400)SOLE LEATIIEIl I " l( haLvn T'ox I 4,01â Ildosoasidemof Uppur Kp cund îlarrie-0, CA'ANVTGlBNh.be a R)tos ngliiiiatw Améeriicamtimîu,J pitctby fuEnelhinqthe Làeort- uni Sbte sin iin.iigo. Ssikia ue veiS tbhé mploy en o 10 d,,ren t iclira;Skis. ant ai ll, Y.xit tote ..Tiwnshiipen Lake Sisacoe, M clt. Shne Tssreat of vnn nl Mbe&eywl csriatb Aî. 11ev- 4,X) pair cLi Getinis$sd .te hoa -.ptiot Indus Itubblet$bu"and eyev s-ld ifBayIo sesTownshid méans viie a e mveil extenséive asa.,Cmnt 44 &f i a uteeathLis sas ingthmes»ianWho MîcWeo~, and Ciildre iénand mce ekuo laigteslui u carm hisucd $hors suitable fer WtIVeita" p$ e Ifte Provincea, rau pricééd Coictu, Cr do,,v biuhasolti vlasle, by lyile te ihoeaiofLakne Ontauio, andi ano .ly s. trou théar. cou icadillySud éouvtace te lumtiiateo ahanethé Sucrihet Che Township of Csmtioc, wauns vwii i itoaoly ex pecoju; bisusentlFullIsopjiy i h01 ilet yN.Mour7, tipaty Sur- Ladies' anti childun-a Bouge, aihm ntned e, vo iiplCehribad ofa tamily Glaes; aise, I'eesanasCH4Travellingo er10Acezf idleyvSozes »-au, Ridtisit l,.tsumd amlindi ut ti- frea IhéNortit-Wéat cerner et Carratioc Io lc»nquirii a thé liber and Lamberilieu. Las Hurnm, a4 tie anoragui Pimce r Aconstat a.sppîy et hoit qrtlity sua an wi héand i@ a C. apa;tb iet tire glium on laid, anti manuiscuunîti tu eider,-etebcm tthexiaonf= as naal. A. J. FElINS. yleus flou tito date of thé Location, ant Dee SCIt,&b 1832. Cie9i rmtr in tires yuant, by ennmai Wu Tit&ieée irtgoid a iesaine a- atalmentis, vilàintentre, t. commerce treu vivandmm cruccvopuang, anti the sui bo iiexpiration oettire. yesnt fctîben May vitlaatty am"nbîlepublic Thé LAamofe. et tigutquai vol] tbatsbe ar inpýite o vaiet *%l qoi abere anmd li heltity ttuationa. lty t beiymue olueoit sr eantqe- tA &oted vibuéopen"aione.Carudi,eon fored ton m ne iCasdas, théy ver.sil i b»tuslmirin.sel îlihé ame epreWuy saute geoaier vitb h. grectust Alfu inomtn l ble - ému, lta ebut umuoctoes le Englnd; diattély alordedte ta migrits, on appic- amosg the gti satil, -le ItéCussin1 tCouLne Ladies black vile, sud cell-eutiSatin, offic, Yor, oilse *cauver, Gaural' siln, an id deshoeii, Piuneille, Demi, 09«c, York. PETER ROBNIION. Satuus-und Cnr S ahoeo, bMck and collerat -Comuemàore ut CrèveLaeS.' Civil. Vlences, Dliku, satin, sudi Prurella 09»c, Yok, lUth le" 3lm bs-ls ; CloUa ant ir'l' vinter besas lua-THEI MIDLAND DISTICT CIRCU- aie BéaI, Ciob, andi Pruonelleabut abos. LATINO LIBRAiT. 8118tmy anti Fui lineti; Inglil Freué FEHESuh"scnihra eicfully b" lian C.-nk sand Woodi Sole Cicre; Bath cannage ATé annonsco e@ te riaondetacd rihe ati Sunow bais;Golihetl do', LodIes and publein Kingston, andtCrogiothCe G,.tléme'aTtgrkey ccd Brvitaslla mntir Mitland i Dstrict. chat Ch., bave Ciisday olippe; Mima' béees anti suecaf early emmeaerti a CIRCULAINO LIBRA- ail thii.a hv indi. AI&Oeseterai gnoulIT, entier teabahvs »me, viieb thlu i- cîildrin's boItsantishoaw; the wbale stock tend @II hé couposed of ILt eaisr e *maouliete10uî'rsudof 6000paie etboole bi u ana.,cti fe te apublications as anti shoui se l i nass, trams hwil (viti chay ua) omame tu tisueiiprose Cthi edditin hé in dm117mmking Iy mena- Subotuiiuna tthe l Lhiry imte cucci t.eurin) h. hopte. ta bc sesi ta torhS uithbccauifuiy tusilbed itiih suia Beoks ;;,y qusstis hai Mc hé equirt I l y siy ai Chuy aoeder; but ile vuyi ieafi, Heuon la Upper Caiation l hotmst se- tesy ili previde mme fer tonconveo- tic. anti lovas Iit erlmIe juctYe rucuine &nsceand hé napanible for hoir oseecar- can c f supuior Londti luiuhsed, vwhie nielsumd Ilotieidr. Catalogeus ef thé ilcret, IBuonz, Wsti and Matteulu, Boeks and Régulations of h. Lbmay viii liouu, aid Bk ivet, andti ra ce o0f Lin- soin bc publisbetiandcutai sae.i l esub<i- i'.