-~- ,c t - - - -..-----.-,~-- ~LJIULL1UL~AU~ J5L - __ aetibet*Tm ~~~~~ ~~~or_ a d~ lraS ae5 * I mau wao-...,-- adauy11uu' M" Vldslmta! îar"&tm a thePelec r-heo ua« si lit Sa.ms o fcthe , 111 th, ib ceasud uaguimy. bau Ma- t M oqxts'Ma e - uiyrecived -sd reurmi th. eva 0<e a ia a ehy-Afer ethlm mev, "*liaý« * avitl ts ctaiu, isiiee a Te DumaUIm uitir Mu i 1<1.Mau. sonmatin le uaiavieng Cru. 4 a.nsi't lian "thana"lIisavat isn<9amettilaet etuhéiusu hdlae imfddii Mitimiaa bu. i Ilpsut orasts al.je s~eeslIra.Our he,.db leaisshaatthe p"&f Abhom heii. anteat je3ral cuisllar#lb iysea<dpu twtea a . mltM tamin$aI. yet Il V» belius.id iLomud-thet m; lia 1 dbivimt la r bue u lhe osa rivaias oulit essAm Io spws- ysqam sudt alprioebaabi hie &nid et sun. hmdyuccmtiai, .of-th. dompomi.his tee skil éit, noummmu, Game aiChuos, osof a upspa tari re. 1 tm u, th atuor lreumh2L,, . evWYI pi, duisgthea #le aches, lirolea te b.eshaumd"sl aÏniati. iaa f ilàau aradsil 1 be li bieus sUsarp,, haroe nigaud î#fiir lifrtfivU tcle .À&ma.e h ad.Mimalumm ise lmte> iscuaimis e. - gele<ehe vêt .aUhm *loteou- Theer reasuffa fur hi. am, éol bn.n, g pbut am lag i 1tmm eetanattraupta, tu 4papasc 0ofnacese md <th eaiemcy or t subht.iréetabiitiiouhliriotbm lWeflac eap era lainil pruhuhiîy dthe- im 16 n'mlt uatiut i mi "m îefor I.,- r tîummet Des,- cel, th"ey yulpsy lia pambltr i!ii i le aCoonel M". ba Vna erutspaisn Loior 0a preused -SA DATHTU"z£1141. mtck etpua fiar 17, ulwihent ah le date of shÎ~B<Ii.dv t àtun #qlwouu.Autl sorPb.Uii as qe ha0" Mloesa nis llti in orthaid. asa aapJIl o àniiaug siaiita aaadWâ o, sud e- apeAs.r.1I "gui<mue.n1. l 4iregdums slv ac. si 'as~.Iii .r-n.rlbreWtd e q lm*-ibtwd-a - --' i.>u s ie atura Aima toklIjus uo<'h botso mheuohhrflidisso liehefar umoraI llia&aba ais itlb. anti. al Oasaqsemly rip tet esU taféwhedéla-pn iaau sumadea'biy taod by .therein- sohfr. M bedal um uddiàeea SAreosont aiI a>LWwiosoesuuuiqd mmni.balada rhie Kmà' .d m bahupsan Pr.ov .igaastuli Connu- ililatAihâpiad sb ilibsl totumme thetideléamae 0<Lieuese vrttb* era reIoy brse tg ia ~ iNSa.ccrpuistouCourier i Qorê»éeompcrieh0 uaisd, gayac MÎ IMM1 'à -~ ~ ~ ~~o- = .-as i d hua ubll pedtssora09 4; iutauilsand mm «a- I -. -uni,. sor fortlie '. rasgsd ag-et, lteomwiauushbt a*" tiauia-q has*lioun. flu-martlmarbal -amI b y al rt, j4iiii, C. a si telave ta- Dioglem 0(mamie 0< re a aerty InkWe, a ogawltum # DCuu-la.as mmd eunê1euio tuit. pe isea 0<màeà ou *eiegbar ma i iâta Mbe q 4.P&ilrVp bue ami- luaflnowslaà, a »a-Y. ui asirscof bot 12,000 noglar reope. mud 10 a pmati. Tt. ualN e eiilo or 6,03.vlîmtci. h" raamieradin graati siul thnita uiluguc Omon mtauWa place.maIbo'h lm"; irire ara aduiwkii, 9 mmmeyiéhsm ap~saa~snbtia cilyibol iaSs a dn. ber. Te pirdmma im CDolGstes onsul ny ome vatulean, sud ailanp-rtecty qui- oieiginufmsmoeeuaîm e --eut& iage g iîa tea"i, i ag<vin,1tes" bal dof imera.