*mb» oeof t@, nieciot tbe »e 1.0 Irute lbo« , tir*0a 01 wov5d. for Ib. orim4FM0; .e be sbeauDiliaeahy J a*lme, sdGea Me îbiw" am about ta lqi<d4llj w aetttior. na Acta passi bl;t4é 7nuvin, 4umr toi prolectl lb. llees oa raolft1» m --r1. c ', se a lhlfdyaie lae Tise mck ws acwgblé kWiot irl loues Pte" >èoadevea omithpclB 141117cr 0« Tamleo,vastU tg th li. ulst uoied for, va, têh qmWb d Ij mlf~ bte te .fmaoes. IL ' l dudl< th pr osi f 14 hoe DisteltMgsa4s.ss or is-og"be--l'ou ,(q0w*, ' F.eg caim gosieiss LZ.MiU"i te aiM ais-cm h erfrmgu* oho Mi.ou . bogsdlpokiad e tobb-*Ull lt ubellsasd-ýMr. i.o" unêGeheel o aimuiIs- muY4sOIaVhammd La. *jilO&tbraiss by the puti- hm.ma ontbes-yddtoit - @te««e4ýt4» amiy taso -heu' apeél maie liait douaI, voie Msiloek: Uu~lwde t i ». . «àéi'et ai oux, (Ur. U&asls«W,) ui ~ûs ob. pb ' e btdreus play t ,teflb hoeâdmlsproper Ie commt the wbolo0( <the money malis of efb.Pro- t ývf" e h.bismanagement, hbgg lup.sud i deulsedého vosl make mtas frler etiqui- 17 lm aMy t"R' msd Me emu dcmn. tQ bsword. Wu. %bat tb. wy t l Mle ister" ft cé buntry 1 vasr *Ia# the. o&esclc( satrias iepresvoistive of th p.splo. suoc a Ide his dut7 tu Ibis coit- sttms f ii.bon. oîmmber <slked isnci of wW o hfi"aua todo; but if lie re- n dbi usai, ho vouki nolsbandonouse- i ttsss,4oum eroly beesuse ho couidot1 lo"uveiey tiog bis cmii way. Tb*saensdient vos caroied nues, con. Netlu order vos Mr1. Macbenvîe'as c-. »W uor atidnm e re- locy bsW i t ot.lsarbefors the bouse 0co.u' IMMorropdwice lolween the Col'nIa eme8n t hé daomu.l i b.eýw ficetooev, and Ilueirsbo m soebhl.oc ;and I asoa&U Mr N. Nackenmus'e esulo ~H of Aembly. it vu sia 5Ubja W"h I 4Id * lote hy - in iso*am. Tii. *W, y gudUglstr eneral i bs. *hms lad b»» dsmssfroon oliIc a #4d sulwequeutly ho« ua reinte4 teo a-1 ~~~4oMu oioAii ,u i .4t e bouse nugl A wl ers diisoo, and w4tat r easons se- to4 hie bMajety'leGovenument gspfn, hé onde wbait <ey bad dons. Tihe hon.1 mo<brentered et lengthh entu offlt of their dismossal. but nid hé o mdmo t11 Mr ubat cause they were reappointed -qps5curreoly rsoi-rtet lat<bey lad ts.oed the oooduct sud liugagsuibed1 te huin on tie debate on Lord Godetichs 1 T -neSaLICovua GUniERcAL ent515 veryAi 1 asuyamdentaC roîtl letato the <b- il jas. L o Mcnopeusan voold rjde uore than he- vould ne hve Ibat M.te- puuemç ladoshe hum.e, sit 'o*oId ~se bspe ueahim aa s mo(laoâmr. I»0 WuAs are dmbat 1bed boeuoM npocSh bVsemil-'the tt, als em .MM WIel u)"We d b. b. béd .401404 dhufr meiu lm 01ad b so b su riçc d*ghi,'aut om tsud vrole 0 apis .rlsGvls , 15édbttelrt. ai" bins« Nr.Us ta*eEl - -~ e mîm.* tisis.oo b.usvegum e v.a.e-4f. Risad mer oh eeesa*a. je Ms houso te liasi he -o., Lt. mamacet 04 tm n~ nsvetI-M. 4 mi uap .~pr te observé tiiea &large umaber 0«îs oumcit wmers desirous <bal lMr. Meure bOMuli Ilb.he ce of Mayer, as.