Curtains, Lace ns and Draperies in sive styles and not to nd el:ewhere in the fe carrying at this of the vear a very ¢ stock at prices thie to be found rices that mean a 'money-saving to aot at week af ade, well made, i 4 50 far thy Kingston shen have given THEY ARE A JOLLY CROWD! --n KINGSTON BOYS ARE HAPPY AT HALIFAX GARRISON ---- Capt. Carruthers Was Given a; Five Grieting on His Arrivel--|{ They Had 4 Five Christmas Spread. as John: Cdifns, who leit with the Kingston detachment jor the second Canadian mounted rifles for services in South Africa, bes been appointed cor poral, tesporery, "Fc Tsduadron, ut it is hoped bis rank wil be con firmed. Writing trom Halifax to {vionds heru, Corpl. Caifns states that the Kingston boys are all in fine fob de. "We huve just had Morris Lube fille practice," he writes, "and all the Kingstonians wo right up to the mark, Fred. Suthorfand led the fight- ing thicy, a we: Kingstonians style oursdiees. Fred. is going to make a sinart soldier. Yemterday being Christ mas day we had a holiday, except for unavoidable duties. The day before Capt, Brose Carruthers anived, look- ing ag fit as 8 fiddle' ; he was inet by. the Kingston boys ahd given thres youssng. cheers and a 'tiger' ; he is is very popular with the wen. Our pipuadron 18 commanded by Lieut. Clarkson, and a better officer we could not wish for; he is forever look ing after the interests of hig men and cannot do enough for us; we are all proud. of him knowing that we have an ideal leader. : "Little 'Fergie' is kept busy in hos pital compounding No. 9 mils, but hing little opportu of experiment. ing on than with ntedicine, There are about 170 of us housed ig one build ing, and a jollier, betto natured crowd it would be diffionlt to meet. We are sopphed with' all kiods of ganies and have plenty of music to help pass the time. The Y.M.C.A. has heen very kind to us in supplying a free reading room, with accommoda tion for writing and free writing ma terials. "In conclusion 1 would like to add how thankful the boys are to receive newspapers from home, We receive an paper, which. the whole Kingston crowd have to read, one af ter the other. 'We all thank little Nor man Hodgwon for sending us reading ygsttor and for his kind words ¢i re membrance."' : Corpl. Cairns enclosed a neat menu civil of the Christmas dinner served to thie meen, The meal was thos made np: Toniato Eoup; roust camiing turkey, Rockwell sauce; roast beef, brown gravey;: roast lamb, mint sauee; cold ham, lamb, coined beef; mashed po tatoos, turnips, plum pidding, bran dy sanee; mince pin: apples, oranges, tea, coffed. Tt would appear from this that the @oldier: boys did not fare budly on the joyous Christmas day. mb ntrebmmenresres em PERSONAL MENTION. occasional tovements Of The People -- What They Are Saying And Doing. he bishop, of Ontario and Mrs. Miile loft for Montreal yesterday. Neil MeArthur, Montreal, is visiting his brother, W. MeAithur, of Starr & Sutelifie's. Hairy Berryman, in the city taking part in Tyo & Dunnigan's minstrels, jeturned to Ottawa his morning, Miss Agatha White, Jeft New Year's day, for Bufiale, to attend her niece's wedding, Miss loa Mandville, late of this city. Arnold Squires, at Sault Ste. Marie for the past week, returned to the city yesterday, and accepted a posis tion at the locomotive works. The engagement is announced in Ot: tawa of Ses Beatrice Munro, formerly of Kingston, to Charles W, Ci Bate, of the department of agriculture. Maj. James Galloway has been in- stalled as campaign meeretary for Hon. Willinm: Natty. Ho will make a good one, being thuroughly posted in political matters, Among the Kingstonians who at tended the bechelors' hull in Napanee on New Year's night were: Miss Reine Wilson, Miss Ha Miller, Jack Gaskin, 'Charles Boyes and A Gaodearle, "A oF. MeiklGohs, who, with his wife has heen visiting her relatives on Unis varsity avenue, returned to-day to Dundas, Mrs. Meiklejohn (nee Rose MoCariney) will remain at her old home, Beve for a time. Condes. Walter. Loudon, graduating elise. Moval military college, has Jofg for Halifax to join the contingent for South Africa. He was the only Ro. M. CO. man to séeure a commission on ihe new mounted forces £. Gilmour, who now holds the position of supervisor: in Rockwood hospital, and has been appoiuted chief attendant: of Brockville asylom, is enjoying well earned holidays with k father and mother at Goderich. Miva 'Evaline O'Rielly, Johnston; stioet, ontertained het 'young friends to a pedro party Jast svewing. About thirty couple were present, and spent a pleasant evesing in ganies, ete, Choice refréshments were served, dur ing the eveainy. : Riv. of a da 1. Horsey, Ottawa, son y of ingwton, | Sunday w a TRE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY, me n cor vase HEIR SYIVER WEBBING. 