- City isgnottlymwdevhd; bohuistibm lhaw res lb*u ini i aa0 eli Illeen o i-la-0s pauvlqan meilair ila RM uol dsulèi-r .hg.Teys * rpplr. Yautee.lmy a lai-sa qumtity 0 or mlaeqauyjml e am 0-Wr sa -nstat adl» iasse aaasels nuighti un edms&a easllia ma;I1 rai Zamios. iva Party am urthie purpas.- &aholimwedihu iais%,h o m Tb.*principealsqaedncbas éâbecs slapprd «ciOU ail ticpamma resiaquause msMM t -+>tbpeee»uy; huA va have asOugbk9ith el d.a.g Tsdl aioaxll. frsemm .mah l se ohher aidaf the river. ACeteua9tesaei aAIelumo heai-c hsnaties &ad tcài. MoMCRMjsauObeti B -I eta -eare qtite rMe.nlsi<bl i C___ - Wusthecsy .4ityaM4 shan fte ioseus mare Toin- y ,zap etlau aiaonppaseof - u. lulch 5,11 b.inaàsa-eh or les >4kajr a w-cevic-m , lmiIb ir .smd -Îki Wgnaei« trmna ipe Utam bu virentg iesa,4 i lqla I uon »Mr u.. iôfr apre.i ils - 0<ia sp aise ofse fvosa -Sue aodisblit UDompal "pd lise Istels, saRVa mothilleap. &ts- maber, II "Dom Po-lm W«var msbiairv active, i e atI: * ssmea Af hor ue lthe riot arvtW" o -. - - - - ~Jg~umaoueaa lbla a fi ntasSa eaasiopp~~ U ltffltull amarit for hrle.-kWmtet-Oabs ~- rfv ln -Tank ieth rallkhliahatm i m in the fo soli expositd. hthsj 1gi -"B-y meeier l boulla<lels e CalIfat tily iWal -ba leataeves n e batr~isen Asir ie kmosa- twci- trl.-id < flous t. -m, a le. e la vrmai I rtmblmad, bî lhuard ma sd lmat-i- sltad trilguiesit'T.a a cuteGr ise ithda er ' goss * â4 Uin eflic the sa umàgm i ait tis ailbise ohsi" *Y.= a r t ti Be00"-ossu mm vthq<sa 'Fmsae 0< ___te mmdabatte4h 4erri Md ULO« ýJw ?ui of ftswh id I ii~ pr~eiia-la asir damant SM adtuce uPas ib Sura mcama; Ib Mthe aCtiUW'M I" Qiuarmisu md tIe smume of~6CWW eAlberat, haii etucelrdlap àly lPasis. Tial vami wuum ael tnamapart unit a luter -faiMb Pats f ct. SBd.eMp,tia Celia boa 4 %ly hmaginai u"t ber preudit fRelil uXisi ii., e urs er " m5au- icie~a. A lutter -bau alnlemma si. m.ge up luuo spendi; thi .aeseal fIaip br froýl.n ; V.m ttlMDailaet o »ur» «Iaa hma LOWlabe lan-ese aceruli%bm deter wblNgml e- » eOfte b.Wait ves adffl estmtbat of a uerdaî lipTW .seautrma the mca. bpft a"e, hoever, bu" ta. seli ta- bas, liaiat 8*001hbm ilea iouibt of îarma ilmgbe4q ieDm t i nvrieu Poinits, eth'"W bffl.bioidtWb"cseasdirecit7 TIPIi. flm Iph apnS<i 1 ia eebargo icélad os ÏMe-CarIe AI- irhOuhmm%,et, badm t h. WisSkal, lada ma ome Ceunide menaus lmd S'ae etier pMeu901a, -nàapeaiatwié eà kmd osuh. qiviti ussaIlua m r mibal lon Jjet ise% hle a"pais.- lber son a.I»Jdvu ..s 4omd i t he captais rahosuc le mamka ». a. ieplacw r #An.owar, trammatelby iit4 l t p en5ia tha eai.Alstalladw. <li Il qarIa Auhea a stama 1u uml ee. h Ibe l e r e, cre i Aali. tba vausal harimg beau bIaisaI by *-Gauamsuesî.ei«.Thé tciheaa, h.saaac helaeclais-ethe uapscag.mdewda mto-paeylau*et. A latter tiant Lauia.aties the i DethflsutBa,osLmav1sgPie, uthe Legimru emidr hh. charte 01t te - efflii- tais C«Asu.. Caaadaqaloi i 14kuciu5aParis sbâ,barvlg là pallaiadbaR@14t 'iue, amitbe e u Ireau,4 te a Alor fr m me; ua y aehI e ftb nitmwm . iil rigitsu bsgoymIrew-lofYcvil tnilt ceseou "A natualtanueqnemce. Tii. amuse l i, h. aguait buft. 