e mus conftu un-. fç w ,atam e have te, r0; Futeaov Ja l u rave-u, 'Im'nt of mit MW Md SrV pn thei M i . oi - MÎM Fal s &éadition tethe lb. .ve, Ibo ime laeCgwlim vilate bave anutant picam% o« t«uefor' th. Iemporary roei- dec d the la.bMtae4d vaatum, pume- t euting the taudeoef k*pper Proraner, ce de the.o.ieubigh 0.(i.tlatw peeiues. Sncba imeaci Coealy.ho mid.red 49 sa ad <eraipueeta m.wl ly th da et o<drawu - koe aout c 0. qftamm e.uployed an the..iIppliag, amdo. £ e mamb ighway. Orsiwoaldiappmi toatt thetrmd. a"l prit moeal y »Ch la --à .an areughdy any remori- abk"pespa, witbOutd aecdag to a pie k fui denacald4gawback for uhat wvu Cca-1 ho ue.wm o a on maqm wasecs 0oflth. »taimie- sculoou..-Om. hoedre n.Po"nh cnually. ame pail b meacla of the d Dkicit cSkl. and the peaple ciauir. idfer Wo wapm *. Il lIait naonqey e.peed- edi*0 Wby theacot says le edmct. a few S schrel b.e bousa rm u vlafant areoed a the. cm"moolbutol la..ev @Choiera - )aof thi eeP-lemSpuNra lb. id.., of baviaag their childien expoacil f0 bàe. ahiumit, by maaaaag villa $ ope lanvc.ldb. cpgta éhev twhnel sbe, amtaUMaMea sortI ie f sPétietty fer mach boy@ tasveree v- - pens. la lb. mother eeuy*largemme of v- MghIby - rf0-&hllaere0 extucte -midg gmaeectonsm thl.e " m Sdcty' - wu.ledom ue pa'Iroemadtoiçliere, Iames- l* k out lasrsbol wire tbeum xceeabi ,te:edmc«a ertmici ama- a ber 0ofIapw gatll, If lthe surne soda If veon kpova IbaMay etlVa.-mastira de VacheS lt the &qeé *"" r. la MWce * emdmisagmea, ui lat ht herei clao- lual iéeted out ad puiiia.d eeveely * ic IAWg magll., vl A ela tberenpe cell go (m *Dcu puam.n4i beogumm aMme l-ige haltr iltuengt Io mort t1h laver Oft< $fla. euil.&0 <h ý*3tmcnandahuar camrm gsao4tC&hDigtlb.partae Oflthe Othera.t o foi tem nt. hia tiesu» of naking mvère examplowof siebunt te t.ta'~tqm -e.<a l hiebb New h tâe biu vieê. the Uor& 0nobet ,tb b. am 4 -L" - s.aum48 o pomint. 0< lSe eie à.ov1 IN*erontb, *a. ihave. noce> * m oelreu'erlaiW. Biapkla badone,it is a lhe veaurbd et0<boidoge.Iat ever vwu et ttupetbueembllM ià »yan-tutry * bavuaç robn"meka t nuuý. ]mgir. int metm4aea.em o ue mri> Mf hoir chihsua mba imed, *y sadme, i appostéci bp aapFver-" tie la aoaaloet aher oa pttiul m4ha te taadrance theu vaivate lnt«este Ti.dihke tabMr. Rig. IlS h gememi, wo* cc v,'reaAtbe O>Gel b.P@ople f itere givm e ~the, uzzi..ia.mOr a ah:ld ma1aW.>rf«ure4vare. tht no ree=Id. o h Po iuthe b a a a OeweO&US ..f? r Thia.ma vey daliabmiedtti te legwa r al parim .Warugrt.taegay hit» w.bave r--agantpbeiev., l iii u «o na debtara have ba»i ScrmeaWe, at-the. mit1 of uunh e mi telta.We '*iobave t, deplor. lth. boue diepoetim anu sabla inaa Chnalaaaa utry, by a taro i m of0 PomPie Wviam reeager tte uasdebé whm- cevr they ea chiala credtad eSmi- wards show ndicpuo tet.diwalile tlieir eopmg«»and civory diu oe an- onltig tonauge t- th-it oedaime bea they dumd peymm.urthil.e amad%- tloflgivoebeaja. Il vix b. ein <thal a aa.timag vawu . st Watbrbac. a&W mesgam.akea to ia- Ward a petilina te ti. state Loghliat4rc for a ropeal. theb&et l olhltacg ioaprmen- nment for dola. Me"tnjpgeth i.ameiepus posbe .beaun helan ther parti or1k. state. Saanthing smilai tlteineolvent uhbt ara lav 4Rn Englandi aaglt acaver batter thoan lbthe ceintaoiued tat aura.emlp. BY liaIt au inoolvent delalce»m, byap.M plylua;t. e eloci.appoilntua for lie pulpe, hkv. tiie cati et hie cmls eeomv ined, thonmif hoappeere ta 1ho". od bK( nestly, glona fixée ttaiy.fd.cp and nt ai h apqo4ttNe vaganc, aea mlJe.O e dor certain oaj m.I culOa tIcf. bey er. h off-ve,exmspirab es am et h. e mIbr- zeanda laudso-mdea Caa. cNaxa-mon, k. iberna- w a thi e b.Ccutp of NGrflkI u iash Place or D. MCCALL, £Oq. docma.d,-emàd D)OXALID lpoAîmi aq. ba bain lctmd farth b.Ccuaay 0or.enmrb. 8v.Lawimaau..~.heSt. Lavrince 'mprvmust biliwua. ent l. the Loglla. taf CeuM oan Taec.ly lait. Thie Bon. lioum Clark, andl lie Hou. John RHaa- o., vore ppoinlal Comnaisoners, go tint tia. Ca.eiaaame D Ovconmsul of even tulhuis. On tho tlrreading, Ibeyeim 'nd ecys ver. a. faalotrs"ysa, lsais. Attornaey Cernea, ]Brov, Sud, Surveil, Cismieaa Clark, Coo, Crack., Elliot, Pic-, a. A- Baar, James, Lovie, McDonald A., XcNahh, Merit, MeNeldge, Norton, Bandai, IRoluinn, Sason, $haver, Van- boagiiestWerdee, ccd J. Wilieon. Neps, blassis. ISrczy, Bivweil, Blouitan, Camp- b4%ol Raor, larvie, Ketobain, D. MoDon- aIlE Marrie, Piniey, Bollia, Solicitor Gen- oral tbhoor4 ,andiWhite,-ucjoraly 12. JDiavr]cvC»RTmvBILL-Tliaane Poued the goumetcfAmambly on Wednc,- dyli.Tcjurimdictimof <the. Dietrict Court. by fiis Bal, le luoraisi to £100 in ail mae, and the fou, lancmm litance, have beeu, roduced. A Bill anliorisn; the.apprehemmsion of fugitives hm Foreign commierz.bus Pa- oi ballabrinchol.heiclgimaturs. Mr. MeNaii, for the.tract; of botter On- poyant, bubienakng blasmf a binil of buffeen an raoig bisl tpins for saine- &lamg le aimns cge LaginsmIne at Tuai, deM a telnax their mieda fror thc vory grave anal solîmin matrro ndar thhor couoideratien. il onilseena iA .PFe- ry alter maulbthe lilng andl dilling liat Mir. McNmh'm ingenauty couli lavent, te carry a fveuri Ouvre ho hai befère 1h. houes, di net thiielIt expodihtlor just, or t IieeuX lie of thatiienefit tf.tir. people of ttic Province Ibat Lavp« erM. Nai criash eak* beMi. Perry beleve, and liai thi e »TA. Mr. Paty continui Misti. mata la bis oppositieonhae[tie bill, ta lb. great vexation cf bic oppolit. Mr. Me- Nob or %mime petine fer li, thoughît the mcdée eof the i vihlpDece sivfk anidflac auet he luker's aber, a vorpgoond tui; te lue ppilud th14s. Parry ilte b.omtierof ypeclihon arreauvsern. Thi»See t. fa u tbaml the pisce cf lnondod vil here relateali and &Wpiedl, in davoi eof point, insouci 1 *li. MeNaIr u bis b.arrogance te Vite1 ilMao a fotng vitta tii he âcism peau, un vclca bcoeuy aucM t. iait Mî. put ilhtee obeaatt coutnd