% geaitemon ad hilduens dieu & eobler bie. glove.A.J. . vans, Diéemben»lui 83.Towa suiscribèes.. fer ti.ur e,, Il Su. ..i. X useha, 13e O.; fit tinre mnti, UPPER CANADA FRENCH BUll! 7a.i.Consiloy suuihe un Chenue» MILL SrUNE PAIITORT. ltiusn- the. rssloing in Kingstom; but E LISHA HAYWARDa Ce., York, U tCi i nhciplensmm bci.paiS in sdvauce. Ihét hé uePeCtfully-infoanu bpl- Tusy vii havieh. eprîvilege aiofetirai- lic hie ne.ba courauSenti10 pairs ifZOmeing au. veoutlue iUne. rae hum Mill St-ni;bcil aaise ecelvin; Any piuson,(nst a suhcrbir,) malytiravt r in t #e tle ià ssuppir of BOIT leuse, books fhei th.liiraq ly payi g 3a vil- suuediaWey bosuthé ques es F ranc*, ne anti non. but theblaest id orkmen are om mmlu «commoeing eCh. "Màidlauti District ple;sS la macufaceturnai;th.sagoi. C lgngL the pe vumir wod II rcomandtio 'f illSie" mieoserve Chat hel iev Il pelucipmhiy ilaCIe *facturi et ibis istabillcint, vhich c i b fu iprmwibs Upi varrauteianti nou mrt tian 0 lui. Ifsi u Tlnss mn luis i rovince, E.H. & Ca. wvolaI, publiéin entinIde.he tler tae te olIoviagenutee, vWhan. ibr vit àlcerCo act e im tagileh thonIciopéatin, 2g ompteviCia ticbut laitutiiaasof Cli Monts. cl"ai akoleI7i itsh.couany. Guit &àKIIbyFont ErieMlei; Heu. jas. JAMEMACFARLANEà Co.. Crs.ks Flamboie West; Samusel Andrea, lhntia, lNov. 1831. hAq. Ancate; Mn. Col li aillelo Duer Mile; William Wilsn En.. Lngt MORE NEW BOOKS. Plai, Georgu Keefisr U , &Iuod « Nu. NOPLETEICset the PUA m seN JacobIL. Sheemalisi, *a 0o;rie&a . C0vcsblai10 vola. lidudui4Poîha. de Company Guelph andi Gederiel Abs- Diservnait, Dunere, Paul CiiAnt, and loi ShcSe, ii.,Gal; Mr. JînîdibJc-leaAa. son, lirsttort; Mn. Hiram Cipton, Dem- Gib R, 4 ci. 8STe. trite; G. Mbleking, Si qChîppia. Brava'.Dietioury et th*éBibe. laue. MuGill, Es.. Rier Credit;Ilau Perey Anecdote., 1 nu 8l. vt tdition Pater liebiai, Dv.éi Mille; Wu-.& ofAmeilcanuai«dile. RobinetAaqNewuarbet; Mn. John Be. ,rabl'e Synotymes. Kart, Whi.*Chuzch; Mini.. Thiue Par- Amurlsa Theatre, luiWin. Doalop. sou. 'ninllille; Jouie H0g9, Eq a elt luprSa Mil ord Msille; Mi. Joseph Ski Pi.Murray' le la leader Vaugitan; Pater Miles, Eeq., Maukiasu; isExteles. Mr. A. W. Farewell, Wbiibl; Mr. lames Inturduction. Sampson, Soialdluc,Mr. A R. Ws., do. Th@ lai.are for mieetai bg Blhheter Tir.. pirsMiii Stonosa sr n. 1bnd or I*xuume cvàa.aaa. etCo. et MI. N ..onswnait, Kingston, wviré fUnMoueof tâté abene sare adilte thu th.ycau leexcainait. Mine.a.n Dsrasi Csacvu.anuoLi- THO'S. MOLJON AgentC. antiv Kingston, Dec. 1491, 1. Kingtea, lit DOMcimr, 1639 CI-LORINE DENTIFRICE. TUE TOKEN, lacs-ansetalit. $Om$pauarese, Pimtnes, DASllivie fr153A 14. 