Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jan 1902, p. 8

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THE DALY WHIG, URSDAY, JANUAKY 2. 0 FREE TO ALL. ------ in an Appeal jon Given iB ! A Decis Gi Case. Toronto, Jan. a in. this morning, judg t wi yin Street and Falconbridge yg rleton interesting case iA Lala " - | involving 8 squabb ner a | he Methodist ghuiels 2, The u was brought Db. : ute | the church and ¢ if fori the ber against George ey 2 nt t I a ther, for trespass mn To Re ot allotted to Young. Res Hw the sight of the trustees tO the I the 5 as no rents | the trustees had | to oceupy the pews. k, founc o Tanase seen and Young an foe the damages for Keys Srespof 8 "he latter appealed an a on 3 Street gave i allo ing, : " ae cone urting, ime Hy a the Sustots X yey did so. "the seats in could rent per" eration, - 'K Rough Fine. pews wer New Island Wanderer tough trip from Cape Vincent ~ Hookoy Sticks Sp Skates, Puke: n sccount of the tori biown in=3n the Kingston shore and wharves frou the Bateai channel, the steamer had totland at Craig's wharf, being unable to turn into the ferry landing, after coming up the river The Cape Vincent steamer did not stprt out this afternoon, and there wire disappointed passengers, but it was for their own good. + Oe | E = PEWS the giant wis giv at from + BiG DISCOUNTS. | For First Ten Days, of January. Come for Bargains-- Sever- al lines to close out. R. GLOW & GO. 141 Princess Street. invited memb The conuty Jude It you didn't gem so for Christy you got Inland Revenue Collections. excise at office, Kingston, Spirits, 87.047, and cigars, rites, 81M $1087 Collections account of the inland revenue for December, 100] 81.080; tobaceo 17: methylated = £37; tgtal, R19 ot ther receipts ftchell's Hardware, ANEW foun me the Kingston Kingston homes e to The passing of the dry by-law will help- LIVERY BUSINESS. 1 "ho hese thie PURCHASED 1 LIVERY | "1V and they pol the city for employment Be | has hy the ties of Laval university lebrate prin he golaen jubilee of the foundation of that university in next, Shaw's big sale of groceries will be LSON, Prag. continued on Friday and Saturday. fk For A Minute. 'No {Doubt, . Be Requiring puse Furnishin gs This Com- fing. ~ We Have Them & Notice The Price. who have in will not has go out been decided authori to ee June R.ooms, © I moon, dives ional | Plaoe The ac were charged and | the larg ricinad sull un the or i Ii i plug ersorrowing friends; {London on January Ith, is NEED NOT 0 SU'FAR AWAY. A CLERGYMAN AN TO LOOK AT LAND IN AFRICA. i He May Later Look at Canadian Territory for His Birt!y Rate in Toronto i Sati sfactory- Toronto, Jan. : ip a . Canadian hy b virth, emery | Apglican| minister on the Six hehe werve and latte orly a rector 4 ton territory, is in the aly = LUZ to South Africa. His mh, i, way " vy out the land, and $6, of 4). hie h No hundred fordow living w Car adian osSatisfied | }yashing ton ard being WPhadk of sur priests of land in Ontario Ju settlement, and stated oo} I 'his journey to South Af Bow Na Pring satisfactory results, he | 1 ¥ t:dadly turn his efforts to set, 'ding the emigrants in this province the birth rate in Toronto fur 190] walk again disappointing, being only about twenty-two per 1,000. The ex- | cess of births over deaths was 1,007, cer tainly not a large natural ine rease for a city of over 200,000. The " re tur as give 4,445 births, 34385 deaths and 2,148 marriages. Th: smallpox took noe New Year's holiday. Eighteen . fresh cases reported at the provincial health de partinent this morning for the past two days. The bulk of them were in the neighborhood of Ottawa. and up the Ottawa vallev. but there were several cases from Norfolk county and five froma Walpole township, Haldi mand. e denth > Isaac N. -Rewv. of a . in and BE 1 wes were of Col. D'Arcy Boulton, at Cobourg. this moruing, aged eigh | tv-seven, will place many prominent Toronto" families in mourning, Col. Boulton was a son of judge Boulton, who came to Canada in 1796 and was #0 prominent as a member of the tly compact before the rebellion Boulton was a country stock hreeaer, 1883 fam Col gentleman and and diiring the of raised the force Poulton's north-west, known service in as scouts, for the TO TEACH METHODS. Frenchmsin Offers $1,000,000 For A College In Chicago. Chicago, Jan. 2.