Milaadie ici, OfN Wednesdytlb.1 To tt:~~..Yhli th da f. Jtn.aey a#gt, ut I bso Ii.Cut Hol. inthe Townuof Kinthl. oiso- 'aiu" Iua aielongog t l= .lait. James Climmîn theulb.bands of loba CotmiDg, Ch:itianC umnig, oxecutor sud ax- excOUlai, sized by virle e oftior exacu- ions ismed out of bis Majostys Court of K ge anch, ene at the. sit etScnleon Waahgburn, executor of Elaphalet Adamas, decooisei, one athtei.suit ef William Mat- land, George Gardon, antd George Auldje, and oeetaIthe suit of Thomase Eyre, and oneli t the suit of Asa Wùrdeà, Dniel Young axecutor, and LDrcaY-ung,execu- trix of Henry Young, deceased, viz. tha noutb bal of lot Ne. 5, l in.he2dlconcession nortb wastote i.carryng blaecc itthe township ofHalloweli'containiug MCacres, alse a part oet ilNo. 5 in the. ral conce- Sion .W. oethtie Carrylg Pla", llalow- cl contiuînag 3 acte, lot No. 47il le 4th cen. Caîdenj oi No. 3 tb con. Rchmond, E j of lot No. 6 tb concasaion Kingston, a limait plot ef greund cg at et lot A. 1 et con. township oet Haiiow e watte b caryng place' anid a gor. of land, bing part et lot N. 23, in the. thizd con. et the Military tract n saîi township oft lilowel. Ailprsons baving cdaims au the %ave lands or auy put thereotby uertgage or et horwiso, are eque t.d te makre the.Saa@ known te me en or Letre the day etiale. Sale le comuence si112 ,clock. JOHN MAC LEAN, Sheriff's Office, sherif, oM. o. 23d October, 1832. The above saes s postpoed util Salt- day 23rd day et Fobruary int. alt.hestuc bou ad lae.JOHN MACL.EAN, Sheriff, ax. o. Kingston, 6th February, 1832. The %as stali laboler psponedutil Saturday h. th day o Mach next, aithle saine heur and place. JOHN MACLEAN, Shsriff K . Kingston, February 23, 1833. N OTIC E in iereby gîrcu tial by virtine l e,. cfswarrant ol Attacisuenti lusti ut etlits Maet>'. Mitilanti DistcCourt, a gsinstthlb. sIate a nelreal apereonal, of Julius Paidean, an abtconding or concssl- eti tebtor, to atsty ThomasSirer lu lie sua ettnenty six pouat tourteau shillings, 1 bave siseti althe astatletaa elrest as = ,ofi, et b.atid JIlina Paldoen sud un- Ir.anid Jîlius Palden, returun ithin the jurisdiction f tic nid court anti pot ln bail ta lie action, nithin lire. caleudsr menthe hooa lie 9Ouday of Januury, 183, ail the estate as usil resI as perenal of tie saiti Julus Palden, or seanti litereot as may lb. necessary nilI b. b.ld lhsble fui the naid tliren. JOHN MACLEAN, Sheriff's Offic, Kingston, ýi Sienlff, M.le. lit Januar,.i833. ~~OTICE in iercby giron liai by virtuei Noî ft our warante ottaciasla sstid1 eut et bit Majestv'm Mitihanti Disrict Court, agitions;Deniel ilîbeit, an abconding or cencealeti debtor, one alliae suit et Norman. Ballard, for thirîy-sevoî pnonais tourteau shillings andIwtu-peuce;onecai he anuit of Normntu Ballard snd Thomast Broun,,for elghocu poundse heu sillings andt lre.- sillings andt lre, pouce; antion. ai lie suit et Daid Barber Stvenon,tr ie suaetof fiten pountisfiv, shillings andtirfie pet1 have seizeti al lie estates neli osa o prsonal, efthte raid DanilGlbert, antiunuheaulie]tDaniel Gilbert rturt. uil.hin île urniaicion oetble eitiCourt snd poil in heail o tie actionsiwithinthirec calentin o mnths brn lie 9h day et Janus- ry,1933, al lie rosi anti persornal asIate ot l.saiti Daniel Gilbert, çt as auçi lieront at uay b. necosasiy nîlI be belt ihable te. thée saiti daims. JOHN MACLEAN, Beiarft's Office, Kington, hrfmi. litJanoary, 193. NOTICE, le isreby givon îhat by v rIns ofltire narrants ut Altachunents issuei ont sîHis Maîesly'a Midîsuti DitrictCoturt1 oe et the suit et William Bradbury anti1 John Roberts tor orty pourîd, andoe eat In eui t fJohn McîDonell, Jasnoa Holinea, anti John Kart, for torly pouis, anti&lieo bp violues tofo raetfAttachaculs isetietiouI t HieaMajoty's CourtofetKing's Bouch, oesaithle sit et John McDouell, James Holma, anti John Kerr, for tiely ix pouids sixi shillings sald for ponce; sud on. ah tb. nuit et William Bradbury anti Juin Roberts for t utu et onseitantreti