Vithw eitboelIaby hice mmmesaart he bai be 01 &&te hesifla.ua, .ie se I efb todfa (banl fuIta get Mi. Parq'tiiam *4 â» viéhealhhlr, tat chen bha c «W m scci, ha (MeNai) wu" alte cemvery the Mec tbtt c a »ehfbis lileoitadlrand apl'" bilties coud mot conteni l vtib1 Part Pe r .aivsatage, for the. ruamanibsat Mir. Ferry obmicctely contemalsi ani mal.. talmedel sposti egainet lbe offerts eh Mr. MffNai. W. bave given u h hthlIe reportlof lii termlethe SMPubalcacaumiof tlals Province. TIa ir remari wechali mate ah prentilstugiat expeure lan oleciig hmeedtlion, at lb. sure lamue ipauses renpl*leeisa Oeleclors diesea lt le mut mm .<wb.fbor lavhul or mû ave have mot cimlcel) Theirevenue on Siop, leu, and M11 hleus mre oeileeW ed a scetIof U pet cent, ai a lois Iritech latabeqm. 4 ho,- The vrivecn.on lImportatiens ri G. Cule n us., aecollectaet a test ofh17 put cet, baside# the fniecharguit en a va- rlaty o ete. rom G.hepomnnme"ig the omi ries. We have hnserteil lie repart ofahe in a-1 maitt. eappointeit ta examine.lterepot aid1 place oh G.e comalieainsfureectirig a p4Wtlahtiy le lis Frevices, Weare gimi te pascalv" liaI Iiey .comad a grant atillicientatfa commence the o vrl dimroly. uni that Ibey report Ki.g.an,4 or 13mnilenv la lb. OeDistrict, a.i the lbu tiuation te oetcthbebuiding, but raber proeosHua ita, oh accotant of he a.beet wonci. Titi Io Unecirenuatance ie front of Kingstn,t amal i thu protectionoah i iwaygid.0 Wbk&i I. lbplace lessu eupe. inlucme ef a Wu.rffoqlus sMme censkleaati.m lua coole. iff eina.Tiiheans ehpuièb- 'ing foloii, bas became 8soffgl fiat ein aà acculmly iageroinst.e thecammmaiat. ede-0 Iay providing sou saolelitt miltaid ta4 bi"etb. "yaanip i.tlonmte q,mssd avmtageuh a r xei population sa e bavea lu Caada. TaCÂasaarîAx MA*z.-We bail Wliab plessumetlb. eparn oh [bleiserli io*G m mber ah ariba bu ea P.- liifrNvadc f.nsby iepouishee. PhIum aissty goau.aI of 10 enwltet, vaare lmpiud id ha mivorable opIn Ioo b 14e0 te Ù4 ea1w. toaaill118-1;cet inrlp bu0 liaI bie Iuadbio 4.e mt.ssi viià* ceam Theseeegl.c cn i coanste ts-eters5 Aulaus., "i. "4"«eu; The Peetmtee; Ou G A " Tale ; lw . Dn.rnii(7-dl) uftair. 11h. Pleugbglseh eit tuer Wà&. ~aete; 8tam m - te elacYa% n o. gsty me irtc, Om 0 lvhagbistml- l - , . > - -1- ýý-.- - 7 1 A T a poria' Suiie ion " ne Pi -LM. the liltIaJan, lm, ahe falilng icgp bena veres avre inje 8 pocil Co". al" ofalIM Town oflKingston, fr enfer'ring tb IPeeRgalcatin,fer the .saingnucbme et Ores, cnd the protceaieta of prupertypi a"eboeeans.. Job. 8. Cartwright., Noal J. bieLeun, a. W. Wilkinsgen, James icev,, lame. Afkima, Bený. Ofrot,a George Oliver, John Lenre. John 8. antal), J.,fin Vincent. Chac iîd John Oliphant, Emorcon Surie7, Johne Cnp, Jacob Rener, John Ilepe, W. P. Coak. Fraag,îg (.rdoner Job. Dom.., John hpenre, Bertn. Phips, Aie%. MeDaeni.1 WalhiansPoliy, Robea llovaita Imme Barcelll. DemJ. Olcota, Cere Oliver. B. W. Wi kimed ne.d Wm... 1ma, cegoa eninit teaâ ia ctthe kiod of badge te aie wore ced thm tffla h. tant!d; ah. latter tun I fumse-be et ahie pene o f the Police ij0,l MAIRIE.