~ Va bsumeâib shdmo lb.mBiIli b~ss pomor' toma ,. a*m 8m r. am.mvll Va tw slo.ouàisd mi. ezeceton War lm E.n ~i-i the h.ui murý thy r,.-It wu ' senti. Ltiom.-..li a Son. &bd hoe rapet kt for bar. ___ 'n vo«7 m"idsdouft mhetbertV iU mi cum a ogulaig *lsommeuedsom "be powê- lete b *U boisag 0<mayl. A »mmir oe .ueh, os .t Other aeflW l. svmreais. pamud lu l'o VaJohn CoSs e.. m m"e fa bais m*rmSceih peuv»lg tmaudolhgto mhe hm.oa umlili. dotcb fmom Lord Gode"ci, miMtlaalrg mm et docusmetu, rela"tie bis'Lord âi&Vm oeedmue citisMr. Meeaw. TUB HER» ga0floo% Wmduos0.p Jummo507 BON#- Tbh. at %WNom Yuppoe. becaght no me havo e & WurgOact hm smoal Bug" Spapom, fro eh"*Oe1h spitof lb UmmsMamy bh. gmths.1%0. article B"m the Usd0. Dequaelin uwcly ct atle.- dhamSbaseoximbed fVaM-7nm . use th tho l ocfmucghmouslg»dalmat- VI*tb t ila" mthat in ho wiwhes lu fae u thl l. uateos 0.reSs u etion fhmmthe Whig puly aà"lplace a te lb. ezUCuVaMd deéoiatin e b ep er ah» m êt 4m ie h.oO -hbUeO ehlgeW atn. ug "-paprty Pd"Fkaoq te ovwrlbacmhoia Tory opposent., Mor dmhferVthearsulondof thir uemtry- supfflethemejuety cfSmebtbs hei n teri% bow cmuItheVapeuple have ubormd Va m-b -eraaalsoept by uctiaulEn-o As l 1w. 60Vapeople -meppot Vahigm wbo b.d oommama cf the mm....of lb. cm try MA m ncosesqeucoproeostd som ocf butcbory aMmdpomctis, mhich moald have boom tVacomuom o. ettory pour. t moa iom Md on mcham acce- jimo.Thfe whig pamlY meah. i.r... cumiptofare aumeasaag mth V ed. staktscf thiagi, plvtely ami pubiy, in mhich liatprivai. taltent mentu on.g à oednable siloraimsa Voitsm VaeTé- rie, eh.. Vaey trebrrealVth omas of th lb. Bo f Ccmmagm, <uastVa Peues Mmd a fetom utial poumN,ýte a larg portioset tVa poopW T. 12h vbgm re von am. Vl a hedm» et thepeol. mcciiDMut op st a Umon altosatlas 0Lm~ in thb. oomitncuy. Th"oy itno i at th ithtoumiousilism0<th. peuple mmetb. ttenmmi i., Valtkhos iulmih. du.. away mitl, Vdevall ion puuamt mc1ni sied mht ih mco hiepeople "M ddmand te voe iy ballet .pÙ vutheVamun.oc belnglojwMoby vothgforlb. mn ofiheI' chaoies. UpuaVaembole va ameof m c- pli". Vat tVa ubige armenlill oalthli seimtie n md bot mobecf theàr ommtry. mm h. lués hen Va opolitM. Homme ti.tVa Midlseex dock»rmle muts attentio etonb.Whomi lah te kmcmhem a towam a mdo aibd a gmetumy puce. il wu mendomietalW*fllglom nd lhe yltm oSb.M al(Vat a be mhmui have fI* Doleh Majuty turoeS trader, by parcbo.lag a large qammity uf cohe ammd nu Sut elh.er artiolésuos vmd, miiola thé embargo iîi f outiood gpest!>' enmo 1h. paio, furmbiph hisgracscaua ujmly or Hoaliam ii mat fai tu dem&"altVa bigla-j am pnaeu. Onme oaisppeme tVa Dut" Kig b.d ollma*ti.luo athos, .1 mch sut importuamu, basidesoImbasgil celée, mmd pilfrinm the VatraintVa cppuelamty Vlme. gýave Use .mate e a iitle momy. .flash atinsb> pooMain bis atuati o mtnd me us bbolieri, liaI IbmeIbsoats m&d mevemeea 0armbeS in diloont ilrouioa., more nhMM thom h. auemeth Vadny. AI evecls hbis Mjety uppom i. ta"it. vry coly mdi.louis ahlte naoifl1 Wo have gives a short axtrut Bon Loufa.Coarem uthVapamphlet Pm"lbs by the lWbh d flathamdW elUS op t1 subject cf ithes, miar oinbgmdroath V spiit otpbiambropy. km.. 1155h xtra-i orimar>' tuboas it admittoal by Ibeneirs dham thé clergy ont Dt o Suaomi n tVa iasmeaed produceobublizO dby Va appilo- tion of capital tlu lb.