I. bn Sfr~. 's,- -'w e FM . fil MIL, 1 >~B bn*.. o aumo o M-'on. hUèus. ". &M f EàmmaI mcgiw< 1, < a aio u.iffluaa.t oeu Ihff thw:ot&,% të.d mmdOth pi.* Théai. s £I7Aoom iq*.W.o4Ne et, a tui bot* *b0wd 4sth si lh l(iSTOli, TUESOAI, VIrua1Y xIfeUi Dur Etrrrninitligsanee id tuithe 111th aaur.In Engla~ildit. elelim troe .gly contieste:d. a%tit s lh.y ae&b il iy orlie Càlon mity IS'or olaiciaflea coasetf5ifé slrenw<Ih iaasiy twill reurata ireat inajisjty orTtli rIbo Message ofvigelIai eieal .1th musa- States au Congrs bad buta reeI- Fmusce, andf et course il is siseaused Ili@s Fasancb Juunais, shittiagrft.. M tluag itith osile eltebe- 0 tt ~g i. exmedingly impruaIf, mw I fenad vcry mucia t u éiama',if m opeliaer defété, Ithe utlsesl a llie, rulateal iademnmy. Priiace Tallirand has steiresi ou puiý Office ad Gerbera t ésmiàlaisappoint. Atbaisder la Lindos. t it slated Ihm t h SvtiéhTrials sîh ina lias beu moppeal lbyth. CbhWlu, vermout. ts a re wmli irsuag, aUapposi býlfAh Liwing trous Livrpool, aulOit t,. géàsn.-4OObarreIs blMu laumihbve anged banat 38Wh U ar *iitw ' >barrets la arrive., at Sh petà 70 b. Mtreai Ou rshav.lmob e tfs t l 34 pet ~ Flaur e F 176é ai p t e; * te principal autat in osq Puadsets- doit g.s the aeisi athe Alité spsbl7 nmiliceonathlie Leeds e4OlliW et5lkftl wuica decislon thi.esilee a.s ~wan and lJameso« is deci.nd auli q d, and thlair defence. jueo.aied>fris an d texatious, ttaereby atensatplitix 5expences oal'thb.trial op 'lite hêve" il Gentlemen. Thait luéellism ebi, $el asie, mosi persutass eci <I o rs feuw were prepaeifâbsrIbdeou 11aunmlaiieols>i aw utsé'Wm ni Were Meurs. (leo Mu atai sa lu surrendaer thejr at sAt. theie tapjau lit beck mithliuta my dereaicé iii Ibté icais realiy expeett îatUm ie .GeatWe ci, liks passive pupgets, vweild limea lt fIse Hout . vith"- shakeeat Piwi aa, or tle. twslg. akmmaie.4 t a t OM lel ime , âud mm duch. t atm. Iivoloca sisi bdrN tii la 9% 4maim ansd viuhtee5eqmtu ha pdetithelliae.cietaIauh of arit1ia i. Hoieer, séh te s » P deciaring the. du/lue. 0<q 015tSiPh»W ia firoicias mai. (t.s tai noue futh* i11.Od 4111, flolIilil amde, wliîc inaolidseuss~~J ne. thotigh lit im4h *â iltWter te tiarge t qt01 1ml %peut"s.Y rut anpîi ,are md Comieanjtes.cuauet ié The. vitasm"sfor *Umm W~ Baeiwer nt ..aI. m ta sho aequeed leulIte Ii film sbd jaded thé dus mre tteeim 4 mé toehdaitI ùW. "uéa e *.m p*. -,4f---- heMemt 44tme to bn a W1éliý U wkgai foes cru se MtWr*î4 b WM Fw mdbiiét suA 4 Ir1 5 M 45S4aTIÇ m -,wue taen amt I fi.r*edu.or id blasa -mla*su~ t1.4 h*b *Pbl1 tg s u~su. eIFt.êals4u*.«.qê esT çsW-sat-tô.euM aua0s w. anal thé y~ &i~'tm %~ sablais - iioo4 *J 0< lsplag r <h.. ils. I ao<~t o- ma i ota . i- .p' diud OPiffior1M mtei pfl s red w 'o it oeversfr otthh, km Os r« é Mr R>ecu reverts te o is RnkcrweIiý n'a Ai, hasai mapsted *ma. llstr oins, rspetig idim uIi4 *ni- ~ wav of Rusais, ,ofte deuth o f 1,40h AU 11., the sovt»rsligauWL Tisaisremf been (sr a long t. . etd -0, bna agonit dooliMa à*=-ti lu bis îsocm. Th%0duei lU9411 WC Royal A"bbésIers. $i.h isok ce mois lian R mpm .wýA *0t1 '11b nle itate ini dm on iwhm a JP;eh f ill li cessieUon tai t e- ussq 4# ndad un lis aitum=toi. ZZimn &.n demgnaleai Masuamdi MissuthM on<!Abbs m asa uteboit upp- t. This aeiaoli in Wlshpvobffli tal by Englisia interfereiW*. ' lh ibe ev "te hm a guotstm iof ptpvimmeo, ha ie uderbéiboulesouiut ir commra nd, iti ioNsapaasdhut lit Ï4 id n nisit of laireiuniéula ii srvsaon ofl liiitiarMé. lýu"sisit ' ,psed mny avor~tti stesaa f*m 'caatrtuIl Iolie 9*1 mI4'Ii am at it* obb" tbe ,le, rin ow 1" . ! - . . ý ïmýlj là