- .0e l r.. xviii roe, in r Sra. ...a~*tti ~s5. I.', QO, ~MANU.> I. "G is ches. Io ami» tigeulli romoabl'pudmo, devole a moia mu-- mt te t"seervjlsm os ub l u aesageed, Id beu dif »,u»le la epiwseeambgwiu i » oIocius g prig. 11idNXrîule the die As ie ttst..< maptn vAa-esmosuaaoa0 b mi*hi* luho' isàtl , mmU miog "0 1 ingt li e( isiim. hadtoeaueÎl ret privetu Mal DE95ICaPTIOIÇ Or LETTES , ItIgO fmgoa i b lbuteiii a 9LLU 08P ,mîm art MgleULD OrlUX. IeLagdaômirndituring a veyry moj nucm itormn, tàs 4eeflititcmwnoem q tain Rom' aleraeuMn, as delivrdo -thie tam Bock. Tttèprnnary oisJact5arw b anb lr ige ml. ted azettes. îthe. jorlet e*aunudetelsa bai i ls UnM ARCTIC LAND EXPEDITION. hua iraihde b araictaRw a li ~aptain Bock, lmcompasied b fwmiiaamthockmu. part f igs(o Cpltrliukth ëhIp plley, one of tie volutiters (romi tiheRoy. c.,iîôiof the.Mollet betee 1111111 Arlliery, sho left lii City si tt mii la 'nTurnaiemotand Rosa' Piller. 'ecemlL eliai 13, reîaroed t Lachine on Tlurosy vert villa the. tlmot mtivitibu dùht;md1 t, an excellent betaill and oprits.. uuci atý pag oa tw tmà, gand the test oflthe euiieditiomin ' ievo nohle titlmop idf tut~ et Fort Reliance, &ail i-"hy are t, beyCotlOublittuoile m uitl bm Ive for Eugland by ut Bid on eu o ntli. inb f.uI 84,<u ~y eacgiad lao ay; that no moitai- the espeditiongt te. opri voter c ieT or occident ecmarred lai env of flou pe- Thiew-e.-cho-dimmth, Or Gret Ftah Uta- sa acigoliy occofploig da.e peita.o, er. Captain Back. Ïw. beieve aucoeeded iîough on of the voluinteer Artilleryntuei n determinmg tiat titis #ivet range, £0 lio 'iliamoionno use omewiatadvmnsetl noghwarMîr..ie mderetibolite Pur: years, and who ue a nble longer lt t ocftii.ece.£y inrmtionmllaiech lboi or the. fatigue and IardMohecf thejour- reeclied ne, ilan oa itm ait aiou g h.i idt c y. sinfortwieliy diod amhou on laite uuy lan, gbolc-0tu 2W tailles bm obFIl Reril ck tea 3 iîdouia Bay sltati. He-0ai&$01lîacite g ioler .ulabiaeat of the ex. t conpanied by two Caiiedin, %%Imoarc-e jedwition et the lcamra t emity of GreetO ili acquainted uihlthecouty, b la mv- siave Lobe Captoin Bo*k lthe (trt Eu. e s eparaîed liamsef froui hen, lie Mont ropeen who hen viutd Grest Fh.h River, be ve wundered out 0( lie traie patit. ~ati eaint ieraieloitePla iliîed. Captain Bc'*,lcme~ i Is vcry existetice wueo doubinaihY mn ait iireciiolis 10 earch fur iim, anibi gmrgraptersa Ilme lid tu b. larghi tais ~ ~ ' olacndrable distance of liat' grn fovgait-rol ,.is irroarilo, <inmt litabody wee foutS. tCor- bi,sud anlsingtile but rm of <0 mianti Ral,il. reiffésing rtilev'oi", @aMn* *lonsg ie bsnkks. it ralito the. Po- orn avilîtDr. King 10 Bogland i; tiIld-la, 6&a, at a point, io-fir ian w. coun lati, 'o Bay. Tiey villa %IeY. butl Ij'V ittcaincdes veryulaserte. the. face ny vie lotter, were cf esentiai service »Wmei taeil to y aphein lBt u id U iithe te expeiîlon. rtc.Commiillaesu London, tu tbier proie.