-e a- - - e - . eau ea pet all aienbtth 'Dahu u e ltb raso an re fertuap b~ig la aie hobegeu ehava dm* tese- ulie (u a. u ý lh spl lm tioaa> " b olei Wa« eqii cf Lsinadreamti t Laol bu sat:ontfi, ana Paria met # dhmcead lie e 'ig bac;an*eau iay, il ceai et &O.LT.a. he.£ain tuha tMt al o3 tete n" base el wtbsat éaWeci.Evula '~drpesoM ab of amteiu. forypctifs s ata.. ol aiOstu b Qoeen cf a Pdui L, peuuot i w nmiilé, of:£soOoo, propfcriaof the beautilu »e tt. of Caasesent, itliberty teumJoy, ullie et Parisle rouemerlechermsof th bl aut iniapendance, h.ole in a sitatoMala requitua gruat soeimiltee mclimege le f tiaI of rmgnang over anumuppy caoitr libo Greece, ciierue vaip ti"a tisb h.cm atuit Mue, beuuso evury thig hba bea;z detrnyci. This le a kimul ef ambitiom tc eblci lie Pinu lea a tiaigr, bahCiipa. bit seit chatacie. WbeWthe h.duka0c WeIlq4C, uhlitéfbiili bishiepro.I-- amd4tala pbult.etliauent lia doccusmi relative t hea miroferac, ciiiprovail uposi bina, la aquelom puatt cb. tusolvemi le mut bu cofimeAihvv, tiat te.dukt of IWcîtingbon, wvila ho imaginaiho b. uu tere te .interesti of oeiludu, hmot« boer forit xîte la the chilcu cf a Grock mvreigil The Primce. de Polingue i lavuOditl uchucae in a rvile.mamm.,.Russabaru eaincit pasiive in the rand question, jf. thie vaavare lime h. omleuy of Englad coulal Dot permit berIl avavumprepoadera atimg vo*ice n e:she dieraféru sulmli ai ta toa hie.of Fmaeaenit Baglami, vial. uvcr k migite h. W.do ot apea Iou r Mours preuvaleut in th. biler crcias bu froeuxral<mto and pcuitive data. Anothiarami more ethaaaicsccountsagmes biat Prince Leopld bbauaoecapivIla iirectîilg la Franco du conairuction efà coodeai houme, mus aiodal for tli ms.ta h ,,ýMittoa li duepublic roamé ofGruece. -T.Court JémarmaspaiaslPrincu Loo- gtlut Fremce on laccoua Of th. lliiemmOf FàIS.blg; aMi hat h i dexlpv-u-e" ep liai u olil ha nesmy fer-biii.o b.de- muâaaliei.il liibe uxenaboie lime iii Doe et Welliagtam nqaklt4hilmcausi '11YaM he amte labteum C1--alu pparçeioi vitimi iaerreption; Cham te G= uaco arupmmhy irmag e eprutoccl of tie Ceaono.c bR et tmei VOÎe i OSe., Luorer .l.4,1830. Pru- mut: Plaaptpeunof]Fiance, GetBritain &aisl. "Tue Coacruncu havin m cemd is dulohiameonmtlieaxecouenofîthu tipu. Ilon$ osataina i n th. Pr.tocol No. 1, cf thim day, ulvotud ia attentiontethela.clile of thosovurtignaaetvanoommuc. The Pienipotentlarluaof la ie Ctourtt on"l areitd"u mgtbemu waa h.paiticulur- 1y ecomm.udei thunuelvute tdu choice.of du Aliamea by thete persaal qualicationi mua byIuitacuticaIDiscity, PrinmemLa- *épaiotfSXe Ceburg pesenlei taCo Greca, amd té mgil rope, a"uypossible gummBtee; thât hutia intoraa tlo oiieewlubliiboabc thera cas every ressoCtildlime Cluth Goulu wouii recelve hum ciii grtltmis for gduir aoveteigai. Prince Laopli lu moi a memhur oettdu Royal Family nov relga. liaîEnglamit; h b