'raliributila .and gi-am Di anlcy hinatreuwta deii. - ait hie i teeGs ravivathIbocmalm or p poiuilg dmy*o< aullemc eAr anlpr T Ma duue at a ime. races ted kis mure asert euclm"ll-IMMu lb. a,. Evemisg ail, swoy '*pluWtj dt rsgemaettha e he i.morerimient Orefalomea, hiiejurmab< lia~tr~ g udnu lmxemu hem Mtue O.daMr. OMM»di%»t buf tbmtlua50v- bad uneloate md"» e lsdma omat i 17ComuWe u8ma bIlebrÀ efmeplOra-. tend hmpae oeuat h&coretar.lias lus inhao iislaiia s urit. s-m oem, th 4babuy 6" hieusiup esd oRos. lug- mem e etmsses- Ibthe us miap 'e hldrma delta ora tb__pl. l I <s ira et Aulti *ije t- lUe o memd 0( the rget. Twe 6bondmelat »ient hinwbeib.e ctmt*1h beuohi. ra-ient.be<re. lb. ple Vsai ii mpr Alezan- du eth.mmona aoursaia Tii. Epn'Wmettoa agu r.ceired Irous din E eta. Aurie t&a.Grma4 Crosae tii. 01w-etk ophan.", -~TURKEY. uiaaf mdulUicing amre iaccomtlts Md paulaio., raapecting the recect con- iaaiorna@eConstantinople. The. Gar- - m pe"et, uni Paris latter writera, aru Ute amoin coeaof tiiam ppe #0 bave bec au emve ect frontCole.- 1 t m1Itth"t& usiny ew Istitfont the. Icmimumtw ta ,educed puy, mmd iat h. U ita ètfltiÇvaoed un open t aellio ommPfin.Kwiitheir demanda. t *s Mid. vl.,,t tsmore gacent se- omnnula*a ebo eauvelalfi<n th Tuon- l~ cpisa, 1 Uarad. su m*tt. p- dn Iii. authorlîy or a Ruta Cooiac, Ihât à mas are iiad ura cdown 2,000 bouses, à14 the, soi Disbcb opply -the.capital sth caur stre i hi ie7rler. The macaa Pmcrhy el bread #ad inoemd=oi.publici distrens end diacontent. IJtsiadodued <bat 2_e "'-a 7leua on oent aMie. .m ilthal.tàa, laoy = r <pro. for »0amln@e-a up againat shich the. e6giiahend FtWiAmbaumadoa pOlau- cd. ~ ~ 7 J uauEi.as sa havaemidw. R., tm =hm4raanse i. oi-k orRus- pcin 11 Wto aifrtaeeution Lotea u"Cnstantinople=10 ti.7h of September. beiuig trl isiayter (rom liai Capital tbon the àaatecedeuî madvieas, vera artmfbdion ePaia on theId of October. " Ilimsid in s e.lersat " h.sultan it uns beliereit, liit ppliad 10 dia umaimna kfati 4K~t qm~d hlm a etlat b.oun trmac*aant t intcouse- quence of sach, mn applicatio ICi" li and Trait W*iuk nasai lamaiz . b Darda.t4j~t~mideiI, tuai thm Englah sud jrnc3c . àmduhait pcoteatada- loeth eT=athe icapital, but <bai "da a-e SUD Vft , idben diaregard- ed by oâBaltan. MT=Ieuncidents, houe- va,, Vsn ekhmuos in an aîîtbent c man- ber ta tI,. uuitera et the letteo, ubo thoa.e rom-luid, Tb deuahoan gmeeieport- ed te hare occarrad.-" The. Paria Censpodenl of the London Conrler, hdsuéajeolp îa Ilius a oriea of th ie lrata. 13e Mr:- "Thie ~ç$l< oigrataon isloo Ira; but »eY 4oa4La awqqented sith Turk.bh mana, ,.Losthm±uciiaveulu are or ur- quat t ffIt~eiier trou prlvata te. veb.. ~ ~I*ç oplnder. without a- ni pok El effuemebeimg comcernad. In *0i prmuutlie.nee, i&0 comtagmtopnilaor sa"cbposter ea tldimh omamyformer oeeion N4 atninopl h o li at as ammira Wloob is aeny iudedto degr e osa bond dm-*amuit7coaume a lioamiite1eWar Wafort th atop it.