Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 3 Apr 1833, p. 2

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.a partl» Indeeti, Ise confidet !ov reauers wil observe abat the Speechla .si- A formaI complaint against Baron Von 1flceraof lise argny of Ireiseul, as Se may th' a dwa y te lisUd&rtandamg leat un West ladan las'niy, firimawhieh we Zuylen, the Dulcis Min auer aI the Courte!f tliiraifit, frtfleccognizance, triai andi punl- a Unhneds"nction betwee os lfthish1au, seeuhwl tkuIeSt. James, wa senttte Houmo on Fnitay intiment of al sucsntTetîces committed with- ha ty. and stricat ium ty, and liehausoesi' bis sesosion.l "adirai the l5tis February, by Lord Palmeruton anti, in the disturbeti districts; %villa a proviso asOt Isê ht accidel ibt o«ting saimtogeis ERY LATE FROM ENGLAND. Prince Talhyannt. ta their quialificatioins. tia *vudhî rjnyo ia. whf n50155air fte1thgy:lil htflàleiosoapiie(,n holl td h. honar tu act fore six succie Frniethe N. Y. C,mercial Ad reriser n Mm 2. A nwr ae !ts tt as- 1.Tslficesnsapiueay Pariiasnests, Waold do teint tient justice.' At a late hourtirliis montnng, tise parbet We receiveti fromt Fluiing aietter,tied'nuinier not leu tIlan fic nc more Éthlait n Hlavi sa D «b, h o ata lsi'RsoCpanRgrarvdfotthe î4tis, Which, sWlade il confiransthie de- 1nane abiali b.deenieti a Cousrt eMartial fur ai li out ny ha lshu oso, atînRgrs rrvt fe ails ÉbtisIw. bave piablisheti res:îectîag thie tbe bearung, trying anti punishing- o! cuchuSi( elet &bons .tipesaecfbt -oa I.ivrehweccassalt a b24 festauliihenl of a toll enlise Sciseltt, anti offincea, witik ahibbheîowersincident nat by foellis ho. w rend ftht. ueiîtbr for Staf- Febrtuacy. a By this arrivai the Editorso fîb tise obligation imposeti on the Prince Met- ouiay ta Courts Martial, but ta tle Civil tri- ti fraie hatescr assaistance laisi sizteen, CoMimercialAtivertiser, bave ceceiveti files ternieS te give security, annouraces the a- humoai; anti wibh autbaniby aigu, ie try nom- 7 ea' eperieus couti affurd troul il - !of papers le the 24th t ybian interesting grouible intelligence that orderas were giveai msriIy, anti pas. sentence anti jutigment ast c gthogi n higri, and eaevery mauber o! tetter front their attentive Loandon Curies- on lise I3th, provisionaly, ta suspend the nitishe Courts a! LSw. thl àn LO-laI f il abould ibe thie pleamure of ponîdent. payaient of!fullaninmalanger toreui-e- 12. Provitiesfor the appointaient of!a mn lm W Roi tr-eeL itoehug bgraIy05 VEcItEP0N . ccuul v fro1slips ,fltering ar thvng1e Jutige Atvocate by the Lord Lieutenant. vc h~bt ilytn, as he hati dons iatfare, Lonidon, Feis. 22t-Friday evenig, Sehet.tThus tise navigation o! the river 13. Preseribes the oath te thic membera 'i dtia ha Wauld exert bis Seat enueavora tea hbaf-past 7 o'chock. la nat subjected ta any obstacles, and slips of the Court Martial. tir 4li6heg* "i 4stY ta tise Bouse-to the We have receiveti the follaWing letr con ho deapatceseas befr,. 14. ConfèeatIie power of conclusive de- ute CouOts'Y-and *Iuey woulti permit bien ta aay, frero ie private Coresiiondeat et Paris, da- Thsis se deemedta10 tirive adultional con- germination lapon a majarily of aucît Court. vo marnuset mars. (Huear, hîar, anti cries ieti 20tltinst. firmation fraint the cireumîatance Ébat tiser. 15. Authoizes sucht Courts Martial le Ci @fQetiornandtacear lbeGallery.) We bave accouD a totiy froun Madridta teare tnouerons fulougiss grintet inlathissue ordera tabringhbeforei theauailpersons mn A umen Wiiset ta know from Minis- the lOthis t. The noer institution eatiS Dutl.chssud Belgian armies, whicb are haileti Ichaaiiwitlt offences againsltbis acl, and i teWSeWbetiair Mr. Sultaon, if ite sas rs-elec- i isheti for thes purpose of defentiing the gay- as aigris a! pesce. grsquires ail sieniffa anti tiniabers o! justice Ki ted tIhe Speaker et tIse Bouse, Wault ibe ea- crnment againatt ii. ccmbinations o! tisea Immense damage bas been dons aI Ant- te enfonrce anti ahey tbem. c tititol keep tIse Pension of£,OoUa year, Carhists, wlichla in imitatian o! thse Na- Werp, anti an the Scheldtiby higis tides,in 16. Empeaient Cours Martial tesurnraag neteulby tise lamtParliament, during the tional Guarda e! thia cauatry abcen-iîptua etenWnata aeandeptandscr ieatnac !wte st peiat b. Sifiei tlue Chair of the hlous. ing exceeinugly Palre vry' pra cmf overflhera. Tise dyke o! Stabroeclc gave testi!y in ail cases Sefore ftlen. a Ma. C. M. Sultan saaed iea beliefo<f bIse note wlîa s attaclueti ta lie goeoraimetenti e, ndt wenIy boutes Welare undec water. 