeur fi-rn diitu- ; tint- Niai- ont yuar fra. date-; enue Naît fer £7 10, ilt by mi- Wm. Mogaitie, due ne year fendater; ont- Note for 27 10. sgn rd ha mu- Samuel Tnnny. due ena- '.ear fa-nm date. ail of tti, abave Notes dateul an or abtitot thi, l4th cf July lamt. Tiwo Note for £3 15. t-ch sîgned by mie Charlea S. ek- î-. on- tue one year front date, anad the ot-u- riii et vtmrs fi-cm date, andi dated iltis Novemtwir, 1827. 1w CAUTION. Tr HE ptblic are erebv cautioned igainsi thte mulscriben, lu Augest. 18Off, to one P.tti tybotit, a pedlar cf CIta-ki; ont- for thse mun of IL S& payable it bannai-y 1818. meni one for 31 15#. payablt- lst .ltnuarnî, 1829-.Tha- notea vere giveai for-an ui--alectra-rt. JAIIE8 0. 1)EMORKST.i Demorietsillt Ttl,,F h. 192P u PUBLIC NO 1It 9E A LL PERSONS are lereby fonhid purcba.- .Cing or receiving.a NOTE of bandt or the . a inofai ift7liedallais, given hv Wandel4 Yae aGeorge antoilliam seileck.sas the man e h.en péiL WANDEL YAGER. Mrray, Sth -anda, 1828. PUBLIC NOTICE. Meuars. G-a-xgh and Nowsao for ten paunas racleu 12, b b aMs.Meagher, fer vitictt tbey Received ,ayaiest front the mid JAMES MEAGHER. Kingston., Apuil 24th 1827. TO RE.>rT STHE dveigog purt of the brick 1301 c 0 e=0 bytis99 *erber. REUDE A. PAIKER, K et s t nklî i t M a i i t 1e8 i FOR SALB, OR TO 1EiT, On the ut uif Ma.- neithe.HOUSE manti Es.tuetl Mr 6 Ovesnleuit Huma..... For partieSlas a pyt.fue ai. Grant. Eq Moniseal, andI t. olZ rLoy, soâ. 1 -ïi;7ý d'nsntn t10.a <loua-ut isti JoiBLANKS. a8m7 paalis b*any. 181, belug fora IIRsale at tis O*o, Ilikf.Debmo uitckan v1hîchthe dutiossu-o nuppase ti leu Mesioralo.- mnoem mexems ibave bmenpoii. ambpmaaftuau.ilaz iavci Cosrt; M, i a GOSL& is. Vernt - .- 1 s,1eioa o Cnruaii, lotis Mau*i, 18& oSU- T&. old"lm,'WC i'oTE PPR CNADA - - -D TWILIGIHT IN SPR.-NG. Sveet is this hour-the lingering tintaetfday, Fade in the western heorizon away, Lo! te ricis vermeil cf the distant say, Yiela-s ta the twiliglut "hde. aud seuns te die. The amber cioud, au-e sieviy fltting o'en Ilhe front cf that blue sky, wlu-cse bruilant store Of stars and planets, mecn but ta disclome, That oua- ovo vorld is but a speck lite haose. At this sveet heur of evçr, oh! let un steal Fa-rmfcily's patis. and teaeh cuir hearts te feel, Tht caîl of gntiude-the lively thaoiing eas, flear to thse pensive mind, tht vesper heur, When sacity plesaing fanca bidieus taver O'er buman uts, te others-cenes and cunes, And fraae a better horoscope for fuattare times. Thefn us eic in tho Ma"n.that g"id the sky. lther. i. music la the breere whichpâmses by, There iîm nusic ln the shbe.which thc billovs lave, [Wave. Tiser. ln music in tise rmuu-'inig rippie of the Tise Sprnin incme, the chili ef Winteu-'a o'cr, The cold- shaili basat 'Ys heard again ne more, Nature wiii smiic in liveriet gi-cen agates, Aud flev'u-etu, bbacning gov'reta decit the bower and plain. Emni'.1Ibail thee, healti inspiring Sprint, Batîhe o'eu the land, and ever wish thee bring, Verdure & buts cf green, ant cpenang flowers, JeY an thY Wvigaa. andti plasure in thnt bouim. DEFERRED A RTICLS QUAKERS. W. have never nead a amore .legant an moeae jîsst euiogitia thaus the following notice cf the Quatkerat. Il i. contained injea note cf Lawrnace's lectures, a wonk neceut- ly publishe inli Salem, Mass. te If 1 regard thean as a religions sectoenau a body of citizens, wbetbcr 1 leck te their ervt rpblic conduet, 1 beldthelb.Que- liermin the ighest respect. As Christians. tiiy ententain ne uaintelligible articles of failli; tbey vaste na time lus splitting the hains of theclegical ea-nrovesy; their sin- gulan and bonorale -distiauction 1, practical Chnîstîauîty, avinceti in blamelesa lves, jin neneuncing ail fonce and violence, ius endea- veening te fuifil Iiterally tie G.uspei pre- cepts ofpeace ansd odviîli, i active btu.