Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jan 1902, p. 1

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SES LE BY ON. PRE FROM THE WAR temtiary, 1 will sell SATURDAY, Jan, #th, Sqsare, at UE bour good working borses. WH. MURRAY, Jr. Auotioneer, ents! of ornamental Goods, Flower Waste Baskets, Styles at Low el and other Ash tired by ¥. 75 King Street. thing. It is hing as in se. But you clothes. Our t and we have of cloths to HNSTON. Draper, trick's ORE. Attrac~ at Present. Most Extensive AFUL PICTURES city. t we have be your 'XMAS $l R MAYOR. 's committees for Frontenac wards the Golden Lion ENING at eight 8 "I your support. | The Daily Note Book For onc NEED REINFORCEMENTS aon. Rott Thamuives BY. | rarniog Artillerymen. Into In- Necessity is the pricsloss spur i fantrymen. Foresters fustul officers tonight. 3 The customs official goes whe uty calle Minds hp Plt he! ATTACK ON FIRMEN | THREE |. This } Where there is a will there 12 a way mr -- en ------ . ,| TERRIBLE STRUGGLE LASTED na i' hlflere ot we eat wd t i ifference tween « aad | HA HO ; a speach ¥ The one has is claws at the end | of Tia paws, abl EUGTRE: has ite pauses ot | the end of its clauses What Plutarch said of fame con sanily be | wai of advertising: "Good fame is like | fire: when you have kindled it you muy | easily preserve Jt, but # you once extin J | Great Purposes, wishes Nine Officers Are Dead as a Re- sult of the Engagement--Raid- ed the Residence of Queen of Swaziland ~~ The Line , Of Blockhouses Are Completed in Cape Colony. London, Jan. 2.--Newspaper corres | pondents in Pretoria continue to seid warnings of the wed of niore rein- | forcements. Lord Kitchener is turn {ing the artilerymen, who have be | eune disengaged by 1eason of the re {turn home of the heavy gums, into | thiee corps of mounted infantry, cach 11,00 strong. Independent accounts of i Boer attack on Col. birman's guished it you will uot easily kindle ft again." i Thin day In the world's history: Opening | of Canndion purlioment, 189 kers free | raves, 1788; Gen. Wolle born son's raid, 1896; Charles 11 lord Roberts weloomed at Cowes on bis re- wm to England from South Africa, 1961, GLASSES AND | gam on December 2th add little to LIQUORS. | the official story of the occurrence, ex- Dewet's force of 1 Wine Glasses, crowned, t that Ge wen, as abt Majuba, removed their boots, climbed the pr Bice without i and vompletely startled sleeping' British camp. The terrible struggle lasted barely half an hour. Three wore British officers have died from wounds received in this engage ment, waking, all told, wine offi kiiled. {A despatch to the Standard, from Pretoria, states that 200 Boers raided the Swaziland border. They attacked Inkanini kraal, the queen's residence. | The natives made a half-hearted red " | vistance, and many of them were kill From the very cheapest to the od. very finest." : Sherries, Ports, Liqueurs, Clarets, ii Champagnes, Decanters, Claret Jugs. Guarding The Railway. stal Wine Set of 8 Pieces for $1.48 he new line of blockhouses from | Beaufort West to DeAar to guard the ROBERTSON BROS. | rpilway have been completed. These (prds apart and are in telephonic con- pds apart and a J STUDENTS OF QUEEN'S ! {nection with each other. Each house Don's forges , thas are now being garrisoned by the Surrey regiment. A barbed wire Ia still a¢ ¢ | will make its crossifig by Boers 838 PRINCESS STREET. |clingly difbeats Turning out the finest lstndry work done {class, born of the general feeling that the war is nearing an end. The - | tale of reductions in the Boer forces PIANO WANTED. (keeps up its average, For the month TO RENT FOR THE WINTER. A" {of December it was about 1.600, and Pie ed we of care. Apply. through | gate, is beld to point to the inevit | able. approach of wemerical exhaus ELECTORS OF ONTARIO WARD I he again decided to accept the Bomis "We make up a handsome Cry. | , " . P 9 sry. | rval's Point, Cape Colony, Jan. lockhouses are from 1.200 to 1.600 was built in twenty-four hours. E E s being erected along the line, whic There is a confident spirit in all in the city. second-hand upright Piso, would be giv | this, in the face of diminshed aggre ree -------- ton. tion aww csoilivkeie for ahlarmis dor Ops ---- A, Sudden Surprise, . Jan. 1.