17. Enumerales six or "even acta, Se- un [allate b.bIsalimil was imposileifor sny Partial ta the liSeraI policy wich it bas lat- A ietop itegrisnwr ml ie epseen, oravulain o lawic p, imtivkhisTafacPying thse C iair mtbe Houa.A erosfhgriowrepo- ieterget oailtoowi iob.usîbii to siglealsfli o!peni lerly siaowna adisposition ta atihere ta, hid md enlise dykes under 1he command of Go- persona <ta7 le tnied anti puniaheti, in bhe 'i g nlsttionerit bnnr. Upaatier0..)eeh aeman.disturbet i istricts, by Coturts Martial; wilh Ai Cffw hi r Tisas 55bis 1cmbelief O! thia corps Of patriotie voluncers already ___ a pravio iimiting Iheir powera te Sentence Kh o ti 1wut hiee r at e 1 init a nti-tamoneit 1 O eFRANCE. o! transportation for lhfi, or a period nntlIlus er i, i W55bislieu tite,~suratsis iot e - M4tame Mars, tise once colebrateti Sing- . tian seven yeara, in ail canes whereby in A, iiècpteon* shilling of pensioniss long as 5 saisuENFORucE5iENT BILL PA§ssD. or, died onîbhe 20th Januaryet Revelinlteithe acte lierein referreti ta, the punishment in hi ladthtei. bor o!f tlliig lte chair of tilet On the 21s1 Feiruary. Lord Shsaftesbury, 84tis year e! bier age.. of deatis wax prescribeti. th jaie. in the Mous. cf Lords, lrought auprtise re- M e )telfnic b Mnner ! 19. ThaIthe magialrates asay apprehlendtih fiMAJET SEC. part on tho bill, for Ibm sepprestiag of dis- Cisares X., wioso ignedth ie ortionnanm fij and commuit ta prison any persan Witbin th London, Febroary . ura he i relanti (containeti in anathser July, 1830, bas been candemnretitea fin.o! suchu prociaimed district, who may b. in tise 1I This dey, a 2 o'lek, Hi Pdajesty telivered t clun o! tha palier) anti theamet wiIis 400,000 fronc@, on £16,000 as bis ahane e! i fildis, streets,, bîghsways, or eisewhore ot la glsHmes of Partisentt h. folwîg speech : ils amentimgents, afler sine desuitory con- tise damages causedta the city of Paris du- of bis onrier tiwelling «or place of abode, be- I Il My Lords iaid GiWes.,, versation, leat ogreed fto. On. of tis, a- ring the revolulian. ftege- sain-9et iand sun-riae, ant iltie persoa "The pridbeisgaowazrivedawbichtbebe- mendmrents Ébat had been iasetetiwas mov-- se commistted shah irie tidy a Court Mar- cl] ines, cfParlisuiset lua mally re»umned, 1have iai caieid 700 together for- the diseharge nfthe'imp1out- cd by EarI G rey fur thm prevontion a! sang- SPAI N. lia. m wesjtisofhepadtcl miduties wth saiel, you ame euru6teui. Never, nais by bonfines, &c. Intelligensce, two tiays Ialer, bas biten ne- i, moeajtsie !th eci ai any aine, did subtjecte of greater inteiresl and Air. Stanley introduceti a bill intobise ceivetifroet Matrid.but containsing nothing' amy ftimc tram on. hour afler sun-set 10 du USitude cal) Ifor -yourtt..tio. Huse onso I. 11,o iesi- !ipracoxe ieapitnn f tu-rite, ta tiemant admiission, anti on refu- CI MI ibave stillta teament the cotsuasce o! thise o omn o lc1to h sb fiprac xcp h ponm elVil W&Yin Pcutia, wbch ha. faornmenthu e jctof Grandl lunes, wiiciswaa apptovet isonew leofficers, aih a! whom arenssaidtab sal, ta enter forcîhîy any bouse in such prçe-S easted beteeinIoePrnces of te bouse i Itru on ai aides ofihie House-anti sont parts o! lie of a more liberal eait than Iheir preule- claimeil district, ta searcli Whetissr bhe un- gr rh»v eabste comencement alibiscntet, 1il even by Mr. O'Connel Simmsel!. Iteais cessera, anti that they aru Wsrmly atîscuietimate, bo absent, or have any arme, amarul- t awas e ired for lie ,protetionscf Bilîeh aui.-jeet in ta correct an oevil o! no ortiary msg- ta tise cause o! tle Queen anti Ser young iice, or wapona concealeti thercin, with ne isouagal.; but yonmie su:Itd for it was statedta10bc s fact Ibat es. tisughter. the usual refîrenceofo delinquency, ta trial cu ad rl 1 Veau ei , S55h J.nutie ________ ysaCourt Martial.w rd15 sa o ail lo svaltasyss5f 0i!any oppor- tales were iought, anti privaI. labourera Iait liatmasybliealorded aeuto aast in restor. paidi, frnt 1he public purse, by the facilites aY THIE AJAX. 20. Maltes t penaI ta have the posses- et kgy=do noucnry wiut ete eretoiofimparledta10thc secret and irresponsible Liverpool, 2lst Feby. sion o! any arma, ammunition, pike. pike- b ml bve al n o n tmatey nce eam my merent ede, -Divans o! tbe Grand Jury mon. Bythis bih TAE FIRLA .ld, spear, dirk, or othier offensive wea- "Mragoaesfaceta atiarrangement beween Hl-t5- ara no lngrallowed ta tisue 5anti Tsdu a uteestsI lea pont, uniess sucS armas, &c. were concealetiH: land asautBelgiq, bave hherlo becsau nceesThec-letihey longerrot blbaonlong in tisir isouse without thirrprie iby or SII i.h!nud syelf ai scustht compelsei, ini cm: disposecf nearhy a milhion annualhy n secret prepaning for Étis ili-fateti eguen, seas kle tg juirdatis J. hthKingo h rnht il e conclave. The accesary provisions ef tise ,ow ta Sie nsarly full. On the evening o! D21. TI eeling or distibution o! any s.- i oared for the eeceut of the trasty Of the 1 h hBisaequlyderngoaprv.