5i4 Wiam s #W rI N «l « îrfr M rflIRS Dactuifice as aoC onil th lti,À shrstmas ie N.v-1a' pnscrit A butcieuof tCi mort ificin t spplica- ESilutihy S. 0. Goeeti. lBeo Clnofe e »é wly timcovered i Caoanms Te Revistei ie f$Wmo* yNu- cou»,ourD6. I ite aiîartiles tue, nau (s »puhlaietin l4Stvole. wbie têât mqorbu ebmicl a elaen. A faivcopieso inh. sve fer ale aite ployed fiu thé provien tfora.la stidition te lBook stortset the supetirio aclitiesoetbilsPotidéer Wer AMPA MACFARLANE # Ce. cisania; andtiitusbSîhg litetai iCtll nuoDi.11,33 isjurngn elert té namel or t o s, the Unr ale 83 y 4oI h Cilorin anu@s o ebine i rlb atei rentier dZn tage il thé but nmuS mt iflictusl peentivi JIJST RECIBYRD, agaluit cari"s, asdth suiet remusaiise AND FOR SA LE e theHetai OSce impuresd anti elesaut bamhi. eWhnevcr A anduti teoscit Sorem efMm».Le- tIi. doasne arisfrnmuactuel diseu of liid Ce., ani Maur e Marlam &R ce. h. ieosmaci, ai frotesas nt iitel snd t ea'--COLONIAL IiARMdONIST,blita; cunetitutlossl deot c îepieait Pevsler a compuiaion of Chu muts iltT-ai., .&c hé nit laion sa ismidy. AutIsme ami Csai.a"=cstand i ne uabois DruTrsîaaccissllb? N.by MÀIc. Buatam.-Pu.lle iby the Ptînmn, Dteggist, Naîtaetlacr, Kige. coupir-port Hpe, U. C. lSu3 KlIqmmGIoN BTWAEouJ COMMERCIAL BANKE ÔF THE Y~H& SsiI, isicCsily n- MIDLAND DISTRICT. Ch.publictth"b ceci- AT ameeting of l tbe kbhei f Ibis U taimciîermitonstbeatinç B Ie it ~hitiutio, codnetect Kigta oc* anSth. te lbwuvassirviThaltiiheeminder j Kic uSse itingston natal.t lia-tfto bie =1184ém la "bisu, lui as fialaitacle patterns fer guMieecaandi la- si ns si e idf Direcia M4 efit, diu' Hait anti Bannei Bumver sud imita- c»bfirmbe te thé Charter. Ci l dt.rain ed Waterproof ddo. viiele o Noio. ste hèrairi iireby girialCai viii disoeioetettloir puice. foi casoer-pue. bue luetalmeut.araieti l u, payable et duos., et pprenrt ceit.(bile Bank au toliovc: Cash pIli for BIlaver, Musaianti Ship. 10 pur cent,.on Che l&h dal et Octehér, i.I-ie ise e onsd, a rive Geutie.10lpar cent, ont the Utit day of Iucemue, Mua%. id oute FurIlCapse xcellent 1811. qamlty... aietvoBalai et BoOM iaisRoes,10 Puréet. outh.1011 day etf akumry, L egs t nC ahe F.,rm A.én s e Hé brdE , uir *MI Rthépublic generally, tim igté,F . APR Csi bu bu si& I ueini store tret,- néx Kngto.IdAugtm18leu te M W. IL R.hus.aaii.ho shaîl dcommmacoàr. Cava orTas ainLAN men 0 W UI»d SPmhaRrnera T HI of:<Ibi. s aituthioi bch 4iGEY GLASS WARE *puf-ou h imale f uieu sud GRut itllistqusIiyby hhon Mondiay, tIc O lSt. villebua-W 8" "y ci ercash. LDopaof Disc.uti MeA&dq, sed lidsp - Wu. P. COOK' Notesscillerei for D"at te le enche.s Klagaton, Duclmbjal mmh.a1teCetiaiju, and samtM le etbeCh"y INTOm&I-Aîî pZntin lue a th.odiocoaent. .' ooe i.haà tsap 8ueb, ef MoChesf-r caoltien nuet h. gWinsmt quidSto~y th nue~ ~ is ia it Hee daet pblasluam k aigCh. bi visle ieyautaried . cniv. uo.;DM 9 '.hock, &A. At ee c0liiP. M. anti~'t CHeeurebvéan emse of eduo pubi e l1estS,é » Ï10 O. F. Au . lut 155h . u m NOTICE, VALUABLE PROPERTY. SHERJFF'S SALE. brb mril in a (en, days open i. iffice s et o" vlu iiiand entonnât oete.late UMrytuiefteowarrats cf Atac me S nd Laed Agmnt, in thé large brick building BSlrl, and1 duly autiiorioeol te s»Ii a"idihs-5 '1 !ci Court ,incupleti by Mn. Scamlac, Nanket Square,po of her rash and péisenal 0 pét inoé ecedgih h nlP Kieoton, U. VI. Ail eidersfor Regiotes byouera (for asalé 1. umboir surete 1 ul statt et DanilDavise». mn abecond- su; andt fer saie et hie office, nl bc pue. gor coucecleti debtor ti. ntisfiu ChérIes tusly attend tie, cuti îveiy information lion in thé sumeof elen poondeeigiit gmnîti te satfrsfythi Peins viiimay ahl, Iinud melon pence, and I.saItiol snud vW" te purchumea aIe h ierot er- ohoconHavlcy in ttiesua of tee pounda, ence té th mat respectable (faion inu e.hve seizedail thé éclate asvi