Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 1 Dec 1835, p. 4

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*ft FO E u B Ybafuz M pbiaemu OU e 100 " ad i Cltthin l upri. filec, a"d eme 20 mo 14Piiýt Cltbsmand Pet«.. *hume, very sieni. M 0pairsBImantets, (in Be,. and points.) IOOLlCs FiatOimedl u i" O. (ln Red, Wb*e, md Greon,) « ~ MerliU,. u8-O -4 vidthe. 100 "Sblrrin priati, A04 % w*U anited stock of s.v.ry duarP- to cf 000B la bissIine, sais ble te lb. soasce, vhich Witb. sou ldb. heplce or Maail, et sncb pricesu as viii b. suiable te purèeha.-àsrs- Wu. WILSON. zig s ov. 7,183m. 71 CASH. J. >IUARAY Cash t.feit amt.ndsu Fiaz oued, at à hi iap; utnemsic»à Leaiber Store, opposite il»ua Nrit Square. 0* Aliait «recivei a lamge spyOf Jaisa knb BOO Ts AN»DRUeais' Kingston,;l7eb Nov., 1835 EVENING WRITING AND READ- ING CLASSES. IL .JENNINGS a fommim¶ iimis c lauses for instruction lut le ahovu brances. -Au mot mort Ibmalgbt puapu wili b. recomv. an a ciaes, tiey viii rensv joii the beuefiCt fpriva. instructioni. Hours; fou Ladies, Irems5àWi,6.for gem- tlemen (roui 7 ditI 9. Applicatien meay hi smde at bie Aeadamy, maile thla ncs. Ioiti School or ei bis usside., Point Street. inaoN . 013 8 FOR SALE, Tu£ CANADA UTEAU PACER?, W ELL feundinlI al matmrlails, bar en- g is. in goai osier, bar bult has un. dorgone a ailostburougb nepait, wilbln a short piried tote a astofil.efome ijndreml poanda, vhaia ben docks, beans, aiuppe yenks vete ail maie nom. Sime la veil amlîpted for nY aheal route, Ue an excellent seaboal, .11 dlia pted for loving, paseen- grs or cargo., feraspeed la 9miles pea heur, ami more ishen favered by ber eau- vus, beimg seboommi riggod. shall. ibch scii eiluemety loi, for Casb, or part Cash part Credit. Sha ilano in ag et Toronto. Foc fmatber partieulars sp1 t MluGH tIHARDO, 'Front, Nov. 3d, 18M. Trno VALU ABLE PROPECRTY FOR SALE. T RE STONE MILLS, nMtsug* .8. tehor vlth ail lb.'?savalems,, Grit Mil, Sais Mill, Fmlini msui Cining a- chie, vida 4W0 acres of Land, ialdiig the ALBO, A VALUABI.E JARM ta Msrysburgh, Of 4M0acru., 80 of Isth m atader geai cul- tivâtlea, FîanmHou. ami Barn cOr aitumatiniAilpbumstevui; lacluding lie Stoe.Bomme 84 iii.whasrf, 50 acre. ofexceli. lent Lard anti al iOrchand. .APPicOtion te b. mode te Ursulemin Da V nwitr. Adolpba.îevn, l7îb Scpt'r. 1885 FASHIONABLE TAILORINQ. HRNRY MiA 77119O, c lam. F.rson teMr.r. oim Dotasse.) UUOUL) FsPecitulily iform lbe publie b. a 14bau ccmmo,coi the abe bumiess, li King Street, neanîyepuoito tbhetreao e M.!a. jD. Bryce a Ce. Ho bau pemseliy mode arrangement& for theMmot appreiLemai d Nomui N , s* FisAlons, end hope. by assidue»s attention &Ma i neuu.aboterme, 10 monit a bare e1 public patronage. Kingston, sept. 29, 18M5. PVHE wdot a clergyman residiagin IL thet t. mof Bellmville,onuthlB al et QaimIe, la esirens cf akiuig luire ber bouse six Young ladisi te educale vith ber evui chiiren. Appiy, if hj lettll4"ot adte Bellevilleo, 4v.?, 188& FOR SALE,' TRSEeam aitefot oNo. 6, la he 7th conceonieofetSouth Dorcbeslar 100 a- Crue; tbe *estbell of Noe. 80, la thb. gbcoq- celeotn a uny.'100 aces;msie ne1. 