-be ifitis o!February, Barl Grey introduceti tiatiaus Ps n r oandtbili, is matie punmette- Nea-lI. Thcespesecftbeeluadcs<Antwerp They are ailfolows, viz, Ihat public worlaa a bill inta the Bous. o! Lords 'fer the hie y a Court Martial, by imprisonlinlt t hmc in part aceompebed abat objeet. butthebu seb sisal b. talcen by fair tender, anti Sy public more effectuai suppression af local dislur- for a terni not exceodiuag lwelve menthei. th Ço'e !orýsilir un t vaute teto contit-that ltme rate-payera assesset for bancos ant il roge u mcabuns in Ira- 22. lnjury or intimidation of a jurer, wit- In Butecntnriea 1 long ium b itbatreoattissa ges shali have a isses in tise pare-land." ThisbAUi,With Whici tise ministry s *c. uel ommerce.bas bees eastinued. Ne- paratery pubia discusions respecting tisubvetsmtineaar op iw ,ts ea or prosecutor, oitbîr in bis persan or th gststiamsicsgss onautaed, adpouma rey tiesepeciai sessiona. like the Englisis, diturbancas anti asiociaions o! that cu pry ropetpnsal ytaoolto o e hbeis essnuiteu on my part as they bisa* ngaevco ntr mt les ban neven, noir more 1hau fourteem Ia *aifonly been, seit hie single siew fesnring t bo neaie glatir presentmnut to 15e cottaini îbirîy-six sectionsi, anti occupies yai ncnito yaCutMril i HIthan ad liissys àsparole existence.,, on p<- Grand Jury, A! abnoxieus or oljectionalle; nearly îhre A vd colatins cf the London 'eRaatonic io e'adiaC ourtertia, h ieeuflty ~~~~~~F23.Retesalroeinaoe de sipies *(mutel sul mynd independence. o! andtihie oadertakiag O! tise Public Moraing Chronicle of thse 181hb eruary, tis Ast uncontroliable by Il"an>' Court of an Il The0 falanh rsnuir witb whieis the works &hall Sm cbecketi by bhe n.celsitY from whîichlien. make au abstract, prenant- tise Unitedi Kingdom bhaving juristliitien te tric.,s .rob assuracte ub in tine tosce- aving a competcnt surveyar ta warrant ng a condenseti vitrse o!fAbsvarianPro- civil or criinal-provitiing that the mii- sle fro lb. asuac ers of Ec1 e f ihe In herla cammncemnt, anti iuperintendttieir sions. Tbis tWresubjein, togother w ith theise proa-hre it h xcuino i *die u teiue, riefoes o urpenefustheirue- rons. ham ia u.o a rv nisîayproseagt ahteeeuina OZ cydeavor to prvesme ofiene i hesue- rcest isa alt providesthtflccounty speech o ai rA o l ntroduction, Étais set allaitho.responsible tierefore o t i le bacmarc- e rctilon. thatthe generaliae cs halie leviel, nt as hretofore on th. andth1e speech otîneDuke o! Wellington. Courts Martial ant i nay bc triedti tereby h à aegv drcin aaa h -rioà u tpier, tbt nthe antlord, asieh Wll have If wilI bcperceivetiglatit ail poster scono- Tcrigt 5 ue at rileo er *Mns ofIloIlB nd mdBeigions, sbould lb. laid lte- the effec taorcdress speculaîsve ilfprovument miltedt athe Lord Lieutenant, andtiltiaiIle. 24. Aulisortz e lpublic offUcera ta te-(Il "~II apvoahis temintio o!15eCha. meeting public works. bil is framneti iitis sucis precatutiones ta10tain aflaiers ia eny port of Irelanti, andthlita bra of tise Bank of Englanti anti oftise Eut Tise resolutiona iltha ud bâeon ntrotuced eave Tory litle chance ofeyading il. Tusat Lord Lieutenant b>' warrant ta cht Iedia Company, wil aequire a revisiocmefthese Sy Lord Aihiorp, for regulating the sittings a aviolt;aniend bis. Bin ishCtltiai egoea" f h Aistailienmeantiisitiee ir Ay cm yaur wpoudof of the Haute --»ion.o!.1à catblilimnts a.tit rP a Yir iatem ! .e ouie oCmeona wene taken nP le by Lord Grev:-but the, nlsgaer cpies o! ucSwarrnata the Clark o! thse P fer making sumai provision&afir the important on the 20th, anti wore deà@tod IL -lv-.' tt l internasaconnecteti with î5senv, as may appear buie memberu. Tbesfiit 193vtdft$TR'l~aee ~laeestablishet in thse tistueba*e» u CrasÉtaisDublin. tCcjriaetc, at full coumideratuon, ta lie for Ue r 1 a -..t t Ielve nt noon, trict-theur proceesdings and punaisismeilt peijuny ant ish l as îucîs. umpt e ,< te secure pblccredit ten asl a su. til[Ihreo for tise recepluen a! po- are summary and witbaut appa-t eHa- 27. Provides tfil isali ie helti taeho.aaa am * cndetend t n,- ~,.,r u eta itions ai thetransactions o! privale busi- Sean Corpus act aspentet-andalpersoasgooti stura ta an y Write!fHabas Corpus, 0 pronsuateellie geecrulprosperity andt puwver o! ess. 'The resolution seas adlopîculb>'a requireti ta remain wilhtin Useir bousesbl- auetiout seithair b nec Munthe after bs ar- tlie Nitah Empireeo b3t 1 i te e.tenwsten uae n strso -Tour attentlion loin aso becîîricteulta vt !13t 1 Auturrs0lonwstee ust nianie npain o!'fbig raît, thal tbe prisonter lAs titainet by virlauec Mlentate r!tise Church, mure partiîccaeîy asfor retocig tua munihier néceasar>'tb con- senteaceti ta transportation. Tlaiîbing, o! Ibis sct, antion s ne aurn it aballneb regards its lemparalties and the ura"Itenance stitute aquorunsîfront !orty lteaety. This us Seck ItotSe days o! Wl lin the Con- Se necessar>' ta bring up bise lady. f e! 5hqtkrgy. -The camplaites wliich h-ve ani-vraia likînvise aciopteti, andtihtu regulations queror, when lise 'curfiw tol'd thse kneil 28. Offeances under thîis aet are not bale- i fài froo tIte collection cf Titiies appearltere- were oào ay. operation an tho succotiing of parting day.'