-M AtYod. sathýt 4ii<hioaby It Subit l digit 2ey. Dr. M' Ba-l, 4 c~ #obhlâ ing, .q. M. D. 1. A e, e 1it Mfla.L. P Shervol. - ,f a à&* (u.jami dye. v. rt otr isc .aBosch On Um 9gb balat atht .le %rort i. i l Tr M.Quèbse, by thceva. FK W. S&w.1l, e.V tacaph~;Un a nu il. maje.afe 15&1 aa1 Livàngtm. edmd. et l.e l.. On th ICiat.i inthis Pv..bYfth Rer. Job Mad. . a.. ApN ieLea,. le i.&M acou Msntoel,Mb tliw1hahra. lIEu.-At Man, trece C.a.apdam et td bon" t Juan C. Grant, rfquies, se *0<h. ita aIent. TRU" .... reaBg..ccv.. ,Mi.. ec laisn pmea..d etueh talents sad aequaroe»U Ifii. oit h.ll efeittainoi.ty. Afte aregan ««» of cstudios t quify Wmeg ta,.epct et mdiins, end pasvg bouis tiovr] gam aitta. iuofha vent t. Eaiupo fi- th km rela e atit, etcmlk bpli B CM.Hr.la. 4%. aged 2 Yn so n ani tIN nn@«0Ratl,.f et bly- on uodJight Ulý lir. W. peras, of Un lat Uvecia., Mlira. Haa o f Dr. Henry 0 the aâ - ej Wic ý 1 drets te tbe Inhabtt fUppsr $Bd Loy. et eum"i," wviiciae hImate de am " a U L A N C O L Y A C C IO Ua c . 4 A liv vaiks ot, a parmi 0<fuaItv- ileu youg folloui of York, em»W 4Mteli nigit tu camwait dapeolaism M he- Imslty hfi.pesoebialiems. Afvpo'- afoerng covecai exploits vita mil barrais pulliag dacwnal d dsdciag divers allia.. di.y rimetaobAr. Poct'a, bsen eaf Ibei cumib. lao hd clambereilop tg taus tdace tais nmga, flS <rme hic station,.aidla- jurei hinâseif ne mmcli Ibt o l .dit&Wu days aller. Tlm. Young MWas me is Camiganda neplaevt.h.Arcbdesam. Il la themm orelabu regrettel, a.nIb"sYoung mme viant.of tb. bes o thliarty, anud ve unimesataDd tfiaith kil lun drmvn lut. the -a"eby percmmnaitlhe udesiW aui tie youlb cf lie lave to tais. vcmmiag by hiatfate anal aveu oevil cmpmny. Ira campanionsm&H ruavmawy anal loft iaim, ox- cept young Wm. Ciampbell, dck of"»il. Il i ni miat a abhrt Hamilton a leuv *ta- dent, manc ue otii.Archicacone ema rs of th. party. 1Wu hope thal lthe iahartane of poung Cauigcul bea arminglatsaMM.of the Young chaein Lngmn,;vio lave hen iu the hit ol fcuting up sncb capera, ced perticnlarly to imprsesuopen lthe Mindit of such mcsdo » ma ntrive. melaulcllc,natt be peiuusacld oaengage le il lay the». tamt i. Ruasinlur pcucg Crmlg vas parcumi- ci ta jola la thues euplcîIiandihy Gta mons ta. 1lif e. TimWc .a-si eek ve fellah- tateal ourselvesuopen the prowpscl cf Meigh- le;, on accunt afth. mav feiing vilbou driffle;. Our remaaim cure bardly lu primat hofore the. vand b.gme te ilav the. fov op le uap. frate the apec grounisu as le have baie lthe mont elevatiea places.