@MLsiL t bh buttil lalsly th.clergyuppcmedull nlgbfebungi, md itay h. oVa o thon te mauf...a hl tluth sigm of the lImes mhiubet prs- smutinach sgainst tho.n.e.tom. et bi ritiaag il tond te son lite bfadir vhich marne of bis bretisaa Ilam ltaa dam a migulstthon. la irelud tlie brch ca .ghmdpcms country', bat tVa ajtem of mdieilbg througb Vae takiag of âmes, lhe chuteS a.- taras in tVavaimatimet 0< Ioir ucus. <romt lb.s,. lands, buta mmafpurton etthm- asal value cftis prcperty. M if bondem 'mu let out aaeeahlote thVatsof Mr.. Hall tb. quaketr, il mosiS support,1,0- MO - mom ond ciMdn, mail h14 n Ymayrly ai t l0 audty mo milIcet0 Patà audi thln~ibls mif il vu 6vfls iSàto imcmmof5parmmnM p. meORd>'13,M iciotma inbem, t lu preacb thm gosplua a paqisp, bols in England smd Ireb*anmd Vamy h aib e bargais. tuat, as the lem am ena cdate.,hboul' let>'.'lhb* biàpenui holasg«v* Ctamci, dodiniag mieS m a*ullor à ter ho pambed mlUs agbtS, mesddtu by thae num w 0*.tmuby ct bur bus, ih m ulwmmsinaIbo embtme a ilsod.momUE u e*MW h u, »g " lis uiadý may hbu Ile& Wbat The c.clading perragruph of a luer troin Lord Romicit, Une Seertary for lb. Colombe te the Hon. D. B. Vager, du& toi1th iIaNov. 183. iasstliomi-. [Brocitville Rocordor.] '«Aftsr a mut LcretaI invom!timlof uIbah mhole case, Lord Godîerieh bai fuit il bis ity ta mavise mis Majesty do covJlvsM.. Stuordemaupesio, and bis Mjesty bsmbas J..iti_ anotber persan le fîtu ffie0Atly. G . of Losses Van- W. bar.eosaiv.d itoperullon Symbhole salfor an Ar in e u llait Reradmhc b" me rlalsi auacident aI Trtk. For Our part me cunnut causider me more entitied tuaiu Ihal "dgau se.deait out by tdu write. in lhe Chronido, aad.rtlb. ouo- mon of --flumassity," suapecei b>' mon> to b. une of lb. puhllbes, mb lok md- vautage of ltheccmetanue, te puy bie Court tluths prtoes li qualsiti a viem lu iagraiata hhaaeU initia bir faorable opinion, ad Ibat lie bas hanS long Mince, Ibat the ager @op@ of Upper Cuaa are Mue.polamble liai tie scmty gemning Seriveitrons sycopine>' naea Nepablie W.ma.t Coonse.hliaI me ever>'delà- dent la paying court chose Our internats migh bu prooaated Sy nodoing. It isa bil me bbaaS lid ofMany yemstanding: we itnem toc, Il is untosisicuable, bat fVa lbe Ie dum mre cauot h.ip 14 Humee., md muet ny, fat, tVal lb. artcls mas miteq wh.a me faust ubserveS the acci- dent, blut a ommalloSfor a tom mue, b>' mma.rouon or othor. Socondly, vr0 mIt- eS latlet"u. lb.themesmecmv 111.1n puislbedin lucasopinion lu mate Il as lit- de. ausuant as possible, mad »nMlueive mbo areilathe hbiit et tating Soc. uigno, Se. W. diS nulotbh.ld lb. psalng ci cusaoteus o beervoal r.latiag lu Va reutet seferer, wch ouifutonue mde- picu%,as v. veau»Y my u yomg mum homever humble h.e station t in mgisI b., and ne le cunoosllag tVamarnesof tVa pas tis, *ovr eutered ou. boade eaItVa lime, ho m"seSmoueagmiel i t b. te lie pa"so mermed ]x Boa slvsn blin faita ccu.. ot Lectumce hbat u>'y, in a ver>' mo- limmeOr>' manne. 