andi siglty oeepourias, againol the reai si jersnal etate 't Thorn&asLowry anti George Lowry sud urlie h aitiThbomas Lonry anti Geooge Lowry retturu ithin thejoisaicion eft îe said Cot, anti put in bial te thce siolactions nithin lire, ce- lenddar moulus trou tic Oh day et January 18M, al lie reai anti persouti siate oftthe mieli ThomasaLowry anti George Lowny or à0 sucihiereoolas may lho nacsaary wn-llie laidd hable loir te n id dlas. JOHN MACLEAN, Sberif, X. tn Sheriff's Office, Kngston, lai Janusry, 18335 N OTICEI if iersby ivs, th4sh y virtue I et a Warrant etAttechmeol issusa eut ef Hit. Majoaly's Midlanal District Court,t againt Job Rosie, aa baoting or con céalati tichor, n laver et Toilas Blecito, fttheb suas et tweîty-cne polinds tour shil- ling asndieleven ponce, I isveaeizeti li the estale, as nl emi as persal, ofthUe miti Job Hcxie, slnd unlaut te smia Job Houie rauanitlnin lie Juriedicion oethle sai Court nullin tinose caleuder methe trou Io 201h day ot January, 183, or put inu bail te lb. action, Ilthie real anti pemueal os-t taee thie saidJehie.,or 8s o uctoe.-% of ne moyiha nodssaay, nl be heiti habla for lb. saiti cia. JOHN MACLEAN, Bienii% Onfce, Kington,? Sheiffa.». MId Jauaary, 1833. lIOTICE le beuoby given, tial by vru of two eWarrants obAttachuesît issueti1 ont et Ris Mja.ly2s Midianti District Court, agoinl Gorge E vans an alaconding orncoun. ceeai debtr, eue ah the suit cf Sydnoy Stobeli for teu patuds nineteen eshilinga, andthliaether et theesuil t ohnDawson, fer tht a iir fnte peu"ntie ven sillings sud six poue,!1 bave seimed the lli. sIate, s neli rest su pereeal, of tlb. nid George Evans, sud uni... lhe. nid Geoige Evau retuon nithin lb. jerlatiictiem et- the nid Court aî hin thres aslender moulia frem tb 29t dy otlturyl183,oetpu <lu bai le the actions, ail lb. rosiansdPosesie-. ias etthenidGerge = m mac aile for maild aims. » JOHN MACLEAN, BisiI1o0, Kin2w ston, m , 1 Sbsnifua. ad bt ilsbrtau"nto hot ete it Naeaty'asmtd"ealcb,atthe. quit01 b OffeBoauchI, v. Robert Mil-i ler and Jobn Wallace, vis. the south h Ii qorso tlb. wastt aIt et lot Ne. 16,-sud lb dut«h. fitihi of lot Ne. 15, in th. tourth councete.eof b. Townsblp ef Kingston. AU persous having clamo e b.aboya lands or smy part tharouo, by mortgage or otherwso, are equated te mie t.ean. k.nn te me, o, or betors th. day ef mie. Sale i. commence et 12 o'clock"ecual. ami OfmJOHN MACLEAN, 12 tbflecesbar 183.j FOR SALE. LrOT No 7, in the 5h Cenctuien of tht Àtownsahipo et dd, cenaintu; 150 acres ef CHOICE LAND). The.lot rusei int Sotb Laie, ubicb ia navigabl hem thenco te Gananque, distance 12 milss; and6 Ste Breneer'Milt, Thra in au ex- cellant mii site e, tb. lot, witht a neyer failig srou c nta. Tbere i. Il acras Cleared, audi.cop. Alto, trafme etfs MW*ll6 tstlong, uth M50MWauloesau the pot. To ener'. rosse. or sli, oua autoi ii eathb. Thetitlle alzw putable. Appiy t . Mota, Auctiomeer, or le tho subacibr, xl Boes',mille, uho will shiowt.e Land. JOHN CULLECN. VALUABLE LAND F0OR SALE. Itrictet Joh on:-EoingNO. 5,in lst Con., and No. 4, ln 2d Cm. et naid toua- sbip-siluated u n waI lucalled tb. WMWs fith brancii et the Gau"uo»sLobe, and oc- cupying oeenotire @ide th«eet-cenalaing enlireiy et brokLen trott a audconlaining ab-ut 94 actes. This land la gen.rally of excellent quali- ty, aud la particularly valuable on accotant et ita communication nith lb.RideauCa- nal, ils noar prouimi.y te a mill, and its bein; nsto uhere lbe Perthi read connecta w ith lh. backin tad oKingston; Ironm whicb latter place itlel ditant enly about 25 miles. Tis estats là nelnertby tb. atteution of purchasers, andthelb.germa are vry a. dcra.-Apply te tbe Editor et Ibis peper, or te C. Fetiorgili, Esq.. Pickerins g iOla, Hoe. District. 