81, hil b a Uni ceuca of Looghber *, 200 ne t-ppy e MmsP. licOlli Ce. Masml5nte FVBE lobeDvelling Hloua. in Brrie- 1101 Ôedbkný.y bX .Glaor, Md atcho, 1885D. a1 L TO LE'!'. OIE No. 179 andM situg.ed ou the aucormos et GosasoMi Poiat Sireets lai gt Iowis f Kiaiae@, lavim miea dîéer.. t mosal iscli eres.- îÎteslat. Kington, dtb Nev. ]335. To LET. UWALL BOUSE melb.hepUr und et th«ewn. Apply ai tigebrmour < Kiessi e r o. l, ii . WANTED MW (« te Vtz.& aor- -W. jIL r" Neé.7. court Beu. - . , 4 'e aong wbhe tii. fle; la.s and [87fs l Twle 5Rd omd Ietb PUdoi ble GiiSitp 81kVlvots, GOs e NapIe%. Tmbebtaad 5S bmwh; a lare afortamat of LAdand C ii Oilren'. filROUSAND»00OOT. Merlu., M "chan md La.b'se.l He.ioy, and GMoyeu, inuPPU, TIpmETSAND>8095, Bnu.bes, amd a vari.îy of othar aile. 100 sumeseus te mention. Fb.e boeofet b. *bore artle.s havln beeom*e matiby bnits. &beseI, 'do boi ev te reconmend ibm te the aoticae e tbe PoUit, su ah. Je saiied hd ey 'f«as cbeap, ïf net a choaper colletion-tb" bas1 boom hereOfor. eleéred lu lb. Klio mrbet. Er- a INET Brcck street, Ku sn, 101h Noy.i .1 $871 STOVES, &c. jILL & BRIGGS anre.ivung hemi tbheSt. Mauricsand TA..Pime" limes Wrks, s imrge uppiy et FOAWÂIgu, PAULOUR, COOlo.uvSUGoL.K AND Dopîs zSTOVES, Wbich are for misetm Foundry prie..- tnmsatation added. The Sievem,fine Cor tengib, smoothre., uni net Iseing On liable te crack, are voil knewm t. b. !upetoiea nay cîber description et toist- -ALaO- Tira. Riversa HerseMoneandmmlAxe BAR MRON, ccmaiaèred equmilte last Sasede,, RU"i. or Englim Becrap, ai loisplke.-. Po" ndmiSuge.rKETTrL Pi, Steve Stands, Dutcb Osens, Pois, 4-e. Kingsten, Oct. 3, 1885. 8724w FR ESHI STOCK 0F 57jPfL9 AN!> FANCY T H ESUBSRIBER beg toin. form the publc ihat i e . c ej b he regular tradersm hou A4 LARGE .VXD EftEG.LYr STOCK or t GOODS In lhe above lime, which hmviag ben careftaIly selected by himoeif ins th. For CASH, fcels confident, th4 er. ery article wili b. of the best la ils kind, und dtiverevfouasdav, 4, 'hm ..of any impoting flus. i tira je the Canadas.. J. H. GîtER. N.B. The lowest price. -jiaria- b!y uppears ini plain figures ou cach article. Kingston, Oct. 3, 1835. or Ne. 244. St. PommA strea, Meutsýt R£LWFULY ieform hiber-o stock et PURS, ot avery descnlptial, Mau- *ctAured cadet ubelu evu luvýpectlo% «e_ prasmy fou the Upper amid overC Traie, at very tour plciid on 'er. eMi rerseenptu op lais nai e0gaa mn amuormeui t 5 = a avmetieqmi -t tîcles s ver vwu oObeaite the oubie, ;moug vhieb are- Lsre Otten Otter and Imitatioen do. Lustre South BSeau Imitation do. do Noah Wosi Meton Fseuemud~n de. MotM de. apei 1 riceCAPS. N"tia aid leulali Sable FhIci muid Mock de. Niai sud Racooui Fighaa md inalamde. -. - Solet Svamukinu Ueoperaa sud CcllUmoIast French. German, Chinchilleanud Biber"a Sqaiinai Musa, 'Fippats, sud Boas. Mhaiaets