12%e'scoMd Lecture miU h. given to-mcum o vean T2h dempttch, me perceive, slailb.course. cf publicaios, mmd the public mil tlereore MMc bave an opporuuity cf jadg.mg of its meris.. On Thureîday (theodate cf ar lut ltter) th.fla..mwusengageS li discas- oint th. Propri.ty et retuannghe bava- meallusealdocuments telu iamExcelloue>, oni Vaegrou am h bfouse 0 or yl> le not th. propos chancel of commanicat lu. betmeon ord Goderiaih and thse Politicaser. fer whu. Mr. MoKenzie praoeum e ubc agent. Fao. ho Cotuier mu loarai that Lord Goderieh states ho bus been li communi- cation forssaventl montho mith Mr. Me- KLésais,un the subjet of grievança s id tu «Xiut imnlippe. Canadas; that he bus avaihaao.i f the upportamal> lu ubtala *#I-bo Informaion hoc uld msep*m.g Use mimh.m and mmnts of the people of Upper Csnsda, and tisaI b. bua mrffdl M. hMc- K.nzie th e sechanc, lu doustico lu ths caus of Vaepetitions entrutmd la hlm.- Hoe complalnm of the style sdcpted lsy Mr. McKne», sbeissg aliadaptual l Seng quiestions of ialricmcy mnd importance tu a dotanit. imae. Lord Goderici ounsaid h rlews of Mr. McKenzie lu bc. uupported b> a ensail body of panmcoumpasod lu thos mhouopposea him, and rcoed e.r am aà b.iasg mtiud m it th. lemi and inti- tations mhich lb. clise petilluners haro lmpagmed. Bias Lordahip seceusi. h.ca- mure of the nmetbuS toc cI.. empioyaS lu gel agptilioemmd igne. lu thas, by lu- duoniaipersas; baththlinitasomularge a portion as mgoed the pehitions, .xpremizig1 Ibair approval of thee oiting stateo f uf. bits ocalalnul m&lb. inllueucod by men je pumar.. fomever, h. gays ho ml examine Bmte Vae situaton ortise Province. Houx- pos hm disappruhullun of Guemomt OVaurés ltostring or moSling at loctions 0e opme.natveo, und aImaetI Ieir Rer- ereomes ttlng la the. LogwastirC«a"ci. Ho h. doirud Use recsipto and expendit- vies et the tozilorial revenue lu b. laid h.- fore the Aummbly in datai, and tati>' al- niée hving Sleeoedor mimdd teonul Vae vectiptu mmd exponditauru of that revon- n., mhihsucr local govorsament havre mili. holdfer the .public, aniterthe pretonce1 t thoy mer. Varbidituludiolosethon b>' crteea.roua Vae Colonial Office. Au se-1 couat of chat hu bancs»of dits largere-1 veue miii b. a rare reeatth le paislWo FosSier, me lematheh.recommuodu mugeueth le Toma Members, Uhesieae Cuity Moes.i. Affirmations lu h. ru- ceived as nlie llab.héeris.ofthelacie- tive franchise, a repeut cf lie lam requsieg 7 yéaru residence beo. Persane cmnvote. Seisooa tluo c Ser the ccaroual 0<Gov- erament oaier, batto lu nder >opdIo eommroolmMdudEblasas or bc for dtu bhwft efs poo«, nu pouturoacetu bc shemai te th. eehr.