77tt. FOR SALE F IPTY Acres of Land, bob; tih. mont Nertberiy part of Lot Ne. Twenty. i. the Siath concession olEonet Town under tolerable ge imprevemnhuts aihutted ou th. main public reati leadin kem Caudn, Shefflielti $te. ta Kingston,teormerly eunod by John Miller andl eccnpleal byJame. Smith at'& Tavoru ant inthulb.possesson ofJohial Clarke. Application le b. made toSaisuel Clark. Erq.ofCudeaonolb.e 1proprieter E. Beach. r Kingaton, 141h. February, 1832 TO BE LET. F OR a tara ef yers-bal eztentive Farce and Premisea linb. ocupation nî the tubscriber, situas. M i motral Roati, about 9 miles trous ingaon, having abonI 100 acres under cltivaie.. aad pré- se'n tehoth.itduari.maiand tboroegb F..merboefa"I'm' ropets et snCCOM MARGA ETFRANKLIN. Pittsburgh, 2Seh Nov. 1832 F OR SAL.-Tie fllewing Lots ef (round ou the Yerk Rost,* urar lb. village et Waterloo, viz.-Leos Ne. 1l, 12, 13,14, sud 16. Apply te Mr. Msras, Innka.purKingson. June 7tb, 1831. F OR SALE-Lots No. 30ani 32 iu tb. fi1th concession of Murrayesach so.- Ilinin; 2M Acres of excelent Landi, this ,ans tti asitthei ou Coe Creeb antiNo. 82 commanda apriv ils;. of lie nuieretfsid Crei, il hein; a met deiralesietuatien for lie erection ot Mil.-Applcatieu ho lie mode te M. Joh. Richmondi nie ilvu stjinu;, or te tii.reprieler et Adelphus- ton.JONATHAN ALLAN. Mari 121h. 1830. FOR SALE. B OUSE sud LOT in Stuartrille, se- Acupieal hy M. Gay. West bat et Lot Ne. 22 linlbhé hi concession et Leeds, n::t> 100 Ae. lhe villa f etG nanoqu. Eait halflot [dNe.2k haIt et No. Sin lb.ld con- 200 et Lteeds. No. 19 lot concession of KiII.y, 100 No. 32in M concessonoft in;, 100 500 Actas Application ta haiusmade l b. Substier. GEORGE OKILL STUART. Kingston, Oct. 2d.,1le1 NOTICE. Goverumenl Bonne, Yerk, 23d F.bruary, 18n2 0 RDERS in Coencli hcoelateP itions sud Memrialfer Grantet Uand, or connecleal nith bt@etsc, WIN lu future b. cosssunicated t. eeealies by lhe Clark e b. atsve Ceauciji Porins uo my ntrecoiveamensoste tirPetilions Wll Zy le lb. Clerk et the. Execulave Ceuni. FASHIONABLE DANCING. MU J. ADABU, (,eaus"ar vescas la ngiaeasu B WB leavo mout rspettquy t lorm B lb.Ladies sad Gentlemnof e andi luaviciily, Ihal hobuaslatol atu fi om lb. aboie City, uhere b. bas stedha onde.s d asiste ibOal profsesses4m usokl a"a elaeat accossspishmaUt; sud that ba bas e»nd Mh. aMy.u, smbly Rosa, hes ho bas cemmeocad gaqV4 Wu grtue" luailbethet NEW &n ANSMIEOBONAaLS Nou, as pr*ctimed ia Loua.. andi Parir" A .sed Sueib Contoamcea Waltzes, mesceaug%,GallopadesMa zourisa, Bt . :wkc Tmxao.-8 Dollars pe Quata«. N. e- ira charte nl b. made. Public lam, meniys end Fuitiys, froon4te 6-'6 t-.-e Sàa11 P. -M. Privat. taille., fU5 T b§,,>'his day, endl Sattwdaya. »ý'Privm a amile and Scbooebstte i. toun &Bd ceuntry. Ordera left at lb. BeIoer t ea Machrlu. k Ce. or it eMyera oWe, uWin be doly allcnded te. LuaeNevemier 25183 A ND peomon 0&a . es e t f M. nteexta mu vi eu ead s"d»eion I Stmlll.Appiy te 30M ISL hUTH. Klut.en, Jan. loth, lu& T IB I.CTihOV, aving adsiewis te the Fiat. .a bur lam.nsad, Wil.. Issu Boy, )ougbt d ton, reqms "~re.idbled tae M.MidFiaWte ntmdsepayement te bhm, snd ail Ib. whobave claim U .k4lta parent lb., accounta dely autheaticatd, fer ne. Juatuentx E. .BINLEY, Admicntratriz. Kingston, Septembar 4,1532. lb. business in ber ewn assoe, for wbicb Purpetaba uply.d a yonng man well acqusîte.tih" b.proeaion,o e.trIal ealuo Wheo ubeave betepeau the el.tS- tabltbssoul a decidsd prelteonc., .111 u«M continue le do me, being amursdthbat par- ticular attention will h. pald te tbe sel.c- tien ot bar gooda, a. as te narrant bar i. mayiug Ibat they wMl alwtys b.eofthb.var bail quthity. E. C. B.y Adm'z. NOTICE. TVHE 0crm of John V. Detior -Co. àtbla 1day by mutusl consent dimolvd.-Per- ens iavîng claime aainsi thefaim, nl pllPlaeaseiuaccuansta e John V. Dtlo,lfor paymeul. Aise&aIl pemaeon l tiebted theb.fim are requestati (o make1 imacaia. payment le John V. Del«s.1 Jouit V. DaTiea WX-IL.R.MILLAS. 9 Napanie., lune 1M1. 182. NOTICE. THBubeciber haviog taien lettere e adiitrtoon th.estabeofethl.e Abraam Pelter et Eruattlown, deccaseti, requetta aIl prtons iavung daims against th caid ctate te ponaent li mme tiuly aI- lealti; sud ail tIbea ndebledte te heCtate l uy shle mme 10 Iha Suhacriber nitieul tilay,le enabie is te mails s divieandt ai the Creditaons. Wuc. POTTER. Kisaml. 