--The agent of Rob ert Leqaudry, the multi-millionaive of Parid, to-day, offered to Chicago versity £1,000,000 to establish lege for the instruction = of Frenchmen in American commer methods. The offer was acoepted, the callege will Le established. uni a col voung ial and ------ The Late Mrs. Charles B. Daly Bre. Daly, daughter of the D. Lee, M.D , London, Out résident of Kingston for some years and always took a prominent part in church work, having been for Years president of the WA, Paul's church, of which she active member. Nearly twe ago Mrs. Dav was takun wit ous il and suficred more severely until some seven weeks when the which had dermined constitution, as sumed an acute form ahd that time ker sufferings have been more in tense. She bare up under all her trials with the greatest chrislian for titude and patience until death Je leased her on Monday nights Besides her hushand, C. B, Daly, (.E.. Chi cago, Mrs. Daly leaves seven children, three sons and four daughters also leaves one brother a resident this city, and two sisters, Mrs thy, now in England, and Mrs. tie, New York. The fumeral 'took place this forenoon at St Paul's church, archdeacon Carey oficiatinp. There were many floral fributes from prominent among which 'was a handsome cross from St Paul's women's auxiliary ---------- Registration Is Slow. Very Hhttle inieie t being so far in the registration for minion election. At noon, | day and a hall registration, | names were entered in Frontenac { deau and Victoria wards. J). { Thowpsan and A. MeGill are econ {ducting the registration for these wards at the oll collegiacwe buildi iz In she two lower booths the tration was proceeded with slowly and tediously.. On the opening. day, before magistrate Duff, whos. jurisdiction Lembraced Cataragui 'and St. Lawrmoce | wards, only twenty young men regis tered, and up to one o'clock to.dav only twelve more names were added, | making a total of thirty-two tothe booth presided over by { Mudie, only twelve names {yesterday and eight making a total days of twenty, H. a xteen late was £1 of St was an months a se ness or less ago, disease, un her robust since She in Stra Ans the do after a only fifty Ri b. regis. Johh were adaed today up for the to two Paris, Jan. 2.<A despatch to the Patrie. from Kiev, European Russia. i under to-day's date, saves a bomb was | exploded, last night. under the bal {eony of the palace of the grand duke | Constantine. The explosion occurred {at a moment when (he salons were | thronged with guests. A great panic : followed, but nobody was injured. Nihilist students are sasvuted and | fifteen have been arrested, | Exploded A Bomb. i A Speech On January 13th. Liverpool, Jan. 2--Lord Rosebery and Sir Henry Campbell: Bannerman, have dined together since the.former's } at Chesterfield. They discussed | Rosebery's position in politics, : Sir Campbell Bannerman 's speech in looked | rward to with interest. ----------. % Are In Great Distress. _ Hin, Jun. 2-The distress aon the Berman agearinis is sefious. The furmefy are flocking. to the cities in : i the of obtaising food. ~ Many | have eompelled to eat pet dogs | In order 4 esrape starvation. People--The s Not formerly An is terms for the Jog of English | | mer vears ai! th Barr | troubles taken | + would ir The "and scored these points : | fusor ional. ur X. 8. Sutheria 3 another rink, pla; ODESSA OJCURRENCES . ¢ Surpluses on Jand--An Interest- ing Electhn Coming. annual "school 13 ; rable sguire An s voted to the s report showed a 700, a rare fact in I boards of this was slected trus mmerman, asdilor This year's staff ™ sop Storms, cha The audi balance of abou copaection with day. B. George see, and John A for the ensuing v of teuche.s hava en 'AN02, { The annual Ch weetion with th re-éngaged 88 trex in con Methodist church scored another (Jf. vhix vear I he sap or ise! hy quite ap to er ood housaxi, a 2 SHOOTES «Ni well: the chair man, Rev . on the e¢xeel lence of the mengrovided. The pro gramine was ~ cdparatively short The choir was asged in the musical portion of the erasune by" Miss Burton, Napanee] who contribuod two very pleasing solos" Rev Mr. Dav, Wilton, po a brief hut inter esting address onkhe essentials of a true church. 'The numbers were fa resitation by M (Revy Bay and a reading hy J. Mpenyes Newurgh, The chairaan cl fl the . ment with a refer recently isiiled boc Fox | which he promisedfis hears an ad dress in the neafuture. The pro coeds of the tea wg something over $73. The nominations hn Monday drew the usual large crgd. The township was shown to hawsurplus of assets over liabilities offf23556, x ery creditable showing Ril the old coun cil are.in the field{ith- the addition of a few new nang and there pro- mises to be an excifg and close con test for the munipal honors for 1902. County congssioner M N Empey was present and elucidated the recent Ontario fi<iation in ge gard to the milliofiollar fund {3 public highways $provement. The electors were also glressed by B. E Aviesworth, M.P.I4 on proposed municipal legisla iofst the approach ing session of th Tetra I*HOrs Among the holidad vist i Mrs. Smart ted Mr. and | Brockville, BR. prhvshire's; and Mrs. George Bef and "amily, «eronto, at Lawred: Sharp's: Me and Mrs, J. M, Denys and family at J. W. Denyes'; Mr. | Mrs. Sharpe end grandson, Blakd Hay Bay, at Joseph Sproule's: foorge McComb, Clayton, at George {am's: Mr. and Mrs. Abbey Gordon $d Galt, at Billings Gordon's; Hi Sharpe, May Timmerman and Horace Mabee, Queen's, and Percy Hk. r, K.3.C., at their respective hofog the congregation merited we no and son, Mr I'e at ---- ice TRADING STAMPSITUATION. -- To Be Or Not To BeStamps, That Is The Qudtion. About six weeks uk : imcil pas d a by-law, undd the of an act the Onfric prohibiting use of {ra stamp, and cash ¢ ms in Bngston on and after Janunry Ist, 199 hat owing to litigation sew here the le gality 'of the act, am the right of municipalities to prohily. the issuing trading stang not likely that 'the offs for the time being, at Rast, any at tempt to enforce the b Brockville council sfme time ago passed a by-law subfantially . th same as that passed hy Lhe logal coun cil, ana the trading samp company entered action to have the by law set aside as illegal Judgment in that suit has not yet been ride The company has also cntergl « ra tiohs 'elsewhere, and jlanents are being sawaited. 17 it is Bld that the municipectities have not fle power such by laws, the Pntario be wiped off ie tlatute amended wuitahl City commissioner dori to-day what action. hk taking towards enforcemfnt by-law. He replied that he "een a copy of the city oslinance and was unfamiliar with itd provisions he would have to get a copy, study it up and consult with the .ity solicitor He could not say what ix would be or what action take towards should the comps carrying on business hew The city soli itor had not given the question of the enforcement of the by law consideration of late: he thought ihe city would have to mark time.and await the outcome of appari: other cities would take in _attompm en similar ordinances elsewniore. He was unable to say what fine of actin' the city would take in an attempt force the bylaw, should pany persist in continuing here, but he thought the Prope to take would be to lay a pF dn | Swinat thom, charging them with a "breach of the bylaw. He me mat « his intention of taking the matter up and giving advice as vhat petion, Ti any, should be taken local store of the trading stamp company was closed today. In the window ajgeared a large printed sign from headquarters, stating that as a city bylaw had been passed, the company had nothis ir to do but to obey the law. Fhe clos ing, in the company's opinion, would be only temporary, as it belisved the decision in the test case would be give en in its favor. It therefore mencled those having *tamps them for a ity co Mrovisions sefis of islature, ling ivolving City will nake law ald to act books pass must or ask intended of the had not n was ed vRteome the omy enforcing the measure rervist mn to to en th wom iSinese sleps te Dominion Toso » keep time, awaiting develop- | meats. | ---- The Curling Game. curling. - season started on New day, when jour _gemes were followed by two more in the following rinks playéd, The Year's played, § ax ening. Shaw v=. vor of first. Strachan ve. Dalton; score 17 0 13 favor latter. - : Sutherland v 1% a favor forms. Leslie ve, Walkem: score, 11 to i, Ellis; seove, 13 to 12, fa. on; seore 19 to The Shaw Kil vdme has en_pro. pre. | of | r. T was held on i | field hospital corps {company the ¢ MR GREAT FIRE IN NEW YORK. | KEITH'S THEATRE AND MOR- TON HOUSE DESTROYED: a Several Stores Also Burned--Wild Scenes. in the Hotel -- The Flames Gained Great Head- way. New York, this riving Keith's Union buntired guests in Morton house adwming, were notified, and escaped to the street clad only in their night clothes, - The fire spread raph The clothing ptore of Benson & was soon destroyed, as was the cigar store of Manuel Dinz. At this tu chief Croker sent in a third alarm The rapidity with which the flames spread through the theatre was be a quantity of paints, huge mass which was in the storage fumes and gases from this stuff hampered the firemen work, as they were repeatedly driven from the basement to the street There were wild scenes in the hotel as the porters, waitérs and maids ran screaming tc the strect Many of the women fainted and were tarried out, but a search of the hotel seemed to satisfy the that ail were able to reach places of safety. Jan: 2.