1t Was Held On Thursday Afl- ternoon. In response to 3 reyuiet of the pro- Vincial evangelistic supesintendent, Mra. A. £3 Georden, asking thet we wish ofl the uuiops in the PROVES, Anite in a. peaice amd prayer sercice, civing thanks for many 'encourage ménts in the work duriag = the past soar, and asking the Holy Rpirit's wid in the work before us during the year, on which we have just entered, Mis. James Gardiner Jad the devotion: al exercises. several of the members assisting. At the close of the service rs. (Rev) Macallum took the chair and condueied the regular There was & VOry EOO( iho uninvorable state of the weather. The treasurer reported a favorable state of the finance. > Several com: munications reocived were noted upon, aie dom: Mrs. 8. GB. McKee. pro cincipl president, in regard to the pro referendum' which had heen re he vied A meeting Loived since fast meeting. of the exveutive decided to forward the Following resolution which = was fuily endorsed by today's meeting "Arh you in faver of a third peal to the people, in the form of & seborendum before definite action is on on the question of prohibition ? ohed: We are not. For the fol: jowing reasons : (li On account ihe expense; (2) We claim thal On- tario. hes spoken: (3) That as the government has pledged itself to pass sitoh un law, the government should be held responsible for its passage in deference. 10 the expressed will of the people; (4) that to press this subject aguin- upon the electors to decide sn outrage on our gommon wOnSe and opens up opportunities for corruption anc fraud to defeat, ii possible, the proposed bill," Mrs. (Dro) ap hi ol is Sparks received a letter from Mra. Starr, dominion super inten ent of soldiers' work, saving that the dominion W.C.T.U. had decided to supply the third contingent going to south Africa; with soldiers' comfort bags, and would like our whion to sapply as many as we conveniently gould, as early ax. po Mrs. Sparks, with her usual readiness tp help along a good work, offered the we of her house to the members of the anion nest Monday afternoon to pre pare the comfort bags, according to + directions given: was also a letter from = Mas, Emily 8. Deagon, provincial gaperin tondent of legislation and petitions, explaining, in a clear manner, many points in the license law and esking the union Lo wwe its wnfluence in se suring proper means to secure the en {orcement of the law. we have, for the time being ~COMST en---- METCALFE NOMINATED. an-- There Will Be a Contest For The Vacant Seat. At a mwting of the conservatives; last nigh', James H. Metealie was selected ua the party candidate to opr pose the Hon. W. Harty in the bye lection. Cul. Huntor and Dr! Ryan acre the projuser ahd seconder. Pre cident Shaw occupied the chair. Mr. Metcalfe suid he felt sure of sue: usw. Ho had won five political . elec vions in Kingston, but not in one of them had he received such assurances of support as in this instance. He had canvassed 3,000 electors already, and the pumber of those who volun teered to support him was remarkable. the grits had fought the conservatives in Kingston on every occasion. irom sir John Macdonald's time 10 the preseut, and there was no reason why they. should nat get some of their own medicine in: that respect, Dr. Bell, Jolin Dounelly; J. Moleod;, W. Wright, ur, Ryan, Col. Hunter, U. FE. Smith and Willinm Mundell spoke. When the meeting hind been called to order, there followed considerable dis cussion a8 to the advisability of plac: ing a candidate. in the field. Some wepe adverse to. puting forth oppost- tion, ~but, Ouoally, to bring the ques tion. to a jocus, it was moved by D. A. Shaw, seconded by 'W. B. Dalton, that o