131h Sepleuhar, 1832 NOTICE. ingbc revobet, ahl persona are horeby f.orbiti pyiZ lDy accants le hum ellir for lie Seam Boat Niagara, or John Mo- aer. J OHN MOSIER. Niagara,Ct. 3d, 1832. NOTICE. OH 0H4STRANGE Esi. bavin; rlelau- oF.qtibsd lia business otfs Aclener, lie Suicrihartauiesa pportunityoet l- fooiing tic Public liaI ha 6tkme ot licensetleatt luliaitcapacily. Ris allen-1 tian te buines sud moteralion lu chsrges, nuil, ho opetinducassare et le business of Kiugston. A. MANAHAN. Kingson 131h Ian. 1832. N. PALMER H -AS roty importeal trou Londion, pu i hpFlinu, asuamortneni et DRU GS & M EDlICIN E@, Patcat M"eta sssudchoamiso Alto, Seape, Ceamete, Parfumer, asud s <rosI quantity et nisceilaneous article. uhici, logethet niti bis former stock, com- prise a medical esabishmetl»as <merai snd extensive as sny lu, hie Upper Province. The aboya <coda bavin; hea..purciaset fer cash. nl ha solti unuuasly leur. Phiaciens anti coutry ature ksepeot nU final il an obet te <ire ibons a I. #.Prescriptions diaponset, i uitu el grltl tare anti deapalch. FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. w HEREAS toma perseoorprin aboutl10Odavaslince tiieetrlier:a misesbeleugin; ite Stili houses oneal by Mo.* Jerry Wiit.bedil usar Waterloo, in th p T fusi e ingaon, asudtiti sIsal, anti~~ car nysvral nindon maies thertre. Wiover nl gave amy inter- mtion eftlb. effenaler or ealentiers, il nIll a tiauiuuly received, sud the aboe t e- nard pai on conviction aI lie Heralti Of- fice. Apropos, Il t shoulti ho more ceakv«et for lie parties te nait utilallfer lis Atiol- phusown sessions, ues aal bave ne objec- tion, tien, te recive information upon lih- subjoct. We are noîl anar. laI at stpao pic bavea a rosI aversion te @pendt tueor lires oveninga aI Adolpinateun, andt le h ebligeal le pi; about a duîly averu for Ihal SOLE LEATHER. 4)))LBB. heavy Spa"bs Soie 4 M Leathe, for mie Iow by A. TRUAX. Kingston, Jaly 251h, 18n2 A DIRECT IMPORTATION 0F Davos & CHEMîCALS. C HARLES HEATH bas Iately received direct foom oeeoetthe Engiand a very ganeral amortment et Dru; end Chomicals nbtch b. effets for aie as len a tbey en au epurchaed csuber lu lhe uîr or 1.0 r Province 10t, th. 8,5. MlACCABOY SNUFF. CHRLES HEATH la non rec.iving CU Cona. ment, i fail appy et Stoma'celob#tsdMacaby Suctl i. e 00 Jarsvarions sinend qulii whcb.effort forai. low f«tet oro approveal credl.-ALso, 2,5M00 bs. Superir Rappea Smwff. Kingston, sept. mh,1832 TOBACCO. 25)KM Tobecce. 12,14, 18,18k 2 » 2 bauds ot be oundjmlrecda an fr uleb CHIARLESBETH. Knso,9pt 26b, 1831. FAPER HANGING. I.ff 440PIECES juat recived andi for uintn ap.2,81 N PALMER une ooferiug flm aIe Ieh l. lut powle, serIas met otSTAT1ONl ARY, mpmetd dkvecly trou 0 ofet bo at ewil nglanal Kingaon. Aeg. 101h, 18eu P UBLIC NOTICE la bereby givan ldut JLaul !sasoçomaCttiaug, tabing snsy ýet injermn; lb. lIM«eronlb. etis, hm- loning te thé Cauttis Coapany ntheuts spatial sutberity Boss th,-e=., li bU Omtcuted uith" b.utaca rgoweu tIbe I. Cata aCon y.O-. n.Yenk,ilb !lfv.186.i mSwyww of5 O W 4- a1- MÇ I Ne"ic la rbîy »» inl teCeeu, lamde, eor CI«« lsevesla 0U nl e ~iY peuisdanl FInie,.. , sseinsa sd iite bb Nî PETER DOBINSON. 40 GBLE LAHr e ce dt taAunlqci, ins. 20 iozn e cloralRosas, SltivreiLamb anud Sbeep skin Lluings. 10 !se = Bns. ios antiBataille, cu.00 e ',bs o f varions qisalties, M0 pair ladie Genlemen's santi e sepauier lad"tRulbaer Shoa anal ovar Sboes, s very extensivveassertment ot eule, Womsa'., sud Childrsu'i fane snd Coarse Boole sad Shet, suitabis for 1Cotutry ltae, anili b. soiti ioale, uecommenly lois. lu addition tle bavey, lie Subera s heoly .aPer"ig biasmuai bal Supply cf Ladies' aud childoon'a Boots, Shoat anti Gleves; aises Poratetus, Travolling Rage, Ritilu; Boole, anti&Uaibndsa t lo thts requloat iIn lb. Sho. anti Lesîber lin. A censtant sepply etfheet quslity Boots sud Sbeee on band, sand manufacturatita ortier, a. usuI. A. J. FERNS. 