(as h. styles lUmm) of th. Chue"si0fKeiaud, tVa ceste ofelctions lte h. roueS lu 1h.ver>' lomest limite. Luas, Gojsaen Va i attention te lhe righi. mmd mi cf 01h.peoule au ha, h etitied tluth. patefulandmiasesthanms ofthepeupleof" lai Province. If mencm but ier for a l1111 lime tlb. muaiP- pular muosuros, thât oe utteuspbaolu h brcaght homard, me amy yo de4. mui.A refoomeal impuai Pasiameat ii b. - flppuurt.frVb anctiounelof <justma cuoet moume s an cr Province. *e W bVe beauen lformoaltiat Mr. Bar- won bas ma&. a tbird report roopeclleg1 commun uchuolu. kcentainse m ufOI iaiuf m hich wmenummte oopy bars- aller. Il duosappur iaI lhe quantity o Sabout bo&IfiLplacal enSet proper mmmI ugmusat, .ght eduato, mithoutmm* d a-1 diicllelexpeue.,tVachilienof thu Pro-t vIne, 12h. report complains of héVa mm ofjo4igstla boutR l...chouiléoce~ ai Ibal veyjusti>'. Ifdia.vut qaali of hWmna bau.proporiY bestil il migt bava asfflu nkmuma advanagoo l cap-t Port lie Ocamnon uchoolu. suppose f- inla- staue, that miai "lundbau s.leMMI la eray ceabelcu, i. .v-Y luhp cf *b. PriovIc, su titsa ed bceh.munt cou-t Vesnsoul di Vae mctiusg a caoutbau mo thereo. 121.mii chadlande mght bv boss bmro nd Slet, VfoarbotShe tubas, smd bicorne of vaeluequaillutVa sqeosaimpreor theVaphaumsila hsch hms a emm&aise Mi. hhoit agaithlb 1 Sb-n recummodal y VaeomM#ts-. wu*& mm l. r me oau mnaddrot> Vaàmoo migtsu g Valua iut egin estend i, .Itb .pttntOfOUr allb.dqa Wivi@ eni mie Va bey teubc0 oe ani- Va>' abould buoladoced lu agroste support & qqs bosein Va touei.mwolalb. mi-s- sx Va ome .Aae Oblyi oe al lset-1 dîng --y qmhlnbaea.thon, a -exM .qoint* fouieo, &Witlobe ta eth4, Ua"tie peuefmq. - tsossaddb-*l-hlamV eo- I.>, haiae uamnpoalasudl ezobsiv y 4 hicmMa amat& porimofVadpsu- plegum4svlg inpoerna.xami gamosan rambw kW of0<angrosbu& t esaPeuplé who lm edstitauof< h. 8ium et Wé ivree m hmel It aaill fu PROCLAMATION. upUmCANADtA. WILUMà.FOURTH, b>' the Giacaof GOD. of tkl Unitd i gdos. of Gret Brita. d ,&udIrLmad, Rinag, Dfseer fdn Psut, #ke. Ire. T. &Ilimur loving nd taibLfal Sabjett. se Our Province ut Upper Canda- UZ 2(0W TE, ChI at kn i m Oar moul sný utomusconsaiertian tbe mercstel lu- lerpouitloa cf Divine Providensce, aid Chat il bathi pisaciAimighty Ged, to romovo krm sur peuple lthe grbevoas calai tviS vhich be bi> ave besa latel>' afflictoa, WB have rucilvet, mund Sy tbe advicc auar Ex- occlive Conneil for aur Proviance utfTipper Canada, de boreS> comumandt ba s Su> ' PUBLIC TIIANKSGIVING b. observed traiutlsur snid Provinc, ona Thurmita> teaortemath dayofuth l'burymet,um Ihut mi Cui heoi ihroin u>'buibloacan Zevsbt.e Amghly Gui, and ithie mcd oul anulouan mantaer mud op ..sye mpitie and litsiu 10n t lb "Pole iieI>,for baving remoredtb Julgentu mibici oar manifold peovoca- tilom bave mail jasstl>' dosuveed, anal fer W. seecimg Qed atil te ceallume te ubis mmes., tavor sud protection. Andl me do itiî 'chargo andl command. CarIbat1. mid day utfFaiblie Thansitgiving