* i Mt in b a bus m -Pet% M"r- a- ni -« di îloEmpi ~aImm.oBlhubu Table IIS aI- E usiv di ~ oellleasnubcatiu Mif é7.ê*m. e»tw -i a dl- e i - Il -,. Z - . LONI l àge.-àreujii eM reg, kr mjc soeaa*wCommue -12~ r~?ai var.ip ees*eie . lulotiI In,<bMeiDSppsees igta 04t e ué 1 MM " ult - os, gimlgu- lunh Mscnei3Ieb.s4ýW b 1 and5s Pt. n lo?~ts, de. i ste<ay & À Mfe li - I(Au Wruimtmouwrm4.~lta *Co cr wÀtysbT .4aG. bew~gL Ne.:?aeiaNLme ber 42 in th* if eescs.110mb Ri »&y". onty 28 mite rpKuse sud tbicklys:ù'enldouailp. ~ VtP Apply aI 1the hlsld Gise, Kangtn, lii Oc,14U. Igw fflomm eUt fer lUe ab pld a80 lu au (éigàe fui UZUTERi Tot$,. d. isp ef li. sei*TzaED CaOXN Emsavus-1 Tbw coui of Léots or FUms.of Tort bu»- lige .f leel.b.r landel lb Tewus*p, u bim te t e l ou ei l . laOrgi VI0.10 b. lndeb et pig4wo te i ldlO acaS.-4bem amtbitydtuéle lu the Western Disiriet. aM e.of&avq i eouL T4,he.ya.alwliy o, . ita<ia »»ou te cuill, 1 IlaS.1 lait anu~~l Tn *guntewlÀ lent& 171110*11ntm-lne bot 100 Io4stores,; )*. l soP.ABeÈu1i U "etb. A" lsimiet deat meéb Sb c U basé hlciuât; Mâââ1e4 bave ini a wov country. A filtlier inlitssths bt May b. e quiml, ib. oen 'etnthl. e pmap ,rw ýONcs qt ?ps ud6, b ladi .c~gbe hé 1 buNo-à"nula tbe Hron Tract: -Avez AmiLIM-Towlul1p or S. Kuadopp. McCOwnUl' MUuA ~Hay. FOR SALER. L OT No. 88,-lut Cou. saostownï,tis mle ion Kingston, contuininp 300 130~lU of which aie under coltivaUon. a *aeNous. a*d arN and about410 buarin& Fruit Tm ? Lot Ne. 15-Si Cou. PNorth Crosby, Dn triaI .fioaeowm, eduwtlug 90atrms. çLot No. l,-dCou. omxina, Hoiej IDiétsit. cobualnu1q watm. NWtlb à f'LèNe. 19,-lltJaCmn.Tly, ltâmé*Dimrfrt otaliuiS taI>u&~ lu @bd**e pperty mil b. M* C"lt, am nd aspaztstbie ttiiluà giTea a appl¶i'dort te~ ]Q20. ehCou.; sadmi e., hc : d» côté. KMue*. Am n, *O. 7tC.a.î * Mlh o.eeubo.Melg Lot 17 in" 181à- to ., 4hGa M Loas 9er, uta" iint lAti,&t.CM C. dl t*ARA! in Canada asulb.the o *hl~mo bd-usilrm ta lui m * é* ~ bu oudi ~ Ths. i. idile a sea ulét$ TmP AWILY MINSTIMLe PEf* ILYJQUNAL. e n. l taiiinlIde let MeIWImm 7- =.tre Cao berc &He Waoho M wljoin bent .n&ofthelr ChO sé~ae, i 1 t gmbut Ou" sbw am..usI RI ants lu mention lecogal a e, lo. eu184 But KuSwA "n'ual Ibo Ir. Vh. USac lEN*4, eoMfofti avkit amimet cb.u (~qntl»triil eapbma lc. a cathfe)meut ie a; ud sbed eme esta etgia houthe Hgun ond<tshat Ibiesiample ocçuncedeliesad lb. A"bot te letîite *Ib nquiry. te "-» eP5 eVh eéa é lbuity of lt..TWhe "bIrlam ue Prguede, la NI, lt hobie rlghtul claim te tbe gobeMd 1hi* se iéfrustif Lmn. eo c. u the lSait of Doter, uam fois lb. Continenut ofIse. batub e ai teIn ~ Jb.,enu,~ot10 sW4 a "ite" M»eiouwi-satolarde Iat nom.1 i- o~ f k%.inei-v art indtr **aiet. u 4»d ' m al ethes usos off wte turnio nuest anIs-o epstlaaou-e ahitpodi -rc b. provcft enbouor (sud 1,0t a disgrace) te b. "eneced mth Ireland. -1»" b isAiuber lu confident b. can provt ibthe I.RUSEi lche ot pecallur, uni lateretig unhott, «b.he j of e âme o cfth* Duril.' e The_ won mm4 essornt iun umiers, prise.oesçwter Relie«Ch. Ami s.Mte Autbor doce met qpeut te gela, (oaePt b.' bgNulional