1 Dezembor 81h, 1832. Th. abeve expecteal gootis bave aince at- riveti, anal arteoserepesis;, snd tie ssb- soriber may nîlb nafely amsure the public liat tb.y are in pointa et variely sud que- lil the moi complets amortansl evar et- featfor saIe i. lb. Canada, lhcy ere &il expredse ie@leoertier nai lb. thealeat ca. lu lie bainsmanufachtlue n iglandl aseon l. oo1 tare, Ldiateb hiteul, and tollnrotiSatin, BiladKiddrta be, Prunella, Demi, BktI, sud Coud shoas, black sud coîloreti; Cerd, Valeucia, Deni, Satin, aud Prunele boots ; Clotb anti Stuâ'wluter boots; Rue- aix Boa], Cloti, sud Prunelaeboots k thoes, Sbauëny sud Fur linad; Engliesi k French Cork andi Wocd Se Clogu; Batht carniage anti Suon beots; Gollorbot do; Ladies sud Gentlemao's Turiey emd DrumsUs ninter ilippere; Mismaesot anti shoat of nsarly ail the abeve hindi. JAlto several <rois cliilalrea boots sud shees; tb. uhole steck amounlin; le upnvards ot 8000 pair et boots anti %boa@ et &Il binais, trou wich (nil th. addition@ hlisdaily mabin; hy menu- factoring) iho pe.te haenahîet te fiuisti soy quanllty liaI msy bo requireal by suy Home in Upper Canada on lithe ltest no- tice anti lonreal terme, alto juil receivetioe Cam etof eoorLondion faulastd, wnie Scarlet, =rne Waterloo, and Mazeina, Resue, sud Sbivers, antiono case et lau-_ don gentlemen asti chiltirens tircu k elier glovos. A. J. F. Dacamber 261h, 1832. UPPER CANADA FRENCH BIURRI MILL STONE FACTORY. 10 LISHA HAYWARD,â Ce., York, U rÀCariada, fie thal ho bas non on baud 10 pairs offirst kem tisse te lime a stapply et Barr Blucis, iussediately loess tb. quarrios in Francs, and noeebut the. hast ef workmsn art arn ploj'ed au manufactunring tho atone. For rcom.udation ot Mili Stoutsamon- outctred at bi estabihmnt, uhici are varrantat, and non more Illan W0 pairs in nue in Ibis province. E. H. & Co. woulti reier:t le .ollowing gentlemen, Who bave Ihea inu peraion, vie. Meures. Clark k Street, Niagara Falk; Grant & Kirby, Fort Erie Mile; Hou. Jas. Creeke, Fiambeoesat; Samuel Andrus Esq. A MtirM. Col McNeilledge, Dover Mille; William Wilson, Esq.. Loug Peint; George Keetor Esq., Th.rold; Mr. Jacob&. Shoossker tarioo; The Came- da Company, Guelph andl Goderich; Absa. lou Shade, Eiq., (lIt; Mr. Jaediah Jack- seu, Brantord; Mr. Hiram Capren, Dum- tries, G. ýMeMaciing, Esq, Chap.a .1... McGiD, Esq. River Creit; Ho.nblu. Peler Robinone, Deverly Mile; Wm. R Robinson, Psq., Newmarkel Mr. John Be- <so, Withurh;Meurs. Thorno & Par- sosThoonC.hlurl Milis; Jamnes Hogg, Esq., Miltord Mille; Mr. Joseph Shepard, Vangtan; Peler Milne, Eaq., Markham; Mr. A. W. Farewell, Whiîby; Mo. James Sampoon, Smithe Fall, Mr.A B. Ward, do. Those paira MIileutoes are uow on bandl aI Mr. Melauns' wharf, Kingston, where tbey cas b.e ainineti. THO'S. MOLSON Agent. Kingston, Dec. 141h. 1831. CHLORJNE DENTIFRICE. PPsoassMyr N.SuenrePaatsv,iPzscoisat No. 34 WlDem suet, New To& r11111 Detriface la net anly the lattest, .1. but ene o e b.Moitefficent applic- tionsof discovereal CaaLosî,E CaithpouNnag. I là le lie s article in uhici tiat important cismical agent le eu- ployeti iu tb. preeut fore. unstidition te tb. suparior qatiaties oftlbis Pender for cleain; gasnd hit.uiug the teehb nuticul itron; eltber tho enamel eortlb.gina, the Chiorin. la se combine t nît las te rendue il the beal andi moi effectuaI peetive against caia, andthle surest rFmti againta impure anti upleaaulijeti. eWinever thic dm eet oariaemauntcanal alutease et tb. slemsch, t or hnMsn.intestinal sud ceuutulomai defect. lb. premeoni Pendu mayha elietiuona scmed. Taiove Doevs a s libyN PAruoza, Druggist, Market Place, Ksngt- tot. lmaoWIONMAT WA*E.