-vi aptain Buck apeoks lu terna of thep un alredy r'erred tu. lh rmet6t poise, or the onnueronsatatentionls Frth h.tif§*;, w oftly &»tice liéeλ gi viiialle asistance dont hhq rtceived l it1(n i v u vta elle rualiWd o em eeuu rgigî! lits Jkeainey fi ivow»ggpur5leB ry i 1!!- i tîe Imeren geelame etlm O. tics w hable, sMd w* 1~lYu imigen Boy Cmpny' 811160M.' j,"U .magasn cf je. ei -- tom b As hta ileavt.e lusyà tken a mncoamoly lecerescalbi -', ZaIY a- ely iatereml in thia oxpeditioti, %%e th iuk "ei heu prulitrega. . P rijlit tn av berore them mpm in liit in- ow fai te laotiona f'thexpoltion gelions wtich Coptain Eack received agailiiencremmoe cia bnouledgO Of tii. lige cf alo Government, aiîorty lbfore le ~coant, ve *mis uaetble tuaml; bat ram elmiat -.iamum, (as dealLiletba h e Artout M to us ime aeluabové, aý mn alarmais enta tnm(te, in ie prooplectmma ptllisW J neebw ou tute bio beea oorned lin tho. Polar vl in April. 18M.) and Iben m0 fr lime Sea, andti thle larp Mank wimichfor- lP abe, front limsifwmtin vuelouve mrly tgnck the. ye. on emtteyintheii la mable tn procure. afford thein* a iiel' omp; ulli-mcu nes grest mea"re« W etcli or cattmosaactually aecuxmpiimiid. "p.eptoiiDea vin, we beloloetaihr.' fi dilrectitîg hi tualbito elhiamei tlte mmciiinteremaiugin(iîrmmtia l ntu minmrt- po8al f the latidaon'a Bey Compan!, the cote, reMiectiimg bisenbamatiOuon iii. e trmicioins nniliu:- 'Jfara, thie loea i"th le needie lulie ~ "Tu lave Liverpool eadyi n FehuraaY. Porttimward. o1%ieae Outmil i te prucecai saitlime Parti y Ywau of9,wleau, wue'7rtloiw a w-yo'k te flontreal. and lmnt-igZ .t e alluai route paroueti by Northi Westi The pedtuwm relteeIto Fort Reimetice t adern, le Great Slave Lako, ullicl il o is ich i pace Captail uckm4 1.1 on 101h ped ltuai lie volt euacliby lti.201h Joly.- Manch, 193, and i rmeUled ce too-s lit a i. dieu to irike off ttu donnoth-eoet- aFortChipe- ta. Fîof* eo_*.i e ard,oî mainatîcit other direction am e hocadepsiteti os l aMy, and afived âM LA. ertain lo)be thie maot expedient, inor chine, se aiaeady inentioned, on tie. Otti rio gain the Tiîew-.eho, or Great Fiaimiotent.i iver, siicl injebelieed ether ta issue Thua hem tea',ninateul an el l~.ian- i Greut Sae Lake, or taI r i t ni. m eraken tramlite ami t e.ePO* loifty iniy, and thunes, o flou uilh a Dnvîa-motives oa wlcour ntotire in m e ceptli le course te Ia norhinard titi it reageia« msueuldi he ienct ardeursud nla egoea On rimgaut lima bek$-Of Ibisanti oondîcted ln slety Ihncaigli