b. revr- enti' ansd devamali>'observeal by &mli carlos- tui 'uhjoein mnt armii!Province et Uppe Caadas. tho tender lbe favaur oft AI. miahî>'Goal, and couic avoial lis errat anit mot uai nam y ianllet o I u n u'u un a n i seh kas continu; or mglnlb.pertarmsance utfs. religicns unit rce ura dal>'. in tealimen>' clamai, We have cent!edthmeu out Leltera telib.rmndsPatent, aalduh Grent Seai ut our nId Province te.b. hereniatu ufxed-WavsrZmI eut raIt> unS meli Sloveal Six Joux Ceamaxz, K. C. B., Lietenant Gevero et u aiS Provinro, Major General commansa- ing une forces lChemin aIteok, ibis Tmety-oeth day et Jannar', le 1h. y sa r otLord On. thonsumd Eigbt Yser *futsr loigs.L J. C. By commueSd et fila ExelI.ssy in Caunai!. fm&TL BovJ.Euxi, tAtt'>' GonusL D. CAzzzeta Secrolis>'. E.ILieeS r ud, elaam, N OTICE ie horeby given, Chat baieS Tande.m iii pe received i t mllbDocit Yard antil Frida>' the 1.1 duy et March nex, hm a Pere.. or Persos as ma bu si ugelucoatrect for the transpoir tNa- ia SIrEBaggage, Se. for une Tou r om and te lie nndermenîlouseal plicer., vail tb. SMore Henous ulduDockt Yard ut Kings- ton, b>'tdus 55mv <md.' 'Fre th ie Naval Dwet utMonet laîe 1h. Stéré BoumilinockurTYard ut Klngs- toe, lhe Ilos SiL eurees oïamubeDSl)ciTard t Kingston tale due Nivâl Depet mi Mumlrumiby the Ad" cae* Tram thut Dock Taratlat Kimatoinat Vae N -mUgeu-t.tsi b'thelive sa et a m.. Tlbe,41'saidmute exprss the rite lpe. han- droS *eigit ou.»basalteS anal tenivo poaaadqfor ute uI. 1Th.Tanderm il e. Fpq u at tton eclocit on FriSa>' mntesdtlng or tomc Porson on Cair b.- dur lb. filfmoult lb. Cunreet 12h. Tues. lu express tdu Rate la Star- bIng;tlieDoUfa aid. .No Ttesit.sml bazroovea-lwete.o,eceit s h.de of spenins. iRQBScTigooRE, e-IImiter Sapmrlgbtl 12h. yurinolgpaust,and tliat&WslJ bcnu vm maalo«"lu, lW is b otlS am iasiooemebe te F arm, chou vitis Ibo m.tr.pnhIs, btdispeus cfIsvaros, try melalleaiVaCommerciaL It we. h.Sly nOcegr>'for Vahs..se barste deseauteaitd!ba""lsllfthe L qumýers b.ftlegeatbe Tile, Md a on]>' gmranteela Ihum Maties lAMER MUtONALI). Kinuton 121h amuy Mi>,188 LOTFERYr. T ESubseiWb b*hboumuI.m b>',a aithe, Mi. uips .7i= = . clcth! naf lmesoO 7oloi.av ithe ana ubmsit l Vemmimmts0imsp sl 1. Ono ent .lmà 1hom 2. Onueleat n1.Tio &.Ou ose a. 1romwf Este. 4. Oa" d" careS 4poi eut osMi & On do6 pieSdaCaratdTable, 6. Os. de.o . d. fidaT".l 7. Om MEey Ciý E. On. Cariait 4 poM »ul àal i.Oe tbUChai, 2%, 2%, 24, , Slý1, 38m-d 3a Na. Lado'W é tbles, 2V&. 2(. E-thue iriepso thel au db> 0 da **bdg Tsd entath*Va*iame Wig. WWNW. ,pwbettor. oravua mmaa.mu ssa Vaugis SA duo t. ne ibor cea. mmm &y* fmm*s lt ut. pssVme st Ibsirsa-am orsehtir wpos.or ee in &toi . u vsior Subieorllosiee"d Uv- f~ieseVPw CASHL FOR SAIL , a mighlho. bav, tise bav4 bon. &bd repert md t mighî ha, ni ch. oini 1. t dislm Excellem.. te dte. epermba, People of My etua, have boom 0w, hec Wbumt amSi i e me.Pt- vml En of a coar"t mhe, &l ho. ttscwine l liaI eperl? ng ledoio 'n, m* lt s ho aIeS, nje.t'ali -fe utQue- aga"maa enm tmede- L wu lue- as'179L. ýes cf UP- wmZ d W uA I R i» à . vo tant or elullem as u rag m1h hà hu= m uM. Feme'etic.Cu-bm tomas b.dw the oed atop cfat4cr.