- Caaaidecblediept, ammdorvi aiw Mi.ugme buIpp4ht it, ar tou m es a aua'0 dsuibt â caquoa ti. adCI ae.Amy appilcatles fer or mmmd Ii msan literventlos -tu prio- "e dia Suwlqaaevpr. 1 h.tieve, eistei. ltaîs4çt ,a.rirtToùton, idatait ta% a Be tan throughut flie altmghmaoaji uea ith <ha Eu- palmeor a aiiab Oralnt ilo op"i roéesila.Thea luisnd bu bacoatanos e an mm idof bJ st~ o ndye s takine pi»e ceaIerai dL Tii. troupa of the Gversoharo g s olbtt e a vry a»- gagemsmtho vs n tepttcous tu a tram- ty it *0h h.rebats4.%jprovince eut ad- jofflc torna. à* termesbeiit- tied, Iii *raqwbqppe&td té l di. h sirs <bey l -tika@sJcd ilo. A.s - m tii Tukia uç~ei ibvac ota hey eoednliaîniq-e @pgi.materc, hii.y mamucrait agu Pt nlbr pf ieuor su- hiabitants, wtios)y degandedtbelrtlgî Nimeten0,er.Aàvm7auogliu chet aist Wa cavuta Tiie Aumrian= i oiaeypoed ad go th e me ettfiisa.occuiie. i LÂTIC F()M SPAIN, no te vIsas* DUBiY Advathas. arriait al igli llescimu, bîvlg ifff ike 0<uoNesaYacteoiy Mv«r- isai be e etad In<uiatr~ te tii. Uh sepeuiier. llçhive NByi dieu Moes t appeu ha Çhoiera à lx: leM9Seill il àrau.m have received via Loade, eIrb eaunmte recaived emCi udk 611h 0 1,e- «. Vkio ell &0 ta a ioc m.a SM lestantet Sevilte '40sau" gIf afreai hb« evehtheli. maI di Mppe 1. t.l u és ,vIaeadta ,î« agu l I.- I*Trimmsthora ere a mflm -,;, ia la fl*deva. lieu lii. Ih l he b li b"ihýl de~inolmive, 46kmes onu M a Pie s asa qIduuim hu .o È _ P "_"-. tiahe ste d 41M, Obti; dat One aCh 1 LuiasisBde inaM'te 1h«, 55; on the 14&h 4% amI o IM, 67. Owln the ti.mi le' salmn n 9i fortrete, and hi l*aWs'be*eu therie taken np, ilit boo b"impossible tu ge ftram ts thediareqnpke oforation <or lre mmimlreport. In ,V Ev a o ie mescase occuraed on dia 16th-the lalmaldale frocsthat plac. Esrv-r.-àpevate ller (rois Alexan- dhim, baedth 81h ly, spabini bigii ternis t ia hemannar la shicii lhe pacf EgPt i employhtggtwl.imroofordeitbim b7 the. pence, in ra thediaabusas sbicb biahtcrept m inote varionslbranches of the internat oDaizatio of <the. country. He àmabot o tue0 a tour to Candisanmd Byria willi theii. a, oljeet.lgeis in &ao Payant tii gbme4 tattentiontethediem- proveuet isae 'J'a D4avy; a nes hhreeecer ai tii dis usmt bee. lannched, aimmuu-unîeajoie the. atm .-4uppimub llry cOk~ o Arabe, 'frkaaqd I)II i nsiiich &Jl the.sciences iinèaig at.aboul lo be eabliah.dbetuuian (bua mmd Ahon Za- bdl. and a spapli uiry uchol for thie in- tm 'yin hi.opa n i m. Commnerce, Pa tuolrty vii Eogland, meare toitnî 1 on a l higii ou *l a te; aud, aIfhbouXg dma V.oro b. ii mr Ory fanl iii giouct i fd.omlyt eam airae- rai ineataAiezandihihicihbave MI-cul iseit upumnie of p i Wiof <francs. Thei fiset aumbrol ndwbori, tuh e nur Sal tiâp Mi liesd sot beau WB are e$"bledit lase@ tp!i< as amIbe,-1 tic souce, liaIt th Bd sdri I irence C- bineluinlbrnsed ho, DiIci* Miitr fer Fo- reign Affaira,.