nemoiquaiftte lu Maiii c rcsita du Crocu, cenuquet. y1the Pinaes of sax Cîburg ià ol viei. L. Caocf sîcluta., Wbiiele prévid > 'aiesi1laihduProeaet the 2M ef Marci. S maftof duPriveuer itmmgher oet du Klug, l beaun ai.rtei by mau Act of PrLtiauaat, . e toeRoyaul muy in re- gad ge houore; but h hhm beon ackaowe* ai. aid conirmed bypldm.xo m itcug~ en b heujlrm oaf is &llamic e jesiy, t mhmo»ple ne ata pur of dueasise, tâti.t lab is migondaia outtle Parliamnm, &bamui bekm tab. .mtamCré,l wc i asivaiduhe "tWsIbeun ito1 Enigloui, lh. h.s met ucooriaa" yPuM& fiiuiot lmra. ljeuab au itat7meuion, crmet tby tdu rtiIp marig, a tuty vbte i i u 19111 i.taMnuamo uue b, an ACu fnlga ie.rupl à"ai.binuutcieflwîi tiemcltue Couuen r hacet of, et imnirci the h. 'tael. ls u t h17 a note i adu t t rta. h.,upon lia temindconditiomat , li . rtemi Nus. 1,2 sudiSof tusdlshGouma eft île mecGroul Stae, wi*hu "*aaISu-1 vweelp Prmlace reuce, te hob ir.e, té bis I dadnt. 1h. Patcol$ Ef I de p beli bu eeunicseduita Pince La.- of t 0lie ,cb and itbai Piame. a" l ilmeuiIt bhl cert teum % , rtonol otfu ' ei meul: 1h Peo jus" of 1 iae aa art.nmd Risa-PinmeL.p et ex sh , haiug ban cuitai, by tbe I it engZaf lhe Chrua Comtelsof IheAI- nom.- lis «eregut ofGrou.., tb. PlemiPffmtiary ut Frmnce oSiled thle ien- tien of gun Coumtqe to Ca b. ea.lar i- ciihregad tspett ibn Oru epgmia lotion. fne qru=:Mard, dut, f« o ral funturie sNmes bbdxeaaim a Wts e hufalli th e auboum t. d"ublie a apeclal Kpnctuei4vMb ebu IpNuM Clb- Ibm Majeaiy tl thiêi $sulty my ape u-dmpthCe ha,0(4 sque lom, rg chh'ata compes t*»% bt~ p à pop*llei cié bu df# lumgu 'ueuida irn thae V us*Ru. mai 'liq74= mue adit.igafd -un.p pracipi, Ibm rij ulmite 0< CiwW e linge ai lw uh go maover te <tva ta Onu...se rema 0"dubeaieut - Icem idbe -.volgu toaaiksbe, anid sénraibm aury km u duillh" hila wn- zar of*aiumIl railaselthm"0ea-4 f OU. a hgssalb cruels, gemu lia ,di dnIjlMe I 34?mac W, of chais- Vaeriui tep nidgit b., ih cad aa-q mI ue oaIpublie M OuPDluye an,- tuai Mijmera, mi Irateitapan duheout- iu luto qulity, wchoi »ay tegard ofiiamue cruodin@luns birrel4iaeuas * IMPEEIAL PÀAlIE . ~5. 8AOUGH pI BWiEOau AW a5E la te 0M.«âhc2%1 Em~h.a nId yeqnddoIl . ftbemua.gmbl.cf W W bimprusaBudt o ua amd th- w eu moreae ithia.a mble fli, of le w bsla eWg .able Cm Foatui*attem ito. -tzto 90mBg- le " ehidlahaiWtIli ve, DSeau t 1W -xdu -cCh what vua akgaiybefoue Rt h- t»t e sb odclil,.te dWireti e aftctio cf the. noma.to eh. pjac.-If 'Yab-w0 y emtry inchlclàa m is - oder toiacovea debto<tS, or,, mmtg na giub byiPOudingM£0or7O, chm, t Iii ho r cftPEh <throwing Wa" mch eo Df mare , .bmd, it wcoldt mm nub. nidi, , hat cW4-ve oer bmustor dvaalage ta m caui mjyuut hem it wu eami il frdt a imta syuim or0<e. But ifili I.cue thain ad" o 10udimg * £60 or 0~amm amut endrgrume difF- Id ouies - aI ly md uaautalty influa!. M hmmddyég b fdo, md movingmiaqut ou 'a psovlnca ipovnu, Md ho i cigIt y c urt caultdoblaimodm.mt, hem Pr Watmion of4 laie eutut cmli e fuuthber & iamhe&.