- Tbeaiay vie vory ser. Fridsy va. milder cnd tie bey viaop»e in frot ea Tovn. Satlarday vu vely sevore aid cantinneal so&Il day, fI. e w bakl emi MatolaLong imIa. sunday mcemng Il vuetbaviag mahimg a Moyene 0<i0degu..s tlve dm.nias îtag of atuniay and Suniay. Lt ha.beau tbavlug evt"day clme, liaWlbrly pe- 9"bi t. believe fithu ofma<uOU.lsp- porI "ceh suiden chianges. For seveal manIaipeutthfie ather bua in vuy nu- sei. We bkv.ehbond, liatseM acla raie, ici saca viryevare piesc( winal ver. »ever befog ilauen l à Ibis Priau- lame W.charrue by théesippug 1 e, fiel M Many cave.. <aIs ma a »nVet bu- lex oaa cm th e Athmili. tome, cavra uaebieai te, Az»a ebae-.. <li 9" ll - 6 ' - * t.aof av ve ing. au< '1lamthé *WU thie appaluteil, but lie c.riri#Xyetfthe eeti' e aledb.* emtcamnce of *0 public. Wersfturniuam t.eNM r. - kaniveiicment fSu porti". Faau.-We hbave j uetred of a &M ily vii. bWiitir. e et, o4mail veavaben. md lu Ibe ugitby a ira, la mcd&bout lie cilm»ny bSoar fa Useplie. Dltaeliigt liaI 1h. cim.y blaibte onie duniog die svenlng vitacut blasineMgamil um o f fie pinces of pitchybystae mo unai je chianla. being oan re .1agalc thlbir. Wo give limsfracacijcm tu bev lot. ucuscry itla la t 4cbmusp ane SUi b. lineluh lSnaI lt.dba1tomendm m dstne op th. bout, t. -urdagainst a*- cUdmtsof the.came desclipti. Théfewhivg gntlemen bave tasem.. piet d »recersror 0tbe Bo" of tiba bu in Teck, via, lkc. M" re Mi- reter ah.j" nmou 24 ua. ba l ue.F M ata m i i- Meh Nwek Pins4-Esaby Imanciucorusis. o ou emI luupc. the adoption 0< aY rlaticfer the lchjet &- honorablele eefenvMmg ore«t Moilbe aner a"m u a, tb.t.dm.md Uit ns. C O e eyL 1 o . i v e x e9 1 ef ie m r krtpnsiieumtMlavuil-n-lb. twI if to he". vblave been svim, v.*S pou on 0 1eeacil tuit. a -à e bu epd tatevry m u e lré l "O~parWnt ho la.b.li.e irj Mg biam U~aue T . ,~rSpWW Smue. r Afi 1 n wM Dueisba~.I . sM 1,Cuema. bl haillprocure a WI% cg cis-bu leu je laument 0ipa k ab" ho lev daty gi hues.W f .b- iresam e i Mdimotui 'Iba UlgbPeur uePe *mie*,I.êyeté r mth a"4A. Fringie, liaquires._ II la ordealthat lthe Cuisson shall vidi- ne êfmrteday. front Ibis data piovide at tboir ovnexpeome, heather pipas, or hou., fort the puaauheanof0tirr teupacflvCarl., or Traies, on pain of farrhting hiaor liou- , l ijttiua rdoeal <bat in <clture, tI. mm ùt S4. viiib. Wellve Canaianand clii... for .ac"feu panobof0<ater deliver.d e cesao the production of the proper v tauerta he puoafficer. Sp lb.Court T Eladies MdiiGulaseat of King- Wutéb »dmi ilviewmly ara scm et yPt- feflp iafoaamd tt horevWi b. hontiy.t faeid for inapecum ea isale at verp 1ev pricns. the fbllevlug articles of LOë-nDoN màzgOLvirwn.The puoamneied b.- intgi "e r 1ev, th. Stabscriber meafrala tiait tis public mu a sclun ubem wutbet Ma bmnpetlea, as mvitles nfeitat qualitp, bt h a Moteflieres. :,lm* t.eIreSmabasudeorhIeoSaut lIIttaa utsbtmueip, tiaey viii b. e li for caca ci lihi. mar* lmhabit lii.-pries- tbiI. h<e MM 40éaitp oam bc lia- fer l bipae a mit Of ua.Mue, Clota. sutfR- pui- e I4120 e tmiai Psasig Cest, 811k> so Lb laebr. ' 3 0 S cif eor m ieT . . i 3 3 Fany eslec les1. 