dangers 'e, lie je te selec on tileiieOl mietiiuimand i mficualiea of no orai» nsr k ila th ue à gr a s inter nr"esie, sud imuadimleily mî*ol ensuîmmiaeevisditn.1 ppoint a portion of bis forces la reel a captiB»cik rrired in Montrei tlia ouse lieren, hblt if possible, hco i epio- nor wn iii lete for New York in a Ir erd limelf nii on sodequate parti,ud dav a, tneider Io embarkite pacla-e laîmore the river 1im e ennui libellanie Ses- et i4iîsp ef the lfth inimiamt, for Liverpool.i ai, erecing a conflicucaua lad mrik ati rite preceding notice lias beema hnnrieilly1 s noulli, omîud eaving notic, ofhiaiiia- ltirown togeiima', gnd utlit' oui improbable0 ion te relirithe. emsaiig oprng. in ca. sanie niitakes mmi, i1me crept jui it,1 aplain Rosea ioniti b. mking plOrl?5 egla i, w ithhcverv attention o cr prt, it long hiii pat -of the.aias. lie ie ctge.in ocareiy p".ible teu, voiti, uen wriln"g e, boweven, 10 reluiS befaore Sile eDu- on sic ali ert. encement of ep iter, to avoi uni, tonidaie xposuref lis Rmen. Ditring the e inter TR rAIRBOL ton LZCDE. OR NILZ VIEZ e ita mrcced te conraict tuelbcuts cp- 01PC ctezbA. le ofnavig'tin% the Polar lien;mad, anes.r ufoe re te lfet. t te provinersofp Yl aisible in th. cnauing aPrn, 1U(BîD oVenezuela. lie mtut net biorrt le àehi1 "0 mo 0la hre ii er esrLàbb. egetsbre prodOctîob i pîlacedinga afîeram'dsaxarme- lat ta ndigatmIon.tethet cordllera of!-time Yidef nîuch it te ieoun jugteat. HocostPa rtiy thoamBarboleta <oi4s- iroItela oion te Cap. Gany, uhero aita 1m.cIýfl _pulo de ccc, or Cour tr 1 ly'aylu t.olip Fum7 uW»viechea; e aid (et Camaegu) lheariso l doloch.,l lie resmainng slo.s of phiolàil il tknout nsuil-tree. ltbeoiitUf. upprentiileio .9 ha.CaPtaini oue in om#e ue sreticti; genuiapog .Aoc 11h. usihkyjuaim<sli tm Il n ngfrdi point ehlmter iy p Mne are servi, ti, esd iie r 1 ion nilb.mothlioritheiriver, 8e n m uliv ltHubaiolt hagard or te otl cir local circumitenco. ame hoprmgrlnîtril aboli. i-vino f Iis tue.; balt . b cmrtainsitigen. hibiepamingahma li m sc e»udt eam1g . -OR thée" Ou, hlis e akeep a vigiant lokcou% Up- ilnk 4ac r,,e e evia s, issau te asiorefor any signal Op' inmiotmen pi o n wjtll £*0 ssii retim - W; rtéotku ;:Zg hie Parti wchts tasnin terch uof (put rýwoody rse l~ a noly pliméraé o â tiCéla i thlmenutrace oi litsmeta mal tlia gue mi.For eee'e m Wet "ai Fury m at b muldhaille the lffl v7r it5giii iOW(tiUUe t' yaego:)andl in the event of bimsmati 6 iP.. lscie. e esimd 44l. alem Previosma otalisu arrivai ai Cape Gea î p Kts ie ulamphua theli loua tie ia to Be go reunmaondonict tb.4 P it set dUOrojtl-I the Hamitot, Bay Seliemn.ot r iob te.saielmIhev. 