rui=ma,) s.hb.canne: a&- oailb subsembm Ipyfor oiu.Number la iabcé, où u tctMug ve t bisMn..t10tlb Auflios,01:teu f. l>uti Louibyf luts ton, wkth uho, lb.e aàmbl 2f] lie¶ , .4until tb. numbuuu art ilven into lu ouâ gad Te dma lb.subcuîtlo rrami i Olaio lu Wbsn iey aousmaclk. wdhgl Mes wISIe cachmu a tu cdoo 4g*cmMd, fia climats ~ ~ O iSCSuo cuf Arvien0haf IlkedAul* uil isexbauatbt mealîla, lu ber Most fertile Soi wbcb ilu by n.eeens Ufvual ricultere. TIi.d e i prove netonbf , a feiler m"terai da gs, je citf givlmg icbses end everry reusaniIe ameut Lesj1r prenant, and a VASOY i Ç;Oâmtace of Agi I'îh1 t m«e b, bvieus lu cerY une ta- fbumns oame uc;4 nî n uc IL lu Agditkathtba nest ffori the vu 17 ofli ber greuâteut wflts. otblad inwery Other country 4 seult Of Manufacteres sud Caný' *0. beit meun of promoting jil, a" ,Lqon.; cons.queeuly t. beZ mnuhiveisal and uleful Iu aincel an lations, thet mo't powe dîvidiceils &i*ot thaer weaith and queue. fre- tIbir prop.rty in land ted and maaged by the huobasa. Agriemltur,llietefore, and agrj loe.eeau aupport us without lehl tb.,,Inu costale plcnty, and e, d, Wlbleoi OW ound le covreal ahIc Catélé le dan smrnt for ntoling. fadaeuniMdallicacies that M.e nay huom îtbont, ~rn sud C IU l if W*' mili oê1- ruleï the.o i. e am, alcoUenceab SPrM th. Importanice ot Agricreî a a peu tbt al111lu toast5, ont h.subjocî in the British lsleo thie Countries o1 Europe, a varîral luminous M&Mm fkiaowledge bas bin meauti,mbicl would h ostail j ery oneNho oienU mih te practice Witte ucesu bmosîf, or undemît id ml pruclaceal for bien by others. Te bine au fan au practicable the portion kbôtwledge WliclaI conceive ta he à fui udni laeee muryfohîe muid7 of the dia A lueaLtis, ilu the bje rt.,s e ch Ibave nom fleurIy ~esrente tire plan of whjch 1 deâtfuenclu tothe Considan an euthe" nutge!Inthe art. The m tm lhkeh 1 a rde s electio, modem »rititb und Frnch Aut on, ,cIosr etiou, andl ment, wiîhon' owmiitrnsuani Pperience,ti, erad * àiénta thi OCupancy or ta fusme a hirlemi, C . y»usa Grai* faut a purloi cfetur1 sventcen yn, 1 bute ebom aelameinu anada. eu&é ci lb. ltte-rioibave L, . ou es t b.el gretary to the Dieu, 0 ouu#f 1 maAgricultural soc* 1 tsOeeteblielbî he work in fire pmilu. Tb. lest part will give à vlew OC t" Pri gin, progrous, ad sln eofAttultue, anonneBofta tcSBtiïd méder nations, pari icularly UlunFmaeeFlanders, itenitid en t amuarethie patlue f tore odlittho mote th-n gnatify * $ lt s lsproent Btte, .s Cad b.th 10 ascite ont curli» Couiry wffl jsil refer ta, tb.da or puree..spé 0» de otutre, aies meci, ua mt h .1beêially inte iute Canbad, a; bt W'i bemcptiosa cmu 1ie ibave mmi*prts il 0 b, ireo n as tibd stprehaThe second parts baila S* tm*# v Ieu oft iée nec OwkM ïoo.0 lb t he pleon allé and rea T illa fucdpting te eitti ai b.h ta fées, c n thai îlkbutemest mmOo ,as 0 ou# hel, Sh at b tpr mlu-*re a" ie c, i he <bton nie k.il Ïnty mclie pireof, s.elist me. of l' appuir1 St Id t*el~w IV ttar 6"ssontmd .16Mê. un, VMOe &&hm p b 1p ,, I isd. ont i utýfoie t etl uhi't anti av~~~ irm~~O~o rea 0 Um anae6mrohm owu .2 1*-lc~s Tu£