6.1. t. 12L ~u 'Romi FlcamTmalu cii TeuImt isus, em18. upvadi A&leIadI.s C1.iath mâT*n mCIule, ý'obi hm g St* £1S ta,£5au if ".q aiu 'WAoeLAMW top.* rigae1<8t13 Offmeof dm Caleaqus Brige O.aply. bol in Stae plmace t Iis Oflice, au Monday the. 251h insi., for d lb. puet elechlcg D4roetiariloctSMhia--sugy. sgreeable o te i oof lacurperetlon. GEORGE Ir. CRST? IO?~L SUBIL m SSPHILLIPS, Doeem U il dLeam Woirker,<lalUeytrrivu em a Lead lat. aily of Dr. Ecirkor) routanlely emntaz[la di.. Of IlugmIv, Geleh. stple of the. Londoafaion, un mont recantible taims. A hi. eI n. r-npme e In Y fMdd*twd n*ore a ublic tlaathps1ae.'~ ulsni edeleiml d. s, We r u thal b. lact 9pcdrmpuA. 1 tram tadi tatd wîWau» * tmevw$Sua ce pracfhei eJ.u*sdP.l"vs tri chre Wiboee ap lthutim b.%* cMlAIe" lL- E Ilf&M mmgg odimmsiufoua 1- ý 1 1 - Il . 273 ý ý 1 m - 2m la] N OTIC E î#b Ub veatiat by virne~ T E I3 C I H S bg b v e li el- of ae<cWamcetefAUtmabel eiul ont fe'rm the inlaibtant or Kingston cad le%, of Hic Majtmlys lemtxd Dweriet Court. ili$vicinitu, thct they have oeoneoaliar th uniront lob Hoxi, ana clumxUmwc or con «tock of lDry Goods, Grocerie, #e. lu the. et cealed debter, an laver cf Tolaielecker, House cdjoanng the Engicecroffice., in en fer taieuom ;tw.nty-o» pooada four ail. QuarrY Street, viiere thep viilIe happy lingccd elevou ene.ebatemed althe te attend ta the orderc of thons vho May esate, sa. cmli reel osperaciai, of thoe id Evour then i vih thetr cusetoc. Thoir a.- lob Heue, &Bd etua ien Mifa diJob Rail. ortetent of Dry Gonds la ve tucxlea.v, reatre ithia the. Jariedicioe of the nid ceouprising every article n lt e lic.; a- Ceurt vithin [hrse omiedar mmthe fromtaIn a iichi campbe ecaimercloal, &n. tb. 2%th day of Januarp, 1833, ouput ire bail zg.%.Irllýlhne Clotho, faelinable Casai-. ta lhe action, illIh. roaladportantlos- mèec, drab Fluchinga, white, rel, gr"a, tate ofthe naid Job axil., oaias. aorlai 1h,- sud prllow Ficuriel., green Blî., super- of camp ay cnoenary, viii elaol hi.fine blaci SBombza ne, and blettiCrape, oft lb.on id claie. . BSoabctteo, bicci aed rolouroal Gros de JOHN bAIýS Naplor, SaedaDa's Gauze, Canton Croire, 8crif'a~co Kigatn,> Shenlffu.z. Dueveai, Culuore Shawie, Sili ilanalier. 22d a a,,-acry, 133. ch, îýriecI»Lndon Chintzog, celotri ~OTltZE i. heoby given, t bpvce Cambren, Irisha Linons, Diapors. Jacrinet ril. o~f two Warranta efAttachmc.nt loque! d Sn obModifih, Fuatian, Scotch, Bon- M t tofHia Majm.lp's Midianal District Court, nets, Calienur, iight and itarit gaennd; u, mintsra vn cceoadnorca-Sheting sud 0o.abnrglai; CaiaîdihanCloth, cloldebter, oeat tihe suit of Sydney Apron suadlaiiiiitiireChecks, Giamea, Z andl tiie cuer ct the cuit of John Dw cnavariety of Rier aariles tue; cliiis la. teblifrle bud int de e;tiiofmytichoullaue on oi for the ncumaof ine poundc aneveu shillings ab etiel mioonacayl a .a . and six pence, I have eized lcli lt.etate, onthe §sent î.aoncble[erne foat " or tb c. voell tesi1as persenal, cfthe asi! George short approved trodit. 