eal as Proaine, vit.belng acquatutetilula li rcual cf te.nsidiDaniel Davison, andi ove mighhounitod ant is iCivciuity vili hécnlesutii. nid Daniel Davison retenuvitb- chIe te-g uitdainstruction, a- v ie oé f the jurisdiuîtio cf liai nid court and Put maCuial adrautage te purciiaïer. bail te thé noid actions or came thé Ai ad ledaspeseti of ahooli iepuims cf lte nid Chtarli Nelsonami llaut dais t. lndhé hé MII e ocaHavley ta hée dischargeti vithin th ulcRoait, leaSing thnuugh eh.e. brée calendar minthe from tiei date, ail inCi.nature and qualtty et the cît rohsi lanti personal estate et the nid vise kinti ef Timbaedn.uîd, viat pay- ouichke imodiste payme - ii Devisoero 0suiathereof 1as May ment vouid le requireti dowe, and vIat sa. ber. andi ait pursone Cc iiom thé naid sbe ci hénscemsaiy vill i héltliaile for théelaid conlty fer te nemanden. Tuez office la Wla- m eh indebtei, cri requeueei te priai ame tended te lh. cennecteti viti thé Gemua h claima duly autheneicabei, fer liqui. JOHN MACLEAN. Lind Agency Office, a t mriai, vhiniaion. Shiirsf' Office, Shoiiff, Ms. n. viii lia matinal aduantage te suaiasu op- 0*s- Ali puisons are iieeby foibid tris- 23dOctober, 1832. pt tiea for information, and inteuti aet- psin pou nid lot No. 17, as they vill - --i dcinu U. C. 0tt îtstiiSicoehpuenedvt h tmoet nigar. SHERIFF'S SALE. run ant dintiu the Country anti veil s- ELIAS PRICE, Mitilanti District, ? NOTICE la hoiehy qu mt itb the haut méode oépie Acting Excéuter. To Wit: 5igrrn that by vir- iamng, chopin amt clearing la ut a- Bath, 27ti Dicember, 1831. tue of a vaanueoft attachment issueut hiant f hCs Mtry. ic shu&ofth~er WR AL.of lis M* esty1's Miinti District Court, habitante tfath CoCh.ry.-laomFRSL.ad to me ideS, ainotte .ruan cd pet- th'Io naimnlte. satler or pucheur ili yOT No. 7, inthe StConcesion Of thesoual emute et Jomipit J. Howard, au eh I.crfly attenieilé, and evey p=*bis .L.4 evnalîlpof Leeds, cotalin; 150 O..dej eor cncealed dobten, Cc saCI*' satidactiin lu bis svr ivin. Hvniacres of CHOICE LAND. fIl. lot ruas (lifenh1. McColu ith. .sof eu a- v aubin0léLetae aveu nnotieS9taCh.buit.b -into Seuthi Lakne, vtichla ànavigable froitbeti pouada, I havi seizeti &B1tle éclate ais aciber Ce dispoe ofe, amdsacription et vhici thunce te Gaunn dntacei12aies; velIl s epunriaflet titi d joseph J. ulîl bu gin en napplication tlé hie, at Mr. andti 8 Ci hliévrils, Thueola ' ani- Hoard, anti union theé nid Joseph J. H0v- Blake w virbuhé iliiromain a fiuv viAcicllent nl site on Ciii lot, vith a neyer rd s tene ithin thé joriedictin cf thé Proiint e ipaning hie eOffic. failing itreaui of vnter. Théro le Il aire nid Court anti Put in bail te h. action Applicationitrem Farurmm nd urafor clecret, anti in crop). Al»o, thé fraie cfaà vithin thnéé caeotai monthe or cause ibn Labeus s-Comnimien buis.,Agiucy nv nili 60 fuet long, viit 5W nS le; OF d caimaof liienid Clifmen H. bMiCelai &c., vin bu immdlately attendeai tt andti héspot. lu ve' iauIialîgi e dh.c&éd, al ite ceinae as vail réel as charges soaonable, Qi téboite nueu»enouaccount etfiii h«Iati. The titli lalatis- , nalftthé nid Joseph J. Howard yl ill ludS huit, potable. b= hIS ble for lth. nid d.1- Lettent atitrued t bi Agecy muet hé Apply té M. Mernu, Auctioneen, oente JOHN MdACLEAN, FOU PaiS. the sauciler, et Bruviena mille, who vili Shrif'. Office, Siiéif n . V. JOSHUA B. LOCKWOOD. show thé Land. JORN CUJLLEN. 