4 -I f themn ai woiiId pn. abat 100,0% is scla. t Ouiay eob i arly &rd bd been takeft amjoli. 1 botroe Jb idedu kat f ba«yed Lw;b .* Faorbow tfl for th, bOuy bami f r tpae c eed; cmnii Liîîny l'ai BO umuy, a mite f- mrm relrof et Prti r ate ce amu abil de Wy ; n kesùag Lan iii 8%ur ',of pure th tirai i tifi a lm% 44ualiseNraa cls 4.e ThoW.l u. aipl 18), teiucm b.m Nm r b MM AlMe te nobe F tsehi li estane ftise Aago be WIo n rl tiAu Do ah, uis.mheM~dn 1. Bereils bt iv E to*p p* dS3m 9. AU smala,'otib. u iousattoo, cthe lisoy baie bM. -ç koal aiagoist u the 19U i or Silr Pil , ome& »ta. 71 d.81 lud il. iS Of the5fU grauall cnyoledu. . g tOl yrsd bi a lthe asst tlid" e bgie. AIls w elt j'ilthe lin, av eu frous i... the aic ao ni vof mve.s-d îinpafll onuiy, untepîthe 105 uomatb. elocumohs e O hria rcomieedu th", u "elry bu.b il e sudte mSu Cs hof " inisér o ï Peelrouembat it htarehte-t, thm, os bSing "itnibvetos cfd p isim Uhe uad nveîen m ite lyrunsod tigb the id d aoulO pvm nry ire de torium a*Dtlu 0<h gVeiattt. ai t. , e* 1 .Estia P os r Iasteson âge wlins tb..i te uai- n .lonngPoeuclatms-bg Ilmotcee a mo l #al:r1l. aset i. 1 aDUae.. - . sl hnrt sw l Rrts r , mbauadir oléo* Cor'l c eAr.Henr luntilb. Ca i membr fo 'ratn h. ai >ail verealal c a g%- te sociemblu , aobyî Tt ippeun Amoim. ama ils pro MISt isit. emly One Pl serveid fr t *1'lis vud um se catt Bill for the Tii. mage ject.mBd -th p»Me, èae tise greator ulalibro alreT luen aP hoattr say Iogve voles but heur apparent tb ho Crown, statue that cmblycit ertla, ting i doutafor a févasdays, Iti thepol wv warnted in saying the reprt bas eo>h touendation. The Biectator provnu- beoniDIfl the report' a cauunny of course.» Chureb, b Sai ROET rPxII'$ VO'TBU 3 17811D- tmg lIeu t<the Northi Warwshirse elecion ir obeil Peel came ront London., <o veto fio ti e Tory candidate, Sir Eardley Wilmt. b te a ohbi i. surage, hosever, sas refumea on the Tise pro«, ound o bis teing a Cabinet Miiistcr. applied to ucli atercationand legal argument vaus dewoin uced sn couieaeuence, shichu enrted n. eSheriiPaordering lb. Polli ceiktb record 98gIalobjei a vote villa thre ollosing remarli on lh. countlry r &rgin Ofthie shool:-'«Arrobjection sw» Wl nos de te Sir Robet Peela vote, on the and ituis und of tis heng a Minisier of Sgle." r Robert immediatelytot hefiliebouth, and PrOte. tereid bis carnage, sastuilât thse cheera 0of<the tinua--an police. %taiaid ir RobrtlWilson la exprctegi' ibta-%M httà We Lord Iigh Comisiaon«r oft<laIJouI-tht<i Isand-lrelia ahs'ady coramenced mau- wau S hs ng proparalions fr tais aipar. * biltr r. o1ni§s1aOn occ = 1 ...........t n tek ve conîrrenced tirir uitiing. all. Il appears iliaitire 1.iriry Ilaiemgsov- ta h le snt a Consul General, or Consul& te oconomy,1 ersia, lu pro tect and encourage tire cain- ing tunds. erco btween thît country sud Eogland os»! 