1siellià lie finitamdiahca nta teu»lDiviJue s eat bniat. lb.lb.d on8 alyipart of tae cai licoro lit a ,,, teW1teP"litrou, ink lie metu trc oe ill inley for m aoni nefaikful dwitIargbkwli11 thbt may tend t10h. diecevery of t<lour tn a; < h ér tl tenions ; and prueeed, inonl evesi cf vie-Iaeieai O mate, u uha a ecticable di ctaup bg bqbat& * e.vilae âfflera 7 Bt cilatevor May bebé ha epeta 0< w the ou,lie iluon no ema ace f> iin i» eosib. 1auUs i Ol *ttlt , ond achasaperied cte 7l tmui moShi*ed by loq (varYm19 trii h1Milt a thé . lO t il A- ,iau t baltache Voiaucmn.5 btii. igase heaayh- W mhiai.. the ""0 hon ro bs re ais e its -b wintr qertrafiler. 1h. aais vnIl sail villa due caul ito my$&tàh aiqaMO, uI lfétyaSaucnou. hl pdi -- t'm. - KINqGsToN, TinEi>A8Y, AtJGUS 18, 885. owrimisk 00 eau" bLote.u&Ma sbls. ,. n <li mo Adpita m.du %fl-dutm *W. pmem, on ia e oeaLUSUIW W4 ermd sSuimbEsg cmeama.blm gis. .eee.dhe te ~m h.u.b etIaiik..sa~. u ~t .aimea mo. -cAmtr bue, or oe iesae h eltaa maMth e ii of .1sk. Tia olebonc. ormi, syh taiey ue u0' 1e bà.cmiem » ul b laie-Ire, et floanora's, iountsd by lugd Park, isuaqocied te mo oflieaoMe muas theii.Pd# dc ece.t h vemaine ikW a e î i u g b . s udu tm iM e r - *oable imatamal - - Mila e n t it no ar i i iaMit ofbeing ostaud- by cuatimi. t Nnleldt& ar. Te liv. 'p 21-22 volley0 o oono or Pandi, la bote bes serveS igt4h. batilof mon,- bemgoammv - mm itis b m fIrou *ad »titbe-, tebiê coerte boieke mul iceoa. goJ a iadalugîo DTm. ,W.i aoim rmte ClaieOf 4119 lou Storn l.viol lin <lie Mot hGumare ai tse iOdoff. Tito1loij M4t 0o0#$W ita a i .dm.nl nooel1 dmiluev.fl 0,4mrqswm -uilxle mai11, badso~ lIsi f *0 Vbl-le rlùgesi nf ocm ,* e s. o m i e. h a g ~Itit.- asuidev melAirl.Èlg (NO. 859e aeit. ltmi. rtimen bàet f*0mlip S tw airai luo sS.en ou thi ecliVity-ef l. th yrte 5ie-s1. (ýromud"i iaeevr oi efiso(C mn. i. Poine0( atel ot »l h ut ae a eplaited enmas- F;uta. iibeid o! redoior $W-loe At $le fo imes do qwwmand sAmms'Touile.la Me oj iediesorote i.Virgi.n Mary .ittiageitb i,mttck mma'Grai, lai < is me'-bueJnain lber arms, andth ie wise meaet <Alieje, om Portuai; mes gelegi . nuu.m gioaaimagifwa. ara et phoemm, wticli ua m o em'eig tqe lime os. b. peaeman-- Ineo l te bridge et locmmoso»Mst #, 0 Z;, a--d(ctirai throagot doobi ubetmar, se e»Y pr ft a rn 1hame &u'bo . onmsshm a imao bOe < 41 Tpv.-eM-Itdclks ver'. ade a ludur e t i thlie hie. m -Sf4oatÎôaiupoh i te forte of ohriote, by tillas, cIsopt eaecboetherby famuf *rm totuUaî. eu et <clthe Emper!e &Mt" Eut baieConpany am <obm ele toe Tmeb Mdgt Puly Lyw} - imeduffl. a pw*c't0<to chéri- t~~atamenoU mcimsaeasinmeaeclor!c owoue norta- .:mi»_ofuma m .