à tiisuet <rsPiect tu bita fur lihil i char- acir and pwdservices; and M1r. Initivan et bandhuon4y offorred to reaigu lois pre- t«bsiaus. vlch 1Mr. Ilonro au handsoonely relased laeashow. Di>. King and, )Ai. Duggau vere &lspro- pased. but tohh,-booor ouiali parties, evcry pete.oa1 couaderatiou yielded lu <le hugler reamigacilaspulicgodand Mr. Sli- van nus tianimOottt-ly oilet -- [Toronto Courier.] mlii *ere ordaitied un Sunday, Jalitiary 1111. lu Si. James, Clitrcb. Toronto, by the >,rd !Biop cQuebec: aie- amaT~b Reverend Toiousas P~c uLics, Assistant Miniater of the ParIi ofÇiirist's Church. Montreai. and -Pi.mert L.chine lun<le Ptavioaceo<Lov- if C»"ad. J)EAcON5-MC. JAUMes c4MPEELt Vousit, and Mv. WILLIAM Fanuaocx Mî. Usher s iebc.a.d to the cars or &MI&l Gkmioiod and Bnbrock, and -âruoft. s 4p0<Satdsol. lu tie. MêJa*ri s licessedlt. b. cb:aag.ou 49à ggv Min" h -Midi*todi- i tri%,, rnce o med= undei the es Motg te eltut ii.1.11..lakhmr, ..* oES ciely tuu inte aLord Dlalop.- - [TvoiiuCourier, Jan. 13.1 1 AÏ i. IL. Wwart, 1L9q. of Ibis viil.gs. Vms 1rettmiu f(rai Ancsser. accoo.paied by 1Msm Eeaot ai Miin rooko, iu a sIsgb. o6euh veng oa'*ah. n stant,lihe bar- se stafleli ci ai the .Md of Abnduer vil- ad oud esmsprfcty u nagsable ; 0 i~s tbat proasdlngcorner of s ue opf trol.rcksand overlumned the 1 no-a< lihs boras.wvaskiltiou sr t alierserere cootusias.- :"j Zwaet nped u î re VI ut lisxeçqptlo f asse. th aaMtin; Cracks vfsumlBy for- we are.happy e wu(imsdb*. 0 W uMFbmbeAid" oUmTIM. isuecuaaaaao ~ght %Mt th" telb i. hmn. 'i heud<aAtiOM 1. * e onld udt Vote agaiI ~kbc, hlevue coufai e ii «= or cu ot lb. obiiffl ut beïmn ufi lu e' SoMM ms viie& M& sdforin t ig 1lv < ls.com Cromý ivinaami IF oEeoasttailisotil g«nsl nms Uatriuuny she*tbsyeoue. âhlerlg muipuhoot h"r 1cl biohl g b ho*1 es 05 n ~ - Fi~âé-L11,tatlaa0ummilse. ~' Umlusiay5 .Jawaeavptb<l. Tltb<S1oc~bssnrmi Sa,. Us.uui~r ai <b 55 ~e Mathaamma'e mutilas enelqi, ami i siiiitOlOLi lsaooauipqtso 0<qsagu aCter ~ f Maalav a. " peom dc Lorad IMulges * mruis cf: a ing ta hbabitantS of tl 's sfuis SOgaT1 or witbdrsmmt. t Mll eeIftofil =ther tb.y b.d .btaou.d îbhirCertilcale mi -nisters under the (arrmer or pst ua mc metihe id clurci ? 1 have tire honor tl be. Vour mt tobedient. Humonble Semat, EGERTON RYERSON. Tu IL S. Jamiatox, Esq, Attlorncy Gmmntil. e&c. t&c. Tue ATTOSIET 55515ais amti. lot. 1Il ofm ai pot bat tlha change in Ill style, t&c.. af tie Ueho.l.tChut-h mnlwr. ao., appssaso bc, accordinc tothe laws mhicilîp- rit lis internai discipline, and milch are btiid. ing upon &Il its mesobets. do"s fot affect tlntr eqootable tit'. te the Church property. acqnlr. rd by lthemuoder the fornerat>ie af' Ithe leth. odiat Zpiacopal Cbomcb.0 fla. I de mot cossider <bat th. etrechange of a distinctive appellation amumued by theNI e. thodimatsrendera areneusOloai aciiCertificates by heir hhoiutr4 wcemmy. Tip*certificate sa0 eIl'.eiN os.the i.perses agplsi#iIgfor il pro. femes lobe s isiaer oem.1h. Cherhes or melioius Comunotias enuoed in the Pa vinecls.lt Win. 4. ch- 1. Vs. 1tcthodtl;o'» ami abat it appeumnd te the Court audoortzed te gnt thtie nue,,thltIthe oppliout laidibart. du. ýfy rdema. rm ter f- na'(ibbodott us bnntUhs uootl blsit lspon" mre.ne cemtbuu of* part onder île asMisbe Wesley. a. methudiatCbueh in Coude rm antier part roetan lb.momlte Ielitho" 1. copalChurc in uaaobi taetu1te ci. tinction of the nId style audthe. adoleof il new. No Miniatet, tefe, lah., ieingboupd by micb s*et or rslitio* 15ilub.qoally h expeIled by the eh Irch nuer it. preat005, or uI hah wihdrw frontil camuson. CaS 1 - ,ecive, use ny potier or licnceelàlt majy have obtaisd ululer th former, snd no., me te himm, salluet tille. Me esael <ail bacl upomé Ieo MM whett las. bou aliadoedli ~naepuMran su ubsistit& Clourch. AUl uigbtsÏla uopimios. cesse yul bàs effldo or rithèsuaL 309BAT S. $AMISON. Atlrmy Guesl'O~e.12 J» lu8& Ton .S-I ls tseher ei- Tutha* lof 0<Decsiober hua boe onoay dwalmsbi sintensi- <y s fft 'Mfltv.okofilo pqsnt mot, Wb% ila c".umitedliSate tht est daja 0( wu"sr vr eantria.ily thsasema eaeh Ile l aa ifty yemrs,-. Ih. hei or in 6l~loue mes moiti. ad telw lm* . doeZ lo thlt îo ortitre Xm14, v have lau ght faNs gr rabe, aud lb. mcrm* l millidvélie shoo* t intsrvils <lim. Rtw aumue uat oewos. oht the suamiser erow buas thin liwteor trim tu" éep .*êdaWmbiO<ftheI nets Oflty. ig&lag s.-*olmtsy*.Thit preseolebp#a a fl oiuipllfor by 114 sesr*cou Sud losey hum <sapse «la l **"u s «eta iasl.71 qsid l'ibis birdunu r <hsa f~I b* ealva0< Youk and I ~ Qozete.] i- ing vdole. ai Lipem Ii.&-Néetow Ë%N Ath"e,. .a y m .4d. P**, m 0<1 k DftOs. il- 1., monüil eli Bm U n iss, sâhu le Vu_ eotict U *er0bc osu 1boyfd ect tal matoui ul h eua t ait rieedc Ussise, lb.nie I~~~~ oeimk tl sor ou ~po )ponI aillamille ,s or Flh"fi *~o ,1ryn mis- Sauta... .4 ~1 Dots. os, isatoeyl~ e basé sel 4 glas. .1 tht tbs dupliesi uiroasel -lb '111.7-el Ia*y Mla lobe, Isol. iat~d.i i ~ogenu .ébfly abs ceeu umprodi teihsircur eulpsemh le eseauseu *ms.thslh <Tonale, el~ te UsaIt lolsmRegu 0 tasi, higut 111e vittu mugIt taîba bar <fil. hi tic., lastosiai 5PPOieUUV toisA. 1h. e4iddeoe. 47~/58 coevuff O oumiAm UMM 10TO X uc om ma pouissmOW10 cmfo= eAMY TO R Aa m OMOWA. I 3 5 ~ ~ Fi ai 'k wssua <han. bi nu lism Ibi <jouI, on il ousfirysir zqhie l (0 ebiet ~oruru~us. p. mresea's a**vsam 9 Irau [rm ise mus tway May miqu» P"llc I 1I* . I ai 'leca;ed le mola 'Fot Jauni -'ti Pçgopsrli mi lgdl, .4ý Ie duty agi ooépl f ira i hmili lde isbsua 0 1 îuscaslly inqU t h rwuo 1