1 > tire way ofthue Blck Ses.gltrloi Tire vesiel ,nlendedjuir thse ntertsin~lem'mt peultion up ta eu I fl ett Uverpo. e, fietr ith ednesday, 411, Fobulfliy ai 3 o'clock ini are consir raftrnoon. She if callerh tho George otairi an anning, and s loft iettcontructin-,terls nitrai 360 tons. re Engliih Goverrnmesît have sent oui exist, but bouird iis î'essel qsute an armement,eof greut piil estific men, aspouring in agi te 50, andur monts tii rcommand of col. Ciresney, of isreRoyal"u al tillery. The George Chnning catries out ~hv o iron steanirboals, talion asaner. Tirsm av uphiates and the Tigtta, vaillitaiahIbo res'- suppieil1 ulultes and gresi quartiies of provisions of obvions I tiry kind. Aililthe articles are parked lm support, rl xo, wlieh ai lieorariporiitrp the lionl<sat1 rnte, as far as glhal river i navigable. lie packages itili thoenlie carriod acrosis suîppcort Il e desiii ta Bin on tire Eupitates. The votes Sm rîjage wsjli hoenfcird by carnets, everY ugo, in ru *ouf whiehi a te carry haIt a ton. Tire giala o îtesnrirota ili hoput togetirer at Bu e Stan and NlIenet Ali, have engageai thse nom proteci (the expedilion. their Mis Joseph Bonaparte came te o<0tiram ibis cases ina tlin tise countryftrI tise exprepros pi5~0ose hit1e tmeeting the Duke oft Leuchtetrberoe, alter et bâad viiteri sadd ed Britbalirel21ng eutlorant v rrgtton. Tise DtI andi Josepha Bon. requires ie met etthie bouse ot a rioni, shere Canadian ey weîe closeted fui several bourg, tes COUR (Courier.] London, 1'eh. p.City, 4 ochocli-Con- Iii th* là toi accouat, USïias . religion. abiiiy p Tire big Lu Fechle.' ustriliss aITou- ButOs' n, gamAlcxandrie, binga ess siie, mnodau confirmed, is tigh i tiportant,. Mland-*a uce boelien (he.Sultan ailIpand rcaredi entirely removed : and il *tg ' 5 0uatôus in a source dened Rusai ocaliuI, 4thlie id gi barges. d'Agaa faEsr ance andsICInd Thbial ve isiedosiupon Rie ViceOrr's aO<Pmlutteenof teaty vhrrehy Egypt vihliecackisos- ged "asan indepenrie ailalle, on *Yag ,colit re tise mandSignior aconsidira blealis.tirel Y. Ris, Lenglansi, andiFrate. Su- aid lcfia rites the eeculof <le groggy. evamu go 1Puasa, Jen. 13.-The.chnees rs eiveen London ani utma tuego.ag beaumexttenuely sctive luin;il= olbucaue tnight. in Caeo .netcftise tnteVe'kfous et Englout as leeiaor in the igfm-ý ut as between <thc Port ami Mehesml Ai.- 1 e liser hou il Hqurers ibai tise go"- a ne ours of Englani have laeen couipietoix tion et I upesful.-[German papes'.j - tumbl Il la smmii Ibat the Duke of Wellaiptlài adavouring te aeffect a recenedlatQeo h lire twa parties in Spain. lii it1i rPOed, hss Grâe.eau do botteri <baU a àW %WPuai or persan. tross is gieat kmvohipc. m@,ascun Spanis people, and ie ineege uisge*» loading famsiliceof <th& ORnuiluislot 10fi s thehsplan la"ddesai..lit jel-et rrable, and aevo hp. viii b.amomem- b. <io. bh oIlS r cndilos am -n te baieUItm Ptriluedby the ptokse Gsorai Ai0,a s laksIru rapeisnd settîstise Spgubi uitsh 1.Abfn<onf0 " fDa anV lehn Aam isodetson. 1 Wiîiraw cfQuluw"ao* t*, Siranir miarom. * --lm-le à rpose iielpmmoin te the M1 ry. - Te Bd"tolaPastanuetsq l dlà ls. Iffl o f;FkrbruMaý,4IW kt*probamble asoliwat Île ssii voiesth c domiut -11 Thse L*goglauietfLgov e* m trogm bytb thé ise ath painsiby balla llobesp wsuste tise lea ul biu. 