8fr Uppvi~ #4Iîê~4 tjevt~W~ A s" Uri*lCLArICmuLTU %Nà ioofrL AND COHHECIÂAL JOUIRNALs TEIMS-ftFTýEENSMILINGS FER àm" ~WiEn PÂI> 5IN DA1C-) SEVIENENSHILINS A» p IEN NOT SO PAla> [Joun WAUI>D, Editoe.] KINGSTON, UPPER.CANADA, TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1W. ÉT. H. -B»wm5Prate.] (NUMBER$4& 1 1 eau gàcly cd lhe Message vnl th' ~ fe Làefut Governor, an Ires b, flsii letu.aaithe mai asd Territorial i cfe tue Legialature. TheSol ,kW 51<5,poute authicommace'set Tres wkang ta eksIbis esailit lt, coemlecatlon, 17beiae the mssage c eav. Ne peacail- L Mr M gdfiv tethemou eP ilmva Do. ppvr o e s in h s es ita. liii to sreas outéconwm ito ulus- Wols, fer hot p Lts, De.tuC7i emralle ofhe dtnextUol itite I.sgd- Do. sev<al &at ladclases etthLa Lt- f ~ter of iu'chicIîbe rectiedficgea MIa Ma- ssscy, 186,) sudlta the extract fron a D..-liiAU ,sth, Cauiilieli for LoreCaada, - - Glef 1, tii. saldInlstructions, sud selieiiedtha.cIMM ensliifi!viesaon the se 'eci f tise Heredila- ,Terliil,aid Canalll.veeetuCvn. sbLci baW eccve Hi@ MaestY silelibente aun- sia-deairei la calilishe attentioii of tie m orn f Aneably an te Iis impotant soblenuit Tise Leutenant GOvf cir trsmiit'stethe Houeui ef Asscauly a copy if a DesPalrci receivei by buns, ci elafin. Iu lhe costiasefCe rtcnau in pecoM - tiens lu aid of tise Funls f tue Weslejsis, : pe-it lieI u iii Province, ald alaalilaiug te aiber P charge upon lhe said Revenues. TisLienteni tGoveiuinfoms tue HOMa.Of peu Amsebly, liai be bs ne otier communiatioans I cla tec sldjet af the Crovu sRvenues, sUbsq*eni te lhe Istructioua aboie aenlloned, vtichbfis aDO- il litertï te lay beloe theRean suit iaiis§sDO. uet receivril au cmunications froua lgis Majs-D yi 9verument whicsl aew auj alîeralien v= . r lever ini ttc sies f Hia Ms etysince tisaia-Ii isouders, r vl ode s l'tsieutenant Goert- DO- sac te gil, the buse acre atiifartory informa- in lhai s cot.iicd iu lhe extnact ef lb. Des- DO- pci lé the Coîsanssiners fer Lever Canada a- DO- baen referel te, ail the varices Depaciiezsau- toirg an edtlîisg tethe dufferenl cbacgcm on te crer RRvnucs, receivel primi eusîcbior- rile Uppen Conada. i Ttc Prvicil Parliamet iaring alreaily, bu Ceu pet, prvidel for th suppoit of lise Civil Goven- Pct ment, tht elswiris nlrematebeb.graulcil siicly fr liii purpose wnulnuul be arg. lihe Lieuenant Gertrer herewith transmieti le tise For lue a Eiatle, ubicis appeais le bhlm resson- of able,iofthe expenss ofîthe Civil Gs.ernment, for r whirh t lisi deirable liaI provision scrl le rma ierH dhe graaiog of vlalciste Hie Ma Çly toeltten tt ccision ai 'cul eneble Hiî a e M- l the lem iiactual ncharges spcn the fuN for isiIiaMajealy ai>' gracious l ees*lr the Usi tait af ii Goenmet pledge.d, teLau*sent i ecice wuaIl edisiself aitho e aisment Ru le a ue for teplscing of tue Revuseet ai Rt Ilelltof te Provincial Farismet. I Tisifloue f Assmly wili perceive tuat te ulules f Cleris, adcl ce tinet en.s uthe differt ofices, are sol iuel in tbe estinsale. tis, tiii Liutecant G'venirproposes, twiti the= ipprobain if tie olnes ouiif tise Leglatuce, le lire le e previdel fr iy th oninary methoil o erlsimactes and upply. lieexpeese Di Sirveyiig, inectiu, ganting, iad~~~~ ~~~ àeln i iso ieCcn u c llet- 1 ilg ad rtectiar lise Crown Revenue, il luinlh ""is bi e deduce frnatise gres preceeds cf wv lie C=vaLads, ad otier moure,,cf tise Terri.