,, 8SI 0%-i ew. arum Fmmiqv ougp*la nIw tuap cmèi pnEulwtkat hbal$*unéilmea about tS ebéercm. putpv . Wi t i - - OmBbula "apaif jetM- lii ,édp ct. idh*e mUsu>a iey, qW Oluatend, 60oc, . i céne pab n oldue aonttzy a le m«hbmappeam- t Iby i.&ubMaat.4 Mv.U ««& md. a he f PW.Uto bP po u .b oiselent. la nmjuvei bythe a. mvii. dut vilaiomcur0 about tues 'Jq. a; but il le dungit *1.m an uvuappu7 jt b. ou O u le vimm apaitie in. the Mrl-î &et ,ion vu evpënmea t boing ail. té> MUi tbe w*ekýr rlepset oail baudd 1i Rlt, Bot a cmu uf eholeu hvunuu tbi-1 racesrivatenue or lme ain auipu of the. Tovak. but as-lie vjack impton ffy The m.vl sau m trect frlunthea carge c «W ChwefJustice etMontrent , At1 the opoýmiq orthe i.una ton c, l Kiog's b ,mei las e W IL ui.Th* mm. îovhiPlae ceordiybmut ui.mola --l'he P mêemmeeuntgs canal *ciiitaiiC. aaoeiljmm-ar ebted to prodout.m. aglmon .'Mi thmo 10Ml hop totMe Ilava aiue try for eeOuf11 adprotection ;but bkv- ever ierm.iag the ciue ub.' n- flot bo di"ult àfdeolo. T a anpoint yoc ue.e40lock t, la, wb.lier Itlb.eldm thb. ailitary forme mevasmid in, Ume ie- à isw da titiMdai ng, dangenue ote 1 publiepcam ui elil, li , ubudier , ainut rovri off emmae vai!"meubla adbiuni W hoasi ia violent a&W lu- sfmenueune ttachei, etor iMaedu te attack, und injure thi. peruona or pi- leajz maeur ote-wbm lP tumnit und -tit W l'runmme lie pueblic eu. naitb.preu.mdugiu bc pe.adeeâly tvu. bhm.ins ii gar. th ii ouancefjtequSIi rit, uai dian, ic.cceat .f, by aiuseble unui, anuId t lufa sa ry,sa.ti.notehodW«reet a mugie- q~pe.pcdur.il uametichonai- ue. jl, e . av l luh à$n- anc.of l. MW. ni ouacrer. in aity. or " id lepeticsulary wvatchîtiutn limeandupans cocuimn on a *de-u filla " miple ho toicSttei or ccate- out. W aCa fl7 vrit l vstop, cr whit nIxiiebil Mamy mut upon ia tvim. tu~ics, nràot imey veofod¶ TIi. ua ancs W# r.ton noterionu. unWteern, ,mo unsi. isq the r bIe ituide tuiu, Lt bouaete .daty et evU mua, andmo. ewcialy cf tic. Who ua - trui ,,ceuentors cila.teac0, te am eVey llet.UAthMR It lr"fambltu 0 the .Kiog'as sbjecbivîicut ililtIon lodispel tii e e aIt 6" iluigond arn fmiev tu, ~e a;u4 the b' y * Joiticeofthe u«a,ai Ors , um ul. ail eurye.ha wtb db a aletlg itttàéou eu pomiuame zIrin hme.i-te acit -rpncem i lai f*a estipprualo f uNe. b. killed, tihe et oJufe. te. Pence, or hos.e, Ig ndertm, are in Wvullii.Tbuu.lpuc anas cfa mi mui onfile the. <bown., liv. andiumd a urnplom., dut sci aD vai anilgl imnulQ( the. 1151dm of lb. ctizen; 1AthaU«itcoma IM te be acitiussaldaough a .oIth-be uif@M as amclbona" te oley liulpWu<ethe country, and le support andi wuM tb le lau, mas amy othir sifisen,&Mile liait. te b.Sh calc pcn by the civil uuadly l*W Iis perpoue vienevu oirso.enai .a- quire il; jam ui nvur b.acte m4«e *Wl atioeity, lieesoldie in enltilute aien protetion as a comstablé, ce amy ab iWhii vidua l ing naer lh. atboily of Mi of' toyour equ* i ai thutm b, e. n iW t. lemi- bitary