*"A" i. ia ddtitou Iuiu, satr men&iaa m60IorW, an Ioohng mfeu : the reeovay £6 or 7, * mivsdenuy 1-hoaold bhâv. d powr t keping hi. pro- 1pody out i fuea"àdbuyond eOèh. 50 I that, aBer mD imatlU hoUi»Motre- ceiv soin.bit do, th. e a couidI In b. mai i oua. lbd, <mti.seaddition to, iIbm iç kt the sabe coulry7, inciause 1 à a ffs»eM -S cimmdm oau ta le ji ete rro--r ami rms1v. hie dbtmad cher. theduM!-r eu aohemt mpamr40l Iopy. tii. nndaviduma boflrnAiroce(it wu tre) ,f hi £6o- 7, but ouhulimmo uathé ii t cha" £6 or 70cwbieho b d almat in l-o-te althhogh themeco ju4gmet inabis e maor but shoulit 10*e e. urntcat- , Mai2,bo t.u W"th.abehileA a&mi t« emg cipouM to &svariet 0( and the amaao»amof m . 9 bmeui aqW4 «ewhsuber le vag- b l. dhamemach a mrty , ImmtdP..-Wa coh tmmrciala ounrybmviogneavm.t.mW uiva~~imleoJimam m gy i mt. N.vsIe Gise"te on mm iL as to t ofaisthe~lb thu. avil&. Th the dc*s toh.maiid ioaito »s hov huai topply a wm. c.elaqsi ilavfliate tihe M-uu ~eua.aoe mgt h. e p"te b. lum a,1d(pa.d Zm. HIea.haui.meocplit iii ' kIdef i. *0 etcl ub"' ile, mtigoud dutib«@auaomci oaualme mode 0<.arnmgghbe lcio.N'm- ly utookanmopaMiualy to Itato a ini hozulpaui a Inu.amiW@& ui l*. lacrtu CvmIho bauai lb. eathom i sto ~ U ud.rurs W at they mauflm je i Dz i laseuo 4a.condei for dom in l9 mn Mmiuu fo. unm.peiai dua aboie-ilO .wm r osea. a poul ien of d thé et., et 0 %1 m bteacjéa i y2h. th. hentcutlie factuei i. moa le l is te mtle u agetCiprc ethaee V aary mamt, i es ona cue d uaIo~ mmbuCht l*0 eta l.pua pa. , clu vritei sahed t £8 a",omi, u bon" soistle ruiS(thuub1a daet mmu 0> ensyt& b l b.c0 vserdict ca mai u raisa avaimbl eu taithe desy oaiy 1ou. '"hc lounI mihe .csPm ?:14du froch* cean t. ustic-On uo mcoite vedcamScot£%,uaug d. a veric saidPI.hon ilmtraaniti £10 doauleyenltt0bar.Thoqr bay helaymiatrmentnth a liCuoma umla mîlan et tin poco an he dn yofb aicmg i br iipa Coamu rsnauhdue umae du mevm lac, 9 duexpecti eriwugeofde puas u,; uglaboum t;ami um "Yliyn thm e siti" ofvae dud hol uaenua 0f u molonuCoilai en fo ldipauvmbl odila ofeau caia H.et-b siiteulChba aidemi anpora deur thpue Pcea lg of isotn as h. wr edulim, ut but;esd md th ofu épostion clic atemtiedc mi, t ue oulas ac thiod ta rou t hm»o Cie &«. aat 0f a, larouiuiom te » h second , if lisi i muthe, liai. cfenbvedhtand1 nhe idesale cariofnthe mi e e arn a"chied t marcarpeutaxparti mta. Teen guuau a dmp cmthex. esios wieh. goitai, »t. or usmuassea bocamos forut e ulleo, ad orCh.mu st te of . i uums o h ncialSi oai dhe oue saluthial ir etlia te te Homefdt wu ,e h ou proahlltyhav hu guater af1h.u Éte. l Lae. md vhi havebain.h me. ciacanrt.iwy isae&U oni ilaaiéfheumlay. indubàut dup "luc Ccvii (hi arpectand Jur intie