-Trooper Mever h the legs while com mandering donke and waggons and | & companion, Corpl. Dawson was J. J. BEHAN, |hilled. The men did not suspect that | the enemy were at Zeekoegat and were | Ered upon without warning when fifty ] ¥ 4 pe) T0 t¥ords off, by WARD | ling Febipg I am again a candidate for the position | feel oh of alderman for 1902. I my serviom in the | tera past have been of awh o nature as 0 com wend themselves to you, | ask you to recond Your votes for me on Monday ext JOHN M'LEOD, ---------------- ST. LAWRENCE THE ELECTORS will kis ALDERMA On. their. halite. TO THE fluences fario ward for the coming year all uot make a ronal canvass, Post moord during eight years in conti mests your approval, I solicit Carnarvon, If was shot thro my sity i in. CATARAQUI WARD. THE ELECTORS OF CATARAQUI hai A The Very Latest News Culled Fron All Over The World. Todd, Bares & Co's big dry goods warchouss, Dublin, has been gatied i The damage is extimated at £130,000. The Allan line steamer Corinthian, from 84, John and Halifax, Jor Liver pool, arrived at Moville at 6:20 sam. on Thursday. I is the intention 'of the C. P, R company 1o build a cleaning elevator at Fort William next year, with 500, 000. capacity. Prof. Jobn Birsel], oriental languages at Nt. univercity, Londom, tince dead. He was born in 1836. Graham Fentom, for robling Thom: as Hall, Outremiont, of $5,000, was sentenced to five years' imprisonment by judge Desnoyers, Montreal. A chime of bells, said to be the finest and mast complete' in Canada, have heen installed in St. Peter's Evangelical 'Lutheran chiirch, Berlin, Ont., and dedicated on Wednesday. large rattlesnake bidden in a stick of stove wood, attacked two small children, at" Crawfordville, Ind. The reptile was killed. but not before the children were badly bitten. The Midland d®irict conncil of Roy- al plars at a meeting, at Port Hope, Ont., passed a resolution ask- ing the proviscial government to enact a prohibitory lqw next session. Dr. Barth, the free tMider editor of the Berlin Nation, has heen elec od to the reichstag from the Wittenhc cg dis trict by 601 votes over the number polled by Heer Von Leipsiger, a large land owwer. Private Sullivan, of the R.C.R Halifax, N.S., was sent to peniten- tinry for three and a half vears for entering the monastery of Good Shep herd und assaulting a sister there a few weeks ago. The trans-Alpine telephone line, con- necting the systems of Frame and Italy, was inaugurated on Wednesday, It does not extend bevond northern Italy, The connection with Rome has not been completed. The people of Newloundland hope there will be no oreasion for the re moval of the modes vivendi as to the French fisheries' question, a medasure so detrimental to the interests of the empire and colony. Harry Patton, Albany, and FP. (. Smith, New York, are in Halifax in connection with the purchase of lum: ber properties. They have already se- cured 65.000 sores of Sherbrooke lands and (5.000 acres belonging to Hastings & Freeman, the purchase price of the latter being about $100, 000. of Andrew's I, = professor THE TROOPS STOPPED, I en As They Were Making Way With Chinese Court. Pokin, Jan. L-- Prince Ching, raised strgng obit iim too. Gens Teng Pe Heiang's troops accompanying the court tc Pekin, and they were aceord- ingly stopped at the Chi Li border, but their generals Ma and Sune Ching who were prominent in the av. ..ks on the legations, will come under coms mand of Ten. Ying Lu, who plans to plslitute two reactionary armies in feet Yuan Shih Kai's gikum and Gea. glo was smaller or i - aT | CALLS FoR SPADE | To Make Political Opinion : itical Energy. ELSE THERE WILL BE A WHAT IS TO BE LORD ROSE BERY'S ATTITUDE. \ A Pledge That He Will Seek to! Have His Policy Supported --Doubt in Some Quarters as to Rosebery"s Intention to Lead in Seeking Favor for His + Plans. » London, Jan, 2.~Lord Rosebery has | issued 'an suthorized edition" of his recent spgch at Chesterfield. In a pro fatory noté he says regarding the po- i he enunciated | "hat policy appears to have re ceived a large esq of general appro- val, but political opinion to be of fective must be organized into poli'is cal energy, and must work and en trench. 1 want some of this spade work in behalf 'of this policy, else the wave of popular adbesion will be fost in space." : The views editorially expressed on lord Roschery's preface vary, but the most important newspapers welcome it as an indication that lord - Rose bery does not intend to aaintdin his attitude of a detached critic. The Times interprets it as a pledge that he intends to do his utmost to ust | upon and win for His poliev. It adds that his 'words have the ring of leader whi summons his adh | accomplishing a great wor at which he is resolved to labor with all hie mind and strength. It should finely he to. divide anthority extinguish any faint hopes that would consent | with Bir Henry Campbell- Bannerman. i Some papers hesitate to attach de fiite pwaning to the declaration or appear still to doubt lopd Rosviery's i | i | i intention to lead. ---------------- EASILY MAINTAINED. -- First Place Among the World's | Insurance Companies. New York, Dec. 31.