foSrce e. mplojrndvaue ting mm- derthl.e bsnty, or vidatheb. asfasm Mdi commentof a Juica, or Justiosée it Peu.,iitha du ffly ri«'PPUMffo f. dan oo.roo i et t.g h iaIsas lugmi-if janAm"I liis tu b. thecas%,ye ar, bornai tu protonthetic mltie n lieueaet"mg under Iijmýanid> eo~_ biUtM:u= f v b ualo= 14 . tb.e cotna,il ea"i appoette Youp dii the. mlitaiy iiotashlui atew reuivaWau aCuJelm n vitlie ul.ey o i-1 je or comhu A. uffl mrent ettàelg »d audri -b "umttaiNvy aMd tie idu a 40 mIh leaclied Celte, *Md 72do. "' Cotions, atout Febalse, UteulA 'm Woléshlnu, Corderory, leus nidxam- teesg, lilck and colére l ,1and tmttn cilvets, Orne de lupuMs atine, Paiiane, ýn ild Sierge$, lF" yBaunianua, sanimt id Barcelocals, Blick undi Cees Cpes, Il-buzscnu, lonvici Ciupes, and Crpe lLyonu, Sommer uni vinter Yotg, Black and coleaiTwiMte nd ialnge, F-8 aerinets and 0-4 vii und coloured [enut Liningi, 834 and 64 Cotton Tick- g.. Cumblets, Moreens, Sbîlous andt 1uthag, Bannockburn Tartan and Plaid BO.tres, Blark and colored Behazettes td Meies, sinugle and double vidth, Docii Sairtiugs and atout Does, nie id Prl.ted Table Clothu, Duaper llucks- bck und Cloutinge, Ouiiaburge und Ab- rmat Sheetîngu. 42 inea Twilied Sarking, Bronanud Biaik il hu»de gry and bleeahed Duchu, Broya and bleacb.dCen- ~, ita. lbo. Lht. Iateh me' f.slep iiiusit TiSti. .u- NEW YORK ALBION. *"Xb#*Wc.: o ýe" -d 'bie* ui b .Ona.d. liP IWf'GrlCKL-Wb.m DnelUJohn Smith, » la**"* ua ad ectedtd. '1 Orir, asrelînbqnlabeithe Ate bojIa. eiism u pnsils il- --egT scitlé Otu cd bumv ousAa i.iom, ,uerseie wéhdieu ,fgUi. ebtemitiubr b d- kaenwa Jeenal* r ~the * venutthei mmli MdNuy upw uhee th Fiumia adsmefre*eclfly reqtuffete luae applicatioen tinict. piinf111.E-.rnegervb. liihé4 ulbéh~a - htV'. aJotaJe a aJ~.., ut lb. romtOf- b*bb tWgsr«4Me siniuhMteteteru bara u o.. me.Whovittiifer the.futurs conlustheticS 1hui Mnd deculo. codut of ti. magi W. OMY ay e. olaS ti.nt;tâm al.-, Apuc. -M tmai du oclesu<r tint oacf gaicir GuneralOf Kipgto, a.N-TEa.sSxDellar, prrannum, pepe-kat nos uie. amrntie tbalu ocuMd. tue proceaiapont.s: vtIfleUi.N.B. I'dercuntite aubscihers are fur- at Tic pmmsatmMvilppr iaura. & neigtspauocil esa-.hdiu l nex nivePue Cur- u i ne he 1 ll ruaim anmiMdcopisu ahipping lier. Rav iZr cmàlaý" inl wviIeilftuat.ru l i Kingston, tl tSept., 1032. du :-= th S charetm e Uchwooe f m mu CiasMM#bERCIAL. BANK OF THE 1MID- Wite nsfleebmnffmming 'bru"dentne vouali appt-ttie ieiaUm the=iea-LAND DiSTRIor. ' bybki rtirte o-tl fa i Ja bsucer n tsrpît pne.Dc lo f o %fo~Sr aj»y smelDois.1DimesautMbaay ad Tlmuiay. . toSgi'eu»e vusulluMW, tier.i.- ia.igaclle vauld aboe.tbii emnerifs. Néesoa.mored for Discount tlobe enctoedc tmg~~~~~~~~~~~ fneore " mv utledaiai plgeigltIi langty commenac- te lie Cauier, and aset ie efore the day Bo reo " mbychoiera. Thu lnauqureatinhave the honour teoi., Sir, efdlee..at. a St 6evrmedca1pnc.cne bl,. Tour iuunbleiervnt , Sotoe fer cllectionmunît b. given ileut .. *.btiBard cf 11.11, tu- Av Extaao, e hurme days befov e Ibmfàlling due. D pot d. ue a than cf hiePat ie aii BH o. f hpubli nu'iit he Banik*au' Ivwelv hourm àuracl b al Haî ae lai*flou.