-se fi!l snd CamuaiReve-accounta cf vilc ex- cir pedilure wel], ofc oure, b. yraly sueisiittel tae s the Lemsltre.1 Tietieuera Goyeeri ransuits ta the fHoue te@ ef Asaebly a 11, t fanuaitina niargeil upon lhe PIC CraisiReenes, eing the- coisideraticsis agreel te ta b cPnid te certain IndiîirTries,for the. srreuder ae or esior f 'errilries lu tiseir possesion l Tio7e. Miso e,iî cosilerel as tue puJ5chase moules di af Indu nLuo0, tee Lieutenant Goveener con- crises tiare cate no qaestion as le the neeesl stya Of eviaieeeiiag maide for tiem. eLetnn oemnor aiseiasouits ta tietieb Hlaue f Asenty, alisI if pensions vbicii bavetel hoees graicd b>' til Majet>, payable ont cf te no Teitral aid Caai Revenues. Tte Liuteait Goernar ma lier.vib trants- n Oi tin Itheouse af Asemily, a listaif sos er.- p tOfue aT(i byHia Majesty' Gevemmeni ou te PeCnadagfsCllege, lhe Centrl Sciael ln th eebruhStool-ani aise la tise ail cf ec îLe, fonds f thre Churcissmldeoisioec Cbuitii» ClOrr he lelii. The auma vbieh ui bene pal tri thlis iolcirie f the Ciiurei cf tb Eigland&ir ail etîtefind, derlveil ru ui- in teed nd c rentai f the Cicrg>' Reseves,ia variable, th ani deperds uo theasitunt aiuing frnt tue i Clergy liserefardth Tise recipts triýa tlattar sorce are gradua- in lýinereastiegaildlie charge on ti, ProvincialT Ceuefrte support of lise Misonrilea of tuew nuc Of Eglad canot, theefr, b. conidier- sl cd sasperraret; cnl tise Lieutenant Gevennér à hupes tattfen if therCher ient in tis lii uecd be ei"duercil ai citiruai charges alinpen thePis- g rurcal Rvenue. .Tic Lieuteait Gerriir lu iuviiug theuase-si riaiu cetsideraijn f tise lieMof Assemblj il this L lotat mater, deires te exprea sbiscola dene lI lniii ajey'i gracions intetins ti abcci ite a Correspilig feeling on the put ai Iith e ions.f a lifctà the H-in zb y, andpt iih r fclnal se wac ajte 'a sbjets lunt"sP5uv ' Ie Lietenant Goveu.r duluk il ight ta in- hm hlHositoutAseml, tuailIbls imahtia Qienfid ctetaexpeul vearly aà sel i- rlao Mniy loi the reliel and aitance ofei 11111i anvininthProvince, wtl isdl-b Iissu>i 'c rich le>-cas provide fuir t.ir nlelb' ao, or settlemeni on Iland. a itenant Gverir aaso informa de ni a sTihîIl liat hobis latly pourel flous gi-1 oaatS'f badian, cesios te, HieaMaeeofa e C terrii vithin this Province, (rualiée rescà f lise sale f wvilchin addition t. tea aie nuabove mentioed, la evectally uxpacl-t . une- On the occasion cf saie o thae» essl f Téritorv, cralsconsdebut resvr Z.ied, sud stipulations entened iabu rt.ba t tOte saut Indlans, sud cf ochlri en lo ithte Province, n lulier caea, lieLi S5l~ feeling ihat snder tpatetili T'-- ai IL consaeratîca f Riz Majeil thle1t mua., Ulim go& naa. %"w Psuthe mmade or mak4ngIt. Meli mms ~I affal fuma lekt lIe, lra font. six ~ ~ ~ ~~e Sm*%imu ubt u a u.t die moel ov an"teIndi uilisuai tis itse- ei. h viiitien b t fe. ulboots sd ms sud viliirenier them p. l, imperviaus le va- er, lhOiit d ml day. Duriug lie prepaaloe eft ib mixtur it vil bil up la isu, and mtmi 9 copous pageat fâee, but this dom. mt injure it. Ou. tvehfietra pari of bees vax improev. lOlil ve a alia ruilai over situesauj la ua.d lu lie mumfacture. As syssassMd ooiag abas,imlaes.Me M"acese lu sesulg, vve iaitte eputa m. mndaliof ais lefr M"hagsneii hImO. FrondesuaM bisak-beol vîlia f lealie cote.,ftat k May bh camem.ly * ilu tbe pucitet, maappaupe sé t ag aé,» veek tulhdmsm; acf lavaovs b l a srmu i.it obdi. . ai Ime ls tw.i . Uhut hSb.oo skuyntlj l thi- r sa m y figolage ny bd actW do vu 1h M om ent t ey occuc te lie alei, etuer doun«i reaiing or oettervîse,wvilci vithoct tdise voeu la efortten Mud agglecteil. Fadere provil. ancthe. samlsi bock, ailnote dovu lil tbridy, duing the pro- gren entesu, viatever tank la don, t tue lavitu bluta of sucis impmoeusents as uap' ce- car. Thisviii foim n msexcellent memorandum bock for th. nemi seasc. Tous tii.fermer bua eveyy tig lu black sudwville belote blm;bkt tee bis buiuessetaion vew, andl he nakes is arrange- meute scorodigtj, vlhbcut unforeseen sud unex- pectel intupliom'-Genetee Frmer.] cN THE QUAs.Itien DOIROtTu Or vuzAT. .jby l&0 Hesse Ta, i saiceiy coul- a"of