23d Octobet, 18.5 Kinagton, lOCh Ney.. 1832 Kingston, Joly Ilti, 13.____lm____________ T NOTICE HI Soierior aviug «mmisleed to théhîtto i 1erlut* itueauti, Wil- lam Binioy, Druguit if ele ovm,nmquiel alpoeeinSiSteS C. Cie nid Esteete cae suauiatte payumt te hou, undsail th.geWhosblveclalme opu il, te Poest tistue u ily autitunticated, for cd- jumtment. X. C. BINLET, Admlnlstratruz. Kiagaton, Supeimitr 4,18U2 N. B-Asite leesarintention te continue theime inare *w u m, ton vhlél purpoee sit :« epoyteyedaYung mc a ll séqualatet iviti pu#etioa, ab* trust. milbo ho bu"evahoetetere gluonea iise- tabliirent a tisciditi pretereaiui, vin itili continete do se, behosu.;eid that pur- ticueanattention viii hé piid la the selec- tien ofhbergais, se mhouvarrant bia aalig Ciel hoy vii lvmwys buéoeth e bout quuly. . C. E Atm's NOTICE.1 T11 E *met John V. Diii.,# Ce..atidotis daL= Ratual cenusnt diuled-Per-1 sM»e in c aaim e ii r, viii = esI iasiait Ieiraccents ta Jehs V. rde= r aym al lmilu persanelu. debtd tetii ua ae nqueite eMaoe immcdiâte paaient te John Y. DotIor. a Jog V. Dzroz Wus. RILMtwn. Napabsi, Joue a lu&152 NOTICE. TEE ab ha bvis taken luuîn tAhiau PotIer0M Erufatcvn m, e d, iique8bs mlipuonus haviug dimaga a thé naid rlte to prennethé nuegli- teiit; anti ait tisa indebted te te elate Ce pal t*a mue te thé Submirer vitbont delmy. taaa him te malte a di"det tbi Crodilauu e. .PO2'1ER. Klugon. lOti Septinher, 18a2 NOTICE. T'HE POWER cf Attéruy gve by the - shacnber te Jamna A. C et, bav- îerg beau evohid, aul peoinare hueby forbiti paying amy acceunla te hlmsubir" for thiea»mBot ul agra, r me.o aïer. JO MOSIER. Niagara, Oct. 3d,1leu.1 NOTICE.c JOHN M TANGE E .bon s .g mI 1 - aeehoma t an uctoa e formlug tiiblie hie eontu lu Cicene Cctmdla tse apmciey Ratan- Clan telimnins ud a etain ucag, ie h.hoed aduceasbicrooéf C.bun Of KIngite». A. MANAHAN. RK nm Se Jan. 183 A DIRECT IMPORTATION 0F DRUM & caiuBElAiA C HARLES HEATH bu atity receied direct fiai eue of thé &mthmes lu En4glanda Miy ginnmi asomment of Dragp &adt Chémicals vhich ho effetsfer msam leur - they casulhépunchaséi cithér lu thé Ur or Lover Province. oite. Oct. lmt, 183. MACCAOY SN-UFF. Cl ARLESEATH le nov rcelving OA. ceaigament, hie 0111 cuppy of Séru' celehiamdtiMnccnioy Saf e suat-W éng if 200 lia, vnnlour»isandi qu4lMe, wichblie ffers for mle loeurfr cah et short apprled cedt.-Aa.o. 2,5m00Ibo. Supénior Rappeé sauof. Kingston, Sept. 8th.18a2 TOBACCO. 25>EOS Tobucco. 1% 14.1, s,18 antifer sali b CRAES tlI~ Kni" lt281k, 18m. PAPER HANGINGO. KingeonaSpy. o,1831 ~ PAMERla o oing for alao meutetDArIoARYimporteildk"naty0 bhie oU boa huioncesin guti. Ktsugmeu,,Ans. lsth, 1533. UBLWO »MUIE Î bemr -c ive»& hat au "MM nsfoun" Cotin, la.ay ci nswonag CtheTîn ae .Laushi loagn ethe iCnaCm mmny uCiai qpial mhent t lCha MeUz.Win lih. pro.ecmld viii th lftait iger if te LW. Clam"*aCuuç,. OakSre, AT FOR SALE Kingcée Bo boiht bu AusuiDemu Se¶ImfuS VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. I N Seuth Cfosby, County ef lied, Dis- C-1 rice of Joiimmàwn :-Baiug No. 5, in lot xcou., »ud No. 4, 10 2 Con. ofidti twc- 0 ahip-.stuated es vbat la .alidtiie WMila Ilfu braeh if MhO agunqou Laie, and oc- ýcuplng iece Btire aide tioreof-conai.ing pntirey of brîken fient. a"S coutainzà5 This land te gsuarmlly of «eilint quali- ty, Mud la particulauly valuable on accont 0éf ia Communication vith the Rideau Ca- nald,its niai Piazlmity t. amli, and iIls (boiug niaiwherî Cthe Perth ruait connert. à itiiehe lackroad t Kingaton; from vwhich latter place t e distant only about 25 miles. This estate la vel vorthy the attention fprchasesad th-teus ieVe e deraie.