and Bonnts, mde ate latestanud Mail approvedPt=- aew Yen muind lemmon. Lastre Oter } Otlerad maitaiation OtWe Lustre South Ses Suai Imiaton do. do. GOF Maurigili do. de. {sad Nia UMMTF Fez Skia, De Skbiae. c e leaid. u ai âtvaieiy et oum articls in -»w n~ uaifor inspeaeas bimosei W âaas.tlas, te untpurebuem ibeoeaiukally d!kmuthak ir and cuitoeuis for liait sien, ase tbmy, at tdbami d taasbsims.»m N.. LCalsdemthe higlmoit pris" e tIra» i is aoflrea flou e t#~8 eitI E SRUMWrs SALIL. M g l p s o , . , Wy C o u r t l e 1 dWy OOctober mmi tm., by Xveitm d mai of y"ie F uasagalostthle LAn u& i omenoal cf Lui. Vsrscaliand iéuw flhllOubeek, esued oui t' oHObmaMme Cort of Kin% Bmea ethe it 0unî l Imam 1. Paurlli, slam beothe rlgbamd iatoes.th îe sid Le"o Carus in ludm follewUlmtAmi, vla:-175 ac'ou, being Lu flot Ne1o.di f iBrt ECêeul«of a AIl]poisons avlaug aims oni tho aboie lami or amy par t imerf, arc requestod la maie the amoeue va te me ou or befote tbm day cf sale. JOHN McLEAN, Sheuig, M. D. 81boriDi's Office, Kimgoua, I4th July, ISU. Thb. beosaleis Poaipcmed moutiWod- »"siY tb. 9eh day of Decomber 1mai b @me bout and place. JOHN McLEAN, Sberifl M. D. SER1IFF'S SALE. Midland Diriet, i W ILL le. aId et '170Wit, £ tV beCourt Romi thelb Towne of Kindon n surdmplaa secnd day of Jammary Noir, 18m, et C.o' Cdoek n0ce, tbm foilowig laan ud Tem- aientUs bolomhlmçoBen in Boi oth, Si. ed Y vrte o Vrit of C iraclaute se diretad, umed ont of Ris M a.Couri cf King's Bench et the suit cf illisa Gar- ratt -vWi ÏU Wët alfolfLot No, 19, la ilhs lit and miso, Lot No. 32 ini lb. 4th cmecgalou of Ernesi Toise, eon$.muing 114 scm .witb mille and ather improv.menla iherem. Al Persons having claies on ib. above land or amy pari ihereof, are requeted to maie te. mre kun 1 tme en or befoee the day of sale. JOHN MeLEAN Shriff MOL Dit. hri'.By JA'S WATT, Dep.MO.hi.1 Shrf eOffce, Kingston, 5th 04o r9185 SHERIPF'S SALE. MWidis d Diétrictr pHlERE wilbha sidÀ To wii. '%-atmui bit Rotu. i tb. Town cof Kingston. on fislrday the. 161h DaY of .Ymuary next, ar 12 e'leck neon, tbe (ollowing Landd nid tenefanra, which ver. of Heurt W. Wilkinson de- coased, ini the banda of Theaa Bib, Ad- mninitralor,' seixed by virtu cof a Wuit of rieon Facias issaad ont et Hlm M&jeoitys Dilstriel Court cf ibis Distict, mi the stoi of Thoàu sKrrkpaik, viz-Lot No. m 1 cf the Tewn cf Kungi.., wiib tlebubad-a ings thereon.1 Ail perse .haviuig eaim, agalnst them above land or any part heref are reques i Od le Presmuithebmamrne te on mor -bofrer JOHN McLEAN, . MenglMid. DMti Sh nli B JA'B W ATT'Dep'y Siieri 101h Octobr, 835. à VICnadâ. ILLbesoidmttb x= Dstrit - Court«M..lh To Wit: the Town cf Kinateai oit Wainesday raie 23d day cf Datcmbet ma0IL, ai 2il oeck neen, ibe foflewinig [AInis aidTellmenut* boionging te Henry Carrant, seized by virluaetia&Wrii of ir VIcias to me directed, lhumai out ofHisa. l ety's Courof King's Bomeh,at the.misalio Wallorn MCaniffe, vis. The West bslf cf Loi