eandidate be not nominated, This. was defeated by a" vote of forty: nine to twenty-fuur. Then J. H. Met calles mame was brought forward by Col. Hunter and Dr. Ryan, and receiv el a majority vote. Most of the "old Beads" of the par ty were conspicuots by their absehee from the meeting. SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT. -- Annual Festival For Scholars of St. James' Sunday School. The annaal Christmas entertain ment for the children of the tongrega- tioy 'was given mn Bt, Fames' plro- chial school house last evening. The rooms were filled to overflowing by high! eyed, rosy-choeked, happy children, At wiv otlock was sorvid, and over an hoor wal spent in 6 curefal consideration of the good things provided. Shortly alter setén o'clock, - canon Macmoring, wha pre chairsean, announced the be of #n eatérsaining pro. First, the 'children were ) phonegrapbic | selections, thon followed in odder & chorus, by wohool scholars; Christmas prised by the children . who waited on him : fod bith with] with 8 sub lantial sum o between the leaves. i} carol, ri re hy members of the morning class; exhibition drill, by the hoy Lrigade; pading. Miss Dutton; earol, 'New 2 of the: i i the silver 'sun veisary pseting. ¥ daughter of Surg. Gen. i stiendanee for | FRCS, ! hospitals, Bombay. fobjoct. of the seriptwe umon is ARCHDEACON AND MRS. WOR- RELL CELEBRATE EVENT. A Sketch of The Archdeacon He Was A Teacher For Some Years--~Now a Professor in The Royal Military College. To-day the archdeacon of Kingston and Mrs, Clare L, Worrell celebrated of their wed ding, and in hour of the ocgasion a reception was held this aliernoon at their residence, Mrs. Worrell ds a FW. Ward, late inspector general of Avchdeavon Worrell Sprith's Falls in 185 Kev. Canon War Julie's church, Oukviile He -pradoa- ted with distinction as B.A, from Trinity university in 1874, and as M.A, in 1553. For a while he studied law, and then become mathematical minster at Bishop's college, Lennox: ville. Afterwards he CAME SHORE ively. mavhematignl and wx nce ter at fegiate insted bonrg, head master of the high séhool, Gananongee; and principal of the Brockville collegiate institute. Then be resigned to eufer the niinistry. ln Pecamber, 1851, he was ordained dea won by the late archisishop of Ontario, and prie-t in Juno, 1851 His cocles- isstionl appointuients hyve heen cur ate of Christ church, Gananoghe, cur ate of Trinity church, Brockville; res: tor of St. James' church, Morrishurg, and rector of St. Mark's church, Bar richield. He was also professor of English at the Royal military college. In 1596, archdeacon Worrall, wa nominated by the house of bishops fer the hishopric of Algoma, and stood third in the electio Then in 1809, he and Rev. Dr. llaper were the chief candidates. in the election for po-ad jutor to the archbishop of Ontario, archdeacon Wotrell lacking bus one derical vote jor election. At one time, archdeacon Worrell was p prominent magom antl oecapied the position of grand chaplain the grand lodge of Canada. He ex amining chaplain to the late ax hhis hop of Outario, and now holds. a similar office under the pishop of On ario. He is a member of the council Trinity university, and has for wane sessions been a member of the pr ov incinl synod of Canada. The archdeacon's family consists of sus son and three dhughters, all at wes boom at 4 amd is a son of rector of Su WAR ye. Vo archdeacon and Mrs. Worrell are extimded the warmest congratalations "pon their attaining the quarter cen tury mark of married life, and the fer vent hope .s expressed that they may live to see the golden anniversary of that happy event. eosin GAVE AN ADDRESS In City Hall in Inierests of Serip- ture Union. : R. FP. Drury, B.A. of Oxford univer sity, spoke in the city hall on: Thurs day afternoon, iin the interests ol the soripture union, in behali of which he has come to Canadas for six months. John Molntyre, K.