Ç; Irger~lina~iig<a -ti bispaaeneleflea~c o by.1li i of0<toméaqiban 1h. abot tireu cadoscn5 0iWi~m .Almzimenft, at Rperts. Th Eamui slong lime distinguised tiîr diyb romuganS a.ttlugodueeus, The et son vuo lhe obvient inufna < s ap mt ou e f ltheeuh b ug1 u rpo ite Jlimefoam.; eaom w açuciocud l i i gc" ' i ubrs t.Th 'rim iemal t alRo. vo it tram Calatu ute nig ie£t?'- nituar. and plaoed l ici he isoi p - Isajuea' lb. rautum. Tbiu, eItbS ioia- POOn WOils comtietufon. !U II!ielmo euBg-lime Rbemsfor al<. y.oa. r *aaut Ibis lime, scipio arna» a Réae", ism*Wi the Bouclage, or a la vemi va"i musuret*meas. > lie nblupg -a of Da, lbeiuag oupalitepi«p» . lui i ol vémaer.Nuîb ebk aamib.was :?u'icsef&pumg gluek, dIltoIteMe-= by e , , sD4ueS th a long lm ue al~iy .disi oa dy-pee î li m irum ormuuaaglol appear le-be aa useb.emii- Tlio umuc ireomelegié aoc l'amts, r clime@ad cetches; lte (rmus Wmk»e ele teporto cf liumé, llt4er audit m ccais «gnuly ropniled <o pc- eteoloaanSclockm <o bi-got 1acq-a initier tlasy strike or Dot~ GEERTEI> KO - een~i. O5 tata inth mlosma lon Prida., t V. C. se te ocpy i miens estakal. HOUSE. 51erf Stret, 6m, li Cemtrai mtmi eu part cf qa dtffieîvmt St,îo ,'aicbment of lie surpob t minm ith r' itu opafrîhltnu ln t.e vei> W, nD recelbiîy pîit. Sa improveul. kepi m l>uea.î à0 acqairetl ripa > tramats luit sot, lie comîfit of Wa r naerit publie pm- NOVIE THEttma ài ndt ataîre a Liv- epl. e Cmmiaga and ragminagm tue »u bge ie and fto CAIRADA. AMd would ru. te public in geb. bat iatome hualéq on tha cuuîau4 nul dinu.cmly opms <îlhe poutOmua amdtion. E LAKE ANDS miail Stugemw iy amuI Plemail? y le lte icci l adi te thoe aml don. - iel isl table it rd*. csud bill9 ri.exp.ence e fer ptcummli rlaeeeme aus uta <iA palrtO 35. cen th uha teii. ,f r le, 8.5t4 L butte - (gi<l' The lh~~~~ v uaasaolw. limi nixpno . t) l im aj the MM s th t*.oaet conotant b" in lier on1. ady#M -hta wé"hc hn* ai-esun- wbic &à ex ttit li dbat v.yi4l a I~mând e,<mt", blaiot. ina lb. m~,mid rlmel lim uleh pcetus byld b âàt blln eS 0 boiSdta amf amvi brth plai en <liecianot, a vmt*0 dck, epue apea e i iR vs ila tii aRCoru- M y iietmkah' t t rpb y trse by t b eréA4i i.aitt hald ebi T29ONiciELAsud À bdupi tlime m sdotbliid ri i .ov* Wi- ~poarai u5dtswNTO mO TU O- TAL 15ULmKOU- .mabm of0<tlie FéteAWnéd 0 Gbtarot.- lawmnCatho"I. 0 276 >volmaga ute 1000 95 )~rPrtaital D2,105 452O Cv WLA ou' vac 403 TOWIL PAUMUM Ue araaCU Wihproviuioshtth cmreof 907 478 1,3e ,w fr. ta Ounler. pamri dicatn Imm utarearuae P0 ffe l.giu in gibo at. Pt*as. OM .mataa ali-Sni ti4aOa iz;" tuieean nbu an ,,ts*BSi .igbutorlng 4 uk4lo.w0<gr tee ru y blaisr7p=a oes cmJe S da- I xmdateoi), wtbiflemii- bal tle* in 3 euuplerp 12; M rlai, Vlley of [commne. 