aI ies impotne eta. Glouaot Heom, Mai Fmi. 1M7. leSOaiUaA. jury of th.Lieutoea nternem, in additiou té tue su. grauteil tb te Statuts, la i.4, e. 14.1M 000 0 nsurj Saaiy cf the. lecelver Ge- nerj ..... ............... M0 O ary cf Secr.lsy »am iteau, 9M0 0O ury salmy et the IupedtueGo- ceai.......... ILof thé,Csur" .menCref Woods, ...................a u*4* à.oftua Clark metlie Zameive *eosesnn................... dlM 0f 9. cf Samnuel Rilot,Bcever of festeaPublie Office%,,..........M6 0 0 humet reeut en fie Casual su ditional. Salany of the Aimney Geneioul.............£M8 Do. do of Solicitor Gencrai, 340 - 11W 0 O0 sterling,............. £M 0 0O [Hem follova a delailil «Statesaut offith a- aites payableate IndienTribes ite Prvice of us C anadag for lande csiled b y hem teoihe tvu as secureil for their benetit by dia res- :itivc Decils cf Suireuilr, or ProvisioasiA- Mumute ;"l mouftiug tu £SM400 C'y.] SrffDULB C. siosi ta itheHonoabsle and Megt Reverenil Dr. Macdonell, Rouma Catuolic Bisliép ..... ........£100. O O i-tisthe Hoorable Col. Talent,.. M40 0 '.-te Sir DavidlWilliam Smith,.. 20W0 0O o. té william Ciievit, .......... M60 O5 .o-ta thefam ily of lb. lite Msjmr Geneal Shaw ... ....... ....00 4-'10 cfficers cf tue Incorparateil Militia, . .................. 17610 O . to Oeida Joseph,............ 15! O 0 o. téThoas Mmcmit. ......... 70 0 SeaxuirLa D. pper Canada College...... .£1000 O O aInrai Sebool, at Toronto,.........3W5 0O0 terborougis Sciioci,..............6710 O £143a w 0 r the Miasmaries of tie Ciiocei f 19ed,. Wu the sus. rositfoc tue Bisicp of Qucier.........180 imiate t f lb.Clurch cf* Soland,... ..........1850 slt71 9 5lcfli0u Cna Sterling,............... £M6 10 4 Before spclug apes, ie ainer ésuliattend tb ti perfarmance <Watver - lebimeusi«ii d 'ici ay prisent interruption iluth bor mu- »nofllie 'esr. Woilod hul d .vu, eût ma srded;-,nuals apilianti Irawvu vies umedi, co tlecteti ald shellel, sand tuais repairai Wbcr. tuer. tUb prolsably bus la e&ecy ai mils, il ay bu Dov cmanleulyss n d in nougn t ls casboulil la alvays lobes a e uebl veu diang thej ammula Uitie ions . Weea mm a audo ane fusilMare van ~using agond toël, viblamm py for te i- in ta suier hem te auck ki cetr. Thea pcetic. niiicii noctunfrequenlj ccweufi fruug advet so con conatantly titi tue cet, shuslb. atrongly iprolieteil, as lie suilk la druanirfegaland a cit otten clea, mi e el a cneucui'soIC peIleil. Wbere ta cli ebarglitmithe. iiik is irleuvu cuu liy t u iethe or- iew ed ore durbgte 9a ,dathe c in the aumu. But if e là t si tn eill oltainute nlk )aosi >-*ost eltimi but por,stane, llsspoi calvea vell * produiu.i. À pol ay ta ase cabves, in t. let ties.mc the ccv .1evaa, tuen 11d h. march lie finger naput cfnovmaih outil hbey learn t. drink, heu . =i auslquanity>' m i vrmditea ilk, it the ame tisa. mddlntg Ment snd mixlug il, ai tiai graduahly mubstitutbug wter ameal klfr ulli, cctlith mcila inenirelj discatluuet- Thun suilden chauge a n avfeid, wvs eet.a- ways injuxichato calves. Wmnneikmedili uMylausudin luplace of ustaik,aiNlerefa Calea, unswtdfas othen aimais, oabeui a goi md ply ofeleanîhtte. Mik yur cove cloe, if yodda euhbth »Moil hein. Sore tels may b peeventetib iemsbiqg dieu e«eh it ln.efor. silkiug 11t warns tster. Worklog caille aldhomos Must b. bap inuput oider, that they usýy peui labo. egktly b i% ifl bylo"g saliey ea.de twice asn mm vol, ail conaemeflpomlte a vWhodilvas thuz te la Ivicea Mach. Claver seil Majie »» an y in. pIt.gisl miants, and vian the seum o afr.ngahb- aug the oeilarirco, diey vill bu aaail olke iat te gecuail iy tethe n.hs fillthe romd mssotldin in alg.. Pnioglathe rMy scnhd le porfiweas as te MMoidof te grcu dh ite -» avytia oli siema, t mat R bteum levfourivfoie urea d ekis hmt a.asan'm aimain lu h b»414 forba hhné sould hocetalos iate tie Sou sud ied t tehes driveslu the hem erec Ed th i v. tiai l e dsp, and lhy iai nla d = - ikulemlenneuthy 'l M alot ters ai thele mme. laideb, lec@- wax, 4 aida,w,S 3ub5i.