nambor 371plmh aecond Conemsaion of lb. Tovnship cfSyd. AU periouie lavimg cdaims on the abeuP elaaad et amy part thenoof are requastut maie the smme known 10 au ou or hefori the day et asie. JOBN McLEAN, BheiE3t D' B y JAicEs W,&-., Dep'y Serifi'. ,ýeriff% 51ce Kingston, l7th Bep'r, 185.u NEWCA STLE conneiw 2 O " "it I cuieciei it li.Iaitullntheas laa beau etablisida BOA0D1N4 HOUSE, uudou lhe coemtal et e gplisu fb*nl oie i e b.auasat~b a short dboanesa a tt I-aam.Ph slricteaitaelr vUbcpoi tle lb.me- Bi of saab Fout gaensua a aébe do-, trqume«,te t beir dc;aueatsa. lliu *mg aidsoliga.usdtm T 'b. goeimaur ithoe.guiance lbheandig deputim.a Vilii h, belng a man et famiy pU ulu féal confient that Ibeioi .en viii uot Fer ain mply if by latter. p.Imel te M. Co tonillte District lae Reforence cmsaas.b.mde te.Theam. A. N. Beibons, 'The Ro. 'Fhoo.Alvmgr It. sheiff Bntian or E. Perr,. Cobourg sept.22'lm,15. la bed rebyWMgiveittbgîA1= 'Fluber or trempassleg, or lua ay vay iIéâVý img tb. undeamoriliomd Lots of Lid, the properey off Captais Idmouns"ahb. pro-' Ç anpietse at he lais direlsvis: lth oviahi Pof Kmugo, LOMtS 18 à 17 uin h Cou. WegimuAduihe; in Use faisaon, Lou in laU C... mUlf 46i Co.; la'Pieibugb,Lot 38<jela 7h Ceqm la Thoboy, Lots Wl 9and, W.loetflla 21 Cou.; de. Pk18la Bd Ceeý; de. W* 5o lin b ent ou. e.Bear mt of 1 & o 41. Loi 18 la tb ee - lu avina .. Pelsos es hag te purchase caa pis Cape. L miaRi tai as ofcepij u ~onor. Amy pausa inlformation viii0> ce* e Po ruis noisunconvitio. t ag. ,U. C. Augnt 35, îuIg * TO LET, laà sTual icf . mtIraa Sa~s la ii Tis m Kueo, spea' lb.C ~~oea~, WsemIsa Ofla mes axL Pa &Bnbe Uagu-ef aSt STEAN oAr IÇVML mati furher noie cperfora e trip.p b. Bay et Qauite mu Tae.days.ad Z Frldays, aind otea, on Wednaadayeanmud Sarnaya. WillaPrxmenfortré"oB 1love rmttfer King@"e md thé Bey oui Mondeyrmi&bd tsayevudffl e- ter lb. arrva et Ibem aa in ebelav P ' - a fatr brea lelavieg Kinps. 9e by t " 5.01ou ensmd.y o.vmnie mea t0 mepi th e smteal lima at prescett 1 u xKaeiy murna4. Khngiton, 822d Jane, 1835. NuyutAair.uDrsenm. i M h Sldor, Ut, RAZLEBANKr rTA OTTAGE, vitb 10 Actes cf clearei taUd, a imitablo re«ide»«e féealarge gem- teel Family, I.ini Sllseduoib evavy ne- t q .a na m v l adap t t he .clim at.- 7ituion JO msogetreqa, beingoen the beuika eft b. OTONAZZ, and on. 1mualùbç views, marivalliaios n inter- esting rive, *ad vitbia baîf a milm eit4 sourishasug town . of Peauhcrc'. - Theb. fices art efiba mMm uil descipioa,&ami abuad ni tplied! vill a prnan d lo" vaier. A dlislqmaiiy t laudpaY b. badinleimdieehio,.4 For-fe,~r ic teaapply teIlemrf lie Chionîcle, or J. TALO t' NOTICE. A LL PEMMOS bavlmg chEn m iew the Em th te lutea JAeu 3M.0 èas.oa. Evq, oet1N 0 eemil&%, are ne- umtielusot liairmeÔol, dY!i>an- 4ehut=o i tl tmavl u.emak eUs he ul uadmisi Parthese IL LOARTWRIGITI raocab4 MIWRATION WAliIT. beur efbwrklsae MOHN NEMXL Wiâm b"au Orb*t «M aire et si. Zain,xow à - owtw tbie am etb.thoy.ý dm 'nd~te. 