-One of the best evidenous of the unexampled prosper ity of the country as wel as of the rery general movement of business m n for profitable, permanent protegtive and absolutely safe investivent is foudd in the volume of business done iy -the great life insurance tompanina. Nothing neatly approaching it = has over heen known. The business of the three lenders, the Mutusl, the Equit- fable and the New York has been very large. The Mutual bas written an jan vastly beyond its highest re gord of other years and piery doll of it has heen on the ont carefolly selected risks in approved localities, and without demorali ing conditions of any kind. The "Mutual'd risk, as the largost, strongest, most stable life insurance company in the world, is "till easily maint.ined. Jt bas re tursed to policy holders and reserved or expended in their behali the enor: mous sim of over one billion dollars {(831,000,000,000). No other company in the world hes come near to these figures. -------------- DEPOSED PREACHER WEDS. anticello Scandal Recalled by | Bowell and Mrs. Greene. town, Noi Jan. 2-The fact cringe of David T. Howell, John's Episcopal church j pnd Mis. Jeanie L. ! been learned hore, | bere married No marcied at | living at | sreere | whe of the Brita DRAB SUCCEEDS KHAKI. | ad I Torontop Ost, das. lt New Uniform Detided Upon For wines wil igaten. voMtbatly, day Eo on of equip Te Durie of lines of and 'Bh The i vay oe | Yee | rifles, in | ond ly! i Caval the od | mounted § | the conten {ly to be All made to 'or British Soldiers. to westerly gad nomh westeRly ; fonda with Hale show falls Lthe two audiences rooontly: grante iby ithe king to Jord pri r Brod | Lasut. Gen. Kelly-Kenny, i "Vetch, it has « (Tallor-mde Gawas, decided, 'it is understood, to dis - Boies 4 Sowts re | Ulsters, intend of khaki the intention is to! of the soldier. The how salon : Walking Street ani Eirged, is of a neutral char- | Shan she Th now in use. | Reception Presses, 3 Beal other changes in the matter | Sire aeHon of a new wp ar | i . : : sho y to take the 1 Fhe sia forme cap. | DInper and Ball { of the Imperial Ye pnry ka sary in dhe new year: | OPCTa Cloaks and present year the traiving | inted infantry, with ht ching Wrans farms whatever, Bites may hope to ses their | ards as well as;| of N¥phois, as was | ted (the 'most salisk il i Fatt to whi | M2S0CT and at R d change is apparent | pel. London, Jan. 2.--As the msylt of ovider agen by morning aj. Gen. Vetch, it has been defini ise' with the khaki wearing apparel | a drab mixture for the working | being more 'suitable "in other | aoe sine ove ot ur | DF 88 Skits and standing question of hag been entirely on the | furnish the Imperial { i hore popular with | able prices. f OPIN OF WOMEN, ving Prohibition | nificent © f Sustained. Our Mag hl An open letter to land Dress Goods ; Electors of Toren: | p the exeeitive of | wor 1 {ot 4 . christian eo ! king conjointly y hat the adminis ders of such descrip possible, redeem y Af 3 govern: | ; 4 we trae. Tne| 1llustrations, 'Ma ment thee i and Estimates fu va Morkablé | on application | . | Government Would {| Torawd, Jan | the legislature | to has been jew I the Ontario won union, askin Mm, a» soon romise to int wnt measure, a b | tion of the Untaria { letter theclares that [the W.C.T 1 the | would being in and | and satisfactory bill | Hon of Hguor tra {appeal to the conn | ment would be returpe | & larger' majority than | fore given to it. ] i MAJORITY PAID | Free Admissions to By by 'the Millio Buftalo, Jan, 2.+Superin E. Cash, of the depart tions and admissions of erican exposition eomdpa i | sented his final report, 1 tendunce was N,520,045. the prohibi should then | or endorse } to power hy | as over be | THING. alo Show | ndent W of eolive oA | - pro: ¢ WCORMACK. i J at, 4 mother, 27) 4 Kar C x : Rd ANSON: MIN KES - CNET eharoh, i 3 a 3 farewell railrosd day, 106.548: 106.316; labor day, 108,78, nd! cation "day, 88.900 SE tiaaanic BIG ORDER FoR the Alrig Montreal, Jan, £518 office has, (hrow oF, minister of Ap order with k tilling company For 1.4 to 12.560 hare A South for shipment ¢ troops "For, Use by there. a Repate Not Li Chicago, Jan, 2-The "4 Zapute Bridge." the pais eredtchagen, of I whieh Gen. [ he [ast night. while Hei walls of the ar [iaiating ge bp or

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