à 4 pu«,Épt** 4 wdsh lugbo a , wv»l q an~mmi~ ws uttov bab selisb e y Ficua late Ldon papreleau, that Col.L.IA~ Conteur, au officer lu tue Jersey mililia, bas r.. aly pabuishil a mualt yack, "on lb. varieties, pru.tiesand classification cf wheat" Tbe de- lare lh ise lslasof the riter'sovu nexpîlmeuts, ohnain ovpopeny. Circumtances led blute I îak a collection ofvieals;amdin thecoursecof h &" yes'"os a*Ntio sd -ese:esi mes- t .d téupvaàof 15 mis. Taosbov themport- tt ald i nugté the. voiettes ai.! finpertiee of wnemI, Col. Le Ceur menlions, tbaiamongtbcse varetlea,hcceare mie.tuat viii thbive bettcrtban O Iben lu tue partacular sablsand situations adapteai seaeb, aul over te kingdom ; that one eac cfa t superior varetey,a.vwed grain by grain, and aufeéreilI ttiller aparo proiluceil 41bs. 4oz. of viesi; fi wpemas, anouiir euc, cf au inferior sort, treatein lusi the nat msuner, producud only li. i0a.-a si prod of the pasont importance ef selectig tise- iolat productive anil farinaceous sorts fric seed, th.e profitafsoviugone sort,aandtteeolm.auling hem fi h. muer beug auffest. Tii, vriter remsrkstuat ble attention vu directed to this important sutyect, e bprofessa. La aca Cureter of th.e ylat o - i demi et Madrid; thaille yefre elace, b.ide n saly sutabout eigbtjdistinct sorteplvw tgra- loginaasene"yda lu Jesoune seveufilet igi, sane aniy , ..ansson ou. heg tiree, etieusixinchea lo1; ng;sd tiaï h infkpr"e.ex.- phbielthelratuetobim. Rettqmetelliepro-o kunlxeaihoaolbisnegbbae, T the val- Si tarit dhsnaylp te lmar drev Tram fotee feuls,- btwt g. eelsa Wite viiemtlass. ced. il IWmm. ape ut., demi à lu. aaMssl uy aas, -Mnegme becs.. caninem that "3u0rcpintuttto? ailLer pralue.lbthegr.eate g*tof cagi ii. reutqusnty c or o a.di.baa Iighéeteabua, sscai v-ould ih e uoifrox a fild insun equal mluprfet at t emm u na.- Ho lien a.lected lie letnsd uost aact esmts t ofviteai, sad".cMede srsl iii .afesai enultvatel vili gleai car. sudmeaue, osbéWlu lie gresl proit reasltiug m hao s mcue Wamiae tian, sud songn ouelie ne cosequam e .j lie coestry, if alteutlas te tfiasulijci 48hè madelesrnati"onal ot. IN. Modes@ hb CoL Le Coutcqc praceedel sud ,ueceeddoy large pations of the. volume; butdipaef vifcK b utvedrua liathe c.g t,, gives no Irtier informe"io.-(otu aeui Connu HANS-Ibave beard couplaiuts CeoaltbMtbaîltigbt brick suoke bises, tuati l id li mateMocke wval, asiud uuty d am keils u alner. Itiluklbr the viiol. secrfLt.Ihav. for tveuty yens a tigit brickkeMaoke banse, but hav, a bell, ar lhe roolof four mncli,,square, turougii viich osaargW vacle ofeiuokesn4 v ithit al be vapr tuain extacteil trai the Meut by tfiest of the fire. 1 stoppeil thute badlatintae founi rnj baeuta bc vet vitonverte es gaene oui;the b.cou id. vupor bacmlls e do*c sud settId on tiehe miutad valsoutiltde$ext fire il tagain. Afteî a Mli hbl t of tii.st.psgo reo lit, ail thse ham vdMMo dry~ ~~ » mulsmsal alas gugin luSepteiNluMni Apeil. Laudsfubuxgl, Marcb ý 18a7. r THIE PICXWICK PAPERS. For tue beaneit6fOfumiof cfaondie*s'vho bojav eu t e i. ansng vork ve .tLb.th follcvlng, someles profounil nJ soaeùieN vil ty, ruaksaf teWellen at a rnd »saufTej ae decidedf, lie maing -ual ad~ ciaractece dsaeribed lun i Pckvicks1e. br=lha <o urýO, sud untItue isu. m éa de- gis. cna$rssin, wvb u but Iduosela. eqtal- Pans~a iuic&«1'. again' té Wve Y04 Si ayboy, sud liere'a ne tellhg von 1 :Zai yen agan. To ur ame-l &luw a ha bosà aui&W u., ea titusmi tiugay ha tbh.tim eyu nei bme t m o' cebi" eMr. Vêer Wte& i The faaiyaime depenils uuvry a"u iL, lpe BU tdePint sibremaui', - 1 Ma brit Y M a a f lm y « 'pwc avieYu f vryugela t. 