'Sk vabave ispeud villa oi sty, ini crder <o preiosude Idcfthe important deiilon lbh ho mie of lts. Clsrgy iBofettes.- ild atnd léopontamSof tse se* the ileitemliait Ilexcites lx th go suBuiienmI geosfor lavotfi s' partof car abw af n avd pi 'dm, ano îoi sida cf" et-a tlum isT esrly evo i« bi*4ta the PraIrnt0(tkIy patticoda but vo sonet.pr iffly kri ( bom thirgiiin tuMI tum -tà a cf reiiondnimoahty-evc Oct go important s educallour- Deoda of iheme immervess benlutb lb tesupport of tise Clos'gy of m tions, becauss <bis vwu tirir ci Oct, and 1the circumtanof th require ouch auan ppropriation.- ff thela inMuid tisai lb. people.nom upport sucb Ministers as y a; Thishmqbeen mmi' r ni jet ýïterimem > on O ia"e. l athotrsed teçi, prof bal tise salaries 0 of h etbodI are fied aslovs li&ojrcarnba, wrable constç» a iti as *l-kéka MoI11od tbOir lupecult facilitiso for ralu a. What then are theset$ ta h )0 the Methodisl Muisiuis.nau led salarieas ithout dieuliy t- iii from hein1 the. case, ti hal<i ront comprlainte <lait <bey do uî ro <han one half, or <vo th"id, q ied s"mog. Ilt isu lb.t iv"to 6"cmi 1 tlcest irrang &v bsmimmolmd MM*»ule .o ré lb. doelcenelea of ibeir lou bono the xlias m d. NX" it hmi, if <to" eamýet obat um op no others eiu; &mi thns theema <L e people mie able aidwlUlng heu Mîiteris adio$roe& Voi îewismt amns, about tire yul aasing art"0cle ert te .4, Mp 11:;on, Mmi nnoilut cd .sses re paper a bivy complairl tté inisleim could not procure in mai ote ha one .hafof tbelr iicou i Eutor ballereid ooe nmoq bat be W dburilpinp e notber. tbut a aiglal acqlsuinaue yl Lu lf. 10 linos Iliat Uiseltiraii actry bave amtil.she lty.groiti ie Wii, lesupport o i' Mimr ýand in uany camss hre i ii me» Perim, sIcbave à, gieqtb kay commetimu belvourt&imeCs e tate, clit, tsiteta dl' lc( tire luaste amon ., s veu bc le otaipali ne A~W3vetmI 41 L Who muppée-oll riptocà el 40faý dlMb omj very olslil . ait a tblng tisai la il blt.a»Y happes buela Nt of lhe Lessives,aitIuli lise Ploc.e hobvoiwlai e,,% Who moud maluay dlii. hi. éaurnt isauinilin 1m M'e tbee foit bel&-p *hsuit<l Lebe quvi<0 amibîl lag M te $«*e pemeiphatisa t. vli bave me eaiekmfl et 4 imd u bimzumns, i«*mibu* r ou î. le u & in t tbw nolmgfau0 bum pobelelepwaedaifi1«8#anbuil bwr.i the ami Gewm b"M ou. o 10,- ;4mo4uppoecamaa. nbsm , '41d a"il i varM atrdise s. Set- sanff Gbma. lml C* sme p.CuR de Wou toisa bot iaosi ms b deetGer- k lom n<malaisie, feequestly .bmog brousduldr d JaawrytelIbe s*utih or Apâuil ai. meut bush qam-thoanas isa vnimoi mii imglam wuaover. Bat on S"msy neglt Siouerrotuuo on o. ulêM itiefury. ILtsowed tise vIole et humayvila acat nethasld, sd aigruonce Mu n cezeeitbse.gli i aslut. -TheSoutbwIe s ms oi 'sud thse nouS indimpperkig agiily. The Mntrelfbelfle 1501 mou. imeion seu cr 1aI d'et O, prti Poeau , eTl -'r-CO : :: ,un esdw Vem te (Csutsh. WedoM i. r T. PATRII DAY. k Yutesdy being tise mnmveuutry 0 <le è Patromfn m Mi n. ala mmmar mty cf th Ualrbinm c fonpt commuaeihS -Day by a DWnnet i u ngldr%, UIRD ...tts--r. àxrirPresidoalt; Was.,ma ma oCuutwau, .VIc Preoieut. Thae VIm icu u tut*ly itteu op witl vu ttmi asl a u um eeollent dammer, SUtbi. Memgier'aouai gondtel ~ loto g Toaute sure anousc f$mu tu*rland sere -dranl k itisah" -eLiatbisbehm. Tae14ll vaeoiseebu. . 