-but perbape thse present Ille, but tle petsun chargeti shial have ali glire a change of!system,wich wihut dmmin, an y condition of ran may renter such sovere r ight tealic trust within tdame montisu aller cd iele min rspf aitantihefesta, IRELANDenacîmnents as necessar>' now, as blat o! bisaret.A ed lery n rspetailty nduseuless IELAD.Englanti dit ini the days of tise Norunan, 29. Pnc'itiei for tlic execultion of the laW moly prevent elle culli io! interesta, and ttii Great agitation secs manifesîti a DuS- The preamble commences by avernîng by mnagastratea n couittieson eil atjoaning n consequent tierangement aiut disatisfaction lin on tle 201h, in censequonce o!flIe Sup- Ibat there sn now provalent, in certain parts fîir oWs. P sehiets have toc frequently prevaAdt between pression Bill. The Trades andl the Volcan- o! Irelanti, a tiangiraus conspiracy againsl 30. Similar poseerae conferreti ai mage- a! the Ulimittrs of the USureS and thilepaulait- genre liadtisuspendeti their politîcai opera- the rigie cf propert>', andtthi atiminhstra- Irates c f tose or citiez, as on magistraleshl lsers. Il may aise Se necessary tor youtu t lion& te delib.rabc on their persanal secuiri- ton o!flise lems, Iherel>' rendering filue Iasîo!cniutlre eonnider sehat remetues mul e applicti fer t>'. A grent gîtiersi meeting wus la taie.Inolen forceinaîquat. ta pareofervo Iheet atrge. mnhdUeieeeu lb erve5ou ! biaeani Is na Aru htib..maiew ere he 31. Limite tafrem thtepusin »e orectonofacknowîetiged aate& adplace te Bx ay ruk>' eamaepublse tranquilty; inconsequenci hee-tien for ail effeances utaterÉtis act un etiser F Id. aotistora be venues (cf ther USureS may ne ulpon tiseBn of Irelanti for goiti, but not o- tisan the proclaimetiecouttiez. l 3ý,amto ueequitahie anti judiclou s ta ;gneat calcul. 1. Autbority As given teabise Lord Lieu- 32. Provities tbat whsre a defendant in 0i cbuha ourueheaan mtieeImotat M. O'COIVIVoL.-The folawing letter tenant ta suppreds the meetin a!orany due- acsquitteticf a prosecution as amentionnai AnL iaaîjects, ut canuot tic secconaey pur meptetant.fronMn. O'Connell, rslative le tise cur- ciation or lady e! moin Anlrsandti lest ho S rcangscin rSI at hh press upuiuu pou the eluty of carefuliy attendl- cuve mensures proptosed S> Earl Grey', bas may denotaliangerous bte th publiec afet>', allaseia the certiicate ofofîthe jutge. I ilng t. these acuity cf the Uhturclu Establialui enatreceiveti b>'one of ie fricots in Dol- andi duclmeeting shah lu edoometian un- 33.Provities that for probable cause cen- bp Liaw in theze malims, andt th1e truc laie- lin : lawful aassemally, anti ovsry persan presient tifleti aisave six pence danmages anti no mes of reigion. 14, A lbemarie-sîreet, Lontion, Salurday . pnishable as for s mistiiteanor. conte saiaîlie. llo'wet for a prosecution fer laE relation te Irehand, vrilla a view o! re. I proposiet ta mysel! te senti you for pull 2. TWO or morejutics o! the poace May detaining tiae persan or emtering tise bouses C4 = the lb.causes cf coniplant , icii bat licatien, on Manda>', an atidresta the Irishs repair ta an>' -on, or place, (wîtis necessa- of suspecteti individualsunoterÉtisa st-but t 9 , egenerally felt, ant ihie blecus people, noiitIhe pressait trul>' awful criais o! ry assistance,) wisore tise>'Selieve socS a on sucS certificat, tisaI tise set W55 tone c attentiri wih auch ufortunate caniequen. pulicaff.irs, batt1Ihave Seen occupieti Witla meeting ta bhossmisleti, ant ifA!refuseaiad- wilfully or maliciouslyunoter tbm colcur oe! cent ais&set waw passeti uurimg the laite Session conferences ail day, sith Irish anti British mittance, onter 1>' force, andt ieneuipon, Inla tister hawie plaintiff shahl recover treble f if Paieunst fo campying luotoe llect a gene. Membera of thie Comuson-anti I tino the fass.eo f the King, ondes lh. porsons coula. mil composition fer lîthsa.l' complete mucis satisfaction frain bing abie te bell preaient, ta disperse; anti on refusai or nog- 3ts Autisorizes the Lord Lieutenant, b>'tg #bat sahtary work, I recomumendtut you, in yu, that nct oui>' are tfie popular Irishl[cet within fiften minutes se ta tisparue a mew Proclatmation to rerakeo a former one, conujonvmciiia mielsaolier arnenîhmeita f emens a rm anti unanimous, but État tise>' ay Se apprehended andt rie An ta as ta the wisleor an>' part oa adistrict. ' iSlis: an may becflouitapplicable taIliat tiser, are a greater aunutefan than i ceulti sumrmar>' way b>'two justices, sud on con- 35.Reserves tu ltse Clowenftle rigist asna ~ prt ! y taismins tIe aopioncf ulraposaibi>' exîeci tftlue BritisMeunbera, de- vietion, b.imprisonedt bSn.mentbs for tise brtforoo pnishing open cenuea or t sure Sp sicl, open the princi le of a joat tornincti to resiat tIie atnocious tygranny firot, antis year forthe second or an>' suSse- traitas, b>' Marta Law.ar cmmutation, the poasesýorâ oa! anti may be with sebicis Eari Grey' las tlie unbearti-of quent litre offsnces. 