huingebliamida l oup lb..o the r sitct is.frthn c tmteuaci ancauloterhe A borenu-tbn as t lium mmne frMgmumand yfor tema vie Of thb.diu.vuraonMJthe nd a a . e Morettie*axput8d. aua hataebiaitCy bai beau eaicurie eA chah n domh, radmumeit, mbi l lu lb. radnt.arbis muatéud.la ii geadiofth.ecobudm. iherho Soiqi sle mbouy he comite, unit iuuut <rom li proiuua sec io Juryo céinumr ixteau mou i.ceumry met counol m aittlorny wiu I, haI umot aila i e t are budseuao ingpermirsmu ie sym...d rots =, bluut tey bads eoeoc ui w -...'Gomme t cuy umiadet ble tby ratalror mttmrey! Re b asmmol ptaey airbisefani., un. tb haent ulbcuu0fOnrlongeas j cotnai. nulmiocu400, mmd £ Mamand an attorney. lner h.a ne l it iltih. nuare it v*ub imparu.ble km beau mtaxai aiw te timu ddlt eut ofdu £ami0.censâta aiv» eu.ehiico Iuiui Tia"m toaui. rhe -ou t *1.5 I..Osseth. la loi! derommor ancasa 0e ami u cllim i yutevYmaUavy baLbaielois mai ltiguoi f u hâte b. cote,ifb bua » dMMO phirsotmupsus. tomdme ge vai4W, nta tuata off.o *e Issient suie aL a p ad allouat ou m «KÇopye £111 1.15< asceerisr u q aim "10 a Mon. uA cor u aill; bM * hrd ad ea txoi-u vu daIs7laceramnt ofse MO. la a cm, -bbw aoqmiodoCd 215otcai Pe"naut eil., ai Jda elnga = ed lâtigoamml meu aeimlsif an it a, =*I * 9 m uI of b<t*QusMieaam 1 nt "li ulii' uzPcadtum, e I, < h obec rdbmsici nt 1ut - mgg lbtlbdiau.,i. ,*rmdta qh.Aucn- us .= I*ahsifatelemder o a« r1 do. ~ ~ ~ 81 u éauacd, _ur a*0l lbelila cf tii e le ever, ith m viocsoleîy ta hm l e -- -tua4m o1ac f .a md K41ft. Vlttany ciin is iii co f l.trhne , temdelm , ay sdi. I ý' 4-1m QI l . a 1per Canada, a ml er- ti1 dmisrvino tce, C hat isi ,distils lgima a ua mtjusticesilo =MtheravomesL.Canbubh t ea's Goverumau t Io tIc a le bâtis ofp mi.i1îauuaedimsce t ovd mqute tuothe supjport cf the ci-1 fron.tih. juditea inUmunier Mai, in b uoiuuitheêcentra f0hekm< à "atantmd uof thea&nminu tOf 4reci ueposihiliitoc n; hhar di- Med t a -ltcSledtathemeropoishomu ce;Wswtno bcmo as,, hereibre, ans-po 1 âiîy cini [ tre 10cm; Chmtes V"d et bu gr.gpuai mre I , Chath.ao ml u- fB .mcl.ds .saofa f m jlhu m- OP« heu srsocaiose, 01>. h enasi ~ro.a brlPtoo anmd liat taus Cweaithela lo Govemmient a"tmilaaybe expctitoarmri. ch.be tium itm absoluiruuMmd tia imt Wl e o f Aaonlly. oit chanage=lalb.oemmssions ofthel7~ lai1- baLaauot u eh oeie odn .rfcigtn umc aBrJmsmjvery praçaerly buoamade. liat l.hml b eisvi"b'tbay Kempt ti hvii . eeut htHisM *m- ilfor the. prouent, I conceive tChat glia Loi~sucaht et th à"mmofh.Isar. Thas au ty s Goexauuaiba'"o m= =oe iitait. f th. Province in this trater il, nea mt .dIi ie cu in ilsheoxpeoas f Ile.eriglitef te.elgusuof Amembly of L.v- ho hboiconsultei by postpinmîgîluprop, I mlPrOCMd.bamUttCa. bmrau dfferumer Canada t a mtcpte li lbth pproplm- i mtrom iste..,m sca t. Landeni frou Laer- Cca 0<ofthe. reveue aoy tUr:."obut« iirfraclatehejmiî ,te an- ai, xhii,. forÎetua emit, and aemiing bau titer aaamitaiuai, ln confamit> ctVig Chi soiti n lhe Executive CoueIlgt i rfen tthchfnsc tain "aga- for le t.lamcager or u, cas Bol of t- Ctohemaoa fhilmaButa afie CrocO, Excellency cili bave tCiaonadiajss 10 miloi- self corth being considered. But out of tliWaaa dut, coahusi10 Ril a Meu aider the instructon whieh I have comey. ep m"ai e si 'rouammli.,patof thb.stem.ate by Perlimmeuatmmd ofeici, ithaut liei od ta ir Jamesa empt upen the 'ubjecte f ,leuh b" iiac ibm "n lladi mot pply. 1Th. Provncesanction of Panliament, Che Croca caumils, au virtualIy ddreaaed ta yourýif clading u hmna othea utr.polisasau cLI à- canit iveti"uefMdniYou clitransitta me a report lone a~-e.lgiProconula chici gave res 10 jicir It al inponihi. t to permeivs, bow,,., hat quetion, euubraciau lbe Several tmp1i suec juuiom am t h. countery litigmmî mutat acu iconsay aam ule nUprCam- to ench Ihave directitm o advert. te «x- caititin lIbeJu itited haacoulaty, w cti ainrogari ta tia me" wàkchid auhitb- The. Houa. of Aumerbly Of 1Upper Cana- led eau unlueue balfysar. Yeumuit l, ertaborapuxeifor appepralltua ruis- cda hava flopmcfar i mu a mc, ,expreu,î mie bail butLe s émot n ohaave your venue. and hat >our EcllyMay ho a ciii for te.1ppinlnent of an agent in augei- ces résld, pou nust go porbapu to die r.- pressedwitb cliuns ta wch >yaur prode- Europe; bu t if Ca boutiddeem Ctilata. adigmai oruof th conty te.th isuze cassuoeailaosesc.have not been exposeul. le sure expediet, you ciii acquiesce in hir lia Coc; Cer. You muai conseil: your hlad.d-ais dliiaavie ta hia uamgency, hat 1 Isl ubjet mi17 Cto hose conditions us te i v , su; heryoumut sentiyour gnteand hav hhoIht iCpeculy ei.OU5y t mtp - hich I bave relquiradinb My despatch te Si, emitai d wmtusa; hy mure h.ebept lia d 4 ply you îti lhinlsructions gi ven ta jir James lCept. meoth wlbhieasuis; audlitwcasiuaae imeh- Jamees Kempt upon hia mbjeat limI hey 1Ibmve Che homour tb h., Sir, cg-narterespective alenti osto ciosiould amY serve as a guide ta yourélf if ncema- Toarnt Moed't humble Servant, rdtenter bis cmos. laleat, inordd it homi@a bt pucii ah "b Cia.o- hve thatoutou lbil. Ani l rw yuWnn » id into Respectableclta.enmont ihb.peit foribm. seLegimlmtveConil and Home.of Anc. B e.vm ot thcIile pachet ah.p iMi. a good Mmd @kilti lot-ciaauem of influerircondi. a&communication correapomdulg au lasely hme i~rafro iepal ednPp oi; h. lion muet b. bottar psd, amndt a bigier os cEtcumgatmces ciii admit, tteadu hra lamd Lvepol u CiiBI av Fasa of rata than ehr time as worth; conon day chichi1 have uthorized ir ,James Kempe en h h.ave uioag i SI~ agi ai- labourera reoeving lire siuliapga ay.