**lach . M.e 'sliO P. M. bi plomu. a"i teuit n hieret leee- k lCtzSM un. ouest, or ordur ofthe Board, rui cd.i OMarn md yeolu uorvab a daaglbau. 7 F . A. HARPER, Cauhier, B friim*paiunut vi ae* e.1 »kCaeWit, Kiagtmn, Septetaier 1, 1831 .l nioetmr Ravwie, garnsis sovu natilNon.- At Tu arit. m 1»0&t < baelua. Mr. jeu,._____________ 4%y.ý The, Advoutu Gewmmappéoufraui as r- i., ,, îuueni eEu di a ecommionistOffce, o lie "cocsoncam ui r. Duval blite .de- MnX-- cé,, r. Bytovut,18ItbAugma, I1 au iiuai.-4 p iebea Gaz.] s Huet.a em r Aa u zzGOVERNMENT SALE 0F RUKI Tii.accWat hei Leer anad ,-i A Dalaaasdu. r. aun Bav,, o. OTICE le ieraby giron te the Public, lumtin li. CoieaAtotmoete . 1cr- Mr. pu, d. N tint the Sale advrti ounlth&tb 0 pèctng he Coi»contnuete e faor-At leek m bema i.1Mr. W. P. Haanjý, ,Jslj.of Old Jamaca Rois, in bit Mjuty'a S aie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i blf0,U.eat.N.3arUe agazine ut Bytovu, le potponcd untilW qeà 20. Tue tic SOth b dy .ofOctober nect. e CASuAXT.-IaIs mariCg aCN ct.At Ceauva, «oth. 2»Maitut. 5Lolm, B.asu- Tend- u etho meauslimue vii. ber"vc ej lntut ~~ <P~Ck e.MD,»As sEvq.agd 40. iiby the Senior Cemmiuat Oiasr etA, Incussnt ak éidtm he odyof atrckTii. ulgw& ary, sire 0<Jew a. sTau«,. Bytevu. nntil Tburmay, the 41h offdmiatý Chue, survaunt cfTho'u. Kiripalzick Ew.q mnti, ira. usocl pursona as maujb. daii- l vie vas irovus mar tdu Comfmaail-euFOR SAME, aueof purchasun tfie violeouorany pat wia< Tic min, il appea, u, asenageui Ythe Soiscriuer, a quandity .fgceircu tber.uf, tattiatbs prico le Currnry pur Se inUbs lua punceau vidivwatur, vhen e u JOENWÂTKINrOh iea blimn, le tersu of the former f hmeJH AKNL aivetiosuit. Pi mi tertim"lie animal hlcet hie We a.heVA&LtUàA-LSALE 0F DRY GOODS MWid Di t stdN Sturdus ithe5< houe, vhidi-vma a aluble ou,,vwu aise »Y nI rtPACKLGAN LOT . . Te WÙti ' 0 day f uacsumbe A T te effo-et e b.cribers, on Mon- next,vall b »Iâ:ttbeCoet Roue., in th l o«Miocky tlei. bSeplamber ni et OutmecTova of Kingsten, the felloviag tenidsi-.* 'lfb fl4iietTHgt.2 uid tona Il& l gray oute Cuttisie' Bis Majet'#Court of King'@ Bercb, attie Mv.Mitr,-ecz ieAzmaio 4 ne îo cc hiartings, suit of John Prn, ialit fie lundesuni 10o«1 Scoc betings,sauckinge n o-tenementu ni lames Mooiy, Jose plaliri W».14 ÛtEOS.pIOJCi f eaaoti uuge nd Johan Paquin, via. Lot auinberfouin ni oPmmâtr.WOa nenteahai an appomrict 4 Camu sItra speulneWont of Englat i tt onefflin ofMarmot..a lis Me naiuntione, a"itu eyite plan, Clotho, i.AU) peignus avi lg cialiensliemaboeuPl 1m~e b ave abition ai a mR do. do. d-Couluaerue, lands or say part theroof, by uoitguge or e W i fo~lr a nevpapur, btWen galy h8 Bales Y*sIblro sperfueun&Bd e oieiearerethee tma. un.me cniba.eanny nin, caso lect any lie; g Clotho, knvn to me, os t ors he cday ef sle. N se uiligiluaor inforaz.My freyokorosa.