-s-oo, men ho Ylmm»t upenmmd attacheS lb.niaffuansWhubealabuat Ubjusi i bagcemmdwmuIS undoublsdly have amardhlm, b.d amtbag cri« feru. b bronugb hm umiotanumu. pu mhach Va <ilum. foi. Capt. ClakWhomie 1,0 m the upul, ume lhim ini. hlm bom eand porfmly drmWh ie muambis, md h. wm brocght dolmtom. lu xM S 1ec"Roi whoe meSura! mammebel«ep.osod hie mowo m or e dreme& 1%b..m ore lire kWg.fi" lisico «Vahscalp, tVa bbeoig fhum mbiuhmwuteoppeal math cowàsdorable difful7 m <arB an%, nso am memZw a"d-ao, m ts" hâte 0mtody neit day, cam- Sdue~ a au malm .osTh a',a Vae Coml u« es., os.RE. nL md R.ijubaimaEqm mmd moe cmil, Va manto b"to bailuVa s.t Asss.. lu ~ aimm $kW »Mcm~ueeo- AgovuaAemL,-On Woiumy evaslag, a ucetrymman asd Joe" lam' resu., mbaler dma io ln atel, wmssait" iy eiO'Nmia a ta #I ai lam,-bromm d m emi io l whbesu miê mbou* seia mi. AUQGUSTUS THIBODO, BP the pubi aS at e Wcais. osbu-- oWt m l Vaum.. saed a Le. y mIse by lb. laie Mr. . LRlbmead, Md in -4a mi... -=ios blo.ma"d bogieby ai"cttteBitie ,Iminom,te emsuite a depable poe*- A etqmndm tly BuEmrd% seudmtlg Va <lrmmasu",. KIsiOOJmealj be S, Us. ne li à hgMora 2hlau. vtiGId viteilOflo n uit w&mdyat »nu, on f the ObM a F abou.m uEà*t, for .eningp auto V the o mlag octrecti mUiiamMa-à 4ysGaavermmn, feroe la.ericof the i En'o Fglacr Depurimeatet i blPtost.,I Fur maçplyaig lbe tmllomhng Muteri4ala for emrrisyag Gia tihe nom mcrkin t oa . i (Plus Bourde, 15,0fl et, maperial, ut I 11 ach, rum 12 t016 feot longen a tram? tai9 taches mide ; (2d quaah.) Moir uitk, 3,700 foot superfii, 0 o loci:sÏTron 12 lu 16 <cet iuoag, sud truni9 112 incesmwdlaelqulit>',)A Pinsma lu, ,50 fotat2inst e.o de.1 Do. 8,500 testof 8 Incisesd. (2d quslil>.) SOkPa,,,25,000 teel uperfiril; of 2 mois lt qaulity mhilc)i tram 121 s o ote. long, andi! roan 7îo 9 taches 1 Pins S Si ,10,001) foot rsaasing.(lSI1 c eediiag 20 fe. Oot' scaudimg. 6W flut ronuniug, (lit Iqesliîy mbit.,)Su o imchee,out ucS { itsul mamy b. relquircit, mot ox- 'ge P*eto-«; 9feet lon_- 8 lch. dlameter ut mmall eud. Porsuw propoSiug 'leasalriuag 10 supply li. ah.Of, se. partirularly requesîrd lu mp- pli,' et tbeComamiriat Uffite fur taniSer »fsormationa.t acoiria CcsuaAcs. For about 25,000 Buachels, (Insprrslrou mre) of River or Batik Sandi, troe ftoiam Fer lb. Hire t f eSHeotes, Veluicîcu sud Drivea, é a ab"rirei t aIKingstons, Pointesllery adFréericit. 'Fora quncb aatti. ofutLumbor of ailiid, Cal shiaugls N"ilsmd Gluias;; ad for Lime, rend ssal aiar, by thempeitla-m pel à sue a M!y prcbabi; hu se- qaoa fs isîi erics tthe To n- ding tho0 utday cf Duceber, 138 o».iacmlcuerbiutfCumîract, as Fores cf Tede, u y . ubined on pet. s0mai mpJmi iut liis Office. 