- Ctakie ta the Legilaaure of Law«Ceu-' voof it.Theomlentu:- asaua ot cwu Thon Chae au h- xpcontents~aiin cuell- h Basuam nCl eseteee u Rt u"uithe. ccntimg.mcy sboveaivert- 918 MiAJESITTu ISEALTE!. ici £6 frequently a gonddail1ofcompaition ha- @ilta mot coeur, nu coemmunicaiaon nee4 of h.e àg, saa i LerpooiC.oa c and £5 Iceen lthe agents of opposite pari W lsco uroshomde of the instructions ciii May 8, Wnotatadig ae Court News. ugM £80ugpretly ccli uevod,ihe te g~which I have aleame it Ilexpedliant Chat you Man mmdlii. Bulltn- continuose$zîtrcely 1 l, h psi u lmueshahhiy cmm suratopay h. ul lefumniatei ciii referemce.tac ia isil: wva ie. orry tonmy, eshello,. his coaý- CMe- for tht inh course ofth caaisby he o u u t.diionlohabopaleci. Omreasonhabah. ion . f dit o f tm oue otte u . (H ear, md amla Eg i) Oa u dia ubj c i o f le clery rourvs, 1i ugaed for eb. sm hg ou a Imguage in~ lanc of AiU liais cas esseniel ta, and inseparahle bave ta acht"iuoldge te.recSo f a des. wvi Ille Bulletinshae" been coucbed, f.re on, tlis me.of <reuarig parties to go Shf~» it Peroie hmaitlimi, dateit vhicb utllis and acceunlu for il; ililu imtaiwaie.a y.uvte thduasie oco, mnd teotr. 121th 0Mame loig man de.(o Ca i aeuyjsason sociaetm v prouaids have hair oaumeu mrid. Wbesafmrther dW -theofouua of Aumuibly tu liiiMajeuty, bulid lthaoruIe bimWieid Ia hir 1 suh- camion ofa a lm b hcuala nucauarya prtapazty 77E¶,JZClb.hei(ilia5 trieg frottaIE.thepy"sde5 ot i* tea PW tho iiayiî1 caouse lieidIte undtbis agent to London, and h set aaimtin h. province, it paetamaeuirais by .oeahiogdeea icalar reliait eau conaldazablu delay amiive ngrote v upact and mantnalce cfa Protestant uiedllia Majuty'scompleami. ie. i La.- ai nd eoasarv expaume. Whmt vrai the lrpy, bd . laait attha iapommi 0< le votea oaoucometrin ldating, gChat liule ary Obvionsreud tfce Mr. Brougam amd Legi"uala bftar < uprovince, for defcaying hoPe ceaieh. Juaonably entertmilied cillais Ca ci. mti a1h emde Propeusi he du= h. expesa. fcera mpublicewoku fer lb. MlWdl's recaver. , Crgssasinesmaav 0w vich bo con- Internai improvenaieC 0oflie country, mnd ae 0py the alloivig r. Cihe Cve cor_, Com oned.] , h.lCociudd) rtePooino eni aledaiic. Circulé Of M&y 6:-laMàjuatY aPlae-,d ummue lineal. atirTtua is tiattouîy a tu .iqterduring Wu"dmay, ani convera,. lote, Ia heHome of Commis" en tie 301h o ta to o f t < h. n tnso h r-eâvroeuje"ybual.T suela- 'Apiathe Sappi Bil vuuoier ccouîîerm- vlacu ,am euharof0theCharci 0( - 9- Bulle tinaCis uormlg, boroyer isine ainen tin.an th flalai, andihat the univenaly raemly us- tual i Mjes u bspumd aaidfiight; aditaten- on, mt h.efcorpo.img emand ve entabliaheit uader ithe ryalciWta inipro- tdu folloeiug teia cep,- md il- ffaor duecortiley or.er Colmn esN duce aDopraicalt 10e0t.Cmthemaofi0',"Windaor Caille, May 8,18W0. mUatie- £13,«,4an;fo r 1 At lerp for»»D;Cfo hi th. ZTpe %i="hatea . . r egardiata i TWin lg bau pemed theu vol, cf ,yea iinail RoyaylArtiery £37,11; Dfrector Gen"ral gst icoisqiuane so omesotuhaaer