(L, who occupied the chair, introduced the subject of the daily . systemauc reading of @ fuw verses of holy scripture; in words of - emphasis and practical applica tion to the neglected attitude of the present day. Mr. Drury, who posses ses a bright and entertaining person ality, spoke upon the nature and ori gh of the. children's + 'special service piigsion, of London, Eng., and the scripture union for children and young people, which was the ofispring of the mission's work. As has already been intimated in the press notices of Mr. Drury's visit, the the banding together of the young though their elders are by no mfigans excluded, and have been eorolled in considerabie numbers~in -an undertak ing to read some twelve or thirteen verses of the seriptures daily, ac cord ing to the course priseribud on © the annual membership card. Eagh book is treated continuously, old and new testuanents in alternation; the whole bible, save for hecessary exceptions, being thus read over in the course of five years. ~The membership in Canada comprises some ix thousand, and the visit - of the delegate is having the off vt of quickening and extending in terest in an admirdbly conceived and exeouted enterprise, of now nearly a quarter of a. century's development, involving a tetal present association uf ovr six hundred thousand members, throughout the world. At. the special meeting for Boys, held at the Y M.C. Aon Tuesdny tvening, sixieen fresh members were enrolled for the year. Resigned Too Late. These will be abn election in Ports mouth after all. Mr, Potter, one of ile candidates nominated, for the vil lage council, resigoed, but his resiy nation was received too Jate, and Ing pame must go before the people. The candidates will be Messrs. MeCanuoen, Patter, Baiden, Kennedy and Sim: FAONS PCR NR Te us for a 810 swik. Our make of Aothing is not to be bad dlsewhero. Hibly's g : i Saturday at the Grand Union, bae- gains jn overcoats. Ha members rning clase: solo, W. J. Dalby: dps ise rpuis and Macmorioe; ; f bible feauing Jedgue, Mr. Dusting the evening - prizes. ist reguldr attend 3. pp INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. 25 pr discount on all overcoats, Grand Union. Fey us fox. that $}0 overcoat. Noth ing "hike our Ccduthing a the ety. Make no mistake about that. Bibby's. | The last meeting of ihe old board of education will be held Thursday even ing, 'when the year's businnss will be wound up, The installation of the C.M.B.A. of ficers, to haveyoecurred on New Year's night, was adjourned | till last night, but there was no quorum; The steamer New Istand Wanderer left for Cape Vincent at seven o'clock this morning, Me storm Navitig abat ed diving the night. There was a very large passenger and freight list, 4 The establishment of the 4th Hu sare has been alpiost donbled, now pumbiring eighty wou instead of for- ty-two as heretofore. "Lhe number of officers is 'alse materially increased The loon! Christian endeavor union wet last evening in 2 YMCA par lon te dléne ap the work of the year. it was decided to hold a rally in Brook stevet Methodist church on the esosing of the Lith ir , when the offgers for 1902 will be nominated. All sizes in overcoats and every owe at bargain prives, Grand Union, 122 Princess street. The 1th regimental band is recciy ing a revere shaking up. Eaving sus tained the loss of at Teast" alt w dos en. embers ding *hé past couple ef months. The latest departure iz Ed ward Gilmour, who goes fo Brock ville as chief keeper of the insape asy lam there. Ihe many Kingston sharéholders of the defunct Western Joan company are rejoicing in the reeript of. another i vidend, represinting ten per eont. of their inve -tments. Nine months ago a dividend of fiwen por cent. was de clared,. so that to date twenty-five per cont, of investments has been returved to sharcholders. Gifts To The Orphanage." The commities of the orphans' home grateinlly acknowledge the following the month of December k, two bushels » Livingston W. Kobersson, box Shaw, turkey and and two Duff, turkey; Hiscox of pears and of nuts B A. Mackie, goose of cakes; Mrs, B. Carruthers, turkey; Mrs Smythe, currants; Miss Robertson, $1; Mrs. George Richardson, bag of hick ary nuts and turkey: Mrs. Cappon, Mrs. Britton Mrs. Har oranges, cn candies; Strachan, goose; 1 BR. Waa dell, turkey; Mrs. Richmond, goose Mrs. Calvin, turkey: Murray: Pet Winona, Ont. = filtoen baskets grapes; D. Couper, turkey; Mrs. Dalton, tur kev. Mrs, L. B. Spencer, 81; Mr Noel Kent, turkey: Mrs. Waldron, goose; Mrs, McRossie, turkey; Mrs Riranhenzee, goose; Mrs. Venle, seven