12hTenders fer Cath cf lb. miovo Con-1 tracs ast ho eprato ; ithe Ratte lu b. oxpremed il terling, uni thb.nammu oftres r rsmu oL itmu npropert>' giron, Whoay s llag te boeuoSuretios, vmiltha partieeoVaig. rb. taithLul performance ot sncb Comtals u y b. tere it u.. 12h. Paymentm mwil b. made b>' an OrS. nonce Checi thlb.Montreai Bank,at tise rate o L et4M.Stelle 5 Dollar. CIIAS& A. CLAI1KE, .V. I DO ElENTCAUTION, anal furbid. luPOrmoma parchbustag tIbeundermona- IlometprprI advtrtwsed by th. Siseir ça b. soet paile Motioa, on Saturda>' Vio t du>'oftiamuftar>,Instant, b>' virta. Of" toe euclas eut ofth court OftlClg' »»uOsah. 00malo ut of Sîmon Wuuhbarn, oecater of Elipbalai Adams, Soceamed, unea alliemulofWllllm Molmd,OGoug aod nmd George Auldjo, eue tai l. sait Oueisomasyer, &Bd onéeut th. mil of due of~ps ut otse HIefenry Yosng1 À noao'5 otCti sg de nemual, to The NOM h huitftLot No.5,in the 2d Cconsian, North West ut tho Carry- g Plus. m lhe Townaship ut Hallomeil, c&on- lmlmaing 100 acres. A parfutLot Ne. 5, ll b. ILs.coucou. sien, N W. 0< the Cmrrylng Place, flam- uet, ceatalanq 8 mres. Lot No. 47 san tho 4th Cou.. Camalcu. Lot Ne. 8 Sevetb hCou. Ritchmond. EumtbiLotL*t.Noi. , 1hCou. Kingp. lin. 1 à !l plet tgre"d Peof <IcIA, lol Con. Hb e WOf Cary gPlacenai tb *Cg.Militratlma I ailo. Lot Ne. 474tb. Conut Camnieu, cIlae s a>'omn indivldaul peupoit>', aud the.le- ga ttitle t.elthe rosSseoftIbo Cbos prîper- ly in sb.d la MyauJams es Q»m4igi miela tuor. CHEJSTAX<A MOlLET. ianom»cl lheau., 1l=8 W1,TIL arlew te laprovoment Mau. o me bave psoisol o suwmitethéb. lut Mr. hjlcti=ntm.b"frS0b inlutor- *st la simm, Nous bote..."bis-gihe a"nal OIt oo Miod.aCeIt lseurihetemuto* te bav OM:E%e i motboth up audal 4. son. havae 9 ekton h@ulutlmgth" t it mtbu lm - or te ""aebutr.o on drlula i a publicfrmeea mtW*d<eter imsu vo bave1 bou.obgferehoasale te denl areut pm.W lath# *W irMentbousineslwS e Wmili cicult i*taSt lieu Buats, as me 011- aubesote i ilauoe ilo-ab1 .. 0grosueS Chu"uso sU'msgh The boodoiimal h. Coasim dîneaie th l ÇK B SGoçanIKS0xUa ccunrou,1 Ce.ttis~ Mad .Uàcrnsow rmo,at Mitol lavaulp. aal n a et uXSI*#$-1 tus irb. mIlI atesiilaemcaulvag eadMilsig.q ~1t11~~ha uet>',a.&*retol ma.op> ,W. Vlk oe bula lP to tu mm te lie Immi oh- à Md L look âmwlm busPm; gli T lsdIMer and OGntiemn 0ofSKI%&- fully iaaforme.l that ita QMait b. mh:7Ivo fored fur inspectioand soie ut very 1cm prie-s. lthefoluwisx articlesofLouin MAI55CLOTJSEIVEI5. lia' pîiecaesftedb.. ing su very low, the Sabàarib«r ws araid tat thse publie maay concluons beow kh.c san lUmpeaits neasart liees of intorior quohy, bat mach a but he ca. The. Oî-thearc Iresis sud oetWfi»4uo. fahlc and workmaaaslip, lbey wmii b. e»W for cacis ut littho mure lisai hall the prie. Ibat articles oft he "meuquality catib. bu- niulasdfer inttàiî place.- LOWEST PsitcE f.maer opru lmk(ul " suait of SuPeuiua Blue, mils> 12 "oI Saxouy Prurit Cont, Sit Liaed mau Celerff1 superfine cqaare Colultîle 2 Grouta. 21 FulDr.és Couls, Real SaionY> 3 o Fuic! or Blue. superfiue Clota Trowmeus, 1 40 FanrveauO10. 