'opa" 01 ift, m feh iayse t goa uuryl'-ay lady -u maltet vbojstyooabatemSefoipiu ovu semi , hf IL e gaio, btno b$Whd iatloy aonMoesau, sMd fma leqel ui bis boul, dÏlsspemfaim bill li* RckvI~-~UmaYeu bnimis à* l no top be bof-el, it begu basinstbyZ MM moshtohei"mtshe m;lbut tbhsVol dos leeOn MR;emle 60slo' sunma&efa lwbeau i nanésm rmii-v- « aisyf lea lb m Mnqsoi OOtmeymi St. Jos.phe, Upper canads, Nov. 24, l83& Te h le Editér cf the Emigrant ktc. Sir,-Knoieir - tuatinla jeuemigralicu buasai-i vay4 founil a sîreucous supprter, and zealtu ad- - Vocate,1am iuiluceilta offer vou a laief ak.tl et visai evrance fol iuduatry, witb tue out- lajed a mall capital, bave effeced in curaI lis. remotest paria ofUppr -aad.The.plce.te vbich 1 alluile, i=lb.Isimail cf Si. Jowepbs k,f yoc csy n oen the aYjouavi gr.»2" t rN. Westmexctre ipf tatmNero2 akt 40mles distant from- %il, thH. eo,1 écetiet of LakeS Iaglte vimier cf 1834-4 thi e , t4 an vgmw ildsud extra nt, cf coloeialngtfe «$Mdau Biii aSic.?. i sam tbe Ivo. bavlog matuceil tfielr. plas, tubaIt- ted them té a el kuown .ntterpctolng capitaisi of IJpper Coamal,vbo readiRy emhraced their viens. Immeciate application vais made to Gorcrnrcent frein wliom ILa vosrsile answre as received. visen it vis decideil liai emly in tiese prinlg, lhe thrre speulaters, with a fet friends, should pro- ceeil te explore aol sunvcy the cewly m-ide pur. Chase. For tula purpose s steambrat tien builing ai Penctauguisbine, by Mr.Iiompron, i cf the proprietens,, vu put lu requisiion ; a baril> sct cf voileren ver. engage, sud &Il due preparatices b.iug mad, the ilepartur. cf tue iceta anxicus- lexetdriich toclilopn tise 'cm> lethis 'yne ted 0ut th- u bc131h of May, sccardfngly, v. embuekeil, a fvouring gale ailcil lie effýTorcfOc ur ge englue ;ad te rsp1dRy lent bebinil tue icautifal bay cf Pcnetanulnsisine, and lb. numerous cravil usembleil ta vitorsa eue depature. W. ver. hfi fet teamboaLýt ti bail venhrel te Ibreast il l iflut sud intricai. chanu- nets of lise Nortberu aboie, sud né uitile interest vu flin Ou ur succees. Twelve miles cf cuc jooruey ver. macc complisseil, sud vo fer a fer minutes lay by ender tuo group cf Chistian bs- lande, ta one of vbîcb a buge mound cf eactis and rock, rising lu ils centre, bas glven tic nomee cf tue Giinl'Tauh. The go uieal! cf bhe cap- tain mmfut er o te our rest, andl clearing the ut o thelande, vo entereil upon ithe vide exse ai Gcrgisan ay nta Ou r siThe Peut sga ansd tovsrds 3Soc Iolc e prceivel 2 nonslcousconicol bills, bebeeon hieh lu a nanret, deep cimnuel vas pr barbour for theii.nglt. As te appiieciiels caqut- leus cannes la"en ithinians, came off te view te vSoui lfiresbip (Sette Nabouguan) af tise Sagenubadin , utokn aof fieusip, gun altec gun wuas ?iarouni us. Ai lait just as evenbng vas setlmug li, v. maie our destineti pot, a beau- tijul"B ch nea.io IcI edounliothaides, sud score vide ecoqg for sur puffinx béat. W. tognmd a polnt, suon a bausi rock bebel a large suembly ai Iudauansd vol dreseilCeuslium irsvu out to neceivm ut. Tv. e.rdia.. volleys veor, lied,»sudnomis oa uir liues wve.fait, liey haifenel on bin, teositako tbe bande of ths ai- vsttue». Tusvasa talng Puaitlie lest vo had "ayiof w»es, alda fev idrams amply repais thîsidiso be eplue cf tueinunita Î-. nos£ dMs ÎOf blpe odd0lm8, Ris elock cu"aI if ste lSutd Cu r.. ili, LENT OF GROCFRI3, male Tubei, 03 &ALM, &tmdet mCouiy <fin bain bhlm un comm ctarSsçleI tuAL ra met uloasM 4MSA,.t iiUsu hno dos&k î eauiye. a ~meuta~ os-i~ suivie lus, bue ami ~ E.I~uINi Usruxasnir. oncws.-"Unfoaibditd-~ pV'al sid Mfr Pickwick.