'yinl m dé"&ey . ,s 5~r çwi A DVERE 2Ljt.,1 INte s11qTHE PROS& Ar h Ofce eft te ,. A oc fwarning andin COfcerning the sigits of ý and the Comliflg of the SOlhE 4 te juge the fnation, I thing. Ot o UT THE REvoADA M i s a u ea. , T o f yn a m h l a i t r r m p t b e l . i ' t , pls so b. mfrîid i sW hal e b, t" e L i ah ot dou e itei ,e l 1, n ti I 'f r i lii' -ut lus ~ 'J R~F ~mâe. isho mari t~0m~e~his'î me eihr haoet ~abmIflIs~î pe 1 E. 09.. b~ 7î 14 -i. es 1.110 C. ment aa HOTEL for lb.he mmedatien et, l.Public. TUE MANSION flOUSE. la heaml~eici.ion Simar. set, b.- Iatbm prinipal and mus etral see nuin uthe, business Pmrtof the flovna n ceailent t101h. dl5rnt Steam Beu v M; maid noe eslmfl uîof tbm kimi lu lb. Province eau surpa. h in ibe excellence sud ccmfol of lis apaeutu, inmreraid boih te parleure and b.dt r....; ail 01blhcb ara furnlshed lu te.vmry but, etl.The Rotai buau emurcentl peint- .iibue»ugbuit and ibrvuinprcvçd. The subacriber having kepi a PUulltc Hepsa fer mny Yom, u, a qulred ozf_- riant.lu ibat glas; sud hb. lim s Cat îitb uuroiting ateention t e Confort ef bis gnoses, b. viii continua te morlt publie pa- onX"age. ix mua Ïsas0orauauuuaRUMna. TU5V» la à MLR*N TAID, Ani etensive Slabimg, and ishero a Li. «WStabI. le eonsianmll kajit ' _Tba Mention .Eaune Carrisg. mai Portera will alalhainms .ureadinme en- vOY Pamomugers and Luggag tela mi i tb. ifertut Sgaam Beatu. Kingston, Apinlm. ~s S. CARMINU. BAY AND RIVER. H. CALDER, ,&$ATBE. DOWNWARDS. W ILL leave lb. Caryilme Place on bMONDAY amd THURSDay mer- ningaà, ai So'clOek-touc et River 'Tront, Amoliasburgb, Belleville,, Sophlasbargb, Calbertsom'u, &manlans Wharf. HalIewell, Adolpbastown, Frbearcksbutgb, Bath-go Kimtgsîeaa. WilllouveKingotonsmmday, ai 6 P. M. ioueb at Fairmans, Ganamoqu., Broekvle, ani arrivm at Prscettla luime fur the stages or Sica,. Boat fori(Ougraaj UPWARDS. Will beave Preaott every TUIUDAy and FRIDAT P. M. immedaeiy aBter ibm ai- rival of lbe Stages o r tas. Bout fhem bW lois', iemcb tBrecklillOFmuich Creek.amud arrivm mi Kingston, emriy noie msormim Wili Iea1Vm Kihgstonovery WEDNESDAy and SATURDAY mornugaeti8 o'cloek, touehing eet Oinieredm aes, and ar- rive ai, ie Carrying Place amme mv.iigu, lu lime tb moci lb. stages fe« Coboarg Port anid Toront. Alter tiem 0h Ney, Panonigers lamving meoireal on Monda1 sd Tbmrsdty mert- ings, ean taka thea KanOsîoxMF preffore, and wiii arrive in limse for lb. ST. Gnome,, wishi baves Kingstcn on Wednemda an d Saeardeyr hngu pfor Cobourg, Portiop anmd Touonte. -I Pockage sud Luggaga et lb. ra of the. cwuar, maiee b.oked and paid for. Igieratttiaionivill b.paid tle bmon- fort of humgorsu adithéBout Is Wolsm- d&pledte take freigbi1 , boise, I&. Kingsto. April, 1lm. -Il -Ji Î PROSPECTzUS alb. latterend el N Z, Or thbc ianmlng tDe@NMbmrwili lb. Pubiabt te. à o a oisWaMklyPaiodical, le b NI itWmiTHEIVRAVZMLE;O. P...c ELaAU»GAzwrTT. As Ik as»Vno m.auiy le. nmenthe zinc ny movpaper bas beau publisbmd in tl District, il