'dus pi.sloe t m - a ism. imy, rand Ymuel es' ago oftesdwloêre..m thcIi le macuam 1imenalth. a beo-i- iauo etetant. ssoS creey »a My jh band,- * o tbe dkpm. iii!a" fr atitilloalion, lias -De a molistous gril- non ti(rm têe puer fI 0te yeua'b094. ton. it armas, aud* divi alttisoImetiMirsa5bein tlb. mAMI e .divideain- miSat. miai mii mi, e 4lreml Ilae. pari.lu a 4"l&Mt pun t at ti^i.hoeuodstme oto b. year anSdlthe dey ofleImW y tu-t atemrs lbm um»laa etsuu mua ie boutin ose jean; lte Part the cmanltit otiagesbpch oeu te Im c 0" am'Leul mcuthe épi~o- be in lethd 4iutl am"<ely4imàâ: Udbe, Ahc ofSOa yund itO- <stiineisuli oete aabout mcm feeuaneim »m lutthaer. ..Ibe taExperimentu cardfeurymoe., gave ti 5I a iy puijsmlGra us 312 ieet w têlie hmigu -of th ea td e nluuaalr 07 f U iau MM a biidge above tleaieloftme torrent.-The of ietthe inventertng " lie vul. uadian ofiPanSî bave (causa, kW the amie- la1the mididl me gucf lim dockbif -1' cf liaveilero, <chieucter, eiea" aoobe, eheuing t e s i uh ela ;iSii Ibis Semet country') a emunlbtu. lneIta sevea'y day; m»d tiare. ut. tres of Wh"sclisalude,-slog thie tonftu e Tlie ucesplatiýafl apo roi 1 hli uguemid1ge. ' itiece c( ira iying Sl; s Icte v- .. 8224ï, hokw ibismaturil bridlge a a dy iplanaI limat I lti day mmi. anotter, 1à> whici-us am e d iy a 11111V rut~y et on b couushis t, :aam psàhbvay, ubioisett d tapOs bs b.u& suonte out oyaileante et-i le the cretaco. 'bm i. pbrâuaooam of 0 so iar taaù a adtt .oI"d sIwi.uh. rock lova jui lienDéeote siaPPOt «esoth- Assoitacta S aler.1h. baiCoa' er. Tîsat l ic the id&e form t ekey a tshose. 'rite mhtie lasîl0 lme aich; on accideu *wlacm mfgi!tbaie ani mtes lis e a " du0f tul.boy.a gitema ithe salivesanmu id .archi a im- uctme nth ie viaim -e veaii srryas nova le 1h. p»eapor lthe dock bas otrucla. lte olt e'm li*,m Ne vudoe Io tila.nicentgy wjebgan tianu. lî*hn t mt templt teideteei rSlbslmSut esogi sla. eth0e qme*iio, wli.lbar ibou a ...s-4ifck. Moreovea'ltereamte e 5...a( bats hec. puduisctfrttesia guet dsa<e sprg, Summuer, Aulaum, sdWibloa, or cliethei they me e tliguïets of amm aaobautlom0et emeo. lu mth buushouan b. ée but i ll fi~ perpi (bookme0 am lia ape atre mag. ueiîir A oïdiu, wosmtrlikeoqmue t jeeture mente probable, *1m a herj, ilisabu of 9"Dii .ontt éent 'W let imeppaeed le tI icut eeaqmirlsahbti avs1m Ilown, clama' , -_ ba &,mioeinwatt mi etoneaver *g mtou lr .»-.a bW hieemco. lu fhhlm îalm ailsuamotll, 5 ltai cf ladse rcm. lu orfaS ftli.y t a lmi sSln1.km mimoesemud-u--- cIig f lmoe5o if abd oud finhmhd ate I tm"oto titt Ytards sqtuamere, dubgli vià DUl tI<<P0 hela.lean Ime 1 1 ecitd lte moi<m c tloe. r m ackWqot ii t e ayenfle lewd bth"tia basai 0e eAvae$ andi ubel im, * Ttýfmmwude0<lb.u.ls.mboflU W l frielait e sika fat boeehW@ - thebourt tlb. *m. lite sauemntglt" ýemm»oim.a. c.g