1L;~:Iu7 mmi b Eejai Fa"dy. 4. Our tire tls. 0 , eLied se iueaW 6: 6. imer Colois in lNorth Ammernca. » 7. TisePeiuheaiid people c tssIlomd S. 8BS Johsn Ccbotn-our ortby Lieu- telnant Goaei~. lé 9. Tbi* Clergy cf ai demeulsationu. -10." TheNavy aud Aruy of suilt"i. 11. Ulelui ne d ui boit Descendansteail ifUt. George, lit.Andund MSe00id. 14Eu«at rouho set cantry-I sheu es'solty erindigentiisoyî Muaileoerfiud "selcoueuuOngt or, 15 . ev wCo"m ofe . O sma-Nay thélrweatde mal 1 e Swh volUttaer togre gven-ot q htefolwB ave riembered: tuada. cy f Upper Ci- M ArhurDakeof Welligton. the feroo el lreland. IRsCihoiccoIsutym»OtowObiU ora debi of gratitude. Thiat diatiulohd lnlobmen Daniel O'. exConçlI. Au. MAEsq. lthe Ref'e»enlatiive of Elngsotr 't lsmenoe chem Tise leisbmen of Kingstou. bMay llrey se Deervit a Seupa«.- : làJohn MaauIa - anmd tise Hydraulli b: The lf ten o Cke0-ico.untry' e ta B u mdWallace. Thebkbs oUiperCa"ll. Noua '*O lad uver sat irfiendo; sa RKiqg lad over at l'ho0toesp!eolde villa t demduele 'f aUrn« sud vila lejre cnii pté, "f luato t0h e Ma meha, £395. endi APPA iKO iw neo ad 'vlieraout ly gond kelc* tely=gmi.e t ma amg, *sud laufommmsd a o yito*ria xuîu , lmon. Tec ln et .I . tts Apcileti Bon u 6r a.N. ofChe Ai <l akT*W zudiea mu- . Ta- b àuI& -cm q'In PIbresmay nil b paumt be T èi m-teS, sua. tim WY~ .0pafulm ceorA Ott lie LZijmu. fu i mm li mtlmk gbeen Imsr. le, .u.nomquM4i*W u yaplmba ,vsshgig4,llotef bopu roodsmesal b tbm uag~u vBN Qirbo. 1ê sues.iSue." l tet <bat lemres non *iii perucu m4 peopnou"myyi s Feu £uaz~va, <Ils lie eëeeof i omiusm il lltheug*loism lime * Ui«e ,béez gtemiuth 'c ren OU a@tevume, vow-Adtg . - " e -a, ofit Sos bavss- _m- 1 t o n tir srn et. Ob iodkuebo (ul-- ami" 1e. te 'hrso taI sSi ssi. . à=; *issAmi :QZALEDT£Mg» R8 u 2* wv i~ai Ibis 0" »util M.aayo - 0 SM day of "samla mou s, f â m so0% pet. mens who Fy lub te opbna<ig emod l.whng j'. emi t on ils (61. Fi1Jh~mIm~ Elot. *id Lime #lUm on ,' s"4. Pot uCh GhaIm ut m~le tqwlto to the Public miluzul du at # » Cïmt b t bek ft o m m .u etot. »X air or ied e êdelIgible by 9b. i es~ 9.b~mO q bze.udi uUhn Î M C. bs tb u àpb.t , %b trigst.n, P1111 N a ïr .11SSU. IOoIB d11 lie *1 thaul "Y ptso&b sheybe. ab&" iad 3o1fl1que PUBLIC NOTIIL *~o.euef tie Ilaket Squem. '**e u eImm,<olba*e j" IQUO*L 'bo m.. WABU% Md uno m~pot shal b. W"-.m. th~ 04Eug on"Tvou %.j 5 <lie Clsat e<eaoual jowmdl L..iJ.Kim n'on tl Mau rn41isïrqhmu rie 1% l.euot lites. U~ - -*.,* *~4-* ~ *1 - ~ t - r KIrten, WAT. hcm .. 'nîceu .17 Ia * .15 c0 ..2 W~ ment --. Sleonos*5 mvBssa qfai osoId baie dum te mi cmommI vsss ote i ow wldiedMo: Veeéhl thé r m isrqsk. ir oa$ I.sa.b"-c mi t 8.5 kUsi-mi y« M& âUL Std - -bs.- Us..'he aatha A& . - mÉHtý - i. - ý . ... g 1 kr