is p smeid hat tb. Tuavoll Win rceve suoport fruit pavions of avez prty, ite, i eg"id bu er prejoime t viii meite ln eaabliarig a voiticla fr il D epresso of et heu ants amueid lo, Ib.! àfeelings and ep ona, nsloa cff nnamll b muiing awny svrmi bumdred poauds tc e Ib m p m r e b a e o f m e w s p p a r . i h o s e v i a b are clen oppomd e t ouOW. lis publlheulinpledged te no pmîy wvhs t a er; butol ieuliaghdevotodly alached t bis King, bis Onmy, and teaConsituiu of Caa, b.lie ialismys b. rady an vlWing te expose amty kuitm bui th Ooornneui, amy departure front tbe pat ieo duy in a servant of the Crown. 1 And baing vewa varm hat ihm premer A" futn. prcpriy f Upper Canad depemis on its coneioni ib thb D ts Empire, I it il i wm i e .bis onmis veutfg lchbthat conexion,mand te fius O-ai. tb. dimlgms f lbose iho, by diauly - ht. weldImas-te destruction. 'Tb b«puliber of lb. Travellor la veil ai qua itulthe.dalles mi drsposibiitie cf têbe effie wihiehois mboutIo l maam amdie b. i dermined te devot. bis lime au, talents, te b. support of lbe Ki" san CoUasimo, the.-promotion cf moralityi diffusion f useful kuowledge, »d b. au provmment f th. District lu aveny respect Amditieh.vilferlesay express hi own opnc or aDy poliical sabjoctihb «il, = oulycoleci mend publiait b. act mn bolh sudes'ofithe question, ibat b.e mal minable bu readrs te judge for Ibemmivu aei, by a jadicos saecion of commet ciel ami agismâlrail information, pcotr3 anecdotes, ad theramusing and enlonlaimi ng mîracts, bo hopes te moite tbe Travel lot a velceme gaus herevor ilmay travel 'Fb. Traveler vili cuntain lvenîy-foui ooleMns ot.lcler press, and vii .l ie r.to lith mois type, on good piper, an& urbiela ed te subscrihers in the vîlige, ani thoe Wsho tlite the puper frona tbe office, ai iwv is.iliugeds i pence par anuium if p* in aie&nc ,or befor. tbe end oc 1hz.. mnhinmd fifleien shillings par n. nom, if paid t tb. expiration f the yeaîf If mnt by mail, four shillings extra muai b.e pé d ir publie., end papen vuli he o. nimaetiSuitabie places, within .1gbi mhilèsof the District Town, for tb. uni oi ivc shillings and sixpence cxtra for emct subcriber. Subscriptions thankflly mteived by the Pubâlsir, 1 CECIL MORTIMER, Bookmeller and Staioner. Hmllovefl. U. C. Oct. 1835 SEARBI NEW FAMILY RECEiPI BOOK, or Tu£ HOUgnzEEpUse> Gutuz, Paies 25 cents. Soldoniy miNo 2 Fnkirt streat, opposite Tamuaaiy Hall. l'h. above vorn centaai&l Ch. mci V&L. uABI.3 %li i-ra for the varions branches fcekimg, compiied f(n the beit autbon. hie,, togeteîbr mit numeous approev i. nS.r. fer Breing, Presonving Fruits, mud malgPickles muid Cordiale, Jeluies, &c. wiii an ppendîî ceaining a variey eo s a i d o l a mu d d i r itio n a s e f u in f m l e 1111TholN-.Ir. Suu myoe:c'Il ICOM PRE, IIENSIVE euid VALUABLE, mmd EVFE 1W FANILY aboutit baya ccp,' Alo 1-EBARS' VIEW OF THEWO-RLD, embellisbed i ii Engrmvings. Price 121 centls. This valuableo sert of Hietorical and Geographical informationa, bau boau