(atoutedeipays) sale la commence aI 12 o'lkciti tv The cou=oli fat 1 aitruule on joyi04w10- "MlgCte de.i o muais as fellevi- 3.. Pleb geJOHN MA L W~C seMninn fie on Clroiala 1 «.Polorihami, t %pebn ahuris;X. D. lent. unirtiq I - Wbhitolam. "bbir i th Halowl »eMih.dMani 2 8 ERIFFS SALE. C 2 MilandDistrict, FiaI Saînralaj VA Canadaoand i ariig beard o ,< Btlnaéics oWt ~dyf)crie --cnfn&roleRalevli ton 12 meurs. az, vmii b. uid eallieCouirt111inletieé -cia solae.quet meoting alie Catbollc~ *u Muti&ad nombuxttcs, Tovn . igaof.Uuleia a &otcdhoedrn ofALwd aFaiBq 0 uifuc Clcesisa isib lre of au exacution isame t coatim sy 2 acaic.bleulae.pof bMnyucuuUWeily DWzk. Court, è vu. emciwteet h le vhele airas savon - mo 40dthecf M - of Boutt ontb la heiupalle. 1 bavoreoad nier a u maaae ebumua eauaniluyeemws .Jour, *lonsv *0 aacrue amniluie2 Casme.Tarta leei,.te, liaNorth East quaer«ef LoÎ No. 1lul --4luave .ueditaMuseeu ioaeuqe 1r flle" IS tbç ~ iTown miKingston, aui Lon No.iltr- herta* u uhoun ii ..aen-e 4 ~ h mirAU m, aru requtuf .W aie à"ana h-Ïee .nez, % dth ptieci -Caled Cuambrile and Juehonete. hnnt.. mrcbofue iay of mie. Vaila",an 1do&vr t&t4 aamihu7à aln iped gl JOHN MaLZAN, muoumiloue. m atroces a pieociuon- hons. Sberrfs 0fic5, Sbori, m. je. trIl-4 Wiiu Ceaiie,4ilpoae,13. .mv ll lwg e l b cou l a. cf- s ay CheckLo .n lnCAU TIO N . 1= aoett uitriaem-3_Juconetuami naLe. A LLpNe»ueherhye&uUnlien.IM B ma u l vat"lyauaaloiavol. nation5 " Bebbtn.tt, Ilaile hand cullais. pourchaig liundrmutinairaso aceuwei i d . , i 4 dcrmir f1 1« Gros ideNuples, ribbine uni claps of band, leio y tdu subucriber I MerciB ueulduupmcadimirdeaall-pe, uj »k tlteJh alaefra lot ai Lani lt Mdat buim tan e iie m tn 1 seru Truai ahi Baudannuu, bkoathemid Waintllc aul e, i. gi'. ~~~~bl the miilaoisr rià d Uiri=s of "I, payable lit April, leu, 1 of C"Amaisian.yon pw&w Vla t àdm 0-MOdoos coton und vormîted hmu, giorno.u@id. £2%,de. lum Apiel 83.j clalicn ct yeux couîntry uni cauntrynml- and. brais, On. do. £5, ie. lot AproIlm ce4 lrai. cCnula Il asoI anft bhUOme de. £5,do. lmtApni l, 3 a juil indignation as tfiq. iaing ýmiftdo d. wvitle eurpune, Oe do. £5,de. lut Anl, igu 1. lnmg et jour -oilly>, oryelmigion, jour 3 Cause Ctton 7omlk ' DAMIEL SIVEi unclors jour nlglata atn sprovine. m 1IBale #5.,Di otls Id Cou. CAdmu, sept. 5, lA13. Eritiilé duo, uidtote b sarenu of $TaM"e uerlud coluon aiN%)TICE pelVùa bamatar iWlli Yom:tno iI10 Cane auneplat. bute, Nf presn výiia e uvovei, té trbc O1vol-uni-Oe. Ludie. beuvez bonnes, rlioklutami pumon"mOison ite bds gat.lacl csqhuioiauul bdel Cou- 2lde. Oib Cape, - a 5Janconq mma, liaI iuie tempcthd.e onl u a CE £o uituvl oPla muw vio ueellsupn.tb evr untuut aMie thé ol. aldi bun. M, brSamu inae,li bsre.Cotcgfuoaln et sesn f le osifj 'anM. What de 1 Ta luit a"nid louhe, e 9ag dee SI)UOdtî soie t" iad tii. pItl Piee he ae.usuiduhe Cashs bttemns, vtiéleiir ua.5un tirsoties, mm n.f'«A Candian" la inverse anlis àa- 2 Casone vning r a Vi e or »Y« uluaig vutor lu the Yard.