36. Providus in llank for Use donation of il enahîcul ta fret alisrnativea fronthmbebuthcn audacit>' ta dt are10threabcms Irelanti. Talk 3. Theî Uirtisection pravide, tat the the act. t q! aflaSiti. payaient. of an union, inueet, betireen tIse cotantrAe, persan prosecubeta&hallu pIest te bthe id-0 "Ta tfise her reforeraa taniy lie nce afler preiîuauimg ta attempt te outlaw the ment forbwitb. ses TUE PACKET sUa'IP H VE Li' LCbýL'h aIce5ad la Illoirpernaently inhibitanti o! eue great portion a! Ibe em- 4. Tirabitiseé Lord Lieutenant, wit tlise GREAT BRhTAIN. oe s vgulIte w"ang Oh5 uf Esg5and, the. pecauliaisa of pire!! 1ativice of the Prie>' CouncioflIreiand, May Tiseonst important intelligence front9 liaiit respective erenauances siti reliire a se- But the exîreme dcspobism of 15e paro- issue bis Proclamation, declarsng an>' coli-n- Englantilai thr.,,... eof ariae. parote eoeiderstiee. Tisere amors uer suljects a eaue bnatee!taI otParnotonteoo ahoi uc iaeearan hé Mlp lesr important ta the. geseal peoesdpst esrsainatcectd Praautt'o oto bro!t .i uS5ia on the subject Ar reand, andthts seeis welsnf Ielnu, sfecin l, utusatrtiu f eer' fieticf Sul>, anti An Eglancftrwe o! dtiibrbance antiinsubordination au, tap arefor proposeti Au bhe Churci sals -- ufle, sMdthe localrelastioof tbmlosmnuo, teabailicertaini>' gel asupport out cf doota. requin. the application of thse provisions of mentia!Ihal diatractedco cuntry. -plâiets our attentin wilil aine equicsd. Iontthelinteanbigne, pra>' use my namo la Ibis act. -Tise attiress o!thue Lards in answer ta <;,uraeu ytiih, 110438f Cu,,sios,t 1 hhave direet-id tSe etimarea fur the service conjure tise people, fil, f)lu@leperfectl>' 5. Tbsb the inhabitants of suchî ulmturbedti b.speech from the Éuten, tas moveti an us! the pera 4te .ilud before ynn. Tlisey siSt h. peaceabî-no otbreak-mo violence ; on districts shalb. warneti b>'tise Proclama- th yb h aqi flrc hi.i famed w,îb the nust an-ui,isrinlucin In au use-.(tie comrar>', provo thse abeolube matineiof lion, m te' orefirain sItendn n - wtlppb5,b>'tise arsolo igisaenw. Il caI eeon"iap.Notuithtantu, the large redte- <ing tise business ot our enemies, b>' an>' titiona meetng, Sut '1te bo anti romain took occasion bo arraig tishe foreigna policyV ic. in Ibe '".imis.atu f tise lait yea s, a apy seceo!violation of the Iaw. Sc sel, itiin Ilir rseciehabitations ret alof Mni! o! nen ibgtat t b atl enftus a osn tit ail ahi ie -traoritrmy services pce eosl' epciv iitn-oîmh h> wtsîch th.ei,,e s ui i. tînse îreid, bai-e gel the clergy, il possible, and tise all>', ours leween rsn-set and sout-oiae fronm anti ahacet nl Andi ie Étran o!France-b beexauplypiiilcd fir. Tbeoaseeif <le Revenue, umanirnouà;l>'te petilion. Petitin-peti- after aucb tis>'as salilie B.ari tisrein far Lord Grey' repiiei, tandtheboDuke of Wel-a se cempae" wsitb te 5isbul ii uendiure, bas lian-pelitian againat tliese mensures. Lit tiraitpurpose..lington rejoimeti. Tlhe ielale, lhuaWver, I iitbsntn !nly eaiaed the expectatucnsagtraisecre tas bave flrm, respectful, strcmg petilsms 6. Doclaru tise mote of publisaing a dii5s-wes ot extendtila a gri-st length, andthtis My ordtardseo b tc esmi.fronever>' part of lrsiand. torleti disbrict b>' affizing a cap>' upon astidres waa adepleti nUs a parotest frmoaaI -lu Étais part of the tnited Kingulcen, siti, very fgILe tfliera Se no tiespair-thse eonaibu- prescribiti publie place. feW eofbis. Conservalives,, tis.enting fromt L- se: ie.bc usl ecehbc resery- tonal hattle for Irisishiberty'las mol pet lest, 7. Enjoins aIl public ofUcera anti flanc- the conduct o!Élise Government in regard ta snstule p yuixiom .but gafl d h nîbe hall il Se, witS lths blessingo<fGed. îionaries ofîthe govrernent, civil anti miii- the attack upon Ballant. te pneauxc, bup saS li u,.,he abuta.cf i5. letne min tiespair ; on lisee ontltorya, ebarged waith tise administrabion anti lu tbeCouuîsnt he attiras eas movetia au5 n d Oued augî h caioigeaseanion et the eadto n-cpeeiy.cir>, caîl oi thie friendi o! Irmelcum te insisI executien o! tise lsws, t atekothb. mailvi- an Use same day. lu> Lord Ormelie. Thea On 'umy pat, Ishil lh. *d t coo raelt.lat tbere reîrsnetstivcs shah do bhei du.-gareinsillusures ta suppros. ail nsurrec- dehuate iai aniàaed.-O'Connel assaiheti1 ioz stmesal of power., in onswing a[ I 1t. tuonary movemeuits anti outrages.te urnetwiigeavrlnc.H i ti-s c f cmp"amn inuspremc9iing a11 seli raiiiered mou of e!imnvemeut. *sat ut us "Ibave net ine thijs day tboaurite more S. Constitutes the Dublin Gazette the of- i aisreplicti ta 5>'l'Mr. Socretary Stanle>.- CIir.~ e atrlrat enlitas 1r nieienefIeauht-Tu iutb aselueitrul ees heSili, whon it was rencwed, andi after of thesir l.iniliîs, are baîrcely credible-Il long discussion, an anientinient, whichl a stated ietatmnny persons, well educa- had been proposeti by Nlr. O'Conneti, thc ted and brought up in the highest exiiec lijeet of svlich was -te test the question of lotions, arc very inadequately stippîmet [e Repeal of the t nion, waa îejected by with the coZomon necessaries of lite, andi te verv djeciaive vote ot 42$ b 10-Seing a that many clergemeis iauglitero, would iajeîîity for tile linistais cif 3ti4. Anothei Le glad te find pîlaces as nursery mail<le. inendrncnt, offered bty 31r. Teniv, andi [Globe.] seconided hty Mr. Iluie, 'oas vuteti dOwn __ by a înajorîty of 333. The Addresn s EI 1 GRATIO -,.