ýHOUsB, -la 1f0S. SallP iestluuobly ip dO;tinuea ie carry on lb. Hatlin Biti- "ea t s h.ld stad cpp"ntaelb KigtnHolel, sud tb. CourtHome, urebub en baud rie latest and mest fasionabis palierma fer gulemen antila- diW a Raandl Bounets, Bever snd imita. lion de. warrantsd waterproof do. uhicli h. will dispe o et ai b pricat for cauh or pro-. ducs, or approveti credit. Cash palal for Beaver, Muskra, and Siiip- pieg Fusa. Noveiaber 2d, 183. N. -Ra Ise ceonhand, a feu GentWe men' sand Youtbt Fur Caps, of excellent quliy-and tare Bales of BaShie Robes, Wbicb nul h. s.ld very Iour forCa. T" RFsuESCIBE bc&* te lutora is tuieb ud helplb. lic ;anerully, that bu ha opanea aStore i toe.attrt, nazi te Mr. limas R. Beuaon's, niere h.osisil haive coueestmii ubandal egeneral amsort- mont etWINU enti SPIRiTuous LI-i - DORS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE Wd GROCERES oetlb. beat quslity wbiclà nwil h. usît euully Ion for cash. Wue. P. COOK. Elutotn, December Ild,1332 "NOIC -i Pmeindebedt te Ibm Ted4il et Kbogitoo, Yeoman, are re- quaiei ed pay lb. aubecoiher, uho a is yautherlsd te recoivo thon; a"nt W"ss i.bave auy ueedea& pinst alb. Mid éate are reqeatel te proseutat bir 6 MMuis duly suâtblcteti. a JON CL CLAMK Erasi-Teun, 101h Octobar, leu2 710 en. Foi nia IoAmonmor Svrrr.zn AEanVINO AvTToSSux PUE IRCAAfLDA. C APT IFTZGIBEN hb lie»sa? p Hseab ie Facelleacythea Laem- sst Gvrr10provide coovcyanesfer Saithos, nie uish te h.esmploead, Boss York te the Township on Lakre Sntee, sitars they nil! be roeaiveal by lIa. HXn- sen, Wie la epesinga Resad bonsmKtan- teltit Bey le lie Township et Sonnia Ir Emigrants of thisaMme,nwilbmmeswnie are desirous of Locatiug thassas inIthé Western part eft ha Province, cmn primea by wster le lie heati et Lake Ontario, and trous lient. tan oatdily final convoyante te tie Township of Carrdoc, wiarstbey wil bs receiveal hy Mr. MousNT, d-pty u- vepor, Who nl place eac b hed etsutily on SOorl100Acre4oetI.nd lately mnveye froat lb. corner etfC durati t Laie Huron, at tb. avorageti ponce fer whioi Laundsalle in that pat; the frit pay- msent te ho matie at lb. expiration oet ira yearsfrotdaeinlftti th Ie Locaioin, anti the remainder inutires yeau, by anual l- stalmenta, with istecest, te Commence trou lie expirationfti et bi.yesam The lands are efthle fut quality, well natereti, sud lu healtiy situations. A somi nl h.eopeneal ttomCarrll.,0n bilcb sealers nil fanal apleyment.. AUl lothin iutstiouii nul h.eame- diately afferdealeESMgrnta, en applCa- tion et lb. Commisioner otCrown Land' Office, Yerk,oret aithe Surveyor General'o Office, Yerk. PETER ROBNON. Conmssisoer elCrocn Lattait Office, Yok, 131h Joeu3. THE MIDLAND DISTRICT CIRCU-' LATING LIARY. TUIHE Suiscariiere rsapactfmlly bsg ave ~te anueunce te Ibeir fn.ntis andthle public lu Kingston, andt hroughonl lie Midiasti District, tbat îiey bave Ibis day cemmoncati a CIRCULATING LIBRA- RY, unaler lie above naine; niich t.y aun- tendi shaîl ho ceuposeti of tb. noria et lie hait sutiors, anti olhbe neu publications as tiey ma)emanatc trou lihe press. Sobecrihara te the Libracy ln the country nali ha carefully turniahoti nili stciBooks as tiey unsy oder; but in every inaltonce, tiey null provide means for (ieir cettvey- anc, anal be responslh for tisir sale car- fisge anti good ortiso. Catalogus et lb Books anti Ragulalions et the Library wilî soon be publiibed anti fuitrsbsdte subsicri- bers. TEEa, Town. ubecnibera. for eue y esc, i.; for six moulis, 133. Ot.; for lire mentis, 7s. 9d. Country subseribers, an lb. me terms as lioe.rsidin; lu Kingston; but their subscriptions must b. paltinluativauca. Tiey nil have tic priviegeo isfetdran- mng Iueo eriset one lime. Any perse,(nst a subscibar,) aay titan bocfo lie hibrary by paying si a vol- ume. lu coameocng lie "MiallouatDistrict Circulatin; Lbrary," tie proprotors noulti observe liai they vien il principlly lu lie ligh ofau xpawie niaci an intelligent Puleae le anction or condem., Ili succenatl, il is thsir inteutionte ive lb. library such s characler as wl n& 1.blo t te cempete nili lie beat Instiutions oethle binti in lie country. JAMES MACFARLANE & Ce. 1 Kingston, '>ltl Nov. 1831. MORE NEW BOOKS. P.OMPLETE setaetf the PxLEAx No %/vzLs, iu 10 vols. inlutding Paa Disounoti, Deveretux, Paul Cliftredansd Engoue Arsu. Gibbon'. Ruae, 4 vols. 8 ve. Breun's Dictionury oeth. Bible. Percy Anecdotes, 1 vol. 8 ulit lte asitien ot American anecdotes. *rabb's synonymes. Aunsitan Theatre, by WS. Dunlop. Talas oethle Gîsuper Spa. Murray'$ Englisi Reader. Exorcises. Introduction. The shove are fer saieetaIth. Booketore cf JAMcES MACFAE a kCo. 0ý>Meut etflthe abe. r e t h MIE)LAN»D DîavaCT CXncuILATono Li- BRAiT. Kingston, lot Decomber, 1832 THE TOKEN, A bAtlantic Sonvenier, t,:r183: Ai A Chritss' poesent1 Edileal by S. G. Goodrici, Boston. 