-"Yes--tbe dry arth- c f Waterloo bridgP. fi e aleepfng-place--viti- ten minutes valk cf ail the publieadlces-.suly 1 tiel n objection to it, iis tlaths itiva- m' _% te toc airy. 1 Se.soSane eer s her."-" 'i, suppose eu did,"' nid M. Pick- Vick, vltii an air of emsiderable intereat-«Sit r,» reaumed Mr. Weller, "ns end penetrate jour .uevo!ent heurt, endl corne out on lb.eouiierside. ton dou't sec the. roer xagrauts liere ; trust .,tbey kuova bttertubsu tua. Youg bçppm ode sil f.m.i., ai s 't mail..arSe utii* uienlo. taket op tbeit quartais ther mmos»*l et' lgeuerally the oi-uisarigiomii Tetaise' olanitiemacivesaup in the .it ce- mael orae louesome place;-poor crectuua ts 5t up to the twopcnsy rope." OGrrouop i iN Tutor.n.--gwest hal ibots, tir," seid wenllr Shli h.e, f big iea. 41vwa* vggier's boy, auce."*--"Wbcn was bat?" usquireti lit. Pickwick.-«'Wben 1 vsq uit pitcbhdueck andti rop into the werld, to playr tleap-hrog vii te troubles," teplied Samn.(iq rs a carer'a boy ei 5tartil -':the» s vagginer's, an a b.lper, tii.. a boots. Now l'a a gelmj ervani. I sbahle a gel'm'n mysel f ocf tesc dajsprbaps, wih a pipe lu my mcclii, snd isumuier-lusc b lb.back garden. Wbo knows? shouLlt'ibc surpniacil, for ccc." As mAL wus x xxs.IBeies rontinueil Mr. WelUer, not notlcing the interruption, "tisat's IWM dilferent thing. You kucv vbat lis- ,usel sali, Sauieîy, as defendeil the ge'li'm'n a lest bis vif. viii lb. poker, venever b. goi ly. 'And arter ail, 1 lrd,' auj ahe, it's au niable veakuesa.' S ay retpectin' vidilers, famanesud so you'll say, yen jeu gefs as od as A IEIL ie«.àl-«Ta't a verry eaod un ta oe aft" said Sa, "bot it's an aslonîshin' 'on te .sar;, aud aIuce the. na veut, ih vu a verry unilsorno til. olloaver ii's liguter withonti h, bai'e one ubing, eud every bale lets lu sou,, air, tat'a anoiber-wetilation gesmer 1 cells il." A sÂunÀuct.-4"Now with rerard te the mallt m wbinis 1, with the concuîrrence cf ibese genile- cen, sen.t for you," msail Mr. Pikik---Ilt he plot, air," interposed Sain,; "oui viii il, as fe fatber nid te bis cbuil, yen bc ewsilowed a tuden."-«"We rant té know, in the. irai places" id Mr. Pickueick, "irether jubare auj tu- om té b. discontcuted with jour prmaut situation." -'M.,Aore 1 ansuer tti ex e !tiou, gen'l'm'u, reliei Mfr. Welter, "I1s 1 l'ete11k é oy, lii frat lacte, viscuber you're a gin' te purwide me ritb t better.» A subearû cf benevolence play. il on lit. Pickwick'a features as he saide, "I bave half aid. op my mind te enpg.you msc." HBaveou, tbh r, uquareiSan .Pck wick ucidedin lth .affrmative. "Wagu s d Iam-«Twelvo pouuds a yaryS replieilMe. 'lckvtck"-ClotUesV--Two snits"-WkP' -"Té atbmeutpon me; sud té travel about ii mean u "hiegentlemen Ier.-«-Take tlitall dm%" ail Ssii, empitatlcally. «luleit.ea égIe gentleman sud tué torsais aapeeil * m" -%Tou acceptthesitution ?" luquireil BkJ>çk- wck.-.-Cee'ely»repieilSa. «If ihe clatie. go n. YOD bai bote «l *va per Yeiiju w"li k. té asuIlun 1 doit, air; ifyu w oli, vevi«i Mt aink mailesi resisance. Piay do i o ir." AsF Cit imeslfv. *impigly vitbinthe. roaceh t. Pickwic"k clencheil fat, tue. lile o". tM tiat gentleman vouli have comphlei-thub it areest entreatbut for lte inleïpoioa <f Ra via, ii.mnngt adispute,em relfrua b eth muteildiheatairand soizeil bis mail.ti am. "Yen »sicerneava il1fr. - 'Battw. M ùe su d siuil.co'anverrj ae vu jou suit the, aittlecock asd Ivo lua~ battlidores, in vli cacit gets tue exci al pleaautCom. avay, sir. If jen vaut e your mind by islcing op scmsebody,co. lt the. court anilblow op me; but i'.tie r ex- pensive vark te b. caried ocubere." Cus vos r"Eoour.