-The Governors of the Len atiopted ias originalle reportei. Refuge for file Iestitute, il, the lsckne,- On thee 111h, the Chanicellor of the Ex- road, have auioiiiècd that it is their inte-- chequer lîaving itiovetil ilUin alquestion <if tion lu sendi î'ut a ahi p to New Souîh 1%N'aie, te Atidresa, l'Ir. Lalor antI otiier Catiiviiu in thecnaiîiig SpriTîg Nvitl i !i uninarrîcti wo, memibers, protesteti againat a declaration men or bsîw ebtwçen file ges ,f js andi voiunteered ina preceingsittin,,that tliei':#) yesri, aseeiiîgratîts to eNev Souih l'ailes were prsventet! by tijeir oatha Irom legiala- It is intendete place tfilemigrants in di- ng un athtmrs of the church. Mr. O'Con- vrs sitititions, anti leave tlîcm hrec atia not cil declareti that hc had ait equal riglit bounte auy eimployer. ritlî any other member te lîgialate on ___ lîurch affaire, andi if il were Dot so, hie LA.ONi, a7iTC EX'IEDIsIN. a-The de miglit as wrell be at once ex peiled tfrom the parture ot C.cplain Back for tie uelîal., louas. Tbe reading oftfile Atdîcas teaftle purpose of îilavou ring te trace illc atcd I ng interrupted by a motion fromn Mr- CapI. Ross andi bis adventurus cnipan LCobbttspropsing a substitut e. Thesub- ions in tile polar regions, wili tae l ,ae titote was lent, 23 ta 323. in the course of bthe ensuing vweek Lapi On the l2th, the Addresn was presentetilBack will hc accompanied Ihi l'aIrKing at Windsor, the House having adjouret a surgeon, but wbo iloea not'hlîeong elth, until 4 o'clock. On the return of tbe er ta thbc Armv tir Royal Navv, anti sciaj speaker, ministers and twenty nssmbers other individuals, tWOofotwhorn ucre "ith who li procacetest Windsor with the ('apt. llack in liii lait .Iourrtov ti fiat in,- Address. the speaker communicated the hospitablo part of the, globe. 'iîev jr0 Kin anavrer in the following lerma : cetti in the tirat instance to Lýiverpul, an] "rltlskyou for your loyal andutiîtful thcr. embark on board ftle Hibenia, une Addtresa. Younsnay rely upon nsy support of the packet ships hetween that port and i any stops yau înay take for maintamning New YOrk, tram wbichi llrougli Ca.nada the Legialative Ur.ian betwe.iî Great Bri- te Cuncborland-house, one off ile pîîis b e- tn and Irelanti; andi you nmy be assured long ta the }fudsoîî's Bay CSompany, tiienc. bhat in repreasingall acts ofinsubordiuation, tu Slave Lake, aýndti I tict lroper acason 1w ilh assiat you ta the utnsost of my power, te l'oint Turnagin, w here the îliscoverus by the reoaahof aIl juil groundsocf coin- in fle Hyperborean seas uîidrct. plaint i n evcry part o! my dominions."I lipi terminated. Not long since I apt. l)ack Tie reading of the answer eliciteti loud 1was sent for te Brighton, andti here hati à cheers. 1'ong audience with lii Majiestv, ade% On the 12t5, the Chancellor of lhe Ex-1 plaineti the wlîole of the nicabsurce, te Le chequer rose, anti stateil thaI lie wisheti toi pursuedl in the undertaking, 'ohicli met discuse particularly lthe grievanco of theij witlî tite King's full approbation, ani whil bhurch Establiahment in Irelantî. Mir. ras graciously pleasedtiet express his ar- Stanley was tb introluco a minesure on lthe!;,dent wiabeator ftle succeass 0f ue cxpeditiun grievances arising t rom granti jury preaeiît- 1(a1ît, llack has aise hati a long audience ments. The internaI taxes in Irelanti wcro 1wiitlielii Royal Ilighness tbhelioke ut Sus - neI many noer great. He intend tecit pro- i se, wlîo, as tusual, talies a liveiy interest cure a change in regard ta saap. 'l'ho, in every bliing relatirtg ta lhe furthorance rani of capital inay b. remedieti hîythe re- of science anti humanîty. staration nfpeace andi ortier, and this înay besecureti by legal enactmoents. CELECTION INCIDEliT.-UR.blACÂIrr-E IIGHLY IMOTN e U ET I . The Leeds Mercury furnieheo the follow- W. opyte ri Es. Tlt E~ inig nouice. At a laIe meeting of the Leedi W oytefollowing article fran the 1e.lectors, th. Chairman having invitîti quoi- London Globe of January 29. ions,a periion was hearteta ayl-'--Ain e The West India interest were thrown ti- tor wisties to know the religions creed of ae considerable alarmi yeaterday hy a report Meis. Marshahl and Macauley!"-iýIr that it was the intention of Minutera ta in. Macouiey, on this. rose front, bis seat, snd raduca a bill mbt the 00w Parliament for deniantieti,-«Wbo calis for that1 Lot me the immetiiate emancipation of the slaves in sec the man stand up." immefie contu5ion the West Indice. Ii 1 statet Iat the pur- berle ensueti, with crics of, *" I is an mnfa- tort of the bill was te limoit the existence ofç mous quesstion;" «'thbmamn bas hicen sont elavery in the. colonies te tbrce years, andi ecs by the. Satilerites;"' "a Devi Tory bhat il wasneflt the intention of the gavera- trick,"1 &c. The person Whvo furmet ment te cITer sny compensation ta the plan- Out taelie Marmnaduke Flower, scbuel lors or proprietars. raster, and local preacher among fi.le e In consequence of these rumaurs, a dep- thodits, did