1 Thc Revisetieduion o e b.Waes.iNons-1 ses, so ter as publabati, in 34 vols. A feu copia* of " &buh Wvmieorhe b Book store et JAMES MACFARLANE 4- Co. Kiugston, Dec. 101h, 18M2 ».Almsacs for 18Me mgrp e, by th. dosen or sangle. JUST RECIEVED, AND F011 SALE etItho Haraldi Ookie aud.a i e Book Stores eof e4smsLes lie sud Ce., suddlmesrs. Mermats.akce. t -e «ICOLONIAL RARMOXIST, bel.; s compailation efthle ausi appweved Te.., Anthamo anal Chanta, selacted sti arra#e hy MàALSBuaàiaiAa."-PniIii b y 1h. compiler.-Port Hope, U. C. 193. COMMERCIAL BANK 0F THE MIDLAND DISTRCT. ýA Ta meeting et lb. Slockholdenofettbls institution, balal accotdlng te 1h. sad, on the lot1 instant, Il was eslved , T'Dathlb.ressald«ro lb. stock shouldb all e la wu hen, sudsas ollen as the Bâard et Direeto eas me - t, contrumabla te lb. charter. Notice lain rt ore hbu"t <v.., that tire. lustlments are calila, payable at tis ]a% aas tolons: 10 pcv cent. on lb. 151h day of Octaer, 18a2 10 per ceul, ou lb. 151h day ef December, 10 par CUenle lb1h dey et F.krym, By erde r e h.Board, F. A. HARPERt, Ceshier. Kingaton, 2d August, 18I2. COmuEUtC!A BANK 0orTIran IOLAN» rVHE fficeof bis Insituton wll bu on Monalay, télbut li Day.o <Discoustmod.,Md lmidu; Notes ered te, Dflaetob.encelosed le lb. Casher, sud seu la behtae .dey et dh@aut. NoIbes for collection mmibe iv«. ma len t Ibm daya befbre témoir tideu du.. Heure ef publia bominem eaI l»bua*, *oss 9 o'clecI,ý A. Mw te S .'ahak, P. M. F. A. E*.UPERCssbla, C HARLEATIR, hmaseaose 0 AIs-a I&M TOMi S"ick ».. De. . imen, Oct.lot1851h. PM& i . 1 1 1 l I . 1 t . 1 ~ AMY 10 HE SUBSCRIBERS hava reoive,, ot@ earrivait hem sBritain thot rLL L OUPL F GOODO, adapted te os sas., teriang à very <sai assot- 5 Pt. Blnei 8 sud 4plit hast Whitney aCanadims alehb, fiue and S. fine Clotis, bloabi CssiseeaOlive anud Dral, eShlugi, white, rail, <resuk sud yellon lanela, Vierai do. green Baîze, Scotch Wpeîin, Hessrth Rugs, Tartans, Guernsey Fucimt.Angola, end royal iribbad shirts, lrasl Hoso, Hoaiery antiGllive, Rau non andi Printed Weoslet Siauls, Lait rgi, Bombazettes, Bomaaeea, Scotch louets, Scarlal Caps, 27, 30, 36, 40, 43, 47 ad 60 inch Grey Collons, Long sud Bonk Id Shirtînga, Apron snd Fiarniture Check, vingiam,Stoipe Collons, Navyaut 2-bit. %licues, F~y, ligit auai dan <groutid Ca, i ,Yoic!Londen Chintze«, Fuoniturg 'miat, Ceilored Cambrics, Irish i ns, Di. crs, Brewn Hollanti, Jackouet andi Bol luetins, plain, slriped, cherkoal anti bain »rd Cambricz, Black anti green Crape, in. l aint Englis Bandauns, Verona and hitannia Handkercnimti, Cotten anti Liraru Sediticks, Fustian aud Beaverlecus, Bang is Cord, Drab aud black Velvet, Umbrel a, Canvsas Nos. 2 tu , Siceting aud os- haurga, Se sud Cîceing Thsati, nîti a zloity et 01h00 articles tne numeoeno lie staihai. - ALSO: Toas, Mtuceado Suger, lu bblo. Tierce, Liitlbile.,aingleand double refined Lesr lohi *buchMuss»càtel Raisons, Poland Rah. BIle, Eogllsh Soap in boxes et » assdl 9Ihe, Snuff, Mustard, Spanîe groua, Gran sud White Painlu, Pateuit ;bots umirls Nos. bat London Porter in abs et 4 di«., aong and fiue flavoreti J:. sica Spirite in bhda. , very auperier oit :ogntc; Brandy, in Pipes sud lhido., Lon- an Vingar l sidx, Port, Sherry, and Te- OrloS. ist l qo. Caska, &c. tic. allof hici nill ie soelt thle Montdreal sole- Mls Prim .fer Cati, or ahort Approved Cre. lit. MACKENZIE, GE1DE, & Ce. P. 8.