-Apply 10 the Editor of Chia por, or te C. FothergiU, E.q.. Pkickni Cille, Home Dlstîict. 7tf. FOR SALE. IFT lTAcres of Landi, u ie héMeut WNerCh.rly part cf Lit No. Tventy, la te Sixtit concession ofErnest Tovw ntiner telérable good improvîmeuts situatéd on h. main publie tocS leaing fr amde n Shuffielal e. te K=ieg see, oMely OWMu hl John XMuer atie 4uid yJames SuitS aïa Tunera»antieu novtlheiipossesion if létial Clarke. -Application te hé matie to Samueol Clatie Ehq. if Caudiaioa the priprieton E. Beach. Kiepten, 1Itti Fbuary, 1832 Crash, it hing a méat deairable dilti tor Cli orectIon of Mille.-Application l hé matie tea1Mr. John Richaienti vitelinosa adjoliung, or ta te.proprstor e Adolpint. s- laie. JONATHAN AL 1N Matcht l2tit 1830. 10K SALE.a A BOUSE ant LOT in Stuareville, ce- t XXcupieS by Mr. Gay. WesthialfofZýot li22' là. Id cuiaoft.ade sa>100 Acres tite village e oanéu, EPAt half if Lot No. 2, & Weet haif etNo. S l inti 2nd cen- no of Leeds..i No. 19 lot concesion of Kitiey,, 10 No. 32 lun3<1 concosaïon ofIring, 100 500 Acres Application te hé matie te Che Sobiriber. GEORGE OKILL STUART. Kiagson, Oct. 2d, 1831 NOTICE. Goveratment Houe, Tork, USd Feiaruary, 1832 <RDERS le Cooncil viaici uelate Ca Po- 0 tiom ndmS eucial. for Grant& ot Laid, on connecteS vli tnt sbjocC, vill la falune e écommucateil ta e miml hy th Clurb othe Exicutive Council. PMUesnsvho Meay Dn eceinma n ta C Chir Petition vill aply te the Clork of hI. Es.éatovuCO.uu N.PAlR H 9AS neoenty mpeS frou a ede ALLpar ltbehld4ln, uau mutusat of the dmt qualty ef DR u G S & m E D1 c1 N ES8, PeSat Eseaais euA Cu.WMO., Mai, Seapi, Cesmetlca, Pecllmiy, ai a Veut quantity 0f mbeeianéma anicles vhh, togrv ith Ws focr .msock, com- tatumsva e c»Y lin Ippi, Province. Théabaivegeeàhving he.en laasod fer 0".h mviii id ai umully 1ev. physiamuSMd t nekeepési i Sud tean .b e. gihm a MUl. lUta ih Augai, 18m3 le Pteniioptpsdispeseviesthel SOLE LEATHER LBU. huavy SpNid Sile 400Lia"is.,for ie è b A.TRU - 25gueJl SC, lSu SHERIFF'S SALE. MidlandWlutnct, CiNSturda, tiel9th 't To Wt: .dey of Maicii next, will be soldaet tii. Court Houe, iu the Town «tKingston. theaflhowaug landasaiz id by virtS of an execution las uétocf il aty'@Court ef Kiag'eBoneh, attisa suit ofThiodore Breéhett, vu. Robert Mil- ler ad John Wallace, vis. the eocth thsee umrteisof the we«t hai fot No. 16,--amd ~iSouth thnee Ifihs of lot No. 16, in the fourth concession oif the Towcoéip ef xinson Ail ;eisbiavlug dlaims ou thé above lande or any part tiiereof, by mortgage or othervise, aie îequested te malte the asue ktnown te me, on or befoîs the dey of amle. Sale to commence at 12 o1clock 1ebe~ JOHN MA&LÊA, Shérlif.OfOice, Sbort3f, M. V. 12 thD-cebr,2. 5 NOTICE leaiteneby giae, Ct lovit N 0f a Warrant u ttct lid eut et Hie Majé,ty'sCourt 0f Klng's Boncit ageait Ch. estate as vWOU rosi cm pueuci, et Iial Meriman anS JuleS P. Ferurer ahséoudiug on concealeS Sîbtén., C te afyý William Wlliou thé mmof etone Iunet acd four poande, Ihavé aul ai al Che eslat* as vOU rosile. penuia, tegotier vihcia r- tain accostat.sud notes, of"ticmnidNri- muan anti Ferrer, as u niee tsniMei- amman muFaniar reCoin vitiuthé jarisdie- bleu oftCi. siS Ce<srt, »ud put ie beillCe tii. Action, or canse. thecdaim f et tcid Wl- i= Wiiseaito le SiecbaugeS vithiai luet cabosSer umntse trou ltis date, ci lie0 me tata asivWOU roai r pen.insl oethe nid Mîrriman andi Faerre, or nea mchthénief may bhé euec.r, vili hé hélS lisitie for haint.