-"Iii. egOUtar'pi4 Mr. Weiler, "thie gent la a cofuplalturu toc machbceue andl comlért If ever your edvwitb tue gent, ar, jist marnav7idie bui gaf a goMi tendoi, vtbadeetuBot. i. uW il, anud you¶ lneyer have ithe gcutag1 t' a capital prescdpticu, six. ltas eit and 1 cas vaant il tadrive avay auj iOUIS àCmOP- ed by tonmrachsjolliiy." Maving toi iii valuabi, ecroet, Me. Welleî drail bis ome mur., proluceil a labcsre-ink,sdigU p lI, sud olowly retireil.-"ýWel, vbai do jus k c vhat jour fuie.ays, SmaM inquireil M PIck- vick, vlub a ul.-Tiusicr"111 M& Welkr; amWhItink belst .ith in 'co nubialiy, as B e Beari's douestie cii, od4 viti a lear of pity, yen he burnicd i si. Taira lsmoa.-"You are quit. a pler, San," nId Mr. Plckwick.-«t run$' il. famui ,b'e. ir»repiediMr. Weller. "M flhera weery taucb s t at ne, no0. mctiser-la-law lobisIaup, ho. ti ý&f flies!na pasaion, and breaks bis pipe; b. oui sud a utber. Tien abe seresma v ail and fait oa'ericks; sudbe mokeswev e su. fuetablytlii eecornes 1 ag'iu. T11at'à piiy sic, an't it? r..iA very gciubatitte fil ai ail eftus, replie1 Mr. PickWLCk, agug nov-cornr, «M'ea agond hn orbui. fi? fCompanvyoffu ee-m :9.2 '24= 5~'tw C'ee" mi a.W ww 1 ceuau, ita thedo%.m mu eausvleaà mer en. gIbnk îu. "a iue"idiata'i ts*I r ejinluTerkey, votes ti.7#*a the Sudma of t4v # 1vi r- pe W~WW r luOM tthe i.aliied àWvu tue. Co. .sutly bis Iocdshipado covlcted of the val- duy. We vill publt;a a nattact tof the. ria reutter. The, disclotues made in ls ,woge.u àa created a great sensation. Lord Broclam imndialey wiuhdrew bis name rou re = ' Clb, wiiere sou. of the cb.ating vas don. ud it as supposed tuât nearly ail the. respectableol.- nea vould foilow bie exaruple. Tii. ate of ihing inu reland mu paerIlr b. i. nid from uii. lbllowing parage. , ;copw d bà à*.LandosiCouner: t?îvuss-ln the, Dublin court orf hor* w bqiçnay, era ta sUbsute i.service e r« br hereovryoftities wCN zrséedin te.a the Excuiocf th ii.sop of k ~vrlotIer sililsir flUtiýs ogainst ibout re» undred nmure defendants, tJ..e graff nirdte rame court, whicb, the Chie fBa.4anid, Wailé- peaiidIy been disturr~.d su much libely, es le W come a perfert bear garde n. Th- liusecf Commons was engaged upon the. ff4ir%,of Irtlanil, end the. bille brougbt lu tfor' b 'enefitocf hat;inhappy country. Tii.princijial of these are the poor-IÀw hill and thie municipal re- foi bill. Thse suhject cf education bas also been inttnduced. Lord John Russell gavt notice tbat le intended te more for a committreeof inquicy in- tn tbe opeîaticn cf lb. preacnt system, sIubooçh bo himsclf waà satisfied tisatit worked perfectly w-i T'he distressed ucondition cf Irehinil by fc:. was undcrimobt anxious consideratlcn Lllar.nt nent-so stated by Lord Morpetb. Lord John Rmull'a motion for leave in brinz r a municipal reféorm 1billfor ircland. nos cbtd for tbree nigbtç, and flaally wras adorled .tin a division. Hias peecb altracted grcat attprtiio,, as dvel' 8thepolicy amt hopes of the: gcVern - umna. PARLIAMJZTARY PBaoctrDIOiOs. NUMeroUSî petitions wcre atili coming in, r il partsacf the, kingilon, fer the abolition cfe ch rates. .On the. Sth cf February, ln the. Houm ofLo'de, Lord Melbourne gave notIce of a motion for a ccii- ujttee cf luquiry futé the.stste ,f education là lie- On the. 14th, the rcgistrs.tion and marriage MFil waareida tint ime. The. Houeadjeurred te, the lath. Ou that dai" theaine blivai read aa sRcond time. Tbe aly vss princlpaly cccupl.d in the reception cf pelttons againat cburcli rates, mai17 of thue hfmin ambers of the .gablisbed citurchi, sis vll asfrima âIsseuters. . In the. comimouon thii14b, MK. Humg jiilzo- luced ab1»11 for areflu nthe oii~rtcç f cooty Auacsane u d iýuthe. apinitmenifdcountjl' icas. À pMis, è lt o petu dcto t - afrn kiu a.mfsauts..Lard sicb vu read a fiwit I.. !Dn cwe latb, a PÉ4 ej1, 1Omw5t a i eute 4we lle ai Iktb f1 eq~ plucpl &ii. h it giv.mdcccree co ofe àesaill,ïoër tlata , .porbtI aste tmi. wne *sIy t1m ie th e 1lajto