- volence, in ,,nremittedi personai as veli as pEeuiary co-openatien in ail measiarea cal-- cul-ted te dimnisheh.amenitcf huian =nstr and sulfering, aand tae iprove the codton cf their fellow eneature.. Tises. language ci Geo. Fox and Wai. Penn." LYING IN BED. No piece of indolence hure beahsmsie tiian the modern conteuncf lviusg a-b.d too long in thc morusang. Titis. Cthe general practice. in great owns. Tise inhabitante of cities seldoin rie befare eigist or nits$ o'- clock; but the maoniusg la tadoubtediy thse besi ins. for exencise, while tii. stoïmâch i. empty and tic body refreahed vitis sieep. Besides, the aiori-ng air braces andI sirengtbi- ens the nerves, anti in scine measune an- aven. the porpomes of a cold bath. Let any one, vho bas becus accnsomed te lic a-b.d ti4i eight or nine o'clIck, rise by ix Ior seven, apenti a couple of heurs iii waiking, ridinger auyactivc tiiveraion viittdean.; and b. will 6usd bis spirite cheerful andI se- ion. threugbaut tise day, bis appetite keen, &nBd hi. body strensthin.d. Caltamntsa reindeu bis eaniy nsi"g ogrcable, and nes- thing cantributes mnore ta tise preervatiais of bealth. Tic inactive are continually complainiîng et pain* li tb atomacit, fiatui- Iencies,indigestion, 4-c. Tiiem compainte, viiich pave thé way te many others, anc net te b. reaioved by medicine; they cas anly b. cured by a vigenaus canna. of exorcise, te which iodeed they Imedn fail te leld. It consists viti observation, that ail very old mens bave been early riserm. Tii. as tise as- ly cincaemtanoe attending Iangevity, ta viticit I nover kuscw an exeeptloa..-Bac4e. ECONOMY. M Say, <bu- celebrated Fa-sncb vniter on pcclutacal econonty. ha% thse foliowing ssery: Btin in ssthe cusuntu-y, 1 lied au exampl t --un. ef thost sanaill osrs hicit a familY bw vaut of a latch et amail value. the vicket of a bau-n yard. (Iiokag te tha- flelda) vas et epen; every ournt-vient tbnesag, dna te do« Itoo, but having no meanste faten it, il remin l£apping; tise poultry escaped a"nt vent lest. Oune daya fine pig g«t oui ana i-a nt uathteodand udimaediately ail the worhd wva ftrr 1; the gardençr. the sook,c trdary mad, ail i-ante ru-coven theaveie. Tht gai-teser gaisiglat of hlm lrmt &id jornptrd mer a dutte siopeimhe sirueda lias autele, and vus csufarnd a fortauiglas te b hÏoume. Tii. eçois, on ber ne-urin foond aIl ed; ,andth ie dairy siaitI ivlng van cf lium ase iied op the cvo. etfthetn bruiste leg of acoliin the stal. Thte gassleberé loat tise vawuthi lecrown»., vilaiuag Ne pain ai notislg; tho Momts borned, aésdthe< i-lt IC dli- -Iwere Worth seMach -aofte.-. trouble-, vuation, a moçoSîe di ort vont of alateis. ehicit veckt ce «b,., pene, nt ibs amé ttrogitcayreus me. le t. 1talaoafnisltl ase<asgp, Niutds these m tcongemial, aian emna*l fSo-d t. C409be. ie sweetuhoa seatiicelresby-îs»squgthse precésesueutm ai zpimahs,*1t dImb snUkWA"Ua- froi fae, Wb" bM"y bc. mei i hthue prb- est bout .d <the mmntedelctte tbmit <heme a uukfaaa. sfl el baêhmo ikis boafrbm tbr s-Md -ieil mtmuattrely; a"ti bsw ul some bua beet-cMMgated uN tkegr, PImOQON -l frn * tM Ofia"oi <dsYtMAci Allot to B. 12 aes atl14s. 141 "2We 12 ~3b.. Tue saine illustruation and entendatiesus" you haie givesa of yeur eUumspi vea sppi :/iefosrgsg asoypu-Umluw, May bu "oev- robm.rafd y dlfr"auc U eW&i." Bo bat k la sema that an eve,-y possible shape and Point oft vie-w" tise .*6agUmproves lulf tu, tic exactsu correct." I eu gai ceot 300or100 dlfermtsitate- menti, andi by yen. llhu-rauiasu prove therw Ms correct éa. saurs, antiby the arm etboi extruci tise squareuroscf a 'ted. aay 8 di- itded by te-. une equal t. 4 muid the suae rotof4istud2gadded ta lae q=6te, Coa.qumnly4lstisesquare rcai .8M! AuI am neïthor anui xgebrouuimr math.- maticlan I Mayoynot have usetI auduy sciewstc aIme lu te. ÉË-Iugif~ Mancis21, 1 -7, tu tha teU of Sne up. Cam ai. u<d &x,-4I o useriiycur ppewr o e M~ i 108L~ sober opisats ..