6d.te10 L 1 i50 Re.i lusaahiug Travelling Cffl 2 o and 1'romsz ue youthe' Drus.froua 18. npwards. A f.w LaduiCiotb s*bt Tutu" Clotuhu, suit. Clothiug ef ev.uy description, siliN. vlery, Handkorchisf. We.IleugSlslt$,Drsw- ers, snd Glovee, &k- eqslly cbeup. Ami excellent Foelinc Piste, ciao sait appar- tessunce, fur £3 10. The aubsrriber mill b. lia lama by lia. 2Oîh izaut., snd persans lin the trials mimsing te purchaa slot of asouted goode, wMlibu deultwilh upma liberai tersés and conà&na- tially. Uasîal Ihen mllow me ta mabecribo muymlf, Ladlieusud Goeatlomen, Yoar Tory oboes.t servanut, W. MARSIIALL MACCLASUAN, Kinston, fils Jans.180& T HE SLBSCRIBERSb. g louv* te l0- frint the lnlsabitaaitieof Kiogéow "cui lit y iciasit, tisat they hve. oposwd lboaw stock ort Dry Gauds, ÇQVeeriuo, 4'e. la thu Honai.aajutasng tficanueer 01110e, lui Qnarîy Street, where llaey mil bc happy t0 attenad ta tbm oraleru ot titan. heay faveur Ilium mitsIbelr ceaom. The.As- muflaent of Dry ondsm. ilvery e asov, compriag overy article In UsaI lie.*'a- motagot which m#y b.e eum.ruld, h.. sandl superaineCîcib9, fuIýicaabIé Casali mores, druS Flumlsmgi, Whits e rd, ...,l and yellesw Flanisul, gros. baa, saper fine blackt Bombazi. an d bactCespe, Bomaauttes, blackt and celoesoa Gros de Naplet, Buasiia'$ Gauze, Canton CrUpe Damait, aimale Shamls, sulit lUmudiso- ckiefs, ris London Chints, colon"o CauSrits, Irish LiReA. INaPens. tuosu and Boo ut Msams, Faistiasa, Scotch, es-. nets, Calieoei, light and durit greaond Sbeetiug and Qsnabarçls; Vanadiu 01db, Apron aud 3'urnatatsecs, GîsgaeMto eStrape Collons, Ilosiery and Gobvie; cl ba voriely of mISer articles touemou te b. deteibsal; ail of mliich mill b. eId on tlb. mont ressmsble tertas la: omsh0« short approvod credit. Vers sapedlosPoir, Madea, mid Bpalb Whi W"ue; OU Cog*a lagkDseimd, "sm MOULHOLLA 1 TJG la 1 r :2 -. te li --=ý ý - 1 . - - 1- iàl. al!l, ý 1. Fr HIE SUBSOIUBERS bave recàelvd, fLr lote ugarvuls <*cm brlu .boir IPALL BUPPLY OP GOODS, adupwdiin th. $umu, formi. ava.,foressaim$"me mont, ems*8go 0 1pi. Maitelsu md 4 pt. bout Wimtey d. Canaiiacot, Sansund&im O=-ll fashlieble Cumoe., 'Oliveami Fiushitapymle, ruS, green amiRv lfroeaJi'ngla, sud royal =olidb,' Ovoruil Hos, o sery anud Gleves, Eu oun sud prlitd WomWted Ib lmLs tng, Btab»ttNseuovb.re.sm,;8.0m fuiS Sh,lrlare C 9t.ei Navamd47e ~iad 0 " rici Lut Ch m PriIs.Oire asablos Ca. ,tu mesglbOkuIsis!# 'im" Md, dis a"ei Vulvet vsea ut leaticlet e anmemo.te bu ALIO: Tes Macovti.Suamrla bblu.& à" e de he.h huia laaascaol'Emlus et Broca, Eeband WLtu mato,~ MiamoetsdNos, lact Lemadun maitxppslh ;eoesorost Sou VI1 ,E It «"k for e ImMo0 &Ce.uehuey l auin SO0met. ui li a WllaWol To DyVotemiI bosm "d moetlai eesthesPm" W*ual te*"fr pji " d, 4d r Hat UE uufeltwy M-,pu" ce"tmsuhw0.; hu . geitsuclh !74oMb %ud Orerost *aiou im«e cearutem isula ti.I.SII Ialt" oauedb1l15 Klmgit*n ikt241518.- A2(annaim le* là* 10I s a u t o i l s . tueY J a< à g g y , p j g