-he fe lwimmisue,4tihey1 alrodexpbct h e e s "amas. of tii. !1189 0iol1end liy Sapsgel.biould il r seeu t vo r h e W . M suc m res 1 vale 21.elvel .i~oldlo.4p teuber 21. ENGLISH EXTRA CTS. LoxDoa,, Sept. SD, 1833 We have a rensi of Hlinfamaum Ys- tem of bumninga.YFer«amara btdlanguop o sevaral parts of he t.lad, but i gm w-i mhiii smd ocbm, tli im"ireanpro- te hge t. usa ud m d iimum- -nwT.daa<,ualioi of property bu beau vevy great; but nolsllimtadiig th.eVir promiuem, mmd banusase vav otha aa angle smpiciomepumashCaban arreateit. 9 dé net cornete a a e diliohocal crime a oin eclaed sili politios,,but tik tial 1h si-ent etirlcmthedias98aving condiion 0< lie aicu lilaboover, tueeuie Of loca oppressioe, asi e 9sloefuil diapo- sition w sbc co aa &tas. - euM- lynde m. AUl thseiliio*y are sesin ci ountry, and tiaezvWin hava a4=odop- portmsihy hireâte thelia' - rtihe passRandi brow I l«ssmrof0<the nazI euhios"-- meussubtatiel teluef. 1 hava naid tdipt.lAema am 10 the. cuStry. but1 ta rp.cPales- amIes min la in h. ,ahllflgibas *5 igeoMOOIstru mw teeoWshe mont- hogaoutil ftuer the aasl. udt i.ga irnIac tleah Va. -ie" eiteit h se Chipwedi'Amin m bumtssty tlnd very fis. bqLord, shicfl , ~qly chenal- chatIn the Cout lcruai' oi bjRet, a aicous aim a«ldivise;. hm I have board tait Il rlative tO&WhJds ui. Thia, oteuc courseaqulbeasy-0 liuqutlaa ucu; rnl. an luler of War,.Gaa&mhaIm Tb*ns.- ble specuiaior buhm fwhy l pa ra pid rtreb lt is 11704ire centivatgto a Ci*1. of the BritlishCaqaMiag y@ gwwl te tti ai out e ewaIqOIý Jiobhaiu-- acter loti goaua bo 1gjma s~ubl ofdpcer. This gyrm am klbtod Mo1 0< M almwle pil*e aWlb ne recitilora.ery mianpudu, laF 1n asaihasitimes a aaauiolba ise. A coasiderable umuale. ipi roac in thaecomalcial Sert is qam by ti. arrivail e0(»W 0i 1t.Irlla t a foitherextlem a dw '41z. aia i tl0 Of da am of Cotyls~e-.jpae 4 by 1 .! a lf r 9 sMa u.aa*1 h Tb@ mitane, niEmgbsd mn Fanc becoaiiigdaty mr oua nt il 1y lamas baentmii tàPleamai wilh ., is i em hici b » ouiy to-day co n e on« M knosiedge.-A French officer at the C.ucp o<SL 0Ometthuas viles me;-" yot h an "0o90atrenooucaRn adrto fu o hil maouca Of FrancaesaihOlh Englonwl au .ac be delighted li la hd, lwig 9 arrado:-An £nglieh couvicî alîip, l'a"~ cd the Amphitite, ihanajortbeen shpwrek a1 ita ePort ut Boulogne. A lady ho tas a iespt, and au Engliali laudy t, himmcd Ausatin, wrote ta Colonel , ý fqcemling thitsho vmaie a «sitîl uWorin1. 