-couroms- lut., , I~L., 1 aiho i wa t <aisesn* dé%&. h. - bu haemi es éie t" Am- Cornbàt<tebis f4faIdechiost <btheIM"10r silti be, 6q as, et «W à#*vti tg uggo 2U ndMiaci lYà4 reMsceb e- h ,mthiipàeby 2.0W &W M cdltIo% I us the Pbibrodocsm cad h u t. ~ ~ ~ ~ cd IL o is eua the asai kst Opr, codn te =rM e lil q*eüç1s 14 5 19 4 0 £75 0 0 lý K-.p thys- If at a disance fromthdiae vWho intercourse with that man wbo as iniiseni1 of kîndoras. COMMUNICATIONS. FOR THE UPPER CAqA]DA NERAL.. TO PHILOmerii. As You thimk proper. in yaur vitemp' to answtr the. que-stion propos. t by I. H. S. to call rn' solution îeîerely an Ilapproz.mati<n," andi as you caunoat agrew 'ith me *thit li s impossibllO'Ilta give an exact solution, 1 nov givr the- ruir by which 1 obtaineti m%.soin- tion, which 1 presurne lu the sanàoP in sub- stance~ as the algebraie solution I>y H. Y. and thon leave it for those Who are dispc-til to, x mtiine, to jeadge whetber any thiu.g nmore than an aipprogirnation. as 1 atatreff, * r anya dà grer of uilce-ty short of cxactness" is poil- RULx.-Square one half the uaverage- price andi alliai une haif the différence of pa-ices; fraim the sum of the squ.ire. --Et acst ibe aqure root; to the root add on hlf the a- verage price, and yau haive th. medium prive, to which add o ne haif th, diffeence of pa-ices for the- greater, and s.ubtrw.t one -ýaif the differene o f palets foi- îh lesser price-after olotainang whoich, the quaonritv of lanîd in each tlshae ta ottain, l di ijIsion. The only diffiçîîltv in solvitig thcii, qîi.-toni 'ni- the- above ride as, 'hat a aurd -l pr,,d- ceci in the aperittian.. ffwhir-h,1if vton wiII have the goodness to t xtr;trt th., 'quar. oot by your favotirite tiuigarfracions. 1 itt uac- knowicge myself wroog lia savîî,g that lun ex- act lioltation is inaposuhble-until tht. hove- ver. 1 shai rt-main of my original npinaot._.. To ilumirtte thevaille let tht qunestinn for ex. anmple, h, altred,ils tuothe valucof lihrland, -Say th- 130 acres were worth 260, whicta v.-Ild tiaak, the average prie8.. #-r acre: differi-ore of pivie the same, th-et j reo- a. et-rjg prace as 4, muîplitd by 4; 16 & thle !-frîct of pu î- titis 3. muirli -d!')% 3, la 9, rnoking the surn aI squares. 25, the- squ <.o ruait 4--f which in 5, tui which atid haif the avrr..ge price, 49. which màke i- 9s. th, me- dium price. tu which *sdd h*o-If tii. dafference of priera, , .gves-M . for tht greittr, md .îîbtaracting tiiditE.-r-nce of p-rive-s, gai e* 6s. forthe- ICsetitJ-ice,,dnd diviliflg £30 bv tht s i-aictes, givvs A. 50 acres at t . ii-eitting £30. and tu 1B. 100 dcrts at 69. amountmig to £30 aIse. Tuts proves thé- rnrro-rtnrss cf *,y ruh-,bv ha-th-Ilusual ruies of urithm, tic," mut(. cOnceivinag ny solution requir, s no fr ther de-fence. and as yau ha vr record, il vour ?pinion cf it in the colurnofa the Heralti, .t i no mort tian reaa.onsble that 1 uhould *eciprocaîe the favour, by giving rny opinion of our ct eaft ait a solution. e ohie uetio. n 1 ssumitng" the. andi ta be of three qualities; but, as it is ni* ilimpoWaUW' but 1 rnay bc migtaikea, if yoia avili coîîvince me- that the. difféetnce b, twren, 14 antd 26 ia but 6. the required ieIFrence of prnces, I yul candidly acknawledge that 1 ta. In the. second place I no not apprev. of yoar rnethed cf abtaining as'erfge /krfea, inaasmuci as yeu depart fi-cmthe good cold tii5iil ruie of aaithmetic-." alligatien. 1 thîk the most correct methiod ia te divido the whole quantity by the whole amoîunt for the ave rag-tprice. 1 knov net; how the il Li- trati of 1Kingstes"» makte their calculations, but I amn positive it la agreeably ta the mer- enSil usages cf tuat place. 1 knew net by u'hich of the 4,'*ual rulesoif arithmetic" vota ntte. yaur calculations, but by gueaawos*, have, upon your plan, gîven another aomma- ligthat may to yoa, #"appear ie ant au- I 1have aasumed the. land to b. cf"IlFive tliff r- nt qualities," and , AflattoA.12 acemat & .£416 0 25à il 14. 1717 O 364 44 20.36 15 O 12 if 268. 1512 0 M'acme, 75 0O0OO j: j 9 -t i -f N I., R,