carefally conpilld*m the lmiosAm.ricu ami EOUrpeanG.cnaabla, Voyages and Tavois, la hcb the varinqasmpire. ligiem, Republics, Staou, P4iecipal I- lands, Ceolais muid Discovenl«o, f Europe, Aiea, Afnlcm mmdi America, Alphabetlcally urrablged, am s own et oaa giance, amin-e cIurdi li n "Çe lino, t bohesituation, exIent, chiaicare, ibeir population, dis. tanct« lin ritil Bmiles.hem London, Pros. duce, Goveràna Revenue, Milltary mud Naval tmaeibAtt. Mt, Religion, Ie. Ie A 14uraldameomuit by it4qumulty. Active issu wantsi, te tatlb. abova. ROUI'. SEAU$ loS.amtuy Meeante end Pedlanu sap- lid » imrstaýbave Wenfoksem v.ny rossoo ahle terme. Ordon a thelb.country (posI m >pad)ae italy attomici te. PROSPECTUS Of M.e -UAOPE.N TIEs LîmepzÂN bu iscou commne"t Wigt lb.moe« Osuriag prospecte of «mm- psd et f &thonsainanas ibave cont aaceiréddontIiabo ciptlonr liat hb. ferse iminlg cf the tiret Bomber. 'b. Objeectâ f lbe papar arm le keap op s more strict tçM of et rmacy b.lvcui bisi «umry ud Europe titan ai priment eisi; Mot morely by pablisbing foraile ltelli- emica but -by dofeniimg forignmrs 51c uies, lte wbuae bve beau bom csiouiai- rY -bec»a tbrongh the illbiamlly ofa rie, if leb. madsai projudica linb.he si- Omlsilon, >caumot fait 1a acknovioutga âu Irelani bas boom b. mort sandred a>r. 1, 0"ub iOUcetouns b.emi- letelité support MIo a eam ther. lu 1EarPom* Irlabisea vitt, etmit «î ven bv»a. eu uenpeibg fraind, wvie fice 84Ua»Pover b.eupprumed ihile the igne f et lndcr. o b and of IOpprui levsa agaimet airor thelr glerloa lu'a , it e cfOusntam «edeaveu te timc4ltath*lb. iOuMip of lb. motiva Amulcan1 md if lvo de ibis ini a stugbt aera i i iiepaminent mannear, ve huîers eo viia usMlte botter. .1illwe a Wililaligrary, MWaiell :c ; es Imit, wl.mm the re- 1 f à a sisent«Y dehme. âr7â nI- the meiis of thé diientm mnidWm ~i eieoume.,m. eImene soth , p pMao. sud f.e. h ilo mf v- 1 a vobtI do aoYi Am«bt h.l l6 on e lk tg I he t rn.,the - a in e ,t h; , o k i h t » Il;m m th e f t oil ea n ad > b -lie d low obatrue lthe of ie e ,I u, ha p!!i. hm Reflt the jodgîoent "", lts HF~ foiicwiug is a sunn0a " ant T eonaîdered in thi, work. la . Explanation of sonne ou h , le in poplaecu'. 0 te tdi ~-Siicred; wherein isa llI. s - i.g la those Who Bay Ubaoropusa interpreted tliialler itil.fiîoeî,nto 4 . hen let gnof 'lim e r; 4 ' I ~ h o n î o g ý, o f p o l n id es bY iclsd Sà,'*î J I> Phî"a tir 5 cripture doctrn i le enig e 'adgne nidf j Scn*pune colilimewý &Hb.ngsaball and 1).,- 17 0 hday coupld. l' mmemin f I.eJe,, ithe ln L ky anmb lher Kimr-the ic os-en ' 1%. i. anarch. d hi umus p1 ,il r-mCyeit utflled,' and cnn cri oallit r, l ra ion of lurani aand t hie r k- Patniarcés. Z:ur~ 1- 8. Thec final deliveraceo! tnel a, . l.ndcd vîit dreadfi jdrenl I rnaiona Ibat bave opee hsý les lai persion.Sat S 9. AUilatrmel', affictions and clpe le for ibeir mumerouq e %lo54,~ à- gan s io hi, a d theIc e d loi t i a c h o l e a n h ru d e r t h e r l, s ý 1 I.Th. restitutonof