buns; Mrs. W. Skianer, M Henry Cunningham, turkey; Mrs. Toye, dates; Miss Gildasleove, tar ke Miss Macnee, five dozen buns and dated; Mr Nickle, ct and Mrs, - L., Cothett, pair ducks; Mrs. Cartwright, goose: Mee. J. A. Hen dry, turkey; Master Willie Horsey, Mrs. Oberndorfler, turkey and A. J. Rees, five dozen oranges: Mrs. C, V. Price, oranges Mrs. Howard Folger, turkey: Miss Moore, teh dozen bung; Mrs, Scho: field, Farge fruit cake; Anderson Bros, candies and oranges; Dr. Sparks, two hitgs of candies; Mre. Ward, two tur kovs; Mra. James Swift, two turkeys Mrs. Birch, turkey: Misses Rita and Edith Driver McRae Bros seanges and Mrs. WW. Wilder, turkey: Miss Dutton, oranges ana eanpies: W, HL. Reid, bag of flour The d also thank those who rifts the Chritinas numerous to ZOOS; bavkets Mrs. J. FOOSE; yey, Mrs. Va dozen Mrs FOORE wlies toys; toys; eanding; . and candies; candies; 80 to tree they mention.' being too -- Just Wanted One Thing. A striking osample of » yns llshness ideration for the pleasure of others was given by a hitle old girl who resides with parents in the vi dnity of Queen's eollege. Like most little girls, at Christmas Gae, she wrote a fetter to Santas Claus, when asked by a friemd what she « sired Ranta Clas bring her replied, in childish tones, hut in an unsel{ sh manner, that showed geason and charity © "1 just want a sel of dishes, that's all." You see, 1 thought I'd just ask for one thing, because if 1 asked for more, Santa Clans might not have enough (6 go all nrevind I just asked hin Tor a set of dishes ang perhaps he will have enough i tor all the other little girdle' 'Fhas child has a truly noble heart ---- Fractured A Rib. Robert Gilmour, from the eects of a peculiar accident A your ago be suficred the fracture of sever] ribs through falling on a ship pery walk. During the present holi day saacn "he had heavy loads mail mater to curry; which rewired in tearing asunder the break in of the Teactured riba. The injury, while not peiniul, venders activity sud the following of Bis calling sn yn possibility. On hive-year to =o letter carey, 18 one en Cheap 'Shirts. Cheap Shirts. _ To-morgow amd following dass will sell about 25 dowen of while and 'colored shitts zt Yul price sad low 'orse in and see what we have. Wi, 3 white shirts, sizes 14 14}, 15, 16, 168, 17, 11k Splendid big shirts, best of listen amd cotion. One price, Hc, dack 1 "or a doen same prise. Bibby's. ©. = 'Run Over By A Fast Horse | While M. Corhay was speoding his Borse on the jou near the cotton mill, we | {28 cents | Hanley: B. CW £ 5 > ENGAGING INTEREST AT THE PRESENT TINE. --m-- King Edward a Great Lover of all Have -Foot Race. ferich" hockey team defeated To ronte Wellingtons 31 to 4. There a number of hockeyists in senior ranks game, too. The , Pittsburg, Pa. hockey teams all maintained' by the Duquesne { company The Bankers lead in pumbgr of matches won a Three-Night are Ana they can play the the Frontenac mised hockey team began the ye well. hy defeating Perth. When thie iors get down to work they will make things hum A movement is on foot in Hamilton to hold a three night foot rade early month. | The idea is to have the in run three hours each might for throes nights Toronto Telegram Sammy Hark goss, the well-known Angston foot bill enthusiast and expert, has thrown himioli upow the orate of Rideau wad and chances are he will poll a Big vote. «vy have a law in Kentucky and they enforce it, as wi ness the of MM. L. Asher, the proprietor Highland stock far, who was fined 851 for keeping a stat without license. ging by Toronto Telegram, far organized & poing to be "sirenger than py this year. The United pated market must simply be as a dumping ground for suf stock, : ? international six-day go-as-you please race in Madison Square gar dens New York, promises to one the big sporting features of the year. * It begins on February 9th hagehall player will glove antil nls next 1 stallion license case of ie a - reports, says the hockey wam press every used plus Ihe bo of new theee keep his cos t is pointed out that while in fur : pew mien quite up to interna rin, the Australians, in choos «ide for the frst test match ai Mr. Maclaren's team, did not think it advisable to ontside the team which visited England