'o Essai, and unîm e s ii.d George Evans AL90- .-i returu viahbin lhe jurimdictian of liesnid 'Vr perlor Port, Madeira, mand Sparn- ,.y Cort vaulain Ibree calendai menthe front lhWae;Old CogiameBrandmy, jamaita th. thae »bde îeuy8IU, or putin bail Runm;,H Iiolcd'Gin. rosi ltlghcud Whig- t teln.actlions, &Il the test anal per*ocal es- key, and LondoaimYlnjar. ' n telc ef h .e Md Geerge Evans, or co marhmi È"qy ili tiref saMay bu e e.sry,vili lu till- Klngitnn, 4th lJo. 18M. e, ai. fr ni clami.rIIHE SUIISCRIBERS have receivmd, FJOHN MACLEAN--, .-ML rlate arrivai. finis Brte ibeir - SbevifrOllee, Kingaon, Sbcruffm... FALLSUPPLY 0F GOODS, adcpted ta 22 td J.nucrp, 1833. thei. ason, forieing: a very g.neral agot- sis.NOTICE i 15 ey1 vetliat by v comaic va ofaWrrn tAtan ietisd àe.Blankt., 8 and 4 lt ou. Wite en u fbsMajety's Miin ierc or, o sinClommmfie.,dS in ine lu agaîmul Jahe Thoonan abecondiug or shal an iiitorOal, rivn d polo lar couceaied debtor, in favor of Chster WNil- lmigwterd renadylw ryle aeCrsfclemiae iîl-v Flannela, Eloctoral do. gree. Bize, Scotch h.peunda Five siallinsand Ton ponce, 1 havre Carpctiaag, Hecrth Ruts, Tartans, Guevnsv ker ?rricll..îî,asvlra osn ocks, Angola, and royal ribhed ubittm, .w ai. ofthosid John Tioapsn, togetheorita Ovenaili Bi, Homier7 cnd Glaes, Ban a certain nota of lami dnionitsea ii id gnon andl Prined Wîrmted Shaii, Laut Joh T'iompeon rature aitin tiartee clon- ang, Bcnbaztt, Bombiamee.nScotchi di mnhetruthitdey ofJanu" one@rp ' as,2,30 8,4,44 j; 0lorlithin lIasjurisiionof tae amid court ed 60 incia Grey Coltinea, Long aed Book- Moi put in hall te the. acion, cllithe test fold lSiirtiaiga, Aprenancd FurnitureClaech. or seul perbonal multe of the. @&id Johna Tiomp. Glnghaana, Stripo Cotlons, Navpmmd 2-bine son ersa achtheefa Ma toncary Callcoea,Wa lgiat andl dark grounal Ca- se., ors. maach hhereef mu uaesse, cee ci cl.Cmnas ctr outl lu held lhable for theraidildaire. lacoesras Funiur i.JOHN MACLEAN. Prisitn, Cc lored Cambricn, Irish Linons, Di- I& olf'Ofc, ietn, i sli pots, lBrown Hollatai, Jacioteand miiBook sual = = Kl Janurp. 83L Malius, plain, ahrtpod, ciieckod m0i hait .on crCa rics, Black and green Craint, Wu NOTICE. dia anal Englih Besmuadcaa, Verema aud avuvhenpavmaL.,,.nil de- &tannim Handkerchuif, Cottoand cinone ltien ual..,asllnrvrd rBedtlcke, Factitu sud SeavettlaneBe7 est toi p Corl, Deca :and blc Velvt,tf:bre te@?4, Diebiabaolw-irde of bis iner- las, CanyonsNon..2 ta 6, SheetinAl os- île anal Mantretl, ndi aet itle ourdeherminat ion vrl.ty cf chier articles. to urneronttuloa es- le have Boite taadluth top and de wn, vo dalmîlcl. have aas.bhitation t. slatiag. liat il viU lu ALSO: > f la ouipver ta serve eur Irieindsenmd tic Tea., Maaccovedo Sugar, in biais.Tirce. Moi %ablclha es li0<ctisily than vot have and luiid., ingle mai double rofeL Ï; he6rotoa» eu b e a edo, asal are of ophte-alda. freaii bounciMumcel