mdaîihu isbsjuy hasie cf h. Field Trai £l»; MeiticaI E nagglaila Chuitai>; km hlà <oe oafs dtopmai b iim t.ebtnaMjsyb doubi Ment £9,127; Civil Officurm of teRoaC gih. .m m chr ,tersyegrn t pupaaiàmoi, < ig) "Rat lAiraa ho por- Acmdeayai Woolarich £3,402; Eatzmdiîn-a ill, atrl,,l*a(igd zxvIAra 'o-a To o h -gar "M18 fféc orExelny -«M. J. 1rziLux.1l on tie n- lsnoflh.tiaime,*58,10; orY> xeley ilcuupton-Bue «WlmcIuo, Quie, May 6, 18». Iee sario t Ornmo land £80.245; or sd0corse.-of Ambly tiat I havaelad tduir midrse -lIng continuea mach lbheamm. i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~bli topmto euieamut a uiu ~ hetaa uKimg, and Ihal 1 havo à in comn- Rs ta onfothe igt r lre. and pouastezof wchocs £6$A»5;, tutde mand toconvey, hiroug Yu, mlo t e a. N f asjsbupuaS ni blen rei), lng the chargesof ]iiitary ilor ea s; thi.exprenitiucfHim,u imjoyalisiactics (liguoit> B. HALPORD, mhomnuexOua pq te Eaginau iei, £Jj; anCthe ss orncofk, auut M. 3.Tammrwzv." a, iOramacorkand mirepaira, £115, 18aitta nid-mn a al ovrms aciia. Qapiae aouejn p laL su eerpia filsormca, £1904»85; for the Civil cnamdi haadoa o iia l i jiwilo a',~i isb ab - e W mai lWmpoutingesiles for the Ordnnescoti... ,uae . ive thaemun ious alemtîtea jmm, mande*doi abcl anmd egm DepaTOrmlaefM1.218. ,b.x.1iue.ion au yenmtmtioa chichinal lb. madie thatthéa imorier mai., cilciVu NM tardse iml h dam May.,,h h~.varutai dbath*[llaboeusls iaily h.oomimg moirs iuu~. emouui coU liacuathaSi 1*7. luj~a Jppe Caaa nhe Provinciaijl i sety psia inost reatîca, nagh- tuimg A motion li 1h. Homa ouiod yPailiameni assembied, for alvamng thie tii ibe olote .ni one or other of l ui ti r. Hum., ta conatinue in force au Act rpàs ceport îvcfei mportnand miii miresaag Chu p.. as, aidoutimes ahoi e. eséai ad a intdu r.iço of GeorgueII. e"Ccoconinuea.portionCa hi. daMiniona.Comtmtly by hlm aida. it alto- uvorypoisuon i ales.ai h. demie of the your ExSlaticy le, hoceve, avare tia! ______________ uudo oveugu atIllrumovai or ihaxgiby the eildm Act cf paiameat bave placeit m hue du coodiag King or Qwe.n," eau canral t h = bs bMajemu GaveramnmtO ETC lc bpa mjorltyOf I1 t 10, h. MiDiltOira aver, liimiel dimeroionu-y alety ra- rte"aleaharaprauat voeiin . h. hnity.- p.clmg tdu ppropriatmliom 0theicloray ro- ytiJu,,,16. a bac MWafaceufor th.removml cf patenta Mad con.- ervua, o dàToe'kzx"iigfrl tei -rMe o BmIAS YORK JAIL. aios~a"; lblnaamg.amie; ofinun d i ud pte , A degmt plot tbreak the al, the much A London paperOf it May 011$- h ovever, toit, b u W.Lbà. of ti thi t m»8amla tmoamber, onfinedî hris, 'Of du Coiamite th" onag ecidedthaGaogéiunder tdu ruvisumcf ilPauimnsnailti aa.u icovarad on Thmîmty niglit lia. mituud Mamay Dawcun, Esq. u=bumdut7 elt e m eu0 d et&-ln aa flotma bs icEimcsinra dis- or kma ta seva in Parliatfor tdu C of ttutu, it cii b. duihamb le MIshu i u tut lit u .dumtention of the pria- 9=pu Limoelc, ni tha u rluetmnol .O'Grm- proidmd it li im eiaras u pur Eicelio u t%01t5 attaruder lie iurmkey. Mr. sely, md fat-dy ca somli and void. c otdhbeclN0f uthéeg jerv lWhout bu cstuWloch dm lan tit cella a ebic "JperCimtad, anilu totbo.vrilabi tiauaOetaug. Mmd thoie elct their escape, asacwu C& XXTmACTS ,AOae TEECcoe- hvuieltodit rJamue.Klmpit t ..cd aedaer:: ial lhe front icor, hymenum Scas it'oxaATaONI To WALIAXEET aa-touse vigirefèeance tCmth. vamrvu o i du 0ayio=t heinioc0ofthuIlat ibtalaPECTINt AND. a enrvie«..Te mmiii CheCmdo chich tduy hll, hy '<. .-- f.Dupeclfru l ould lh. duarvdiy a snijct 0 trege MW cirufa lac, m<a MM as1e, trater gN . rePSa9 abf Mmjeyka*o M =.me-f- 9cr.- t bigretyd, umnti te nie- ntze7 à or0<tle Paritionw cié o Z. ML: fimty rcentyeimbbueud aI Yack ilicumi vendthlebrick k he dutctli eugtehe sa Dowai n ist. mic. prove ta have beau. fmamed upc. pliei- dw, M&cOut ta aambl. Un tan te- là-Ihaagilatit!eecllta Ples chici cmotho ami. to lmcord clii twes..tduim ratin Mt he md indo,, meus-malttooCh a p fa deapm tcb l@ wie du uemt uagmit olnoesot Mdo f kel'thon, ameN tham mb laar c n n eu e obdiI ae idruned ta Sir hsav m 0 1 l aaut.a bt iiubji vrle îktm 1 ai- he, 8the1hava qburi i "Jour doo, in kcaU«mulduti.luneva Iflametc aceC Ait bgvuutdunudn hu u Ii Adpm poUc.urn oue ia, emnt upirCaaa. i Ib ata><,uc i a upu. th0< u-et a C»i&Mivecniuethe 0N13t ia*isf a lielu mlli. f mPm»e coRMaothe it dofu MaChié viii duoii _Va c0< li. Tavnhay, béev» tuom, W" ci if larausentUffl» topmo cf ahm ti emoa bumaca a. Ibis,K * àsma W«10orirua gnlfo hmrosia heis t one eictd tii.arch agmuM opimuhdosse et 0<m -"J," c M UR le zà... t coldu taa amou raaeca ahlirY itbi i- ib.icaltaullacf %gad Sk»ýra i eai b ilviu',oie mut of em t a - " u du 'c ri i> s pjc, ,le ui an" t uà t, em I -a -beteuaý oe utiiiy orlisait, foiaaier, vb h < hm a aiale w anS fumaSaut nit <.'>- liaidupil io.as u im tloorrompuauthloM, .amy fintiut 0' gotil, uves iddythm e 0' doptei avsa fli doweufaum le. ir te- a ,m eauhel«Mdulot. cor. tul niatautdth y M"C s uurl livan e *b uo, bdm*eoeliutIoWlciic "r -*0ý*ril s cl avcme. lsm theàauth. u et esta, o nj s uitii aoubla u ut fIlfumeT, Who lok of , pc. a. a"l Idu~b" of Q eésh ae . ve h.a ,t d lia s Ibului i iehaatm_ _ _ . t -ut ie* ivte* Lmi4Wg t or(lie$ Oieris. lie ahsuisrglise am lui olu ieaeuutcUef~im~' ~~i~ltl ime a abavhusia pur £ ~t¶.GuvuhhdmaYM ut *cuisil Di ha WdW o.M u lIeby a.hai ~ulstoIr-as--.--'--the boy-Sft toua. m.v'a d Chie~ aa b ai«,! '.osa U calmabe on. la lbe ,acta L = Zdoa 5~il uUieai..uui ~ . hamactv am 'doeaivaeomcl, à% u..--.- tw ne- _aupl.fbbâ icaruvug ois& so àa Ib. elijê ie-bmb l mie lnt; n u- i blmicriuei. diâu dupeaumer hoI.Igmglueu -"a demi mn,,,Mdi cam auby mul li acl, tai lut- ai"-w la *ol wWWdbd ien S wmàoum UmIo mrlmwIC Io wfYm mmWAW, «t r 1. ii. com . mm