41100119thi oe ta <o(m ha benefit enith e thip IL a Bgimh miariner. Ai on as h mbcme biOwD, our brave 001die, wh i8ODIYthreesoca tierdiv, a,,,, à e.Ji. ist tumbes iith eir one or t> mve ous, andin* a tiroirbouts 2W01 1m -miseaàtidsent to Beutogne furthe relief or r be Encliah auffeora. Hou grativinK %thia! Thioavio verse mo long rival, tcf. m sical, md bloadi-focs, are nowe aubscrit151 rt. Ibm relief Of Britisal i haps ed o. 1 DOM" 1The French <iffier vraisnight in ebelieaîng <liarcil"at uoulh delig, ni Il bas indecal donc 90, and il confiruti cMo% <nlly amy statement, tiat the alliaince of Frainc. siiîh Great Bimain is bersa it a't 1<eominIt national-O. P. Q.'Paris cor. iruepadent of lie Morning Clîrorne.] An intercutig ocrrence lîîtey loch »place eIt the Ecoale de Medicine. A yOOog e mu, Oan Oiive cOmPieulon, speiking ot. ,ry Pure Frencii, tiiogh sih a <orrgu me- tcent, omnolarueut hieainal exarnli, n d obtelmad bu diplomRia docior. lie is a MMb b.sn,*nalborm at Cairn, andcte« the Egypt"ma te bFrance by Ntltnet AIL Relu li«A rat Numuiran wt. iol, labos a dgruee lu Europe, ai lest aince lihe revival Of latte.a n1h. Weat. St- .Jamcm'uPalace, liat ancient ecdu0, imad uat i of 101Yalty @la bout unilerpi,i bY COund 0<IblsMujeaty. an ext,%,,,, and thoroogii repear, bath internally and extermoilly. Tiie dauyod and mnsectorép~. lina of brick and atone vorea in lhe sals are te b eoreh, and replacel siti saint tuiternaa. The. range ci (mantage oppoite &t. Jammsa 8srt i l u n ew painted, and the socte, shben campleted, voitl peslit %eynmd freahened apparanca compre Tiiere s a public proession of fruendo, Ofitoellperooce DminPrOULOU nm I%-Mndy About 400 male and f emalea.IgWd dby i ric n d comtlyfiait, subuled' *1' by the lae", and a band o en ae pmudetheil Principal strese. ÀA pomi number of lhe mect sera reforu.d drmaboiuds, Most of ulisu sera attirah in mes ttesu. The aiw efot aaamau eder, andbmppinesa, sluch ueeueitcomnecteh viti lhe procesu»e brougbl rs lttlhe general approbaîiinoti the pcUtaoia-(Corlmle Pati.] »osim-atreet. sept. Rt~ing a MajorGénoegmtm Arthuer £"0 John Alexndr Watlmee, robe Knigt Ceommmaibr thedia utü«o. Milisary QrnI~di~E.in he i. o <Liett- -~ Uit QeergeAncien mnd Sir OWiU'Amby>y V aeur lt y omonaied Kaigcta itad Cnaem < le imid Or. orti 01OMe, Set.17.-Tii. K. buh unogeiyr,asmomulaî N114.in the Wouesas Couintalt Raum. ln<tia pan Cie. ONva Sceilas, for the Untea inBltai oafàmrima 1Tbe Kin mgaualsonben s pciooaly plias e4itempairva of Mr. Ada.. »Frelcrick .88elevauColsu n ImtaLoonlor hi§lis- et bRmg of .veri. JarOMa, Spt.17.e45 Polog. of FI: MêJ. W. Falroton 0, ib.Lt COuL. ih otI pur.; Bosr. ai. aP. Dmylea IobhaNMj, W. paltim u, IL. J. Gibbons hIn i.Cupi., L . . rpiiett, (tr he 4so11 .D.C. O'Brlus, front the 4Mt Pl, h . g eLia. memmd.--Tte Naima of tb. Eauigu apPelini dt h ft 4hFooteam lie its t. a*Ge GerlIosm.GaoW&,aD molGeou Th » m,me.&i sa Bie Ïlaje.tp bu%= gWmusly massai hIpeauit the slI Foot Webiar an itses- ioM nd mdappoiulmanta tbe 55Wd -0 'iseu" la camsommatof il$e dhaimgwh sdolimuhochirje lhe batte at diat paeu.on tise17#i Augeat«, 1806;alm hie ucet 'Ciaa'in conaideraion a<hhai galbisn sondant eftboragisset baftre Corumi, e isoatlooo .àitmwunr~S9 47/57 I oe~MI', malm ut=nà - I i s ti i ai t - ~l -I - pwk ua le ~-. 1 . a ýi mi l 1 &-Lr- &---à ý ý - . a ý T -jm"ý 1 L T2