Risons., Valai àj ion. lbaf ur priseut buinoasesvil s.otltStcrciiFi; Blue. Engliob Soep le baxis ort pal emmeacslbhiat of Steas saott, as te.sen- 3M anà 60 Ibo., Suit, Mueard, fipsulel clas,* Ioredoe consiirably, the pristent Bone, Grenandm iWhite Paint. Patent of Fieaghl. Sho,,amortmiNos. beet Louaiun.lortteril Tintb"nsi nes iibe conddcedunder cue sof 4 dei., etrcoag sudduSe. flavrd je- le, dta ]Fiam ebu ,Ihema cCUCc. uMi" Spirits l a déo Vary saai.,.1 qx&Ç.et tia plce, m Mcpnaluo, CagmacutImdy, tuPipsmr lIa~,Ln suw I Kalcvcl lit ieth Jm aee os viviiien d t. e ivicg immi shp. sis .Prions fur Casé, ert auit pppt.hdG 'lot PngPreerty fo aatreul. dit. NOTC2.MACKENZIE, GFDD, aC.. ex- NOTICE.. -loadmdition t. tii. mus, Nl. G. ~E4NTED lmabedalmoy. c SM ra te &Ca. are boowIy n.letîoivee. lot V 11b and Cartereiter, wovlanvi agfiarttaer opply of Dyay Gor, litaI ch fi rend 10 loMeaiî vti dtheabscriber, 1 -. inum eca Npae.MII Applîcautn b.e e*igsoi.« em',,* mmdcsee~ W. 1. r. SARTELS. ho flodto f tUa imi Tse SN"pune, Jac. Ieil, 1 8. îhti HiavlFrePrs Im À7 TA N D ?U EDGENERAL C the hboveifontamtlotenmd li ip- MsM J. amulav £.q.,iiarman, H. .. ce.. Coutalsuriat Office, Klngehon, l9th Jan. 1lm s MALIM TENDERS vili b. racel, t [bis OffcmaI11 SaturiaI utnom,1 th* ti dey of Fehiuarp nemtiW fer io int G.e fllowlng Cettrat ictliHlM M = C;f'Gv«ne.natifor tii servie.c-f tI BaaIbgineer Deparlsseat aht #ig.Po VIRLS? CONTXACI. For ebpplith éle UvlgM aterlu fer eamlatheG.Dov vcrkat Point Hi rp: Iewsome.sd, 15»0 fot, elOitciaa 1 lwel, froa 12910 16 <etl lov«, a hnmî te09 imeut vide ;(2al quality Piao Pliait, 2,00 <tluperficial, of: lýe 'M".* te,5 l fait o uiaiIX de.- *m*de fi ~ww) fti.SrVnie 1 :0Ipi «ewaUug,Olm0 faut ruaatiau.(I éàmu ho rquirsal, mt eeedlng 20<tel. Oak Se&lâ,g, 00ðaituinag, < I qul tue,) MSm6iacIe, bf. âlgi as smmp bu ueq"dei, neft ë odtcg 20 ocut. uasi Cerplckuu-4; 19 felI]Ç %, la8 . iu er et miaieil. Peopore=g TeniorSga;te scýp tetao epài aWuly rèquoefotefa PI 4* om bitOfice for f urll lacoueraCONTE&CIr. For can b bu 29 Suab"eis eml wan sari)if Rves i Sa euea'l, ramfrc For the Mire of omuclkcue, .aicl.s mi Drivme, a. My be rqalrt IKiegmue . OUiT a -flTAC?. Fer -à qumialtci« fLtae«ifeh#Mli u eul Silmgle Nale an'bdGllun; ca""i ?uoiofrrnnei ci e Yom erondr, aez, eabibe, 183Po sonal amleicat t stu fici. c Tb. Teade.. tir cmii tti. cbov.CCi tacet. supt be . sptre; tbe 9«atet O apremeallaSin ls;,anallb.nh e.»esoftt icn c novm piopocty givta, Wvoun vlillumte Ivome. Sfaeties, viti il PMU"offtin iafe &s " iah otoMan ofhm mibomatï*sé A ay i. omlereal fnb mi opatasvlib. smode hp an Os aNRmas. ta s nle mablrealBi, a eth nai 014&.M. 8ldlt* dm DIoular. DGPumiBEBT CAhITOX, »d fo4 lleamaiet matlssi bytSM Sbor] tUb medrp.bxc ucion, n aie rs seittiai nil ah9U,!oa W*ma0 lie" . fd tffl4 muaI dI..n~.a.« e *llae0 Pb. m;cno hthe ibc RimTo deeeela"9, mletl. qlaa*7lteuq 14aemorIL 1 m Oe, e. li kci e- l- t Il.