- taa mavesatitei. pne tm,hu-i adon»azu.a1n" "&" nlelyoto ailier Tc batvePrmeilu l Wn tl adpta fer a ti snete fthie i.cieh a s- g Tav~laior @SOoe ing tlated es -Oil dise aKia- o the Obronliel If A vuÎtj ltb it.viivii 1 b. ivm t Strot.WibI fe tr a l.nuuise! rata dutjoural m lwpally ab.vuhla.miop.parcheincu car" eMMunit a tuisnn im Vr fuaintttsl, tâtiçan, viay MIet nLautie tam .vy in Sle t.esau u 6-yday oti se l ssolot aaistine, Mrus. * Lur. ifaern hmbl d uleml~ Ivcbob. ice t eldb ii h e aulienei leh lot preoule- ilomt unidau bme. Wui il e-0oarj AUJ. CUTffiLIRA. 4a] B . e Sdu Sbucaer. k Mt smérqoyte Iracum. but ovin t. i u o "a Anlmîiu. A MOI CR *0 ru ofigiols or thi ity ciuny NOTICE.Euion aga Su.Sl t mh ,« «niWh - tmalW ieofba Ité bmba*&lu is n.mj3.ma nmi mle u cl ieupo *»t ga"ab 'baPAER vu mgay 1ci ii a- fTmahaN Ws lmdspd'» ai enaI. Miy auhémllca..,huabmd 0 ____________-a_»Ylm______ doiSqt b t u mido MW iimajte alemE. CHIo is J>ftwm w»m . ~l~ptila.humt uai la'Caaondses i 1~u~je.aaou lhi em uoimmc, ira mcdalul- 'Tonlmeber4.133 ali w=iM oruic h l etntai,. .- . - meenie 0-alie ril ueih DOMMiERCIAL nANX Or TiuE NiD- LAND DISTICT. mee 0ti h fle stocklaolders f tii. ustc *i Batu, e Snett bu, It wuam ,eîd, That lie zeusheder of altiuac eheuli Iallinla ven, asae uta se tbe huard of MDtaistemcul meu lu "Bnlienaile tlis charter. S.1e" léfexaue houaigiven, Saut dine Itialmeuueas uh4 ia,syable at' le Pl ca l. Uthdal of Obtmb. lut 110 COe-t e ust. a là*h day of Fuhruar, 37 eider et le houri, F. A. HARPER, Caier. T upu1 . 03_ Ný 1 be i ouepup«" easin eaeb irwc, «ruly isde"igo oriteul moft him Bant,wtinlaaples ubimehé aboya, samietin a t u enunts foipar~ 1i JO"N WATIUM muai an f Ias ivarei Cutlar se. eon- aunong et lchv bc o tuaiueet every uraticu lia liI let f-Aue, 11m0doc. Big- glce'urGvueami CvpdIe&cyti J, W. bi u y a u l fre tr - L Pe'ties a lti od& ExT£risivE &V.LUÂîiaLt SMZ ou'Goons e r ouil by ombiLr Btbe, AT THE STORES OP BI. SMnIT 'ON Mondav lhe lOti of Septeahcrelext, and fbiiovlng deys, thoelu voiii-tlý out ay recrue viutvx-terum lierai. Amongit the amortmnt Ire the fmlleuring: S0 er We-t of Egn dS.fie Cletie, 2 =ales idi.g.sudCondttm, 1 doubleksingle miulidc"i suees, 1a iraia olive, bline &L br'n Flusinga, 3 &meorted! Kerieji uni Pudding, 3 Whitneoy uni Rose Bianket, I ti, vbute,ycll,,w 4blus Flaunca, 1 " atnped dniplain Ldu."7, 4 Bmbsete. Meino, ICamblets. 2 b Dunertoans, Cnandillsuani Nan- 2s0 oirce«e rment uni ftarniture PFnf., 15-wbite ýndgrcy Shirtingi, 4 aewlng Tbzead!, Balle andSpoole, 6 Beuver ani platei Rats. s ba«ise 'etiop, Oeeubuirgu, le. 2 - RidderiUiater Carpeting, 2- COUeterpanes, sud Rage, casai qguis, Corde, mand VleNti, 3 Chioa,# @tripesntalGingauu i Luaeeui . »au4 ni D'lapera .1i Muhn "yti4 Cape and rhi 6 hales Wrupoing Fper, 2 ces" Wrnlrg Faner. 