in 1899 At a mevting of the Ontario hockey association executive, the Royal mili tary } was suspended be cause it played a game at Pittsbarg, Pi., with a club on the team of which are. two players who have been dis qualified by the Ontario hockey asso ition suited, a old it to { ua nizhi tom ng th inst ir go college club, Toronto Telogram "A Kingston paper remarks that Toronto people would be daly too glad to see Queen's college in trouble. No would not. though own private opinion is that the Calvinists will have all the that is coming to them in hoc this winter. It is a hard blow to the Whig to find itseli' of & sudden backing a of . it not natural up endg iH ever kind of we on vans." Is nd charitable to take on behali the weak there lived a lover of every sport, it is king Edward, He bas 1 the _euiise wt fram ele phait hunting to ge and from dee: stalking to vachting, and bas man aed" to excel in each. * During th last few nays that he spent at Bai morgl, hi 08 wn that hig is as and that is saving a good deal for a spores who, hi= life, killed sax in one day, a feat which he ac complished duri Indian p J.T. Suthe { a tel iss Robertson, A, vequesting aw the strict team 'also mn majesty aim ne sure or, man m early tigers his ten land receive gram this moruing from J. R president of the OH Bios to arrange dnten fo diate sees of this it to bar the Royse vom wembership gniai interme at once, ary culleg to be colloge Pa., that rth The OH minis ed his Kingston Wanted To Pay Up A Belleville Upper Canada for Felwuary containg » ments, that merchs ink man, 100% Heriild, of 11th, 1839, enliipms shows K Baye of advertise whith day kepew Ory on at varly tv Tres Ue advertisen Phe subscriber {Tufkeepors ke mav be tor to persons "whoa wa "particu to indebted pres their inner y trove in for sirong acconants fo pavaent to v, os be them for the least." = intend seven years at sw Forty Gems, 10c. Pills cure traniblos arising from torpor of or aey and qoick, banigh Sick adnche, purify the blood. and erardi I impurities from the system and is big. The Pills are hit to talkie. pleasant. resalte, no 40 in & vial 10 gents; 100 pills Sold by EC. Mitchell. 1] S Officers Elected. _ At the bmi snaaal meeting of the Battorsen brass band #he following officers were vlected © Precidegs, James Dison; vite president, Go Kirkpatoek; recording secretary, H. Lovett; Roan win] secretary £1. bakes tremsorer, manager; B. Miller; directors, anluven, W. Campbell; audi Dr. Agnew's Liver all fe env Kinds of Sport--Hamilton to, youthful § Kingston whe aspire to | the | GENERAL OPUS OF SPORT Heart | Disease en Ninety Pee Cent Of It Really Caused From Poor Digestion, Reals Jofpapio heard prouislie is incurable, Tul scantoly - one ease in 8 Ruwdeod is ow HE stomach wre Ereal Berves getrie, amd periy dig the food end it lies jn the stomach ferent gues arr foamed wiih gtagd be y cuusiy pressare on dhe Art paifitation, ireguianty hu ath and asd shoes aontiition is that, the art sooner or heart wrouble gue from this o of the organic wently dove " dighathon makes watery mini defiohent 8 this Barther rita Ue red wd thing to do for heart the digestion aod pss de the regular use alter and offective & Dyopepsin most shag necessary di euntenient by plegsant like Stuur te found al aniafn the fo» pleasant ple ep well. and vigor ction perfect by ob or two ol at least af wir dhe A taking owe lta alter § meal, of hearty meal Dysyepaia Palfloté contain U.S rv from malt md orher natured wot ubly on the foul di asl preventing acidity, mamy diseased "conditions y weak stamach yepepsia Tablets are weed not taking into the wediclas or poweriul drug tural digesfive | sloments stomach lacks and popular have these hey are now sold by Unitisd States, Canada Stnart oF EN dig which pork § estives {reas Britain 8 Lo Les FEE En KEES EN A Bin For BverySize and Every Size ints Own Bin, oi 165 1 pet" farnesesost for your cooking range when you bay x Swift's » Scranton Coal JAMES SWIET & C0. 'Phone 135. SHEER ERE EEN EEE KARE EKER EELA SEE 20502 ES WE WANT TO SupPLY YOU WITH YOUR WINTER] STOCK OF COAL. B Bowne, & i Little dim, Td of, sre the resell W ayn from ox. Aid you pus wink for pour doal A woos Ashes (Fi (CON THE S0iTS. {Poot of Queen Bf. Prose 9. Your N ig Ww &