--F the « Rquare re broke out » rooan ol theatre. Three in the Co. cause of and a oils, scenery; The inflammable in their of room guests, lice I DESERONTO WEDDING. E. A. Lee And Miss Ethel United. Deseronto, Jan. 1.--A pretty wed ding took place here this svéning, at the hon of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Al len, East] Thomas street, when their daughter, Ethel, was married to E A. Lee, of this place. The bride was atténded by her sister, Miss Maude; while the groomsman was supported by his brother, W. H Lee The wed- ding march was played' by Miss Lou Mallory, as the bridal party en tered the room and took their places before a bank of palms. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. W, Meln tosh, of Bellwood, brotherin law of the bride, assisted by Rev, Dr. Mc Tavish, of this place, in the presence of seventy-five whom | were present Bellwood, Belleville The bride silk plisse' Juliet quet of white fern, and the bridesmaid wore ovgandie with valenciennes lace insertion: After the ceremony the wedding dinner was served, Mr. ane Mrs. Lee left on the west-bound train for Toronto and other western points after which they will take up their abode in Deseromto. Both bride and groom were very popular and held in high esteem by large circle of friends Allen ise about guests, some of from Qakwood, and Napanes attired in a and carried and maiden white a bou hair white and was roses a Three Poles Broken. Tuesday poles bearing electric hol: ding trots Vv sixtv-foot wires and the electri on King broke off to the = re-planted, three light which suspended, street, afternoon arms cables near West the ground owiny The or on are close to gale lowing four ture. The ratiwav sengers point were vere poles, were five jet of their sia break interfered with street trafic to a small extent, pas having to transfer at the To-day, however; full repairs made. - -- Labor Concert And Dange A. concert and by the labor ers' anion was given the city hall on New Year's eve. The attendance was very large. J. H. Mefcalfe was chai wan, and gave an address. A progfamme of musi was given After the gun, and on Now Crosby's dance in long and story dancing til "two morn. Thory furnished song conorrt was be o'clock & music continued Year's ton orchestra wh o---- A Venerable Old Age John A and J. J out to Odessa on New Year's took dinner with their Gardiner, who is over ninety go. The aged gentleman the farm he is SINLY vears, from Ireland. He is hearty, "and bids fair more years of activity Gardiner drove day and uncle, Jacob years of has lived for Can hale EHV ag on on now he fairly 0 over OF ever since out and many Acknowledgment. The committée of the orphans' home thankfully acknowledge a donation of $25 from his worthip the mayor -of the city, R. E. Rent, Esq The tovired awaiting de iv steamer ° Pierrepont at-- Wolfe -- stand the conclusion of the funeral. services of the late Mrs. J. Hurley Mr. Hurley feels very grateiul to®ghe Folger Bros. and to Capt. Allen for their kindness The funeral of phy took place was yesterd Mur >t thé late Alfied this morning to Mary's cathedral," being largely at tended. The bearers were Robert Hen derson, Dr. J. Haaley, Hugh. Doyle F. Summerville, F. Staley, Edward Williamson, . The officers courts in the the city 'w iastalied this evening by istrict de puty Henry Hunter, the The Catholic court of Foresters will also be instal lod this evening hy R. J Pr. George Ferner left Lansdowne 10- resuns practice there. He bas volunteered for service in South: Africa with the which is to ae of of City Rpoor to-day for e medion At Fredericton, NB. today, Alex ander Gibson was officially declared elected member of parliament for York by a majority of 524 over Rev. Dr McLeod. ' George Sear? Be undecided ax to which seat ho will ocouny, that of the ecuneil or the board of edoestion. He will decide after nest Monday's elec { thon, dames Connors: New York, is in the ieity to spend the opening of thé new | year with friends. 'Jobin MeFaul, Watertown, N.Y., in the pity Siting friends. ? Hear Frank R. Conklin, Jan. 10h. CHILBLAINS To=morro WINTER AT HALF Remember Every In Stock Is N This Fall. 0=morrow and Satu We Will Sell 78 Boys' Fine Wool Shirts an Winter Weight. They are different sizes and ran from 4oc., 43c., 48c., 55¢. each. Your Choice Whils The Lot Lasts | | | {ao Economid large sheet bake with f 'cent. less fu cast iron o design, dur 1 oven--will m 25 te 50 per than ordinary . Elegant le, convenient pady for duty. Batis Couches, in Bs Mabopnay Fluted pe plvcs Fagh ERE. Es Thursday Are very popular by the

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