1 itt. aaiortrd buttons.- 3 trnaks asaorted aulk Geci., 1 do. Ribbome, 1 do. Lacepa 2 Sit Merine and .tho'r shavis, 1 Bombîuaruie and Crpseu, 2 Ausotri Gloucu and HoOery. 5 Caus Loudon maie Cloties pf ail du- crufion-th a grat vend>' ty f elim aru- The gouds aluybu vlewed tIvodays pro- vieus to lb. sale. In.ending purcliascesmay rely ual ano parc viatever of thi aboie vil be vila- Sale, t e emmqep eci a.rning aI 9 0,- cheik prunl>. Tbe. aboie Go"duare anovronitis vu frein Moatmd ani fores qusof the hai scia sertuents vez odiroi for sale lu lias iF*vtnco. WiNe~, SPIRITS, GOCERIE, DRY 000DB dia M cLEOD& Gindîiit«gruteful forfihe libsul enconragement exprianc.d b, theun aie tioy ouitireiimie partntip in lhe abovu lino cd bosicm eu, 1.te intimaIs tel Mfuende aud tii. public la geneal, thal tlry h us t n eoew"ei ief *m Ltion, a large q.uattyuf u se-ou la G<a. be' aesie. JUIl-amed uoa extensive atmoRteuof (rée,12aMi cet ani Pllin Chrym setul, ell esai oil r. Gnoeerie.ani Dry Coud..' . licirviile Stocibumof<lhe vuy haut commedi du ause I. duattenius Of lie ~lt;andiclog determiméedte bin ati eu n ebpad,*vetur. fbo ao alsi alter us4vc aue Kingeten, iTtil Aot., 1S3 GOVERNUINT SILE 0FP UK h q'LL, ci l. -utlcAoi qua«mlly f ulor uu"etiehRUM .I juta pu pqpcimbte br pilvalussn, We*r iase ta nlo~, 4uzpeuuleulu lamo crncies'a", i. i e mla lu fer cmauh ghu htnae, mpme e ien i nimberif hogiu 9W dwhy i go ~pur- Oi t$ieN lterlu ulieeutt10eo or bb»phé110du87rsetemet*ontph otio. iARLMA-L U Ceed«M&tia»W%%e. gc,1 am Irish Liàenta u&i.Luvu.. $loh J*canet eni Mauil Mmlins, Moii uand lac. Collosr ani cape, Whio itt Sti Blck Bobbisctti, fi- guerei auiplain,.Eniahin, Lace., Tîttieg. am, Sali uMi Cetton Umbrellu and Para. sis, Linon uni Prnied Cotton Shirt., ushaml, Crau, ltosier, Choies uni matil Ware, Aunrlei West of Englai Ctotho eni Centain, Sattiartu, Kenueysmsd Cas$$- nets, PaudlrmguTaie, Coatinap uni Bure, Iuseoiwvite auedolored Flunneis,Ftaub- ega, uni Citadim Clatho edca ni whtIe London gergee, (%muon, fie, ani superfine. Ciderm;mter Carpetieg end lmnahRape, Soine und uicp Twio endi limais, Aseortm uases of Boots end Sboes, Feolàcap uni Pout >aper, piaying Cordé, sutpermorSpunulaIn- digo, Amsrted Cratea ni Glauani Crochce- Men"' * trli aid Haye Gumpovier, F. FF? uand TP. Cuneleler, Shmts, Cult- ingo,.ylal Ràefuie., uni Cooloia-e sorIai ioled Poucanmi utch Ovir-don- ils ici single Steve., CatBoxesuiSeul nron; And in the ceomme of a 1ev :",y$viii b. recoiveci, 10 libia. Modi iraW», 12 quar- ter Cueicu ds. butta Shen ry, pee Sacili- peninr do. lOins bottîci Sherry. Tuigeta. en with a futiu ioutmulet LONDOh FANCT GOODO, lieutPellerines uni Fur Carles d. Lu- ueetrg, Bell uni Bonnet Rubbonu, und vrae iv. GUILD, Jupin.l Co. Ton, Augut 4..lm7034v w.e ausmuela n e -sm v pMrPuae M" eieeapuguop h OMI.- IL u5 tue. blon uiét 1