ie 1 e, refi. t * r.ta de doi bauat PO« btas( tblol6 ve fit b. b.guuby u e i s n..o cideu ; fur land, aàd tbeie es t hadditiatepha l ba ra <ete) are là crr ti.pln lt. be ti tle ep fobt m s te orp uiteb propas.dc t the aiofte ap- lotidvanes faDa nv alideràat yentpsIwl ' opu t pldh exemtfosae ia entismsa bjsiplIst iu forn ite eIe fLi h ratais:v.e _ h sa aem w allia etn iell. itoll abip lu- te alaiien reue y te tb. of dua tii. ~ lu .etn vtui aiàd:ýe bouaet coasryieu "4 C*ded lut. 1in0M . te relia tbe b anie * A péoed osth sdaïl is * 1.tv qZ*.ic a vent. It a isao epoe it h EgW cclatr oseboeu " sitahei.cou- unon . r lM Lb.jr »Muer te e eee- aarily inçreasq4 or ibs p unea., sud oie or tvo.of thealoteaeid, lu samu.The butàiOf gurdinsanse.a b.e elctet every jeu. Tii. Sud electora té b. the. conaty cen-payera t atitre c- lectiom tq bq.mM*. by 4ii. ate-poyem a. l69b Fpropoée *mhra ie.ls.ai llasia. t. buted las~~tb .1 Uadnllours. *h-ekeot tiiink Iàveioal.d PI aép eomid iimspport On' ii. 141h Sirc q Molesoavotii optd ilSi léale tu bln in lu a IIIU2 a au éa . Miaosts hbuaI aj iaciemvul aise hm a toal abol- u -th"I fiat l v eu thtiete .oily twà t iblluii.l.teref.r mmmeàd.d g. là Ibo moiu té tIsai electet. 1W. Moauuuti se- IMM., s»dlthe Boui eldd a galast the mdp luStte104. Mr. Wsnbuîtctien gav pu ue. If s MR te aiter mladenmi the quddoiAm lae. Ti%. poor.taw NI for Ireland vu .ehré4 teb le "a secondsi fmiseon the 27tii. On the. 1 M maotbgv <jua it pet Io lad Palmerston, r.lating téoi Csoizua. cUba iasu, =Mtiet ives na" sa mmui tW m u made *&»M* e W thi. 1 £Lbeusq b&d UQ I ys o O,-ti. 112004 mm1,t. uq-Mp"aortype lamli d u m u b àkal*1e , y.ouneut pz ab va I l IP lth t te 'i ïe 1aj m ' slvm ae t envdaibu stad ciorla mesi beautfai bey. Tht 1 aab.ue,uyacupwuqisdeto ue cessai fihe cteepel., anittrio, anmiluth ve U ail Ioisîforsa "epbrilctlon." At t of thebayv e feuuda oîazelteau ea afamile, came té son. cite sve - pids sud a nostifexcellent .11-site. lieg next occuieiouvr attention, sMd vu eaie vuilidi ugion i ot te laIsui. veuxi dionfobsrvationawu, liai fiai. rauch -S M latdongibilcly intersapersoilvi svsmp; but a tract vu foui offec ua.vry vaulage fSr seulemntolanal is immedmte u& vas lecideil upen. Tliesxaen ver. l snd vbui lia themboai proceeleil té the Ssu snd te Mlcbainackluac -ity seita vo renC id tcaporarp'sielteus, sudecamenSc Lali I acuiopaie th e lsteamboatté st.M arinu imil I te ay peu ed a toursta, I cou- gveM o a billiant leacrlpim ofitis muai beantii.l aie tuat ana, bilhlu d fioam*gdowu for the quec ofitalf amil;le uinodsofriiakt noe are urgei lulto the v" centre ciba diin* waves, ta éCp onttdu V 2 iafa, hicbt lIn~ Ummsa, lierlycavr the bttais. Wen v e M tmred to st iaepii's Io sandes 1teere redyl nad çà opeulu;ade lau-the dense ti. vblwhci la d he im itele. Tli eaoboat liabock lu bar Wod, a ,sdpeeparedte tdiepa n lu - Of Mill vM&gholkc. té carryeon apldlyspaibe theeoteapitelvwo.k-. luti1vas so ill=1li idi te plàcf.!, tel 1 determlned to anlu11 tue peaetagauine uetusec. Wilh ber cam odl-lvigits, sud about of liesalo, ail ot tuela- bouclng CloseexceptMsj4ow aos, cotcf th. Prô prlelons, vis left.a besutful farm ou Lake Sun- Cm o té t ist. Jmspbls li ekvsbgin,thie mailsmou inisdul lufn oboertor e. intai selin. Pin, bisou vu sdle a on"dance, andlthe. lasuil ot numbeta 40 familles of seklec, titi a store. Tue Anresc u smnrh ave slrady vislted us iu b s"clambeae itiuiutextsiesmer ve sbali bh skie te "elver &t Cieng% andmi ay part cf Lake Harem, aaacb@- er hvsg bc u r.dthe liu aabomui villifié of every ds'#acplt wh ** a PRIM o ust espalj, vidthlie I MM«qse 1 cf Îa mle; fôrty batela eu u As <Pa oké ashIItt ctcb b nanyjs I,~eL aFr l ai out, ' 'e âkou wWl~ehaaai ad eafabcs etoib se4iW.ealhIip«pO l'Oa émett lbveau bai