not appear inclinetiltacoins litation of gentlemen connectcd with file forwarti, anti mat iaughung in bis place, un- West Indue, ateti upon Lord Grey, andilti the demande for bis aprarance became lied an audlience.af the noble Earl et the go tremer.tirus, that Se was conspelled go 1 reasury mtertiay afternoon. Tlîsy re- ativance and Stand upon a boncb, when lie .uYet ob.s formed whctber il vraisW5 a l 1, t. ur Simeti ercta twî1e1~fW'Iç p~l-A eua te hati in he meretini lýRP'e banswer?, wo untierstantiwaî liedi, Mle. Macsuey began ltus rspty, whicb n te. affirmative; anti that a bl for that wuai asfehlows:-I Molt o.ay taI limev purposo woulti, on an carly day, b. sub- beard, with tbe grea(tîiismaue andi srro.. aaitted te lbé consideration of lbe new Par- the question which bai bien proposetuoime; liaamnt.-lt was aiso intimateti that thro. anti with peculiar shame anti anrrow dn 1 years would b. the periot i dt for tb. learn tisat tbis question was propoeti y a extinction of slavery--tîat cunancipatian minuster of religion. I do moat deeply re. that no compensation, except under ape- saryto makle a inietinglice Ibis an brena for ciel circumistancia, would b. alloweti. theological ihiscumsion. I ail lnot Lesparty Sir ALEXANDER GRANT, Who heaileilta turning tbis asseobhy te muci a purpose the deputalion, inquireti of the noble Pre- My answer is short, anti in one word-I re- msier whether il waa lthe intention of Min- gret thît il hould ble necessary te utter it paters ta announce Ilis ibmportant uneasure -Gentlemen, I arn a Chiristian. (Seyral in the speech from the tbrone at file open- rounds of entitusiastie ceers followed Ibis ing of the Session. Lord Grey repliet lal annourâcement. Mc. AMacauiey, bowrver, the measure has been formally decidoîl waveti bis baud foc silence, anti continedt) upon, but that he coulti not, witlîout de- -Gentlemen, ts i.i no subject for hearty parting from the rules of courtcsy, giare acclamation. I bave done-I wilh gay no any intimation of the sentiments Wbicb more-Do man shali have te say of nme tbat shs ajieby would communicalo in his adi- 1 was lthe personwbo. wben Ibis disgraceful ire te bth houses of Parliament. inquisition w auentered into in an Assein- U pon bing representet It h. noble biy of Englishmsen, aclually bronglit for- EarI th. probable coniequencea whicb ward the asast sacreti »ubjecte telie canessa migbt ensue in the colonies in case the»emd here-who brougisi forwarti thosa mat- mseaslures vrere prenaatureiy amnouncei, Isisi ters telii a uuubject for bimlng or for clteer- Lordship intimated filet tise governoent ing If, on any future occasion, it aboultit were pripareti ta meel the exigencies, anti appen that Mr. Caîlile anti Mr. Robert that an anaposng furce, coniisting of 15,- Taylor shoulti favor any large meeting with 000 min, wauld forthwith b. sent taelthe their inlitiel observations against the Gos- West 11dies. pel, ie 9aal net bave ilte say that I1sl lb.th This is said ta b. the purport of the .xa.Pl.. ( Leud cheers.) Gentlemen, I conversation whicb took place, afler whicb have done-1 tell you I wull ay Do mose- the deputation witbtir.w, and commoni- anti if the poison wiîo bas tbougbttu it 1 s cated the resuit ta thoir frinîcss in thse City. Ibis question, hau the feelings of a pertes W. b.g iltela e untierstoot hat We make worîhy cf being a teicher of religion, he these itatements uapon 1.thmruner@wbicb wii net, I lbmnlc, rejoice that lie bas callad wee gsncrally cireuhateti in the city yes- me forîla. (Immense aplaule.) terday among the West India, circles. This aftcrnoon the business cf Ithe Co- Lord Brougham andi ts Archbshop laniai market bas been auspendeti hy tiie have been in close comnmunicatiofl m- announcontent that hiie Majety'a minis- pectîng Cburch Itatorin. Thei Archbioh- bers have nmade ilavery a cabinet qucîstien; op aleaste be iatisfied witiîfle alsUrait repart atide Ibat aiavery 'wili b.e aboliabeil ces cf Lord Brougham, but he lias Dlot in thrco years, anti that no compensation yet gsifiet his atieslion to the plan liro- will be given. This annouiccînent han posed by minutera. occasioneti great agitation, anti monst of the WVest India plantera have witbdrawa thîcir TIhe following curicus anecdote le frolà) sugars frein sale, ta await the.issue e0f hia M r. Phîiiipps,àiaut Lectre on Vocal lusiac great eveal. ilThe day prer ions ta the tIraI public [The West India deptlation bati a con- performance of the Opera, of wlstcb Wic- ference with Lord Goderich on the 2d nit.] ter'@' Grand EartquaieChous fomla W;ýt.,mihal Kely, and MI SC ELL A NY. Among the pe-sons wbo applieti on Fri. day hst ta 15e overseers of tbe parash of St. Marly, Whuîechapel, for parochial relief, was Mrs. Austin, thse mother of William Austin. The latter it wilhl be recollectei, had become very conspicuoua, some years age, in consequence cf the notice taken of him by tb. hale Queen Caroline, wbo bati matie hlm iserprotege, and concerning wbose birth, parentage, &c. an inquiry before the Privy Ceuncil was inîtilutei. From tb. statement of tb. applicant il appearet iat lier husbanti bad for some years belti a aitu- ation in hi@ Majestyis Customs, but, being of most profligati anti extravagant habits, hie lived if net beytînti, at le*st up t- bis incarne, anti baving died a short lime since lett tbe applicant ant isi dauglater a girl of 15 years age, in great distreas. The a pplicant aseti every .effort te support lber- self anti dîugbtec, but ail haviîîg faileti, sise was obligedti l appiy foc parochiah re- lie!. The oficers coatribuletilto ber f u- mediate necesties, anti gave directions te Brueman, the Beatile, ta inquice loto ber situation.