il hngi...if1 sens ani eath-re,îorat, of tle fins vian mgeunder theie Mîllelun. at 12. Thie whole creation deierdle. if tie curle. mnd bondqge of' corrupiosai ià glorieusla ibrtymof lite chljdren q,u , viii.) and lixe earth iade cocedntàd. a 64the carlin shall y chi lier incrcuý.4 13. Apostacy and judgmeîît t (,a chercai. Und inisthi,sila , î« ii r.GO"d't$Pspions fin man )et fuohzs, cIsthdilà n m posîmy and judgiteîL aa, tbc ameien prediced of te Gentile ln.- rston. and even of the %Iillenium -Uat l eadig felatures ofich apotacy eeix. tlhecoru..ption of mnd depirture froii * dpI.eS ftheb.diapenialion; the esteeisp -corruption a e.filient inherince Finese su for dosc imiefinite; and fie coouseqtgtd -ta believe Gei as pro' idîrga bettertln -& wilirigto be aken forwardaîno tnpe . finitltbis.isthe tanding oftltGentiirnisa preleint in regard 10 the Miilenium:-ho if bas ever ffered tte take forîard in aisý of et taidh mltee omummg diopeution *a *whom jnagment for refus nig thals;i,,& tit en ellectuon ai grace. have ra t ben, Ol vaurai, as Noah, itsab, snd the t 11,0 lias- Thee uthor cmujiders thiî ptvi vos&=p«culmarly important and incurion. aMucl slheieievei the cnding dêliol ont athd, andthe beginning of theMi a tme"ltobe nelar ai bond; and tLîcah M bas bestcwcd lmach care upo il . amm J mamni il l e mecaneful study of aiiiuns I, Afler vaich Initier matteri off sç , seef nsier considermon. 1 The sole objeet of the mutheur itid il c theai I.attention of te,&%il fi itisfuoft i issraietevil voriL ad M tieu ta lte thingi limaI belong ltu te s pente, liant a ruelant inay he mveilfi ti gasat lnihols l a rbad. F~IM1Evualnwdgud PolishINioIllI en blWtoncal accoutlotut gF itria outt of1 Stau f An.ria." tl e ha cr< short ailtenltof thie listory of th Poa" RReolution, andai behiacCoI vih atnlboie vouchers couîîedd 1the rasidetce ofthrie Poles in illm tC F orMim Svo. Subseni pton pricer ucs miaebvmy only. The. Commarnte eing senitîble otit a tma«ofred tle P oin by ai0 Cethit"favored la ni, tisi 1rai I Vank, affet, ifriying the eiipi pubictmo, viii haeappliedin i*iod coloy onatb. Rock River, itateiti MARTIN ROSIENKIEW't FELIX (IWINCZEWSKI, DR. CRAILLES KRAIIW Nev-Yorkr, Augumi. 1835 *M =erl »« ser it aih IK O0T 1 C E. j8b reb _zreu, tbat the mtW 4E étePublie il CiU5U~'Wustamntand thet~ reit* apeiictons for the T8im id lb Plstfouffey in Neldr Atie JBycaider ot tb. Trusiecu, D. L. FAIRFIELD,»ý flalWIovl, U. C .OCet. 5,15 tabosemla M eu vilie baafà3dy ers U ai toi~~ * gui, etaysnastiW, -élu s 04d pe aefer ihe I Iii e lis à, Iiéliis ta q huiie amt' leahme p euOh. ia eieL à; elient Iw a m st&l;tandià em inany 'tutU of the ouotni l iaIformmdy Iwgdred end " musan sid a tie <Co fIteii ets WhlIeoufat aIboirt i'va sioiid tau tablteelba illi uname&kit. e bend Oii. te mtis, 0i'lb oftil bi mos sbo eeoPra ~~imun ed mmmuill paed it'eunal, aa la «alo ë ~ itere,à of -la jthe, a sixttr ous.lit o et voi 101e fl~

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