aîmvin the fflstst <tçdpmdul Uti Da agi ons. Thommasurde * isktisam t mm ylugovartbouà" c e Ulmwta Io Iniaes mom oi , llaéIeà %MY ey aa veey huld. Il le uid.nultelllitTet.eaftai - lMo aet1 th 80, m1 s,,si AtOO*e le *-u"a gwmumbston s1hcU Si t k b"dlit4senhire slo - lme . u 500, sim tPopulation i tlso *,00 , a nd D ot m are 2 Wb"i0é ebtre popaîlall e mcr tisa 0,O00 rà W b Wao mnember of thi alnpoCliurclit41 M achikg b 1, and net nmcre maisa' camdé limoe thonote2»ma IF Aud Dt mos tc. D 124 Iwbich thercae more thaal000, h myha neaory tu rmk bore., in eplaeion ci ie p.c lggtmmawiD*a iv. hae ,inclueS u cthedraupami" dwehurl- Can d ehepeb of eas. uandert h band or 'Ciurcheeli, hila ioedaistaiawwlia W$ bu ots weldul <leeplaesm lin Whicb E- rm Service in pwrfaa'isdby a minimir or th Esllidad Ciiurb; il beisg set saus-e suci eustom £0mata il»osof a4lcI4. or ohiter anilabi. place hkela my bu .asv@m cieiatiy uttuats liarihtpurpouaen <ace.be- siens cher. . er. a muen ca étrait, er Wiai <eh. oburci ta eltuate et an u Meunc lient &taioarouI a- part et lb.peerubios- as. Palvate plaga o w"ip,andl thogl' ituaa li ppe .or olliee slhlisMFÀ* ih are ot ôpcn te lthe publie, thoaîgla etA.vsllj oliceS . im rtoh e butsmmc ut., mentl!Sin l.uuoeay btaUom nr hilsgqor wcoithip orihe ilu Vbreh vlia&,e OFn te <bhoPi v ecs indl muer omis oraot»er et lb.a- oe-0-0nhomad boed, aemoigtg <bol' Pdtkteularie. la respe th ie rosi- linonl of inamsientiel i eenghls <ba .shbar.aelatis tomms emidenemstreo- IY Wku theIiiit o he u.ioe;n<bcogto them ofte teis intaIt trct so»eMa ces- MM cin nos-ka m ideute, tlianl- ,=oO" vau feemuoa- Lle,oroleruem cakuse, nuilais *41m- iog boe., ýIl mmim Uhepao. ico, baht iscambmo lie mewuiug are.ameo- vsenti 12ituat. ie b duobsige or heir blet bdulin limaoncte,, do met ia'i, !ysýk».rsuàet îthin e he iô ae -Lif coi deterid dbyth 1 1. _Pdte e nrgl 0blc< g I.um 0ISeM.t ssiali= , mi~ ~ ~ ~~o repat sts ek'm.d imt end lieÏ oimr vitwt m0<us m tbosauillice eimblâme jugludi ilm- boIboit. bhoaid of Ch em tmleAu"cliim t*oca i«.mma mSMdnumber or paik paiskarbueIn sud plces et cormiop m she sti dum... aeooeting te <le divi- liesadp.Sin hait maicrcb. ceehaiîoavs ,y referase te lime ço sall or lr hy eep.tng ls amlïend &tl i neeleovmksa<iongài rbm anta vo prmeuktt tii =- Fut p f oa' ten- Poilt10 jour MaiJeoly-Cilm.] iaimaimiapmeeutuh nmt1d b ft idInsiàd. Il vs. taken -Imm ibn IwxlQeilaofllae Comismu oet Publie bapps"onemt lima hp * MZ Pa4fahoaitmmba fousued milo lu- fay. ii. et ilgeW i a 4mo" atr.- plet.Withiu~le5 bellon lte 0 Qmhié Wb", sîja 4te s l Auougà"' c5 viii -te y &lm m - hstCiud Eotalihmnt i" =ab*" efties m*-, ente utpAtlsatu "stbr!o4 17 a'lirtewo W P eta JOnaW $êl*mV -- il a 0 me