-lu adition u te coSve, M. G. ICo. are boorly lu expeotatien oet oceiv- g a tutico asupply of Dry Gouttes Teas, GýroceùLiqtow, 4re #C 'Klingslon, lot December, 1832. WSThe edilers efthe Hastings Timnes id tb. Halionel Fr.. Preu nulI plesse Mv Ibe aboe four inertions, sud sent inb tiz accontatorf«paysbi. M. G. 4r Ce. PrHZ SUIlSÇRIBERS beg leave le tW ftorts tb. Tababitatet Kingsten andl ai vlcini t h5thtey hava openedteir tock et Dry Gooda, Grecorles, #le. lu lie Ions. adeun i nieOffice, in QluatySr , hr iyn lih appy l endIl. lWhodr eMaoe ieuy veurthones niti Ibaîr culoirs. Tir ai. srtaient et Dry Goasla very extensoive, ampriains ery article lu Ibat lino; ia. m00<11 hici aos y lhaenumerateti, fine su suaefans CIelhs, thahionable Caaoi- tares, drtb Fluhings, wnile ccd, green, aid y.len Flanuels, <reenu ei super- nue lack Bombazine, sud biack Crops, Bombaaettes, black sud coloured Groa de Naploo, Dandanas Ganze, Canton 4Crape, l&miti, Cassimeie Shawis, 511k Ilinker. chiells, oicb London Cintulicolor.d Cimbrics, Irish Liuens, Diapers, Jaconet aid Book Mallot, Fuions Scotch, Bon- nets, Calicoet, iigbt and tiaril <round. hheellng andl Onabuigb.; Canstian Cloth, Alitis nd Furnilure Checils, Giogom, nrp oos, Hosiery andi (love.; witb ic ofre eteor articles 10 numerons to lie dettilsda)l ofetwbicb nill ies au es lie moist reaisonable terme for csh or sbort appooveti credit. AL8O- Ver sitperior Porl, Madesira. snd Spia. ahWist; Olti Cogniae Braund Jamaita be nd Hlini Ginrosi High sudWbii- MULHOLLAND TIG Kingston, 4h Ja.1833. Fr DO HEREBY CAUTION, sud toibiti IL aIl poerai patochasng lb.undernen- tiened popc= y. dvrtiaed hy lie Sb.riff t hae selaltaIpublic Auction, on Satuay b.e mOh day et Jauuary, instant, by virtne of fouir execullons ouI oftîhaCourt ofKiugs Bsncb, ouesett he suit oSimon Waibnurn, eaocuter et ElipisIet Adosse, deceaset, nse ai th.suit ut William MaizIanal, George Goiroe, sud George Aultijo, on. ait lhe muit ofTomas Eyer, sud enae-stIbo suit of the Executorg o etlb.t*ieHenry Young, è.çsasd , zagalual th. lande sud taaenet, ,te laie Jamae. Cessing, decesetin -tb. bande of bis Exsoulos viz: The Noah bhaIt of Lot No. 5, lu the 2d Concestions North Waest lb.theCrrying Pl a theb Township ot HallowelI, con- tining 100 acres. A part et Lot No. 5, in lie lut. caone- aieu, N. W. ofttien Osryiu; Place, Hallen- cil, contaiunn 8 acrt. Lot No. 47 gu the 4h Cou. Catuden. Loi Ne. 3 Seventh Cou. Richmendi. EMthait etLot. No. 6, Sth Ces. Kings- ton. A mathplot *oi 'grenalpart et Lot A, lit cmnHallenei, W. etCasryng Plsce, ad a O et ltdi, boan part of Lot No. 28, in tbird Cec. MiIilsy tract, Halloell. Lot Ne. 47, 4Ib. Cen. eoCsios1iett sissay ose n iidl iprepeisty, suthets I- Pal tillete lh. residue et Ieoaboie propO- Iy la vestesd un my son Jasmes Coinlgs wbe lea mine,. CHRISTIANA MORLEY. Rsiîewali, 151h Jan., 183. KINGSTON MARBlLE FACTOKY. T uf"m te ubie ta therlbave con- menesth b e cue masutactuing buneff, inu *lp aiiouBrook aloel, non Mell'a1 Mtau- t.alaistulrborelthey inteiti keep- An4 cesraisly on banal a geotissoOlnOfil (cTeb&MGave *tonfos. h iemat cslaiatd qurris ts!b.U. Statel. Meu.eulot a lm ostene tan hae for- uiobed en short natice. Alodera lun11101 limie null heo "&fqlly rciveil anti ltie tnafly aezecetu. L SEY&NELON Kingston Oct. 241h, 193. FOR SALE. AT the Kingston Babake yli ar! L.AusisuSuperfiuesheur> boit brand. 111h December, 1832 NOTICE W Almiamdiatliy, a film raIe sud a"CuiSteracmat, V11.1n11 ?75i hlhi lu il in ,,ou latinj .t th. 17t Park lb dirs a Os t01 butue, lia MU on ouI bei de dg tuners mercha ad-bu Ibui lien a &Dy P. pack& sboulat Mr. da psrk, nietiar Iaus:--but 'rwuele te enomre suaitets;s or impoliey rn it. mo If tlaey mal au e Channel commnerce Ihal li.e ir,, err us; bgo l ' boa fer the uey mutin th" theaex sente gted pnb fiu& ita p lb.efumets osoollacI aple. lb,ogh tba w liat; ailt t eeh bec ulo DMne a. u orr sad u CWAMi but bsu a litI tu., te ls * Mi htlbmidoi -g' Dli L 1 LI. LI. 'l. 1- 'l. il« ---*« - ---' 1 ri - 1 ri t 1 la , lu. . 1 1 -1 ;10