= nybenoîtnd, anoieti theCh dao f William Wilson. JOHN MACLEAN, S 81 Shrif M. D. Sitîif'. Office, 2OtitNov. 18m. SHFRIFF'S SALE. Mitilaut District, 5'N weti ta he To Wtt i YtLrClé . o floue anu thée Io O f Kingta h ocr Dg lande am bloeg a tiM laeJames mmting,inuth. hande of loba Cumilug Bd Cîrladn Cummiug, eziutor snd a«- Futriz, -iaiS y vintmso e u s s .ioinet out of lis McjsmtyoCourt of op&mBeach, ans ai théesuit etfSMeen ant Oua acie . ut cf iea ~ ' oaa eth.e met A WoutuDu Touag ezécator, atiDocscTn;,ie Cii oemenyrTong eéaavititi nantitheoxof lt5lot l âdcéase norti vat of tiieéarying bhâte lai Ch. tovnship cf Hallévell5 ceutainn;macrées, ise a kart if lob No. 5 lu htiret éencn-k don, N~. W. of tisCaaryiug plaece,Rali- cru. Caudin, lot Ni.83 titcou. RacitmsM,1 E. i et lot No. O6Um concesion Kingston.&e ualU Plat cf gVonti héla;purt of let A. 1 e cou. tovnship et HaUilWattvOf thCe canryiag place' snd a gare ortJoauti, hl pu t eN o. 28, lu thé Chrd cou. ofthe Militsary tract len id tovniup et haiiev- AU poisons hay clodison ntiihenu" lande or any part Chreof, y mertguge or ithorwise r r eat.emie titi nue kueve témre en sr hatone Cdm dayotsmla. saléeoéaru"UaenuuelS.2 loci. JOHN NACLEAN, Shenif'mOf(ls, SboinSL n. 23d Octohér, 18ü. SHFF S SAL MidIanti Districte JY1El aeo Twit: 5.LSgl à. batirvw tue etc antantoe ttn in t b ieSte lis MajutYa COur t f iop Bmcbé, ami t. mae dreced @plust thé rual 8anti - sale .s #1lacobh Miflén, mu bumrm,,, e couceaw ddebtr énif eriO7i thusumo M.en adei. 1Ibove seuAt nid Jacob MM« sud au mie.0titi alcob Miiu eunturu viti te wlar eie if thé nid Court, sud pt l igi a tationkt vithin e e ued.. Menithiee.o i" date, ahi tii vualanS peseuust t be nid licol Miller orase moucis nrWsfsm héeéusry vilibe aheMmi fori thé clam of tii MidGee' sOe ur oSide enismSés, IsorlS 29dOctober. 1039 »UBL1ONotic e iwbçymsmbuiI Jfuuesperueeattog=nieseru '0 Ch Cnv as, wto e Zy less i Wipi uin, vihis t Lkm. ofl e i àe, yul"s. ml pmasud Ch* N OICEle hersky gliia that by uvitfs r f bye warranta cf Attachecîs issued 1out afil msety,'bld D i>strict court eue et lie smit Of William Bradbury and John Roust tee l pounds, and eue ut te soit ot Johnug=cDOnl, Jjass Habems, and ein Ntor, for forty pénts, and aise hy viduie of two warrants of Attachments Boa&ieu at the muilbof John bMîDose.i, lm e".maid John Kerr, foi ninety dgi pouaeasix ashilling@ and four pouce; and euse st the smit of William Bradbury and John Robusta fer theumm of uehoundîsd randi eighty eue poundas, égaluant the rosiland 1puisenal astate cf Thomas Lovry and George LIdryan" unieurthe said Tomus Md nSGeorge Levry ribte v itI n theJudskdicgieuof the mId Court, and put l a b bai gle the sul a ti ons" »w th in u ces a- 183, aIl the rmaiandi personael estate of the sid UhmeIV" 8". Orse ]Lory or au u.ensltve.to my bac ets frsil- b théI lie ferathmle. te ndJo n Ce 1h.e Ofie, aingstonu pronl s tf. lma h. osrylim h éd al iTCla eiuby given, that by virtus Jobld t ebto , ue a te oni c on.cî uttho theavriof ohn Damleese, thIbwti. efniai.pouhd e autbil.g s wud aée, r avne. IelaiSlti esC&ilte ...ol ua- Wourotseul c te id oge i Job HOaM Iuie " eh. n d