-[Morning paper.] Ws Star Ihat tht, Bi«hop o! London Sas contributeti a vecy large nom, (mome say £1,0m0) ta the fund now laisîng for lb. relief o! the Irishi clergy, andtatI -is Majesty, andt ses-eral of the Cabiiiet M in- iîtes ahaève lituerally îutacrihet Oit.The accouants ase bave receiveti of the ditreme af zeany of the clergy, anthe.destitution prunciaiÉparu, veinter, McalKiy . 0ceri!thse mutuah fieuda f o!îti Par- ties, sacre dining togeluen, vhen a ce"- vernatien arase on the forthcomultg ()Pers in tlue course of sehichu Winticr vrai rai- lied for not haiag campoai the chiorus, anti toidtbhat it soulti mot Se reatyinI proper timne. This, liciever, Was la àgh id at b>' the ci wpoer heo, as a proc o! lb. coefdeac.e fi on ;h- t0bjeî,. offeredti b et a tanner anti wine.tbiat en amp Gentleman givbng Siîuu an air of ha (the composer',) osen choice as a thoeln le seaulti frai icompose lti cliOrlun 1 qusin ni have t conspleted bidor suppen ine s arne eejg h e seas mati b>'Michael Kelly, w110 rPPo" aei an Irisha jig o! about Salif a dozel bans anti from thisastrauge suhjert satpro duceti, sithsin the period hietiud oit. the sublimes composition o!thue érh b Choruis. "- ANECDOTE 0F A PAus'Tulo ;.'At the sale o! paiilhings bise lOtis instant, at Hors- casl., tuse portrait c! Archihald ' ])uktetn Argyle, b>' Rîisy, wan cffsrd, ant ini aisseer tb au inquiry hasea sînail iijiY te the canvass lidhappened, the aoiZtIOn enr rehatedthlie !ollosemng anecdote:-'lb. portrait bat bien hung im a hed.rnoOi, wisich waa ccupiet b>' a femnahe doittut- tic ; the girl, fancying tfisaI lb.Iuke o!Ar- gyL >ed lbcr 10e clesel> WliiistI resaing, became indignant, anti seizcd a Poker aimed a hlose avi liet.inlent o! Pultilu! thie Dukoe's oye omt; tise poker mniséet the e>., buit pesioratiithe canisechas 1 tise fac.-[Stsniforti News.] -m 47/57 IO« OFeUIHTCPPIOTOoeAS M MMMvo KM£UCuO~ Mcu.F FOR PUSUN TO R9100= EAMY TO PUKCHMOIVSOAWA. The follOwiss Of *a family zoit ,"te in lise Refai ilewaek (1), hiie L nusfte aoethe di Northusmbrlanti; Colel Sir IH. Grt combe; liei o.P1 Bert. (3), site for rougis o!flevenpo: Cracker Bulîmel (4 for lthi Soutliern1 susothir son-in-lasa lae of the Treasiir bae sfor the City Of i-a-iW, the hon. ( aitla for the new 1 Mr. Charles Woi (tise "ith) son -in- niai borougb; Mr Sir Francis Bsrîng Premier, lis one of chanter; anti Lord in, bas succeetieti 1 in the repreientati A report in in ci intendte tmnake s Comsoans for the t prannuno sellied 000. THE 1 Wî Ibis weîk1 Englush dtes ta saineteen tiays lit centaineti. The 1 riaI Parliatient ar, sueS as relate ta been compelleti t( on order la supprej nation which lias j haappy country.' vision» of whicb a paper, uil bavesà aîy nmaI abuse. Wl aue aiglued with i W. publiaistise placeitlie refors lection of aSpaak Ma. COamaCT?, il bis maiden spe Speaker of lh. al moisi, Minisaeri hi sure of a respeclahi Proe; but the chai oant. Mr. Sultan I law Se wbat lit maj fartbing of hue Peri an Speaker. We e thorough-paced rai disinterestitinlss. tise seformeti Park, this day's pap.. jicts-of importance masut rentier the Se la the ouse.of l ef Irelandt, Ma. 4 His Majesbys S8 bloodynâpe.c,"o ni SEL roeeanti mon the Han. Member1 Ma. O'Cosaaoni tieclareti by the Sp 1 do not porseere opjiortunity againi witisudrathegeilloi wtda thse est) not a brutal anti Si Lord J. RUSitEL a"0 Wrdused hly bt ab tject te thse urns a aSpeech1 Sfer. O'COMNEL froro wbich I do not the sie, fe! 1Hot Lord. Ifl1am vrc if, tise use of thiae t i fulil Myslf bounti havi uatierstotdi l gaieutada the Speecl ma:14h;b ioen of If s paeir shali if lb. Speechlas le 1 th iselng, My lips s am rIl 1tif tit lhe Speech o! se9 I have ueed iae fot Thae SPEAKEAz- nàn has applisti te stitutional grounds. sidered thal aoftthe I fifflaible for it. Ti as, therefore, ight s but 1 put ta Siuaseli Which in Tequiret i:f Ceedingi anebth, H( Wbesglacias Werds ar BANNil Moant fllrY wu supposet lied paitially recors tien at tise latest dat Among the deathi glichî pipera, w. i ALDEEMAN IVAIT belai for tise City Of blée ARL FITZWI tise celobsatad di O)Kzuam, aged 8&. sale CUAZLB ma Hia Majuty'n à Stati. aurivai! at ? uait., in tis hip lui sut bis party seri thse Polar Ses ins ses TheLegsiaur MR- Pub& oflïm , 1- . 31 . r Sý 1 - - 1 21 'il .1 il 4 1 ', 1

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