eoge zE *0 $wvWhkth.juailo f theé nid eCOM it Wthuic, hffl calundar mnth firon the.2» day of IanyUS, or put lu bail ta &0iaation, SiUthé al sad personi es- tle M tii. id Jl egeEn, Orimail o k 09 Uf ai Mshiaecssy, yUl e bld h-l afe tee idclare. JOFN MACLEAN, SberilisOffireKingston, ý Sheiff.1. VCIVE DOla b rS y ivEWtat yvRD WaI otod8Warrani diti émntls ie- OUy Mfi JOWhltelaeetiniiWstrc Cu, Ould t. or Onnh fKegetanthccdmiti tidne thelferu .oW pver vin in ny biifer, eajnd te fl tiiof mdu i o h D wsonl 4ba tW= of a iii",euai e bve hiln-s a" iPOIS 1hmavalu a the Rita 0f Wil tom M pSotasa, ofmoe sicorgetii hls% "uiosé theémid haeorneEvans- txwith.n2 00 calainfortion of the i Courtw a Cl ae"" Chat motIP tae t. a 4 M, eute reondpen Cal aO têt*i of t a gsa, lw osmactel bdemce wimt bty taerti i- a [r SHEIFF'S SALE. Mgidiand Distrit ! ILL le soIt et To Wit: 5vth Court Hou" àn tée tovu cf Etugicu on Wedursday tihé liutieti iat Janary next, Cthe folhsssing 'ndi a blongig '0 thé lot e Patrickr s~erge H. Markleud, anti Nul J.McLe&î, ilirét y virtue cf au éxécution issitet CUL is i Msjosty~ Court of King's Béncr, viz. t¶illagé Lot N2.12 iu thé Town plot stuait ville, laid oCt on part ot lot lving btwnîr lit A, sud faim lot nuuiier i; atoebI>ck No 1, lu Stuatt-ille centainiig 8Si actes. Iota No.11ilt 2 iu Iléhhévile, li.,s N. n~sd 12 tuhe lit concesionsurmd 10 vo. Il ccd 1l2 iu the 2nl concession if Pittsuhi, lot No. 12 lu thé hrt concis- lou cf Situéy,tawai lits No. 98, 107, lio. anti 299, in thé tovu ef Kingston. Ail pinson. liating aims OU the aboie lande on aoy pane Clareof, by inortgagi oe ethérvise, are requioestdta moike thésonie keovu tome on ut bétore thé day utfisal. JOHN MACLEAN,* Shariff's Office, S bif M Md5 Octoher, 113.5a.o N OTICE je herîby given that by virtue i f a vae-at of Atlachmcut imued out ofbi hi. Mjéayli Midianti District Court, agaluat the estate aevél l s as persona], et Jnlloa Palden, an mhcoatiiug oc ncealý ed dshten, Ci tiofy Thoica Slcer lu Ibe sons eftvity silxpounds fourteen Shilling,, I have sItuctiail Cthi estati c, evltmi U s 1e. ofl et tti id mute sPaldeu anti un- cee ic id Julirti Paltén, returo vithin ehé junladiction of the saiS court anti putin bail Ciate action, vithin Chieralentir moutha froiste 9tbhday etJannary, l1833 ail the esCale àsatoll rouas peroonal of thé said Jolies Paltien, or se muci thereof as may bi nce"amy iiil e held i ablé for te said daim. JOHN MACLEAN, Shriffl Offhic îgton, Seifm.D lit Jan«ay,1803.x NOTICE le boneby given Chat by virtue NIet four vuate et Attéuhéente ised ot ofis Majeaty' Mldlird District Court, againat Daiel Gilbert, an ahiceutiiîg or cocaleti debtér, ina ctCI.nsuit cf Nomen Ballard, tir thirty...vn peunda foatiteoa shilloaasuS teepmea; oeetsethe suit if NeimuBallard suS Thumu Brove, for righteiu pUnda tan ahliagsandtbethr- Lac bnlfpeny. oaCt e hesut ofStewart alson, f«rthe.osue otuineteopeundsta shilliaga anlti tre. penc ed ntieoai the suitet oDavid 1Barber Steenoén,tr ithe Oum of ilbtién Peusidus fi oiiianti&bdflit pence, I have ised ail the estabés Weil mal a eunal, cf lia n»d Daniel Gilbert, end= unle tii i DauuélGilbert refia vithin Ibo jonladction et Ch. naid Coute and pet li bail te th action. vithin tIns calendcr meathé otro hé OCIday cf Jans- 17, mila te.re uaian perseoal ecaaI.of t Ù oilGilbert ores an cii hro loSuri n fie ¶ stn, Shlim,.s 5 Pa" osasuvue Isssba t oi .Î: -1 Fil - 1 ; 1 fi - i!